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URL: https://event.vconferenceonline.com/microsite/html/event.aspx?id=1997
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Submission: On August 23 via api from US

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            <p align="left"></p>
              <span style="color:#000000;">We’re so glad you are joining us for this year’s conference.&nbsp;</span>
              <span style="color:#000000;">To help you have a great virtual experience, take a few moments to review the information on this page as you prepare to enter the virtual conference platform.</span>
            <span style="color:#000000;"><strong>Download the Conference
                Program</strong></span><a href="https://online.flipbuilder.com/hdka/nurc/" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="http://shrmvc.com/ohshrm/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Ohio-SHRM-2021-program.jpg" style="caret-color: rgb(102, 0, 102); font-family: Arial, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; width: 300px; height: 388px; float: right;"></a>
              <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">This year’s conference program is available for you to download. CLICK the Image to view.<br>
                <span style="font-size:16px;">The&nbsp;speakers and sessions&nbsp;are listed below with a link to add them to your calendar. This is a great time to review the session descriptions and decide which presentations you want to
                <span style="font-size:16px;"><strong>Chat Lounge, Networking and Chat Features</strong></span><br>
                <span style="font-size:16px;">You have many opportunities to interact with others attending the virtual conference. Connect with fellow HR professionals in the Chat Lounge. where you can join conversations, participate in topics and
                  even start chat threads of your own. This is a great time to network and share ideas.&nbsp;<br>
                  <br> You may connect to speakers during their presentations in the meeting rooms. The speakers are available to answer your questions in the Chat Feature.<br>
                  <br> Also, while you are visiting booths in the virtual Exhibition Hall, vendors will be available to help you learn more about their products and services, so be sure and connect with them through the Chat Feature in their
                <span style="font-size:16px;"><strong>On Demand Videos</strong></span><br>
                <span style="font-size: 16px; font-family: Roboto, sans-serif;">Once a scheduled session has concluded, it will move into the On Demand Videos section of the platform. From here, you’ll be able to access all the great content from the
                  conference sessions now through midnight November 25, 2021 and get additional recertification credits too.&nbsp;There are also ON DEMAND ONLY sessions that are available for additional credit.</span><br>
                <span style="font-size:16px;"> <strong>P</strong></span></span><strong style="font-size: 16px; font-family: Arial, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><strong>la</strong>y the Scavenger Hunt Game and Collect Activity Points for a Chance to
                Win Prizes</strong><br>
              <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Be sure and play the Scavenger Hunt. Just click on the Scavenger Hunt tab in any exhibit booth for game rules. Then search for items on the game card by going through exhibit
                  booths. Upload your completed game cards by Friday at Noon in any exhibit booth to be eligible to win. We’ll be drawing a winner to receive a 2022 Conference Registration.&nbsp;<br>
                  <strong>HRCI and SHRM Recertification Credits</strong><br> Our conference has been submitted for 18.75 SHRM and HRCI recertification credits and&nbsp;</span><span
                  style="font-size: 16px; caret-color: rgb(255, 0, 0); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif;">5.0 have been submitted as business credit and are labeled as such</span><span style="font-size:16px;">.&nbsp;You will receive the
                  recertification information from the conference committee a few days after the conclusion of the conference. Watch your inbox for that information.</span><br>
                <span style="font-size: 16px; font-family: Roboto, sans-serif;">And don’t forget, if you&nbsp;missed a session&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 16px; font-family: Roboto, sans-serif;">you’ll be able to increase the number of credit
                  hours by watching&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 16px; font-family: Roboto, sans-serif;">those</span><span style="font-size: 16px; font-family: Roboto, sans-serif;">&nbsp;sessions On Demand&nbsp;</span><span
                  style="font-size: 16px; font-family: Roboto, sans-serif;">as well as the On Demand ONLY sessions. You’ll have access to the conference sessions, in the On Demand Video section through November 25, 2021, so you’ll want to keep the
                  recertification information handy to apply for those additional credits.</span><br>
                <span style="font-size:16px;"><strong>Questions during the event</strong><br> Some internet browsers have settings that may cause your computer to go into sleep mode. When it’s time for a session to start, refresh your screen to make
                  sure your computer is awake and ready to go.&nbsp;<br>
                  <br> If you have any questions about the platform or need help getting connected during the conference, click over to the HELP CENTER and click on NEED TECHNICAL HELP. Our technical support team will be available to assist you with
                  any technical issues you may be having with the platform.&nbsp;</span></span><br>
              <strong style="font-size: 1.2em; font-family: Arial, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Click ENTER EVENT Button on the day of the event</span></strong>
                <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">When it’s time for the conference to start, get comfortable, refill your favorite beverage and refresh your screen. When you see&nbsp;<strong>ENTER EVENT&nbsp;</strong>in the
                    top right corner of the navigation, click it to login to the conference. We’re glad you’re here.</span></span>
  <!-- =========================
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            <div style="width:100%;"><span style="color:Black;">All times are Eastern Time</span>
              <a href="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/vmeschedules/VirtualProgram_g922ona12w.pdf" target="_blank">Printable Schedule</a><span style="color:Black;"> || Times, presenters and sessions are subject to change.<br></span><br>
            <div class="content-session content-session-solid-line 345t">
              <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;">
                <span id="DataList2_ctl01_Time">8/25/2021 8:45 AM<br></span>
                <br><br><span id="DataList2_ctl01_lbTrack"></span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl01_Room" style="font-weight:bold;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
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                <!--Speaker picture #1-->
                <!-- show only the first speaker, force them to smaller size by indicating the height, perhaps 150px? -->
              <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                <h3> Welcome &amp; Opening Remarks</h3><br>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl01_Label2">Julie</span>&nbsp; <span id="DataList2_ctl01_Label3">Doyle, SHRM-SCP, SPHR</span>
                <p align="left">
                <p align="left"></p><input type="button" id="btnAbstract40474" value="Speakers" onclick="toggleabstracts('40474');">&nbsp;<input type="button" id="btnSpeakers40474" value="Speaker Info" style="visibility: hidden;"
                <span id="LabelSpeakers40474" style="display: none;">
                  <a href="speakers.aspx?id=1997&amp;sp=9456" target="_new">
                  <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/f3771311121633_SkoKWsEK_Head_Shot_with_White_Background__Copy_6pdaegznkj.gif"
                      style="border-radius: 15%; width: 90%;" cssclass="topimage"> </div>
                  <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                    <h4>Julie&nbsp;Doyle, SHRM-SCP, SPHR </h4>
                    <p align="left"><span style="font-size:16px;">Julie Doyle has devoted her career to elevating the human resources function in organizations. She has held the senior HR leadership role with organizations in many different
                        industries.&nbsp; &nbsp; Her proven track record of driving business results through great human resources process, leading culture change, solving complex business challenges with the senior leaders and developing
                        high-performing teams is appreciated by HRC clients. Julie's passion to elevate the human resources profession is evident by her volunteer roles leading local and state-level SHRM groups.&nbsp; She has served as the President
                        of Greater Cincinnati HR Association, 2018 Ohio HR Conference Chair, and is currently serving as Ohio SHRM State Council Director.&nbsp; &nbsp;Jerri Hall:&nbsp; Jerri Hall is HRC's Managing Principal. She has helped companies
                        build their high-potential processes to maximize their effectiveness in North America and Brazil for both large and small organizations.&nbsp; Her broad and deep experience as a practitioner, including leading the HR function
                        for a global manufacturing and service company, makes her a valuable partner to HRC clients.&nbsp; Jerri is known for her ability to lead initiatives that are executed successfully.</span> </p>
                <span id="Label40474"></span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl01_sponsor"></span>
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              <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;">
                <span id="DataList2_ctl02_Time">8/25/2021 9:00 AM<br></span>
                <br><br><span id="DataList2_ctl02_lbTrack"></span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl02_Room" style="font-weight:bold;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
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                  <span id="DataList2_ctl02_Speakerpic"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/CindyLynch_1ba61fz3lj.jpg" style="border-radius: 25%; padding: 5px;" width="130"></span>
                <!--Speaker picture #1-->
                <!-- show only the first speaker, force them to smaller size by indicating the height, perhaps 150px? -->
              <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                <h3> Cindy Lynch - The Middle Manager Conundrum</h3><br>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl02_Label2">Cindy</span>&nbsp; <span id="DataList2_ctl02_Label3">Lynch</span>
                <p align="left">
                <p align="left"></p><input type="button" id="btnAbstract40302" value="Speakers" onclick="toggleabstracts('40302');">&nbsp;<input type="button" id="btnSpeakers40302" value="Speaker Info" style="visibility: hidden;"
                <span id="LabelSpeakers40302" style="display: none;">
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                  <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/CindyLynch_1ba61fz3lj.jpg" style="border-radius: 15%; width: 90%;" cssclass="topimage"> </div>
                  <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                    <h4>Cindy&nbsp;Lynch </h4>
                    <p align="left"></p>
                      <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Business<br>
                          <br> What leaders want today is a better way to measure and predict success. A degree in Psychology allows Cindy to apply an understanding of human behavior, workplace assessments and 25+ years’ worth of business experience
                          to the art and science of increasing performance and profits. Her background in talent optimization and upskilling leaders result in measurable and lasting change. When people are happier and more fulfilled you have an
                          undisputed advantage. Sometimes an organization know they need something, they just aren’t sure what they need. Cindy believes in starting with a root cause analysis to ensure clients are solving for the right problem. From
                          there, a strong use-case that ties measurable outcomes to business needs to maximize an ROI. And finally, a plan that will get them there. Passion, knowledge and expertise make her a formidable partner for any
