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Critical Care Congress
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Clinical Resources
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Educational Programming
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Critical Connections Newsmagazine



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Abstracts and Case Reports
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Congress Literature Releases
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Exhibitor, Support, and Advertising Opportunities
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Discovery, the Critical Care Research Network
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 * Critical Care Explorations Journal
 * SCCM COVID-19 Journal Articles
 * Journal Audio Summaries

Research Grants
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Research Surveys
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SCCM-Weil Research Trust
 * Overview SCCM-Weil Research Trust

Quality Improvement
 * Overview Quality Improvement

 * Guidelines
 * ICU Liberation Campaign
 * Sepsis Resources
 * Diagnostic Excellence
 * Choosing Wisely
 * Well-Being Resources
 * Patient Management During Outbreaks and Disasters
 * Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Projects

 * ICU Centers of Excellence Program

Global Health
 * Overview Global Health

 * Crisis Response
 * Humanitarian Activities

 * Overview Collaboratives


 * Overview LearnICU

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Membership and Community
Career and Leadership


Recognize excellence and achievement in critical care practice. 

The Society of Critical Care Medicine's (SCCM) annual awards program recognizes
and honors the achievements of SCCM members, while encouraging excellence in
teaching and research.

You must be a Professional or Select member of SCCM to apply for all awards
except the Safar Global Partner Award and ICU Heroes Award. If you are not an
SCCM member, you may join today. You may also upgrade your membership at any

Apply Now

Applications and nominations close on August 1, 2024.

Looking for Abstract Awards? Abstract or case reports submitted for the Critical
Care Congress may be considered for an award. Learn More

Acknowledgement for providing excellence in leadership, program development, and
Honorable and impressive accomplishments to add to your curriculum vitae
Pride in knowing that you were selected by your peers for your hard work in
advancing the SCCM mission


Congratulations to the 2023 SCCM award recipients! SCCM recognizes your
dedication and innovation to the field of critical care and to SCCM.

View the 2023 award recipients.


SCCM holds the annual American College of Critical Care Medicine (ACCM)
Convocation and SCCM Awards Presentation at the Critical Care Congress. Award
and grant recipients are honored and new Fellows and Masters are inducted into

View the 2024 ACCM award recipients.



An ICU or program that demonstrates novel patient safety initiatives.

Learn More


The Patient Safety First! Award recognizes one intensive care unit (ICU) or
program that demonstrates novel, effective patient safety initiatives for
critically ill and injured patients. The awardee team receives a commemorative
plaque and one complimentary registration to the Society of Critical Care
Medicine (SCCM) Critical Care Congress.

Apply Now

Applications and nominations will close on August 1, 2024.

Nominating Body:
 1. Voting Members of SCCM and SCCM staff are eligible to nominate candidates.
 2. Self-nominations are accepted.

The nominee must be a voting member of SCCM in good standing.
Members of the Quality and Safety Committee or related section committees are
not eligible to apply during their tenure.
The selection committee will consider the following criteria when evaluating
 1. Length of time patient safety initiatives have been in place
 2. Implementation of specific projects linked to direct patient safety and
    patient care
 3. Demonstration of innovation that provides models for emulation
 4. Evidence of multiprofessional efforts to improve care in the ICU
 5. Provision of data for evaluation of effectiveness

Submission Requirements:
 1. The nominee must describe the team’s critical care setting and how it
    supports patient safety.
 2. Patient safety initiatives must have been in place for at least one year
    prior to applying.
 3. By submitting an application, your team agrees to allow SCCM to use
    information from its application to publicly promote the award.
 4. A representative from the awarded ICU or program is required to participate
    in a podcast to discuss the program.
 5. The awarded team must wait at least three (3) years after receiving the
    award to reapply. The team can reapply only if their application
    demonstrates new initiatives, not continuations of previous applications.
    This three-year wait period allows for implementation and evaluation of the
    new initiatives.

All recipients will be notified by letter via email by November 1.

 1. The awardee receives a commemorative plaque and one complimentary
    registration to the SCCM Critical Care Congress.
 2. The award will be presented during the ACCM Convocation/SCCM Awards

For additional information regarding this award, please contact Susan Lacey.


An individual who promotes humanistic and ethical care.

Learn More


The Grenvik Family Award for Ethics is given each year to recognize a Society of
Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) member in good standing who has devoted
significant efforts toward ethical problems in critical care. The award
recognizes a person who promotes humanistic and ethical values in critical care.

