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Leading supplier of 3D digital content for Engineering

Home > TraceParts Legal Content > General Terms and Conditions of Use


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (hereinafter the “Website”) is a professional portal dedicated to
the computer aided design (CAD) field, featuring a wealth of technical and
commercial resources for engineers, designers, draftsmen, technicians and buyers
in every branch of industry as well as for educational technology centers.

By logging into the Website, users (hereinafter “Users”) indicate their
automatic and unconditional acceptance of the standard terms and conditions of
use set forth below.



The Website is published and maintained by TraceParts S.A.S., a privately held
company with a capital of €290,000 registered with Le Havre Trade and Companies
Register (RCS) under number B 433 949 625 and whose head office is located at:
ZAC du Parc Technologique Régional 76430 Saint Romain de Colbosc – France.
Telephone: +33(0)232 794 426.

VAT identification number: FR53433949625 – SIRET: 433 949 625 000 19 – APE:

The editorial director is Gabriel Guigue, TraceParts CEO.

The Website is hosted in Europe by SFR, whose head office is located at: 1
Square Bela Bartok, 750215 Paris and by Amazon Web Services LCC whose head
office is located at PO Box 81226, Seattle WA 98108-1226.





Website services are accessible at no charge to any User with Internet access.
However, TraceParts reserves the right to complete, change, or erase all the
contents, graphics, programs, products or data for necessary maintenance or any
other reason, without this interruption of service subjecting TraceParts to any
obligation to compensate for it.



The use of the Website includes uploading or downloading of data, information,
or programs, and other use of the data, programs, software, products and
services from TraceParts or its affiliated partners.



The commercial utilization of this Website is specifically prohibited in terms

 * Duplication, utilization, distribution, or other use of data, programs,
   software, products, and services
 * Increase of traffic on the user website (e.g. sale of advertisements
 * Utilization of the TraceParts logo on a web site that’s liable for costs





The copyrights of this Website exclusively remain with TraceParts.

“TraceParts” and “TraceParts Product Content Everywhere” are trademarks of
TraceParts S.A.S. The same applies for other TraceParts products, services,
slogans, or logos. Also, all other product or company names mentioned inside
this Website may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Fonts used:

 * Raleway: Copyright (c) 2010 – 2012, Matt McInerney (,
   Pablo Impallari (, Rodrigo Fuenzalida
   (, with reserved font name “Raleway”, licensed under
   the SIL Open Font License (OFL), Version 1.1, February 2007.
 * Roboto: Copyright (c) 2012 Google, licensed under Apache, Version 2.0,
   January 2004.



By using the Website, there is no assignment of licensing -or any other rights
of TraceParts such as trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property,
for the User.

It is therefore appropriate that any information on the Website cannot be used,
downloaded, copied or printed without the prior agreement of TraceParts.

The reproduction of custom names, trade names, product names, and so on, within
the TraceParts Website is only for the purpose of identification, and does not
entitle to the assumption, that such names in terms of trademark protection
rights are regarded as free and could be used by everyone.





TraceParts is only liable:

 * if TraceParts violated a substantial contract obligation
 * or if the damage is due to the intention or gross negligence of TraceParts.



If TraceParts is liable due to culpable violation of a substantial contract
obligation, without the presence of intent or gross negligence, then the range
of the payment of damages is limited to the contract-typical foreseeable damage.
Furthermore, TraceParts is not liable for loss of profit, indirect damage, or
consequential damages.



TraceParts provides links to websites operated by other parties as a convenience
to the User. However, TraceParts does not monitor nor control the content and
assumes no responsibility or liability of any kind for any material or
communications available at such websites.



The comments and files provided by Users are proposed for information purposes
only and for the convenience of other Users.

As with all Data on the Website, TraceParts shall in no way be liable for any
such comments and files. Users may use the comments and files provided by other
users only for viewing and downloading, but may not use such comments and files
to create catalogs or websites in competition with this Website.

Users are authorized to copy and download such files, provided that they
reproduce all copyright and other legal notices as included on the original Data
or copies of the Data.



Although TraceParts agrees to provide the best performance in order to offer
Users a reliable Website and services, Users must be aware that the security of
data on the Internet cannot be fully warranted.

Services are therefore provided on an “as is” basis, and insofar as site
availability cannot be guaranteed at all times due to the technical conditions
specific to the Internet, TraceParts shall not be held liable for any unforeseen
events where the causes were beyond its reasonable control.

