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                          <td><span class="a-color-price a-text-bold">$130.05</span></td>
                          <td><span class="a-color-price a-text-bold">$95.51</span></td>
                          <td><span class="a-color-price a-text-bold">$79.98</span></td>
                          <td><span class="a-color-price a-text-bold">$129.95</span></td>
                          <td><span class="a-color-price a-text-bold">$115.99</span></td>
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                          <td style="width:160px"><span>$71.87</span></td>
                          <td style="width:160px"><span>$43.79</span></td>
                          <td style="width:160px"><span>$56.58</span></td>
                          <td style="width:160px"><span>$52.20</span></td>
                          <td style="width:160px"><span>$74.81</span></td>
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                          <td class="_export-alternative-card-desktop_style_export_alternative_table_first_label_col__ivoXZ" role="rowheader"><span class="a-text-bold a-nowrap"> Total Estimated Cost</span></td>
                          <td><span class="a-text-bold">$201.92</span></td>
                          <td><span class="a-text-bold">$139.30</span></td>
                          <td><span class="a-text-bold">$136.56</span></td>
                          <td><span class="a-text-bold">$182.15</span></td>
                          <td><span class="a-text-bold">$190.80</span></td>
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                {"addSuccess":"Successfully added tag to registry","addFailure":"Was not able to add tag to registry","removeSuccess":"Successfully removed tag from registry","removeFailure":"Was not able to remove tag from registry"}</script>
              <script type="a-state" data-a-state="{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;registryInfo&quot;}">{}</script>
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                      <div class="gr-tag-modal-header-main gr-text gr-text--medium gr-text--bold"> Create gift tags </div>
                      <div class="gr-tag-modal-header-sub gr-text gr-text--base"> Gift tags group items on your list. Make it easy for guests to find a gift, create tags to group items however you choose - name, room, item type, color, etc. </div>
                    <div class="gr-tag-modal-create">
                      <form id="gr-tag-modal-create-form">
                        <label class="gr-tag-modal-create-label gr-text gr-text--base" for="gr-tag-modal-name-input"> Enter a gift tag name </label>
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                            class="gr-tag-modal-create-button gr-btn gr-text gr-text--medium"> Create a gift tag </button>
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                              <div class="a-alert-content"> You have reached the maximum of 15 gift tags. Please remove one and try again. </div>
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                              <div class="a-alert-content"> The input you entered is invalid, please try again. </div>
                    <!--TagList is ajaxed in -->
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                    <div class="gr-gift-tag-privacy-notification">
                      <div class="gr-gift-tag-privacy-notification-text"> Gift Tags can be seen by anyone viewing your gift list. </div>
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                    <div class="gr-text gr-text--medium gr-text--bold"> Are you sure you want to delete the gift tag <span class="gr-tag-modal-delete-this-tag"></span>? </div>
                    <div class="gr-text gr-text--medium"> Any items on your gift list with this gift tag will become untagged. </div>
                  <div class="gr-tag-modal-delete-flow-buttons gr-text gr-text--medium">
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                    <button type="submit" class="gr-btn gr-tag-modal-delete-flow-button-desktop gr-tag-modal-delete-confirm"> Yes, delete <span class="gr-tag-modal-delete-this-button"></span> </button>
        <div id="agr-gift-tag-display-error" class="aok-hidden">
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            <h3 class="a-color-error">Sorry, there was a problem.</h3> <span>There was an error in retrieving your gitf tags. Please try again.</span>
        <script type="a-state" data-a-state="{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;modal-view-gift-tags-state&quot;}">
          {"giftTagModalHeaderText":"Add to","addToGiftListModalHeaderText":"Add to Gift List","addToHGLModalHeaderText":"Add to Gift List","giftTagErrorBoxId":"agr-gift-tag-display-error"}</script>
      <script type="a-state" data-a-state="{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;modal-add-to-registry-dropdown-state&quot;}">
        {"customModalHeader":"Add to Custom Gift List","weddingEnabled":false,"babyEnabled":false,"birthdayModalHeader":"Add to Birthday Gift List","registryDropdownId":"add-to-registry-dropdown","addToRegistryModalHeaderText":"Add to Registry","registryDropdownCreateRegistryTemplateId":"agr-registry-dropdown-create-registry-template","weddingModalHeader":"Add To Wedding Registry","oneClickDropdownSubmitId":"add-to-registry-one-click-dropdown","sessionId":"146-4537178-4551268","ggrEnabled":true,"registryDropdownItemTemplateId":"agr-registry-dropdown-item-template","token":"g4Fs0fPGb06LS3zK6OFPWsY+TqsRDz/kOMgDQau6gyRaAAAAAQAAAABme4k5cmF3AAAAAHwdT4nVe/7bAgWrl/a6ow==","isItemFullySelected":true,"hasGenericRegistry":false,"registryDropdownSpinnerId":"agr-registry-dropdown-spinner","showOneClickSplitDropdown":false,"cglBglPetsGiftTagEnabled":false,"registryDropdownErrorBoxId":"agr-registry-dropdown-error","internationalGiftTaggingEnabled":false,"petModalHeader":"Add to Pet Gift List","registryStringId":"Add to Wedding Registry","userSignedIn":false,"holidayModalHeader":"Add to Holiday Gift List"}
      <style type="text/css">
        .registry-button-width {
          width: 100%;
          margin-left: ;
          margin-right: ;