                <span id="Label40302">The managers with the highest impact on company success or failure are frontline managers. Typically, they make-up 50% to 60% of a company’s management ranks and directly supervise as much as 80% of the
                  workforce. (HBR, Fred Hassan) It is the frontline manager who is responsible for the hiring, motivation and production of the people who do the work—those who design, make, and sell the products or deliver services to customers.
                  Instead of administrative work and meetings, they should focus on coaching their employees and on constantly improving quality. This interactive session talks about the what and how.</span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl02_sponsor"></span>
            <div class="content-session content-session-solid-line 345t">
              <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;">
                <span id="DataList2_ctl03_Time">8/25/2021 10:15 AM<br></span>
                <br><br><span id="DataList2_ctl03_lbTrack"></span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl03_Room" style="font-weight:bold;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
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                  <span id="DataList2_ctl03_Speakerpic"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/JodiBrandstetter_7zrn3dj5jk.jpg" style="border-radius: 25%; padding: 5px;" width="130"></span>
                <!--Speaker picture #1-->
                <!-- show only the first speaker, force them to smaller size by indicating the height, perhaps 150px? -->
              <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                <h3> Jodi Brandstetter - Hire By Design: Design Thinker in a Recruiting World</h3><br>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl03_Label2">Jodi</span>&nbsp; <span id="DataList2_ctl03_Label3">Brandstetter</span>
                <p align="left">
                <p align="left"></p><input type="button" id="btnAbstract40303" value="Speakers" onclick="toggleabstracts('40303');">&nbsp;<input type="button" id="btnSpeakers40303" value="Speaker Info" style="visibility: hidden;"
                <span id="LabelSpeakers40303" style="display: none;">
                  <a href="speakers.aspx?id=1997&amp;sp=18946" target="_new">
                  <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/JodiBrandstetter_7zrn3dj5jk.jpg" style="border-radius: 15%; width: 90%;" cssclass="topimage"> </div>
                  <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                    <h4>Jodi&nbsp;Brandstetter </h4>
                    <p align="left"></p>
                      <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Business<br>
                          <br> Jodi Brandstetter, SPHR, SHRM SCP is passionate about talent acquisition and uses design thinking in creating selection and hiring processes focused on people and business. She has 20 years of talent acquisition
                          experience and is certified through IDEO U in design thinking. Jodi is the CEO and founder of Lean Effective Talent Strategies which includes The Hiring Blueprint, talent acquisition consulting firm and Talent Acquisition
                          Evolution, a community for recruiting professionals to connect, learn, and work together. Her first book Hire By Design, launched September 18th and hit best seller in 7 Amazon Categories. Jodi lives outside of Cincinnati,
                          OH with her husband and daughter.</span></span>
                <span id="Label40303">The recruiting world today is nothing that we have seen before. Companies are navigating the uncertainty and ambiguity with the future of work and the future of their company. When you are looking for solutions
                  for new challenges, design thinking provides you with a method that creates creative ideas and solutions that are both human and business focused. Design thinking is the method that can help talent acquisition professionals from
                  recruiters to leaders come up with new ideas and solutions to move their organizations forward. In order to understand design thinking, you must do design thinking. This session will be hands on. The group will start with
                  understanding how to create a challenge statement, "what might we" question focused on the future of hiring and move into the ideation phrase where the group will experience a brainstorming session and finally prototyping. By the
                  end, the group will see how fast &amp; creative you can be with utilizing design thinking methodology.</span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl03_sponsor"></span>
            <div class="content-session content-session-solid-line 345t">
              <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;">
                <span id="DataList2_ctl04_Time">8/25/2021 12:00 PM<br></span>
                <br><br><span id="DataList2_ctl04_lbTrack"></span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl04_Room" style="font-weight:bold;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
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                <span id="speakerpic40322">
                  <span id="DataList2_ctl04_Speakerpic"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/GingerZee_fgq1mw2n23.png" style="border-radius: 25%; padding: 5px;" width="130"></span>
                <!--Speaker picture #1-->
                <!-- show only the first speaker, force them to smaller size by indicating the height, perhaps 150px? -->
              <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                <h3> Ginger Zee - Natural Disaster: I Cover Them and I Am One</h3><br>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl04_Label2">Ginger</span>&nbsp; <span id="DataList2_ctl04_Label3">Zee</span>
                <p align="left">
                <p align="left"></p><input type="button" id="btnAbstract40322" value="Speakers" onclick="toggleabstracts('40322');">&nbsp;<input type="button" id="btnSpeakers40322" value="Speaker Info" style="visibility: hidden;"
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                  <a href="speakers.aspx?id=1997&amp;sp=19026" target="_new">
                  <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/GingerZee_fgq1mw2n23.png" style="border-radius: 15%; width: 90%;" cssclass="topimage"> </div>
                  <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                    <h4>Ginger&nbsp;Zee </h4>
                    <p align="left"></p>
                    <div class="headline-with-explanation">
                      <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Ginger Zee is the chief meteorologist at ABC News. You see her covering the nation’s weather headlines on Good Morning America and across all ABC News broadcasts and
                          digital platforms. She also hosts an ABC News original digital series, Food Forecast, focused on climate and its impact on agriculture.</span></span><br> &nbsp;
                    <div class="speaker-bio">
                      <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Ginger has covered almost every major weather event and dozens of historic storms for the past fifteen years—from Hurricane Katrina to Hurricane Sandy and Michael; from
                          the Australian wildfires to the climate’s impact on Victoria Falls, Africa; and the aftermath of tornadoes all over the United States, most notably those in Moore and El Reno, Oklahoma. She’s covered blizzards in Boston and
                          record-breaking heat in Death Valley. She not only shares her passion for meteorology but, more importantly, presents the compassion and human side of these storms.<br>
                          <br> Having storm-chased since college, Ginger has a genuine love for the atmosphere and a dedication to getting young people interested in science. She has written a STEM trilogy called Chasing Helicity for middle grades,
                          which follows a stormchasing a young woman named Helicity across the U.S. learning about science and life.</span></span>
                <span id="Label40322">Defunk the unconcious bias that goes with mental health in the workplace. Understand when personal/professional struggles are more than just stress. How to manage through personal struggles and still become
                  successful in your professional life.</span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl04_sponsor"></span>
            <div class="content-session content-session-solid-line 345t">
              <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;">
                <span id="DataList2_ctl05_Time">8/25/2021 1:30 PM<br></span>
                <br><br><span id="DataList2_ctl05_lbTrack"></span>
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                <h3> Barb Utrup - The Power of Presence: It's Not Being in the Room - It's Owning the Room</h3><br>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl05_Label2">Barb</span>&nbsp; <span id="DataList2_ctl05_Label3">Utrup</span>
                <p align="left">
                <p align="left"></p><input type="button" id="btnAbstract40307" value="Speakers" onclick="toggleabstracts('40307');">&nbsp;<input type="button" id="btnSpeakers40307" value="Speaker Info" style="visibility: hidden;"
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                      cssclass="topimage"> </div>
                  <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                    <h4>Barb&nbsp;Utrup </h4>
                    <p align="left"></p>
                      <span style="font-size:16px;"><span style="color:#000000;">Business<br>
                          <br> Barb Utrup has been leading Human Resources departments and doing business consulting for more than 20 years. In that time, she has partnered with leaders to support their strategic goals in the areas of talent
                          management, organizational development, and human resources. Her experience in various industries including healthcare, manufacturing, sports, and non-profit spans from strategy and operations to leadership and team
                          development. Ms. Utrup's strengths include outstanding communication and the ability to build relationships. With a professional, yet relatable communication style and ability to connect with individuals at all levels, she
                          is very passionate about learning and development.&nbsp;</span></span>
                <span id="Label40307">Have you a attended a meeting but left without saying a word? Have you been asked to share your screen on a video call, where you weren't prepared in appearance, or for the content to be reviewed? Do you complain
                  about the way things are to your team? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not demonstrating leadership presence. In this engaging workshop, we will define leadership presence and evaluate it's components. In
                  addition, attendees will review dynamic ways to influence a variety of stakeholders, both in person and virtually. Participants will be able to apply actionable concepts to how they act, communicate and appear - whether a leader or
                  an influencer in the organization.</span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl05_sponsor"></span>
            <div class="content-session content-session-solid-line 345t">
              <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;">
                <span id="DataList2_ctl06_Time">8/25/2021 2:45 PM<br></span>
                <br><br><span id="DataList2_ctl06_lbTrack"></span>
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                <h3> Kirk Kureska - Understanding and Identifying Workplace Substance Abuse</h3><br>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl06_Label2">Kirk</span>&nbsp; <span id="DataList2_ctl06_Label3">Kureska</span>
                <p align="left">
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                      cssclass="topimage"> </div>
                  <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                    <h4>Kirk&nbsp;Kureska </h4>
                    <p align="left"></p>
                      <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Over 30 years of progressive leadership in the all facets of the behavioral healthcare industry.&nbsp;&nbsp; A seasoned healthcare executive with a proven formula of
                          balancing aggressive organizational growth and financial discipline. &nbsp;A hands on, highly energetic, engaging, professional with extensive experience in multi-state, multi site management, payer contract negotiations,