The Data published on the Website come from a large number of Part Vendors and
standards in a wide range of industries. The said Part Vendors and standards are
identified in relation to the Data for which they are solely responsible. By
using the Website, Users acknowledge that:

 * (i) TraceParts cannot warrant the accuracy, integrity or quality of the Data
   or that the said Data are free of any viruses or harmful code. All data
   published on the Website conform
   solely to the original source data provided by the Part Vendors and
 * (ii) Users are responsible for assessing and assuming the risks associated
   with the use of any Data, including any reliability relating to the accuracy,
   entirety or fitness of the
   said Data.
 * (iii) TraceParts shall in no way be held liable for, without limitation,
   errors or omissions in the Data, or for any loss or damage arising from the
   use of any Data, including damage
   caused by viruses or harmful code.
 * (iv) TraceParts shall in no way be held liable for any direct or incidental
   damages caused to Users or a third party in respect of, for information only
   and without limitation, loss
   of profits, expenses, loss of data, loss of software packages, damaged or
   lost hardware sustained by Users or a third party, including the costs
   incurred in recovering,
   reproducing or repairing such losses or damage.





The User must comply with the applicable legal and regulatory provisions. The
user is obliged to only use the website for the specified purposes and to
particularly mind the safety instructions of the web site, this includes no
unauthorized infiltration of the databases (e.g. no cracking or hacking etc).

Furthermore, the User will not impinge on the rights of third parties,
especially privacy and intellectual property.



All news, data and information published on the Website are the property of
TraceParts and/or third parties. Such information may not be disclosed without
prior consent, irrespective of whether in hard copy or electronic form.

Users may only use the Data for the purposes of computer-aided design or viewing
data. Unless Users have received prior written consent from TraceParts, they may
not: i) distribute the Data as part of an external service, or ii) copy or post
the Data on a website, or iii) distribute the Data on any storage medium
whatsoever, or iv) use the Data with the aim of competing with the Website

In particular, Users agree to not use the Website service to:

 * 1. Download, publish or transmit in any manner whatsoever data or content
   that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, criminal,
   defamatory, vulgar, obscene, privacy-invasive, odious or reprehensible on
   racial, ethical or other grounds.
 * 2. Harm minors in any way whatsoever.
 * 3. Impersonate another person or entity, or submit misleading or false
   declarations concerning the Supplier’s affiliation with a person or entity.
 * 4. Falsify the headers or manipulate the identifiers in any other way for the
   purpose of concealing the origin of any Data sent via the service.
 * 5. Download, publish or transmit in any manner whatsoever any content
   infringing any patent, registered trademark, trade secret, copyright or other
   exclusive rights of any party.
 * 6. Download, publish or transmit in any manner whatsoever any form of
   unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, unwelcome
   publicity, unwanted mail or any other form of solicitation.
 * 7. Download, publish or transmit in any manner whatsoever any material
   containing computer viruses or any other code, file or computer program
   designed to interrupt, destroy or restrict the normal use of any software,
   computer hardware or telecommunications devices.
 * 8. Impede or interrupt the Website service or the servers or networks
   connected to the Website service, or violate any conditions, procedures,
   policies or regulations governing the networks associated with the Website
 * 9. Harass another user in any manner whatsoever.
 * 10. Compile or store personal data about other users.
 * 11. Use the Site as a storage location for remote loading purposes or as a
   gateway to another homepage within or outside the Website.



TraceParts makes its best to keep high quality Content. However, feedback,
comments, replies, references, miscellaneous material and data available via the
services reflect the views only of his author.

Under no circumstances, this content is endorsed by TraceParts.

Besides, all this information is rated as non-confidential unless the User said

The user is obliged, to inform TraceParts immediately of any abuse of the usage





This Privacy Policy sets forth the principles and guidelines governing the
protection of the Personal Data (as defined below) collected by TraceParts
concerning the Users.

Personal data means any information that may result in the identification of an
individual. Non-Personal data means any information that does not result in the
identification on an individual.

The use of the Website and any personal data the User provides on it are subject
to the terms of this Privacy Policy and those Terms of Use.



The User is not obliged to register on the Website, unless he wants to access to
all services at any time.
To this end, he undertakes to provide complete, truthful and accurate
information on his identity, position and company, that he should update if

In order to facilitate and validate the registration of the User, TraceParts
will send him a password giving access to all services.

Each user account must be used only by the person who has registered with his
name and his email address. None other user is authorized to use a user account
which is not his.



TraceParts undertakes automated processing of the Users’ Personal Data in
accordance with the EU GDPR.

The User provides personal information on a voluntary basis. It can include:

 * Reference Data: which are provided directly by the User:

– Personal information
Last name, surname, email address
– Professional information
Position, service, sector, number of employees, company address, CAD system

This information is collected to help TraceParts to tailor its Website, to
enhance its solutions and to communicate with the User.

