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Luzzaschi: Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1595 La Venexiana - Claudio Cavina
Glossa 920905


 1.  Aura ch'errando intorno (5 voices)
 2.  Itene a volo (5 voices)
 3.  Lungi da te cor mio (5 voices)
 4.  Se la mia vita sete (5 voices, 2 lutes)
 5.  Aura ch'errando intorno (2 voices, harp, lute, viol)
 6.  O miracol d'amore / Ma diviene il morir (5 voices)
 7.  Ecco, o dolce, o gradita (5 voices)
 8.  Ahi cruda sorte mia (5 voices)
 9.  Se parti i' moro (5 voices)
 10. Tu godi o bell'amante (5 voices, harpsichord)
 11. Io vissi anima mia (5 voices)
 12. Ecco, o dolce, o gradita (3 voices, harpsichord)
 13. Cinto di neve homai (5 voices, harp)
 14. A l'hor fia lieto il core (5 voices)
 15. Credete a me (5 voices)
 16. Vivo da voi lontana (5 voices, harpsichord)
 17. Parte il corpo da voi (5 voices)
 18. Moro ardendo (5 voices)
 19. A l'hor fia lieto il core (2 voices, harp, lute, viol)
 20. Come viva il mio core (5 voices)
 21. Godete anima bella (5 voices, harp, 2 lutes)
 22. Può ben fortuna far (5 voices, harpsichord)
 23. Non guardar, che se guardi (5 voices)
 24. Itene mie querele (5 voices)
 25. Credete a me (3 voices, harp, lute, viol)
 26. Cor mio, benché lontana (5 voices)
 27. Gioite voi col canto (5 voices)

Performers: Rossana Bertini (soprano), Nadia Ragni (soprano), Emanuela Galli
(soprano), Claudio Cavina (countertenor), Sandro Naglia (tenor), Giuseppe
Maletto (tenor), Daniele Carnovich (bass), Loredana Gintoli (harp), Franco Pavan
(lute), Gabriele Palomba (lute), Rodney Prada (viol), Fabio Bonizzoni

Playing time: 69'

Recording date: February 1999 (Roletto)

Luzzasco Luzzaschi (c.1545-1607) was based in Ferrara, and was one of the
earlier composers to develop the new monody. He was especially known for his
virtuoso style of writing upper lines, as performed by the "three ladies" of
Ferrara for three sopranos and keyboard accompaniment. However, much of this
work was not formally published, and so the present madrigal collection consists
primarily of music for more ordinary ensembles. It does continue to adopt the
sort of spontaneity which Luzzaschi sought to achieve.

Luzzaschi was perhaps best-known as an organist, although few of his keyboard
works survive. He was one of the early players on the chromatic-enharmonic
archicembalo, and that sort of microtonality informs his vocal works as well,
leading almost naturally to the style of Gesualdo.

In the present program, tracks #5, 12, 19, 25 are alternate versions, while
tracks #24, 26 are from the 6th book and track #27 is from the 7th book.

Recordings devoted primarily to Luzzaschi's "three soprano" music:

Luzzaschi: Concerto delle dame La Venexiana - Claudio Cavina
Glossa 920919 Luzzaschi: Concerto delle Dame di Ferrara Madrigaux à 1, 2 et 3
Alfonso / Miatello / Pennicchi - Vartolo
Harmonia Mundi "musique d'abord" 1951136 The Secret Music of Luzzasco Luzzaschi
Madrigali a uno, due e tre soprani (1601)
Musica Secreta
Amon Ra 58

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Todd M. McComb