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About this webinar
Preparing European Banks for a Connected Digital Future Episode 3

European banks struggle to compete with the customer experience created by tech
companies, whose design prowess and agility threaten to eat up the banks’ market
share. This deterioration may continue, as 25% of European banking users are
considering changing to a digital-only bank over the next year, according to
data by MasterCard. To counteract this, banks can focus on specific features in
the customer experience and leverage their assets. One central element of the
customer experience is payments. When customers have various payment choices
ranging from Stripe to Paypal to AliPay, banks can make life easier for
consumers by integrating all payment choices into their tech stack. With
eCommerce contributing to more transaction volume, helping merchants move
consumers down the purchase funnel to increase conversions is another place
where banks can focus. And, the usage of QR codes as a way for European banks to
enable a frictionless customer experience. The European Commission has a
committed interest in creating its own QR code standard, which will make it
easier for banks to create their own QR code solutions.

Identity management may be the most critical element of the digital experience,
and it may need to be re-thought entirely by replacing identity management with
rights management. In this area, banks may be the industry which can add new
value to the marketplace by becoming not only a money bank but an identity bank
– the point of trust.
With so many opportunities to evolve their customer experience, how can banks
determine where to focus first and compete with tech companies in the future?

Join this webinar to learn about:
- How to approach payment integrations
- How banks can add value to the customer experience by increasing purchase
- Why to consider rights management vs identity management as a value add
- How to integrate new technologies into the customer experience
Live online Apr 20 9:00 am United Kingdom - London
or after on demand 60 mins
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Presented by
Michael Salmony, Executive Adviser, Worldline | Gregory Lambertie, Worldline I
Antoine Larmanjat, Google
Presentation preview:
Related topics:
 * Fintech
 * Digital Transformation
 * Digital Banking
 * Payments
 * Payment Security
 * Customer Experience
 * User Experience
 * Identity Management
 * Biometrics
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   Compliant, secure & frictionless payments through WL Trusted Authentication
   Recorded: Mar 30 2021 41 mins
   Claire Pipon - Product Manager, Joost Martens - Account & Business
   Development, Saphie Fouad - Product Manager Assistant
   What about getting a true frictionless authentication system for accessing to
   financial transactions and that is also compliant to the FCA regulations?
   Feeling curious? It's easy, just register to our webinar.
   During this webinar we want to show how you can:
   • Get consistent user experience for all type of transactions
   (account-to-account, Visa/Mastercard) and across all type of devices
   (Android, ios, web browser),
   • Replace unsafe usage of sms’s,
   • Respect the compliance date of September 2021
   Thanks to these implementations, the UK market can gain millions of
   transactions which are now lost due to the friction experienced by users when
   they want to complete their transaction.
   If you want to be ready for the 14 September FCA deadline, we must talk soon.
   Register to this webinar and let us demonstrate you that we are ready to
   bring value to your bank and bank customers in the most convenient way.
   Watch now
   Five Economic Implications of Stablecoins Recorded: Mar 24 2021 61 mins
   Nicolas Kozakiewicz, Clement Jozwiak, Johan Maes
   Stablecoin will enable businesses and administrations to offer customers the
   flexibility and security they require when making payments, while helping
   central banks protect the sovereignty of national money. This BrightTalk
   explores the stablecoins’ advantages and economic implications across various
   industries: retail, banking, public services, hospitality, large event
   organizers, etc.
   Watch now
   The changing landscape of Payments Fraud with Digital Banking Recorded: Feb
   24 2021 32 mins
   Myles Simpson and Rodolfo Bertassello
   Nowadays we are experiencing an acceleration towards digital banking as well
   an increase in the number of different means of payment available. Due to
   COVID-19 this has been accentuated and cardholders’ interactions have
   increased, adapting more and more to new ways of paying. In this context,
   faster systems and adapted services must be constructed to cope with the
   fraudsters who are in turn adjusting to the vast array of different payment
   means offered.
   How is the payments fraud landscape changing with digital banking?
   How did the new trends emerging from the global health crisis impact fraud
   and fraud monitoring ?
