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Posted on June 3, 2024 by admin


In this essay, I will talk all about the demographics of where I live, which is
Milton, Ontario. I will go into the specific demographics, how Milton is
changing, the challenges the demographics face and how Milton has attempted to
deal with these challenges.

In this paragraph, I will examine the demographics of Milton’s population. I
have gotten the data from the latest Census that the Canadian government did so
the data comes from a good source and reliable source. The population in Milton
increased by 20% from 2016 to 2021 (Government of Canada, 2021) (Government of
Canada, 2023). The median age in Milton is 36. For women, the median age is 36.4
and for men, the median age is 35.2. 50.3% of the population is female and 49.7%
is male. The 5 main ethnicities in Milton are Pakistani (12.2 percent of the
population), English (11.1 percent), Indian (10.7 percent), Scottish (9.1
percent) and Irish (9 percent) (Government of Canada, 2023).

Milton. (Town, Canada) – Population Statistics, Charts, Map and Location.
(n.d.). URL

Milton is growing very quickly. The population growing by 20% in 5 years is
crazy (Government of Canada, 2023). This has definitely meant that Milton has
changed. There are many more buildings for sure. There are always more houses
being built in Milton. With all the new people I think different cultures are
coming into Milton as well which I think is good. It makes Milton more diverse,
which brings many benefits. I think the reason behind the population growth in
Milton is because it’s somewhat close to Toronto (about an hour drive depending
on traffic) but it’s not a big city like Toronto.

Milton is really struggling with the growth. There are not enough schools and
space in those schools for all the children in Milton (Alphonso, 2016). Many
schools have many portables because there’s just not enough space in the
schools. There’s also not enough space in Milton’s hospital and Milton
desperately needs either another hospital or for the hospital to be expanded.
Another problem is there’s not enough parking space in the one and only train
station in Milton. The parking lot is always full to max capacity making it so a
lot of people have nowhere to park. The GO station is the only way to get to
Toronto from Milton on public transportation as well so if you don’t get a
parking spot you have to drive all the way to Toronto yourself which leads us to
another problem, traffic (Grewal, 2015). Driving to Toronto from Milton takes
such a long time because the traffic is terrible and the highway really needs to
be expanded. Since Milton is super diverse, they have to deal with making sure
that there is no discrimination whatsoever. Everyone should be treated equally
regardless of their ethnic background

To deal with growth issues Milton has made the “We Make Milton” Plan. The plan
was made to manage growth all the way until 2051. The plan launched in July
2019. Milton wants the community to be a part of the plan and help make
decisions. The plan has many stages. The first stage was Listening and Learning
and it started in June 2019 and ended in November 2019. The next stage was
Visioning. It started in December 2019 and ended in February 2021. The next
stage is Big Questions. It started in March 2021 and it is still ongoing. There
are 2 more stages after Big Questions, Drafting and Discussing. The last update
was in November 15, 2023. That update was talking about how the plan was moving
forward and that the council has made decisions about policies. Specifically,
policies about land use. The websites list ways you can get involved. “Read the
reports. Complete the surveys. Attend an engagement session. Add a comment on
any policy topic to the Feedback Forum, which we will leave open.” It is really
easy to get involved especially because they are trying to get citizens
involved. Hopefully, this plan will help Milton deal with the rapid growth of
Milton and the consequences that come with the growth (We make milton – official
plan project).

In conclusion, Milton is a diverse town with a rapidly growing population. The
rapidly growing population is causing many problems such as schools not having
enough space for all the students. Milton is trying to fix that problem by
making a plan that involves the community called the “We Make Milton” plan.


Alphonso, C. (2016, December 19). In Milton, ont., Crowded Classrooms put
Canada’s fastest-growing town to the test. The Globe and Mail.

Government of Canada, S. C. (2021, October 27). Census profile, 2016 census
milton [population centre], Ontario and Ontario [province]. Census Profile, 2016
Census – Milton [Population centre], Ontario and Ontario [Province].

Government of Canada, S. C. (2023, February 1). Census profile, 2021 census of
Populationprofile Table. Profile table, Census Profile, 2021 Census of
Population – Milton [Population centre], Ontario.

Grewal, S. (2015, December 21). Milton – a snapshot of a region struggling with
growth. Toronto Star.

