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Submission: On June 25 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.forescout.com/webinars/?webinar=586263&UTM_source=mkto&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=em_OTICEFALL-Conclusion_a...
Submission: On June 25 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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OT:ICEFALL Concludes: Insecure-by-Design Research finds 61 vulnerabilities affecting 13 vendors… Close * Blog * Contact Us * Customer Login Demo Select Region * Français * Español * Deutsch * Italiano * 日本語 * 中文 Open Search * Solutions NETWORK SECURITY * Network Access Control * Network Segmentation * Security Automation RISK & EXPOSURE MANAGEMENT * IoT Security * OT Security * IoMT - Medical Device Security * Asset Inventory * Zero Trust INDUSTRY * Financial Services * Government * Healthcare * Energy & Utilities * Oil & Gas * Manufacturing * Education COMPLIANCE * Compliance Center * Device Compliance * Platform * PLATFORM * * Explore XDR PRODUCTS * XDR * eyeSight * eyeInspect * eyeSegment * eyeControl * eyeExtend ASSISTANCE * Assist for Forescout XDR * 24/7 Monitoring for OT/ICS * 24/7 Monitoring for Healthcare * Research INTELLIGENCE DASHBOARD * * Live Dashboard RESEARCH * Overview * OT:ICEFALL * R4IoT * Access:7 * Project Memoria * Vendor Security Advisories THREAT REPORTS * Overview * 2022 Threat Roundup * PIPEDREAM * KILLNET * Emotet * ALPHV * Night Sky Ransomware VEDERE LABS * About Vedere Labs * Contact Vedere Labs * Support Hub SUPPORT * Customer Support * Technical Documentation * Support Portal * End of Life PROFESSIONAL SERVICES * Professional Services LEARNING * Training * How-To Videos ENGAGEMENT * Customer Advocacy * Resources * Resources * Blog * Webinars * Success Stories * Partners * Ecosystem Overview * Resellers * Distributors * Technology Partners * Industrial Automation & Control Partners * Service Delivery Partner * Global System Integators * Company * About Us * Awards & Recognitions * Events * Leadership * Press & Media * Contact Us * Careers * Legal Show/Hide Menu * Solutions Open Dropdown NETWORK SECURITY * Network Access Control * Network Segmentation * Security Automation RISK & EXPOSURE MANAGEMENT * IoT Security * OT Security * IoMT - Medical Device Security * Asset Inventory * Zero Trust INDUSTRY * Financial Services * Government * Healthcare * Energy & Utilities * Oil & Gas * Manufacturing * Education COMPLIANCE * Compliance Center * Device Compliance * Platform Open Dropdown * PLATFORM * * Explore XDR PRODUCTS * XDR * eyeSight * eyeInspect * eyeSegment * eyeControl * eyeExtend ASSISTANCE * Assist for Forescout XDR * 24/7 Monitoring for OT/ICS * 24/7 Monitoring for Healthcare * Research Open Dropdown INTELLIGENCE DASHBOARD * * Live Dashboard RESEARCH * Overview * OT:ICEFALL * R4IoT * Access:7 * Project Memoria * Vendor Security Advisories THREAT REPORTS * Overview * 2022 Threat Roundup * PIPEDREAM * KILLNET * Emotet * ALPHV * Night Sky Ransomware VEDERE LABS * About Vedere Labs * Contact Vedere Labs * Support Hub Open Dropdown SUPPORT * Customer Support * Technical Documentation * Support Portal * End of Life PROFESSIONAL SERVICES * Professional Services LEARNING * Training * How-To Videos ENGAGEMENT * Customer Advocacy * Resources Open Dropdown * Resources * Blog * Webinars * Success Stories * Partners Open Dropdown * Ecosystem Overview * Resellers * Distributors * Technology Partners * Industrial Automation & Control Partners * Service Delivery Partner * Global System Integators * Company Open Dropdown * About Us * Awards & Recognitions * Events * Leadership * Press & Media * Contact Us * Careers * Legal Ornamental dots. Two rows of three dots. The top row is a light blue. The bottom row is one light blue dot followed by two orange dots. WEBINARS 5 ESSENTIAL STEPS TO COMBAT EMERGING THREATS WITH NETWORK SECURITY Forescout Solutions Marketing Manager, Joe Thibault, delves into the five crucial steps to combat emerging threats with robust network security. Gain invaluable insights into safeguarding your organization's digital assets and fortifying your defense against sophisticated adversaries with passive asset discovery, risk-based vulnerability prioritization, zero trust network segmentation, and more. Register AMS | Register EMEA | Register APJ FILTER WEBINARS All Categories10Secure802.1xAccentureaccessi alla reteAdvanced Threat DefenseagentenlosagentlessAMNESIA:33APIsappareils IoTArabicAsset ManagementATDAttack VectorsAuthentifizierungAutomationAutomatisierungautomazioneBankingBotnetsBreach DetectionBreach Preventionbuilding automation systemsBusiness ContinuityBYODC2CCampusCase StudyChannelciberseguridadCIOCiscoCISOCitiesClassificationCloudCloud SecurityComplianceConformidad de los dispositivosConformitàConformità dei dispositiviconformitéConformité des appareilsConformité réglementaireConnected DeviceControl de acceso a la redControl de acceso a la red (NAC)Contrôle d'accès au réseau (NAC)contrôle d’accès au réseauControllo degli accessi alla reteConverged InfrastructureConvergence IT/OTConvergencia de TI-TOConvergenza IT/OTCoronavirusCounterACTCovid-19Critical InfrastructureCyber,AttacksCyber,SecurityCyberArkCyber AttacksCyber CrimeCyber DefenceCyber Incident ResponseCyber IntelligenceCyberrisikoCyber Risk ManagementCyberrisquecybersécuritéCyber SecurityCyber ThreatsDasData AnalysisData AnalyticsData BreachData SecurityDDoSdefense contractorsDeploymentderDevice,ComplianceDevice Based AuthenticationDevice ComplianceDevicesDevice VisibilityDFARsDigital TransformationDingediscussion paneldispositividispositivi IoTdispositivos de OTdispositivos IoTDNSDODINDowntimeEducationEMEAEmerging TechnologiesEmerging TrendsEndpoint SecurityenergyEnglishEnterprise,of,ThingsEnterprise of ThingsEoTeyeInspectFinancialFinancial ManagementFinancial SecurityFinancial ServicesFirst Health AdvisoryFiskForecoutForeScoutForescout Research LabsForescout TechnologiesForeSocutForresterFrenchFrost & SullivanGDPRGeräte-KonformitätGerätekonformitätGerätetransparenzGermanHackersHCIHealthcareHealthcare MarketingHealth ITHealth TechHebrewHerstellungHigher EducationICSICS-NetzwerkeICS RiskIIoTIncident ResponseIndustrial Control SystemsIndustrial IoTIndustrial ManufacturingIndustrie 4.0Industry/EducationIndustry/Financial ServicesIndustry/GovernmentIndustry/HealthcareIndustry/ManufacturingIndustry/Oil & GasIndustry/OtherIndustry/Power & UtilitiesInformation SecurityIntegrationInternetInternet de las cosasInternet der DingeInternet des objetsInternet of ThingsIOCIoTIoT-GeräteIoT-SicherheitIoT,SecurityIoT DevicesIoT RisksIoT SecurityIoT WearablesIP addressIPv6ITIT-OT ConvergenceIT-SicherheitIT/IOT ConvergenceIT/OTIT/OT KonvergenzItalianIT ArchitectureIT Asset ManagementIT AutomationIT ComplianceIT InfrastructureIT SecurityJSOFK12Konvergenz von IT/OTLanguage/ArabicLanguage/EnglishLanguage/FrenchLanguage/GermanLanguage/HebrewLanguage/ItalianLanguage/JapaneseLanguage/Spanishlavoro a distanzaMalwareManufacturingMcAfeeMedical,DevicesMedical DevicesMedigateMergersMergers and AcquisitionsMicrosoft AzureMiraiMobile SecurityNACNAC modernoNetowrkNetworkNetwork,Access,ControlNetwork Access ControlNetwork InfrastructureNetworkingNetwork MonitoringNetwork PerformanceNetwork SecurityNetwork SegmentationNetwork VisibilityNetzwerksicherheitNetzwerkzugriffssteuerungNetzwerkzugriffssteuerung (NAC)NGFWNIS-DNIS directiveNISTNIST complianceNXOpen SourceOperating SystemsOperational EfficiencyOperational PerformanceOperational RiskOperational TechnologyOperational Technology Securityoperative TechnologieOrchestrationOTOT-GeräteOT-SicherheitOT Cyber SecurityOT RiskOT SecurityOTXPalo AltoPANPartnerPatch ManagementPhosphoruspower utilitiesPreventionPrivacyProductProducts/eyeControlProducts/eyeExtendProducts/eyeInspectProducts/eyeSegmentProducts/eyeSightPubSecRansomewareRansomwareRapid7redes heterogéneasRedes ICSRegion/AmericasRegion/Asia PacificRegion/Europe, Middle East, AfricaRegion/GlobalRegion/LATAMRegulatoryRemediationRemote,WorkforceRemote AccessRemote Officeremote workersRemote WorkforceResearcherRéseaux ICSResponse TimeReti ICSRiesgo de ciberseguridadRipple20Rischio informaticoRisk,AssessmentRisk AssessmentRisk Based SecurityRisk FrameworkRisk ManagementRisk MitigationRogue DevicesROISecOpsSecuirtySecure AccessSecure CloudSécuritéSécurité des réseauxSécurité IoTSécurité IT/OTSécurité OTSecuritySecurity AnalyticsSecurity AwarenessSecurity BreachSecurity InvestmentsSecurity Operationssecurity orchestrationSegmentationSegmentation du réseauSegmentazione della reteseguridadseguridad de la redSeguridad del