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Submitted URL: https://trk.klclick3.com/ls/click?upn=qPCTu68VfUGKnyqHj5cO45JHm1Bd-2F51BEmzLiPHYYJTlQcxZNMJyuE9BHBfaE-2F9ESDfCy7-2BjqiHKV...
Effective URL: https://www.wilko.com/en-uk/login
Submission: On July 26 via manual from GB — Scanned from GB

Form analysis 7 forms found in the DOM

Name: search_form_SearchBoxGET /en-uk/search/

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   Garden Buildings
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    * Sheds
    * Greenhouses
    * Garden Storage
    * Summer Houses
    * Garden Arches, Arbours & Pergolas
    * Canopies & Awnings
    * View All Garden Buildings
   Fencing, Decking & Landscaping
    * View All Fencing, Decking & Landscaping
    * Garden Fencing
    * Garden Trellis
    * Garden Screening
    * Lawn & Garden Edging
    * Raised Beds
    * Decorative Stones, Aggregates & Chippings
    * Artificial Grass
    * Decking
    * View All Fencing, Decking & Landscaping
   Garden Tidy
   Plant Care
    * View All Plant Care
    * Compost & Soil
    * Plant Food & Fertilisers
    * Plant Pots & Planters
    * Garden Canes & Plant Support
    * View All Plant Care
   Plant Pots & Planters
    * View All Plant Pots & Planters
    * Plant Pots
    * Plant Pot Saucers
    * Hanging Baskets
    * Raised Beds
    * Potting Benches
    * Garden Planters
    * Plant Stands
    * Decorative Plant Pots
    * View All Plant Pots & Planters
   Garden Furniture
    * View All Garden Furniture
    * Garden Tables & Chairs
    * Garden Lounge Sets
    * Garden Seating
    * Garden Tables
    * Gazebos
    * Garden Parasols
    * Parasol Bases
    * Footstools
    * Lazy Susans
    * Garden Furniture Covers
    * View All Garden Furniture
   Lawn Care
    * View All Lawn Care
    * Grass Seed
    * Lawn Feed
    * Weed Killer
    * Lawn Repair
    * Watering
    * View All Lawn Care
   Plants, Seeds & Bulbs
    * View All Plants, Seeds & Bulbs
    * Seeds & Bulbs
    * Seed Trays & Propagators
    * Garden on a Roll
    * Shrubs & Trees
    * Fruit & Trees
    * Growing Kits
    * View All Plants, Seeds & Bulbs
   Outdoor Cooking
    * View All Outdoor Cooking
    * Charcoal BBQs
    * Gas BBQs
    * Pizza Ovens
    * Kettle BBQs
    * Masonry BBQs
    * Smoker BBQs
    * BBQ Accessories
    * BBQ Covers
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   Exterior Paint
    * View All Exterior Paint
    * Masonry Paint
    * Garden Furniture Paint
    * Fence Paint
    * View All Exterior Paint
   Garden Hand Tools & Equipment
    * View All Garden Hand Tools & Equipment
    * Garden Hand Tools
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    * Pruning & Cutting Tools
    * Garden Rakes
    * Wheelbarrows
    * Gardening Clothing
    * Garden Bags
    * Garden Trolleys
    * View All Garden Hand Tools & Equipment
   Garden Power Tools
    * View All Garden Power Tools
    * Lawn Mowers
    * Grass Trimmers
    * Garden Vacuums & Leaf Blowers
    * Hedge Trimmers
    * Pressure Washers
    * Chainsaws
    * Tillers
    * Garden Shredders
    * Log Splitters
    * View All Garden Power Tools
   Garden Decorations
    * View All Garden Decorations
    * Garden Ornaments
    * Decorative Plant Pots
    * Garden Water Features
    * Garden Mirrors
    * Garden & Outdoor Clocks
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    * View All Wildlife
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    * Wild Bird Feeders
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   Outdoor Heating
   Pest Control
   Outdoor Lights
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   Decorating Tools & Accessories
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   Ironmongery & Home Security
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    * Interior Wood Treatments
    * Fence Paint
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    * View All Plumbing
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   Building Supplies
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 * Home
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   Heating & Cooling
    * View All Heating & Cooling
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    * Electric Heaters
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    * View All Bedding
    * Duvet Covers & Sets
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    * Pillow Cases
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    * Electric Blankets
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    * Towels
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    * Bathroom Storage
    * Toilet Seats
    * Laundry Baskets
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   Home Furnishings
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    * Cushions
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    * Rugs
    * Curtains
    * Blinds
    * Curtain Poles, Rails & Fixings
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   Lighting & Lightbulbs