                          mergers and acquisitions, and DE Novo projects. Mr. Kureska is a national representative and speaker on the behavioral health industry and committee member on state and national behavioral health policy on addiction and
                          mental health including the Affordable Healthcare Act, Parity, Access to Care Act and National Standards of Care &amp; Managed Care Level of Care Compliance (ASAM).<br>
                          <br> As Vice President of Hospital Operations for New Vista Behavioral Healthcare, Mr. Kureska is directly responsible for the organizations operational leadership, compliance, strategy, and management for the four acute
                          psychiatric hospitals, one residential addiction program and five outpatient programs. Prior to joining New Vista Behavioral Health Mr. Kureska served as Chief Executive Officer for Promises Behavioral Healthcare, Executive
                          Vice President of Operations for Elements Behavioral Health, Regional Vice President of Operations for Signature Healthcare, Divisional President for Acadia Healthcare, and Vice President of Operations for CRC Health and
                          multiple single site Chief Executive Officer positions.</span></span>
                <span id="Label40309">Understanding of laws and legislative changes in relation to substance abuse and the workplace. Understanding the signs of workplace substance abuse and how the effects of substance abuse affect the bottom line
                  of the organization. How employers can assist employees in getting help and supporting them through their cycle of addiction and on the road to recovery.</span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl06_sponsor"></span>
            <div class="content-session content-session-solid-line 345t">
              <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;">
                <span id="DataList2_ctl07_Time">8/25/2021 4:00 PM<br></span>
                <br><br><span id="DataList2_ctl07_lbTrack"></span>
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                <h3> Brian Wagner - If You Could See What I See</h3><br>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl07_Label2">Brian</span>&nbsp; <span id="DataList2_ctl07_Label3">Wagner</span>
                <p align="left">
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                  <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                    <h4>Brian&nbsp;Wagner </h4>
                    <p align="left"></p>
                      <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">An inspirational speaker, Brian Wagner is also the author of the book&nbsp;Sometimes It DOES Take a Brain Surgeon&nbsp;and CEO of A Radical Vision. He was in technology
                          sales when his whole world came to a screeching halt! On March 4, 2011, Brian woke up in total darkness due to a genetic defect that caused him to have physical blindness for six months. Days later he had brain surgery in
                          Phoenix, Arizona. During his time of total reliance on others, Brian swore that if he could get his sight back he would help others that are struggling in their own way. While he stills deals with partial blindness, Brian
                          keeps the promise that he made to help others. As he puts it, "I lost my sight and ended up with vision."</span></span>
                <span id="Label40310">You’ll laugh and cry until you can’t see straight. It’s OK, Brian can’t see straight either!</span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl07_sponsor"></span>
            <div class="content-session content-session-solid-line 345t">
              <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;">
                <span id="DataList2_ctl08_Time">8/26/2021 8:45 AM<br></span>
                <br><br><span id="DataList2_ctl08_lbTrack"></span>
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                <h3> Cherrie Davis - When? Right Now!</h3><br>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl08_Label2">Cherrie</span>&nbsp; <span id="DataList2_ctl08_Label3">Davis</span>
                <p align="left">
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                  <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                    <h4>Cherrie&nbsp;Davis </h4>
                    <p align="left"></p>
                      <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Cherrie Davis is a visionary leader and knows human dynamics, with over 3 decades of experience in human resources, is a recognized, facilitator, and change management
                          leader.&nbsp; She provides a fresh perspective to her clients by merging real-world experience with proven knowledge of people. Cherrie Davis is the President at ShiftForward Consulting, based in, GA. Cherrie received her
                          B.A. in Communications from Black Hills State, Spearfish, SD, where she was recognized as the Distinguished Military Graduate and by Who's Who among Students in American Colleges and Universities. She earned a Master's in
                          Human Resources with an emphasis in International Management, from Webster, St. Louis, MO. She holds professional certifications for Senior Professional Human Resources, Executive &amp; Organizational Coaching, and Quality
                <span id="Label40312">It’s 2021, everything has changed! The workplace as we know will never be the same again. Organizations are turning to you for help in expanding their abilities to lead and operate in a more diverse and demanding
                  culture. In this highly impactful session, Cherrie takes you on a journey with her personal experiences, research, and audience interaction to provide strategies to champion your organization’s DEI strategy. You will walk away with
                  tools and the inspiration to foster a culture of diverse talent and equitable opportunities, where inclusion really does become second nature.</span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl08_sponsor"></span>
            <div class="content-session content-session-solid-line 345t">
              <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;">
                <span id="DataList2_ctl09_Time">8/26/2021 10:15 AM<br></span>
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                <h3> John Broer - Building a Bosshole-Free Zone (BFZ)</h3><br>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl09_Label2">John</span>&nbsp; <span id="DataList2_ctl09_Label3">Broer</span>
                <p align="left">
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                  <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                    <h4>John&nbsp;Broer </h4>
                    <p align="left"></p>
                      <span style="font-family: Arial, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">Business</span><br>
                      <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">John Broer is a Principal and Co-Founder of real.good.ventures, a people optimization consultancy based in Toledo, Ohio. John has been an organizational performance
                          consultant for nearly 25 years with experience in a wide variety of industries and markets. As a certified Talent Optimization Consultant, John’s areas of expertise have included corporate learning architecture, leadership
                          and team development, people analytics, and disrupting the out-dated practices that are holding organizations back from realizing their true potential.</span></span>
                <span id="Label40313">Business They are everywhere, and if organizations aren’t careful, they will stifle morale, squash engagement, and ultimately destroy performance. Who are they? Bossholes. The time has come for us to help these
                  people who may not know they have achieved Bosshole status within their organization.</span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl09_sponsor"></span>
            <div class="content-session content-session-solid-line 345t">
              <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;">
                <span id="DataList2_ctl10_Time">8/26/2021 11:15 AM<br></span>
                <br><br><span id="DataList2_ctl10_lbTrack"></span>
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                <h3> Robert Robenalt - How Employers Are Tackling the COVID-19 Vaccine &amp; Latest Delopments</h3><br>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl10_Label2">Robert</span>&nbsp; <span id="DataList2_ctl10_Label3">Robenalt</span>
                <p align="left">
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                  <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                    <h4>Robert&nbsp;Robenalt </h4>
                    <p align="left"></p>
                      <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Bob Robenalt is a member of the firm’s COVID-19 Taskforce, a cross-disciplinary team of attorneys dedicated to advising employers on the many workplace law aspects of
                          the global coronavirus pandemic.<br>
                          <br> Bob Robenalt is a partner in the firm's Columbus, Ohio office. He has practiced labor and employment law for over 25 years, and his practice is multifaceted. Bob has represented national and Ohio companies in a variety
                          of labor and employment issues. His practice is focused on advising employers on all aspects of employment law, including employee discipline, and compliance issues in various Federal and Ohio employment laws and
                          regulations, including ADA, FMLA, and OSHA. Bob also actively represents employers in court and administrative trials and proceedings. His defense efforts have ranged from defense of clients in lawsuits and claims involving
                          non-competition and trade secret matters, wrongful discharge and discrimination claims, workers' compensation and OSHA matters, and Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).<br>
                          <br> Bob has successfully served as first chair in a number of jury and bench trials in both Federal and State Courts. He has also argued on appeals before Ohio and Federal appellate courts and has appeared in significant
                          cases before the Supreme Court of Ohio and the 4th and 6th District Courts of Appeals. He is also admitted to the Supreme Court of the United States.<br>
                          <br> Although Bob enjoys the litigation process, he also strives to be a true partner to his clients by providing counsel before a lawsuit is filed. He works with Executives, Human Resources, and managing groups to avoid
                          litigation through training, education, and implementing effective policy. Bob has also published numerous articles on employer related topics and gives presentations on labor and employment matters. Bob is recognized as Top
                          Lawyers in America, Top Lawyers in Columbus and Ohio Super Lawyers.</span></span>
                <span id="Label40435">With the COVID-19 vaccine finally here, many employers are eager to have their employees vaccinated. This seminar will provide guidance to help employers navigate the minefield of employment-related issues
                  created by the vaccination process. These issues include: - Use of vaccinations programs to assist with employee safety and OSHA compliance - The pros and cons of whether to mandate, facilitate or encourage vaccinations -
                  Prohibitions and considerations relating to ADA compliance, Title VII protections for religious practices, and pre-screening questions - Preparation and implementation of a compliant vaccination policy - Tips on how best to
                  communicate your vaccination protocol to employees - Confidentiality of vaccine information Tips to help obtain employee buy-in for vaccinations, including discussion of “incentives” - Legal issues relating to the requirement of
                  proof of vaccination</span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl10_sponsor"></span>
            <div class="content-session content-session-solid-line 345t">
              <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;">
                <span id="DataList2_ctl11_Time">8/26/2021 1:00 PM<br></span>
                <br><br><span id="DataList2_ctl11_lbTrack"></span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl11_Room" style="font-weight:bold;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
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                <h3> Leslie Fiorenzo - The Conflict Savvy Leader</h3><br>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl11_Label2">Leslie</span>&nbsp; <span id="DataList2_ctl11_Label3">Fiorenzo</span>
