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Pickup from 123 Mohawk St

Open Tuesday at 11:30 AM


 * Specials
 * Munchies
 * Chef's Specials
 * Sliders
 * Pasta Bowl - Build Your Own
 * Rice Bowl - Build Your Own
 * Tacos
 * Burritos
 * Flatbread Pizzas
 * Salads
 * Sides
 * Kid's Menu
 * Sweets
 * Sauces
 * Beverages
 * Merch
 * More
    * Sides
    * Kid's Menu
    * Sweets
    * Sauces
    * Beverages
    * Merch

 * Specials
 * Munchies
 * Chef's Specials
 * Sliders
 * Pasta Bowl - Build Your Own
 * Rice Bowl - Build Your Own
 * Tacos
 * Burritos
 * Flatbread Pizzas
 * Salads
 * Sides
 * Kid's Menu
 * Sweets
 * Sauces
 * Beverages
 * Merch
 * More
    * Salads
    * Sides
    * Kid's Menu
    * Sweets
    * Sauces
    * Beverages
    * Merch


Sticky Icky Ribs

3 Grilled St. Louis Ribs with BBQ sauce


Rasta Lamb Ragu

Slow roasted lamb in red wine, aromatics, mushrooms and tomatoes tossed in fresh
cavatappi pasta.




Shrimp Scampi


Chili Cheese Fries



Bong Bong Flower

Fried cauliflower, tossed in our signature Toka Bocca bong bong sauce, sesame
seeds, and chives


Bong Bong Shrimp

Lightly battered shrimp, tossed in our signature Toka Bocca bong bong sauce.
Served over tokabocca slaw


Cat Cow

Cauliflower & brussels fried and tossed in our Toka Bocca sauce, cotija, and
green onions


Everyday I'm Trufflin

Parmesan truffle fries, our signature Toka Bocca bong bong sauce



2 stuffed crispy corn pastry shells with a choice of protein and served with our
house-made pico


Mama's Famous Spring Rolls

Minced beef, pork, and veggies, wrapped in thin rice paper. Fried and served
with our house chili sauce. Meat or veggie options


Not-cho Nachos Large Tray

House-made nachos, shredded cheese, pico de gallo, chives, crรจme, and our
signature Toka Bocca bong bong sauce. Protein: chicken, ground beef, pulled
pork, or pork belly


Adult-size Quesadilla

Served with a side of crema and pico de gallo.


Nacho-nochos 1/2 Tray

House-made nachos, shredded cheese, pico de gallo, chives, creme, our signature
Toka Bocca bong bong sauce. Protein: chicken, ground beef, pulled pork, or pork


Bae Bae Brussels

Brussel sprouts, prosciutto di Parma, cranberries, and balsamic



Toka Meatballs

House-made meatballs, marinara, and Parmigiano Reggiano


Toka Bocca Chicken

Lightly fried chicken breast, smothered with our champagne lemon sauce over


Tony Montana Bolognese

Our signature meat ragรน, Parmigiano Reggiano, and fresh basil tossed in fresh
rigatoni pasta


Utica Garbage "Schwag" Plate

Uticaโ€™s finest! The trifecta! Chicken riggies, greens, and meatballs


Utica Hemp Greens

Escarole, prosciutto di Parma, capicola, cherry peppers, onions, imported
Pecorino Romano, and seasoned breadcrumbs


Bocca Lamb Lollipops

Bone-in lamb rib chops, garlic gastrique. served over house sautรฉed cabbage.


Utica's Finest Chicken Riggies

Chicken, riggies, onions, garlic, mushrooms, sweet peppers, cherry peppers, and
shaved Pecorino Romano


Dope Chicken Parmesan

Lightly fried chicken breast smothered with mozzarella and marinara over
spaghetti, and fresh basil



Stoney Bologna Slider

Fried bologna, long hots, and provolone


Dazed & Confused Slider

Buffalo cauliflower, celery carrot slaw, bleau cheese crumble



Rigatoni - Build Your Own Bowl


Spaghetti - Build Your Own Bowl


Cavatapi - Build Your Own Bowl



Rice Bowl - Build Your Own

Rice (Mexican). Comes with white queso, guacamole, pico de gallo, and cotija
cheese Toka Bocca sauce. Choice of protein



Where's the Beef Taco

Well seasoned ground beef, lettuce, shredded cheese, pico de gallo, Mexican
crรจme, and Toka Bocca sauce


