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0800 007 3580

  FROM £1,095

Celebrate Life when you arrange a Direct Cremation

 * Direct Cremations for You by Memoria Funerals is here, we aim to reduce your
   worries, support you as best we can and provide an alternative funeral so
   family and friends can remember their loved one in a way that feels right for
 * A Direct Cremation in an unattended cremation with no mourners present. It is
   a popular alternative to a traditional funeral and can SAVE you ££££s* on
   funeral costs.
 * *The average cost of a basic funeral of £4,141 was published in the SunLife
   Cost of Dying Report 2024. A direct cremation from £1,095 saves money plus
   families and friends can remember how awesome their loved one was in their
   own vibe. This price is for a cremation when somebody has sadly passed away.

"*" indicates required fields


Please complete the short form

Full Name*

Telephone Number*

Email Address*

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-- please select --I need to arrange a funeral nowI would like a pre-paid
funeral plan
By clicking next you agree to our Privacy Policy and agree we may use the
contact details provided to contact you.

By clicking next you agree to our Privacy Policy and agree we will use the
contact details provided to contact you.


 * Here at You Direct Cremations from Memoria Funerals, we’re here to reduce
   your worries, support you as best we can and provide an alternative funeral
   so family and friends can remember their loved one in a way that feels right
   for them.
 * A Direct Cremation in an unattended cremation with no mourners present. It is
   a popular alternative to a traditional funeral and can SAVE you ££££s* on
   funeral costs.
 * *The average cost of a funeral of £3,953 was published in the SunLife Cost of
   Dying Report 2023. A direct cremation from £1,095 saves money plus families
   and friends can remember how awesome their loved one was in their own vibe.
   This price is for a cremation when somebody has sadly passed away.


If you are arranging a funeral for a lovely person that has passed away or is
expected to pass away soon please stay on this page. You can scroll down for
more information.

Planning ahead? You can purchase a FSCS protected pre-paid direct cremation
funeral plan, check out our Pre-paid Funeral Plans page.

View Prepaid Funeral Plans


Direct Cremations ethos is to be Caring, Kind and to provide our clients the
Freedom to Celebrate the life of a loved one in a way that is Awesome for them.
We take care of all arrangements for you.


Find freedom with a Direct Cremation. Show the love in your own free way and be
free from the constraints of a traditional funeral so everyone has the power of
a direct cremation to celebrate the life of a loved one in their own space.


Focus on what makes you happy! A Direct Cremation provides the time to find
something good; to laugh, love and live in Celebration of the deceased life.


A Direct Cremation means there is no attendance at the crematorium so family are
free to arrange their own awesome send off as they wish. Big or small - it's up
to you! The Ashes can be collected or delivered to family after the cremation
takes place


You can contact us 24 hours a day


You can contact us 24 hours a day.


We collect the deceased from a mortuary.


We will look after all arrangements.


We will care for the deceased.


We provide a light oak effect coffin.


We arrange transportation to the crematorium.


Cremation fees included.


We provide the ashes in an eco-friendly box.


Choose Our Diamond Direct Cremation Package

Call us 24 hours a day on 0800 007 3580

Diamond Package
£1,095 Cremation fees Allocated crematorium Professional funeral services
Attending to all arrangements Advice, Guidance & Support Standard Coffin
Collection from Hospital Care of the deceased Conveyance to the crematorium
Provision of ashes in an eco box Collection or scattering of ashes Cremation
Experience Associate Removal of battery operated implants £100 Oversized coffin
£250 Medical certification fees required for cremation £82 Collection of the
deceased from a private residence £250 Hand delivery of ashes (within 28 days)
£100 Viewing Enquire Now

Diamond Package - Cremation Fees Allocated crematorium Professional funeral
services Attending to all arrangements Advice, Guidance & Support Standard
Coffin Collection from Hospital Care of the deceased Conveyance to the
crematorium Provision of ashes in an eco box Collection or scattering of ashes
Cremation Experience Associate Removal of implants £100 Oversized coffin £250
Medical certification fees required for cremation £82 Collection of the deceased
from a private residence £250 Hand delivery of ashes (within 28 days) £100
Viewing Enquire Now


Spread the love with our Free Memorial Tribute Website in honour of your loved

Share with family and friends privately or on social media.

Light candles, upload photos, write a tribute – you have the freedom to
celebrate the life of a loved one, as you choose, in your own online space.


Direct Cremations for You by Memoria Funerals is here, part of Memoria Group who
own and operate award winning crematoria strategically located across the UK.

We are rated Excellent on Trust Pilot.

To get to know us more, view our About Us Page or Contact us Anytime

View About Us Contact Us


We love questions so much we have a page devoted to Questions our clients ask,
we call these FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions!)

View FAQs


View Direct Cremation

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 * Privacy Policy
 * Complaints
 * Website Terms
 * Funeral Plan Terms

We use cookies to give you the best experience. By using our website, you agree
to our use of cookies in accordance with our Privacy and Cookie Policy

© 2024 Memoria Funerals is a trading name of Low Cost Funeral Limited,
registered in England and Wales, Company number: 10119791 registered address:
The Pool House Bicester Road, Stratton Audley ox27 9BS ICO number: ZA201936. Low
Cost Funeral Limited is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct
Authority, view details on the Financial Services Register with firm reference
number: 965287. The sale of our pre-paid funeral plans is regulated by the
Financial Conduct Authority but the arrangement of our funerals is not.
