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LinkedIn und Drittanbieter setzen essenzielle und nicht zwingend erforderliche Cookies ein, um die LinkedIn Dienste bereitzustellen, zu schützen, zu analysieren und zu verbessern und um auf LinkedIn und außerhalb von LinkedIn relevante Anzeigen zu präsentieren (einschließlich zielgruppenspezifischer Anzeigen und Stellenanzeigen). Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer Cookie-Richtlinie. Wählen Sie „Akzeptieren“, um dieser Nutzung zuzustimmen, oder wählen Sie „Ablehnen“, um die nicht zwingend erforderlichen Cookies abzulehnen. Sie können Ihre Auswahl jederzeit in den Einstellungen aktualisieren. Akzeptieren Ablehnen Weiter zum Hauptinhalt LinkedIn * Artikel * Personen * E-Learning * Jobs * App laden Mitglied werden Einloggen FIBE.INDIA (FORMERLY EARLYSALARY) FINANZDIENSTLEISTUNGEN PUNE, MAHARASHTRA 21.279 FOLLOWER:INNEN LIFE UPGRADES WITH A NEW VIBE! Jobs anzeigen Folgen * alle 522 Mitarbeiter:innen anzeigen * Dieses Unternehmen melden INFO Fibe (Formerly EarlySalary) is a new FinTech start-up in Pune. We are promising to create ripples in the way lending will happen in the country. We are building our mobile first platform, smart risk scoring system and soon will introduce a fast & easy way to get a loan or buy products and pay-later. We are currently building a smart and young team who together will build this start-up into a buzziest FinTech brand. Founders: Akshay Mehrotra, Co-Founder & CEO Marketer by heart, headed marketing for Big Bazaar, and Bajaj Allianz. He is an alumnus of Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies Ashish Goyal, Co-Founder & CFO Investment banker and CA by profession and served as the CIO for Bajaj Allianz General Insurance. He has extensive experience in financial markets, fund management & finance functions. Website Externer Link zu Fibe.India (Formerly EarlySalary) Branche Finanzdienstleistungen Größe 201–500 Beschäftigte Hauptsitz Pune, Maharashtra Art Privatunternehmen Gegründet 2015 ORTE * Primär Viman Nagar Pune, Maharashtra, IN Wegbeschreibung BESCHÄFTIGTE VON FIBE.INDIA (FORMERLY EARLYSALARY) * ANIL SINHA CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER * AKSHAY MEHROTRA CO FOUNDER & CEO, @FIBE.INDIA (FORMERLY EARLYSALARY) * GAURAV GUPTA STRATEGY @ FIBE(EARLYSALARY) | ADVISOR @ CUBE WEALTH | EX - WIPRO | TCS * ANIKET BOSE DRIVING STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS @ FIBE.INDIA | EX -NAUKRI, EX- MAGICBRICKS, EX-OLX GROUP Alle Beschäftigten anzeigen UPDATES * Fibe.India (Formerly EarlySalary) 21.279 Follower:innen 17 Std. * Diesen Beitrag melden The #FibeTribe made a big splash at the 3rd FinTech Festival India! Thank you to all who visited our booth, engaged in conversations, and showed interest. We were proud to be a part of the insightful panel discussion, featuring our CEO Akshay Mehrotra, discussing 'Collaborative ecosystem propelling the digital lending revolution.' Always thrilled to contribute to the conversation about the future of finance. There's one more exciting day left! Don't miss your chance to visit our booth, have a chat, and learn more about Fibe's vision for the future of finance. We'll be here waiting to connect! #Fibe #FintechFestivalIndia #FintechFestival #FutureOfFinance * * * 75 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Fibe.India (Formerly EarlySalary) 21.279 Follower:innen 2 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden Join us for an empowering LinkedIn Live session on our page, led by Dr. D.M Hemavathi J, a seasoned physiotherapist, focusing on women's health and fitness. Get ready to elevate your well-being with expert guidance! #Fibe #InternationalWomensDay #WomensDay #WellnessForWomen EMPOWERING WOMEN: CELEBRATING RESILIENCE & STRENGTH WWW.LINKEDIN.COM 9 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Fibe.India (Formerly EarlySalary) 21.279 Follower:innen 3 