www.centurylink.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://lightcore.net/
Effective URL: https://www.centurylink.com/
Submission: On May 23 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 16 forms found in the DOM


<form id="zipcode-form" class="modal-form" method="post">
  <label for="zipcode-input" class="modal-input-label">Residential ZIP Code*</label>
  <input type="text" pattern="[0-9]*" maxlength="5" id="zipcode-input" class="modal-input-field" placeholder="Residential ZIP Code*">
  <div id="zipcode-error-oor" class="modal-error">The ZIP code you entered is not recognized.<br>Please try again.</div>
  <div id="zipcode-error-required" class="modal-error">ZIP code is required.</div>
  <div id="zipcode-error-length" class="modal-error">Enter a valid 5-digit ZIP code (example: 12345)</div>
  <div class="modal-input-instructions">Enter a valid 5-digit ZIP code (example: 12345)</div>

Name: ctam_nc_formPOST

<form name="ctam_nc_form" id="ctam_nc_form" method="post" action="">
  <div class="address-block">
    <label class="label" for="ctam_nc-sfaddress">Address (required)</label>
    <input class="inputText" title="Address" type="text" id="ctam_nc-sfaddress" name="form.singleLineAddress" placeholder="(Example: 123 Main Street, Denver CO 80123)" onfocus="inputFocus (this)" onblur="inputBlur(this)">
    <span class="loading"></span>
  <input type="hidden" id="ctam_nc-address-id" name="form.addressID">
  <div id="btnWrapperNC">
    <input type="submit" id="ctam_nc-go" class="btn-modal-show-options contButton" value="Continue" data-galink-type="button">
  <input type="hidden" id="typeOfCTAM" value="sfa">
  <input type="hidden" name="form.typeOfCTAM" value="ctap">
  <input type="hidden" id="newShopAddress" name="form.newShopAddress" value="true">


<form id="ctam_nc-overlap-form" method="post">
  <div id="ctam_nc-instructions">
    <div class="select-company ctam_nc-instructions error-text">Attention: We cannot match your zip code properly. Please indicate below which company used to provide service to your area in the past. <div id="ctam_nc-company-not-selected"
        <div class="modal-error-icon"></div><span class="error-text">A company selection is required.</span>
  <div id="ctam_nc-company-selector" class="company-selector-container">
      <img src="/assets/images/page-components/qwest_logo.png" alt="Qwest Logo"><br>
      <input title="Qwest" type="radio" name="ctam_nc-company-selector-radio" value="Q" id="ctam_nc-company-selector-q" checked="false" data-galink-type="radio" data-galink-ref="Qwest"> Qwest
      <img src="/assets/images/page-components/ctl_logo.png" alt="CenturyLink Logo" style="margin-top:6px"><br>
      <input title="CenturyLink" type="radio" name="ctam_nc-company-selector-radio" value="CTL" id="ctam_nc-company-selector-ctl" checked="false" data-galink-type="radio" data-galink-ref="Centurylink"> CenturyLink*
  <a title="Show options" alt="Show options" href="#" class="modal-button btn-modal-show-options" id="ctam_nc-overlap-go"></a>
  <p style="margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: -15px;">*CenturyLink includes former ElPasoTel customers</p>
  <input type="submit" class="input-hidden" value="Submit" data-galink-type="button">
  <input type="hidden" id="newShopAddress" name="form.newShopAddress" value="true">

