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      <option value="KG">Kyrgyzstan</option>
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      <option value="LS">Lesotho</option>
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      <option value="MS">Montserrat</option>
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      <option value="MK">North Macedonia</option>
      <option value="MP">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
      <option value="NO">Norway</option>
      <option value="OM">Oman</option>
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      <option value="PA">Panama</option>
      <option value="PG">Papua New Guinea</option>
      <option value="PY">Paraguay</option>
      <option value="PE">Peru</option>
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      <option value="SH">Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha</option>
      <option value="KN">Saint Kitts and Nevis</option>
      <option value="LC">Saint Lucia</option>
      <option value="MF">Saint Martin (French part)</option>
      <option value="PM">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</option>
      <option value="VC">Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option>
      <option value="WS">Samoa</option>
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      <option value="ST">Sao Tome and Principe</option>
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Bringing you reliable, traditional Islamic knowledge taught by qualified
scholars worldwide, completely free of charge.


Structured Learning. At Your Own Pace.
With Qualified Scholars. Completely Free.


Structured Learning. At Your Own Pace.
With Qualified Scholars. Completely Free.


A five-level Curriculum designed by renowned scholars to nurture conviction and
establish a sound understanding of the Islamic Sciences.



An extensive Arabic language curriculum with nine levels from Beginner to
Advanced. Transform your relationship with the Quran by learning Arabic grammar,
vocabulary, Arabic compositions, and poetry.



A complete Tafsir of the Quran and an analysis of the key themes of the Quran.
The curriculum systematically covers everything: from the need for revelation to
the wisdom of the Divine Laws.



A structured path of learning with relatable and trained teachers. The courses
cover all that is essential for sound beliefs and practice.



Living guidance on a wide range of Islamic topics in a convenient, downloadable

QuranProphetic GuidanceSpiritualityIslamic EtiquetteBeliefs (Aqida)Family &
MarriageHealth & WellbeingIslamic ActivismIslamic Law (Fiqh)LogicRamadanIslamic
All CategoriesQuranProphetic GuidanceSpiritualityIslamic EtiquetteBeliefs
(Aqida)Family & MarriageHealth & WellbeingIslamic ActivismIslamic Law
(Fiqh)LogicRamadanIslamic History

English Courses دورات بالعربية On-Demand Courses Ramadan Courses


Join us for this special seminar on the greatest Companions.  The ten Companions
promised Paradise by Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلّم) are highly revered
figures in Islam. They include Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Talha, Zubair, Abdur

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Step into the world of virtue and inspiration with Shaykh Faraz Rabbani in
"Exploring Virtues: Nurturing Love of the Prophet (peace & blessings be upon
him)." This special event for children is designed to deepen their understanding
of the Pr ...

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Understanding the nuances of parenting young Muslim children is essential for
fostering a generation deeply rooted in love for Allah & His Messenger (peace &
blessings be upon him).  Parents can cultivate a nurturing environment that ...

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هذه الدورة في المستوى المتوسط الأعلى من مستويات تعلم اللغة العربية، تتيح لمن أتم
تعلم الدورات السابقة في المستوى المتوسط متابعة تطوير لغته العربية في جميع
المهارات اللغوية، تدور الموضوعات حول أهمية النوم والحديث عنه والحكايات
والطرف.تتضمّن هذه ال ...

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Growing up as young Muslims, we are constantly bombarded by often contradictory
messages on what it means to practice our religion. Knowledge offers clarity on
what sound Muslim practice looks like, giving you the confidence to uphold your
convic ...

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Muslims stand before their Lord five times every day to devote themselves, for a
few minutes, to the purpose of their existence: to worship their Lord. This
takes its form in the ritual prayer, of which recitation of the Quran is an
obligatory el ...

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Close the year with our Monthly Burda Circle closing session, in which we recite
and seek understanding of the beautiful closing chapters of the Mantle Adorned:
Imam Busiri.Chapter Nine and Ten: The Prophet’s Intercession and Closing Call to
Alla ...

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Join us as we look at the Prophet’s love and care for children in this Seekers
Kids Session with Ustadh Mustafa Azzawi (munshid), and Shaykh Faraz
Rabbani.Ustadh Mustafa will share songs (nasheed) that inspire children and
uplift them in their lo ...

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In this session of the Revival Circle, we look at Book 22 of Imam Ghazali’s
Ihya’ Ulum al-Din (The Revival of the Sciences of Religion), on “Disciplining
the Self and the Refinement of Character.”

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The "Loving the Prophet through Song" course for children offers a unique and
engaging journey into the world of Imam Busiri's Qasidah Burda, a poetic
masterpiece dedicated to expressing profound love and admiration for the Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh ...

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This course offers an in-depth exploration of Palestine's rich and sacred
history, its significance in Islamic tradition, and the challenges it faced in
the 20th century. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the land's
blessedness, it ...

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”Allah has not sent me as a stern rebuker. Rather, He has sent me as a teacher
and facilitator,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).In this
course, we will look at the Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) as The
Greatest Teacher ...

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This course will cover the basics of what all Muslims must know in order to live
their lives believing correctly. This includes the attributes of Allah Most
High, the attributes of the prophets (peace and blessings be upon them all),
transmitted ...

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هذه الدورة في المستوى المتوسط الأعلى من مستويات تعلم اللغة العربية، تتيح لمن أتم
تعلم المستويات المتوسطة الوسطىمتابعة تطوير لغته العربية في جميع المهارات
اللغوية، تدور الموضوعات المساواة الإسلامية بين النا وعن الرفق بالحيوان في
الإسلام.تتضمّن هذه ...

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Learn how to pray with presence of heart with Allah, according to the call of
the Quranic call to, “Establish prayer for My remembrance,” [Quran, 20:14]. In
this course, we cover one of the greatest classical texts on praying with
excellence ...

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The Ajrumiyya is the first step in the formal study of Arabic grammar (nahw) for
students of the Arabic language. It is a blessed and beneficial text, taught for
centuries across the Muslim world. It has hundreds of commentaries. It is a
short an ...

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This third step in our Online Learning Arabic program teaches the student to
speak about food and drink and the Muslim prayer in Arabic, covering chapters

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Why do we believe in Allah? In a secular, increasingly disbelieving age, many
wonder about this. Islam gives us clear proofs for why we believe—and this
belief has purpose, meaning, and beautiful fruits for individuals and all
creation.In this se ...

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This course in our Online Arabic learning program focuses on specific topics of
everyday life (Interest in health and entertainment). This course is to be taken
after completing the Second course at the Upper Intermediate level within the
beginne ...