                <p align="left">
                <p align="left"></p><input type="button" id="btnAbstract40314" value="Speakers" onclick="toggleabstracts('40314');">&nbsp;<input type="button" id="btnSpeakers40314" value="Speaker Info" style="visibility: hidden;"
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                  <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                    <h4>Leslie&nbsp;Fiorenzo </h4>
                    <p align="left"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Until 2019 Leslie was the Director of the Employee Assistance Center, with a focus on helping employers solve their trickiest people problems. She founded
                          her own practice, Coach With Leslie LLC, in 2020 after hearing the frustrations around poor communication and ineffective conflict management in many organizations. Over her career she has taught 1000’s of professionals’
                          conflict resolution techniques and she knows what works, and what doesn’t. That’s why she wrote The Twenty-One Lessons for Mastering the Difficult Conversation. A lifelong learner, she obtained a master’s in human resource
                          development from Western Michigan University. Always on the quest for tools to help her clients she has these additional certifications:</span></span>
                        <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">5 in 5 Performance Coaching© with IPV Consulting</span></span>
                        <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Thera-rising: Drama Free Workplace – Avoiding Self-Defeating Habits of Otherwise Brilliant People® and The Conflict Savvy Leader</span></span>
                        <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Conversational Management Facilitator</span></span>
                        <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Disc based learning tools</span></span>
                <span id="Label40314">Despite the painful costs of mistrust, 88% of employee’s report that their supervisors handle conflict poorly. Bridge the gap! Learn a proven, step-by-step process for permanently restoring collaboration between
                  direct reports and other key members of your team. React with confidence when individuals pressure you to take sides and transform attitudes of “us versus them” into a unified search for solutions. This session will cover how to:
                  establish ground rules that gain the trust and cooperation of both parties; achieve lasting resolution despite conflicting account of the past events and turn the blame into a shared responsibility for the future.</span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl11_sponsor"></span>
            <div class="content-session content-session-solid-line 345t">
              <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;">
                <span id="DataList2_ctl12_Time">8/26/2021 2:00 PM<br></span>
                <br><br><span id="DataList2_ctl12_lbTrack"></span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl12_Room" style="font-weight:bold;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
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                <h3> Teresa Smith - Managing the Employee Journey During Times of Uncertainty</h3><br>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl12_Label2">Teresa</span>&nbsp; <span id="DataList2_ctl12_Label3">Smith</span>
                <p align="left">
                <p align="left"></p><input type="button" id="btnAbstract40315" value="Speakers" onclick="toggleabstracts('40315');">&nbsp;<input type="button" id="btnSpeakers40315" value="Speaker Info" style="visibility: hidden;"
                <span id="LabelSpeakers40315" style="display: none;">
                  <a href="speakers.aspx?id=1997&amp;sp=19021" target="_new">
                  <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/TeresaSmith_1flhn6yheh.jpg" style="border-radius: 15%; width: 90%;" cssclass="topimage"> </div>
                  <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                    <h4>Teresa&nbsp;Smith </h4>
                    <p align="left"></p>
                      <span style="font-family: Arial, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">Business</span><br>
                      <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">As a senior manager for the human capital management (HCM) strategy consultant group for UKG Incorporated, Teresa Smith advises business leaders and their leadership
                          teams on how to better maximize people-centric strategies to achieve long-term success. With deep expertise in change management process and business innovation, Smith is an advocate for the unmatched value of an empowered
                          workforce, and helps organizations more effectively attract prospective employees, engage existing employees, and holistically develop and manage an exceptional employee experience.</span></span>
                <span id="Label40315">Business When change strikes, establishing a change management strategy can help limit disruptions. As many organizations are beginning to implement changes that will impact the way work, it is more important
                  than ever to plan and execute a change management strategy that can effectively manage risk, measure success and give you support.</span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl12_sponsor"></span>
            <div class="content-session content-session-solid-line 345t">
              <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;">
                <span id="DataList2_ctl13_Time">8/26/2021 3:30 PM<br></span>
                <br><br><span id="DataList2_ctl13_lbTrack"></span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl13_Room" style="font-weight:bold;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
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                <span id="speakerpic40316">
                  <span id="DataList2_ctl13_Speakerpic"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/ShaylaRivera_bgj8bqzfti.jpg" style="border-radius: 25%; padding: 5px;" width="130"></span>
                <!--Speaker picture #1-->
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              <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                <h3> Shayla Rivera - ABC - Awareness Brings Change</h3><br>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl13_Label2">Shayla</span>&nbsp; <span id="DataList2_ctl13_Label3">Rivera</span>
                <p align="left">
                <p align="left"></p><input type="button" id="btnAbstract40316" value="Speakers" onclick="toggleabstracts('40316');">&nbsp;<input type="button" id="btnSpeakers40316" value="Speaker Info" style="visibility: hidden;"
                <span id="LabelSpeakers40316" style="display: none;">
                  <a href="speakers.aspx?id=1997&amp;sp=19020" target="_new">
                  <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/ShaylaRivera_bgj8bqzfti.jpg" style="border-radius: 15%; width: 90%;" cssclass="topimage"> </div>
                  <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                    <h4>Shayla&nbsp;Rivera </h4>
                    <p align="left"></p>
                      <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Shayla Rivera is an Aerospace Engineer and former Rocket Scientist with NASA turned salesperson, corporate trainer, and now International Keynote Speaker, TEDx Speaker,
                          TV &amp; Radio host, Emcee/Host, Comedian, Actor, Writer, Producer, Seminar Facilitator, Panel Moderator. &nbsp;As of 2017, she is also the Director of the ENGR[x] program and Professor of Practice with the College of
                          Engineering at Texas A&amp;M University.</span></span>
                <span id="Label40316">Know when we are in the throes of a limiting belief and what to do about that. Find and understand the limiting beliefs that get in the way of us being refreshed. Understand stress as a signal that a change is
                  needed and what to do about it. Decide on purpose what your story will say about you.</span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl13_sponsor"></span>
            <div class="content-session content-session-solid-line 345t">
              <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;">
                <span id="DataList2_ctl14_Time">8/27/2021 8:00 AM<br></span>
                <br><br><span id="DataList2_ctl14_lbTrack"></span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl14_Room" style="font-weight:bold;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
                <center><a href="sess_calendar.aspx?id=40317"><i class="material-icons">add_alert</i><br>
                                Add to Calendar</a></center>
                <span id="speakerpic40317">
                  <span id="DataList2_ctl14_Speakerpic"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/JulieDevelin_p8t7oovee3.jpg" style="border-radius: 25%; padding: 5px;" width="130"></span>
                <!--Speaker picture #1-->
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              <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                <h3> Julie Develin - The Cost of Doing Nothing in HR: Mistakes I’ve Made So You Don’t Have To</h3><br>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl14_Label2">Julie</span>&nbsp; <span id="DataList2_ctl14_Label3">Develin</span>
                <p align="left">
                <p align="left"></p><input type="button" id="btnAbstract40317" value="Speakers" onclick="toggleabstracts('40317');">&nbsp;<input type="button" id="btnSpeakers40317" value="Speaker Info" style="visibility: hidden;"
                <span id="LabelSpeakers40317" style="display: none;">
                  <a href="speakers.aspx?id=1997&amp;sp=19018" target="_new">
                  <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/JulieDevelin_p8t7oovee3.jpg" style="border-radius: 15%; width: 90%;" cssclass="topimage"> </div>
                  <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                    <h4>Julie&nbsp;Develin </h4>
                    <p align="left"></p>
                      <span style="font-family: Arial, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">Business</span><br>
                      <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">An expert on employee relations, workplace flexibility, and workforce development, Julie Develin is a Sr. Partner, HCM Advisory at UKG, a global leader in workforce
                          cloud solutions. With more than 17 years of experience as an HR practitioner focused on improving workplace culture and enhancing the employee experience, Develin helps organizations worldwide implement strategic employee
                          technology and workplace initiatives to enhance productivity, improve communication, and increase satisfaction across the workforce.<br>
                          <br> Develin holds an M.S. in human resources development from McDaniel College, where she continues to work today as an adjunct professor in the human resources management and human services management
                <span id="Label40317">Business Join Julie Develin, MSHRD, SHRM-SCP as she takes you through a tell all about lessons she learned from her experience leading HR during a time of change. She’ll share some of the employee engagement
                  challenges she faced over her 17+ years as an HR practitioner, mistakes she made, and ways she overcame them through an interactional and conversational presentation. She talks about the choices HR leaders make (or fail to make)
                  that can hold organizations back from reaching their strategic business objectives and achieving a winning workplace culture. Learn how to critically evaluate your HR processes and identify opportunities for improvement in your
                  employee experience both within HR and in the broader organization.</span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl14_sponsor"></span>
            <div class="content-session content-session-solid-line 345t">
              <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;">
                <span id="DataList2_ctl15_Time">8/27/2021 9:00 AM<br></span>
                <br><br><span id="DataList2_ctl15_lbTrack"></span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl15_Room" style="font-weight:bold;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
                <center><a href="sess_calendar.aspx?id=40318"><i class="material-icons">add_alert</i><br>
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                <span id="speakerpic40318">
