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Tech Futurist Who Predicted the iPhone, Netflix, and Amazon Warns:



My name is George Gilder, and this chip is the only one in the world with the
physical properties for powering next-generation AI.

Without this tiny device, the promises of AI will never be reached.

Sure, we’re seeing “AI” of sorts right now.

It can summarize a document for you…

Cut down time on a middle schooler’s math homework…

It can even code a simple software program.

But there is a Big AI Lie spreading through the media and Silicon Valley
boardrooms today, and it’s attempting to cover up a harsh reality…

No computer on the market is actually capable of delivering next-generation AI.

Over the years, our laptops have become thinner and our screens wider. But these
silicon-based computers are essentially the same models that took five minutes
to load a basic webpage in 1999.

The tiny device I’m revealing today is the only breakthrough pushing AI into its
next evolution.

In a minute, I’ll show why I believe it will soon be in every office, home, and
college in America because the innovation behind it is the most important
milestone since the Industrial Revolution…

And, as a result, hundreds of new millionaires could be minted because small
companies currently trading under $1 a share are set to soar to $10 or higher.

In short, in my opinion, we’re about to see more changes over the next few years
than all the computer hardware innovations between 1952 and now. Remember when
IBM’s 5-ton computer, the size of an entire room, was considered revolutionary?

But just like the death of IBM’s 5-ton computer, once it is released, there’s no
going back…

And tenfold growth could end up conservative when this hardware officially takes
over the world.

Without it, AI is stuck performing menial tasks like how ChatGPT is used today.

But thanks to this hardware breakthrough, we’re about to unlock computers that
are smarter and faster while burning less power.

AI is the closest thing a machine will ever get to resembling a human brain, but
it’s simply not possible using modern computers.

We need to take a revolutionary approach.

Silicon Valley entrepreneurs are spending billions of dollars creating the most
advanced AI to beat the competition, but they haven’t updated hardware to match
its performance.

This tiny device solves this problem, and it’s about to disrupt the electronics
market, worth $3.7 trillion…

The global semiconductor market, worth $1.3 trillion…

The automotive market, valued at $2.5 trillion…

The U.S. defense industry, worth $617 billion…

The $841 billion global airlines industry…

And many, many more.

That’s why I’m convinced…

The innovation behind this tiny device will make investors more money than any
AI stock they are holding or thinking of buying because EVERY AI will soon
require it.  

Bill Gates is investing cash to research the core material behind it.

Gates once summoned me to his office to discuss the future of innovation, and he
later said: “Gilder is very stimulating even when I disagree with him, and most
of the time I agree with him.”

Jim Simons, the former professor turned billionaire trader, has exposure to it
in his portfolio too.

They understand next-generation AI isn’t possible without it… all future
technology depends on it.

I know because I’ve spent the past 40 years identifying life-changing tech and
then investing early.

In 1991, I predicted the rise of the iPhone 16 years before it went to market.

Apple has soared over 175,000% since then.

That turns a $5,000 investment into $8.7 million.

Steve Jobs read my book and even passed it to colleagues, which means my
prediction could have been the initial seed that planted the iPhone in Jobs’

In 1994, I wrote about the future of television streaming, a full decade before
Netflix helped millions “pull the plug” on cable.

Netflix has skyrocketed nearly 38,000%…

Enough to grow $5,000 into $1.9 million.

And in 1996, I publicly warned we were entering a new era of e-commerce and
Amazon would become king.

Amazon is up 162,000%…

Multiplying every $5,000 invested into $8.1 million.

Jeff Bezos even personally helped me set up my Amazon account.

I’ve advised two U.S. presidents, and my best-selling book, Wealth and Poverty,
was known as President Reagan’s “favorite” and the “bible for Reagan’s boom.”

The Economist calls me “America’s foremost tech profit.”

Today, I’m setting the record straight about the only tech in the world that can
power next-generation AI, just like I did with the iPhone, Netflix, and Amazon.


I don’t hear anyone in the mainstream media talking about the Big AI Lie.

In fact, not even people working in AI are speaking publicly about it.

You’ve probably seen AI in the headlines like ChatGPT becoming the
fastest-growing application in history.

The adoption rate of AI is outpacing the internet in the 1990s and smartphones
in the early 2000s…

But you’re still not getting the whole, unfiltered truth.

Many believe AI is the most advanced technology EVER, but reality is much more
complicated and blurrier…

Because if nothing else changes, this technology will soon be brought to its
knees by AI’s Achilles’ heel…

Something you would never expect…

Air conditioning!

At first glance, that may seem strange…

But consider how quickly software has advanced over the past few years to reach
where AI is today.

