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The new media standard

BeOp is the first independent conversational ecosystem for media and brands đź’¬

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Problems we solve

→ Advertisers are seeking social media like user engagement
→ IAB ad units excite no one
→ Data-based targeting is essential. The cookie is dead. What's next?

The BeOp answers

→ Placement on page where user interest is highest
→ Exclusive content placements, not IAB ads
→ Fully independent
→ Our semantic engine matches ad to article contextually using keywords
→ Our conversational units reveal user interests
→ Data capture to DMP/CRM for better targeting


Old Standard
0.2% CTR
2 seconds time spent
14% brand attribution
Commoditized availability
No data capture
1+% CTR
32 seconds time spent
40% brand attribution
Direct and BeOp sold only
Rich data capture for targeting
You're a publisher
Generate more value

You're an advertiser/agency
Discover the high performance ad platform

Ad experiences

Range Rover Evoque

Brand preference & memoization

With each question, the user learns something about the car.
An approach that is both pedagogic and incredibly efficient to create brand


time spent of the brand website


brand attribution at first display

Tommy Hilfiger

Involvement and insight collection

Measure your offers popularity
An easy, playful way to collect lots of insights


Notoriety and engagement

Make your videos interactive and much more engaging in a few clicks
Move past the simple video KPI and get a real measurement for the attention to
your brand message


brand lift


very strong attention

You're a publisher
Generate more value

You're an advertiser/agency
Discover the high performance ad platform

BeOp in France
200+ publishers
150+ brands
In just 18 months

“The word “innovation” is used and abused quite often. But with BeOp, that's not
the case. I think they've been one of the first solutions to bring a proper
breach in our market, not only in the formats but also in the (conversational)
modes of relation they offer. What is even more interesting is that BeOp's
portfolio goes beyond just the media, since we've been able to identify some
“study and measurement” projects which position them as genuine business
partners by our side”
Leslie Fegey
Chief Strategy Officer at Publicis Media Luxe
“Thanks to their conversational formats that combine interactivity and
engagement in premium contexts, BeOp goes beyond simple advertising impressions
and KPIs. At a time when advertising attention is at the heart of digital
discussions, it can be said that BeOp formats perfectly meet these challenges.
Moreover, the user experience of their buying platform is very intuitive and
facilitates the implementation of campaigns. The features offered by the
creative interface are a huge plus compared to traditional DSPs.”
Fatima Manar
Programmatic Director at Group M France
“The digital advertising ecosystem is currently undergoing a structural shift:
there are tensions around privacy, threats to publisher revenue, polarization of
investments among platforms and social networks, as well as challenges and
doubts surrounding the effectiveness measurement of campaigns... In this
context, it is important for brands (and therefore for the agencies that support
them) to rely on independent, agile solutions that can bring value to the entire
chain. BeOp is one of these solutions with great potential, particularly because
it is one of the few that can both help publishers regain value and help brands
create the conditions for engagement and conversation with their audiences at a
time when it has never been more important to challenge the top-down marketing
vision, test, evaluate message perception, guide marketing decisions, and
support business. This is one of the reasons why Publicis Media France has
decided to partner with BeOp to launch an innovative product for measuring the
effectiveness of Brand Content devices (S.T.A.M.P). This is an important sign
that demonstrates our confidence in the solution and its ability to support us
in the face of the advertising challenges we are facing.”
Fabien Bourrely
Deputy director at Starcom France
“With BeOp, we are entering the era of advertising as a service, the one that
brings real added value to the consumer and should allow a better acceptance of
advertising. More than advertising formats, interactive, entertaining and
conversational experiences are offered between brands and consumers.”
Marie Le Guével
Former CEO of AMNET and Chief Adtech Officer at Dentsu Aegis Network
“The marketing director job evolves into a brand editor role: define your
editorial line, know your reader, redact the right contents, make your brand
live like a magazine or a show. BeOp brings an advertising solution through
conversational modules that integrate themselves in this logic of interactions
between the reader and the brand, linked with the editorial content. A solution
to discover.”
Nadia Leroy
Leader at Neva.associés, previously Chief Digital, Media, and Consumer Officer
at L'Oréal France
“Finally, an interactive format, different from the traditional display banners
that not only enables to engage the user, but also enables the advertiser to
evaluates their products and/or have precious consumer and marketing insights
through fun and non-intrusive surveys. The traffic performances are there too,
with qualified incoming rates above average. All this displayed in a transparent
and brand safe environment. Thanks BeOp, your solution brings fresh air to the
display market!”
Emilie Chau
Former Head of Display & Programmatic at Artefact
“We are delighted to work with BeOp for its technology and teams. Our
advertisers find the formats disruptive and creative. It's a strong value-added
to differentiate ourselves in a market where every investment is measured. The
post-campaign KPIs bring insights and storytelling to the discourse to aid in
the understanding of the campaign. The BeOp network and its content server allow
us to address our campaigns differently. We are excited to see how our
collaboration will continue to evolve.”
Vincent Grandin
Digital Director and Revenue Management at Rossel
“BeOp in summary: an innovative format and intelligent technology. Because: -
Futuristic: combining visibility and engagement through interaction. I hope that
one of the next steps will be measuring advertising attention! - Simplicity and
advertising beauty: a simple script integration is enough to activate various
appealing formats. And it all happens smoothly and intuitively. - Data: The
ability to collect data through question-and-answer formats to understand the
audience and segment it through the DMP partner for retargeting purposes, etc. -
Support: The BeOp team is readily available and attentive. I am satisfied with
this partnership.”
Crépin Hololod Sandé Off
“BeOp is easy to work with. We can easily get a campaign set up and tap into
incremental revenue that we would not have otherwise had access to. BeOp offers
a unique creative format as well”
John Delvito
Digital Yield & Adop Manager at Nasdaq
“BeOp: innovative conversational formats with data that enables us to generate
maximum engagement with our readers. It's also the possibility to enrich our
databases and audience segmentation thanks to the possible integrations with our
all of our partners.”
Lou Grasser
Head of Subscription Innovation at Le Monde

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