IoTSeguridad de TI/TOSeguridad de TOseguridad zero trustServiceNowshadow devicesShadow ITsicurezzasicurezza della reteSicurezza di reteSicurezza informaticasicurezza IoTSicurezza IT/OTSicurezza OTSilentDefenseSmartSmart CitiesSolution/Asset InventorySolution/Device ComplianceSolution/IoT SecuritySolution/Network Access ControlSolution/Network SegmentationSolution/OT SecuritySolution/Risk and ComplianceSolution/Security AutomationSolution/Zero TrustSpanishSplunkSwiftSymantecTBDTCPTCP/IP stacksTechnical ITTechnologie d'exploitationTecnología operativaTecnologie operativeThreatThreat AttacksThreat DetectionThreat HuntingThreat IntelligenceThreat LandscapeThreat PreventionThreatscapeTrendsViolazione della sicurezzaVisibilidad de dispositivosVisibilità dei dispositiviVisibilitätvisibilitévisibilité des appareilsVisibilité sur les appareilsVisibilityVPNVulnerabilitiesVulnerability IntelligenceVulnerability Managementwater sectorwater utilitiesWelsh WaterZero-Trust-SicherheitZero Day ThreatsZero Trustأمن الشبكاتإنترنت الأشياءالالتزامالرؤية الشاملةتخفيف المخاطرتقارب IT-OT准入网络安全 All WebinarsUpcomingRecorded All ChannelsForescoutForescout APAC & JapanForescout EMEAForescout LATAM OT:ICEFALL – A YEAR-LONG DIVE INTO INSECURE-BY-DESIGN PRACTICES AND PATCHING Daniel dos Santos, Head of Security Research, Forescout Research - Vedere Labs July 27, 202340 Minutes For more than two years, Forescout Research - Vedere Labs has been finding, disclosing, and helping to detect and fix critical vulnerabilities that can be used by attackers to take control of IT, IoT and OT devices. Project Memoria revealed a host of problems with TCP/IP stack implementations, while OT:ICEFALL highlighted the insecure-by-design nature of OT equipment. On June 20, we concluded OT:ICEFALL after more than one year of research. In this webinar, we will share the insights we have gained into the current state of OT product security and how that affects vulnerability management for asset owners. We will discuss why many device vendors still lack a fundamental understanding of basic security controls, why many OT patches are broken and lead to new vulnerabilities and how threat actors can leverage the current situation in their attacks. Learn what insecure by design vulnerabilities mean for asset owners and, most importantly, how to assess and mitigate risk. Speaker: Daniel dos Santos, Head of Security Research, Forescout Research - Vedere Labs Attend 5 STEPS TO COMBATING EMERGING THREATS WITH NETWORK SECURITY Joe Thibault, Solutions Marketing Manager June 27, 202314 Minutes Cybercriminals and the threats they pose are becoming more sophisticated than ever, making it crucial to stay updated on the latest trends and techniques employed. Many organizations face a rapidly expanding attack surface that further exacerbates the increased risk as more devices connect to enterprise networks. Managing this growing attack surface requires adopting measures like passive asset discovery, risk-based vulnerability prioritization, and zero-trust network segmentation, to name a few. Join us as we explore the five steps to combating emerging threats with network security. Join Joe Thibault, Forescout Solutions Marketing Manager, as he covers: ◾ How to improve asset discovery and fill in the blind spots of your attack surface. ◾ Going beyond authentication to perform post-connect access control for unmanaged assets. ◾ How to fight ransomware and extortion with least privileged access controls. ◾ What your cybersecurity team must do to combat burnout and alert fatigue. ◾ How to fight fire with fire using automated cybersecurity controls. Attend OT:ICEFALL – A YEAR-LONG DIVE INTO INSECURE-BY-DESIGN PRACTICES AND PATCHING Daniel dos Santos, Head of Security Research, Forescout Research - Vedere Labs June 19, 202340 Minutes For more than two years, Forescout Research - Vedere Labs has been finding, disclosing, and helping to detect and fix critical vulnerabilities that can be used by attackers to take control of IT, IoT and OT devices. Project Memoria revealed a host of problems with TCP/IP stack implementations, while OT:ICEFALL highlighted the insecure-by-design nature of OT equipment. On June 20, we concluded OT:ICEFALL after more than one year of research. In this webinar, we will share the insights we have