www.gergely-szabo.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://www.gergely-szabo.com/
Effective URL: https://www.gergely-szabo.com/
Submission: On November 21 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: sentMessage

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Text Content

Gergely Szabo Menu
 * About
 * Social
 * Media
 * Gallery
 * Contact
 * Other
   * TeamSpeak Server
   * Trading

Gergely Szabo
CS:GO Trader - Developer
Entrepreneur - Husband - Lifelong Learner

Gergely Szabo, July of 2017
Weißsee, High Tauern, Austria



Hi there! My name is Gergely Szabo also known as "GeRy" by many. I am a
professional CS:GO trader.

I am the owner and lead developer of the CSGO Trader browser extension . I also
used to make YouTube videos about CS:GO trading.

This website was created because of my fascination with technology and so you
can find out more about me in an interactive way. All the photos are shot by
either me, my family or friends, enjoy!






Being a huge fan and consumer of film I opened up my IMDb profile , where you
can check out what I watch, want to watch and all kinds of detailed statistics
about my viewing and rating habits. I could write an essay on my methodology of
rating movies, but my most basic rule is if I think a movie was "worth watching"
I give it a rating of 6 or higher, below that are "time wasters".


YouTube videos are the part of my everyday life. At the time of writing I am
subscribed to 70 channels. The topics of these channels varies from workout to
rocket science with, music, comedy, science and tech in between. Some of my
favourites are FitnessFAQs , SmarterEveryDay and Jonna Jinton .

I used to make my own videos and do live streams as well, they are about CS:GO
trading. I don't make videos anymore but they are still available so take a look
if you are interested.


My music listening habits justify a monthly fee for a subscription service, I
consider it one of the best values all around. I listen to lots of film scores,
rock, pop, classical, 80s retro, some electric. I have been using Google Play
Music since 2013, used Spotify for a while and now Apple Music. You can see what
I listen to on my Apple Music profile. You should also be able to follow me.


I don't listen to nearly as many audiobooks as I used to, but I catalog every
book I read (khm.. listen to) in my Goodreads library . Favourite topics include
history, biography, business, finance, technology, science, politics and
philosophy. So mostly everything non-fiction. I can wholeheartedly recommend
goodreads, it is an awesome way to manage your readings, explore new authors or
stay motivated with a reading challenge !





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Mastodon is a decentralized social media platform. Unlike FB and others it's not
controled by a single entity. Anyone can setup their own server and join the
Fediverse via a protocol called ActivityPub, or sign up to an existing server.
Since the servers are connected and I am being a geek I decided to host my own
server at mstdn.gergely-szabo.com/@gery. Mine is a single user server, sign ups
are disabled.

If you already have an account elsewhere you can search for
gery@mstdn.gergely-szabo.com and hopefully you will find me and give me a
follow. I don't post a whole lot but I reboost interesting stuff from others,
may it be related to the war in Ukraine, information security, internet trends,
etc. I am hoping it will become more popular and I can use it as my primary




Twitter is definitely the social media platform that I spend the most time on. I
have a split personality there, I only really tweet about my trading extension
and CS:GO trading related topics. However I follow a diverse group of people who
tweet about the war in Ukraine, national security, information security,
privacy, free speach, etc. I also keep track of other CS:GO traders, sites,
events through Twitter.
Since Elon took over, I try limiting the time I spend browsing Twitter, I really
don't like the direction it's going with the algorithm taking a more and more
central role, resctriction of third party applications, etc.
My DMs are open if you want to contact me for business or trading, feel free to
follow me! You can find me @gergelyszabo94




I am on Instagram since mid 2018 and usually post travel photos when I go on an
adventure with my wife. I find Instram to be a good way of keeping track of what
your friends are up to. Sometimes when I have a few minutes idling I let the
algorithm show me some reels that usually end up being about dogs, furniture or
attractive women. Give me @gergelyszabo94 a follow if you are interested!




I have been active on reddit for about 10 years now, naturally I joined dozens
of communties over the years. The topics I follow include: world news,
technology, finance, war, space, automotive, dicussions. I check it at least
twice a day, or when I have a few minures to procrastinate. You can find my
profile here.




Facebook. Everyone is on it, most use it, some are addicted to it. I am not very
active, I mostly use it to keep contact with family, occasionally you can find
me posting travel pics. I am linking to it for verification too. I am being
impersonated on FB and they suck at dealing with impersonation. This way you
know not to trust anyone claiming to be me that is not this account. I don't
have any other FB accounts.

I only accept friend request from people I actually know, so there is no point
in adding me if you don't know me! Messages from strangers also remain unseen.
If you must contact me please use other methods.




I don't really use it since I became self-emloyed, but I needed something to
complete the second row of social icons so it looks nice and pleases my OCD. You
can check what kind of work I have done before I went all-in on trading.



Budapest, Hungary




The site was created by me using a modified open source Bootstrap theme created
by Start Bootstrap, refactored to use Astro and it hosted serverlessly on AWS.

Copyright © Gergely Szabo 2023