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In a rapidly changing world, parenting challenges have taken on new dimensions,
requiring a comprehensive understanding of traditional wisdom and modern
realities. The "Parenting - Navigating the Stormy Seas of the Modern World"
seminar offered b ...

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This engaging course invites children and their families to explore the profound
relationship between Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the sacred land of
Palestine. Led by Ustadh Mustafa Azzawi and Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, this Seekers
Kids ...

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Over a couple of sessions on The Mantle of Beauty, the world-famous Nasheed
artist sings Qasida Burda in inspiring and uplifting styles.Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
has explained the key meanings of this great poem—which has over 100 scholarly
commentari ...

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This course is designed to introduce students to the principles and practices of
Shafi‘i fiqh, using the widely recognized text Safinat al-Naja by Shaykh Samir
Salim ibn al-Hadrami. The course suits beginners interested in learning about
Islami ...

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This is a Level Three course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. This course is
based on the Kanz al-Daqa’iq of Imam ‘Abdullah ibn Ahmad ibn Mahmud al-Nasafi.
The Kanz is one of the most important and influential works in the Hanafi school

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Shaykh Abd al Ghani al Maydani’s commentary is one of the best written on the
Mukhtasar of Imam Ahmad ibn Muhammad al Quduri. It is the perfect entry point to
the more detailed texts of the Hanafi school and is taught as a Level Three
SeekersGuid ...

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This is a Level Three course in Islamic Law (fiqh) in which Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
covers the “Meeting of the Oceans” (Multaqa al-Abhur) by Imam Ibrahim al-Halabi
(d. 956 AH). This is one of the most commented-upon texts, for good reason - as
it ga ...

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How does one revive one’s religion and relationship with Allah Most High? In
this critical class, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and Shaykh Abdullah Misra summarize
the teachings of Imam Ghazali’s masterpiece of Islamic knowledge and spiritual
guidance, Re ...

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This course covers Imam Birgivi’s al-Tariqa al-Muhammadiyya, one of the great
manuals on practical spirituality and operationalization of following the way of
our beloved Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace). This course analyzes
the “f ...

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This is the sixth course in Qur’anic Understanding Certificate. Studying and
understanding the Qur’an is just as important as reciting and memorising it.
This beneficial general-level course encourages us to recite the Qur’an and
reflect on it. ...

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This is the fourth course in Qur’anic Understanding Certificate. Revelation is
the only form of communication humanity can receive from God. This beneficial
general-level course looks at the fundamentals of what Revelation is, its means,
its the ...

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This is the second course in the Qur’anic Understanding Certificate.  This
course looks at some verses that contain key rulings of the Qur’an that are
commonly misunderstood or misinterpreted. It demonstrates their coherence and
suitability ...

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هذه الدورة في المستوى المتقدم الأدنى من مستويات تعلم اللغة العربية، تتيح لمن أتم
تعلم المستوى المتوسط متابعة تطوير لغته العربية في جميع المهارات اللغوية، تدور
الموضوعات حول العلاقة بين الآباء والأبناء، وأهمية الماء.تتضمّن هذه الدورة فهم
الطالب له ...

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This is the 13th course in our Online Learning Arabic program, where we teach
about the world being a global village and the importance of cleanliness and
hygiene. This course covers chapters 9 & 10 of the second volume of our

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هذه الدورة في المستوى المتوسط الأوسط من مستويات تعلم اللغة العربية، تركز على
موضوعات حول يوم في حياة ناشئ، أقلياتنا في العالم . من خلال تعلم الطالب الحوارات
والجمل لهذه الموضوعات، وبعض القواعد النحوية، والتدريب على ممارسة كتابة موضوعات
تعبيرية، و ...

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تنتظم هذه الدورة في المرحلة الأولى من المستوى الخامس من مستويات تعليم اللغة
العربية للناطقين بغيرها، وستدرس الدورة وحدتين تعليميتين، نتعلم من خلالهما معظم
المصطلحات والتعبيرات التي تتحدث عن مواضيع الطاقة والمعجزة الخالدة، من خلال دروس
مركزة ومنوع ...

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ہذھ الدورة في المستوى المتقدم الأدنى من مستويات تعلم اللغة العربية، تتيحُ لمن
أتمَّ تعلُّمَ المستوى المتوسطِ الأعلى متابعةَ تعلُّمِ اللغة العربية بشكل أكثرَ
عُمقًا وتميزًا ،و ستقومُ هذه الدورةُ على المناقشةِ وإبداءِ الرأيِ في موضوعاتِ 
الأمث ...

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Tribulations, whether they affect us as individuals or as an umma, can push us
to the limit of what we can endure. It is at that time that people need a firm
grasp of why they happen, and what their purpose is. Islam teaches us that
everythi ...

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هذه الدورة في المستوى المتوسط الأوسط من مستويات تعلم اللغة العربية، تركز على
موضوعات حول يوم في حياة ناشئ، أقلياتنا في العالم . من خلال تعلم الطالب الحوارات
والجمل لهذه الموضوعات، وبعض القواعد النحوية، والتدريب على ممارسة كتابة موضوعات
تعبيرية، و ...

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تنتظم هذه الدورة في المرحلة الثانية من المستوى الخامس من مستويات تعليم اللغة
العربية للناطقين بغيرها، وستدرس الدورة وحدتين كاملتين نتعلم من خلالهما معظم
المصطلحات والتعبيرات التي تتحدث عن موضوعي التلوث والطاقة من خلال دروس مركزة
ومنوعة الطرح والت ...

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Join Shaykh Ali Hani and Shaykh Faraz Rabbani in this enlightening course as
they delve into the key concepts of religion, revelation, and the truth claim of
Islam. Gain a deeper understanding of the Quran and its miraculous nature as the
true re ...

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هذه الدورة في المستوى المتوسط الأعلى من مستويات تعلم اللغة العربية، تركز على
موضوعات حول السنة النبوية، والأطفال والقراءة، وهجرة العقول. من خلال تعلم الطالب
الحوارات والجمل لهذه الموضوعات، وبعض القواعد النحوية، والتدريب على ممارسة كتابة
موض ...

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This thought provoking and insightful intermediate (Level Two) course in Islamic
Legal Theory is for anyone seeking to gain an appreciation of how Islamic Law
works. Imam Juwayni, author of the Waarqat was an imam (i.e., someone who is ...

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This first step in our Online Learning Arabic program teaches the student how to
greet and speak about family in Arabic.