gained into the current state of OT product security and how that affects vulnerability management for asset owners. We will discuss why many device vendors still lack a fundamental understanding of basic security controls, why many OT patches are broken and lead to new vulnerabilities and how threat actors can leverage the current situation in their attacks. Learn what insecure by design vulnerabilities mean for asset owners and, most importantly, how to assess and mitigate risk. Speaker: Daniel dos Santos, Head of Security Research, Forescout Research - Vedere Labs Watch FINDING AND MITIGATING THE RISK OF VULNERABILITIES IN BGP IMPLEMENTATIONS Daniel dos Santos, Head of Security Research, Vedere Labs May 26, 202326 Minutes Forescout Vedere Labs recently disclosed three new vulnerabilities on a popular Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) open-source implementation. These vulnerabilities highlight message parsing as an often-overlooked aspect of BGP security and they could be exploited to achieve a denial of service on vulnerable peers, thus dropping all sessions and routing tables. Recent BGP incidents show that it might take only a malformed packet to cause potentially large disruptions since software suites implementing BGP are used by major networking vendors and found in ISPs and large data centers. Therefore, organizations should not rely only on their ISPs to handle BGP security. This research shows that modern BGP implementations still have low-hanging fruits that attackers can abuse. Learn how we found the three new vulnerabilities, what their risk is, and what to do to mitigate these risks. Speaker: Daniel dos Santos, Head of Security Research at Vedere Labs Watch 2022 THREAT ROUNDUP – THE EMERGENCE OF MIXED IT/IOT THREATS Elisa Costante, VP of Research at Vedere Labs April 26, 202321 Minutes The year 2022 was quite eventful for cybersecurity. Cyberattacks grew in intensity, sophistication, and frequency, with malicious actors benefitting from growing geopolitical conflicts, economic uncertainty, and rapid digitization. As a result, threat actors have started blurring the lines between traditional IT attacks and emerging OT/IoT threats. With 2023 bound to accelerate the adoption of new devices into organizations and pose even greater challenges for cybersecurity professionals across the globe, Forescout’s Vedere Labs has analyzed data gathered in 2022 about millions of attacks, hundreds of exploits, and thousands of malware samples to share with the community insights that can help organizations to prepare. Tune in to understand where attacks are coming from, their top targets, vulnerabilities they exploit, what attackers do after initial access, the most common type of malware dropped, trends in malware evolution, and forecasts for the future. Most importantly, learn strategies and actions that you can take to prepare for this evolving threat landscape. Watch IMPROVING SOC EFFICIENCY BY 450X WITH FORESCOUT XDR Justin Foster, Chief Technology Officer; Virendra Bisht, Director of Data Science; George McTaggart, Chief Marketing Officer March 28, 202331 Minutes Threat detection and response has become increasingly important, and increasingly difficult, even for seasoned and large SOC teams. Current approaches, including traditional extended detection and response (XDR) solutions, don’t adequately convert the mountain of daily alerts into high-fidelity detections of true threats, nor do they enable SOC teams to automate response processes across the extended enterprise (IT, OT, IoT, IoMT). Forescout XDR, combined with other Forescout solutions, uniquely addresses these challenges. In this 30-minute webinar, you will: ◾Learn how to truly extend detection to every managed and unmanaged connected device across your enterprise ◾Discover how advanced data science enables 450x better detection ◾See how you can better respond to threats through real-time control of your network and devices ◾Explore key use cases for improved SOC efficiency, risk reduction, and enhanced visibility Speakers: Justin Foster, Chief Technology Officer; Virendra Bisht, Director of Data Science; George McTaggart, Chief Marketing Officer Watch 2022 THREAT ROUNDUP – THE EMERGENCE OF MIXED IT/IOT THREATS Elisa Costante, VP of Research at Vedere Labs