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Hello! It’s been awhile! I’m not really sure where to begin but I am so excited
to get back into creating things for Four By Three and this is my first post
doing just that. In June of last year (2015) I had a baby girl and chose to put
this blog on hold until I was ready creatively to continue with it. During that
time through various people I follow on instagram I somehow stumbled across Lens
& Larder, a series of workshops put on by the lovely Imen McDonnell and Cliodhna
Prendergast along with guest collaborators varying from photographers, stylists
and writers.

I just so happened to find them right before they were to hold a food
photography and styling workshop with the enchanting Renée Kemps in Ireland at
the beautiful and picturesque Ballyvolane House. I did a little looking into
flights (pretty cheap and short coming from London) and checked to see if a
space was available (there was!) and the next thing I knew, I was on my way to
Ireland! The three days spent there were filled with lovely long conversations
about everything from photography to being a working mom over delicious meals;
foraging the grounds of Ballyvolane; meeting local vendors whose food and wares
we photographed; learning to style a tabletop for a photo story; homemade butter
and soda bread making demonstrations; having a gin tasting of the delightful
Bertha’s Revenge which is made at Ballyvolane…it was a packed few days!

I was blown away by the talent of not only our hosts but also the other
attendees and this workshop was the perfect jolt of creativity that I needed.
Below is a visual snapshot into the workshop and the people I met. And if you
have the chance to sign up for a Lens & Larder workshop, do it!

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Categories: Europe, Travel Guides
September 12, 2016


At the end of February we had some friends get married in South Africa and
knowing this might be our last big trip before the little one arrives in May,
Reid and I jumped at the chance to take full advantage of a long weekend in one
of our favorite places. One of the nice things about traveling to South Africa
from London is that you are only one or two hours ahead of your regular timezone
and even though it is a long flight (around 11 hours) you don’t suffer from jet
lag because there isn’t much of a time difference. So when we landed on a
beautiful sunny day in Cape Town, we got into our rental car and headed out to
Franschhoek in wine country where we would be staying for the weekend.

You may remember our first visit to South Africa when we stayed at Babylonstoren
(probably still one of my most favorite places on earth). Unfortunately, it was
already booked up when we got around to getting our hotel sorted but we made
sure to stop by for a delicious lunch at their green house followed by a wander
in the garden and of course checking out their farm and wine shop for goodies to
take home. After we tore ourselves away we headed on to Franschhoek, about a 10
minute drive up the rode, and checked into the beautiful Le Franschhoek Hotel
which came recommended to us by our friends who were getting married that

We lucked out with a seriously stunning view from our hotel room and I loved
watching the sky change throughout the day. We could also see the pool from our
room and I knew immediately that I wanted to relax there as much as
possible. Overall, I was really pleased with the hotel and enjoyed wandering the
grounds and soaking up all of the sunshine I could.

The rest of our first afternoon was spent exploring the town of Franschhoek,
which is very charming, followed by dinner at the hotel. Other than wedding
activities, I knew I wanted to eat at The Table de Meye, a restaurant run by a
wife and husband on a wine estate. I came across them through instagram and when
they had a spot for lunch available on Saturday, I was so excited to get to go.

Again the weather was absolutely beautiful so they had the different tables set
up outside beneath the trees with beautifully mismatched place settings and
floral arrangements. It all looked stunning and thought out but not forced. If
the food had been sub-par, I still would have been a happy camper because of the
setting but everything we ate was beyond excellent. You can see the menu we had
that day on their blog here. I think Reid’s favorite dish was the starter of
tomatoes on a puff pastry and of course I just about died when the dessert came
out- a seriously decadent chocolate mousse.

The rest of our time was spent wine tasting (for Reid, not me unfortunately),
being outdoors as much as possible whether this meant having a picnic or taking
a dip in the pool and of course, the main event, celebrating our friends’
wedding. It could not have been a more relaxing time and a great final trip as
just the two of us. But hopefully one day we can make it back down south for a
family trip in the future!

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Categories: Africa, Travel Guides
March 31, 2015


It is very grey here in London today so I thought I would brighten the mood by
posting an old photo from a past post on hidden London mewses. I just love these
camellias with the sunshine popping through! And it makes me feel warmer just
looking at it.