In 2009, machine learning was reserved for Fortune 500 companies and university
professors. But today, anyone can access these tools on their phone.

Hardware has attempted to keep up with software’s lightning-quick evolution.

More powerful CPUs (central processing units) and GPUs (graphics processing
units) were created, RAM and storage had no choice but to grow, and AI-specific
chips were built to improve performance.

All these were only minor improvements that require higher power while producing
more heat.


That’s where the biggest and most profitable opportunity is today.

AI as we know it wouldn’t exist if computer hardware capacity didn’t double and
double again, but everything we’ve done up until now to make computers smarter
has reached its limit.

We’re hitting a wall… Modern computer hardware is not smart enough, requires too
much power, and creates too much heat.

This is the reason data centers spend tens of millions of dollars annually for
powering giant fans and air conditioners.

Facebook placed its data center in Lulea, Sweden, where temperatures have
dropped to -42°F.

Google’s is in Hamina, Finland, using seawater from the Bay of Finland to cool

Without glaciers and rivers, many of these massive AI data centers would have
already melted down!

AI software is literally melting today’s computer chips.

And that’s no exaggeration.

It’s simple physics.

The biggest roadblock to future AI is hardware, not software, but you won’t hear
many Silicon Valley CEOs saying this publicly. These people are selling the Big
AI Lie…

And as AI grows, this hardware crisis is only getting worse.


The human brain uses about 14 watts of power, equivalent to a small light bulb,
and can handle complex tasks like thinking, remembering, and processing sensory

AND it does it all without overheating.

Meanwhile, the combined computer networks that make up the entire internet use
much more energy… hundreds of gigawatts… enough to power entire cities and even

Despite using billions of times more energy, these computer systems are far less
complex and multidimensional compared with a single human brain.

Even the brightest minds in Silicon Valley have admitted it…

And yet — with more advanced AI being released every day — the chips in today’s
computers overheat and melt down…

In short, the current generation of Silicon Valley computer scientists has lost
touch with the most important findings of their own profession while completely
ignoring physics.

The more advanced AI becomes, the more power it requires and the more heat it

And that’s the 10x opportunity in front of investors today.

We need something much more powerful than a boost in RAM or a more advanced
microchip if AI is to ever advance past performing menial tasks…

And today, for the first time, we have exactly that.


Why is the human brain able to handle tasks without melting down… while today’s
computer chips melt down at a fraction of the work?


It’s because silicon is the core ingredient for computer chips, but this
material is simply not strong or advanced enough to build a network of super
intelligent AI computers.

The brain is much more efficient than silicon.

It consists of multidimensional carbon combined with myriad electrical,
chemical, and even quantum interactions.

In order to build a machine that can power next-gen AI, we need truly
exceptional material…

Which is exactly what I have discovered and why I’m so excited to share this
information with you.

We are witnessing the dawn of a revolutionary materials breakthrough, and it’s
set to transform the entire landscape of modern computing and so much more.

This isn’t just an upgrade — it’s a complete reinvention of what computers are.

It’s already transforming science, winning at least six Nobel Prizes so far,
and, in my humble opinion, it will soon transform the industry.

It has all the properties needed to make a supercomputer capable of powering
next-gen AI.

It is substantially more adaptable and chemically complex than the silicon
computers in our homes and offices today.

The biggest benefit for AI is how this material generates almost no heat during
computation, and it gets rid of heat faster than EVERY other material studied in

Yet it has the highest thermal conductivity — meaning nothing today moves heat
from one place to another as quickly as this.

What’s the secret? This material doesn’t generate much heat in the first place
because its resistance to the flow of electrons is so low.

Power and heat are the biggest threats to AI today, making this material a

It instantly solves the global AI crisis, which is preventing this multitrillion
market from taking the next step in its evolution.

This material is about to change everything by opening the door to the next
evolution of computer hardware.

I’ve seen innovations like this before.

Discovering early-stage breakthroughs before almost everyone else is what I do

Back in October of 2019, I said Camtek LTD (CAMT) “is remarkably well-positioned
to benefit from a confluence of two major industry trends that are unfolding
right now: #1 The semiconductor industry is rebounding big time… and #2 5G is
going to change everything.”

I wrote that when the stock was $10, then it soared to over $49 a share…

A 391% gain.

That same year, I said Synaptics Incorporated (SYNA) “created many of the ways
that you interact with your laptop, tablet, smartphone, or smart speaker.”

And that “the company continues to lead advances in human interface technology.”

I recommended buying Synaptics at $34 a share, and then it climbed all the way
to $166…

A 239% winner.

