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Submitted URL: https://swvabiz.com/
Effective URL: https://www.jotform.com/mainboard/swvabiz
Submission: On July 01 via api from BE — Scanned from DE

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            <h1 id="header_32" class="form-header" data-component="header">Membership Survey for the Southwest Virginia Business Network</h1>
            <div id="subHeader_32" class="form-subHeader">A Regional Business Network Group</div>
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            <h2 id="header_43" class="form-header" data-component="header">Mission</h2>
            <div id="subHeader_43" class="form-subHeader">Foster collaborative business leadership to drive growth and sustainability in the Southwest Virginia region.</div>
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            <h2 id="header_44" class="form-header" data-component="header">Vision</h2>
            <div id="subHeader_44" class="form-subHeader">A vibrant regional business network that promotes leadership, collaboration, and dynamic networking events throughout the Southwest Virginia region.</div>
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            <h2 id="header_46" class="form-header" data-component="header">Purpose</h2>
            <div id="subHeader_46" class="form-subHeader">Our purpose is to empower businesses in Southwest Virginia by providing a platform for leadership development, collaborative opportunities, and impactful networking events, fostering a
              thriving and sustainable business community.</div>
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          owners have now that you are aware of, do you feel business owner needs in Southwest Virginia are being met in the concept of a Business Networking Group? </label>
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Text Content

   A Regional Business Network Group

   Foster collaborative business leadership to drive growth and sustainability
   in the Southwest Virginia region.

   A vibrant regional business network that promotes leadership, collaboration,
   and dynamic networking events throughout the Southwest Virginia region.

   Our purpose is to empower businesses in Southwest Virginia by providing a
   platform for leadership development, collaborative opportunities, and
   impactful networking events, fostering a thriving and sustainable business
 * All fields marked with * are required and must be filled.
 * Name*
   PrefixFirst NameLast Name
 * Phone Number*
 * E-mail*
 * Method of Contact*
 * 1. What value does a Business Network serve for Business Owners?
 * 2. What do you want in a Regional Business Network Group?
 * 3. Based on what business owners have now that you are aware of, do you feel
   business owner needs in Southwest Virginia are being met in the concept of a
   Business Networking Group?
 * OPTIONAL/ACCESSIBILITY: We will contact you within one business day. Pick the
   next business day and time below that we can discuss.
   Monday, July 01
   < >
   3:00 PM
   4:00 PM
   5:00 PM
   8:00 PM
   9:00 PM
   10:00 PM
   Europe/Berlin (08:16 AM)
 * Permission to Contact you less than once per Month regarding Specials?
   (Marketing) Managers Special Discount will apply to all messages in this
   Email ONLYText ONLYNo Contact
 * Were You Referred By A Business Member? Please enter their name.
 * Submit Form
 * Should be Empty:



Abidjan (GMT) 06:16 AM
Accra (GMT) 06:16 AM
Addis Ababa (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Algiers (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Asmara (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Bamako (GMT) 06:16 AM
Bangui (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Banjul (GMT) 06:16 AM
Bissau (GMT) 06:16 AM
Blantyre (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Brazzaville (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Bujumbura (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Cairo (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Casablanca (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Ceuta (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Conakry (GMT) 06:16 AM
Dakar (GMT) 06:16 AM
Dar es Salaam (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Djibouti (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Douala (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
El Aaiun (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Freetown (GMT) 06:16 AM
Gaborone (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Harare (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Johannesburg (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Juba (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Kampala (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Khartoum (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Kigali (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Kinshasa (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Lagos (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Libreville (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Lome (GMT) 06:16 AM
Luanda (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Lubumbashi (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Lusaka (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Malabo (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Maputo (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Maseru (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Mbabane (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Mogadishu (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Monrovia (GMT) 06:16 AM
Nairobi (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Ndjamena (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Niamey (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Nouakchott (GMT) 06:16 AM
Ouagadougou (GMT) 06:16 AM