Name: loginformPOST https://dh.centurylink.com/eam/login.do

<form id="qwest-ma-modal-login" class="ctam-myaccount-form" method="post" name="loginform" action="https://dh.centurylink.com/eam/login.do">
  <div class="ctam_username">
    <label class="label" for="ctam_ec-myaccount-username">User Name (required)</label>
    <input title="Enter Username" class="inputUser" type="text" name="user" id="ctam_ec-myaccount-username" tabindex="60">
  <div id="inputGap"><a id="aUsername" href="https://dh.centurylink.com/eam/loginTrouble/obtainForgottenUserID.do" rel="nofollow" tabindex="64">Forgot Username?</a></div>
  <div class="ctam_password">
    <label class="label" for="ctam_ec-myaccount-password">Password (required)</label>
    <input title="Enter Password" class="inputPassword" type="password" name="password" id="ctam_ec-myaccount-password" tabindex="61">
  <div id="inputGap2"><a id="aPassword" href="https://dh.centurylink.com/eam/loginTrouble/forgotPassword.do" rel="nofollow" tabindex="65">Forgot
  <input type="hidden" name="auth_mode" value="basic" tabindex="62">
  <div id="btnWrapperEC">
    <input id="ec-ma-submit" type="submit" class="input-hidden contButton" value="Continue">
    <input type="hidden" id="newShopAddress" name="form.newShopAddress" value="true">


<form id="ctam_ec-btn" method="post">
  <div id="ctam-phonenumber-required-error" class="error">
    <div class="modal-error-icon"></div><span class="error-text">A phone or account number is required</span>
  <div id="ctam-mya-zip-unexpected" class="error interstital-timeout">
    <div class="modal-error-icon"></div><span class="error-text">We had an unexpected error, please try again.</span>
  <input title="Enter Account Phone Number" type="text" name="phone_acct_num_val" id="ctam_ec-phone-or-account">
  <p id="ctam_phone-explanation">example: 333-222-2222</p><br>
  <input type="submit" class="input-hidden" value="Submit">
  <input type="hidden" id="newShopAddress" name="form.newShopAddress" value="true">

Name: ctam_nc_formPOST

<form name="ctam_nc_form" method="post" id="ctam-oor-form">
  <input title="Shop Out of Region Long Distance" type="radio" name="oor_options" value="oor_services">I'd like to shop for CenturyLink Out of Region Long Distance.<br>
  <input title="New Customer moving to a CenturyLink area" type="radio" name="oor_options" value="oor_nc-address">I am a new customer moving to a CenturyLink service area. I'd like to search by my new address.<br>
  <input title="Enter my information again" type="radio" name="oor_options" value="oor_try-again">I'd like to try to enter my information again.<br><br>
  <a title="Show options" alt="Show options" href="#" id="ctam_oor-go" class="modal-button btn-modal-show-options"></a><br><br><br>
  <a href="/home/help/contact.html">Not sure what to do? Try Customer Service</a>
  <input id="ec-oor-submit" type="submit" class="input-hidden" value="Submit">
  <input type="hidden" id="newShopAddress" name="form.newShopAddress" value="true">

Name: loginformPOST https://dh.centurylink.com/eam/login.do

<form id="mam-ma-modal-login" class="mam-myaccount-form" method="post" name="loginform" action="https://dh.centurylink.com/eam/login.do">
  <label for="mam_myaccount-username">User Name (required)</label>
  <input type="text" name="user" id="mam_myaccount-username"> <a href="https://dh.centurylink.com/eam/loginTrouble/obtainForgottenUserID.do">Forgot Username?</a>
  <label for="mam_myaccount-password">Password (required)</label>
  <input type="password" name="password" id="mam_myaccount-password"> <a href="https://dh.centurylink.com/eam/loginTrouble/forgotPassword.do">Forgot Password?</a><br><br>
  <input type="hidden" name="auth_mode" value="basic">
  <input id="mam-submit" type="submit" class="input-hidden" value="Submit">

Name: mam_oor_formPOST

<form name="mam_oor_form" method="post" id="mam-oor-form">
  <input title="Enter my information again" type="radio" name="oor_options" value="oor_services">I'd like to shop for CenturyLink Out of Region Long Distance.<br>
  <input title="Shop Out of Region Long Distance" type="radio" name="oor_options" value="oor_try-again">I'd like to try to enter my information again.<br><br>
  <a title="Go" alt="Go" href="#" id="mam_oor-go" class="modal-button modal-button-go"></a><br><br><br>
  <a href="/home/help/contact.html">Not sure what to do? Try Customer Service</a>