In April 2020, I recommended buying into Inmode (INMD). I said it was “a
tremendous bargain” and set to benefit from President Trump announcing Americans
could resume elective surgeries during the pandemic.

Inmode rose 661%.

But the material at the core of the world’s smartest computer could be my
biggest prediction yet, even bigger than when I told the public to buy Amazon
and Apple.

We’re still in an experimental phase right now; investors still have some time
to become some of the earliest backers when stock prices are low and growth
potential is off the charts.

But they can’t wait long.

Soon, technology will move away from silicon-based computers to this
breakthrough material…

And in the process, hundreds of new millionaires will be created.

You’re probably eager to know what this material is.

It might surprise you that you handled it every day as a child and sometimes
still do.

There’s a thin layer of graphite in every No. 2 pencil used in school and work,
but it’s not ordinary graphite that’s the breakthrough I’m talking about…

It’s a single layer of carbon atoms — called graphene — which is the thinnest,
strongest, most flexible, and most conductive material ever discovered.

Graphene is a thousand times more electrically conductive than copper and more
thermally conductive than any other material.

It’s hundreds of times stronger than steel or aluminum, lighter than air,
thinner than any other substance, flexible as rubber, and transparent.

This material can be manipulated to stop a bullet with an invisible vest, filter
seawater and viruses, and it’s about to transform countless industries…

But most importantly, it’s replacing all modern computer hardware while enabling
AI to reach its next evolution.

The Washington Post says:
“If you’d one day like to have a phone as thin as a piece of paper that you
could roll up in your pocket, graphene may be the answer.”

Futurism.com says:
“Graphene can pretty much do anything — and it can do it better than most other

The New York Times predicts:
“The wonder material… Graphene could change the electronics industry, ushering
in flexible devices, supercharged quantum computers, and electronic clothing and
computers that can interface with the cells in your body.”

According to my research, investors who back this material early could see as
much as a tenfold spike in their starting stake if everything unfolds the way I
think it will.


Global tech companies are already investing their money because they realize how
big a threat it is to their current product lineup.

Intel, one of the world’s largest silicon chipmakers, has been researching and
contributing to graphene’s development since 2015.

Nvidia, the leading AI chipmaker with 80% market share, is also researching and
testing it.

Huawei, the Chinese tech company and second-biggest smartphone maker in the
world, recently filed a patent for a semiconductor built with graphene.

There is a global race going on right now between major world powers to win the
graphene market because these leaders understand the future belongs to those who
control this material.

Just like how nations with large oil deposits controlled the 20th century,
countries that control graphene will lead the 21st century.

China is investing heavily in graphene; it accounts for 60% of patent filings
since 2010, and the U.S. and South Korea are not far behind.

Israel is home to nearly 200 semiconductor companies, and many are experimenting
with this material.

The reasons are obvious…

DigitalTrends.com says:
“Future chips may be 10 times faster, all thanks to graphene.”

MIT News says graphene
“could help engineers design ultra-low-power, high-capacity data storage devices
for classical and quantum computers.”

The Harvard Gazette calls it
“the Holy Grail of condensed-matter physics, as (it) would open the door to
tremendous technological revolutions in many areas.”

AI and graphene converging together will radically change our economy while
creating more wealth than anything else this decade.

In just a moment, I’ll reveal more details about my #1 graphene stock, a company
currently trading under $1 a share but which is set to become a major player in
the technology AI desperately depends on.

This stock will be the biggest winner of the AI Boom in my view, because soon
every AI application will require graphene computer hardware; it’s the only way
to build next-generation computers.


My team and I have been tracking graphene for years, and today, we are at the
edge of its next major development.

Life-changing innovation only occurs when two or more technologies combine to
create something even greater, just like graphene and AI right now.

I’ve seen this play out time and time again over my 40-year career.

In the year 2000, I saw 3G converging with advanced processors, making Qualcomm
(QCOM) the top company in the wireless race.

AT&T attacked me in the Wall Street Journal by saying this was a “misstatement
of fact,” but I was right!

Qualcomm shares have soared over 1,200% since.

Fast-forward to another huge convergence with Nvidia (NVDA).

It’s hard to imagine now, but at one point, Nvidia was known for making gaming
GPUs and improving graphics for online gamers and designers.

But when these gaming GPUs converged with deep learning algorithms, AI
researchers and entrepreneurs could suddenly tap into these powerful chips for
more than just games.

I recommended buying Nvidia at $128 a share, and then it soared to nearly $500…

A quick 275% winner.

Then in May 2020, I saw IMPINJ’s (PI) potential as radio frequency
identification (RFID) converge with intelligence-gathering software.

I recommended buying shares at under $23, and then they skyrocketed to over $95
a short while later…

A 314% gain in less than two years.