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          margin-bottom: 0;

<form id="gr-tag-modal-create-form">
  <label class="gr-tag-modal-create-label gr-text gr-text--base" for="gr-tag-modal-name-input"> Enter a gift tag name </label>
  <div class="gr-tag-modal-create-stripe">
    <input type="text" maxlength="100" id="gr-tag-modal-name-input" placeholder="Enter a name" class="a-input-text gr-tag-modal-create-stripe-input gr-text gr-text--base"> <button type="submit"
      class="gr-tag-modal-create-button gr-btn gr-text gr-text--medium"> Create a gift tag </button>
  <div class="gr-tag-modal-create-alert">
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      <div class="a-box-inner a-alert-container"><i class="a-icon a-icon-alert"></i>
        <div class="a-alert-content"> You have reached the maximum of 15 gift tags. Please remove one and try again. </div>
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Color: Natural
Size: Train Set

 * MADE OF WOOD: Premium, sustainable materials are used to craft this train
   table. Colorful illustrated graphics adorn the tabletop. It includes train
   cars but is also compatible with other major wooden train brands so kids can
   mix and match favorites.
 * COMPLETE TOWN: Set up the mountain village in different configurations each
   time with the included 120 pieces of track, cars, buildings, trees and signs.
   Trains connect securely by magnets.
 * MULTIPLE PLAY AREAS: There's a helicopter landing pad, an airport runway, a
   suspension bridge, waterfall tunnel, turnaround track and more—room for more
   than one kid to play.
 * WORKING CRANE: This wooden train set has a real working crane that can hook
   block and raise and lower them with a simple turn of the knob.
 * EASY CLEANUP: Three bins hidden beneath the table can be used to store
   pieces. Slide bins back under, and the table is clear for free play.

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    Boats, and Accessories for Boys and Girls by Hey! Play!
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 3. maxim enterprise, inc. 62 Pc Wooden Train Set with Activity Table & Storage
    Bin, Wood Train Track, Over Under Bridge, Engine & Car, and Other Railway
    Accessories, Compatible with All Major Brands
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 2. Amazon Basics Kids Wooden Educational Activity Learning Cube Toy, Gift for
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 3. Teamson Kids Train Table Set with 85 Pieces, Preschool Play Lab Activity
    Table with Wooden Trains, Cars, Railroad, Town Scenery, & More for Kids &
    Toddlers, Wood Color
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    6-Pieces Diecast Vehicles & 16 Accessories, Multicolor, Medium
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 5. maxim enterprise, inc. 62 Pc Wooden Train Set with Activity Table & Storage
    Bin, Wood Train Track, Over Under Bridge, Engine & Car, and Other Railway
    Accessories, Compatible with All Major Brands
    4.1 out of 5 stars 120
    $56.58 shipping
    Only 17 left in stock (more on the way).
 6. KRAND Kid's Multi-Purpose Activity Play Table with 60 Big Building Bricks
    and 30-Piece Wooden Train Set for Toddlers(Big-peg Baseplate Version)
    4.7 out of 5 stars 7
    Get it as soon as Monday, Jul 8
    $52.20 shipping