Name: upm_formPOST

<form name="upm_form" method="post">
  <input title="DirecTv" type="radio" name="unavailable_product_options" value="upm_directv">DIRECTV®<br>
  <input title="Internet" type="radio" name="unavailable_product_options" value="upm_hsi">High-Speed Internet<br>
  <input title="Bundles" type="radio" name="unavailable_product_options" value="upm_bundles">Bundles<br>
  <input title="Phone" type="radio" name="unavailable_product_options" value="upm_phone">Phone<br>
  <input title="CenturyLink Home Page" type="radio" name="unavailable_product_options" value="upm_home">Go back to the CenturyLink home page.<br><br>
  <a title="Go" alt="Go" href="#" id="upm_go" class="modal-button modal-button-go"></a><br>


<form id="tam-form" method="post" action="/">
  <div id="tam-error-empty" class="modal-errors">
    <div class="modal-error-icon"></div><span class="error-text">A telephone or account number is required.</span>
  <div id="tam-error-valid" class="modal-errors">
    <div class="modal-error-icon"></div><span class="error-text">You must enter a valid telephone or account number.</span>
  <label for="tam-phone-account">Home Telephone Number or Account Number</label><br>
  <input type="text" name="tam-phone-account" id="tam-phone-account"> <a href="#" class="modal-button modal-button-go" id="tam-submit-go">Go</a>
  <input title="Submit" type="submit" class="input-hidden">

<form class="search-form navbar-form">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="ent_q">Search</label>
    <input type="text" name="search" id="ent_q_mobile" width="5" placeholder="Search" onkeyup="suggestSearch()">
    <ul id="suggestions_mobile"></ul>
    <a class="search-submit" id="ent-search-submit-dd_mobile" clicktrack="ctl|corp|global_nav|link|search" data-galink-type="icon" data-galink-ref="shopping search submit"></a>

<form class="search-form navbar-form">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="ent_q" style="display:none;">Search</label>
    <input type="text" name="search" id="ent_q" width="5" placeholder="Search" onkeyup="suggestSearch()">
    <ul id="suggestions"></ul>
    <a class="search-submit" id="ent-search-submit-dd" clicktrack="ctl|corp|global_nav|link|search" data-galink-type="icon" data-galink-ref="shopping search submit"></a>

Name: ctap_nc_formPOST

<form name="ctap_nc_form" class="ctap_nc_form" method="post" action="">
  <div class="ctam-address-fail-error add-error-text">
    <div class="modal-error-icon"></div>
    <span class="error-text"> We apologize for the inconvenience, but something unexpected happened, and we didn't get your address. Please try again.</span>
    <div class="ctap_address_block col-xs-12 col-sm-7">
      <input type="text" aria-label="Street Address" id="WelcomeBack_Banner" class="ctap_nc-sfaddress ctapInput col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12" name="form.singleLineAddress"
        placeholder="Street Address, City, State, Zip Code (Without Apt/Unit) ">
      <span class="loading"></span>
      <span class="googleImg hide"></span>
  <div class="ctap_cta_button singleLine col-xs-12 col-sm-3">
    <input type="button" class="ctapSubmit col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12" value="Check speeds in my area" href="https://shop.centurylink.com/uas/" data-galink-type="button">
  <input type="hidden" class="ctap_nc-address-id" name="form.addressID">
  <input type="hidden" class="typeOfCTAP" value="sfa">
  <input type="hidden" class="newShopAddress" name="form.newShopAddress" value="true">
  <input type="hidden" name="form.typeOfCTAM" value="ctap">
  <input type="hidden" name="targetRedirect" class="ctap_target-redirect" value="alb-ctap">