 * Automatic Data: the moment the user visits the Website, TraceParts received
   information such as IP address, emails delivery receipts and read receipts,
   connexions, email address, password, computer, local time zone, operating
   system, page views
 * Data gathered from the User interactions with the Website: when searching for
   products, saving or commenting models, the User generates data, collected by
 * Any other Data as may be relevant for the purposes listed below.

The Users’ Personal Data collected by TraceParts comes from:

 * Voluntary registration of an email address for receiving newsletters
 * Entering Personal data during the registration on the Platform
 * Data provided by navigation via cookies

As mentioned above, TraceParts can collect Personal Data online but also offline
(e.g., via a business card voluntarily given to a TraceParts employee) and this
Privacy Policy is applicable regardless of the means of collection.



Personal Data is generally collected to carry out the business of TraceParts,
such as improving marketing and advertising efforts, better tailoring Website’s
features and services and, better meeting customers’ needs and complying with
reporting requirements.

Personal data can be used to:

 * Enable the User to request information
 * Allow the User to open and maintain an account

Besides, by providing his email address, the User authorises TraceParts to send
him messages for commercial or marketing purpose (such as newsletters), but also
for administrative purpose.

Furthermore, TraceParts may use cookies which collect or store Personal Data to
improve services (full presentation below).



Cookies are small pieces of information or text that are issued to the User’s
computer when he visits a website and are used to store or track information
about his use of the site.
TraceParts may use cookies or other technologies which may collect or store
personal data to improve services for the user through, for example:

 * Enabling a service to recognize user’s device so he does not have to give the
   same information several times during one task
 * Recognizing that user may already have given information in a form so he does
   not need to do it for every form
 * Measuring how many people are using services, so they can be made easier to
   use and there’s enough capacity to ensure they are fast
 * Analyzing data to help TraceParts understand how people interact with the
   website so TraceParts can improve it

TraceParts uses two types of cookies: permanent cookies and temporary cookies.
Temporary cookies exist only during the User session and expire when the User
logs off from the platform whereas permanent cookies are files that stay in
order to be used during subsequent visits

TraceParts uses different types of cookies:

 * Session cookies: whom determine whether the User has visited the Website
   before and hence without requiring his user name and password once again
 * Statistics cookies: whom analyse data to help TraceParts understand how
   people interact with services so the Company can make them better and whom
   Measure the number of people using the Website

Google Analytics
TraceParts uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google,
Inc. (“Google”) who helps the Company analyse how Users use the site (as
mentioned above).

The information generated by the cookie about the interactions of the User with
the Website (including his IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by
Google on servers in the United States.

Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating the use of the
Website, compiling reports on website activity for TraceParts and providing
other services relating to website activity and internet usage.

Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do
so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s
behalf. If so, Google will not associate the User’s IP address with any other
data held by Google.

Acceptance of cookies
By continuing to use the site in consideration of the above, the User expressly
authorizes TraceParts to use such cookies.
The User can also configure his browser software to refuse all cookies; if he
does so, some areas and features of the site may not function properly and/or
User may not access some parts or services of the site.



TraceParts web pages use the measurement procedure provided by INFOnline GmbH to
measure statistical parameters relating to the use of our site. The reason for
collecting these user metrics is to statistically measure the number of visits
to our website, the number of visitors and their surfing behaviour using a
standardised procedure to allow values to be collected that are comparable
across the market.
Follow this link to read the extensive Terms & Conditions about INFOnline Web
Data Protection Declaration.



Processing of Personal Data includes using, storing, recording, transferring,
adapting, summarizing, amending, reporting, sharing and destroying Personal Data
as necessary under the circumstances or as otherwise required by law.

All Personal Data that will have been collected by TraceParts will be stored for
the entire duration of the contractual relationship, starting with the creation
of a User account. Data will be then kept for archival purposes.



Users have the right to access, amend, correct and delete personal data held
about them. Users may exercise this right at any time by contacting:

 * TraceParts S.A.S.
   Data Protection Officer (DPO)
   Parc Eco Normandie – 76430 Saint Romain – France.
 * By e-mail:
 * Via

The request must be accompanied with a copy of a valid identity document and
will be processed within two months of receipt.
Users are recalled that unreasonable request may be punished by law.

In certain cases, the User may exercise his rights directly:

 * Via his account
 * By preventing cookies from being saved on his computer



TraceParts undertakes to ensure the protection and security of Personal Data
that the User chooses to communicate, in order to ensure the confidentiality of
his Personal Data and prevent them from being distorted, damaged, destroyed or
disclosed to unauthorized parties.