                  <span id="DataList2_ctl15_Speakerpic"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/RogerGrannis_ap1cvig5u3.jpg" style="border-radius: 25%; padding: 5px;" width="130"></span>
                <!--Speaker picture #1-->
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              <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                <h3> Roger Grannis - The Yellow Cake Principle: The Recipe for Influence</h3><br>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl15_Label2">Roger</span>&nbsp; <span id="DataList2_ctl15_Label3">Grannis</span>
                <p align="left">
                <p align="left"></p><input type="button" id="btnAbstract40318" value="Speakers" onclick="toggleabstracts('40318');">&nbsp;<input type="button" id="btnSpeakers40318" value="Speaker Info" style="visibility: hidden;"
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                  <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/RogerGrannis_ap1cvig5u3.jpg" style="border-radius: 15%; width: 90%;" cssclass="topimage"> </div>
                  <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                    <h4>Roger&nbsp;Grannis </h4>
                    <p align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">Business</span><br>
                      <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Roger Grannis brings the passion and artistry of a master chef to teaching businesspeople. His client list is a who’s who of global business. GE. PepsiCo. Foot Locker.
                          Symantec. Vertex. Wells Fargo. They’ve all gathered in his culinary classroom, learning how to create measurable business results out of the ingredients of persuasion.<br>
                          <br> Before forming GrannisGroup, in 2004, Roger built Gartner Sales Training Academy, helping grow revenues from $32 million to $850 million.<br>
                          <br> Roger is the president of the New England chapter of the National Speakers Association. Roger brings high energy, high value, and high humor to every program.</span></span>
                <span id="Label40318">Business Would you like to have your cake and eat it too? The Yellow Cake Principle will show you how. Served up with a blend of actionable ideas and a generous dash of humor, the Yellow Cake Principle provides
                  the ingredients you need to connect, influence, and persuade. Need to get buy-in from senior leaders, engage staff and employees, or have not-so-fun conversations? Whisk your worries away. After this program, those interactions will
                  be a piece of cake. The laughter is just the icing. Warning: The Yellow Cake Principle has zero calories but may be addictive.</span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl15_sponsor"></span>
            <div class="content-session content-session-solid-line 345t">
              <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;">
                <span id="DataList2_ctl16_Time">8/27/2021 10:15 AM<br></span>
                <br><br><span id="DataList2_ctl16_lbTrack"></span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl16_Room" style="font-weight:bold;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
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                  <span id="DataList2_ctl16_Speakerpic"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/CindyLynch_1ba61fz3lj.jpg" style="border-radius: 25%; padding: 5px;" width="130"></span>
                <!--Speaker picture #1-->
                <!-- show only the first speaker, force them to smaller size by indicating the height, perhaps 150px? -->
              <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                <h3> Cindy Lynch - Diversity isn't an Initiative, it's a Culture!</h3><br>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl16_Label2">Cindy</span>&nbsp; <span id="DataList2_ctl16_Label3">Lynch</span>
                <p align="left">
                <p align="left"></p><input type="button" id="btnAbstract40319" value="Speakers" onclick="toggleabstracts('40319');">&nbsp;<input type="button" id="btnSpeakers40319" value="Speaker Info" style="visibility: hidden;"
                <span id="LabelSpeakers40319" style="display: none;">
                  <a href="speakers.aspx?id=1997&amp;sp=18945" target="_new">
                  <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/CindyLynch_1ba61fz3lj.jpg" style="border-radius: 15%; width: 90%;" cssclass="topimage"> </div>
                  <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                    <h4>Cindy&nbsp;Lynch </h4>
                    <p align="left"></p>
                      <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Business<br>
                          <br> What leaders want today is a better way to measure and predict success. A degree in Psychology allows Cindy to apply an understanding of human behavior, workplace assessments and 25+ years’ worth of business experience
                          to the art and science of increasing performance and profits. Her background in talent optimization and upskilling leaders result in measurable and lasting change. When people are happier and more fulfilled you have an
                          undisputed advantage. Sometimes an organization know they need something, they just aren’t sure what they need. Cindy believes in starting with a root cause analysis to ensure clients are solving for the right problem. From
                          there, a strong use-case that ties measurable outcomes to business needs to maximize an ROI. And finally, a plan that will get them there. Passion, knowledge and expertise make her a formidable partner for any
                <span id="Label40319">Strategic HR leaders know that lasting change is needed in the area of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. If you are wondering where to start and what to do next, this session is for you.</span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl16_sponsor"></span>
            <div class="content-session content-session-solid-line 345t">
              <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;">
                <span id="DataList2_ctl17_Time">8/27/2021 11:00 AM<br></span>
                <br><br><span id="DataList2_ctl17_lbTrack"></span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl17_Room" style="font-weight:bold;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
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                  <span id="DataList2_ctl17_Speakerpic"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/BrianWagner_z3l5j8usfa.jpg" style="border-radius: 25%; padding: 5px;" width="130"></span>
                <!--Speaker picture #1-->
                <!-- show only the first speaker, force them to smaller size by indicating the height, perhaps 150px? -->
              <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                <h3> Brian Wagner - Discover Your Blind Spots</h3><br>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl17_Label2">Brian</span>&nbsp; <span id="DataList2_ctl17_Label3">Wagner</span>
                <p align="left">
                <p align="left"></p><input type="button" id="btnAbstract40320" value="Speakers" onclick="toggleabstracts('40320');">&nbsp;<input type="button" id="btnSpeakers40320" value="Speaker Info" style="visibility: hidden;"
                <span id="LabelSpeakers40320" style="display: none;">
                  <a href="speakers.aspx?id=1997&amp;sp=19014" target="_new">
                  <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/BrianWagner_z3l5j8usfa.jpg" style="border-radius: 15%; width: 90%;" cssclass="topimage"> </div>
                  <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                    <h4>Brian&nbsp;Wagner </h4>
                    <p align="left"></p>
                      <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">An inspirational speaker, Brian Wagner is also the author of the book&nbsp;Sometimes It DOES Take a Brain Surgeon&nbsp;and CEO of A Radical Vision. He was in technology
                          sales when his whole world came to a screeching halt! On March 4, 2011, Brian woke up in total darkness due to a genetic defect that caused him to have physical blindness for six months. Days later he had brain surgery in
                          Phoenix, Arizona. During his time of total reliance on others, Brian swore that if he could get his sight back he would help others that are struggling in their own way. While he stills deals with partial blindness, Brian
                          keeps the promise that he made to help others. As he puts it, "I lost my sight and ended up with vision."</span></span>
                <span id="Label40320"></span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl17_sponsor"></span>
            <div class="content-session content-session-solid-line 345t">
              <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;">
                <span id="DataList2_ctl18_Time">8/27/2021 12:15 PM<br></span>
                <br><br><span id="DataList2_ctl18_lbTrack"></span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl18_Room" style="font-weight:bold;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
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                <span id="speakerpic40321">
                  <span id="DataList2_ctl18_Speakerpic"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/RyanCampbell_n25tvdw5hy.jpg" style="border-radius: 25%; padding: 5px;" width="130"></span>
                <!--Speaker picture #1-->
                <!-- show only the first speaker, force them to smaller size by indicating the height, perhaps 150px? -->
              <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                <h3> Ryan Campbell - TurbulenceTough: Building Resilient, Unstoppable Teams</h3><br>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl18_Label2">Ryan</span>&nbsp; <span id="DataList2_ctl18_Label3">Campbell</span>
                <p align="left">
                <p align="left"></p><input type="button" id="btnAbstract40321" value="Speakers" onclick="toggleabstracts('40321');">&nbsp;<input type="button" id="btnSpeakers40321" value="Speaker Info" style="visibility: hidden;"
                <span id="LabelSpeakers40321" style="display: none;">
                  <a href="speakers.aspx?id=1997&amp;sp=19019" target="_new">
                  <div style="float: left; width:20%; padding-right:10px;"><img src="https://vconf_materials.s3.amazonaws.com/speakerimages/RyanCampbell_n25tvdw5hy.jpg" style="border-radius: 15%; width: 90%;" cssclass="topimage"> </div>
                  <div style="float: left; width:80%;">
                    <h4>Ryan&nbsp;Campbell </h4>
                    <p align="left"></p>
                      <span style="font-family: Arial, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">Business</span><br>
                      <span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Born and raised in an Australian coastal town, Ryan discovered his passion at a very young age -- flight. Aviation would be the dominant fixture in the young
                          Australian’s life, providing some amazing but also traumatic, life-altering experiences. Ryan is a master of adversity and an ardent believer that life is won and lost above the shoulders---your mind can be either your most
                          powerful asset or the determinant of your failure. He proved his mental fortitude by making history as a record-breaking pilot but demonstrated his mastery by learning to walk again and fighting his way back into the sky.
                          Now based in Nashville, Tennessee, Ryan is equipped and eager to transform your organization with a unique, unpredictable, and unforgettable keynote.</span></span>
                <span id="Label40321">Business Much like unexpected turbulence, tomorrow’s challenges are entirely unknown. One thing we can be sure of, however, is the certainty of future storms. Successful organizations are fueled by resilient
                  teams, prepared to not only ride out the bumps but efficiently harness adversity in order to fly faster and higher than ever before. Through an inspiring, rollercoaster ride of real-life adventure and adversity, Ryan Campbell shares
                  the tales and take-aways that inspire, equip and encourage the pursuit of your unique maximum potential. From a world record-breaking, 24,000-mile solo flight around the world to learning to walk and fly again as a paraplegic plane
                  crash survivor, uncover the truths behind becoming TurbulenceTough from one of Australia’s 50 Greatest Explorers.</span>
                <span id="DataList2_ctl18_sponsor"></span>
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Download the Conference Program