Porto-Novo (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Sao Tome (GMT) 06:16 AM
Tripoli (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Tunis (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Windhoek (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Adak (GMT-09:00) 09:16 PM
Anchorage (GMT-08:00) 10:16 PM
Anguilla (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Antigua (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Araguaina (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Argentina/Buenos Aires (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Argentina/Catamarca (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Argentina/Cordoba (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Argentina/Jujuy (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Argentina/La Rioja (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Argentina/Mendoza (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Argentina/Rio Gallegos (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Argentina/Salta (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Argentina/San Juan (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Argentina/San Luis (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Argentina/Tucuman (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Argentina/Ushuaia (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Aruba (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Asuncion (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Atikokan (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
Bahia (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Bahia Banderas (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Barbados (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Belem (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Belize (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Blanc-Sablon (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Boa Vista (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Bogota (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
Boise (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Cambridge Bay (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Campo Grande (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Cancun (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
Caracas (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Cayenne (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Cayman (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
Chicago (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
Chihuahua (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Ciudad Juarez (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Costa Rica (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Creston (GMT-07:00) 11:16 PM
Cuiaba (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Curacao (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Danmarkshavn (GMT) 06:16 AM
Dawson (GMT-07:00) 11:16 PM
Dawson Creek (GMT-07:00) 11:16 PM
Denver (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Detroit (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Dominica (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Edmonton (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Eirunepe (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
El Salvador (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Fort Nelson (GMT-07:00) 11:16 PM
Fortaleza (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Glace Bay (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Goose Bay (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Grand Turk (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Grenada (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Guadeloupe (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Guatemala (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Guayaquil (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
Guyana (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Halifax (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Havana (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Hermosillo (GMT-07:00) 11:16 PM
Indiana/Indianapolis (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Indiana/Knox (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
Indiana/Marengo (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Indiana/Petersburg (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Indiana/Tell City (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
Indiana/Vevay (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Indiana/Vincennes (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Indiana/Winamac (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Inuvik (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Iqaluit (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Jamaica (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
Juneau (GMT-08:00) 10:16 PM
Kentucky/Louisville (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Kentucky/Monticello (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Kralendijk (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
La Paz (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Lima (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
Los Angeles (GMT-07:00) 11:16 PM
Lower Princes (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Maceio (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Managua (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Manaus (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Marigot (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Martinique (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Matamoros (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
Mazatlan (GMT-07:00) 11:16 PM
Menominee (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
Merida (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Metlakatla (GMT-08:00) 10:16 PM