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This eighth step in our Online Arabic learning program focuses on specific
topics of everyday life. This 302 course is to be taken after completing (101,
102, 103, 201,202, 203 and 301). The 300 series is the Upper course within the
beginne ...

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هذه الدورة في المستوى المتوسط من مستويات تعلم اللغة العربية ، دورة: 401 ، تتيح
لمن أتم تعلم المستويات المبتدئة متابعة تعلم اللغة العربية بشكل أكثر ممارسة
وعمقا. يركز المستوى 401 على موضوعات محددة في الحياة الاجتماعية والثقافية ، يج

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What are the fruits of seeking Islamic knowledge? How do you structure your
studies? Where should you begin? What are the keys to successful study? This
course thoroughly explains what to study, how to study, and why we study. Shaykh
Faraz ...

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This course is suitable for beginners in morphology, who want to use it to
understand the Quran and Sunnah. The author of the book is the erudite scholar,
Shaykh Al-Azhari Haroun Abdul Raziq, one of the prominent scholars of the late n

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Who is Allah, and how do we know about Him; connect with Him; and draw closer to
Him? The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) promised Paradise
and Eternal Closeness to Allah through learning about Allah’s Names. He said,
“Indeed ...

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Lubb Al-Usul is traditionally considered as an intermediate to advanced level of
study, and has, therefore, been included in our level three curriculum. Shaykh
Al-Islam Zakariyya al-Ansari was a leading Islamic scholar of the 15th century,
who ...

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In this important study, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani reads Imam Bajuri’s Hashiya on
Imam Laqani’s famous poem, Jawharat al-Tawhid. Imam Laqani’s poem covers
mainstream Islamic beliefs about Allah Most High, His messengers (peace be upon
them), and the H ...

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This beneficial On-Demand course will give you a roadmap for a transformative
Ramadan. First streamed during the lockdown of 2020, the course remains a
beneficial refresher by providing practical, applicable tips and strategies on
how one can pre ...

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This is a general reminder series in Ramadan. It will improve your understanding
of Ramadan and the higher aims of fasting and reflection. It addresses many
issues related to social life, beliefs, spiritual remedies, and practical soluti

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Every day in Ramadan, we will go through a verse from the Quran that you read in
your daily recitation or you will hear in Tarawih prayer. These selected verses
address the most critical issues of belief. They clear our doubts, increase our
faith ...

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This course looks at a manual of spiritual counsels, The Firm Grasp (al-‘Urwa
al-Wathiqa) by Imam Bahraq. This is a beautiful poem in 44 lines on the path of
turning to Allah, living with mindfulness of Allah (taqwa), and beautifying
one’s heart– ...

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“But no! In fact, you love this fleeting world, and neglect the Hereafter.”
[Quran, 75:20-21) Truly, man has embraced his fleeting desires and worldliness
today more than ever before, so what can be done? What should be done? This imp

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This is a Level Two course in the Youth Curriculum. The author Imam Abdallah
Ibn-Alawi Al-Haddad (d. 1720), lived at Tarim in the Hadramaut valley between
Yemen and Oman and is widely held to have been the ‘renewer’ of the twelfth
Islamic ...

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This is a Level Three course based on the text Reliance of the Traveller and
Tools of the Worshipper. This course covers the chapters on Contract Law and
Commercial Law taught by Shaykh Muhammad Carr. The entire text is co-taught with
Shaykh Irsh ...

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This course is beneficial to all students. Shaykh Khalil al-Nahlawi (d.
1350/1931) was a Hanafi jurist. His book, al-Durar al-Mubaha, reflects the
integrity for which he was known as well as his real-world experience as a
prominent merchan ...

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The Strong Believer is a short course for young Muslims who want Healthy Bodies,
Minds, and Souls. This course is aimed at helping Muslims aged 20 years and up
who want to live healthy, strong, active, and wholesome lives while not
compromising t ...

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This course involves a detailed analysis of the life of our beloved Messenger
(peace and blessings be upon him). It is taught at a General Level, allowing for
easy comprehension of the material. This analysis involves explaining the events
of the ...

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The first migration to Abyssinia was not an easy journey. The Muslims left
behind their loved ones, property, and a familiar homeland to flee to unknown
lands. They sought a place that promised safety, peace, and refuge—a stark
contrast ...

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In these critical lessons, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explores the legal and hadith
methodology of the Hanafi school, through the lens of Imam Kawthari’s important
work, The Fiqh of the People of Iraq and their Hadith (Fiqh Ahl al-`Iraq wa
Hadithuhum). ...

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This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. This course is
based on Nur al-Idah wa Najat al-Arwah (The Light of Clarification and the
Salvation of Souls), an intermediate work on the fiqh of worship. Written by the
erudit ...

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Death—the destroyer of all pleasures—is a guaranteed part of human existence.
Yet, no one is certain about how much time they have in this world. Some leave
as young people, some are taken in middle age, and others as elders. One truth r

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This is an On-Demand course about how to live simply and practice renunciation.
Minimalist lifestyle and decluttering homes have recently become trendy in
society. They're purported to help one focus their attention and lead a more
fulfi ...

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This On-Demand course analyzes Shaykh Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghudda’s book titled,
The Prophet As a Teacher. It explores the teaching methodology of our beloved
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Its goal is to provide the
st ...

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This is a Level Three course in the Youth curriculum. It is based on the book,
The Rights of Parents, by the great West African scholar Shaykh Muhammad Mawlud.
The rights of the parents are from the most important duties of every single
Musli ...

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Coffee can be more than just a caffeine boost in the morning. This On-Demand
Course explains the meaning of life and worship, exploring where coffee fits
into all of this. This course investigates the Islamic perspective on the purpos

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Due to the fast-paced nature of our lives, we may sometimes lose sight of our
purpose in this world and the impending judgment we will face in the hereafter.
Other times, we may erroneously be concerned about when the end of time will be

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This On-Demand course is based on a series of short lessons about the
supplications found in the Qur’an. Allah only enables and guides us to make a
supplication because He wishes to grant us its answer. In essence, we receive
the answer f ...

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By taking this course, students will understand the Islamic methodology of
navigating social and In contemporary times, there are many incorrect notions of
how knowledge ought to be transmitted. This course outlines the traditional Isl

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Belief in Allah is not a mere choice, but rather it is an urgent human need. It
is incumbent upon every Muslim to not only understand what we believe but also
why we believe. By understanding why we believe what we believe, our conviction
increas ...

