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Texts By Shaykh Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti

May Allah's peace and blessings
be upon Sayyiduna Muhammad,
his family and his companions.

We are honoured and pleased to put online articles and fiqh answers of Shaykh
Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti, as a service to the Muslims who love and can benefit
from classical and traditional scholarship.

His articles are mostly on Shafii fiqh and very detailed, useful and practical
as a learning method, and he is one of those scholars of Islam, who can combine
the sciences of Fiqh and Tasawwuf, just as Imam al-Malik (may Allah be well
pleased with him!) said:

> “man taSawwafa wa lam yatafaqqah fa-qad tazandaqa
> wa man tafaqqaha wa lam yataSawwaf fa-qad tafassaqa
> wa man jama'a bayna-humA fa-qad taHaqqaqa.”
> Whoever studies Tasawwuf and does not study Fiqh will be a heretic. Whoever
> studies Fiqh and does not study Tasawwuf will be corrupted. Whoever combines
> the two will attain to the truth.

Shaykh Afifi al-Akiti is KFAS Fellow in Islamic Studies at the Oxford Centre for
Islamic Studies, and Islamic Centre Lecturer in Islamic Studies at the Faculty
of Theology, University of Oxford, and is a Fellow of Worcester College, Oxford.
He is the first ever Malay to be appointed to such a position in this world
famous University.

Dr al-Akiti completed his DPhil in Medieval Arabic Philosophy from Oxford
University as a Clarendon Scholar in 2008. His thesis identifies and
systematically considers for the first time a group of philosophical writings,
called the Madnun corpus, attributed to Islam's greatest theologian, al-Ghazali
(d. 505/1111) - his discoveries are based on a painstaking survey of nearly 50
medieval Arabic manuscripts. Besides acquainting scholars with this remarkable
new body of source material, his three-volume study presents a critical edition
of the most advanced and technical work of this corpus, the manual on
metaphysics and natural philosophy called the Major Madnun. (Wikipedia)

He was born in Malaysia and educated in various madrasas with a long tradition
in Shafii fiqh in East Java.

Among his most well known teachers are:
Shaykh Muhammad Yasin al-Fadani,
Shaykh Ibn Mahfuz al-Hajini,
Shaykh Ibn Ashmuni al-Jaruni
and Habib 'Aydarus al-Habshi.

He has translated various works in Malay as well as English; mostly textbooks
that make up the curriculum of a Classical Islamic education, including Imam
al-Bajuri's commentary on the Jawhara, Imam Nawawi al-Bantani on the Jami'a and
his commentary on the Bidaya of Imam al-Ghazali. He has travelled widely, and
notwithstanding the specific ijazas from his training, has also received general
ijazas (for tabarrukan) from teachers beyond his homeland.

Dr Afifi al-Akiti, Islamic Centre Lecturer in Islamic Studies at the Faculty of
Theology and Fellow of Worcester, was appointed as a Privy Councillor to the
State of Perak, Malaysia. He received the instrument of appointment (watikah)
from the Crown Prince of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, at the 171st Conference of
the Privy Council on 22 April 2010. One of the main duties of the Council is to
advise on the exercise of prerogative powers assigned to its constitutional
monarch, the Sultan of Perak, in matters pertaining to the Islamic religion and
Malay custom, in one of the oldest royal states of Malaysia.

xL =broken link 2020-10-03: http://www.utusan.com.my/utusan/info.asp; Syed
Jaafar, Muhammad Afifi dilantik ahli majlis MAAIAMP

The present articles:

• Al-Maqal al-Ma'thur fi al-Qawl al-Mashhur
• Contaminated Animal Feed
• Defending the Transgressed: Mudafi' al-Mazlum
• Hisab & Ru'ya or Matla' al-Budur (moonsighting)
• ʿInan al-Bayan fi Nisf Sha'ban
• Kissing the Thumbs, etc. during Adhan?
• Lobsters and "Sea" Crabs
• Man Eating Man-Eating Sharks?
• Mas'alatan Muhimmatan 'Burnt Out'-an: Socks and Beards
• On the Risala and the Appendices of al-Umm
• Placenta and Umbilical Cord Tahiratun
• Rescue From The Potential Injustice Of Free Marriage Contracts
• Riba & Investing in Shares
• Tahqiq Qira'at al-Fatiha min Tabyin Aqwal al-Qadima
• Taghyir al-Niyya from Fasting
• Tajaddud Nikah on account of Wali Hakim?
• Tartib al-Nawafil wa-l-Rawatib
• The Meaning of Nafs
• The ʿAmal of the Living for the Dead
• Tuhfat al-Hidaya fi Takmil al-Tahara
• Zakat al-Fitr II: Potato?

• Abstract: The Madnūn of al-Ghazālī:
A Critical Edition of the Unpublished Major Madnūn
with Discussion of His Restricted, Philosophical Corpus ( pdf )

video @ youtube:
• The Hidden Treasure of Imam al-Ghazali (several parts)
• Shaykh Afifi at a recent interview on Malaysian TV (1)

Ahl-Sunna wa-l jama`a is: Quran, hadith, ijma', qiyas

audio - mp3:
• Shaykh Afifi Al-Akiti Ash-Shafi'i's Talk on Ikhtilaf Al-Ummah; very beneficial
Interview on Disagreement amongst the Ummah - !xxx broken link!

links - Swedish / svenska:
Shaykh Muhammad Afifi al-Akitis Slutord (Tatimma) i sin fatwa

links - German / deutsch:
Die Verteidigung des Verletzten durch das Tadeln des Rücksichtslosen - Gegen das
Töten von Zivilisten (pdf)

to be updated, in sha-Allah.


Excellent Lecture:
Wisdom - Most Precious Thing (Lost)


There are also two important texts elucidating
and commenting on the above fatwa (Defending the Transgressed):

• Islamic Reformation Or Islamic Renaissance? by Dr. Hisham al-Zoubeir
• Wanton violence in Muslimdom:
     Religious imperative, or spiritual deviation? by H.A. Hellyer

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latest update: 2018-01-13



* living Islam – Islamic Tradition *