Notorious P.I.G Taco

Crispy pork belly, cucumber, pickled veggies cilantro, grilled pineapple, Toka
Bocca sauce, and flour tortilla


Porky Goodness Taco

Slow roasted pulled pork, cabbage slaw, pico de gallo, Mexican crรจme, and cotija


Shrimpin Ain't Easy Taco

Citrus shrimp, Asian slaw, and pineapple salsa


Toka Bocca Chicken Taco

House-made crunchy corn tortilla and flour with Monterey Jack cheese melted in
the middle, dank chicken, lettuce, shredded cheese blend, pico de gallo, and
Toka Bocca sauce


Chickie Bong Bong Taco

Marinated grilled chicken, lettuce, shredded cheese, pico de gallo, Toka Bocca
sauce, and Mexican crรจme



Ground Beef Burrito

Lettuce, shredded cheese, tomatoes, and Toka Bocca sauce


Meatballs Burrito

Lettuce, shredded cheese, tomatoes, and Toka Bocca sauce


Pork Belly Burrito

Lettuce, shredded cheese, tomatoes, and Toka Bocca sauce


Pulled Pork Burrito

Lettuce, shredded cheese, tomatoes, and Toka Bocca sauce


Shrimp Burrito

Lettuce, shredded cheese, tomatoes, and Toka Bocca sauce


Steak Burrito

Lettuce, shredded cheese, tomatoes, and Toka Bocca sauce


Veggies Burrito

Lettuce, shredded cheese, tomatoes, and Toka Bocca sauce


Thai Chicken Burrito

Lettuce, shredded cheese, tomatoes, and Toka Bocca sauce


Fried Chicken Burrito

Lettuce, shredded cheese, tomatoes, and Toka Bocca sauce


Grilled Chicken Burrito

Lettuce, shredded cheese, tomatoes, and Toka Bocca sauce



Cheese Flatbread Pizza

San Marzano tomato sauce and mozzarella


Margherita Flatbread Pizza

San marzano tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella, and fresh basil


Pepperoni Flatbread Pizza

San Marzano tomato sauce, mozzarella, and pepperoni


Pesto Flatbread Pizza

Pesto base, mozzarella, wild mushrooms, tomatoes, arugula, feta, and EVOO


Blanca Flatbread Pizza

EVOO base, mozzarella, cauliflower, broccoli, onions, and tomatoes



Chronic Caesar Salad

Crispy romaine hearts, black pepper croutons, shaved Parmigiano Reggiano, and
house Caesar dressing


Freshie Arugula Salad

Resh baby arugula, sliced pears, strawberries, toasted almonds, feta cheese, and
house-made lemon Parmesan vinaigrette


Caprese Salad

Heirloom tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, fresh basil, EVOO, and balsamic reduction



Mixed Veggies


Pasta Side Portion


Salad Side Portion


Protein Side Add-On


Rice Side Portion


Fries Side Portion



Kid's Burgers

2 sliders


Kid's Dank Nuggets


Kid's Fried Chicken Sandwich


Kid's Hot Dogs


Kid's Quesadillas


Kid's Spaghetti


Kid's Baby Mac & Cheese



Pineapple Express

Rum-infused pineapple sponge cake with buttercream frosting.


Crรจme Brรปlรฉe

Creamy custard with caramelized sugar.



Our famous NY-style cheesecake with strawberry glaze.



Our Toka Bocca original dessert! A chocolate chip cookie wrapped over a brownie,
served with house-made whipped cream and chocolate syrup


Flourless Chocolate Cake

Lazy Cat Flourless Chocolate Cake. Gluten free. served with buttercream and
fresh berries.



Lemon Champagne Sauce


Queso Sauce


Spring Roll Sauce


Mexican Crรจme Sauce


Toka Bocca Sauce


Bong Bong Sauce


BBQ Sauce


Ceasar Dressing


Lemon Vinaigrette Dressing


Italian Dressing


Crumbly Blue Dressing


Ranch Dressing


Marinara Sauce



Diet Pepsi


Brisk Tea Sweet


Sierra Mist


Mountain Dew


Dr Pepper


Poland Spring Water



B&S Sparkling Water






Ginger Ale


Orange Juice




Hot Tea


Club Soda


Cranberry Juice



Souvenir Cup





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ยฉ 2023

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