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Cultivating mindfulness of Allah Most High is a process that every Muslim
struggles with. We spend much time in heedlessness of Allah, lacking
consciousness of His ever-present and enveloping Mercy. This course unpacks the
meanings of Sura al ...

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The words of our beloved Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) are full
of significant lessons that we can benefit from. Among his preserved discourse
was his sermons, particularly his address during the farewell hajj of his
lifetime. ...

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Trodding the path to Allah is a type of war, and its battlefield is the heart.
To win, we must strengthen our army: our soul, and weaken the enemy: our
lower-self and the devil. Knowing one’s enemy is a crucial strategy of war and
is the aim ...

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This thought-provoking and insightful intermediate (Level Two) course in Islamic
Legal Theory is for anyone seeking to gain an appreciation of how Islamic Law
works. Imam Juwayni, author of the Waraqat was an imam (i.e., someone who is
taken a ...

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One's etiquette in social situations is the key foundation to having strong
relationships with other people. This is especially crucial when it comes to the
people who have rights over us, such as friends, family, and neighbors. Our
Prophet (peac ...

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Understanding the Qur’an opens doors to a deeper knowledge of the Religion and a
crucial increase in one’s ability to reflect and focus in the prayer. This
course hopes to aid the student in understanding some of the oft-recited
chapters of the B ...

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This course aims to make guidance practical by looking at the sayings of the
Righteous and their wisdom. It takes the students through many aspects important
to the life of the Muslim, drawing on the insights of the Companions and the
righteous. ...

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This class is based primarily on a famous text that teaches young Muslims how to
control their tongue from that which is unlawful in speech. Identifying and
learning what they are is an individual obligation upon every Muslim. These
include, for ...

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In this engaging series for young children, we give beneficial lessons from the
Shifa of Qadi Iyad at a comprehensive level which young children can understand
and relate to. This great text is by the great scholar of Islam, Qadi Iyad. The

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This course explores the ultimate purpose of human existence: closeness to Allah
Most High. People have varying incorrect notions of what the point of human
existence is, ranging from reincarnation to empty nothingness. By taking this
course, stu ...

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The Islamic faith is not unfamiliar to tests and tribulations. Our Master
Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) endured great trials and sorrow
during his lifetime. The Quran makes reference to dealing with hardship. Many of
us face challeng ...

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This course is an introduction to understanding fasting and zakat, which are the
third and fourth pillars of Islam. Young Muslims will be instructed on all the
necessary matters pertaining to these incredibly important obligations which are
of th ...

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All of the various Islamic Sciences and our very understanding of Islam itself
rely on revelation. The broad ḥadith corpus, along with the Qur'ān, are the two
main sources of that revelation from Allāh (Exalted is He). Understanding the
importanc ...

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The Book of Assistance by the great master Imam Haddad is vital for gaining
spiritual and practical guidance, ultimately forming a balanced understanding of
life. It connects the outward with the inward; carefully guiding us through
pitfalls and ...

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This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. Allah’s guidance
has reached us primarily through words, which are themselves vessels of meaning.
Being people of purpose, the scholars of our great tradition developed principl

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This is a Level Two course in the SeekersGuidance Youth Curriculum.
Understanding the Quran opens doors to a deeper knowledge of the Religion and a
crucial increase in one’s ability to reflect and focus in the prayer. This
course hopes to ...

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It covers the Aphorisms of Imam Haddad, a great 12th-century AH scholar who had
the unique ability to synthesize and simplify the writings of earlier scholars
into works easily accessible for the ordinary Muslims who followed him. This
text i ...

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The first in a series of courses that covers one of the four main primers of the
Hanafi school; Imam Nasafi's Kanz al-Daqa‘iq. It gathers issues from several of
the key works of the school to summarize its issues. The purpose of this class
is to ...

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This is a Level Three course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. This course is a
traditional word-by-word exposition of Imam Bajuri’s commentary on Imam Sanusi's
Umm al-Barahin (The Foundational Proofs), which covers the core beliefs of ...

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This course involves a comprehensive study of the Qur’an, its themes, messages,
rhetorical features and philosophical nuances—all based upon the authoritative
tafsirs of our tradition. It sufficiently equips general audiences and students
of know ...

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This course covers a comprehensive commentary on the five acts of worship
written by one of the authorities of the Hanafi school of law. Allah Most High
says, “I have not created jinn-kind nor mankind for any purpose other than to
worship Me. ...

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Futuwwa is a term that many of us hear in lectures and classes, but don’t have a
full understanding of its true meaning. This course allows for a comprehensive
understanding of the many meanings and consequences that this term has for
Muslims.&nb ...

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This course covers Islamic law, theology, and ethics-related issues that pertain
to animal slaughter and sacrifice. It covers the ethics related to why animal
slaughter and sacrifice is deemed good in Islam, and also covers details about
how to ...

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This seminar begins by clarifying the role and importance of metaphysics in the
philosophy of the natural sciences. It defines and deconstructs the two main
philosophies of the natural sciences that have gained traction in academia. It
then goes ...

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This seminar broadly covers the sciences of logic and dialectic, as well as the
etiquette of reading various works of literature. This is important for anyone
embarking upon studying sacred knowledge because logic and dialectic are tools
that sch ...

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This tafsir is primarily based on a classical and a contemporary work: •
‘‘Tafsir Abi al-Su’ud,” by Shaykh al Islam Abu al-Su’ud al ‘Imadi, the great
Ottoman Judge, Mufti, and Mufassir. This work is authoritative in the science of

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This course concludes the discussion on the latter part of Sura Al ‘Imran, where
the attempts of the People of the Book to avoid submission to God are
criticised. Next, the Believers are told how to benefit from their belief in
Tawhid: though uni ...

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This course concludes the discussion on the latter part of Sura Al ‘Imran, where
the attempts of the People of the Book to avoid submission to God are
criticised. Next, the Believers are told how to benefit from their belief in
Tawhid: though uni ...

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This course concludes Sura al-Baqara by encouraging believers to give charity
and to spendin the way of Allah. To balance this, the harms of Riba (Interest)
are made clear, lest anyone seeks a purely material increase in this life at the
cost of ...

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This course continues the explanation of Sura al Baqara. After exhorting the
believers to not adopt the attitude of Bani Isra’il, Allah now introduces and
expands many laws needed for the benefit of humanity. We are given insight into
the changi ...

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This course explains the introductory suras of the Qur’an. Sura al Fatiha
teaches us how to turn to Allah, why He deserves worship, and how we do so in
the way He wants. Sura al Baqara expands on the theme of guidance present in
Sura al Fatiha. I ...