I also wanted to introduce a new thing that I hope to start doing at the end of
every week and that is just a little round up of what I’ve been up to/have
planned for the weekend/cool things I came across this week. So here it goes…

 * It looks like there is still space available for this Saturday’s doughnut
   master class being held at Bread Ahead Bakery & School (earlier this week I
   posted about the class I took there). I would definitely want to attend if I
   had more notice but maybe some of you more flexible folk could go along!
 * We are still settling into our new place and slowly gathering furniture for a
   few rooms- this is the most space we have ever had and want to thoughtfully
   acquire things. One place we’ve had luck is at Lassco down by the Maltby
   Street Market (I’ve got a post planned for this in the future- the St John’s
   doughnuts are to die for!) so hopefully I can make a stop by this weekend.
 * My younger brother sent me this link of 25 simple green side dishes. There
   are some great suggestions/recipes in there and I’ve already added some to my
 * I’ve been reading this book and having such a good time learning all sorts of
   facts and interesting tidbits about London!
 * One thing I love about exploring a new neighborhood is finding new places to
   eat. We ate here last weekend with some friends and absolutely loved it.
   Can’t wait to find some other gems in the area.

That’s all for now! I hope you all have a lovely weekend and happy first day of

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Categories: At Home
March 20, 2015


Borough Market is one of my favorite places to visit in London and I’ve written
about it before. I just love the combination of the fresh and prepared foods
along with the location and general hustle and bustle of the place. I have
walked by the Bread Ahead Bakery & School many, many times and viewed all of the
yumminess baking inside but had never taken a class. That changed this past
January when my friend Kate invited me along to join her for the
Quintessentially English baking class.

I think I had been intimidated by trying to bake bread at home because it always
seemed to require an exactness that I don’t always follow when I am in the
kitchen but this class made it all completely accessible. First of all, it was a
small class (maybe 10 people in total) so you felt like you could always speak
up and ask any questions you may have. And secondly, the bakers who taught the
class were so knowledgable, they made everything seem incredibly easy!

During this class we learned how to make a cottage loaf, devonshire splits, bath
buns and a lardy cake. Everything turned out better than expected and I was
happy to go home with an armful of delicious bread! I was surprised by how
physical kneading the dough can be but it also made it more rewarding in the end
(and hey, its a fun way to get some good arm muscles going!). We were also given
the recipes used for each type of bread so we can recreate them at home.

This was definitely an experience I enjoyed and I hope to take a few more in the
future. They have all sorts of classes available ranging from a doughnut master
class to an intro to french baking. They even have a gluten free baking class!

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Categories: London Guide, South East
March 18, 2015



Its been quiet over here since the new year and I had not really planned on that
but we’ve had lots of exciting changes happening in the Murphy household as of
late. To name a few… we moved house and have been settling into our new place
and neighbourhood. We are expecting a baby at the end of May! And, just in case
we didn’t have enough change going on, we also added another furry member to the
family. Everyone, I would like for you to meet Clyde! He is an old english
bulldog and has been such a fun addition- he’s even made our almost 13-year-old
lab, Bonnie, more puppy-like. These photos are from the first few weeks we had
him when he was only about 8 to 10 weeks old. Now he is a little over 4 months
and has grown a ton (I’ll be sure to post some more recent photographs of him


I’ve got lots I want to share on here about fun things to do and see in London,
more Londoner profiles, stories from around the home and of course stories of
our recent travels. Until then, I hope you enjoy these puppy photos and see you
back here again soon!


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Categories: At Home
March 11, 2015

Older Posts

Welcome to Four By Three! This blog sprang up after wanting a home to share the
stories from discovering London, my travels around the world and the interesting
people I meet along the way. All images are taken by me (unless otherwise
stated) and all are shot on film with a myriad of cameras.



around town at home babylonstoren barbican center borough market brick lane
brockley charley cherry tree chloé contax contax 645 cornwall east london ektar
england garden rose islay keswick kodak kodak ektar laphroaig london londoner
londoners london fields mark mushrooms north london nw1 orcas island ranunculus
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