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Product Dimensions 48.75 x 34.4 x 16 inches Item Weight 3.52 ounces ASIN
B000KEPCQI Item model number 17850 Manufacturer recommended age 36 months - 3
years Best Sellers Rank #17,309 in Toys & Games (See Top 100 in Toys & Games)
#29 in Toy Train Sets
Customer Reviews
4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 5,246 ratings

4.5 out of 5 stars Is Discontinued By Manufacturer No Release date November 2,
2020 Department Furniture Manufacturer KidKraft


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KidKraft 17850 Waterfall Mountain Wooden Train Set & Table with 120 Pieces, 3
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The KidKraft Waterfall Mountain Train Table Set is the perfect toy for little
conductors and big imaginations. With 120 colorful wooden pieces, your child
will love the adventure of pushing the train around and through a gentle
waterfall and over a suspension bridge. A crane lifts and lowers cargo onto the
train and a helicopter soars over the town with blades spinning, just like real
life! When playtime is over and it is time to clean up, the whole set fits into
convenient removable storage bins to keep the space free of clutter. The indoor
furniture table is carefully crafted for safety, and to provide endless hours of
creative fun and promotes social and interactive play.






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 1. Giant bean Battery Operated Action Locomotive (Magnetic Connection) Train
    Set for Wooden Train Tracks, Powerful Engine Compatible with Thomas, Brio,
    Chuggington Wooden Train Tracks, Toys for 3+
    4.4 out of 5 stars 764
    Get it as soon as Friday, Jul 5
    $9.64 shipping
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    Products with trusted sustainability certification(s). Learn more
    The Forest Stewardship Council certified products support responsible
    forestry, helping keep forests healthy for future generations.

 2. Jay Franco Thomas & Friends Rail Run 4 Piece Toddler Bed Set - Includes
    Comforter & Sheet Set Bedding - Super Soft Fade Resistant Microfiber
    (Official Mattel Product)
    4.7 out of 5 stars 15,402
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    Products with trusted sustainability certification(s). Learn more
    OEKO-TEX STANDARD 100 requires textiles-based products to be tested against
    a list of 1,000+ chemicals, to limit those which may be harmful to human
    health. Certification focus: #ProductSafety and #ChemicalsUsed.

 3. Giant bean 72PCS Wooden Train Tracks & Trains, Gift Packed Toy Railway Kits
    for Kids, Toddler Boys and Girls 3,4,5 Years Old and Up
    4.5 out of 5 stars 640
    Get it as soon as Friday, Jul 5
    $17.20 shipping
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    Products with trusted sustainability certification(s). Learn more
    The Forest Stewardship Council certified products support responsible
    forestry, helping keep forests healthy for future generations.

 4. Giant bean 12PCS Vehicles Battery Operated Train Car Set Accessories,
    Magnetic Mini Construction Set for Wooden Train Track, Bulk Car Toys for
    Toddlers 3 4 5 Year Boys Girls Kids, Fits for Most Brands
    4.4 out of 5 stars 1,028
    10% off
    Limited time deal
    List: $26.99
    Get it as soon as Friday, Jul 5
    $11.50 shipping
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    Products with trusted sustainability certification(s). Learn more
    The Forest Stewardship Council certified products support responsible
    forestry, helping keep forests healthy for future generations.

 5. BRIO World 33887 Lift & Load Warehouse Set | 32 Piece Kids Train Toy Set
    with Wooden Tracks and Accessories | Interactive Design | FSC Certified Wood
    | for Ages 3 and Up
    4.5 out of 5 stars 1,125
    $30.81 shipping
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    The Forest Stewardship Council certified products support responsible
    forestry, helping keep forests healthy for future generations.