Milton. (Town, Canada) – Population Statistics, Charts, Map and Location.

We make milton – official plan project. Let’s Talk Milton. (n.d.).


In this essay, I will talk about how different cultures have influenced me. I
was born in Canada and have spent most of my life in Canada so my biggest
influence is Canadian culture although I’m not entirely sure what Canadian
culture is. My dad is from Canada and is just Canadian meanwhile my mom is from
England and moved to Canada when she was an adult. I don’t think my mom’s
culture influenced me much though because she died when I was 9 and I’m not
really in touch with that side of my family since they all live in England which
is far away from me. I have also only gone to England once when I was a baby so
I don’t remember any of it. Another possible influence on me is that I went to
Thailand and lived in Thailand for over a year maybe more I don’t really
remember the exact amount. Also, my dad’s new wife is Thai so I think even
though that’s not my culture and I don’t really understand that culture it still
influences me a little bit because it’s in the same house as I am.

I have always been a really picky eater so I don’t like much foods. I would say
most of the dishes I like are all somewhat Canadian or Western. I really like
rare steak with a side of mashed potatoes. I’m not sure what culture that comes
from. I would say it might be American but I’m pretty sure it’s a fairly common
dish in Canada. Some stuff I know for sure are Canadian that I like are maple
syrup and poutine. I used to go to that maple syrup festival at Mountsberg and
would get those maple syrup candies and I used to really enjoy them. I haven’t
been in a while though. I also like maple syrup on pancakes. Poutine is one of
my favourite dishes even though it’s not very healthy. I actually really really
enjoy poutine and although poutine is a Quebec thing and I’m from Ontario I
still think it is kind of like a all over Canada thing and still really popular
in Ontario. I also really like ketchup chips and apparently, those are Canadian.
When my mom was alive we used to eat bangers and mash which I hear is a popular
dish in England. I think that’s the only food that’s been influenced by my mom
being from England although a lot of foods Canadians eat probably have English
roots. My dad’s wife really likes cooking Thai dishes and cooks Thai dishes a
lot so I tend to have Thai food a lot. One of my favourite dishes is pad gra pao
(ผัดกระเพรา). You can have it with either pork, chicken or shrimp. My favourite
is the pork version. It is definitely one of my favourite dishes of all time. I
also like other dishes but this would be a really long essay if I wrote every
single food, I like so I’m going to move on.


For fashion, I’m not really sure how cultures have influence because I’m not
really into fashion. I don’t go out of my way to learn all about fashion and all
the different styles of fashion. Due to that my fashion probably has been
influenced by cultures but since I don’t know what my fashion is, I don’t know
how it’s been influenced. I know there’s a stereotype that Canadians wear
flannels a lot but that doesn’t really describe me. I have worn Roots sweatpants
and really like them. Roots is an Ontario company so that’s one way living in
Ontario influenced my fashion.


My house is influenced by both Thai Culture and Canadian culture. It’s a very
typical Canadian house but it has pieces of Thai culture in it. In one of the
rooms, there is a bunch of monk figures or Buddha figures not sure which. I’m
not actually entirely sure what it is. She’s tried to explain it before but I
still don’t really understand. I know for sure it’s a thing for her religion
which is Buddhism. So that’s one of the ways the house has been influenced by
Thai Culture. It’s also been influenced by Thai culture because we have a lot of
different food cookers in the house that we never had before we met her. One of
those food cookers is a rice cooker. I barely ever ate rice before meeting her
so we didn’t have a rice cooker because of that. Now I think the rice cooker is
one of the most used things in the house.

I think a lot of leisure activities and hobbies I do are influenced by Canadian
culture. I used to play hockey and would like to play again. Hockey is often
considered a Canadian thing. I also like just ice skating and do it often with
my family. I also really like video games and I think that video games are very
popular in Canada. Video games are also popular in other places. My dad and I
also used to go camping a lot which I think is a fairly common thing to do in
Canada. I also really like reading. I don’t know if a culture influenced me to
like reading though. I typically read books that are popular in Canada or the US
though so I guess that’s how culture has Influenced my reading. I also used to
go hiking a lot with my dad and near Milton they have 5 great conservation areas
and so I think a lot of people hiked in Milton since we had such great hiking
trails so close so that’s how Culture has influenced my liking of hiking. I have
watched some Thai shows and movies so Thai culture has kind of influenced me but
really not much. There was a really good Thai horror movie that I watched and
really enjoyed. It’s funny because before that I thought that I didn’t like
horror movies but turns out I kind of do. Overall, I really don’t think Thai
culture has influenced me much since it’s not my culture and hasn’t been around
me my whole life. I have only really known my dad’s wife for a couple of years.