The award was initiated by Christer Grenvik’s parents, Dr. Ake and Mrs. Inger
Grenvik, and was established in 1989 by the Foundation for Critical Care.
Christer Grenvik, MD, died at age 30 of a brain tumor while he was an
anesthesiology resident. The Christer Grenvik Memorial Fund is funded by Dr. Ake
and Mrs. Inger Grenvik.
During his last two years of life, Christer Grenvik became deeply religious and
concerned with the critically and terminally ill patient’s autonomy when
deciding on choice of treatment. He became particularly interested in the
ethical problems of these situations and compassionate care of patients in the
terminal stage. Therefore, the goals and objectives of the award are to
memorialize Christer Grenvik’s great concern for these problems.

Apply Now

Applications and nominations will close on August 1, 2024.


Nominating body:

 1. Voting members of SCCM and SCCM staff are eligible to nominate candidates.
 2. Self-nominations are accepted.

The nominee must be a voting member of SCCM in good standing.

Council members are ineligible to be nominated during their tenure.


 1. Must demonstrate significant contributions toward addressing ethical
    problems in critical care.
 2. Must have demonstrated commitment to SCCM through involvement in SCCM
    committees or other SCCM activities at the local, regional, national, or
    international level.

Submission Requirements:

 1. Submit an updated CV.
 2. Submit a nomination letter from an SCCM voting member summarizing the
    nominee’s accomplishments in critical care at the local or regional level.
 3. Submit a letter of support.


 1. The awardee receives a plaque and $1000.
 2. The award will be presented during the ACCM Convocation/SCCM Awards


All recipients will be notified by email by November 1.

For additional information regarding this award, please contact Claudia



A unit or program that demonstrates novel methods of providing care to patients
and their families. 

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The Family-Centered Care Innovation Award is presented to a unit or program that
demonstrates novel, effective methods of providing care to critically ill and
injured patients and their families. The awardee team receives one complimentary
Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) Critical Care Congress registration. Up
to two other teams receive honorable mentions.

Apply Now

Applications and nominations will close on August 1, 2024.

Nominating body:
Voting members of SCCM who are a member of the team are eligible to nominate a
unit or program.
 1. Patient- and family-centered care initiatives that have been in place for at
    least one year.
 2. At least one member of the applying team must be a current member of SCCM.

Patient and Family Support Committee members can apply only if they step down
from evaluating applications in the years they apply.
The Patient and Family Support Committee will consider the following criteria
when evaluating applications:
 1. Implementation of a project(s) linked to direct patient care
 2. Demonstration of innovation that provides models for emulation
 3. Evidence of multiprofessional efforts to improve care that includes families
    in the ICU
 4. Provision of comprehensive services
 5. Fostering of support for families of critically ill and injured patients in
    ways that are meaningful to families
 6. Inclusion of families in efforts to provide care to critically ill and
    injured patients during their ICU stay, including end-of-life care
 7. Provision of data for evaluation of effectiveness

Submission Requirements:
The following guidelines must be used when submitting your application:
 1. Limit your team’s application to three (3) typed pages.
 2. On page 1 (the cover page), include your team’s institution/affiliation,
    unit or program name, and address. List all of your team members’ names,
    credentials, and roles. Note which team member you would like SCCM to
    contact about the award and at what address, phone, fax, and email (your
    team contact).
 3. On pages 2 and 3, describe the critical care setting of your team and how it
    supports patients and their families. The Society will remove direct
    references from these pages, such as names, to ensure impartial evaluation.
 4. By submitting an application, your team agrees to allow SCCM to use
    information from its application to publicly promote patient- and
    family-centered care and the award.
 5. The awarded team must wait at least three (3) years after receiving the
    award to reapply. The team can reapply only if their application
    demonstrates new initiatives, not continuations of previous applications.
    This three-year wait period allows for implementation and evaluation of the
    new initiatives.

 1. The awarded team receives a plaque and one free registration to SCCM’s
    Critical Care Congress.
 2. The award will be presented during the ACCM Convocation/SCCM Awards
    Presentation. It is expected that at least one team representative will
    attend to receive the award in person.

All recipients will be notified by email by November 1. The Patient and Family
Support Committee will provide all nonrecipients positive feedback and
encourages them to reapply.

For additional information regarding this award, please contact Susan Lacey.


An ICU patient, family, and care team who had an exceptional experience. 