   How are fraudsters adjusting to the emerging payment means?
   Watch now
   The Rising Role of Cryptography & Digital Currency in European Banking’s
   Future Recorded: Feb 23 2021 48 mins
   Michael Salmony, Executive Adviser, Worldline | Nicolas Kozakiewicz, Chief
   Innovation Officer, Worldline
   Preparing European Banks for a Connected Digital Future Episode 2
   Digital currencies have the potential to upend how banks work. Facebook’s
   Libra caused a shakeup in the global banking industry, driving central banks
   to take a more in-depth look at issuing their own Central Bank Digital
   Currencies (CBDCs), which could disintermediate the banks. Some European
   banks have banded together to create their own blockchains that allow
   encrypted data on anything, from money to medical records, to be shared
   between many companies, people and institutions. Quantum will disrupt all our
   current security, but quantum cryptography may be the new solution.
   Regulators are looking at these developments with both concern and intrigue.
   Their concern is rooted in the difficulties of regulatory processes keeping
   up with the frantic speed of technology and with global developments
   impinging on national/local jurisdictions. On the other hand, these
   technologies can help to level the playing field for European companies. They
   may also help in B2B payments, which is attractive to banks and merchants
   alike. Additionally, Stablecoins may provide alternative ways for banks to
   issue digital currencies they control themselves.
   How can trade finance, crypto and digital currencies help contribute to a
   stronger European banking system?
   Join this webinar as Worldline's Michael Salmony, Executive Advisor for
   Payments Innovation Strategy at Worldline, as he is joined by a panel of
   experts to explore:
   - What Central Bank Digital Currencies means for the global monetary system
   - The risks and opportunities of crypto- technologies
   - How banks and regulators can work together to use new technologies
   - The effect Stablecoins may have on B2B payments and trade finance
   Watch now
   Comment Request-to-Pay va bouleverser l’encaissement ? Recorded: Feb 9 2021
   63 mins
   Ladan Etemad - Business Developper Manager Worldline et Jean-François Delorme
   - Partner DXC Technology
   Avec l’arrivée du Request-to-pay, de nouvelles approches innovantes sont
   disponibles pour faciliter et optimiser l’encaissement. Worldline et DXC
   Technology présentent leur vision de ce nouveau schéma européen simplifiant
   considérablement les règlements entre personnes, organisations et
   Request-to-pay offre un parcours d’encaissement 100% digital des factures
   clients avec une réconciliation totalement automatisée. Ce nouveau schéma
   permet de réduire les délais de paiement et les coûts associés grâce
   notamment aux services d’initiation de virement et d’accès aux informations
   de compte Open Banking/DSP2.
   Nos experts accompagnés de clients feront un état des lieux des innovations,
   et des cas d’usages les plus remarquables du marché.
   Watch now
   Staying Competitive With A Pan-European Banking System Recorded: Feb 2 2021
   50 mins
   Michael Salmony, Worldline | Gregory Lambertie, Worldline I Eric Tak, ING I
   Javier Santamaria, EPC
   Preparing European Banks for a Connected Digital Future Episode 1
   European banking is fragmented, with many of the 19 eurozone-member states
   still having many own rules governing how their banks operate. While the web
   has made global commerce easy, we are still operating far too nationally. The
   great financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic exposed a deficit in digital
   processes leaving Europe exposed to international competitors from the US and
   Asia, especially China. The emergence of fintechs, who merge technology with
   customer-centricity while reducing costs, has driven a new need for banks to
   position themselves in the digital economy. This confluence of forces caused
   many struggles ranging from integrating new technologies, complying with
   regulations and finding one’s position in the new ecosystem. These challenges
   will not subside.
   Now, European sovereignty itself may be at risk as competitors from other
   continents seek to drive merchants and consumers towards their own business
   models. How can European banks evolve while contributing to the sovereignty
   of a pan-European banking system?