Name: ctap_nc_formPOST

<form name="ctap_nc_form" class="ctap_nc_form" method="post" action="">
  <div class="ctam-address-fail-error add-error-text">
    <div class="modal-error-icon"></div>
    <span class="error-text"> We apologize for the inconvenience, but something unexpected happened, and we didn't get your address. Please try again.</span>
    <div class="ctap_address_block col-xs-12 col-sm-7">
      <input type="text" aria-label="Street Address" id="WelcomeBack_BannerMobile" class="ctap_nc-sfaddress ctapInput col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12" name="form.singleLineAddress"
        placeholder="Street Address, City, State, Zip Code (Without Apt/Unit) ">
      <span class="loading"></span>
      <span class="googleImg hide"></span>
  <div class="ctap_cta_button singleLine col-xs-12 col-sm-3">
    <input type="button" class="ctapSubmit col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12" value="Check speeds in my area" href="https://shop.centurylink.com/uas/" data-galink-type="button">
  <input type="hidden" class="ctap_nc-address-id" name="form.addressID">
  <input type="hidden" class="typeOfCTAP" value="sfa">
  <input type="hidden" class="newShopAddress" name="form.newShopAddress" value="true">
  <input type="hidden" name="form.typeOfCTAM" value="ctap">
  <input type="hidden" name="targetRedirect" class="ctap_target-redirect" value="alb-ctap">

Name: ctap_nc_formPOST

<form name="ctap_nc_form" id="ctap_nc_form" method="post" action="">
    <div class="enteraddress">
      <p>Enter your address below to see the <br class="visible-xs hidden-md hidde"> speeds available to you! </p>
    <div id="ctap-error-fullAddress-required" class="error">
      <div class="modal-error-icon"></div><span class="error-text"> A valid service address is required</span>
    <div class="ctap_address_block">
      <label class="label" for="ctap_nc-sfaddress" style="display:none">Address</label>
      <input type="text" aria-label="Street Address" class="ctapInput ui-autocomplete-input" name="form.singleLineAddress" id="ctap_nc-sfaddress" placeholder="Street Address, City, State, Zip Code (Without Apt/Unit)" autocomplete="off">
      <span class="loading"></span>
      <span class="googleImg hide"></span>
    <div class="ctap_cta_button">
      <a type="button" id="ctap_nc-go" href="https://shop.centurylink.com/uas/" data-galink-type="button">Get
    <div class="alreadyACustomer visible-xs">Already a customer? <a href="https://dh.centurylink.com/Orch/dssh/entryPoint?target=movers &amp;source=shoppingpage">Sign in to
    <div class="alreadyACustomer moveFast hide">Already a customer? <a href="https://dh.centurylink.com/Orch/dssh/entryPoint?target=movers &amp;source=shoppingpage">Sign in to move your
  <div class="alreadyACustomer hidden-xs">Already a customer? <a href="https://dh.centurylink.com/Orch/dssh/entryPoint?target=movers &amp;source=shoppingpage">Sign in to
  <div class="alreadyACustomer moveFast hidden-xs hide">Already a customer? <a href="https://dh.centurylink.com/Orch/dssh/entryPoint?target=movers &amp;source=shoppingpage">Sign in to move your
  <input type="hidden" id="ctap_nc-address-id" name="form.addressID">
  <input type="hidden" id="typeOfCTAP" value="sfa">
  <input type="hidden" id="newShopAddress" name="form.newShopAddress" value="true">
  <input type="hidden" name="targetRedirect" id="ctap_target-redirect" value="alb-ctap">
  <input type="hidden" name="form.typeOfCTAM" value="ctap">

