urlscan.io Blog

User Verdicts and Comments

We just launched the User Verdicts section on the scan result page which lets users submit comments and verdicts about scans on urlscan.io. These verdicts and comments will be publicly visible to other users and should be used to document malicious, suspicious or legitimate websites. Users can classify scans as legitimate, suspicious or malicious, or they can simply leave a comment. If the scan is targeting or impersonating a specific brand then users can select the brand from a predefined list.

Eventually we will integrate these verdicts into our API and into an overall score for each scan, for now we are simply recording them and making them available through the scan result page.

Currently the User Verdicts are only available to users who signed up to urlscan.io more than a month ago. This is to prevent abuse of the feature.

The existing Report feature is still available and should be used when requesting takedown of a scan, for example when the scan contains private or inappropriate content.