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 * Ereignisse
 * Showbusineß
 * Gesundheit

Nachrichten der Woche

 * Ereignisse
 * Showbusineß
 * Gesundheit
 * Suche

Inkontinenz ist in einer Woche geheilt, ohne peinliche Arztbesuche! Nehmen Sie
einen Löffel zerkleinerte...
Dr. Johannes Wimmer: "Ich sage Ihnen, es gibt ein Mittel, das Diabetes in 7
Tagen heilt, es heißt..."


50-jährige Frau schockierte die Ärzte! Verzichten Sie Botox, verwenden Sie

Older people have a specific smell that can be smelled even from a few meters
away. It can also be felt in the apartment where grandma or grandpa lives. In
some people the smell is more noticeable, in others it is less noticeable. The
reasons for the smell of old age lie in the natural aging of the body and the
biochemical changes that occur.

Causes of senile odour

In medical practice, there is indeed a concept of old person smell. It is easily
separated from the odors of young and middle-aged people. And it's not just
about hygiene, although that plays an important role too.

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Scientists have found that the appearance of a specific aroma in older people is
linked to an increase in a fatty compound called 2-nonenal, which is formed when
omega-7 fatty acids are oxidised. In older people, this substance is secreted in
greater quantities than in younger people.

With age, the hormonal background changes, chronic diseases appear, metabolic
processes slow down. All this together leads to the appearance of a kind of
amberness in the elderly person.

The situation is aggravated by the deterioration of the sense of smell with age
and indifference to their appearance. Many people simply do not pay attention to
how they smell.

Kein NAGELPILZ wird überleben! Tragen Sie eine gewöhnliche Lösung auf die Nägel

Nonenal itself does not cause a negative reaction in other people. If the
pensioner strives for cleanliness of his body and clothes, then the smell is
considered neutral. Health problems and neglect of hygiene aggravate the smell,
it becomes unpleasant.

The main causes of body odor in old age are as follows:

Failure to follow hygiene rules

In old age, many people begin to suffer from "Plushkin's syndrome". They skimp
on everything including their food, hygiene products, gas, electricity, water.
They find it possible to wash once a week. Fearing infections, pensioners rarely
ventilate their rooms. Many of them keep very old, worn out clothes that are
rarely washed.

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Age-related changes in the body

Chronic diseases of the liver, bladder, kidneys, organs of the endocrine system
contribute to the appearance of an unpleasant smell. Toxic substances are
eliminated in faeces, urine, sweat, due to which a specific odour appears.
Weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor, the sphincter of the bladder,
which leads to uncontrollable leakage of urine. This is why the elderly smell

If there are problems with urine leakage, a person smells of ammonia, the faint
smell of spoiled apples indicates ketoacidosis (a sign of diabetes), the
unpleasant smell of stale cabbage indicates problems with the thyroid gland.

With age, the amount of saliva secreted decreases, causing bad breath.

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Taking medication

In old age, many people take a lot of medication. Excess medicines are excreted
through the skin. This is another cause of senile odor.

Physical impediments in hygiene procedures and laundry

Often the elderly are physically unable to bathe and wash regularly. They find
it difficult to get into the bathroom or shower, they do not understand the
washing machine programmes. They are ashamed to ask even their closest relatives
for help, lest they be a burden.

Ich habe es 4 Mal gemacht – der Nagelpilz verschwand für immer! Das Rezept ist
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