    * View All Lighting & Lightbulbs
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    * Lamp Shades
    * Table Lamps
    * Floor Lamps
    * Desk Lamps
    * Pendant Lights
    * Light Bulbs
    * LED Light Bulbs
    * Outdoor Lights
    * View All Lighting & Lightbulbs
   Home Accessories
    * View All Home Accessories
    * Photo Frames
    * Mirrors
    * Clocks
    * Vases
    * Ornaments
    * Artificial Flowers & Plants
    * Indoor Plant Pots
    * Candles & Home Fragrance
    * Wall Art & Prints
    * Indoor Plants
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   Home Security & Safety
 * Storage
   View All Storage
   Small Storage
    * View All Small Storage
    * Storage Boxes
    * Storage Baskets & Hampers
    * Ottomans Storage
    * Over Door Storage
    * Storage Bags
    * Food Storage & Organising
    * Bathroom Storage
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    * Desk Storage
    * Cable Management & Accessories
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   Storage Units
    * View All Storage Units
    * Bookcases & Bookshelves
    * Cube Storage
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    * Console Tables
    * Trolleys
    * Bathroom Cabinets
    * Filing Cabinets
    * Printer Stands
    * View All Storage Units
   Clothing Storage
    * View All Clothing Storage
    * Shoe Storage
    * Clothes Rails
    * Storage Box With Lids
    * Wardrobe Organisers
    * Coat Racks & Stands
    * Clothes Hangers
    * Coat Hooks
    * Underbed Storage
    * Luggage
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    * Wall Mounted & Floating Shelves
    * Bathroom Shelves
    * Shelving Units
   Kids' Storage
    * Toy Storage
   Moving Supplies
    * Cardboard Boxes
    * Sack Trucks
   Garden Storage
    * Garden Storage Boxes
    * Log Stores
    * Bin Stores
    * Garden Trolleys
   Tool Storage
    * View All Tool Storage
    * Shelving Units
    * Tool Trolleys
    * Tool Chests
    * Tool Organisers
    * Tool Boxes
    * Tool Bags
    * Tool Cabinets
    * Storage Crates
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 * Kitchen & Dining
   View All Kitchen & Dining
   Small Kitchen Appliances
    * View All Small Kitchen Appliances
    * Kettles
    * Toasters
    * Coffee Machines
    * Hot Water Dispensers
    * Milk Frothers
    * Microwaves
    * Air Fryers
    * Slow Cookers
    * Mini Ovens
    * Grills
    * Sandwich Makers
    * Party Food Makers
    * Food Steamers
    * Soup Makers
    * Electric Griddles
    * Stand Mixers
    * Blenders
    * Ice Makers & Crushers
    * Food processors
    * Hot Plates
    * Raclettes
    * View All Small Kitchen Appliances
    * Pots & Pans
    * Oven & Roasting
    * Cooking Utensils
   Food Preparation
    * View All Food Preparation
    * Kitchen Utensils
    * Chopping Boards
    * Measuring Jugs & Kitchen Scales
    * Mixing Bowls
    * View All Food Preparation
   Food Storage & Organising
    * View All Food Storage & Organising
    * Food Containers
    * Storage Jars
    * Tea, Coffee & Sugar Canisters
    * Lunch Boxes & Bags
    * Food Boxes
    * Flasks & Travel Mugs
    * Food Bags & Aluminium Foil
    * Water Bottles
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    * View All Tableware
    * Plates, Bowls & Dinner Sets
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    * Salt, pepper & seasoning shakers
    * Teapots
    * Cafetieres
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    * Serving Boards & Trays
    * Serving Bowls & Dishes
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   Baking & Decorating
    * View All Baking & Decorating
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    * Baking Trays, Tins & Cases
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    * Cake Stands & Trays
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   Kitchen Linen
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   Water Jugs & Filters
   Home Brewing
    * Brewing & Wine Making kits
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   Kitchen Storage
   Kitchen Collections
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 * Cleaning & Household
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   Laundry & Ironing
    * View All Laundry & Ironing
    * Laundry Detergents
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    * Irons
    * Ironing Boards & Covers
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    * Clothes Hangers
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   Kitchen Rolls, Toilet Rolls & Tissues
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    * Room Sprays
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   Heating & Cooling
    * View All Heating & Cooling
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   Outdoor Cleaning
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 * Stationery & Office
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   Desk Storage & Filing
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