My knack for pinpointing emerging tech convergences ahead of the curve has
captured the attention of global influencers and industry leaders.

Media Tycoon Rupert Murdoch invited me to Hayman Island, Australia, to speak to
Fox News executives on the future of media.

Peter Thiel once flew me to Florence, Italy, to be the keynote speaker for a
private tech conference.

Eric Schmidt, the founder of Google, said: “I listen very closely to what Gilder

Today, my best advice is to get into graphene BEFORE it converges with AI and
revolutionizes modern computer hardware.

In just a moment, I’ll reveal more details about my #1 graphene stock.

But before we get to that, here’s…


In January 2024, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology created the
world’s first functional semiconductor made of graphene.

This breakthrough will give us faster computing that’s capable of handling
advanced AI, even as the devices we use become smaller and smaller.

“Not only can you make things smaller, faster, with less heat dissipation, but
you’re actually using properties of electrons not accessible in silicon. So,
this is really a paradigm shift, a different way of doing electronics,” Walter
de Heer, Regents’ Professor of Physics at Georgia Tech, said.

The graphene semiconductor has 10 times faster computing than ordinary silicon

De Heer says, “It’s like driving on a gravel road versus driving on a freeway.”

Its electrical properties are far superior to any silicon semiconductor ever
made, and this will soon have a significant impact on America’s economy.

The global semiconductor market is reaching $1.3 trillion, and graphene is set
to replace silicon as the leading material computers are built on.

Without graphene semiconductors, AI is stuck thinking at a basic level,
performing simple tasks forever.

History has proven this…

The first form of AI was created at the outset of World War II when Alan Turing
developed special-purpose computers that outperformed humans in deciphering Nazi

Today, applications like ChatGPT generate words based on your input, but it does
not have the ability to comprehend the meaning behind those words.

Of course, there are more advanced applications of AI, like scientists who use
it to determine a protein’s shape to develop new, breakthrough drugs, but even
this is an extremely menial task for a biotech researcher.

AI today is essentially the same as Alan Turing’s in the 1940s…

But graphene semiconductors open an entire new world of technology to us.

Electrons move through graphene quickly, leading to faster processing speeds and

It’s flexible, strong, and thin, which are helpful properties for the shrinking
size of computers.

But most importantly to AI, the roadblock of overheating is solved instantly
because nothing cools off better than this material.

Graphene is more energy-efficient than silicon-based semiconductors, and as AI
demands more and more power, this is crucial for machines to reach their full

Billionaire entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson of the Virgin Group said: “Graphene
has the proven potential to be a revolutionary material in efforts to put the
planet on track for a better future.”

Branson knows a thing or two about getting into big investments early. He
currently owns 400 companies ranging from space tourism to online gambling to TV
streaming and more.


Getting in early on a new technology can make someone more money than any other
investing they’ve done before…

But getting in late — at the “top” — can devastate their savings as well.

Just ask investors who bought Nasdaq tech stocks in March 2000, right before the
entire index dropped 76%.

Or those who bought Nortel Networks, North America’s biggest telephone equipment
maker, which fell from $120 a share to zero…

Or talk to someone who got into the cryptocurrency Ethereum when it was already
bid up high in November 2021, just before it crashed 75%.

They will say it’s not enough to identify a groundbreaking new technology; the
timing matters just as much.

But if you’ve ever invested too late in a tech company, it’s likely not your

The mainstream media is constantly pumping up the latest fad but is almost never
forward-thinking enough to explain what’s coming next.

They want investors to chase the latest fad even if it’s not to their advantage.

To understand why, just look at who their biggest revenue generator is… regular

The big brokerage houses, money managers, and others that spend almost $67
billion annually to advertise on these channels, and they all get rewarded every
time there’s a frenzy.

It happened during the dot-com era with Bitcoin, and now it’s happening with AI.

But anyone following the frenzied crowd is already too late because the biggest
rewards go to those who are early.

It’s nearly impossible to grow sizable wealth over a short period by getting in
on the same AI software stocks everyone else is running into right now.

However, there is an opportunity to get in early on the material behind the
future of computers — the only material with the physical properties for
unleashing next-generation AI.

To invest early in a truly revolutionary technology, investors must understand
the big picture, and explaining it is what I do best.

Marc Andreesen, the founder of Netscape and one of the greatest venture
capitalists ever, said: “Gilder is far out ahead of everyone else.”

The truth is that investors need to be far out ahead of everyone else if they
want to make big gains from breakthrough technology stocks.

Being slow costs money, and being late costs a fortune.

Graphene is hundreds of times stronger than steel or aluminum, thinner than any
other material, but flexible as rubber.