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The ICU Heroes Award recognizes that patients and families are an integral part
of intensive care unit (ICU) care. The award is given to an ICU patient and
family and to the multiprofessional team that delivered the care. Two awards are
given: one for an adult ICU and one for a pediatric ICU.

Apply Now

Applications and nominations will close on August 1, 2024.
Nominating Body:
Voting members of SCCM are eligible to nominate patients and families and the
team for the award.
The team member must be a voting member of SCCM in good standing.
Submission Requirements:
Applicants are asked to submit a patient’s story (no more than 3 pages) with a
focus on attention to patient- and family-centered aspects of care.
Criteria and Selection:
The following criteria will be considered when evaluating applications:
 1. Clinical details
 2. Principal diagnosis
 3. ICU course
 4. Hospital course
 5. Outpatient course
 6. Final outcome
 7. How does this patient’s course demonstrate multiprofessional care?

 1. Two awards will be presented: one for a pediatric ICU and one for an adult
    ICU for participation in the care and recovery of the patient.
 2. Each institution and patient’s family will receive a plaque.
 3. Complimentary SCCM Critical Care Congress registration and funding for
    travel will be provided to award recipients.
 4. The award will be presented during the SCCM Opening Session.
 5. The award recipients will share their stories with the SCCM membership.

All recipients will be notified by email by November 1.

Questions related to this award may be directed to Susan Lacey.


An individual who has significantly advanced multiprofessional quality care.

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The Drs. Joseph and Rae Brown Award recognizes a Society of Critical Care
Medicine (SCCM) member who has significantly advanced multiprofessional quality
care for critically ill and injured patients at the regional or local level. The
award was established to honor the Browns for their work in organizing and
sustaining the Pennsylvania Society of Critical Care Medicine, which later
became the Pennsylvania Chapter of SCCM. The awardee receives $1,000.

Apply Now

Applications and nominations will close on August 1, 2024.

Nominating body:

 1. Voting members of SCCM and SCCM staff are eligible to nominate candidates.
 2. Self-nominations are accepted.


 1. The nominee must be a voting member of SCCM in good standing.


 1. Must have made extraordinary contributions of time, energy, and resources to
    chapter matters during the previous year.
 2. Must demonstrate dedication, commitment, and outstanding contributions to
    the field of critical care at a regional or local level during the past
 3. Must demonstrate exceptional leadership contributions that have furthered
    the vision and mission of chapters over a period of time.
 4. Must demonstrate innovation or meritorious contributions that improve the
    care provided to critically ill patients and their families in the
    recipient’s country, state, or region.
 5. Must be an outstanding clinician/teacher and role model of excellence in
    both the teaching and clinical practice of critical care in the local or
    regional area.

Submission requirements:

 1. Submit an updated CV.
 2. Submit a nomination letter from an SCCM voting member that includes a
    summary of the nominee’s accomplishments in critical care at the local or
    regional level.


 1. The awardee receives a plaque and $1,000.
 2. The award will be presented during the ACCM Convocation/SCCM Awards


All recipients will be notified by email by November 1.

For additional information regarding this award, please contact Claudia


An individual who has been outstanding in the care of infants and children.

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The Drs. Vidyasagar and Nagamani Dharmapuri Award for Excellence in Pediatric
Critical Care Medicine, sponsored by Drs. Vidyasagar and Nagamani Dharmapuri, is
conferred annually to recognize an individual for sustained exemplary and
pioneering achievement in the care of critically ill and injured infants and

The awardee receives $500 and complimentary Society of Critical Care Medicine
(SCCM) Critical Care Congress registration. The award is presented during the
ACCM Convocation/SCCM Awards Presentation during the SCCM Critical Care

Apply Now

Applications and nominations will close on August 1, 2024.

Nominating body:

 1. Voting members of SCCM and SCCM staff are eligible to nominate candidates.
 2. Self-nominations are accepted.


 1. The nominee must be a voting member of SCCM in good standing.
 2. The nominee must be a member of the Pediatrics Section.


The nominee must have distinguished themselves by achieving national and
international professional prominence by virtue of personal character,
leadership, eminence in clinical practice, and outstanding contributions to
research, education, program development, and advocacy for pediatric critical
care medicine.

Submission Requirements:

 1. Submit an updated CV.
 2. Submit a nomination letter from an SCCM voting member summarizing the
    nominee’s accomplishments in critical care.