   In this opening episode of Preparing European Banks for a Connected Digital
   Future, Join Michael Salmony, Executive Advisor for Payments Innovation
   Strategy at Worldline and your host. He will be joined by a panel of industry
   experts who will discuss:
   - The challenges European banks face in a new global market
   - How banks can get ahead of challengers and digital currencies
   - How seamless payment and customer experience can make or break your success
   In today's webinar focused on how banks can stay competitive in a
   pan-European banking system, our panel will discuss:
   - What infrastructure, payment, and consumer trends are influencing bank’s
   - Will the European Payment Initiative may be the solution European banks
   need today to compete?
   - What the future holds for banking in Europe
   Watch now
   What We Talk About When We Talk About Digital Currencies Recorded: Jan 26
   2021 57 mins
   Nicolas Kozakiewicz, Innovation Executive Advisor at Worldline
   New breeds of crypto-assets are transforming not only how we pay but what we
   pay with. This BrightTalk will invite you to dive into the story of digital
   currencies, understanding what they are, their pros and cons, their involving
   market characteristics and growth projections driven by the rise of
   innovative peers; and most important of all, how they might re-write the
   rulebook of our future economy.
   Watch now
   Conoce la evolución de la mensajería móvil con nuevos canales
   conversacionales Recorded: Jan 21 2021 56 mins
   Vanessa Clemente; Xavi Sans
   o El objetivo de la sesión es realizar un recorrido de como la mensajería
   instantánea ha evolucionado hacia nuevos canales sociales y conversacionales
   y, como en este nuevo escenario, las aplicaciones de mensajería móvil como
   WhatsApp se han hecho con un lugar privilegiado día a día.
   Watch now
   SCA: Best Practices zur Verbesserung der User Experience und Konversion
   Recorded: Jan 18 2021 29 mins
   Carsten Göbel - Business Development Manager, Hazal Aktepe - Business
   Seit dem 01.01.2021 ist die starke Kundenauthentifizierung für E-Commerce
   Zahlungen verpflichtend, so wie es für das Online-Banking bereits der Fall
   Folgende Fragen sollten im Kontext einer aus Endkundensicht
   benutzerfreundlichen SCA-Lösung bedacht werden:
   • Ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre SCA-Lösung eine gleichbleibende Benutzererfahrung für
   alle Anwendungsfälle anzubieten?
   • Möchten Sie Ihren Kunden eine einfachere, intuitivere optimierte
   Benutzererfahrung bieten?
   • Wie können Sie Ihren gesamten Kundenkreis abdecken?
   • Was sind Best Practices für den Einsatz einer starken
   Sie stellen sich eine oder mehrere dieser Fragen und / oder sind an unseren
   Erfahrungen zum Einsatz von benutzerfreundlichen Authentifizierungslösungen
   Dann melden Sie sich für unser Webinar an.
   Die folgenden Themen werden während des Webinars diskutiert:
   • Marktsituation
   • E-Commerce SCA-Pflicht seit dem 1.1.2021
   • Probleme mit hohen Abbruchquoten
   • Best Practices
   • Showcases anhand von drei Praxisbeispielen mit TA
   • Fazit mit Handlungsempfehlungen
   Watch now
   Decoding e-commerce in high-potential, but challenging markets Recorded: Dec
   15 2020 44 mins
   Eline Blomme, Melisande Mual
   In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, retailers will be looking for new growth
   drivers. Selling into new international markets represents a sizable growth
   opportunity, but it doesn’t come without challenges.
   When you approach a new geographical market, how can you ensure acceptable
   conversion rates, stimulate higher average order values, and build shopper
   loyalty—in other words, create customer lifetime value—while limiting major
   investments and keeping fixed costs under control?
   Join this webinar on Tuesday, December 15 as we decipher the complexities of
   online retail and e-commerce payment in some of the world’s most promising
   This webinar will be most valuable for senior executives whose
   responsibilities include business development and/or payment strategy, and
   who are working in established e-commerce businesses with ambitions to expand
   outside Europe.