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In this course, you will cover an abridgment of one of the main works of Islam,
Sahih Bukhari. This course sheds light on key meanings of Prophetic guidance
This course covers Ibn Abi Jamra’s Mukhtasar Sahih Bukhari. This summary
distills one of ...

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This Level Two class explores intermediate Islamic beliefs through a close study
of Imam Sawi’s commentary on Imam Laqqani’s Jawhara al-Tawhid — a poem that
covers mainstream Islamic beliefs about Allah Most High, His messengers (peace
be upon th ...

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In this fascinating course, we gain greater clarity on key concepts of the
Qur’an. This will deepen our understanding of guidance and how to cultivate our
relationship with Allah Most High. This course will deepen our understanding of
th ...

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From childhood, we are often enthralled with great real stories of the past,
with the astounding mystery they bring, from a time period no longer familiar to
people. This especially holds true for the lives of the Prophets of God, as
these extrao ...

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This course covers the famous work - The Shifa - by the great scholar of Islam,
Qadi Iyad. The book discusses the blessed person and life of the Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) from many different vantage points. Along with
this, the author ...

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In this course, Dr. Yusuf Patel reads and reflects on Said Nursi's treatise, A
Message for the Sick. This course provides a spiritual perspective on how to
understand and deal with diseases. Said Nursi is considered to be one of the
last ...

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This course covers 40 hadiths on fasting collected by Shaykh Yusuf al-Nabahani.
This collection focuses on the merits of fasting in general, fasting the month
of Ramadan specifically, and on some of the voluntary fasts recommended
throughout th ...

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This is the fifth course in Qur’anic Understanding Certificate. This course is
based on the works of a number of classical and contemporary scholars. Among
them, Shaykh al Islam Abu Su’ud, the Mufti of the Ottoman Empire in his time.
Concludi ...

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This is the third course in Qur’anic Understanding Certificate.  This course is
based on the works of a number of classical and contemporary scholars. Among
them, Shaykh al Islam Abu Su’ud, the Mufti of the Ottoman Empire in his time. T

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This is the first course in Qur’anic Understanding Certificate.  Students are
able to gain a certificate upon completion of all six courses. It is based on
the works of a number of classical and contemporary scholars. Among them, Shaykh

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This course takes a critical look at what is deemed an innovation in Islam. It
clarifies the definition of innovation and the difference between good and bad
innovations. Then five cases of perceived innovation are considered and
debunked, follow ...

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The course aims to look through the biographies of major Companions, male and
female. Within the course, we will try to extract practical advice and guidance
to apply to our lives. We also hope to instill the love and veneration of the
Companio ...

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In this course, we will reflect and ponder on the wisdom derived from a world
pandemic. Sometimes the most powerful teacher could be life itself. Wisdom can
be gained by deriving lessons from our own experiences in life, especially in th

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Shaykh Faraz Rabbani starts by elucidating the importance of the keys to change
and how to be both conscious of Allah and have true awareness of Him. Having
watchfulness of Allah and self-ccounting are central religious virtues—as they a

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Have you ever wished that you had a better understanding of basic Islamic
history? What happened after the Prophet ﷺ passed from this world, and after the
time of the Rightly Guided Caliphs? Join us for this informative course in which
we will gi ...

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What is the place of green and environmental stewardship in Islam? How does the
Qur’an view concern for the environment? What is your responsibility towards the
environment? Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, Ustadh Amjad Tarsin and the distinguished ...

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Shaykh Faid Mohammed Said offers guidance on upholding one’s faith and nurturing
it. He will equip us with fundamental tools and guidelines to address some of
the main challenges and concerns we as Muslims in the West are encountering. ...

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In this course, the student will study the Risala al-Khushu`iyya of Imam Abu
Sa`id al-Khadimi, a treatise that provides a holistic look at the prayer as an
act of worship centered on presence with, and attachment to, Allah Most High.
“Su ...

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This is a Level Three course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. This is the
first in a series of courses covering Imam Nasafi's Kanz al-Daqa‘iq, one of the
four main primers of the Hanafi school. The Kanz gathers issues from several of
the ...

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Many of our youth are confused and perplexed about the relevance of Islam in the
modern age.Some of the challenging arguments directed at Muslim youth revolve
around the notions of extremism, belligerency, and primitiveness.This class is
meant to ...

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Shaykh Faraz begins by covering the Prophetic encouragement for whoever is able
to do so to get married. However, he also points out that marriage—while
generally praiseworthy—is not obligatory or even always recommended. Shaykh
Faraz hi ...

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This course discusses common aspects of our daily life in the light of the
Sacred law. Guidelines are given shedding light on what is permissible, what is
prohibited, as well as the Prophetic guidance that brings meaning to our lives
facilitating ...

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This course covers the main doctrine taught by scholars for over a thousand
years covering a rich and vast understanding of the faith of the Muslims. It is
offered for the youth in a way that will allow them to develop an understanding
o ...

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This class offers an introduction for the Youth on the concept of hadith or
Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad ( Allah bless him and grant him peace).It is
essential that every Muslim should know the concept and foundations of this
science. The hadi ...

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This is an introductory course to an overview of the Quran. It is tailored for
our Muslim youth, as this course will set the foundations for the book of Allah.
Join us as we delve into the themes of the Quran, how it was revealed, the
manners and ...

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In this course, we will cover the tenets of faith that are obligatory for every
Muslim to know. These tenets include the necessary attributes of Allah Most
High, attributes that are merely possible for Him, and attributes that are
inconceivable f ...

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This is a Level Two Elective course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. It is
based on Imam Mawsili's great primer on Hanafi fiqh, al-Mukhtar, and its
commentary, al-Ikhtiyar li-Ta`lil Masa’il al-Mukhtar. Gain an in-depth
understanding of c ...

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Allah Most High says, “I have not created jinn-kind nor mankind for any purpose
other than to worship Me.” (Qur’an, 51:56) Take this course to increase your
knowledge of the questions that worshippers face in their purity, prayer, and
fasting, al ...

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This is a Level Two elective course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. It is
based on Imam Mawsili's great primer on Hanafi fiqh, al-Mukhtar, and its
commentary, al-Ikhtiyar li-Ta`lil Masa’il al-Mukhtar. This expansive course will
cover al ...

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This is a Level Three course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. This course is
based on the Kanz al-Daqa’iq of Imam Hafidh al-Din al-Nasafi. The Kanz is one of
the most important and influential works in the Hanafi school and is consid ...