February 24, 202321 Minutes The year 2022 was quite eventful for cybersecurity. Cyberattacks grew in intensity, sophistication, and frequency, with malicious actors benefitting from growing geopolitical conflicts, economic uncertainty, and rapid digitization. As a result, threat actors have started blurring the lines between traditional IT attacks and emerging OT/IoT threats. With 2023 bound to accelerate the adoption of new devices into organizations and pose even greater challenges for cybersecurity professionals across the globe, Forescout’s Vedere Labs has analyzed data gathered in 2022 about millions of attacks, hundreds of exploits, and thousands of malware samples to share with the community insights that can help organizations to prepare. Tune in to understand where attacks are coming from, their top targets, vulnerabilities they exploit, what attackers do after initial access, the most common type of malware dropped, trends in malware evolution, and forecasts for the future. Most importantly, learn strategies and actions that you can take to prepare for this evolving threat landscape. Watch IMPROVING SOC EFFICIENCY BY 450X WITH FORESCOUT XDR Justin Foster, Chief Technology Officer; Virendra Bisht, Director of Data Science; George McTaggart, Chief Marketing Officer February 22, 202331 Minutes Threat detection and response has become increasingly important, and increasingly difficult, even for seasoned and large SOC teams. Current approaches, including traditional extended detection and response (XDR) solutions, don’t adequately convert the mountain of daily alerts into high-fidelity detections of true threats, nor do they enable SOC teams to automate response processes across the extended enterprise (IT, OT, IoT, IoMT). Forescout XDR, combined with other Forescout solutions, uniquely addresses these challenges. In this 30-minute webinar, you will: ◾Learn how to truly extend detection to every managed and unmanaged connected device across your enterprise ◾Discover how advanced data science enables 450x better detection ◾See how you can better respond to threats through real-time control of your network and devices. ◾Explore key use cases for improved SOC efficiency, risk reduction, and enhanced visibility. Speakers: Justin Foster, Chief Technology Officer; Virendra Bisht, Director of Data Science; George McTaggart, Chief Marketing Officer Watch THREAT INTELLIGENCE: 5 CYBER ATTACKS TO WATCH FOR Rik Ferguson, VP of Security Intelligence February 21, 202334 Minutes Despite a number of advanced security tools on the market, ransomware, extortion, and other related threats continue to dominate the cybersecurity landscape of 2023. For organizations with siloed security solutions, outdated processes, and ineffective threat detection practices, an expanding attack surface is almost guaranteed – and will leave the door open for attackers to exploit, disrupt, and cost you millions. In this exclusive webinar, Forescout’s Rik Ferguson, VP Security Intelligence, will take a deep dive into: ◾How the threat landscape of 2023 might be impacted by the developments of 2022 ◾An in-depth analysis of trending threat attacks and how organizations are being targeted ◾Best practices to avoid falling victim to ransomware, identity-based attacks, extortion, and more. Speaker: Rik Ferguson, VP of Security Intelligence Watch * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * … * 17 Close GET THE LATEST FROM FORESCOUT * * Sign up! * Solutions * Platform * Vedere Labs * Resources * Partners * Company * Careers * Blog * Contact Us Also of Interest * Newsroom * Monitoring Cyber Threats Tied to the... * 2022 Threat Roundup * Visit us on Linkedin * Visit us on Twitter * Visit us on Facebook * Visit us on Youtube © Forescout 2023 * Privacy@Forescout * Terms of Use * Legal PRIVACY PREFERENCE CENTER When you visit any website, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. This information might be about you, your preferences or your device and is mostly used to make the site work as you expect it to. The information does not usually directly identify you, but it can give you a more personalized web experience. Because we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to allow some types of cookies. 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