In conclusion, many cultures have influenced me. Even cultures that aren’t mine.
These cultures have influenced what I eat, how I dress, the architecture in my
life, and my leisure activities and entertainment.


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Dress codes are fairly popular and a lot of schools enforce them. Dress codes
are guidelines and rules telling students what they are allowed and not allowed
to wear in various situations they can be good or bad. One form of dress codes
are uniforms. I don’t think uniforms are good and, in this essay, I will focus
on this form of dress code and why I think it is bad.

Uniforms are very expensive and can cause economic burdens on the student’s
family making uniforms very bad. Often times school uniforms are extremely
expensive and not worth the price. The price makes it so that some families can
only afford one set of uniforms for their child and they may barely be able to
afford that. The uniforms are often really cheaply made as well and so they are
easily broken. Children being children makes it so they are bound to break at
least one part of their uniform. Some families can’t afford to buy another one
when their child rips their uniform by accident. If a child can’t get a
replacement then they will probably get yelled at by teachers because the dress
codes make it so that they must have a uniform that isn’t ripped or broken. This
is seriously detrimental to the students and their families. Families would save
a lot if they could just buy any clothes and send their kids to school in those
clothes. The amount families have to spend on uniforms might make it so they
can’t pay for other things as well. It also means that students may have to wear
uniforms that are too small for them because their parents can’t afford to buy a
new uniform. Uniforms are very damaging by causing families to spend a crazy
amount of money on uniforms.

Another reason uniforms are bad is because they negatively affect trans
students. Some schools won’t give trans students the uniform they identify as.
That gives the students serious distress and really negatively affects them.
Even schools that do give trans students the proper uniform can still negatively
affect trans kids. That’s because some transgender kids are not out to their
parents for various reasons, usually because their parents are transphobic.
Those students will still have to wear the wrong uniform and that’s because they
won’t be able to get the proper uniform unless they tell their parents they are
trans which could be very dangerous for them. Therefore, the school will still
be causing major distress to a trans student despite thinking they are doing
good for trans students.

Another reason uniforms are bad is because it lessens students’ ability to be
themselves and express themselves. It suppresses individuality. Yes, students
can show their individuality and identity by actions but clothing is a big part
of exploring their identity so by taking that away you’re hurting their ability
to figure themselves out and explore their self-expression. It negatively
impacts their critical thinking. Since they all have to dress the same they all
get put inside a box and makes it so that they don’t think outside of the box.
Everyone must dress the same and act the same. Uniforms cause conformity without
a second thought, making it so that those people follow anyone who has higher
authority without wondering if it is the right thing. This badly affects society
as a whole because it causes society to not grow. Uniforms encourage conformity
and take away individuality negatively affecting the students and society.

In conclusion, uniforms are bad and negatively affect both the students and
society as a whole. This is because uniforms cause a financial burden on
families, uniforms negatively affect trans kids and uniforms take away
individuality and critical thinking.

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Posted on May 19, 2024 by admin

Discussion: Langston Hughes’ Poem “I Look at the World” in 2024.

Langston Hughes’ poem, “I Look at the World,” says exactly what it means. The
themes which are a statement, “I have been held back” and a hopeful announcement
or battle cry, “I will be held back no longer,” are widely acknowledged and
recognized nowadays, it is easy to give lip service, but another theme which is
never made explicit and can only be inferred – Who was holding him, and people
like him back? – is in most analyses largely ignored.

This tendency to ignore and focus on what we would prefer to notice, is part of
the reason the poem remains especially relevant and timeless as long as racism
and oppression still exist. We are encouraged to spend far too much time
focusing on the dissection of Hughes’ poem and his use of poetic devices, than
what he means to say. We do not discuss the reasons why he is held back, who is
or was holding him back, does it apply today or what we can do about it.