It’s about to revolutionize every computer in the world while unleashing AI’s
next big leap.

If an investor takes action right now, they could set themselves up for rewards
reserved for only those savvy enough to get in on breakthroughs before they go

Like the people who knew about Apple or Netflix before they became household

Investors who get into graphene won’t be joining the frenzied crowd; they’ll be
leading far ahead of it and enjoying all of the benefits that come with it.


AI and graphene converging will create new hardware capable of powering the most
advanced software our world has ever known…

But graphene is about to converge with much more than just AI.

This material is about to completely disrupt dozens of industries collectively
worth over $5.3 trillion, creating wealth for anyone holding graphene stocks.

Under a microscope, you can see graphene is a single layer of carbon atoms in a
hexagonal shape.

This unique shape is one reason why it’s so strong yet also light and thin.

However, scientists can “twist” graphene to rotate this material into brand-new
patterns, which changes its electronic properties and what it can accomplish.

Most interesting of all, by “twisting” graphene, we unlock properties that are
not found in original graphene!

It’s like making an entirely new material that wasn’t previously available to

Graphene is about to impact every industry in some way because of its ability to
“twist” into new forms, potentially handing early investors a fortune because
we’ve never had a material this beneficial before.

Despite the fact scientists working on graphene have ZERO experience in spinal
therapy, they’re about to change spinal therapy forever.

How can this be?

It’s all because of graphene, which is so powerful that a quadriplegic young
soldier who previously needed a machine to live on will one day be able to walk

Today, recovering from paralyzingly severe spinal trauma is considered
impossible because when a spinal cord is damaged, cells that act as an
“electrical system” begin to die.

It’s why the status quo care for spinal cord patients is meant to increase their
comfort, not their mobility.

Just as graphene will change the computers we use, it will also radically alter
how we treat spinal cord patients.

The proof is in this video…

This white rat had a severed spinal cord; he was completely paralyzed one day,
and it seemed like his life was virtually over…

But almost like a miracle from God, he was running around his cage a few weeks
later like he never had before.

Professor James Tour and his associates placed a graphene ribbon into the rat’s
spinal column to bridge the gap in his severed cord.

Within three weeks, the rat scored 19 out of a possible 21 on a standard
mobility test, a huge improvement from not being able to move around.

This “miracle” was possible because graphene’s amazing electrical conductivity
helped restore his nervous system, something scientists had never witnessed

Now some will say this is just a rat and not a human, but graphene is converging
with gene therapy, micromechanical machines, and machine learning to one day
heal a broken spine as easily as someone’s fractured arm.

The spinal cord therapy market is projected to reach $6 billion by the end of
the decade.

Graphene medical implants are now replacing surgical implants, ranging from
artificial throats to stents, and many are making their way toward clinical

The global medical device market is worth $512 billion today and is projected to
reach $800 billion by 2030.

Graphene is also converging with batteries because its incredible electrical
conductivity and resistance to heat make it the perfect material.

Samsung is using graphene to develop a new battery with fivefold faster charging
speeds and a 45% increase in capacity.

“Graphene has widely become the primary source of interest as the representative
next-generation material,” Samsung said.

It’s also disrupting energy storage because graphene supercapacitors are proven
to store a hundredfold more energy.

The battery market is valued at over $100 billion right now, and there isn’t
anything more important to its future than this material.

The electric vehicle market is worth $385 billion, and graphene is capable of
reducing charging times from 10 hours to just minutes, an absolute game-changer
for owners of these vehicles.

It’s no surprise this material is becoming a major flashpoint in geopolitical
conflicts among America, its allies, and the rest of the world.

It reduces the weight of protection armor, and when applied to the surface of
military vehicles, they become undetectable to hostile radar devices.

Because graphene is so thin, light, and strong, it’s the perfect material for
bulletproof glass and vests.

Scientific tests proved sheets of graphene outperformed steel and Kevlar® in
absorbing kinetic energy and could give our servicemembers better protection and
ultimately save more lives.

The Marine Corps has tested graphene. I served in the Corps and have seen the
risks our servicemembers confront up close, but graphene could give anyone in
harm’s way another layer of protection we don’t currently have.

Aircraft built with graphene parts have better aerodynamics and lower weight,
which reduces fuel consumption and is a breakthrough for both military and
civilian aviation.

Graphene’s high electrical conductivity makes it perfect for deicing systems in
the wings.

The U.S. defense industry is worth $617 billion, and the global airline industry
is worth $841 billion.

Ford Motor Company placed graphene in F-150s and Mustangs because reducing noise
inside vehicle cabins used to mean adding more material and weight, but with
graphene, it’s a different story.