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The key to changing your life is restraining your tongue and learning positive,
beneficial speech. In this course, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and Ustadh Amjad Tarsin
explore the guidance of the Quran and Sunna regarding: (1) the importance of
restra ...

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Cover a word-by-word explanation of the Arabic of the Qasida al-Burda, a
much-celebrated poem written in praise of the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant
him peace). The text will be explained from a grammatical, morphological,
rhetorica ...

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“Adab is the reflection of wisdom.” In this course, we will take a journey into
the lush gardens of radiant flowers that grew from the waters of knowledge of
the life-giving Muhammadan springs. Youth will learn what it means to have good
charact ...

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The Shama’il Muhammadiya of Imam Tirmidhi is a collection of 415 narrations
focused on the sublime characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him
and give him peace). The narrations relate to everything from the apparent
beauty ...

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Language is a systematic combination of individual words. These words have
meanings which express what is happening, by whom, when, and how. Knowing how to
recognise and form these words is the scope of the science of Morphology. In
Arab ...

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This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. This course is
based on the Mukhtasar of Imam Quduri, which is one of the most celebrated and
influential treatises in any Muslim school of methodology and is considered the
foundation ...

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This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. It serves to
provide a proper understanding of the Islamic rulings of trade and transactions.
Sound financial transactions are a key to cultivating concern and
God-consciousness ...

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This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. It serves to
provide a proper understanding of the Islamic rulings of worship. In this
course, Shaykh Yusuf Weltch covers the chapters on worship from Imam Quduri’s
Mukhtasar. He reli ...

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This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. It is based on
Imam Haddad’s Book of Assistance. The Book of Assistance by the great spiritual
master Imam Haddad is vital for gaining spiritual and practical guidance that
ulti ...

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This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. In this in-depth
course, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains the essence of Prophetic wisdom and
guidance gathered in Imam Nawawi’s 40 Hadiths. The explanations are provided
using classic ...

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The Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, greatly emphasized
the recital of sura al Kahf and sura al Waqi’a, due to their significance. The
former is a guide to staying safe from the various tribulations we are faced
with in thi ...

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This course covers a practical manual on living the sunna, avoiding the sins of
the limbs and heart, and upholding good character, written by the 12th-century
reviver of the Islamic sciences Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali. This knowledge is
essential ...

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Allah Most High says, “I have not created jinn-kind nor mankind for any purpose
other than to worship Me.” (Qur’an, 51:56) Take this course to get comprehensive
and knowledge-based answers to all of the questions that you are likely to face
in yo ...

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This course is suitable for the student who is at an intermediate level of
Arabic grammar, and who wants to deepen his understanding of the essentials of
Arabic grammar, in order to arrive at the deeper meanings of Arabic, especially
in the Holy ...

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In this course, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and Ustadh Amjad Tarsin address the
identity of the Muslims and the key characteristics of the Prophetic Way. Shaykh
Faraz starts the course by discussing what defines our identity. Our very
creativen ...

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Despite the Prophet’s emphasis on the urgency and reward of adopting, many
Muslims are wary of adoption. Many think that “adoption” is un-Islamic; that
there are “too many issues” arising adopting; or that it is “way too difficult”
to adopt. Shay ...

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The closest relationship a person will ever experience in their lifetime is with
their spouse. In this course, students will learn how to cultivate this union to
the fullest, how to overcome common hurdles, and how to maintain a high degree
of mo ...

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In this course, Sayyid Salim bin Umar bin Hafiz gives an in-depth commentary of
a poem authored by his father Habib Umar bin Hafiz, celebrating the life of our
beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). This short work is
called ...

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The objective of this course is to begin the journey of gaining mastery of the
Fiqh details of the Hanafi school.We define “Mastery” as a thorough
understanding of the text itself, its legal reasoning, and key details."Fiqh" is
deep knowledge, wi ...

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In this course, you will learn the importance of protecting oneself from harmful
speech before critically examining sixty cases of religiously harmful or
dangerous speech, with practical day-to-day applications and references from the
Prophet’s o ...

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This is a middle-level course on Arabic grammar for students who understand the
basic fundamentals of Arabic grammar. Shaykh Muhyi al-Din Abd al- Hamid's Tuhfa
al-Saniyya adds to the skeletal structure of the Ajrumiyyah with essential
details and ...

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Allah Most High says, “I am near – I answer the call of the one who calls upon
me (2:186). Yet, many of us wonder: Are my duas being answered? Is there a
certain dua I have to read for each of my concerns? Do my duas have to be in
Arabic? ...

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What is change? How does change happen? What is the purpose of change? What are
the spiritual and worldly keys to change—for the individual, for groups, for
communities, and for believers? In this first segment, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani expl

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This course covers the life of the Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon
him, from his migration to Medina until his passing. You’ll hear inspiring
stories of his social excellence, sacrifice, and steadfastness. The course
closes with a c ...

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Some wonder why we suffer. Others ask about the problem of Evil. What if the
actual problem is thinking that suffering is evil? A simple shift in perspective
can change our understanding completely. This shift in perspective is explained
beautifu ...

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The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:  “None of
you truly believes until I am more beloved to him than his parent, his child and
all of mankind put together.”  In order to love the Prophet fully (peace be ...

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Sura al-Mulk consists of 30 verses and presents believers with numerous lessons
on how to bring their faith to life. Shaykh Faraz Rabbani elucidates the
meanings of these verses based on classical commentaries. Shaykh Faraz
synthesizes p ...

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Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers an in-depth explanation of several of the verses
from the Qur’an that begin with “O you who believe. These “Calls to the
Believers” all contain central guidance from Allah that we have been commanded
to pay particul ...

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This course provides an important contribution to Islam’s answer to the big and
existential questions of the purpose of life and the meaning of death. Based on
lectures by three prominent scholars, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, Shaykh Ramzy Ajem,
and Hab ...

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The Prophet (peace be upon him) is often called ‘the Teacher’. In fact, his
entire life in itself is one big lesson. In this seminar, we explore how the
Prophet taught, nurtured and guided children through compassion, love, and
modeling the right ...

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In this course, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers a thematic study of Sura al-Waqi’a,
a close explanation (tafsir) of it, and key lessons that can be drawn from it.
The course also examines how to nurture one’s relationship with Allah through
deepening ...

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As Divine speech, the Quran leads people from darkness to true light. It is
guidance for the people of piety to the straight path that leads to Allah. Pious
people hold fast to the Book of Allah and have the correct inner and outer
manners of rel ...