Mexico City (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Miquelon (GMT-02:00) 04:16 AM
Moncton (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Monterrey (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Montevideo (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Montserrat (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Nassau (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
New York (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Nome (GMT-08:00) 10:16 PM
Noronha (GMT-02:00) 04:16 AM
North Dakota/Beulah (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
North Dakota/Center (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
North Dakota/New Salem (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
Nuuk (GMT-01:00) 05:16 AM
Ojinaga (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
Panama (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
Paramaribo (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Phoenix (GMT-07:00) 11:16 PM
Port-au-Prince (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Port of Spain (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Porto Velho (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Puerto Rico (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Punta Arenas (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Rankin Inlet (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
Recife (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Regina (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Resolute (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
Rio Branco (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
Santarem (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Santiago (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Santo Domingo (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Sao Paulo (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Scoresbysund (GMT-01:00) 05:16 AM
Sitka (GMT-08:00) 10:16 PM
St Barthelemy (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
St Johns (GMT-02:30) 03:46 AM
St Kitts (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
St Lucia (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
St Thomas (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
St Vincent (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Swift Current (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Tegucigalpa (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Thule (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Tijuana (GMT-07:00) 11:16 PM
Toronto (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Tortola (GMT-04:00) 02:16 AM
Vancouver (GMT-07:00) 11:16 PM
Whitehorse (GMT-07:00) 11:16 PM
Winnipeg (GMT-05:00) 01:16 AM
Yakutat (GMT-08:00) 10:16 PM
Casey (GMT+08:00) 02:16 PM
Davis (GMT+07:00) 01:16 PM
DumontDUrville (GMT+10:00) 04:16 PM
Macquarie (GMT+10:00) 04:16 PM
Mawson (GMT+05:00) 11:16 AM
McMurdo (GMT+12:00) 06:16 PM
Palmer (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Rothera (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Syowa (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Troll (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Vostok (GMT+05:00) 11:16 AM
Longyearbyen (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Aden (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Almaty (GMT+05:00) 11:16 AM
Amman (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Anadyr (GMT+12:00) 06:16 PM
Aqtau (GMT+05:00) 11:16 AM
Aqtobe (GMT+05:00) 11:16 AM
Ashgabat (GMT+05:00) 11:16 AM
Atyrau (GMT+05:00) 11:16 AM
Baghdad (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Bahrain (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Baku (GMT+04:00) 10:16 AM
Bangkok (GMT+07:00) 01:16 PM
Barnaul (GMT+07:00) 01:16 PM
Beirut (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Bishkek (GMT+06:00) 12:16 PM
Brunei (GMT+08:00) 02:16 PM
Chita (GMT+09:00) 03:16 PM
Choibalsan (GMT+08:00) 02:16 PM
Colombo (GMT+05:30) 11:46 AM
Damascus (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Dhaka (GMT+06:00) 12:16 PM
Dili (GMT+09:00) 03:16 PM
Dubai (GMT+04:00) 10:16 AM
Dushanbe (GMT+05:00) 11:16 AM
Famagusta (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Gaza (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Hebron (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Ho Chi Minh (GMT+07:00) 01:16 PM
Hong Kong (GMT+08:00) 02:16 PM
Hovd (GMT+07:00) 01:16 PM
Irkutsk (GMT+08:00) 02:16 PM
Jakarta (GMT+07:00) 01:16 PM
Jayapura (GMT+09:00) 03:16 PM
Jerusalem (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Kabul (GMT+04:30) 10:46 AM
Kamchatka (GMT+12:00) 06:16 PM
Karachi (GMT+05:00) 11:16 AM
Kathmandu (GMT+05:45) 12:01 PM
Khandyga (GMT+09:00) 03:16 PM
Kolkata (GMT+05:30) 11:46 AM
Krasnoyarsk (GMT+07:00) 01:16 PM
Kuala Lumpur (GMT+08:00) 02:16 PM
Kuching (GMT+08:00) 02:16 PM
Kuwait (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Macau (GMT+08:00) 02:16 PM
Magadan (GMT+11:00) 05:16 PM
Makassar (GMT+08:00) 02:16 PM
Manila (GMT+08:00) 02:16 PM
Muscat (GMT+04:00) 10:16 AM
Nicosia (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Novokuznetsk (GMT+07:00) 01:16 PM
Novosibirsk (GMT+07:00) 01:16 PM
Omsk (GMT+06:00) 12:16 PM
Oral (GMT+05:00) 11:16 AM
Phnom Penh (GMT+07:00) 01:16 PM
Pontianak (GMT+07:00) 01:16 PM
Pyongyang (GMT+09:00) 03:16 PM
Qatar (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Qostanay (GMT+05:00) 11:16 AM
Qyzylorda (GMT+05:00) 11:16 AM
Riyadh (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Sakhalin (GMT+11:00) 05:16 PM
Samarkand (GMT+05:00) 11:16 AM
Seoul (GMT+09:00) 03:16 PM
Shanghai (GMT+08:00) 02:16 PM
Singapore (GMT+08:00) 02:16 PM
Srednekolymsk (GMT+11:00) 05:16 PM
Taipei (GMT+08:00) 02:16 PM
Tashkent (GMT+05:00) 11:16 AM
Tbilisi (GMT+04:00) 10:16 AM
Tehran (GMT+03:30) 09:46 AM
Thimphu (GMT+06:00) 12:16 PM
Tokyo (GMT+09:00) 03:16 PM
Tomsk (GMT+07:00) 01:16 PM