The SCCM Pediatrics Section Nominating Committee selects the nominee who will be
evaluated on the following criteria:

 1. Personal attributes that distinguish the recipient as a pediatric critical
    care medicine pioneer and exemplar
 2. Leadership in pediatric critical care medicine, as evidenced by current and
    past academic and organizational accomplishments
 3. Contributions that specifically further the mission, vision, and values of
    SCCM, specifically pertaining to the care of critically ill and injured
    infants and children
 4. Scientific publications, specifically related to the care of critically ill
    and injured infants and children
 5. Research grants and projects that have advanced the care of critically ill
    and injured infants and children
 6. Teaching accomplishments, especially those that have impacted the training
    of healthcare professionals in pediatric critical care medicine
 7. Contributions to pediatric critical care medicine through other medical
    societies and organizations
 8. Contributions to the community and volunteerism, specifically related to
    pediatric medical and/or educational programs
 9. Awards and honors


 1. The awardee receives a plaque and $500.
 2. The award will be presented during the ACCM Convocation/SCCM Awards


All recipients will be notified by email by November 1.

For additional information regarding this award, please contact Claudia



An educator or team who demonstrates excellence and creativity. 

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The Innovation in Education Award recognizes an educator or team of educators
who demonstrate(s) excellence and creativity in the development of an innovative
educational program. The award was established to recognize meritorious
educational program development that enhances education (particularly
multiprofessional education) relating to management of the critically ill

The educational program can be focused on any specific type of learner; however,
programs that involve multiprofessional education are viewed favorably. Programs
or approaches that can readily be used in other institutions are also viewed
favorably. The individual or one member of the winning team will receive a
plaque and one free registration to SCCM’s Critical Care Congress.

Apply Now
Applications and nominations will close on August 1, 2024.

Nominating Body:
 1. Voting members of SCCM are eligible to nominate candidates.
 2. Self-nominations are accepted.

 1. The nominee must be a voting member of SCCM in good standing.
 2. At least one member of the applying team must be a current member of SCCM.

Members of the selection committee are ineligible to apply during their terms of
The award was established to recognize meritorious, educational program
development that will enhance education (particularly multiprofessional
education) relating to management of critically ill patients.
Council Liaisons for the Fundamentals, Review and Assessment, and Knowledge and
Skills business lines will consider the following criteria when evaluating
applications. Their recommendation will be submitted to the Executive Committee
for final approval.
 1. Development of an educational program related to management of critically
    ill patients
 2. Demonstration that the program is novel and innovative
 3. Demonstration of the effectiveness of the program based on evaluations by
    participants or other data
 4. The educational program can be focused on any specific type of learner;
    programs that involve multiprofessional education will be viewed favorably.
 5. Programs or approaches that can readily be utilized in other institutions
    will be viewed favorably.

Submission Requirements:
The following guidelines must be used when submitting your application:
 1. The educator or team of educators must submit an application detailing the
    development of the educational program and how it enhances education
    relating to management of critically ill patients.
 2. Limit the application to three typed pages.
 3. On page 1 (the cover page), include the applicant’s institution/affiliation
    or program name and address. List all team members’ names, credentials, and
    roles. Note principal contact’s name, address, phone, fax, and email.
 4. On pages 2 and 3, describe the educational program, target audience,
    learning objectives, a summary of program evaluations, and a description of
    what is novel or innovative about this program. The Society will remove
    direct references from these pages, such as names, to ensure impartial
 5. By submitting an application, the team agrees to allow SCCM to use
    information from its application to publicly promote innovations in
    education and the award.
 6. The awarded team must wait at least three years after receiving the award to
    reapply. The team can reapply only if their application demonstrates a new
    program, not continuations of previous applications. This three-year wait
    period allows for administration and evaluation of the new program.

 1. The individual or one member of the winning team will receive a plaque and
    one free registration to SCCM’s Critical Care Congress.
 2. The award will be presented during the ACCM Convocation/SCCM Award
    Presentation. It is expected that at least one team representative will
    attend to receive the award in person.

All recipients will be notified by email by November 1.

For additional information regarding this award, please contact Claudia


An individual, hospital, or organization that expands the global reach of SCCM. 

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The Safar Global Partner Award, sponsored by the Society of Critical Care
Medicine (SCCM), is awarded annually to an individual, hospital, or organization
that expands the global reach of SCCM. The awardee receives a plaque or crystal

Apply Now

Applications and nominations will close on August 1, 2024.