 6. BRIO World - 33754 Magnetic Bell Signal | Premium Toy Train Set Accessory
    for Kids | Interactive & Fun | Compatible with All BRIO Sets | Certified
    Sustainable Wood | for Ages 3 and Up
    4.6 out of 5 stars 5,678
    $9.03 shipping
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 1. Kipipol
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    KipiPol Wooden Train Sets for Boys 2-4-7 – 38 Pcs Wood Train Set for
    Toddlers w/Crane, Bridge & Wooden Train Tracks – Train Toys for 3 Year Old
    Boys & Girls – Fits Thomas Brio IKEA Melissa and Doug
    4.6 out of 5 stars(2,390)
 2. gisgfim
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    gisgfim 3 Pieces Train Tablecloths Plastic Train Birthday Party Supplies
    Train Party Decorations Disposable Table Cover for Boy Birthday Baby Shower
    4.6 out of 5 stars(11)
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    Train Set for Christmas Tree, Updated Large Remote Control Electric Train
    Toy for Boys Girls w/Smokes, Lights & Sound, Railway Kits w/Steam Locomotive
    Engine, for 2 3 4 5 6 7 8+ Year Old Kids
    4.1 out of 5 stars(708)
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    BRICK STORY Train Building Toys, Classic Steam Train, Creator Locomotive
    Model, Retro City Train Set, Creative Construction Brick for Kids Boys 6-12
    246 Pieces
    4.4 out of 5 stars(184)
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    Wooden Train Accessories Battery Operated Locomotive Train, Remote Control
    Train for Track Set, Powerful Engine Train Vehicles Fit All Major Brands
    Track Railway System (Battery Not Included)
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Customers like the design, entertainment value, and value of the toy vehicle
set. For example, they mention it's incredibly nice, beautiful, and worth the
price. Some are satisfied with ease of assembly. That said, opinions are mixed
on parts, quality, and size.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Ease of assemblyDesignValueEntertainment valueQualityPartsSizeAlignment
373 customers mention277 positive96 negative

Customers find the toy vehicle set easy to put together with simple
instructions. They also appreciate the expertly delivered product.

"...It has a lot of pieces but was fairly easy to put together and is still
standing strong even after my three-year-old twins' daily playing, which is..."
Read more

"...It put together easily and the elevated bits are well-designed to keep the
tracks together instead of falling apart like the M&D and Thomas ones do...."
Read more

"...they send out whatever replacements you need, no questions, no hassles, and
you receive these expertly packed new pieces within just a couple..." Read more

"...-year-old loves the waterfall feature, although the upper portion is a bit
difficult to attach...." Read more

283 customers mention244 positive39 negative

Customers like the design of the toy vehicle set. They say it's incredibly nice,
beautiful, and well designed. Some mention that the elevated bits are well
designed to keep the tracks together. Overall, most are happy with the design
and quality of the product.

"...It put together easily and the elevated bits are well-designed to keep the
tracks together instead of falling apart like the M&D and Thomas ones do...."
Read more

"...answer the phone after a couple of rings - but all of them are incredibly
nice and knowledgeable...." Read more

"...includes a number of trees and traffic signs as well as some nice wooden
people with fairly detailed features painted on them..." Read more

"Some pieces of the track could be made a little better. It’s a cute train set
though." Read more

249 customers mention249 positive0 negative

Customers appreciate the value of the toy vehicle set. They say it's worth the
price, and the best intersection of cost and quality available. Some customers
say that the generic version is cheaper, but at the expense of quality and

"...It is a more expensive toy but it has been extremely well-worth it for us
and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone...." Read more

"...whistles from other sets to go with it - but overall it is truly worth the
money. Thank you KidKraft!" Read more

"...I would say for the price it is worth the purchase, but the trains are
fairly basic...." Read more

"...Overall, this toy is well worth the investment and I'm sure that you and
your little engineer will be absorbed into hours and hours of educational..."
Read more

157 customers mention157 positive0 negative

Customers find the toy vehicle set fun for kids. They say it provides hours of
entertainment, keeps them entertained, and is a great little play set for
toddlers. Customers also say it has nice pieces and plenty of opportunity for
creative play. Overall, they say it's a cool idea for a kids toy.

"...recommend this table set for young children because it will keep them so
busy and even adults will have fun playing with their kids with it!" Read more

"...The train set is overall fun for the kids and they tinker with it for hours.
There are lots and lots of little pieces to play with...." Read more

"...It provides hours of fun for both of us (since there are small pieces I play
with him so that I can supervise)...." Read more

"...box cars together (good small motor actions), and they are age appropriate
for him...." Read more

625 customers mention348 positive277 negative

Customers are mixed about the quality of the toy vehicle set. Some mention it's
very sturdy and well-made, while others say that it'd be a better choice for
climber kids. The graphics on the play board surface seem pretty delicate.