Debbie Mielewski, Ford’s senior technical leader, said, “We are able to use a
very small amount, less than a half percent, to help us achieve significant
enhancements in durability, sound resistance and weight reduction.”

Ford’s graphene-based foam has a 17% reduction in noise, a 20% increased
improvement in mechanical properties, and a 30% boost in heat endurance compared
with non-graphene foam.

The global automotive market is valued at $2.5 trillion.

Scientists recently discovered a way of incorporating graphene into concrete,
which increases strength and water resistance.

It reduces the cement needed for concrete by 50% and eliminates the need for

This is important for our expanding world because as the population increases,
the global demand for concrete is soaring at an accelerated rate.

Just check out this headline from Bloomberg…

If the price of cement continues rising, it may be so expensive and rare one day
that graphene is the only alternative.

Cement was a $363 billion market in 2022, a massive industry that graphene could
soon be at the center of.

Practically everyone who’s ever tested graphene has seen remarkable benefits.

 * Masters champion Sergio Garcia averaged 19 yards longer with graphene golf
 * Novak Djokovic broke the men’s tennis record with victory at the French Open
   using a graphene racquet.
 * Graphene microphones are 32 times more sensitive than standard nickel-based
   microphones and can detect sounds that are beyond the range of human hearing.

It doesn’t matter what the task is; graphene can likely make it much more
efficient, and this is proven every day.

I just showed a handful of markets worth a collective $5.3 trillion seeing huge
disruptions from graphene, but the truth is, this is just scratching the

To share all the industries this miracle material is revolutionizing would
require an entire book, so I’ll cut to the chase…


There is a graphene company on its way to:

 * Saving millions suffering from previously incurable diseases…
 * Saving hundreds of billions in healthcare costs…
 * And creating trillions of dollars in value from extended healthy years of

The best part of all is that one share of this world-changing company trades for
less than $1 today.

For these reasons and more, I’m calling it my #1 graphene stock.

I just showed how graphene repaired a severed spine, which scientists had never
witnessed before…

Now, it’s ushering in a new age of medicine by rapidly converging with
gene-modifying therapy.

Gene-modifying therapy is a tool scientists use to precisely cut and change
parts of our DNA so we can treat diseases while working at the very root level
of where diseases happen — our cells.

Today, gene therapy is expensive and complicated.

Developing gene therapy is akin to coding a new app, where you must also
engineer the computer hardware and design the entire software framework it
operates on.

It’s just too expensive and time-consuming, and that’s what modern gene therapy
is, an industry that isn’t standardized yet.

Patients relying on gene therapy are often critically ill; there is no second
chance if things go wrong, and every second counts.

The time to manufacture personalized gene therapy drugs today ranges from three
to four weeks, but my #1 graphene stock could cut that in half or more…

Because this company is transforming gene therapy from a complicated science to
a simple technology, in the process making it more affordable and scalable so
more people can benefit.

It’s building one standard platform so now every gene therapy scientist does not
have to build their own “computer.” That’s saving lives, money, and time.

My #1 graphene stock is heavily patent-protected and, as of now, is the only
firm providing this type of game-changing gene therapy platform.

It’s already helping patients in 15 countries and has made partnerships here at
home with Johns Hopkins and UC Davis.

Since this life-changing company trades for around $1 a share right now, it’s a
true moonshot investment…

The type that could soar 10X or higher as it moves from an early-stage
technology to a mainstream breakthrough.

At the time I’m writing this, this stock has a market capitalization of just $10
million, making it one of the smallest even though it’s working on technology
that will soon impact millions.

Yet when the company raised $50 million last year, it did so at a $125 million
valuation, meaning this one stock could soar even higher than 10X based on what
it was valued recently.

The veteran entrepreneur who is currently running the company sold her last
startup for over $300 million, and I believe my #1 graphene stock could
eventually get bought out by a huge biotech firm that sees the massive potential
we do.

This $1 stock could be valued at over $1 billion one day, providing huge gains
to anyone getting in right now.

But the biggest gain potential will go to those who get in early because with
each passing day, my #1 graphene stock grows closer to becoming a staple in
modern medicine.

I’m sharing its name, ticker symbol, and my full analysis of its investment
potential in my newest report: The 10X Graphene Stock .

Once an investor looks it over, they’ll have a full understanding of how this
company is using graphene to save lives and why I think it could be a 10X

Graphene is about to change much more than how we treat diseases, and
early-stage breakthroughs like this are why I launched my premium investment
research service, Gilder’s Moonshots.

Anyone signing up today will receive The 10X Graphene Stock,but it’s not for
sale on Amazon or anywhere else.