In spite of that the poem makes its statement and itself ignores convenient
analyses, the poem remains and says exactly what it means to say, however much
we might choose to ignore it. The poem still says it all.

In the era (1930) Hughes was writing, he was, so far as I have seen, too polite
to put one of his strongest messages so bluntly in words, and therefore in
modern times we think we can get away with ignoring that unwritten part of the
message that is inferred, “Who was holding him back?” and all the associated

But obviously it was the white culture of the time that was holding him back. If
Hughes was less polite he might have said, “Whitey’s holding me back! But he
won’t hold me back no longer!” However, Hughes probably couldn’t get away with
saying that and being respectably published in 1930.

In some respects the modern day rapper resembles a brasher Hughes in our current
era, “I’m gonna do this, I’m gonna do that, I’m gonna in your face,” something
like that. The characteristic of all such speech is you’re going to, but you
haven’t done it yet, but you’re going to, or so you say.

Therein is the problem for Hughes and possibly the rappers, how to say what you
mean and have it persist even if you don’t immediately accomplish. It is one
thing to say what you are going to do, what you want to do, even what you will
do. It is quite another thing to actually do or accomplish it, or have the poem
persist and still resonate a hundred years later. But Hughes poem published in
1930 and still persisting, does strongly remind us,  and all the digressions and
diversions of our era how ever hard they might try, can’t conceal the truth.

It seems that cultures sometimes change at a glacial speed and also resist with
all their might. Of course things change and have changed but there is still
resistance even when the change has supposedly been officially accepted or
acknowledged. In glacial terms where once there were mountains of racism maybe
now there are only very large hills of it, we can call that the Canadian Culture
Shield. But valleys are still valleys.

No doubt it is easier to climb or make way against a racist hill than a racist
mountain, but that still does not change the fact the struggle is uphill. 1930
is almost a hundred years ago. We can congratulate ourselves on how much things
have improved and thereby mostly ignore the message. But the message for anyone
who wants to read and not be diverted still remains true.

The strategy of the message reminds me of what I once elsewhere read, something
to the effect that, “When you are stranded on a desert island and you need to
make a sign that says Help you are not primarily concerned with a fancy font, or
the color of the board or paper, or whatever material it is written on. You are
not concerned with if it is neat and looks good for your peers or instructor.
You are only concerned with, Is the message clearly legible, (in this case a
message of racism and oppression that needs to be overcome and overturned) and
can it be seen, read and understood from a great distance away. Your primary
goal is the Message!

Now almost a hundred years later, a great distance away, Hughes’  message has
survived, is still relevant and understood.

It scarcely matters which font the message is still readable. Even though
attempts are regularly made to distract by focusing on poetic devices, instead
of poetic messages, but the inferred message, that message still remains in
Hughes Bold invisible type.

Attempts are made try to disguise the message as if they wrote the message Help
in this font Help, but the inferred message persists, and since you cannot quite
see the message in specific words, it cannot quite be erased. There can be talk
about the poetic devices used, the metaphor, the language, the imagery, the
rhythm, which Hughes quite purposefully made beautiful, but Hughes is not
worried about how pretty it looks. All Hughes is really concerned with is
conveying the message.

Language itself is metaphor, face is not a face, flower is not a flower. All
language uses metaphor and poetic devices to convey the message for the reader
to understand. Langston Hughes uses metaphor, imagery, repetition, and assertion
to convey his message and succeeds.

We know, even though it is never directly said in words, he is being oppressed,
held back, fenced off because of his color, by the white culture. There is no
reason for Hughes to assert, “That all these walls oppression builds Will have
to go!” to his comrades or to say, “I see that my own hands can make, The world
that’s in my mind. Then let us hurry, comrades, The road to find.” There is no
reason for Hughes to say any of this or even write the poem if he and his
fellows were not being held back by the invisible some ones. The words of the
poem would make no sense without the invisible oppressors. The poem is a
message! The poetry of inference is what Hughes used to convey it.

Just as in similar fashion, you do not focus on the qualities of the photography
to understand the era Hughes lived in within this picture! The picture like the
poem speaks for itself.


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Posted on May 19, 2024 by admin


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