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   17" Tall Garden Beds 32" Tall Garden Beds 11" Tall Garden Beds Special Shapes
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   Dragon Fruit Planter Self Watering Rolling Garden Bed Self-Watering Rolling
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   Dappled Solar
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 * Modern Garden Beds
   17" Tall Modern Garden Beds
   17" Tall 42" x 83" 17" Tall 27" x 53" 17" Tall 27" x 83" 17" Tall L-Shaped
   17" Tall 42" x 42" 17" Tall Extension Kit
   32" Tall Modern Garden Beds
   32" Tall 42" x 83" 32" Tall 27" x 53" 32" Tall 27" x 83" 32" Tall L-Shaped
   32" Tall 42" x 42" 32" Tall Extension Kit
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   in 1 11" Tall 9 in 1
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   17" Tall Garden Beds 32" Tall Garden Beds 11" Tall Garden Beds Special Shapes
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   Dragon Fruit Planter Self Watering Rolling Garden Bed Self-Watering Rolling
   Add Ons
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   Arched Trellis
   Worm Composter
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 * Modern Garden Beds
   17" Tall Modern Garden Beds
   17" Tall 42" x 83" 17" Tall 27" x 53" 17" Tall 27" x 83" 17" Tall L-Shaped
   17" Tall 42" x 42" 17" Tall Extension Kit
   32" Tall Modern Garden Beds
   32" Tall 42" x 83" 32" Tall 27" x 53" 32" Tall 27" x 83" 32" Tall L-Shaped
   32" Tall 42" x 42" 32" Tall Extension Kit
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   9-Way Kit
   10-Way Kit
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   11" Garden Beds
   4-Way Kit
   6-Way Kit
   9-Way Kit
   10-Way Kit
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   Special Shapes
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   17" Tall L-Large
   17" Tall U-Standard
   17" Tall U-Large
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   Seed Starting Bundle 10" x 20"
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Texas Gardener magazine
3 min read·February 28, 2024
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By Jay White, Publisher

Nathan Hanath and his parents own and operate one of the nicest family farms
that I have ever visited. 

Magnolia Hill Farm is located just west of Brenham, Texas off Highway 290. They
have been filling the stomachs and freezers of Washington County residents with
fresh, local, organic produce for the past 32 years.

While Magnolia grows all types of produce, their absolute best-selling crop is
tomatoes. Last year, the farm sold 2,300 pounds in the spring season and almost
that many in the fall.

Nathan Hanath from Magnolia Hill Farm of Brenham has been producing
high-quality, organic produce for 32 years

Nathan and I are both members of our local volunteer fire department.  Several
of our members are gardeners and the talk at our meetings often turns to
vegetable production.  Our little fire department has lots of hobby gardeners
who grow tomatoes; and they grow them well. 

However, Nathan is the only one of our group that actually makes a considerable
part of his living growing them. Since Nathan depends on his tomatoes to help
pay his bills I asked him if he would share some of the things he does to
consistently produce almost two tons of tomatoes each and every year.

Magnolia Hill Farm produces almost a ton of succulent, organic tomatoes every

Grow in good soil: Nathan has a 20,000-square foot bed that has been producing
vegetables 12 months a year for the past 32 years. That is incredible. He has
been able to keep his bed healthy by constantly replenishing it with compost.

Grow healthy transplants: Nathan grows over 300 tomato plants each year.  He
grows between 10 and 12 nematode-resistant determinate or semi-determinate
varieties. He starts his seeds in a commercial mix in January and then again in

He starts his seeds in little foam cups and then bumps them up to bigger
containers after about 21 days.  He keeps his starts in shallow trays and waters
them from the bottom with a solution of “Fish and Poop”.  Some of his favorite
varieties include Amelia, BHN1021, Celebrity, Celebration, Carnival, Santa
Belle, Top Gun, Phoenix, Tasty Lee and Tycoon. While these are his favorites he
encourages you to try his methods on whatever varieties work best for you.

 Give your transplants a boost by feeding them with a solution of a soluble
organic fertilizer like “Fish & Poop”

Plant late: Resist the urge to plant early. Tomatoes grow best in warm soils.
Grow big healthy transplants and do not put them in the ground until the third
week of March. Plant them deep to encourage a large root ball.

Fertilize: Each year Nathan has a soil sample done on his beds and each year he
gets the same results. The rich organic soil he has built is perfect to slightly
high in all nutrients except nitrogen. 

Nathan believes that many gardens are nitrogen deficient because growing plants
use so much and rain, heat and tilling all allow it to leach from the soil.To
make up for low nitrogen Nathan works “Sweet Green” into his tomato beds before

Sweet Green (11-0-4) is an organic fertilizer that contains dried cane molasses
and beet molasses. Because of its high nitrogen content Sweet Green is marketed
as a lawn fertilizer. However, the high nitrogen levels of the fertilizer make
it an excellent supplement for the organic garden.

 Nathan uses heavy mil landscape fabric to mulch his tomatoes (and cabbage shown
here). Be sure to cover it in a heavy layer of hay or wood chips when
temperatures begin to rise

Mulch: Keep your beds as weed free as possible. They rob your plants of
nutrients and they attract pests. Nathan uses landscape fabric to suppress
weeds. While the fabric alone is great to help warm the soil in March and early
April, you will need to cover it with a thick layer of mulch once the
temperatures start climbing.

Calcium: Blossom End Rot is caused by a calcium deficiency. Prevent it by
spraying them weekly with Nutri-Cal. Nutri-Cal is a calcium supplement that
contains nitrogen. The supplemental calcium will prevent blossom end rot and the
nitrogen will give your plants a little boost to keep them healthy and
productive up until July.

Nathan has over 900 varieties of daylilies available for purchase at Magnolia
Hill Farm

In addition to produce, Nathan collects and breeds daylilies. He has over 900
varieties for sale from March through June. The farm is truly a sight to see
when all of those daylilies are in bloom and Nathan loves to visit with you
about them.

If you are going to be passing through Brenham on 290, be sure and stop in at
Magnolia Hill Farm. They have outstanding produce available every month of the
year and they stock a huge selection of his mother’s famous preserves and





Texas Gardener magazine
For more than 40 years, the gardeners of Texas have relied on Texas Gardener
magazine to provide them the most up to date, factual, research based
horticultural information available. Texas Gardener’s writers are leaders in the
Green Industry. They are the horticultural professionals that are developing the
plants and processes that constantly improve the gardens and gardeners of Texas.
As passionate gardeners, we truly believe that gardening matters.
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How To Fill Raised Garden Beds With Soil And Save Money
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 * Jan Mar 05, 2024
   Great article. Thank you.



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Texas Gardener magazine
For more than 40 years, the gardeners of Texas have relied on Texas Gardener
magazine to provide them the most up to date, factual, research based
horticultural information available. Texas Gardener’s writers are leaders in the
Green Industry. They are the horticultural professionals that are developing the
plants and processes that constantly improve the gardens and gardeners of Texas.
As passionate gardeners, we truly believe that gardening matters.
Featured Posts
How To Fill Raised Garden Beds With Soil And Save Money
October 12, 2021
10 Ways to Save Money Gardening
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