Nominating Body:

 1. Voting members of SCCM and SCCM staff are eligible to nominate candidates.
 2. Self-nominations are accepted.


Must be a voting member of SCCM in good standing.


 1. Individuals and/or institutions that have distinguished themselves by
    material contributions to SCCM’s achievement of its international
 2. Must objectively document the contribution and direct link to the measurable
    achievement of SCCM’s international priorities.
 3. May be from anywhere around the globe, including the United States.

Examples include:

 * Increased distribution of Fundamentals programs in Latin America, Asia (with
   a focus on China), the Middle East and North Africa
 * Expanded distribution of Fundamentals products  in Latin America, Asia (with
   a focus on China), the Middle East and North Africa

Submission Requirements:

 1. Submit a recent CV.
 2. Submit a nomination letter from an SCCM voting member outlining the
    achievements of SCCM’s international priorities.
 3. Submit one (1) letter of support.


The three most recent past presidents of SCCM evaluate and vote on the nominees.
Their recommendation will be forwarded to Council for final approval. Candidates
are evaluated based on the above criteria. Recipients are ineligible to receive
the award more than once in five years. Recipients will be limited to no more
than three per year.


 1. The awardee receives a crystal award.
 2. The award will be presented during the ACCM Convocation/SCCM Awards


All recipients will be notified by email by November 1.

For additional information regarding this award, please contact  Claudia


A nurse who demonstrates excellence in clinical practice, education, and/or

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The Norma J. Shoemaker Award for Critical Care Nursing Excellence honors Norma
J. Shoemaker, RN, MN, FCCM, the Society of Critical Care Medicine’s (SCCM) first
executive director. Norma Shoemaker’s career as a critical care nurse and SCCM
executive director spanned the decades during which critical care evolved into a
recognized specialty. As SCCM’s founding executive director, she played an
instrumental role in nurturing SCCM, which evolved from humble beginnings to a
professionally respected, international, multiprofessional organization. To
encourage excellence in critical care nursing, and in recognition of Norma
Shoemaker’s dedication to SCCM and critical care, the Norma J. Shoemaker Award
for Critical Care Nursing Excellence was established in 1992.
The award recognizes an SCCM nurse member who demonstrates excellence in
critical care clinical practice, education, and/or administration. The awardee
receives $1,000 and complimentary registration to the SCCM Critical Care
Congress and reimbursement of airfare and hotel expenses in an amount not to
exceed $1,500.

Apply Now

Applications and nominations will close on August 1, 2024.
Nominating Body:
 1. Voting members of SCCM and SCCM staff are eligible to nominate candidates.
 2. Self-nominations are accepted.


 1. Must be a voting member of SCCM.
 2. Must be an active SCCM nurse member for a minimum of three years.
 3. Must be an SCCM Nursing Section member.
 4. Must have documented attendance at a minimum of one SCCM Critical Care
    Congress during the previous three years.


The nominee must have distinguished themselves by achieving excellence in
critical care, clinical practice, education, and/or administration and must have
demonstrated a commitment to SCCM through involvement in SCCM committees or
activities at the local, chapter, or national level.

Submission Requirements:

 1. Submit an updated CV.
 2. Submit a nomination letter from an SCCM voting member summarizing the
    nominee’s accomplishments at the local or regional level.
 3. Submit a letter of support.


The SCCM Nursing Section Executive Committee will select the nominee, who must
meet the above criteria.


 1. The awardee receives a plaque and $1,000.
 2. The awardee receives complimentary Congress registration
 3. The awardee receives reimbursement of travel expenses to the SCCM Critical
    Care Congress in an amount not to exceed $1,500.
 4. The award will be presented during the ACCM Convocation/SCCM Awards


All recipients will be notified by email by November 1.

For additional information regarding this award, please contact Claudia


An individual who is a role model in teaching and ethical practice. 

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The Shubin-Weil Master Clinician/Teacher: Excellence in Bedside Teaching Award
recognizes a Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) member who is a role model
in both the teaching and ethical practice of critical care. Nominees must have
substantially furthered the expert and appropriate use of life support
interventions. The awardee receives $500 and a medallion.

Apply Now

Applications and nominations will close on August 1, 2024.

Nominating Body:

 1. Voting members of SCCM and SCCM staff are eligible to nominate candidates.
 2. Self-nominations are accepted.

Past presidents and Council are ineligible to nominate for this award during
their tenure.