This year’s conference program is available for you to download. CLICK the Image
to view.

The speakers and sessions are listed below with a link to add them to your
calendar. This is a great time to review the session descriptions and decide
which presentations you want to attend.

Chat Lounge, Networking and Chat Features
You have many opportunities to interact with others attending the virtual
conference. Connect with fellow HR professionals in the Chat Lounge. where you
can join conversations, participate in topics and even start chat threads of
your own. This is a great time to network and share ideas. 

You may connect to speakers during their presentations in the meeting rooms. The
speakers are available to answer your questions in the Chat Feature.

Also, while you are visiting booths in the virtual Exhibition Hall, vendors will
be available to help you learn more about their products and services, so be
sure and connect with them through the Chat Feature in their booths. 

On Demand Videos
Once a scheduled session has concluded, it will move into the On Demand Videos
section of the platform. From here, you’ll be able to access all the great
content from the conference sessions now through midnight November 25, 2021 and
get additional recertification credits too. There are also ON DEMAND ONLY
sessions that are available for additional credit.

Play the Scavenger Hunt Game and Collect Activity Points for a Chance to Win
Be sure and play the Scavenger Hunt. Just click on the Scavenger Hunt tab in any
exhibit booth for game rules. Then search for items on the game card by going
through exhibit booths. Upload your completed game cards by Friday at Noon in
any exhibit booth to be eligible to win. We’ll be drawing a winner to receive a
2022 Conference Registration. 

HRCI and SHRM Recertification Credits
Our conference has been submitted for 18.75 SHRM and HRCI recertification
credits and 5.0 have been submitted as business credit and are labeled as
such. You will receive the recertification information from the conference
committee a few days after the conclusion of the conference. Watch your inbox
for that information.

And don’t forget, if you missed a session you’ll be able to increase the number
of credit hours by watching those sessions On Demand as well as the On Demand
ONLY sessions. You’ll have access to the conference sessions, in the On Demand
Video section through November 25, 2021, so you’ll want to keep the
recertification information handy to apply for those additional credits.

Questions during the event
Some internet browsers have settings that may cause your computer to go into
sleep mode. When it’s time for a session to start, refresh your screen to make
sure your computer is awake and ready to go. 

If you have any questions about the platform or need help getting connected
during the conference, click over to the HELP CENTER and click on NEED TECHNICAL
HELP. Our technical support team will be available to assist you with any
technical issues you may be having with the platform. 

Click ENTER EVENT Button on the day of the event

When it’s time for the conference to start, get comfortable, refill your
favorite beverage and refresh your screen. When you see ENTER EVENT in the top
right corner of the navigation, click it to login to the conference. We’re glad
you’re here.


All times are Eastern Time Printable Schedule || Times, presenters and sessions
are subject to change.

8/25/2021 8:45 AM

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Julie  Doyle, SHRM-SCP, SPHR



Julie Doyle has devoted her career to elevating the human resources function in
organizations. She has held the senior HR leadership role with organizations in
many different industries.    Her proven track record of driving business
results through great human resources process, leading culture change, solving
complex business challenges with the senior leaders and developing
high-performing teams is appreciated by HRC clients. Julie's passion to elevate
the human resources profession is evident by her volunteer roles leading local
and state-level SHRM groups.  She has served as the President of Greater
Cincinnati HR Association, 2018 Ohio HR Conference Chair, and is currently
serving as Ohio SHRM State Council Director.   Jerri Hall:  Jerri Hall is HRC's
Managing Principal. She has helped companies build their high-potential
processes to maximize their effectiveness in North America and Brazil for both
large and small organizations.  Her broad and deep experience as a practitioner,
including leading the HR function for a global manufacturing and service
company, makes her a valuable partner to HRC clients.  Jerri is known for her
ability to lead initiatives that are executed successfully.


8/25/2021 9:00 AM

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Cindy  Lynch




What leaders want today is a better way to measure and predict success. A degree
in Psychology allows Cindy to apply an understanding of human behavior,
workplace assessments and 25+ years’ worth of business experience to the art and
science of increasing performance and profits. Her background in talent
optimization and upskilling leaders result in measurable and lasting change.
When people are happier and more fulfilled you have an undisputed advantage.
Sometimes an organization know they need something, they just aren’t sure what
they need. Cindy believes in starting with a root cause analysis to ensure
clients are solving for the right problem. From there, a strong use-case that
ties measurable outcomes to business needs to maximize an ROI. And finally, a
plan that will get them there. Passion, knowledge and expertise make her a
formidable partner for any organization.

The managers with the highest impact on company success or failure are frontline
managers. Typically, they make-up 50% to 60% of a company’s management ranks and
directly supervise as much as 80% of the workforce. (HBR, Fred Hassan) It is the
frontline manager who is responsible for the hiring, motivation and production
of the people who do the work—those who design, make, and sell the products or
deliver services to customers. Instead of administrative work and meetings, they
should focus on coaching their employees and on constantly improving quality.
This interactive session talks about the what and how.


8/25/2021 10:15 AM

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Jodi  Brandstetter




Jodi Brandstetter, SPHR, SHRM SCP is passionate about talent acquisition and
uses design thinking in creating selection and hiring processes focused on
people and business. She has 20 years of talent acquisition experience and is
certified through IDEO U in design thinking. Jodi is the CEO and founder of Lean
Effective Talent Strategies which includes The Hiring Blueprint, talent
acquisition consulting firm and Talent Acquisition Evolution, a community for
recruiting professionals to connect, learn, and work together. Her first book
Hire By Design, launched September 18th and hit best seller in 7 Amazon
Categories. Jodi lives outside of Cincinnati, OH with her husband and daughter.