We’re about to see graphene disrupt AI, defense, aviation, energy storage,
medical devices, and possibly dozens of other industries.

The $1-a-share company I reveal in The 10X Graphene Stock is just the beginning.

My team was one of the first to track this fast-moving situation, and we will
continue giving our readers analyses and buy recommendations as they develop.

Subscribers of Gilder’s Moonshots will receive all my new graphene stock
recommendations as these companies go from small private firms to public stocks,
and you’ll be one of the first to discover early-stage tech breakthroughs
disrupting other industries.

Readers have already seen winners of…

 * 149% with Maxlinear (MXL)
 * 188% with Echo Energy (ECHO)
 * 239% with Synaptics Incorporated (SYNA)
 * 391% with Camtek LTD (CAMT)
 * 661% with Inmode (INMD)
 * And many, many more…

Of course, not every recommendation I make is a huge, triple-digit winner like
those… and not every recommendation I make is a winner…

But I’ve been helping investors for more than 40 years now, with very few
complaints… any time you can do something that long, you’re doing it right in my

And Gilder’s Moonshots is one of the most exclusive investment research services
I run.

Forty thousand readers follow my flagship newsletter, The Gilder Technology
Report, which means I can’t share my smallest stock recommendations with this
many people.

It would drive share prices through the roof before most had a chance to profit
from these opportunities, and I don’t want to put my subscribers in that

That’s why I launched Gilder’s Moonshots.

We have one simple mission

To show you how to profit from small caps and microcaps with proven business
deals that are on the cutting edge of convergence shifts in the economy.

To accomplish this, I’ve assembled a team of some of the smartest people I’ve
ever met, the experts who consult CEOs and innovators when these leaders need
urgent advice.


One of my top analysts is Steve Waite, who has over 30 years of Wall Street

He held top positions at Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch in New York and

And he served as chief strategist for SoundView Technology Group, which advised
CEOs of early-stage tech companies, both privately and publicly traded.

Steve has had skin in the game too.

He cofounded an investment firm that managed $7.5 billion by the time he retired
from Wall Street.

Look, you don’t build a $7 billion fund if you don’t know what you’re doing.

That’s why Steve does almost all valuations on our Moonshot companies and helps
manage our portfolio.

Next, please meet my other star analyst, John Schroeter.

Over the past 30 years, John’s been an engineer, executive, consultant, and

He’s the director at Abundant World Institute, one of the world’s biggest
societies of technologists, futurists, and entrepreneurs.

And he consults CEOs on advanced semiconductor, high-performance computing
fields and machine learning — fields where he himself holds multiple patents.

John actually coauthored the multi-award-winning book Moonshots: Creating a
World of Abundance.

Billionaire Richard Branson wrote the foreword.

He also edited the landmark After Shock, published on the 50-year anniversary of
Alvin Toffler’s Future Shock. In short, John understands the future of
technology like few others.

Among John, Steve, and me… we have a combined 100 years of experience — and
we’re putting it all to work for you.

It’s like having your own personal think tank… with top technology and financial
experts working to build your net worth.

Gilder’s Moonshots is an exclusive, proprietary research service focused on
microcaps with disruptive converging technology.

Some Wall Street boutique firms charge as much as $50,000 a year for their

And hedge fund managers typically charge a 2% annual management fee — AND 20% of
the profits…

For each client they have.

That’s what we should probably charge for Gilder’s Moonshots, given the gains
we’ve seen and the caliber of analysts helping me run it.

But Gilder’s Moonshots won’t cost $50,000. Or even $10,000.

One year retails at $3,990.

And I know it’s worth every penny and more.

After all, it’s not unusual for the stocks we’re following to jump five or 10

Our continued success is why I’ve been called “America’s #1 Futurist” and the
“World’s best stock picker.”

I am confident graphene converging with AI, medicine, defense, and more will
have the biggest impact on our world and the market the 21st century will see.

That’s why I’ve created another bonus…

It’s called Tiny Titans: Two Small Companies Set to Dominate Graphene’s Future

The reality today is outside of my #1 graphene stock; most companies in this
space are small and private.

My team is analyzing many companies in this early-stage market as they bring
their technologies public.

The stocks in this special report are NOT official recommendations in the
Gilder’s Moonshots portfolio, but they very well could be one day soon.

I’m giving you the details on both of them now so you understand why they’re
such a high-risk/high-reward investment today, and you’ll be ready to move on
them if and when they enter our model portfolio.

Inside Tiny Titans: Two Small Companies Set to Dominate Graphene’s Future,you’ll
discover two fast-moving graphene companies disrupting major billion-dollar

This report is not for sale on Amazon or anywhere else; it’s only for
subscribers of Gilder’s Moonshots.