 1. Must be a voting member of SCCM.
 2. Must not be nationally or internationally well-known or recognized by their
    research efforts.
 3. Must be a member of at least one SCCM section.

Past presidents and Council are ineligible to be nominated for this award during
their tenure.


 1. Must have a combination of attributes that make the nominee a role model of
    excellence in both the teaching and ethical practice of critical care.
 2. Must have direct patient responsibilities.
 3. Must be recognized as an outstanding clinician/teacher.
 4. Must not be nationally or internationally well-known or recognized by their
    research efforts.
 5. nnovative and substantive contributions to critical care clinical/basic
    research may be cited as additional considerations but are not major
    criteria for selection.

Submission Requirements:

 1. Submit an updated CV.
 2. Submit a nomination letter from an SCCM voting member summarizing the
    nominee’s accomplishments at the local or regional level.
 3. Submit two (2) letters of support from nominee’s trainees.

Past presidents and Council are ineligible to write nomination letters during
their tenure.


A subcommittee of at least five (5) past presidents vote for the recipient


 1. The awardee receives a plaque and $500.
 2. The award will be presented during the ACCM Convocation/SCCM Awards


All recipients will be notified by email by November 1.

For additional information regarding this award, please contact Claudia



An individual who has significantly contributed to the design and/or
implementation of evidence-based practice. 

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The Barry A. Shapiro Memorial Award for Excellence in Critical Care Management
recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to the design
and/or implementation of evidence-based practice that has significantly impacted
clinical, operational, or fiscal outcomes within the awardee’s area of
responsibility. The awardee receives $500 and a plaque.

Apply Now

Applications and nominations will close on August 1, 2024.

Nominating Body:

 1. Voting members of SCCM and SCCM staff are eligible to nominate candidates.
 2. Self-nominations are accepted.

Board of Regents, Council, and ACCM committee members are ineligible to nominate
during their tenure.


The nominee must be a voting member of SCCM in good standing.

Board of Regents, Council, and ACCM committee members are ineligible to be
nominated during their tenure.


 1. The nominee must be currently engaged in a clinical environment as evidenced
    by leadership roles they currently hold related to the clinical practice of
    critical care.
 2. The nominee must show a history of employment in a clinical environment as
    evidenced by leadership roles they have held.

Submission Requirements:

 1. Submit an updated CV.
 2. Submit a nomination letter from an SCCM voting member.
 3. Submit one (1) letter of support from an individual who is involved in the
    activity(ies) noted above, emphasizing how the nominee has demonstrated
    leadership in support of the award criteria.

Board of Regents, Council, and ACCM committee members are ineligible to write
letters of support during their tenure.


The selection committee considers the following criteria:

 1. Has the nominee met all of the eligibility criteria noted above?
 2. Has the nominee made a significant contribution(s) to the design and/or
    implementation of evidence-based practice?
 3. Has the nominee significantly impacted clinical, operational, or fiscal
 4. Has the nominee demonstrated the use of the multiprofessional team in
    achieving the stated outcomes?
 5. Has the nominee demonstrated the “Learn It, Deliver It, Measure It, and
    Improve It” quality improvement paradigm in regular use at the nominee’s
 6. Is the nominee a Fellow of the American College of Critical Care Medicine
    (FCCM) in good standing?
 7. Does the intensive care unit (ICU) meet the Leapfrog Group’s ICU Physician
    Staffing (IPS) standard?

Hospitals fulfilling the IPS standard operate adult or pediatric general medical
and/or surgical ICUs and neurologic ICUs that are managed or comanaged by
intensivists who:

 * Are present during daytime hours and provide clinical care exclusively in the
 * When not present on site or via telemedicine, return pages at least 95% of
   the time:
   * within five minutes and
   * arrange for a physician or physician extender certified in Fundamental
     Critical Care Support (FCCS) to reach ICU patients within five minutes


 1. The awardee receives a plaque and $500.
 2. The award will be presented during the ACCM Convocation/SCCM Awards


All recipients will be notified by email by November 1.

For additional information regarding this award, please contact Claudia


A unit whose design resolved both functional and humanitarian issues. Sponsored
by SCCM, the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, and the American
Institute of Architects Academy on Architecture for Health.