TraceParts maintains reasonable physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards
to protect Personal Data from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure,
modification, and destruction.
However, while TraceParts tries to protect Users’ Personal Data, in light of the
inevitable risks of data transmission over the Internet, the Company cannot
guarantee full protection against any error occurring during the course of
Personal Data transmission that is beyond its reasonable control.

Since Personal Data may be confidential, access is limited to employees and
contractors, of TraceParts who have a need to know such data in carrying out
their tasks. All the people who have access to Personal Data are bound by a duty
of confidentiality and subject to disciplinary actions and/or other sanctions if
they fail to meet these obligations.

The User is responsible for the confidentiality of his password and information
appearing on his account.



TraceParts may disclose information to third parties such as:

 * Affiliated companies: companies controlled by TraceParts S.A or subsidiaries.
   Those companies, being also subject to this Privacy policy, can access Users
   Personal Data
 * Partner companies: companies not controlled by TraceParts but with whom it
   collaborates closely. These companies may send offers to selected Users via
   their registered email address. If Users do not wish to receive such offers,
   they can modify they profile accordingly.
 * Promotions: TraceParts may send offers from other companies to selected
   Users. In such cases, TraceParts will not release any identifiable personal
   If the User does not wish to receive such offers, he can modify his profile

TraceParts may disclose Personal Data to third parties if it considers that such
disclosure is necessary for technical reasons (such as hosting services by a
third party) or to protect the Company’s legal interests.
Therefore, by accessing such content, the User consents to TraceParts sending
his Personal Data to the content owner and acknowledges that this Data will be
processed by the content owner in accordance with its own privacy policy.

TraceParts may also disclose such personal information if required by law or if
it believes in good faith that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply
with legal process, or protect the rights, property, or personal safety of
TraceParts, its customers, or the public.

These transfers may be transmitted by any method that TraceParts considers
appropriate and in accordance with applicable law.
Furthermore, TraceParts can share via TraceParts Analytics Personal Data with
Part Vendor whose content is consulted by Users. Indeed, all actions carried out
on the objects in the Website are stored in the database and allow an analysis
or various uses to be published as statistics.

It allows the Part Vendors to see trends in real time from their Part
Vendor page or see the full reporting with various reports, and giving them
access to Users for their commercial follow-up. Therefore, by accessing such
content, the User consents to TraceParts sending his Personal Data to Part
Vendors and acknowledges that this Data will be processed by them in accordance
with their own privacy policies.



TraceParts provides links to websites operated by other parties as a convenience
to the User. However, TraceParts does not monitor nor control their content and
assumes no responsibility or liability of any kind concerning their protection
of Personal Data.

The User can share a link to TraceParts Website on social networks such as
“Google +”, “YouTube”, “Facebook”, “Twitter”, “LinkedIn”, “Pinterest” or
“Tumbler”, via sharing buttons. By clicking on these sharing buttons, a link is
established to the personal profile of the User, at his own risk.



For any additional question concerning the Privacy Policy or his Personal Data,
User may contact TraceParts via



TraceParts may, in its sole discretion and without prior notice, remove or
disable the User’s access to the Website if it is made aware of data that may be
: (i) libelous, obscene, excessively violent, scandalous, defamatory, or that
TraceParts determines to be otherwise unacceptable, undesirable, or
objectionable, (ii) a violation of any law, regulation, or rights of a third
party, including, but not limited to, rights under the copyright law and
prohibitions on libel, slander, and invasion of privacy, or (iii) a violation of
the Acceptable Use Policy set forth herein.



The User agrees that any notification made under the present General Terms and
Conditions of Use should be submitted by non-coded emails. This applies
particularly to e-mails that may contain confidential data about the User.

The User also accepts that all personal data, collected at the time of
registration or at any other time, may be used by TraceParts and possibly by its
partners for the operation of the services offered (creation of directories and
commercial prospecting), in compliance with the legislation in force.

Users are informed that suppliers of products or services listed on the Site
only receive data concerning Users who have downloaded data from these products
or services.



TraceParts reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of this
contract at any time. Therefore, the User is advised to regularly consult the
latest version of this Policy.



These Terms and Conditions comply with French Law.
Assignment of jurisdiction in case of dispute and failing to resolve it in good
faith between the parties, shall be to the competent law courts of Le Havre

Last update: March 17, 2021

A question? Contact Us!
TraceParts S.A.S.
Parc Eco Normandie
76430 Saint Romain
+33(0)232 794 426
About TraceParts

TraceParts is a leading 3D digital content provider for Engineering, Design,
Purchasing, Manufacturing and Maintenance processes & operations.

TraceParts offers digital marketing services to help part vendors, 3D printing
suppliers, software and computer hardware vendors promote their products and
services and generate high-quality B2B sales leads.

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