Tage Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden Join us at the FinTech Festival India 2024 from March 6th to 8th at Hall 1C, Yashobhoomi (IICC), New Delhi! Explore the latest in FinTech, network with industry leaders, and discover how Fibe is revolutionising finance at Booth D11! See you there! #FibeAtFinTech Akshay Mehrotra Ashish Goyal Anil Sinha Vimal Saboo #Fibe #FintechFestivalIndia #FFI #FintechFestival #FintechFuture * 21 1 Kommentar Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Fibe.India (Formerly EarlySalary) 21.279 Follower:innen 3 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden Finishing strong! The Fibe Frenzy Sports Month concludes with a marathon today. Kudos to all our enthusiastic participants from the #FibeTribe! Akshay Mehrotra Ashish Goyal Anil Sinha Vimal Saboo Monica A. #Fibe #SportsMonth #GreatPlaceToWork #FibeFrenzy #Marathon #GreatWorkCulture * 81 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Fibe.India (Formerly EarlySalary) 21.279 Follower:innen 6 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden Our CEO, Akshay Mehrotra, was part of YourStory's panel on data-driven digital lending. We were thrilled to join this discussion at TechSparks Mumbai, India's largest startup-tech conference held on February 29 and March 1, 2024. #Fibe #TechSparks2024 #PanelDiscussion #Fintech #Conference * 79 1 Kommentar Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Fibe.India (Formerly EarlySalary) 21.279 Follower:innen 6 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden Roshan found a friend in Fibe - closing loans early, no strings attached. That's what #PaiseWaliVibe is all about! Celebrate Fibe's 8th birthday with stories of financial freedom. #Fibe #VibeAt8 #8YearsOfFibe #Loans #InstantApprovals #SeamlessProcess #FinancialServices #HappyCustomers #LifestyleUpgrade … mehr anzeigen Play Video Video Player is loading. Loaded: 0% PlayBack to start Stream Type LIVE Current Time 0:00 / Duration 0:00 1x Playback Rate Show Captions Mute Fullscreen 5 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Fibe.India (Formerly EarlySalary) 21.279 Follower:innen 1 Woche * Diesen Beitrag melden With over 21 million downloads, our app continues to empower users on their financial journey. Join the #PaiseWaliVibe today! #Fibe #VibeAt8 #8YearsOfFibe #AppDownloads #UserFriendly #InstantApprovals #SeamlessProcess #HappyCustomers #FinancialSolutions #FinancialWellness * 5 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Fibe.India (Formerly EarlySalary) 21.279 Follower:innen 1 Woche * Diesen Beitrag melden Smita had a vision for her home, and 8 years ago, she turned that dream into reality with Fibe! Experience her path to home sweet home! #Fibe #PaiseWaliVibe #VibeAt8 #8YearsOfFibe #HappyCustomers #SeamlessProcess #InstantApprovals #LifestyleUpgrade … mehr anzeigen Play Video Video Player is loading. Loaded: 0% PlayBack to start Stream Type LIVE Current Time 0:00 / Duration 0:00 1x Playback Rate Show Captions Mute Fullscreen 7 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Fibe.India (Formerly EarlySalary) 21.279 Follower:innen 1 Woche * Diesen Beitrag melden With 800+ skilled minds steering our journey, we've completed 8 years of unwavering commitment to financial excellence. Here's to many more milestones ahead! #Fibe #PaiseWaliVibe #VibeAt8 #8YearsOfFibe #FibeTribe #ProductiveWorkforce #HappyWorkCulture * 3 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Fibe.India (Formerly EarlySalary) 21.279 Follower:innen 1 Woche * Diesen Beitrag melden Transforming 'risky' into 'hassle-free' over 8 years with Fibe! Satish shares his journey to financial freedom, proving doubts wrong, one loan at a time. #Fibe #PaiseWaliVibe #VibeAt8 #8YearsOfFibe #HappyCustomers #SeamlessProcess #InstantApprovals #Loans #FinancialWellness #FinancialSolutions … mehr anzeigen Play Video Video Player is loading. 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