"...has a lot of pieces but was fairly easy to put together and is still
standing strong even after my three-year-old twins' daily playing, which is..."
Read more

"...I would say for the price it is worth the purchase, but the trains are
fairly basic...." Read more

"...This does come in natural, not honey as one reviewer stated. It is very
sturdy and screws together with very long, very fat screws that screw into a..."
Read more

"...crane; under table drawers which hold everything; nice assortment of well
made tracks...." Read more

203 customers mention122 positive81 negative

Customers have mixed opinions about the parts of the toy vehicle set. Some find
it has a lot of pieces and accessories that will keep the kids busy for hours,
while others say it has 2 small pieces that were missing. Some customers also
report that the bridge was missing a piece.

"...This set comes with a lot of pieces and I've included a couple pictures of
the table so you can see what it looks like...." Read more

"...Additional parts cannot be purchased, only replaced if damaged or
missing...." Read more

"...4. This set also comes with a nice collection of vehicles: a train set with
removable shipping containers that the crane can lift off the freight..." Read

"...There are lots and lots of little pieces to play with. I would say for the
price it is worth the purchase, but the trains are fairly basic...." Read more

134 customers mention83 positive51 negative

Customers are mixed about the size of the toy vehicle set. Some mention it's
large enough that both their children are able to play independently, it takes
up a lot of space, and leaves enough room for their son's wooden Thomas train
caddy under. However, others say that the bins are way too small and the set
takes up too much floor space.

"...My kids are both about 37 inches tall and this table is a great size for
them. They can stand or sit and use it...." Read more

"...The red bridge is just a little too narrow sometimes (especially with trains
carrying "people") - but can be modified to be wider with..." Read more

"...They also leave enough room for my son's wooden Thomas train caddy under the
table as well...." Read more

"...It not only features a very large play area but also has three very large
drawers for storage of the many engines in one's collection...." Read more

136 customers mention14 positive122 negative

Customers are dissatisfied with the alignment of the toy vehicle set. They
mention that the tracks don't line up perfectly, the train barely aligns on the
track, and the road image on the table doesn't match up nicely. They also say
that the track pieces don't fit together very tightly, and that the bottom
scenery doesn'' align with the track at all.

"...The only issue I've come across is that sometimes the tracks and roads don't
match up nicely...." Read more

"...It doesn't match the printed landscape on the table...." Read more

"...7. Some of the wooden track pieces fit together kinda tightly...." Read more

"...commented- the wood toy structures need to be assembled and some fit rather
loose. However a little wood glue will take care of the issue...." Read more