The recruiting world today is nothing that we have seen before. Companies are
navigating the uncertainty and ambiguity with the future of work and the future
of their company. When you are looking for solutions for new challenges, design
thinking provides you with a method that creates creative ideas and solutions
that are both human and business focused. Design thinking is the method that can
help talent acquisition professionals from recruiters to leaders come up with
new ideas and solutions to move their organizations forward. In order to
understand design thinking, you must do design thinking. This session will be
hands on. The group will start with understanding how to create a challenge
statement, "what might we" question focused on the future of hiring and move
into the ideation phrase where the group will experience a brainstorming session
and finally prototyping. By the end, the group will see how fast & creative you
can be with utilizing design thinking methodology.


8/25/2021 12:00 PM

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Ginger  Zee



Ginger Zee is the chief meteorologist at ABC News. You see her covering the
nation’s weather headlines on Good Morning America and across all ABC News
broadcasts and digital platforms. She also hosts an ABC News original digital
series, Food Forecast, focused on climate and its impact on agriculture.
Ginger has covered almost every major weather event and dozens of historic
storms for the past fifteen years—from Hurricane Katrina to Hurricane Sandy and
Michael; from the Australian wildfires to the climate’s impact on Victoria
Falls, Africa; and the aftermath of tornadoes all over the United States, most
notably those in Moore and El Reno, Oklahoma. She’s covered blizzards in Boston
and record-breaking heat in Death Valley. She not only shares her passion for
meteorology but, more importantly, presents the compassion and human side of
these storms.

Having storm-chased since college, Ginger has a genuine love for the atmosphere
and a dedication to getting young people interested in science. She has written
a STEM trilogy called Chasing Helicity for middle grades, which follows a
stormchasing a young woman named Helicity across the U.S. learning about science
and life.

Defunk the unconcious bias that goes with mental health in the workplace.
Understand when personal/professional struggles are more than just stress. How
to manage through personal struggles and still become successful in your
professional life.


8/25/2021 1:30 PM

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Barb  Utrup




Barb Utrup has been leading Human Resources departments and doing business
consulting for more than 20 years. In that time, she has partnered with leaders
to support their strategic goals in the areas of talent management,
organizational development, and human resources. Her experience in various
industries including healthcare, manufacturing, sports, and non-profit spans
from strategy and operations to leadership and team development. Ms. Utrup's
strengths include outstanding communication and the ability to build
relationships. With a professional, yet relatable communication style and
ability to connect with individuals at all levels, she is very passionate about
learning and development. 

Have you a attended a meeting but left without saying a word? Have you been
asked to share your screen on a video call, where you weren't prepared in
appearance, or for the content to be reviewed? Do you complain about the way
things are to your team? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are
not demonstrating leadership presence. In this engaging workshop, we will define
leadership presence and evaluate it's components. In addition, attendees will
review dynamic ways to influence a variety of stakeholders, both in person and
virtually. Participants will be able to apply actionable concepts to how they
act, communicate and appear - whether a leader or an influencer in the


8/25/2021 2:45 PM

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Kirk  Kureska



Over 30 years of progressive leadership in the all facets of the behavioral
healthcare industry.   A seasoned healthcare executive with a proven formula of
balancing aggressive organizational growth and financial discipline.  A hands
on, highly energetic, engaging, professional with extensive experience in
multi-state, multi site management, payer contract negotiations, mergers and
acquisitions, and DE Novo projects. Mr. Kureska is a national representative and
speaker on the behavioral health industry and committee member on state and
national behavioral health policy on addiction and mental health including the
Affordable Healthcare Act, Parity, Access to Care Act and National Standards of
Care & Managed Care Level of Care Compliance (ASAM).

As Vice President of Hospital Operations for New Vista Behavioral Healthcare,
Mr. Kureska is directly responsible for the organizations operational
leadership, compliance, strategy, and management for the four acute psychiatric
hospitals, one residential addiction program and five outpatient programs. Prior
to joining New Vista Behavioral Health Mr. Kureska served as Chief Executive
Officer for Promises Behavioral Healthcare, Executive Vice President of
Operations for Elements Behavioral Health, Regional Vice President of Operations
for Signature Healthcare, Divisional President for Acadia Healthcare, and Vice
President of Operations for CRC Health and multiple single site Chief Executive
Officer positions.

Understanding of laws and legislative changes in relation to substance abuse and
the workplace. Understanding the signs of workplace substance abuse and how the
effects of substance abuse affect the bottom line of the organization. How
employers can assist employees in getting help and supporting them through their
cycle of addiction and on the road to recovery.


8/25/2021 4:00 PM

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Brian  Wagner



An inspirational speaker, Brian Wagner is also the author of the book Sometimes
It DOES Take a Brain Surgeon and CEO of A Radical Vision. He was in technology
sales when his whole world came to a screeching halt! On March 4, 2011, Brian
woke up in total darkness due to a genetic defect that caused him to have
physical blindness for six months. Days later he had brain surgery in Phoenix,
Arizona. During his time of total reliance on others, Brian swore that if he
could get his sight back he would help others that are struggling in their own
way. While he stills deals with partial blindness, Brian keeps the promise that
he made to help others. As he puts it, "I lost my sight and ended up with

You’ll laugh and cry until you can’t see straight. It’s OK, Brian can’t see
straight either!


8/26/2021 8:45 AM

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Cherrie  Davis



Cherrie Davis is a visionary leader and knows human dynamics, with over 3
decades of experience in human resources, is a recognized, facilitator, and
change management leader.  She provides a fresh perspective to her clients by
merging real-world experience with proven knowledge of people. Cherrie Davis is
the President at ShiftForward Consulting, based in, GA. Cherrie received her
B.A. in Communications from Black Hills State, Spearfish, SD, where she was
recognized as the Distinguished Military Graduate and by Who's Who among
Students in American Colleges and Universities. She earned a Master's in Human
Resources with an emphasis in International Management, from Webster, St. Louis,
MO. She holds professional certifications for Senior Professional Human
Resources, Executive & Organizational Coaching, and Quality Management.

It’s 2021, everything has changed! The workplace as we know will never be the
same again. Organizations are turning to you for help in expanding their
abilities to lead and operate in a more diverse and demanding culture. In this
highly impactful session, Cherrie takes you on a journey with her personal
experiences, research, and audience interaction to provide strategies to
champion your organization’s DEI strategy. You will walk away with tools and the
inspiration to foster a culture of diverse talent and equitable opportunities,
where inclusion really does become second nature.


8/26/2021 10:15 AM

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John  Broer




John Broer is a Principal and Co-Founder of real.good.ventures, a people
optimization consultancy based in Toledo, Ohio. John has been an organizational
performance consultant for nearly 25 years with experience in a wide variety of
industries and markets. As a certified Talent Optimization Consultant, John’s
areas of expertise have included corporate learning architecture, leadership and
team development, people analytics, and disrupting the out-dated practices that
are holding organizations back from realizing their true potential.

Business They are everywhere, and if organizations aren’t careful, they will
stifle morale, squash engagement, and ultimately destroy performance. Who are
they? Bossholes. The time has come for us to help these people who may not know
they have achieved Bosshole status within their organization.


8/26/2021 11:15 AM

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Robert  Robenalt



Bob Robenalt is a member of the firm’s COVID-19 Taskforce, a cross-disciplinary
team of attorneys dedicated to advising employers on the many workplace law
aspects of the global coronavirus pandemic.

Bob Robenalt is a partner in the firm's Columbus, Ohio office. He has practiced
labor and employment law for over 25 years, and his practice is multifaceted.
Bob has represented national and Ohio companies in a variety of labor and
employment issues. His practice is focused on advising employers on all aspects
of employment law, including employee discipline, and compliance issues in
various Federal and Ohio employment laws and regulations, including ADA, FMLA,
and OSHA. Bob also actively represents employers in court and administrative
trials and proceedings. His defense efforts have ranged from defense of clients
in lawsuits and claims involving non-competition and trade secret matters,
wrongful discharge and discrimination claims, workers' compensation and OSHA
matters, and Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).

Bob has successfully served as first chair in a number of jury and bench trials
in both Federal and State Courts. He has also argued on appeals before Ohio and
Federal appellate courts and has appeared in significant cases before the
Supreme Court of Ohio and the 4th and 6th District Courts of Appeals. He is also
admitted to the Supreme Court of the United States.

Although Bob enjoys the litigation process, he also strives to be a true partner
to his clients by providing counsel before a lawsuit is filed. He works with
Executives, Human Resources, and managing groups to avoid litigation through
training, education, and implementing effective policy. Bob has also published
numerous articles on employer related topics and gives presentations on labor
and employment matters. Bob is recognized as Top Lawyers in America, Top Lawyers
in Columbus and Ohio Super Lawyers.