Name: searchformGET //c.search.centurylink.com/search

<form action="//c.search.centurylink.com/search" id="siteSearch" name="searchform" method="get" style="display: none;" data-galink-region="search">
  <label for="searchTextId" style="display:none;">searchText</label>
  <!-- ADA Fix -US13010 -->
  <input type="text" id="searchTextId" name="q">
  <input type="hidden" name="site" id="search-site" value="ThunderCatProducts">
  <input type="hidden" name="proxystylesheet" id="proxystylesheet" value="default_frontend">
  <input type="hidden" name="client" id="client" value="default_frontend">
  <input type="hidden" value="1" name="proxyreload">
  <input type="hidden" value="xml_no_dtd" name="output">
  <input type="hidden" value="date%3AD%3AL%3Ad1" name="sort">
  <input type="hidden" value="*" name="getfields">
  <input type="hidden" value="UTF-8" name="oe">
  <input type="hidden" value="UTF-8" name="ie">
  <input type="hidden" value="0" name="start">
  <input type="hidden" value="2048" name="tlen">
  <input type="hidden" value="15" name="num">
  <input type="submit" data-galink-type="button">

Text Content



Help us point you in the right direction.
Enter your residential ZIP code to get location specific support and offers.
Residential ZIP Code*
The ZIP code you entered is not recognized.
Please try again.
ZIP code is required.
Enter a valid 5-digit ZIP code (example: 12345)
Enter a valid 5-digit ZIP code (example: 12345)
Help me find my ZIP code
Check Availability Already a customer?
Sign in

Customer Account Info New customer?

Please enter your service address, so we can show you accurate pricing and
product availability in your area.

Sign in with your account user name and password so that we can show you the
pricing options available to you. Don't have an account yet? Enroll Now

A valid service address is required

A street address is required

A city is required

A state is required

Please enter a valid zip code

Please enter a valid zip code

Your zip code is unrecognized. Please try again.

We had an unexpected error, please try again.
Address (required)

Attention: We cannot match your zip code properly. Please indicate below which
company used to provide service to your area in the past.

A company selection is required.



*CenturyLink includes former ElPasoTel customers

A username is required.

A password is required.

We had an unexpected error, please try again.

Select the company you set up your account with, and enter your user name and

A company selection is required.

Enter your My CenturyLink user name and password.


User Name (required)
Forgot Username?
Password (required)
Forgot Password?

Phone Number or Account Number

A phone or account number is required

We had an unexpected error, please try again.

example: 333-222-2222

 * How does CenturyLink protect my information?
 * How do we protect your account information?

Like most companies, we have certain information about our customers and use it
to provide our services. We also share it as needed to meet our business goals
or fulfill our legal obligations. We protect the information we have about our
customers, and we require those we share it with to protect it too.

By inputting your account information and clicking the "Continue" button, you
provide consent to CenturyLink to access your account information, including the
services you subscribe to, to respond to your inquiry and inform you of
CenturyLink's products and services. You may deny us permission by proceeding no
further and your denial will have no affect on your current services. Under
federal law, it is your right and our duty to protect your account information.
Learn more or Close This Window


What would you like to do?

I'd like to shop for CenturyLink Out of Region Long Distance.
I am a new customer moving to a CenturyLink service area. I'd like to search by
my new address.
I'd like to try to enter my information again.

Not sure what to do? Try Customer Service
Customer Info
Close Window

Enter your My CenturyLink user name and password.

A username is required.

A password is required.

We had an unexpected error, please try again.

User Name (required) Forgot Username? Password (required) Forgot Password?

Quick Bill Pay
Set up My CenturyLink

Why is this needed?
As CenturyLink and Qwest merge companies, we are working hard to combine our
systems. By supplying your service address zip code we will be able to get you
to the right location. Thank you for your patience during the merger process.


What would you like to do?

I'd like to shop for CenturyLink Out of Region Long Distance.
I'd like to try to enter my information again.

Not sure what to do? Try Customer Service

Customer Service & Support
Close Window


Continue to view these CenturyLink products:

High-Speed Internet
Go back to the CenturyLink home page.