If you join us today, you’ll also receive my special report Undiscovered AI: The
Stealth Superconductor Company Running It All.

Hundreds of billions are being poured into America’s new 5G network because it’s
a key technology for wireless AI.

The Internet of Things, driverless cars, virtual reality, and more technologies
are not possible without it, and there’s one semiconductor stock at the center
of it.

It has already soared over 200% since we wrote this report, but I see room for
it to run higher because it has inked major partnerships with Samsung, Siemens,
the University of Texas, and others.

The moment you sign up for Gilder’s Moonshots, you’ll also receive access to
Undiscovered AI: The Stealth Superconductor Company Running It All.

And you’ll get another special report: Five-by-Five: 5 Early State Moonshots You
Can Buy Today.

You’ll discover five of the top small-cap technology stocks creating products
that could soon impact millions.

One stock in this report could rise 200% to 600% based on my analysis, and
another operates in a market set to grow nearly fivefold.

All five could deliver fast triple-digit gains based on my research.

You’ll gain access to this special report when you sign up today.

When you add it all up, you’re receiving

 * Weekly Hotline
   Gilder’s Moonshots is a high-end, fast-paced service, and we will be with you
   every week. We’ll send you texts or emails with our analysis on small caps
   and microcaps on the verge of breaking out.
 * Buy and Sell Alerts
   You’ll receive time-sensitive emails or text alerts so you know exactly what
   you need to do to capitalize on our research. It could be to take profits off
   the table or to quickly enter a new position.
 * 24/7 Access
   You’ll get your personal username and password to access the Gilder’s
   Moonshots website any time of the day.
 * Gilder’s Moonshots Portfolio
   You’ll have full access to the model portfolio and see every detail on each
   stock in real time.
   The 10X Graphene Stock
   Tiny Titans: Two Small Companies Set to Dominate Graphene’s Future
   Undiscovered AI: The Stealth Semiconductor Company Running It All
   Five-by-Five: 5 Early-Stage Moonshots You Can Buy Today
 * Plus, every other special report in our archive, including every new report
   we create in the future for members…
 * VIP Customer Service 
   Our friendly customer service team is standing by Monday through Friday, 9
   a.m. to 5 p.m. ET, to answer your questions and concerns. You can call us
   toll-free at 866-223-4966.

Receiving all of this for the annual retail price of $3,990 is still a great
deal, but I want my readers to get in early on my #1 graphene stock so you won’t
pay this fee.

I’ve asked my publisher to create a discounted opportunity to try out Moonshots
for just $995 for one year, and he has agreed.

That’s 75% off the regular membership fee.

If you’re not ready to commit to a year, you can join today for $275 each

However, this deal is not online for long, and we’re giving these discounted
subscriptions out on a “first-come, first-served” basis. In fact…


Gilder’s Moonshots analyzes and recommends the smallest, most groundbreaking
tech companies, and it wouldn’t be fair to our existing subscribers if we shared
this information with a large number of readers.

That’s why we’re only accepting 100 new members today.

We reserve the right to end this 75% savings at any time without warning.

There is also a money-back guarantee for you to try Moonshots. Look over our
portfolio, and invest with our research, whatever you like, for a full month.
That’s because you have 30 days to review everything I’ve told you about today.

If — for any reason — Gilder’s Moonshots doesn’t meet your expectations, simply
call your VIP customer service rep during the first 30 days and you’ll get every
penny of your membership fee back.

You can keep all the special reports, investment analysis, and all the
intelligence we provide you.

Get started right now by clicking this button:

Don’t miss this chance to access my exclusive, proprietary research for a 75%

When you sign up, you’ll receive immediate access to The 10X Graphene Stock,
where you’ll discover the name and ticker of my #1 graphene stock currently
trading under $1 a share.

You’ll unlock our full model portfolio so you can get up to speed quickly with
all of our active small-cap and microcap buy recommendations.

Over the coming months, there will be huge potential as graphene converges with
AI, medicine, batteries, and so much more.

You have two choices right now…

You can sit on the sidelines as this breakthrough material disrupts dozens of
billion-dollar and even trillion-dollar industries…

Or you can claim your stake early today and take advantage of what’s to come.

My team and I will be by your side every step of the way so you always know
where the biggest potential is.

Plus, as a member, you’ll discover even more tech innovations outside of
graphene months before you see them in the mainstream media.

There is no investment research service on the planet like Gilder’s Moonshots. I
invite you to join us using today’s 75% savings; you’re fully protected by our
30-day money-back guarantee.


George Gilder
Investment Director, Gilder’s Moonshots

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