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Sponsored by the Society of Critical Care Medicine, the American Association of
Critical-Care Nurses and the American Institute of Architects Academy on
Architecture for Health , the ICU Design Citation is awarded to the entry that
best resolves both functional and humanitarian issues in a unique and
complementary manner. The focus is on planning and design characteristics rather
than process or administrative features. Units are reviewed in a blinded fashion
according to the following criteria:

 * Demonstrates commitment to creating a healing environment
 * Demonstrates commitment to promoting safety and security
 * Demonstrates commitment to efficiency
 * Demonstrates attention to innovative, unique aesthetic and creative design
 * The patient bedside area, overall units design, integration of technology,
   staff and support areas, and family waiting areas are also assessed.

Applications and nominations will open on May 1, 2024 and close on August 1,
$250.00 application fee 

Application Requirements
 *  All materials must be de-identified (blinded).
 * Completed release statement
 * Fact sheet
 * One-page list of the unique or innovative features of the unit and how they
   meet the selection criteria
 * Architectural floor plan of the unit alone drawn to scale, with rooms labeled
   according to function
 * Architectural floor plan of a typical patient room layout (outside of room
   and interior), complete with furnishings and equipment
 * Block building floor plan depicting access to the unit and how it relates to
   other services
 * The only physical drawings that are considered are those listed above. Do not
   send mechanical, electrical, plumbing, or other blueprints.
 * Digital architectural drawing (.dwg format) of the unit alone, drawn to full
   scale, with rooms labeled in English according to function (Do not include
   institution’s name.)
 * Image (.jpg format) of a typical patient room, complete with furnishings
   (include outside of room and interior)
 * Provide link to download a four- to seven-minute professional-quality video
   tour of the unit in either full or compact size (.mp4 format). Do not send a
   CD, DVD, or flash drive. The video must contain narration describing
   functionality. For judging purposes, the institution and unit must remain
   anonymous. We recommend that the video showcase the entire unit; for example,
   patient rooms, staff work areas, amenities for families, etc., and depict
   real patient situations or activities. We also recommend emphasizing
   explanations of unique uses and design features and avoiding describing the
   obvious, common features or manufactured equipment items. All the judges are
   familiar with standard unit usage, equipment, and structure.
 * Video requirements:
   * Format: .mp4
   * Resolution: 1280 x 720 pixels
   * File size: not greater than 100 MB

For additional information regarding this award, please contact Claudia



The American College of Critical Care Medicine Distinguished Investigator Award
recognizes an established and active Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM)
clinical investigator for meritorious and pioneering clinical research in
critical care who has significantly contributed to the understanding of disease
or treatment of patients. The awardee receives complimentary SCCM Critical Care
Congress registration and reimbursement for airfare and hotel expenses in an
amount not to exceed $1,500.

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Sponsored by the American College of Critical Care Medicine

This award encourages excellence in clinical research and recognizes an
established and active Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) clinical
investigator for meritorious and pioneering clinical research in critical care
that has significantly contributed to the treatment and/or understanding of

Apply Now

Applications will close on August 1, 2024.

Nominating Body:

 1. Voting members of SCCM and SCCM staff are eligible to nominate candidates.
 2. Self-nominations are accepted.

Board of Regents, Council, and ACCM committee members are ineligible to nominate
during their tenure.


 1. The nominee must be a voting member of SCCM in good standing.
 2. The nominee must be a fellow of the ACCM (FCCM) in good standing.

Board of Regents, Council, and ACCM Committee members are ineligible to be
nominated during their tenure.


 1. Must have completed training.
 2. Must demonstrate substantial contributions to critical care research by
    publishing in peer-reviewed medical journals, presenting research data at
    scientific meetings, and/or lecturing on research findings.
 3. Must demonstrate honors and awards.

Submission Requirements:

 1. Submit an updated CV.
 2. Submit a nomination letter from an SCCM voting member.
 3. Submit two (2) letters of support. One must be from an FCCM member in good

Board of Regents, Council, and ACCM committee members are ineligible to write
letters of support during their tenure.


All recipients will be notified by email by November 1.


 1. The awardee receives a crystal, SCCM Critical Care Congress registration,
    and reimbursement for airfare and hotel expenses in an amount not to exceed
 2. The award will be presented during the ACCM Convocation/SCCM Awards

For additional information regarding this award, please contact Claudia


The Asmund S. Laerdal Memorial Lecture Award commemorates Asmund S. Laerdal,
creator of the Resusci Anne manikins used in CPR training procedures. The
recipient is chosen from the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) Critical
Care Congress faculty for extensive involvement in critical care research and
publishing. The awardee receives a 50% discount off SCCM Critical Care Congress
registration and $5,000. For additional information regarding this award, please
contact SCCM.