We apologize for the inconvenience. This product is currently not available for
ordering online. If you have questions, or would like to order, please call

Customer Info
Close Window

Enter your CenturyLink Home Telephone Number or Account Number so we can help
you set up your account.

A telephone or account number is required.

You must enter a valid telephone or account number.
Home Telephone Number or Account Number

How can I find my Account Number?

Why is this needed?
As CenturyLink and Qwest merge companies, we are working hard to combine our
systems. By supplying your home telephone or account number we will be able to
get you to the right location. Thank you for your patience during the merger



Close Window

Existing Customer? Order Personal TechPro
New Customer? Chat to Order Personal TechPro Chat to Order

Chat to Order Cyber Shield Chat to Order
Customer Info
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We understand there are reports of a service outage impacting customers.
We are investigating and will be back up and running soon.
Attention! Your browser settings shows that JavaScript is disabled,please enable
for better view
!For an optimal experience, we recommend updating your browser.
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Open popup to change zipcode

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 * For Home
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 * Enroll For Home
 * For Business

Get Internet

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We've got your need for speed
Check your top speeds up to 940 Mbps.
Simply Unlimited Internet
 * Work from home and shop online
 * Unlimited data on a 99.9% reliable* network
   *Based on network uptime or availability

 * Connect multiple users and devices
 * Stream HD movies
 * No annual contract

Speed may not be available in your area.
Paperless billing required. Taxes and fees apply. Offer Details

Fiber Internet
 * 20X faster upload speed than cable^
 * Unlimited data on a 99.9% reliable* network
   *Based on network uptime or availability

 * FREE installation - $129 value
 * WiFi equipment provided - no monthly charge
 * No annual contract

Speed may not be available in your area.
Paperless billing required. Taxes and fees apply. Offer Details
^Comparison, as of 10/7/22, based on CenturyLink fiber technology with wired
upload speeds of up to 940 Mbps to major cable providers 1GIG cable service over
DOCSIS 3.1 technology with upload speeds of 35 Mbps.
Simply Unlimited Internet
 * Work from home and shop online
 * Unlimited data on a 99.9% reliable* network
   *Based on network uptime or availability

 * Connect multiple users and devices
 * Stream HD movies
 * No annual contract

Speed may not be available in your area. Paperless billing required. Taxes and
fees apply. Offer Details
Fiber Internet
 * 20X faster upload speed than cable^
 * Unlimited data on a 99.9% reliable* network
   *Based on network uptime or availability

 * FREE installation - $129 value
 * WiFi equipment provided - no monthly charge
 * No annual contract

Speed may not be available in your area. Paperless billing required. Taxes and
fees apply. Offer Details
^Comparison, as of 10/7/22, based on CenturyLink fiber technology with wired
upload speeds of up to 940 Mbps to major cable providers 1GIG cable service over
DOCSIS 3.1 technology with upload speeds of 35 Mbps.
Work hard. Play hard.
Get internet that's up to the challenge.
Fiber plans starting
at $70/mo
for up to
940 Mbps.
Whether you're pulling long hours at your small business, or marathon gaming at
home, we've got internet that's fast and reliable enough for you. Discover
CenturyLink Fiber today.
Learn more about CenturyLink Small Business
Service/fiber may not be available in your area.
Expand your CenturyLink
entertainment & experiences
Your smart-home will come to life with WiFi range
extenders, security doorbells and cameras,
work-from-home or learning technology,
streaming TV devices, and more. See Details
Shop Accessories
Shop accessories
Expand your CenturyLink
entertainment & experiences
Your smart-home will come to life with WiFi range
extenders, security doorbells and cameras,
work-from-home or learning technology,
streaming TV devices, and more. See Details
Shop Accessories
We've got your need for speed

Check your top speeds up to 940 Mbps.

