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Chinese Bishops Suddenly Depart Synod on Synodality 2 Weeks Early, Return to
China Without Explanation

This Is the Meaning of Life in a Nutshell...
Joseph Pearce
Is it possible to summarize the meaning of life in a thousand words or so? Can
the key questions that have preoccupied great philosophers for millennia be
encapsulated in the idiomatic nutshell? The answer is yes. And the reason is
that the key questions have been answered with authority by the Author of Life
Himself. What is truth? Who is man? Who are we? And where are we going? The
first of these questions was asked by Pontius Pilate in his native Latin: Quid
est veritas?


Caesar and the King: A Reflection on the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time...
Scott Hahn
The Lord is king over all the earth, as we sing in today’s Psalm. Governments
rise and fall by His permission, with no authority but that given from above. In
effect, God says to every ruler what He tells King Cyrus in today’s First
Reading: “I have called you ... though you knew me not.” The Lord raised up
Cyrus to restore the Israelites from exile, and to rebuild Jerusalem (see Ezra
1:1–4). Throughout salvation history, God has used foreign rulers for the sake
of His chosen people. Pharaoh’s heart was hardened to reveal God’s power.
Invading armies were used to punish Israel’s sins...


Vatican communications chief Paolo Ruffini ‘clarifies’ matter of unsecured Synod
file server...


45 Years Ago, the Great John Paul II Was Elected Pope...
John Grondelski
Monday, Oct. 16 marks 45 years to the day that Cardinal Pericles Felici
announced that “Karol, Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church, Wojtyla” had been
elected pope. He was the first non-Italian since Dutchman Adrian VI in 1523.
From the perspective of nearly half a century — more than half of which was
taken up by the pontificate of St. John Paul II — there’s no question Wojtyła
put an indelible mark on the papacy and the world.


Apostolic Exhortation ‘C’est la Confiance’ on Confidence in the Merciful Love of
God for the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of St. Thérèse...
Pope Francis
St. Thérèse is one of the best known and most beloved saints in our world. Like
St. Francis of Assisi, she is loved by non-Christians and nonbelievers as well.
We would do well to delve more deeply into her message as we commemorate the
150th anniversary of her birth in Alençon (2 January 1873) and the centenary of
her beatification. Yet I have not chosen to issue this Exhortation on either of
those dates...


This Sunday, What God’s Invitation Says...
Tom Hoopes
In the days before he died, Jesus wanted us to know we were invited to a big
marriage feast in his honor, according to the readings for the 28th Sunday of
Ordinary Time Year A.For the last few weeks, and for the remainder of the
liturgical year, the Church will present words spoken by Jesus after entering
into Jerusalem, as he faced his imminent death. This gives them a high
importance and a telling context.The first person to apply any parable to is
yourself.The Wedding Banquet story this Sunday completes a picture we have seen
in the Vineyard parables the last two weeks.


Synod on Synodality Reports Not ‘Secret,’ But Still Won't Be Shared, Spokesman
Jonathan Liedl
Small group reports from the Synod on Synodality won’t be made public — even
though the documents have already been accessed by some journalists following an
information security oversight. The decision was communicated Saturday by Paolo
Ruffini, president of the Synod’s communication commission, at a press briefing
earlier today.


Cardinal Zen Calls Pope Francis’ ‘Dubia’ Response on Same-Sex Blessings
‘Pastorally Untenable’...
Edward Pentin
Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun has criticized some of Pope Francis’ responses to
five dubia that he and four other cardinals sent him ahead of the Synod on
Synodality, saying among other criticisms that the Pope’s guidance on the
blessing of same-sex unions is “pastorally untenable.” In an Oct. 12 statement
posted on his website, the bishop emeritus of Hong Kong, who signed the dubia
sent to the Pope on July 11, said the Pope’s responses, which were sent a day
later and which the Vatican made public on Oct. 2...


Why the latest USCCB nominees lean in one direction...


Catholic Church Wrestles With Response to Hamas’ Atrocities...


Confidential Synod on Synodality Documents Posted to Unsecured Vatican Cloud


Cardinal Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Asks Catholics Worldwide to
Pray and Fast on Oct. 17 for Peace in the Holy Land...


