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 * Home
 * About the Project
   * Refuge Background
   * Media Contacts
   * Farallones Photos and Videos
   * Timeline and Documentation
 * Partners
 * Frequently Asked Questions
 * Successful Restorations

 * Home
 * About the Project
   * Refuge Background
   * Media Contacts
   * Farallones Photos and Videos
   * Timeline and Documentation
 * Partners
 * Frequently Asked Questions
 * Successful Restorations


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Point Blue Conservation Science and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have
partnered together to address one of the most important conservation projects in
California. The Farallon Islands National Wildlife Refuge is one of our nation’s
treasures, with significant populations of nesting seabirds, marine mammals, and
native salamanders, insects and plants.

Over the past five decades, Point Blue Conservation Science, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service and partners have worked to protect and restore the damaged
Farallon ecosystem, which is threatened by climate change and non-native
species, like the invasive house mouse. Today, the ecosystem on the Farallon
Islands is severely out of balance, putting the survival of the islands’
threatened species and unique natural resources at risk. The U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service’s proposal to remove invasive house mice from the island
represents one of the most comprehensive, rigorously researched plans of any
ecological restoration project and will allow the islands’ sensitive ecosystem
to recover from past human impacts and build resilience to the impacts of
climate change.



Two Minutes on Southeast Farallon Island from Abe Borker on Vimeo.

Header Image: Aerial view of the South Farallon Island photo; Image credit: John

© 2021 Restore the Farallones