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This overview of Imam Ghazali’s great work, Ihya Ulum al-Din (Renewing the
Religious Sciences) will serve as a blueprint for how the believer can bring
their religion to life. It will aim to help the believer to not just practice
the outer form o ...

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Ghazali’s Ihyaʾ is a blueprint for renewing one’s religious practice and drawing
closer to Allah. Known, not only for his knowledge but his exceptional teaching
ability, Ghazali selected key verses of the Qurʾan to base this renewal on. This
cour ...

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Imam Ahmad narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon
him) said, “Those of singular purpose have outstripped [everyone].” The
Companions asked, “Who are those of singular purpose?” He replied, “Those
excessive in the rem ...

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“And know that root of these problems is love of leadership and forgetting what
is sure to come.” – Imam Ibn Ashir. Imam Abdul-Wahid ibn Ashir’s great work, The
Helping Guide, has been highly regarded by scholars and used to teach Law, C ...

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There is a door in Paradise called Rayyan. No one will enter it except those who
fast. Allah Himself has declared that fasting is specifically His and that it
has a special reward from Him. In order to make the most of this great act of
worship, ...

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In Ramadan, the doors of Paradise are opened the doors of Hell are locked; the
devils are chained, and good deeds are made easy. In Ramadan, obligatory worship
is increased in reward seventy-fold; voluntary worship is rewarded equal to what
i ...

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In Ramadan, the doors of Paradise are opened; the door of Hell are locked; the
devils are chained, and good deeds are made easy. In Ramadan, obligatory worship
is increased in reward seventy-fold; voluntary worship is rewarded equal to w

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“Whoever remembers Allah abundantly in Ramadan will be forgiven.” – Imam Zaid
Shakir. In Ramadan, there are so many opportunities to be forgiven and to become
closer to Allah that one does not know where to start. Many people do not
realize what ...

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This On-Demand course offers students practical advice from some of the world’s
leading scholars including Shaykh Yahya Rhodus, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, Shaykh
Muhammad Mendes, Dr Ingrid Mattson, and more. They share with us 30 simple deeds
that hav ...

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Understanding the meanings of the Qur’an is the key to achieving deeper levels
of reflection and appreciation of our Lord’s address. With more understanding
one can achieve a greater connection to the Qur’an and reverence for it, finding
serenity ...

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What would you ask God if you were granted the opportunity to ask one question?
“My Lord, what are the best means with which those close to you have gotten
close to you?” Imam Ahmad asked when he saw Allah for the hundredth time in his
dreams. ...

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“Indeed We have granted you [O Messenger] the Seven Frequently-Repeated [verses]
and the Tremendous Recital.” (15:87) Experts in Qurʾanic commentary have
explained that this verse is a reference to Sura al-Fatiha – due to it being
repeated by be ...

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The keys of excellence in relations are found in Sura al-Hujurat. It calls to
the believers to adopt these standards, appealing to the God-given faith that we
have as the motive for making us do so. Shaykh Faraz Rabbani clearly presents
the theme ...

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Being a servant of the All-Merciful is an honor, and it is greater than just
being a worshipper. It means that the servant is accepted by the All-Merciful,
and made close to Him. Consequently, this means that the servants themselves
have mercy ...

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Sura al-Kahf contains four allegories that contain many crucial lessons for us
all. The story of the sleepers of the cave highlights the importance of belief
in God, and the need to nurture it and keep it away from what harms it. The s

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Based on the work of Imam Ahmad Zarruq, The Sufficient Counsel for the one with
God-given wellbeing, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani expertly unpacks the pearls of wisdom
and teachings of one of the most beneficial of prophetic statements. We learn
how to e ...

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In these lessons Shaykh Faraz Rabbani looks at the heart of the Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him) to draw inspiration from the lofty states of the
Prophet, and how they manifested through his character and affected those around
him, and h ...

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Learn to live the essence of the Prophet’s wisdom, blessings and peace be upon
him. Do you want to understand the most foundational hadiths of the Prophet,
blessings and peace be upon him? This course explains the essence of Prophetic
wi ...

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In all matters, the way of The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him
peace) is the best way. In this course, we learn from him the best way is to
raise children. Children who are devoted to Allah Most High and righteous. Those
who have ...

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Imagine a garden with many beautiful plants and flowers. Over time, weeds start
to grow among them, and eventually, they take over. It is essential to remove
the weeds in order for the flowers and plants to thrive. This is the original
meaning of ...

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You want a shortcut to Paradise? The Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and
give him peace, promised Paradise for something very simple: “Indeed, Allah has
Ninety-Nine particular Names – one hundred minus one – whoever encompasses them
will ente ...

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The Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, said that he was
sent to complete good character (Muwattaʾ Malik), which leads us to understand
that sound religious practice results in good character. However, there are
certain matter ...

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Social Justice In The Islamic Tradition: Righting wrongs, enjoining good, and
honoring individual and community rights. Social justice has been the focus in
recent times of Muslim activists and communities. More often than not, the
methods and ...

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The prayer is one of the greatest blessings of Islam. It is the direct link to
Allah in which the servant humbles himself completely before Allah. It is a
means for asking. It is a means for forgiveness. It is a means for repelling
harm. It is a ...

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Islam is a social religion. The benefits of social interaction also spill over
into one’s religious practice. This is why worship in Islam has placed a social
element within the even the obligatory acts of worship. The prayer is performed

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In this captivating series of lectures, Shaykh Ahmad Saad explores the purpose
and delivery of the stories of the Prophets in the Quran. He unlocks their aim,
which is to direct us towards Allah Almighty and the Day of Judgement. Among t

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Allah created spouses for us as a means of emotional fulfillment. He places
between the couple deep, loving concern, and a bond of love which is shown
through acts of kindness. However, this can be elevated beyond physical and
emotional ...

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Shaykh Faraz explains the parenting duty in light of the aspects of tarbiya
(taking the child, stage by stage, to his/her ultimate fruition), ta’deeb
(instilling discipline/adab) and ta‘leem (facilitating knowledge). Parents must
instill in their ...

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Whether you’re alone in a car, in the middle of a crowd, throughout the day, as
the sun sets, and in the solitary depths of night, Allah is always close.
Realizing this can bring much-needed solace in the darkest hours of need, and it
can bring n ...