Who is Blessed Carlo Acutis? 10 things you should know about him, whose feast
day is Oct. 12...


The Eucharist in Times Square: Procession With Father Mike Schmitz Draws
Thousands on NYC Streets...


Synod on Synodality: The Church’s being is Christ, her ecology the Gospel...


‘Pro-life Spiderman’ arrested for climbing Chicago skyscraper that houses
Israeli consulate...


Why does the priest put water in the wine at Mass?

Here are the best small towns in each of the 50 states...


Party or Perish!...
Msgr. Charles Pope
The past three Sundays have featured shocking parables about our readiness,
fruitfulness, and decision as to whether to accept and enter the Kingdom of God.
The Lord has used the image of a vineyard extensively: a vineyard into which
workers are dispatched at different times of the day but who have different
attitudes about what is due to them at the end of the day; a vineyard into which
two sons are sent, one of whom goes and one who does not...


Cardinal Pizzaballa, Latin Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem, Offers to be
Exchanged for Hostages Held by Hamas...
Courtney Mares
The Latin Catholic patriarch of Jerusalem has offered to be exchanged for the
children being held hostage in the Gaza Strip by Hamas. Speaking to journalists
via video conference on Oct.16, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa was asked if he
would be willing to offer himself in exchange to free the children hostages who
were taken in Hamas’ attack on Israel last week. The cardinal responded that he
is willing to do anything to “bring those children home.”


In Gaza war, Israel v. Christian leaders may be preview of Israel v. Vatican...
John Allen
Wars, especially in the 21st century, are fought on multiple levels. Beyond what
happens on the battlefield, there’s also the “soft power” contest to claim the
high moral ground, and in that sense, one of the emerging fronts in the bloody
conflict in Gaza now pits Israel against the Christian leadership of the Holy
Land. In that standoff, the Vatican for the moment appears caught somewhere in
the middle, though over time it’s likely that its position will shift in the
direction of the Christian leadership...


Pope Francis Highlights ‘Little Greatness’ of St. Thérèse of Lisieux in New
Apostolic Letter...
Hannah Brockhaus
Pope Francis has commended the “little greatness” of St. Thérèse of Lisieux in a
new message focusing on the 19th-century Carmelite’s relevance for the Church
today.St. Thérèse’s “genius consists in leading us to what is central, essential
and indispensable,” the pope wrote in an apostolic letter published Oct. 15.


Cardinal Roche’s Welcome Tonic Against the Toxins of Catholic Polarization...
Fr. Raymond de Souza
At the prayer vigil to launch the Synod on Synodality, St. Peter’s Square was
decorated to look like a garden. That prompted me to return to some recent
summer reading, The Gardens of God by Cardinal Arthur Roche, prefect of the
Dicastery for Divine Worship. I recommend it as a welcome tonic against the
toxins of polarization in the Church today. At the synod on Wednesday, Cardinal
Roche took a routine role in the opening prayers...


How World War I helped popularize candy bars...


‘Normal’ hatred, synodal ‘secrecy’, and ‘original language’...
Ed Condon
Like everyone else, I have been watching the horror of what is happening in
Israel. And like some, I can be upfront about my lack of any worthwhile opinion
on what, if anything, can be done to effect peace in a region, and between
peoples, who have known nothing but violence for so long. I can also admit to a
total lack of objectivity here. Some years ago, I lived in Israel for a brief


Cardinal Tucho’s transparency test...
Luke Coppen
In the Oct. 10 conversation with the Spanish website Religión Digital, the new
prefect of the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) spoke
about his department’s responsibility for clerical abuse cases. The interview
took place in the context of the synod on synodality, in which the newly minted
cardinal is an active participant. This week, the assembly elected him as a
member of the synod’s information commission, representing Latin America.


Synod on Synodality’s Managers Withhold Names of Small-Group Members...


I urge all Catholic families to watch this movie...


Synod Files: In October’s big Vatican events, will the pigeons come home to


Real liturgy is far more powerful than its digital counterfeit...


Some Basic Facts and Clarifications About the Angels...


Synod on Synodality’s New Methodology Could Skew Reports on Controversial


Miracles continue to happen at the Shrine of Our Lady of Champion in


Is the body of Blessed Carlo Acutis incorrupt?


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