   * Online retail market trends in the BRIC countries (Brazil, India, China,
   and Russia)
   * The current state of e-commerce in these high-growth markets
   * The benefits and risks of cross-border retailing
   Eline Blomme has held a variety of sales management positions since she
   joined Worldline in 2016. For the last two years, she has led a global team
   of senior account and business development managers responsible for Tier 1
   e-commerce customers. Following Worldline’s recent acquisition of Ingenico,
   Eline has been appointed Head of Product Management for Global E-commerce at
   the consolidated company.
   Mélisande Mual is the publisher and owner of The Paypers, the global leading
   source of news and intelligence for professionals in payments, fintech and
   digital commerce. The portfolio of The Paypers includes news, premium
   newsletters, industry reports, webinars and online events. Prior to The
   Paypers, Mélisande held several leadership positions in leading B2B Publisher
   (Wolters Kluwer) and Telecom (KPN) companies.
   Watch now
   Accélérez l'encaissement de vos factures et réduisez leurs coûts Recorded:
   Dec 1 2020 35 mins
   Ladan Etemad - Business developper Manager et Karim Bouhzada - Expert
   Vous souhaitez réduire vos délais de paiements, de traitement des litiges et
   de recouvrement ? Découvrez notre nouvelle solution WL Bill Pay & Match pour
   un parcours d'encaissement 100% #digital vous permettant d'améliorer votre
   Watch now
   Connected Banking: secure and intuitive customer interfaces Recorded: Nov 19
   2020 67 mins
   Veronica Alava, Raphaël Feillet (equensWorldline), Christopher Schmitz-EMEIA
   FinTech Leader (EY)
   Today's customers are banking on the go. We have entered an era in which
   trust is not the primary factor anymore in choosing a bank, it is implied and
   expected. Thus, the new deciding factor is customer experience.
   COVID-19 is accelerating the adoption of digital services, making almost all
   bank-customer interactions remote. That’s why customer experience needs to be
   taken to the next level: multichannel, convenient and engaging customer
   journeys are already a must.
   On top of these trends, banks are now investing in seamless omnichannel
   experiences based on personal needs, integrated banking services, and
   proximity through remote advice.
   What we also know, is that bank customers are happy to have a conversation
   from the comfort of their own homes if services are convenient and relevant.
   However, still the amount of consumers who receive remote advice and
   satisfying digital personalized services can be improved with the right
   digital tools.
   So how can banks deliver the required experience within digital journeys when
   addressing their core customer needs in the midst of COVID 19?
   Come join us to learn how banks can ensure a seamless customer experience
   that is simple, fast and intuitive. We will analyze together three digital
   customer journeys: Instant loans, Personalized payment services and complex
   financial advice.
   • From Online Banking to Connected Banking
   • How to adapt the customer interface within three customer journeys
   • Key customer services : instant loans, payment services and complex
   financial advice
   • Future ready digital banks (demonstration)
   Watch now
   Transforming customer interactions in uncertain times Recorded: Nov 10 2020
   50 mins
   Lisa Hennebelle - Product Manager, Veronica Alava - Business Developer
   How to perform banking and insurance activities with limited physical
   interactions ?
   The challenge is bigger specially now, when customer interactions between
   financial institutions and end customers are exploding in volumes. Thanks to
   extended digital capabilities banks are reducing the need for in-person
   exchanges. That’s why electronic signature, consistent communication
   campaigns, secure document exchanges and emails, self-service options have
   become key assets while banking online.
   Discover through this session how WL Trusted Interactions, a messaging
   platform tailored for financial services, can overcome this challenge thanks
   to the enrichment of customer exchanges (with many features and without
   compromising the security of remote exchanges). A solution demonstration is
   presented in this webinar.
   Watch now
   Worldline & BRIDGE - Optimise payments, maximise revenues Recorded: Oct 29
   2020 56 mins
   Magnus Danielsson and Brian Coburn
   Join Magnus Danielsson and Brian Coburn, CEO of BRIDGE, as they discuss and
   share critical insights to help e-commerce businesses and merchants maximise
   the potential of their payment systems. To take advantage of
   transformational, innovative digital payment solutions.