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“My brother – you’ll not attain true knowledge except through six things. I
shall tell you about them in detail. Intelligence, a burning desire, poverty, a
humbled self, the instruction of a skilled teacher, and the passage of a long
time.”– Imam ...

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“If you did not sin Allah would have got rid of you and created people who
sinned and then asked Allah for forgiveness, and then forgiven them.” (Muslim)
As humans, we are prone to mistakes. Allah, out of His pure generosity, has
given us the ...

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“The lack of reliance upon Allah is a consequence of a lack or certitude in the
oneness of Allah, or a heedlessness of what the implications of divine oneness
are.” – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani. The slightest of breezes can put out the smallest
flic ...

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All Muslims have the responsibility of having principled engagement with those
around them. We should do everything solely for the sake of Allah, repress our
anger towards those who wrong us, and show excellence to them. We are obligated
to be co ...

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The Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) said that there will
always be a group of his followers who will preserve and uphold his religion,
teaching it just as he himself taught it, “unharmed by anyone who opposes them,
all the w ...

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تعتبر هذه الدورة تكميلا لدورة الآجرومية. ومنهج التدريس فيها كان على النحو التالي
:1)   البدء بالسورة القصيرة، لسهولتها. من سورة الناس إلى سورة الضحى، ثم من سورة
عم إلى الضحى.2)   تم التركيز في هذه الدورة على قواعد النحو، بنسبة ...

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Learning Arabic is an act of worship. The first and most intimidating part of
learning any new language is learning how to read it. Take this course to learn
how to identify and articulate the letters of the Arabic alphabet and how to
read comple ...

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Raising righteous Muslim children is a noble and tremendous undertaking. In this
course, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and Ustadha Shireen Ahmed offer valuable advice and
parenting tips to parents and carers. This course is based on the Prophetic ...

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Learn how to enter into marriage with the right intention and purpose, find and
choose the “right person”, resolve disputes, the key sunnas of a successful
marriage, and much more.

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Are you a young boy? Do you have young boys in your family? This course seeks to
empower young Muslim youth with the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him) and the religion of Islam. Ustadh Amjad Tarsin gives young Muslims the
tools ...

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New to Islam? Or just looking to brush up on the basics? This course features an
explanation of the clearest, concise and comprehensive introduction to Islam in
print, Being Muslim, by Ustadh Asad Tarsin. The course is designed to include
what ev ...

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We all have a responsibility to convey the message to those around us,
particularly in times of confusion. Take this course to learn about the
importance of Da’wa, who is responsible for engaging in it, the revival of the
religion, some mis ...

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This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. “This,” Allah Most
High says about the Quran, “is the Scripture in which there is absolutely no
doubt.” (Quran, 2:2). The Quran is certainly from Allah Most High. This becomes
c ...

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The science of Arabic grammar (nahw) is the oldest and one of the most important
of all the Islamic sciences. It began in the time of the Companions, when the
mistakes of non-Arabian converts to Islam began adulterating the linguistic
purity of t ...

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“Allah is pure and accepts nothing but the pure.” The Prophet (Allah bless him
and give him peace) taught us that Allah only accepts the works and
supplications of those who make their earnings and spending lawful. (Muslim)
Take this course to le ...

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Having godfearingness (taqwa) is a prerequisite for being able to benefit from
the great guidance of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). Take
this course to learn how to have godfearingness in most of the everyday
situations th ...

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The Prophet said that, “Whoever travels a path to seek knowledge, Allah
facilitates for them a path to Paradise.” (Muslim) This course is the first step
in your pursuit of religious knowledge. It explains what your religion is; what
you must know ...

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An introduction to the formal study of Islamic beliefs through a traditional
manual of Islamic theology. Take this course to understand the basic methods of
Islamic logic and how to use them to gain evidence-based conviction in Allah
Most High, H ...

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This course covers the science of Shama’il, or the description of the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) based on the famous hadith by Hind ibn Abi
Hala. This hadith was narrated by Hind ibn Abi Hala, who was the stepson of the
Pr ...

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Select a country...AfghanistanÅland IslandsAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican
SamoaAndorraAngolaAnguillaAntarcticaAntigua and
(Plurinational State of)Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and SabaBosnia and
HerzegovinaBotswanaBouvet IslandBrazilBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBrunei
DarussalamBulgariaBurkina FasoBurundiCabo VerdeCambodiaCameroonCanadaCayman
IslandsCentral African RepublicChadChileChinaChristmas IslandCocos (Keeling)
IslandsColombiaComorosCongoCongo (the Democratic Republic of the)Cook
IslandsCosta RicaCôte
RepublicEcuadorEgyptEl SalvadorEquatorial
GuineaEritreaEstoniaEswatiniEthiopiaFalkland Islands (Malvinas)Faroe
IslandsFijiFinlandFranceFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern
Island and McDonald IslandsHoly SeeHondurasHong
KongHungaryIcelandIndiaIndonesiaIran (Islamic Republic of)IraqIrelandIsle of
ManIsraelItalyJamaicaJapanJerseyJordanKazakhstanKenyaKiribatiKorea (the
Democratic People's Republic of)Korea (the Republic of)KuwaitKyrgyzstanLao
People's Democratic
IslandsMartiniqueMauritaniaMauritiusMayotteMexicoMicronesia (Federated States
of)Moldova (the Republic
CaledoniaNew ZealandNicaraguaNigerNigeriaNiueNorfolk IslandNorth
MacedoniaNorthern Mariana IslandsNorwayOmanPakistanPalauPalestine, State
ofPanamaPapua New GuineaParaguayPeruPhilippinesPitcairnPolandPortugalPuerto
RicoQatarRéunionRomaniaRussian FederationRwandaSaint BarthélemySaint Helena,
Ascension and Tristan da CunhaSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint Martin
(French part)Saint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSamoaSan
MarinoSao Tome and PrincipeSaudi ArabiaSenegalSerbiaSeychellesSierra
LeoneSingaporeSint Maarten (Dutch part)SlovakiaSloveniaSolomon
IslandsSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsSouth
SudanSpainSri LankaSudanSurinameSvalbard and Jan MayenSwedenSwitzerlandSyrian
Arab RepublicTaiwanTajikistanTanzania, the United Republic
ofThailandTimor-LesteTogoTokelauTongaTrinidad and
TobagoTunisiaTurkeyTurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTuvaluUgandaUkraineUnited
Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited StatesUnited States Minor Outlying
IslandsUruguayUzbekistanVanuatuVenezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)Viet NamVirgin
Islands (British)Virgin Islands (U.S.)Wallis and FutunaWestern

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