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One of the Best Purchases We've Made for Our Twins!
We purchased this train table for our three-year-old son for Christmas because,
like all little boys, he loves trains and cars. We searched on here for
something he could use for a long time and thought this would be worth
purchasing since he's a very busy boy and there are quite a few activities to do
with this table alone. When he opened this table set and my husband started
putting it together, our son could barely contain his excitement! He absolutely
couldn't wait to get his little hands on this set and it's a good thing my
husband is very handy and was able to put the table and all of the little pieces
and structures together within a couple hours so our son could start playing
with it right away. This set comes with a lot of pieces and I've included a
couple pictures of the table so you can see what it looks like.The table itself
measures 48 3/4&#34; by 32 1/2&#34; by 15&#34; and is made out of sturdy wood.
The board included is two pieces and has colorful pictures of grass, rocks,
roads, and water. It comes with a lot of wooden track pieces and some are arched
so the track isn't just flat. This set also comes with a helipad, helicopter,
small airport runway that consists of four puzzle pieces, a plane, a plastic
mountain with a waterfall, a bridge, a turntable that really works, a crane, and
small wooden pieces made to look like a hospital, police station, fire station,
and gas station. The hospital, police station, fire station, and gas station are
small pieces of wood painted to look like the buildings rather than actual
three-dimensional buildings. This set also comes with little wooden people,
wooden trees, street signs, a boat, and a couple cars and trains. It does not
come with many trains though so you will probably want to purchase some. We
bought Orbrium Toys 12 Pcs Wooden Engines & Train Cars Collection Compatible
with Thomas Wooden Railway, Brio, Chuggington which work perfectly with this
set. We also have a number of the Thomas and Friends wooden trains such as
Fisher-Price Thomas the Train Wooden Railway Thomas and Fisher-Price Thomas the
Train Wooden Railway James Engine which are compatible with the wooden tracks in
this set. We've also purchased some of the trains from local stores that cost a
couple dollars each and they work with this set. There are also wooden beams you
put underneath the table that hold three plastic bins for storing all of these
pieces.We have had this set for almost five months now and my son continues to
use it every day. It's one of his favorite toys and it has been such a good
investment for us! Even his twin sister uses it and it's a lot of fun to watch
them play together with it (when they are actually getting along which is rare).
My kids are both about 37 inches tall and this table is a great size for them.
They can stand or sit and use it. As they get taller, they can either sit on the
floor or pull up chairs to use the table. I've even sat down on the floor and
played with the table with them so kids of all ages can definitely benefit from
this table set.The only issue I've come across is that sometimes the tracks and
roads don't match up nicely. For instance, because of the way the track pieces
are shaped they run across the roads and there aren't a lot of configurations
but, for the most part, the tracks work nicely with the pictures on the board.
My twins don't really care at this point but they may in the future and perhaps
we can remove pieces of the track so it looks a bit more realistic. It works
great for us right now and as long as our kids are happy, we are happy!If you
have a little one who loves trains and cars, this table set will provide them
HOURS of entertainment (plus it will give you a few minutes of peace and quiet,
or at least no screaming)! My kids love this set and I'm glad they are able to
both enjoy it. I know they will use it for years to come which is good
considering the price. It is a more expensive toy but it has been extremely
well-worth it for us and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone. It has a
lot of pieces but was fairly easy to put together and is still standing strong
even after my three-year-old twins' daily playing, which is saying something! If
anything happens that changes my opinion of this product, I will update this
review. I highly recommend this table set for young children because it will
keep them so busy and even adults will have fun playing with their kids with it!


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5.0 out of 5 stars Great deal
Reviewed in the United States on July 16, 2017
Color: NaturalSize: Train SetVerified Purchase
I had this on a list for a while and a few days ago noticed it was on sale for
45% off. To beat that, there was also a warehouse item available for 60% off. At
the orignal price, I was willing to say we didn't need it as we're already
cramped for space in our narrow townhouse. But at the discounted price, even my
husband was like "heck yeah!" So this is like an early Christmas gift for our
2.5 year old boy. He always gravitates towards the train sets at other people's
houses so this was a win. He is already using the pieces for imaginative play
and adding his other toys to the mix.

Assembly was super easy. There's only 8 pieces to the table plus 3 plastic bins.
Less then 30 min with two of us. The train set assembly took another 30. Its
really eaten up a lot of floor room so be prepared to sacrafice some space for
it if your real estate is scarce.

There were some very minor cosmetic flaws to our table but once assembled, you
don't even notice it. Also
one minor section that was pre-screwed and glued on to support the surface was
cracked during assembly from over-tightening of screws, but it didn't effect the
overall integrity so we gave that a pass.

The surface is flippable- from picture to plain wood laminate surface. I can see
this being an excellent lego or hobby table when he outgrows the train. Our
public library has a similar table (smaller) and they used a protective
plexiglass to cover the surface.

Yes- like some other reviewers have commented- the wood toy structures need to
be assembled and some fit rather loose. However a little wood glue will take
care of the issue. My boy also requested I add sirens and a star logo to the
police car and firetruck which I happily obliged with some adhesive paper.
Overall, The quality is as expected and we are satisfied. Its no Pottery Barn,
but if you are looking for quality, I think you should be looking at a train set
sold separately from table. I should point out that my son is fairly gentle with
his toys and I absolutely do not allow table climbing in the house. While the
table is fairly sturdy for what its meant for, I wouldn't trust it to hold up a
child jumping or standing on it.

I've bought a few Amazon warehouse deals now, and honestly if you are just
buying for yourself, it really is worth taking a chance on. Most of the time it
is just the outer packaging that has been damaged.

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8 people found this helpful
Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Perfect
Reviewed in the United States on June 11, 2024
Color: NaturalSize: Train SetVerified Purchase
What a great product! I’m often disappointed with the quality of children’s
toys, but this one made me very happy. Went together very easily and I enjoyed
setting it up as much as the grandkids have been playing with it! I highly
recommend it!