Contact Us


The Distinguished Service Award recognizes Society of Critical Care Medicine
(SCCM) members who have made exceptional leadership contributions that have
furthered the vision and mission of SCCM over an extended period of time. 

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This award recognizes an active Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) member
for exceptional leadership contributions over a sustained period of time that
furthered the vision and mission of SCCM.

Apply Now

Applications and nominations will close on August 1, 2024.
Nominating Body:
 1. Voting members of SCCM and SCCM staff are eligible to nominate candidates.
 2. Self-nominations are accepted.

 1. The nominee must be a voting member of SCCM in good standing.
 2. The immediate past president and past chancellor are automatic awardees
    because of their level of commitment and duration of service to SCCM.

Other Council members and Regents are ineligible for this award during their
 1. Must demonstrate measurable contributions.
 2. Must have provided exceptional leadership contributions over a sustained
    period of time.
 3. Examples of measurable contributions include:Duration of membership/member
    of creative community
    * Committee/task force member contributions
    * Committee/task force leadership
    * Member of SCCM governance

Submission Requirements:
 1. Submit an updated CV.
 2. Submit a nomination letter from an SCCM member summarizing the nominee’s
    accomplishments in critical care at the local or regional level.

Council and Board of Regents are ineligible to write letters of support during
their tenure.

All recipients will be notified by email by November 1. 

 1. The awardee receives a plaque.
 2. The award will be presented during the ACCM Convocation/SCCM Awards

For additional information regarding this award, please contact Claudia


This award honors an SCCM member for his/her dedication, commitment, and
outstanding contributions to the field of critical care and to SCCM. For
additional information regarding this award, please contact SCCM.

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The Lifetime Achievement Award honors an individual who has demonstrated
meritorious contributions to the field of critical care through the advancement
of medical science, medical education, or medical care. 

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This award honors an individual who has demonstrated meritorious contributions
to the field of critical care through the advancement of medical science,
medical education, or medical care.

Apply Now
Applications and nominations will close on August 1, 2024.

Nominating Body:
 1. Voting members of SCCM and SCCM staff are eligible to nominate candidates.
 2. Self-nominations are accepted.

It is not required that the nominee be an SCCM member.
Council and Board of Regents are ineligible for this award during their tenure.
Must demonstrate meritorious contributions to the field of critical care through
the advancement of medical science, medical education, or medical care. 
Submission Requirements:
 1. Submit an updated CV.
 2. Submit a nomination letter from an SCCM member in good standing summarizing
    the nominee’s accomplishments in critical care
 3. Submit one letter of support

Council and Board of Regents are ineligible to write letters of support during
their tenure.

All recipients will be notified via email by November 1. 

 1. The awardee receives a plaque.
 2. The award will be presented during the Opening Session of the SCCM Critical
    Care Congress
 3. The awardee will be recognized during the ACCM Convocation/SCCM Awards

For additional information regarding this award, please contact Claudia


The Presidential Citation recognizes Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM)
members who have made extraordinary contributions of time, energy, and resources
to SCCM during the previous year. For additional information regarding this
award, please contact SCCM.

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This award recognizes a Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) member for
extraordinary contributions of time, resources, and innovation to SCCM during
the previous year.

Apply Now

Applications and nominations will close on August 1, 2024.

Nominating body:
 1. Voting members of SCCM and SCCM staff are eligible to nominate candidates.
 2. Self-nominations are accepted.
 3. Council and Board of Regents are ineligible to receive the award during
    their tenure.

Must be a voting member of SCCM in good standing.

Council and Board of Regents are ineligible to receive the award during their
Individuals must have made extraordinary contributions of time, resources, and
innovation to SCCM during the previous year
Submission Requirements:
 1. Must provide a summary of the nominee’s contributions and accomplishments to
    SCCM during the past year
 2. Must include a summary of the nominee’s accomplishments in critical care

Council will review and approve the list of nominees.

All recipients will be notified by email by November 1.
 1. The awardee receives a certificate.
 2. The recipients will be recognized during the ACCM Convocation/SCCM Awards

For additional information regarding this award, please contact Claudia

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Mount Prospect, IL 60056 USA
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Fax: +1 847 439-7226
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