Ulaanbaatar (GMT+08:00) 02:16 PM
Urumqi (GMT+06:00) 12:16 PM
Ust-Nera (GMT+10:00) 04:16 PM
Vientiane (GMT+07:00) 01:16 PM
Vladivostok (GMT+10:00) 04:16 PM
Yakutsk (GMT+09:00) 03:16 PM
Yangon (GMT+06:30) 12:46 PM
Yekaterinburg (GMT+05:00) 11:16 AM
Yerevan (GMT+04:00) 10:16 AM
Azores (GMT) 06:16 AM
Bermuda (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Canary (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Cape Verde (GMT-01:00) 05:16 AM
Faroe (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Madeira (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Reykjavik (GMT) 06:16 AM
South Georgia (GMT-02:00) 04:16 AM
St Helena (GMT) 06:16 AM
Stanley (GMT-03:00) 03:16 AM
Adelaide (GMT+09:30) 03:46 PM
Brisbane (GMT+10:00) 04:16 PM
Broken Hill (GMT+09:30) 03:46 PM
Darwin (GMT+09:30) 03:46 PM
Eucla (GMT+08:45) 03:01 PM
Hobart (GMT+10:00) 04:16 PM
Lindeman (GMT+10:00) 04:16 PM
Lord Howe (GMT+10:30) 04:46 PM
Melbourne (GMT+10:00) 04:16 PM
Perth (GMT+08:00) 02:16 PM
Sydney (GMT+10:00) 04:16 PM
Amsterdam (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Andorra (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Astrakhan (GMT+04:00) 10:16 AM
Athens (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Belgrade (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Berlin (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Bratislava (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Brussels (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Bucharest (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Budapest (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Busingen (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Chisinau (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Copenhagen (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Dublin (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Gibraltar (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Guernsey (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Helsinki (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Isle of Man (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Istanbul (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Jersey (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Kaliningrad (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Kirov (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Kyiv (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Lisbon (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Ljubljana (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
London (GMT+01:00) 07:16 AM
Luxembourg (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Madrid (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Malta (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Mariehamn (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Minsk (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Monaco (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Moscow (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Oslo (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Paris (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Podgorica (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Prague (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Riga (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Rome (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Samara (GMT+04:00) 10:16 AM
San Marino (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Sarajevo (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Saratov (GMT+04:00) 10:16 AM
Simferopol (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Skopje (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Sofia (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Stockholm (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Tallinn (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Tirane (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Ulyanovsk (GMT+04:00) 10:16 AM
Vaduz (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Vatican (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Vienna (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Vilnius (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Volgograd (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Warsaw (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Zagreb (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Zurich (GMT+02:00) 08:16 AM
Antananarivo (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Chagos (GMT+06:00) 12:16 PM
Christmas (GMT+07:00) 01:16 PM
Cocos (GMT+06:30) 12:46 PM
Comoro (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Kerguelen (GMT+05:00) 11:16 AM
Mahe (GMT+04:00) 10:16 AM
Maldives (GMT+05:00) 11:16 AM
Mauritius (GMT+04:00) 10:16 AM
Mayotte (GMT+03:00) 09:16 AM
Reunion (GMT+04:00) 10:16 AM
Apia (GMT+13:00) 07:16 PM
Auckland (GMT+12:00) 06:16 PM
Bougainville (GMT+11:00) 05:16 PM
Chatham (GMT+12:45) 07:01 PM
Chuuk (GMT+10:00) 04:16 PM
Easter (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Efate (GMT+11:00) 05:16 PM
Fakaofo (GMT+13:00) 07:16 PM
Fiji (GMT+12:00) 06:16 PM
Funafuti (GMT+12:00) 06:16 PM
Galapagos (GMT-06:00) 00:16 AM
Gambier (GMT-09:00) 09:16 PM
Guadalcanal (GMT+11:00) 05:16 PM
Guam (GMT+10:00) 04:16 PM
Honolulu (GMT-10:00) 08:16 PM
Kanton (GMT+13:00) 07:16 PM
Kiritimati (GMT+14:00) 08:16 PM
Kosrae (GMT+11:00) 05:16 PM
Kwajalein (GMT+12:00) 06:16 PM
Majuro (GMT+12:00) 06:16 PM
Marquesas (GMT-09:30) 08:46 PM
Midway (GMT-11:00) 07:16 PM
Nauru (GMT+12:00) 06:16 PM
Niue (GMT-11:00) 07:16 PM
Norfolk (GMT+11:00) 05:16 PM
Noumea (GMT+11:00) 05:16 PM
Pago Pago (GMT-11:00) 07:16 PM
Palau (GMT+09:00) 03:16 PM
Pitcairn (GMT-08:00) 10:16 PM
Pohnpei (GMT+11:00) 05:16 PM
Port Moresby (GMT+10:00) 04:16 PM
Rarotonga (GMT-10:00) 08:16 PM
Saipan (GMT+10:00) 04:16 PM
Tahiti (GMT-10:00) 08:16 PM
Tarawa (GMT+12:00) 06:16 PM
Tongatapu (GMT+13:00) 07:16 PM
Wake (GMT+12:00) 06:16 PM
Wallis (GMT+12:00) 06:16 PM