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Erik Horbacz
3.0 out of 5 stars Very cute but the trains that come with it don’t work
Reviewed in the United States on June 23, 2024
Color: NaturalSize: Train SetVerified Purchase
Adorable and easy to assemble but the trains that come with it aren’t great so
you’ll need to find a small one that will fit in the tunnels

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Jill Bryant
5.0 out of 5 stars Grandson loves it!
Reviewed in the United States on April 27, 2024
Color: NaturalSize: Train SetVerified Purchase
Some pieces of the track could be made a little better. It’s a cute train set

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Rachael R.
4.0 out of 5 stars Decent train set with minor annoyances.
Reviewed in the United States on December 26, 2023
Color: NaturalSize: Train SetVerified Purchase
This set is pretty easy to assemble and comes with a lot of fun additional
pieces to decorate your table. The only complaints I have are that the train
does not stay on the track very well, especially under the tunnel where it isn’t
super easy to get the train out again for adult hands. Also, the printed road
does not line up with the train track after it has all been assembled, not a big
deal for the kiddos but my ocd wished it all lined up properly. Overall it was a
good buy.

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One person found this helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars My 3yr old loves it
Reviewed in the United States on December 25, 2023
Color: NaturalSize: Train SetVerified Purchase
Pros: Perfect gift for my 3yr old. Easy to assemble and has all the train
accessories that you might want for the table. I bought it for a good discount
while on sale.

Cons: some of the wood pieces had nicks and scrapes (likely from shipping) and
we are missing some of the pieces listed in the instructions. For example, we
have the tree trunks but are missing the tops of all the trees. I would still
recommend the table.

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4.0 out of 5 stars My 3yr old loves it
Reviewed in the United States on December 25, 2023
Pros: Perfect gift for my 3yr old. Easy to assemble and has all the train
accessories that you might want for the table. I bought it for a good discount
while on sale.

Cons: some of the wood pieces had nicks and scrapes (likely from shipping) and
we are missing some of the pieces listed in the instructions. For example, we
have the tree trunks but are missing the tops of all the trees. I would still
recommend the table.

Images in this review

One person found this helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Awesome train set!
Reviewed in the United States on December 29, 2023
Color: NaturalSize: Train SetVerified Purchase
It was easy to put together. The wood was very thin but makes it easier to move.
Some of the signs have broken already so that's why I gave 4 stars. Great value
for the money

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4.0 out of 5 stars Great train table with storage bins
Reviewed in the United States on August 8, 2020
Color: NaturalSize: Train SetVerified Purchase
I removed a star right of the bat, because Amazon delivered my package 2 blocks
away to the wrong address. Luckily for me it was to an honest person house. Well
actually they didn't know the table was there, the person brought an envelope
with a book, and being that I knew both was delivered together, I ask to tag
along to look for my table. Luckily I drove, because the box was big and heavy.

Anyway my brother build the table with no complaints. So I can't speak on how
time consuming it was or wasn't.

The table as I realized right of the gate, my 2 year old was using his bubble
gun and spray bubble solution on table and it started to peel. So water or
liquid is a no good.

Also it's a strong table to hold a 45 pounds 2 year old sitting on it.

The storage holder on the bottom wish the wood was not so flexible because he
has alot of extra tracks and train etc..and the 3 storage containers filled..the
wood below to hold will break..I have to box box below the containers to hold
the weight up to lightened the load for the flexi wood.

I read a review that the table colors will fade and peel, which I notice from it
chipped and how she uses finishing gloss or something to spray to keep color
..so I did that also..only thing is I had the table and tracks up already so had
to remove everything to do..I will have to retouched it again also..

My son definitely plays with this table every single day since he received
it..and that was a few months ago,the ending of ,May 2020. I got this table for
139$ deal!! Because now August 8 , 2020 it's selling for 189$😁😩 so lucky me
unless someone else gotten their for cheaper.
Definitely a great buy for children that loves VEHICLES ALL TYPES AND TRAIN LIKE

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4.0 out of 5 stars Great train table with storage bins
Reviewed in the United States on August 8, 2020
I removed a star right of the bat, because Amazon delivered my package 2 blocks
away to the wrong address. Luckily for me it was to an honest person house. Well
actually they didn't know the table was there, the person brought an envelope
with a book, and being that I knew both was delivered together, I ask to tag
along to look for my table. Luckily I drove, because the box was big and heavy.