Fiber Internet
 * Connect multiple devices at once
 * Game with virtually no lag
 * Do more with unlimited data
 * Stream smooth videos on a 99% reliable* network
   *Based on network uptime or availability
 * No annual contract

Limited availability. Service and rate in select locations only. Paperless
billing required. Taxes and fees apply. Offer Details

Fiber Internet
 * 20X faster upload speed than cable^
 * Unlimited data on a 99.9% reliable* network
   *Based on network uptime or availability
 * FREE installation - $129 value
 * WiFi equipment provided - no monthly charge
 * No annual contract

Limited availability. Service and rate in select locations only. Paperless
billing required. Taxes and fees apply. Offer Details
^Comparison, as of 10/7/22, based on CenturyLink fiber technology with wired
upload speeds of up to 940 Mbps to major cable providers 1GIG cable service over
DOCSIS 3.1 technology with upload speeds of 35 Mbps.
Fiber Internet
 * Connect multiple devices at once
 * Game with virtually no lag
 * Do more with unlimited data
 * Stream smooth videos on a 99% reliable* network
   *Based on network uptime or availability
 * No annual contract

Limited availability. Service and rate in select locations only. Paperless
billing or prepay required. Taxes and fees apply. Offer Details
Fiber Internet
 * 20X faster upload speed than cable^
 * Unlimited data on a 99.9% reliable* network
   *Based on network uptime or availability
 * FREE installation - $129 value
 * WiFi equipment provided - no monthly charge
 * No annual contract

Limited availability. Service and rate in select locations only. Paperless
billing or prepay required. Taxes and fees apply. Offer Details
^Comparison, as of 10/7/22, based on CenturyLink fiber technology with wired
upload speeds of up to 940 Mbps to major cable providers 1GIG cable service over
DOCSIS 3.1 technology with upload speeds of 35 Mbps.
CenturyLink Internet
CenturyLink Fiber Internet
Good to see you again!
Speeds up to are available at your home
Free installation – $129 Value
Modem provided – no monthly charge
CenturyLink Internet with Unlimited Data
Unlimited, Uncomplicated, Unbundled
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CenturyLink Internet
CenturyLink Fiber Internet

Good to see you again!
Speeds up to are available at your home
Free installation – $129 value
Modem provided – no monthly charge
CenturyLink Internet with Unlimited Data
Unlimited, Uncomplicated, Unbundled
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Already a customer? Sign in to upgrade
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 * Internet
 * TV
 * Phone
 * Accessories
 * Fiber Internet


With CenturyLink Simply Unlimited Internet, you can choose from a wide range of
available speeds that fit your online needs. Plus, you can connect several
devices with super-fast in-home WiFi. Learn more about internet
Get Internet
Control your home network with the My CenturyLink app

TV made easy.
We are partnering with leading satellite as well as live TV and on demand
streaming providers to offer you a way to select your demand streaming providers
to offer you a way to select your best TV experience. Whether you want satellite
or a streaming service with live TV, we offer just the right options for you.
Learn more
Shop Personalized TV
Stay connected with home phone.
Get Reliable landline phone service with a crystal-clear
connection. CenturyLink home phone service offer local,
long distance, and VoIP home phone plans that fit your
needs. Learn more about home phone

Chat to Order
Shop accessories.
Your smart-home will come to life with WiFi range extenders, security doorbells
and cameras, work-from-home or learning products, streaming TV devices, and
more. Learn more about accessories
Shop Accessories
Bringing faster internet to you.
CenturyLink is bringing speeds up to 940 Mbps to
communities like yours. 20X faster upload speed than cable*
and unlimited data on a 99.9% reliable** network
Learn more about fiber internet
Check For Fiber Internet
Speed may not be available in your area. *Comparison, as of 10/7/22, based on
CenturyLink fiber technology with wired upload speeds of up to 940 Mbps to major
cable providers 1GIG cable service over DOCSIS 3.1 technology with upload speeds
of 35 Mbps. **Based on network uptime or availability.