With the COVID-19 vaccine finally here, many employers are eager to have their
employees vaccinated. This seminar will provide guidance to help employers
navigate the minefield of employment-related issues created by the vaccination
process. These issues include: - Use of vaccinations programs to assist with
employee safety and OSHA compliance - The pros and cons of whether to mandate,
facilitate or encourage vaccinations - Prohibitions and considerations relating
to ADA compliance, Title VII protections for religious practices, and
pre-screening questions - Preparation and implementation of a compliant
vaccination policy - Tips on how best to communicate your vaccination protocol
to employees - Confidentiality of vaccine information Tips to help obtain
employee buy-in for vaccinations, including discussion of “incentives” - Legal
issues relating to the requirement of proof of vaccination


8/26/2021 1:00 PM

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Leslie  Fiorenzo



Until 2019 Leslie was the Director of the Employee Assistance Center, with a
focus on helping employers solve their trickiest people problems. She founded
her own practice, Coach With Leslie LLC, in 2020 after hearing the frustrations
around poor communication and ineffective conflict management in many
organizations. Over her career she has taught 1000’s of professionals’ conflict
resolution techniques and she knows what works, and what doesn’t. That’s why she
wrote The Twenty-One Lessons for Mastering the Difficult Conversation. A
lifelong learner, she obtained a master’s in human resource development from
Western Michigan University. Always on the quest for tools to help her clients
she has these additional certifications:

 1. 5 in 5 Performance Coaching© with IPV Consulting
 2. Thera-rising: Drama Free Workplace – Avoiding Self-Defeating Habits of
    Otherwise Brilliant People® and The Conflict Savvy Leader
 3. Conversational Management Facilitator
 4. Disc based learning tools

Despite the painful costs of mistrust, 88% of employee’s report that their
supervisors handle conflict poorly. Bridge the gap! Learn a proven, step-by-step
process for permanently restoring collaboration between direct reports and other
key members of your team. React with confidence when individuals pressure you to
take sides and transform attitudes of “us versus them” into a unified search for
solutions. This session will cover how to: establish ground rules that gain the
trust and cooperation of both parties; achieve lasting resolution despite
conflicting account of the past events and turn the blame into a shared
responsibility for the future.


8/26/2021 2:00 PM

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Teresa  Smith




As a senior manager for the human capital management (HCM) strategy consultant
group for UKG Incorporated, Teresa Smith advises business leaders and their
leadership teams on how to better maximize people-centric strategies to achieve
long-term success. With deep expertise in change management process and business
innovation, Smith is an advocate for the unmatched value of an empowered
workforce, and helps organizations more effectively attract prospective
employees, engage existing employees, and holistically develop and manage an
exceptional employee experience.

Business When change strikes, establishing a change management strategy can help
limit disruptions. As many organizations are beginning to implement changes that
will impact the way work, it is more important than ever to plan and execute a
change management strategy that can effectively manage risk, measure success and
give you support.


8/26/2021 3:30 PM

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Shayla  Rivera



Shayla Rivera is an Aerospace Engineer and former Rocket Scientist with NASA
turned salesperson, corporate trainer, and now International Keynote Speaker,
TEDx Speaker, TV & Radio host, Emcee/Host, Comedian, Actor, Writer, Producer,
Seminar Facilitator, Panel Moderator.  As of 2017, she is also the Director of
the ENGR[x] program and Professor of Practice with the College of Engineering at
Texas A&M University.

Know when we are in the throes of a limiting belief and what to do about that.
Find and understand the limiting beliefs that get in the way of us being
refreshed. Understand stress as a signal that a change is needed and what to do
about it. Decide on purpose what your story will say about you.


8/27/2021 8:00 AM

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Julie  Develin




An expert on employee relations, workplace flexibility, and workforce
development, Julie Develin is a Sr. Partner, HCM Advisory at UKG, a global
leader in workforce cloud solutions. With more than 17 years of experience as an
HR practitioner focused on improving workplace culture and enhancing the
employee experience, Develin helps organizations worldwide implement strategic
employee technology and workplace initiatives to enhance productivity, improve
communication, and increase satisfaction across the workforce.

Develin holds an M.S. in human resources development from McDaniel College,
where she continues to work today as an adjunct professor in the human resources
management and human services management programs.

Business Join Julie Develin, MSHRD, SHRM-SCP as she takes you through a tell all
about lessons she learned from her experience leading HR during a time of
change. She’ll share some of the employee engagement challenges she faced over
her 17+ years as an HR practitioner, mistakes she made, and ways she overcame
them through an interactional and conversational presentation. She talks about
the choices HR leaders make (or fail to make) that can hold organizations back
from reaching their strategic business objectives and achieving a winning
workplace culture. Learn how to critically evaluate your HR processes and
identify opportunities for improvement in your employee experience both within
HR and in the broader organization.


8/27/2021 9:00 AM

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Roger  Grannis




Roger Grannis brings the passion and artistry of a master chef to teaching
businesspeople. His client list is a who’s who of global business. GE. PepsiCo.
Foot Locker. Symantec. Vertex. Wells Fargo. They’ve all gathered in his culinary
classroom, learning how to create measurable business results out of the
ingredients of persuasion.

Before forming GrannisGroup, in 2004, Roger built Gartner Sales Training
Academy, helping grow revenues from $32 million to $850 million.

Roger is the president of the New England chapter of the National Speakers
Association. Roger brings high energy, high value, and high humor to every

Business Would you like to have your cake and eat it too? The Yellow Cake
Principle will show you how. Served up with a blend of actionable ideas and a
generous dash of humor, the Yellow Cake Principle provides the ingredients you
need to connect, influence, and persuade. Need to get buy-in from senior
leaders, engage staff and employees, or have not-so-fun conversations? Whisk
your worries away. After this program, those interactions will be a piece of
cake. The laughter is just the icing. Warning: The Yellow Cake Principle has
zero calories but may be addictive.


8/27/2021 10:15 AM

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Cindy  Lynch




What leaders want today is a better way to measure and predict success. A degree
in Psychology allows Cindy to apply an understanding of human behavior,
workplace assessments and 25+ years’ worth of business experience to the art and
science of increasing performance and profits. Her background in talent
optimization and upskilling leaders result in measurable and lasting change.
When people are happier and more fulfilled you have an undisputed advantage.
Sometimes an organization know they need something, they just aren’t sure what
they need. Cindy believes in starting with a root cause analysis to ensure
clients are solving for the right problem. From there, a strong use-case that
ties measurable outcomes to business needs to maximize an ROI. And finally, a
plan that will get them there. Passion, knowledge and expertise make her a
formidable partner for any organization.

Strategic HR leaders know that lasting change is needed in the area of
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. If you are wondering where to start and what
to do next, this session is for you.


8/27/2021 11:00 AM

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Brian  Wagner



An inspirational speaker, Brian Wagner is also the author of the book Sometimes
It DOES Take a Brain Surgeon and CEO of A Radical Vision. He was in technology
sales when his whole world came to a screeching halt! On March 4, 2011, Brian
woke up in total darkness due to a genetic defect that caused him to have
physical blindness for six months. Days later he had brain surgery in Phoenix,
Arizona. During his time of total reliance on others, Brian swore that if he
could get his sight back he would help others that are struggling in their own
way. While he stills deals with partial blindness, Brian keeps the promise that
he made to help others. As he puts it, "I lost my sight and ended up with


8/27/2021 12:15 PM

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Ryan  Campbell




Born and raised in an Australian coastal town, Ryan discovered his passion at a
very young age -- flight. Aviation would be the dominant fixture in the young
Australian’s life, providing some amazing but also traumatic, life-altering
experiences. Ryan is a master of adversity and an ardent believer that life is
won and lost above the shoulders---your mind can be either your most powerful
asset or the determinant of your failure. He proved his mental fortitude by
making history as a record-breaking pilot but demonstrated his mastery by
learning to walk again and fighting his way back into the sky. Now based in
Nashville, Tennessee, Ryan is equipped and eager to transform your organization
with a unique, unpredictable, and unforgettable keynote.

Business Much like unexpected turbulence, tomorrow’s challenges are entirely
unknown. One thing we can be sure of, however, is the certainty of future
storms. Successful organizations are fueled by resilient teams, prepared to not
only ride out the bumps but efficiently harness adversity in order to fly faster
and higher than ever before. Through an inspiring, rollercoaster ride of
real-life adventure and adversity, Ryan Campbell shares the tales and take-aways
that inspire, equip and encourage the pursuit of your unique maximum potential.
From a world record-breaking, 24,000-mile solo flight around the world to
learning to walk and fly again as a paraplegic plane crash survivor, uncover the
truths behind becoming TurbulenceTough from one of Australia’s 50 Greatest