   The discussion focussed on the major shift and growth of online commerce and
   the strategic role of digital payments. How enterprises can ensure optimum
   payment success rates (revenue), meet increasing consumer expectations and
   compete and win in a highly crowded and competitive global e-commerce
   Watch now
   Black History Month Interview With Mike Omoniyi Recorded: Oct 9 2020 44 mins
   Mike Omoniyi, Burnell Richards and Johnathan Astbury
   This week we sat down with Mike Omoniyi, CEO of The Common Sense Network
   (TCS); a bi-partisan news network for millennials dedicated to finding common
   ground in an increasingly polarised world. We discussed his journey leading
   up to the launch of TCS and some of the issues he’d uncovered working in the
   media industry, before moving on to discuss what effective allyship looks
   like and why he’s optimistic about the prospect of racial equality in the UK
   going forward.
   Watch now
   Webinar "Mejores prácticas para introducir Blockchain en proyectos de
   negocio" Recorded: Oct 8 2020 61 mins
   Tomás García y Manuel Machado
   En este Webinar presentaremos casos de uso principales y mejores prácticas
   para iniciar un proyecto Blockchain.
   Watch now
   Webinar - Du service a la relation client, le défi d’une expérience réussie
   Recorded: Oct 1 2020 63 mins
   Experts Worldline et Oresys avec l'intervention d’Hélène Garin - Ex-directeur
   de services digitaux chez AXA
   Expérience client et digitalisation à marche forcée post-crise sanitaire :
   les clés pour transformer votre organisation et vos outils !
   Forts de leur complémentarité, Worldline (éditeur de solutions digitales) et
   ORESYS (société de conseil expert des transformations), vous convient à un
   webinar commun dédié aux banques, assureurs, mutuelles et courtiers le jeudi
   1er octobre de 11h à 12h sur le thème de l'expérience client.
   Saviez-vous que 86% des clients sont prêts à payer jusqu'à 25% de plus pour
   une meilleure expérience client* ?
   Avec à l’appui un témoignage client, nous répondrons aux questions suivantes
   • Quelles seront les tendances de l’expérience client en 2021 dans les
   services financiers ?
   • Comment rebondir suite à la crise sanitaire ? Retour d’expérience d’une
   digitalisation menée à marche forcée en confinement
   • Comment transformer votre organisation et vos outils pour devenir
   customer-centric ?
   *Customers- Walker 2020
   Watch now
   Mettez en place facilement la logistique du "Click&Collect" dans vos magasins
   Recorded: Oct 1 2020 41 mins
   Ruben Nussbaumer-Product manager et Frédéric Vieren, expert e-commerce
   Les conséquences de la pandémie et des nouvelles habitudes d’achat des
   consommateurs qui en découlent pour le secteur de la distribution forcent les
   enseignes à fournir un meilleur service à leurs clients. En améliorant les
   processus de travail de leurs employés, les distributeurs gagneront en
   productivité pour absorber la croissance impressionnante de commandes
   effectuées sur leur(s) site(s) e-commerce. Ecoutez nos experts vous expliquer
   comment mettre en place facilement la logistique dans votre réseau de points
   de vente.
   Watch now
   Digital Panel Series #4 Digital Ecosystems Recorded: Sep 18 2020 60 mins
   David Daly
   This is the third event in the digital panel series looking at how businesses
   have and will continue to change through digitisation. During this live panel
   webinar, we will explore how digital ecosystems create value, the challenges
   they can present, and what examples we can learn from. This episode was
   hosted by Worldline’s David Daly who was joined by Rob Price from Worldline,
   Sophie Proust from Atos and Stephen Ingledew from FinTech Scotland.
   Watch now

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With more than 45 years of experience in the payments business, Worldline
connects and secures transactions that form parts of our daily lives. Covering
the entire payment value chain, our technology experts create and operate
digital solutions to boost the business of companies across all sectors
including banking, retail, transport, and government, through transformative
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 * Title: How A Digital Customer Experience Can Help Banks Thrive in Today's
   Digital World
 * Live at: Apr 20 2021 9:00 am
 * Presented by: Michael Salmony, Executive Adviser, Worldline | Gregory
   Lambertie, Worldline I Antoine Larmanjat, Google
 * From:

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