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Workforce Resilience is much more than just a trending buzzword. It’s about
addressing your company’s greatest vulnerability; the risk to workforce
wellbeing amidst rising rates of mental health challenges, burnout, and

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We’ve all been through one traumatic life experience after another for over two
years now. Workers everywhere are feeling unprecedented levels of stress,
burnout, and uncertainty. There’s no escaping these risks, but those who are
adaptive and resilient are better equipped to weather the storm.

Every employee from the warehouse to the C-suite needs new ways to adapt
quickly. This is driving mass adoption of the word “resilience,” and many
overuse the word to the point of losing its meaning in a post-pandemic reality.
It’s become everything from a beacon of hope to a call for greater productivity.
But what do people mean when they use this term? Resilience isn’t just a
buzzword. Resilience is an essential (and learnable) skill, critical for the
mental wellbeing of our modern workforce, and utterly core to meQuilibrium as a

From the Latin for “to leap back,” resilience is the ability to quickly recover
from adversity, as well as the capability to navigate difficult day-to-day
conditions and to thrive, not just survive, in the face of ongoing challenges.
For the past decade, meQuilibrium has emphasized resilience as the human ability
to manage adversity, bounce back from setbacks, and make the most of work and

Here’s how we define resilience for the modern workforce:

Resilience is a skill.

The pandemic made it clear, resilience is the #1 power skill—the key indicator
for personal wellbeing, professional success, and for life success in general.
Resilience skill building is a structured, evidence-based approach to helping
people reframe their thinking styles to cope with adversity and embrace
opportunity. We’ve personalized resilience building to develop positive
behaviors that deliver measurable improvements in mental wellbeing, stress
management, and engagement at work.

Resilience is essential for managers and leaders to support their teams.
The ability of managers and leaders to model and mentor the principles of
resilience helps build high-performing teams. Resilience training empowers
managers with the ability to use data-driven, actionable insights that show
their team risks in real-time so they can take action.

Resilience is measurable.

Your strategy for helping your people has to be measurable. You need data that
allows you to visually pinpoint workforce burnout risk, both overall and via key
component scores like low motivation, negative outlook, and work overload, and
then act on these insights. Comparing data to industry benchmarks based on
unique data points can give context to your organization’s data.

Resilience is a system.

Workforce resilience requires a holistic system that incorporates readiness,
risk detection, cultural commitment, and analytics to improve sustainable
performance across 100% of the population. People with greater resilience are
300% more likely to develop a positive sense of purpose in what they do, they
are 60% less likely to succumb to burnout, 47% less likely to quit in high
strain situations, and report good health 500% more than people with low

Resilience is scalable.

We’ve cultivated an award-winning system that’s scalable to help individuals,
teams, and organizations. We provide a comprehensive collection of behavior
change skills, activities, and training materials that can be targeted to
strategic sub-populations based on geographic location, job role, and line of
business to support growth. With these insights, you can deliver targeted
campaigns focused on Empathy, Work/life balance, Burnout, Change-readiness,
Growth Mindset, and Purpose.

So yes, resilience is a modern-day survival skill at the individual level, but
it’s so much more than that. It’s a way to build better managers, better teams,
and ultimately a more agile organization. At meQuilibrium, we harness the
science of resilience, AI, predictive analytics, and neuroscience to help
businesses build workforce wellbeing and potential by ensuring it’s more than a
catchy term. Because we understand defining resilience doesn’t end with the idea
that it’s a learnable skill for individuals, we’re excited about our recent
launch of the Workforce Resilience Suite.

“Today, taking a proactive organization-wide approach to mental wellbeing is the
new essential for maintaining a powerful, agile and engaged workforce—one that
can take care of themselves and their customers,” says Jan Bruce, meQuilibrium
CEO. “Employers must engage every individual, help managers build engaged teams,
and drive the culture in a coordinated way.”

Resilience is a learnable and scalable skill set; for the mental wellbeing of
the modern workforce, both are key to building an agile organization. Learn how
meQuilibrium partners with top employers to build workforce resilience in our
latest report, Business Resilience Arrives: The Wellbeing Market Matures.

About the Author
Pam Boiros

Pam Boiros is CMO of meQuilibrium, the engagement, performance, and wellbeing
solution which helps enterprises build workforce potential based on the science
of resilience. During her two decades-long career in HR Tech, Pam has brought
transformative tech to the market and changed the way the category is perceived.
Pam’s work has been featured in Harvard Business Review, the Association for
Talent Development, and Bloomberg Law. She was also a part of a global panel of
learning experts in People Matters’ Talent Tech Evolve conference and has been a
keynote speaker at many national events, including CLO Symposium, HR Sales and
Marketing Institute Summit, and LearnTrends.

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