Reliable, secure high-speed internet.
With CenturyLink Simply Unlimited Internet, you can choose from a wide range of
available speeds that fit your online needs. Plus, you can connect several
devices with super-fast in-home WiFi.
Learn more about internet
Control your home network with the My CenturyLink app

Get Internet
TV made easy.
We are partnering with leading satellite as well as live TV and on demand
streaming providers to offer you a way to select your demand streaming providers
to offer you a way to select your best TV experience. Whether you want satellite
or a streaming service with live TV, we offer just the right options for you.
Learn more

Shop Personalized TV
Stay connected with home phone.
Get Reliable landline phone service with a crystal-clear connection. CenturyLink
home phone service offer local, long distance, and VoIP home phone plans that
fit your needs.
Learn more about home phone

Chat to Order
Shop accessories.
Your smart-home will come to life with WiFi range extenders, security doorbells
and cameras, work-from-home or learning products, streaming TV devices, and
more. Learn more about accessories

Shop Accessories
Fiber Internet
Bringing faster internet to you.
CenturyLink is bringing speeds up to 940 Mbps to communities like yours. 20X
faster upload speed than cable* and unlimited data on a 99.9% reliable** network
Learn more about fiber internet

Check For Fiber Internet
Speed may not be available in your area. *Comparison, as of 10/7/22, based on
CenturyLink fiber technology with wired upload speeds of up to 940 Mbps to major
cable providers 1GIG cable service over DOCSIS 3.1 technology with upload speeds
of 35 Mbps. **Based on network uptime or availability.
CenturyLink Affordable
connectivity Program (ACP).

ACP Internet Plan speeds up to 100 Mbps

Speed may not be available in your area. Discounted rate for ACP-qualifying
households only.
Additional one-time charges, including construction, may apply. Offer Details.
Learn More About ACP
Fast connectivity
24/7 support
Fast in-home WiFi
No bundling,
no contract


Try fiber internet, great for low-lag gaming and
tech-forward households-or, if you just want our best. Fast
upload speeds that are a match to their
download speeds. This means you can stream with virtually
no buffering. Learn more
Get My Home Tech-Ready
Video Chat
Get My Home Tech-Ready
We make self-service easy.
4.5 out of 5 in
customer satisfaction.*

Our easy-to-use sign-up process has thousands of Five Star reviews!
*Based on a Post-Purchase OpinionLab Survey of ordering experience, 12/31/23.


The speed your household needs depends on a few things: the number of users in
your home, the number of devices you have and how you are using your speed.
Stream music & shop online
Use several devices at the same time
Check Availability



Speed may not be available in your area. Paperless billing required. Taxes and
fees apply. Offer Details Limited availability. Service and rate in select
locations only. Paperless billing required. Taxes and fees apply. Offer Details

Speed may not be available in your area. Paperless billing required. Taxes and
fees apply. Offer Details Limited availability. Service and rate in select
locations only. Paperless billing required. Taxes and fees apply. Offer Details
Check Availability


An amazing fiber connection and so much more.


A seamless connection.


Parental settings for
peace of mind.


Helps protect against
online threats.

Learn More

Limited availability. Service in select locations only.

Limited availability. Service in
select locations only.


The Refer & Earn Program has gotten even better. Now you can earn rewards while
making a difference. Just refer any of our CenturyLink internet services to your
friends, and if the referral results in a sale, you'll both be rewarded up to
$100. What's more, we'll donate an extra $10 to your choice from our select list
of charities.
Learn More


The Refer & Earn Program has gotten even better. Now you can earn rewards while
making a difference. Just refer any of our CenturyLink internet services to your
friends, and if the referral results in a sale, you'll both be rewarded up to
$100. What's more, we'll donate an extra $10 to your choice from our select list
of charities.
Learn More


Get Internet for your new home right now. Moving just got a lot easier. Transfer
your internet, TV, or home phone
services to your new home with ease and simplicity.

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