Anyway my brother build the table with no complaints. So I can't speak on how
time consuming it was or wasn't.

The table as I realized right of the gate, my 2 year old was using his bubble
gun and spray bubble solution on table and it started to peel. So water or
liquid is a no good.

Also it's a strong table to hold a 45 pounds 2 year old sitting on it.

The storage holder on the bottom wish the wood was not so flexible because he
has alot of extra tracks and train etc..and the 3 storage containers filled..the
wood below to hold will break..I have to box box below the containers to hold
the weight up to lightened the load for the flexi wood.

I read a review that the table colors will fade and peel, which I notice from it
chipped and how she uses finishing gloss or something to spray to keep color
..so I did that also..only thing is I had the table and tracks up already so had
to remove everything to do..I will have to retouched it again also..

My son definitely plays with this table every single day since he received
it..and that was a few months ago,the ending of ,May 2020. I got this table for
139$ deal!! Because now August 8 , 2020 it's selling for 189$😁😩 so lucky me
unless someone else gotten their for cheaper.
Definitely a great buy for children that loves VEHICLES ALL TYPES AND TRAIN LIKE

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3 people found this helpful


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5.0 out of 5 stars Excelente y buena calidad
Reviewed in Mexico on August 31, 2023
Color: NaturalSize: Train SetVerified Purchase
A mi hijo le encantó es de buen tamaño y lo entretiene mucho lo único es que si
es laborioso de armar hay que tomarse su tiempo

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Laura S.
5.0 out of 5 stars Great table
Reviewed in Canada on August 21, 2023
Color: NaturalSize: Train SetVerified Purchase
Kids love this table. The train never stays well on the up and down on the
tracks.. if it’s toted along by hand all the time it obviously will stay on
track but if it’s let go down hill it just falls off the track in a heap.
The table has def stood up well! The kids have still enjoyed building and
rearranging the tracks… great development skill… I love my purchase and I think
it was reasonable priced

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Client d'Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars Circuit de train en bois
Reviewed in Belgium on December 27, 2023
Color: NaturalSize: Train SetVerified Purchase
Table en bois avec petit train avion bateau très ludique et très attrayant pour
les enfants .Montage très facile .

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Client d'Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars Circuit de train en bois
Reviewed in Belgium on December 27, 2023
Table en bois avec petit train avion bateau très ludique et très attrayant pour
les enfants .Montage très facile .

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Ruesche Laura
5.0 out of 5 stars Très bien
Reviewed in France on November 8, 2022
Color: NaturalSize: Train SetVerified Purchase
Cette table de train est juste magnifique elle est très solide très facile à
monter et faire beaucoup d'imagination on peut changer le type de circuit des
petits bonhommes sont en bois cependant tout ce qui est panneau peut-il en page
jour quand elles sont en plastique les voitures les maisons sont aussi en bois
idéal pour un enfant les petites caisses de rangement sont par contre petite et
un peu trop en biais ce qui fait qu'on ne peut pas en mettre beaucoup dedans
mais autrement je la recommande elle est super les enfants s'amusent très bien
avec elle peut créer beaucoup d'histoires même en apportant d'autres jouets
extérieurs dedans elle est très jolie et elle design plutôt pas mal

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Cliente Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars Grande y bonito
Reviewed in Spain on January 15, 2020
Color: NaturalSize: Train SetVerified Purchase
Me encanta. Se ve que es de buena calidad y es muy grande. El montaje es un poco
entretenido pero facil y viene explicado de manera sencilla. Aparte trae tres 3
cajones de plasticos donde poder guardar los accesorios. Esta muy chulo , lo
compre para mi hijo de 3 años pero se que lo disfrutaria mas si fuera un poco
mas mayor.

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Cliente Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars Grande y bonito
Reviewed in Spain on January 15, 2020
Me encanta. Se ve que es de buena calidad y es muy grande. El montaje es un poco
entretenido pero facil y viene explicado de manera sencilla. Aparte trae tres 3
cajones de plasticos donde poder guardar los accesorios. Esta muy chulo , lo
compre para mi hijo de 3 años pero se que lo disfrutaria mas si fuera un poco
mas mayor.

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