exceptionallivingcenters.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://centuryfieldsretirement.com/
Effective URL: https://exceptionallivingcenters.com/community/century-fields-retirement/
Submission: On February 29 via api from US — Scanned from US

Form analysis 5 forms found in the DOM

GET https://exceptionallivingcenters.com/

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POST /community/century-fields-retirement/

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POST /community/century-fields-retirement/

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POST /community/century-fields-retirement/#gf_33

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Aug 26, 2019

 * Overview
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 * Floor Plans


“The staff at Century Fields are extremely kind and helpful. Housekeeping keeps
the facility clean & orderly, at all times. The kitchen staff are very
accommodating. Nadine is extremely helpful, and always has an “ open-door”

– S

“Your care for my mother and communication with my sister, her having power of
attorney, so far has been a high rating for me. Your place offers so many
wonderful activities, the food more attractive for a senior and of course the
rooms are more like a small home rather than a hospital size room. Thank you for
all the love your facility offers.”

– B

“Friendliness, professionalism, very organized band predictable. I am super
impressed with the kindness and efforts made by everyone to make this transition
for my mom as smooth as possible.”

– Melanie



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825 N Meridian St
Greentown, IN 46936


Ph: 765-628-3377
Fax: 765-507-2001
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Independent Living
Assisted Living
Respite Care


Career Center
Apply Today


Century Fields offers a welcoming environment where residents can live stress
free. Our friendly staff may provide residents with any assistance they need to
maintain their own independent lifestyle. We also take care of housekeeping and
home maintenance responsibilities, leaving residents free to enjoy a range of
amenities and social programs that we offer.
Hear From Happy Families


1 and 2 Bedroom Floorplans

Pet Friendly

Utilities Included

Private Patios

Pond Views

Conveniently located within the Century Villa campus



Hear from families who have already made the decision to entrust the care of
their loved ones to Exceptional Living Centers. See what they have to say about
their experience and view their reviews today!

Hear From Happy Families




Learn More


Our mission and purpose is to enhance the life of each individual we touch by
exceeding expectations through compassion and love.


To be recognized as the premier provider of exceptional service.



Along with an affordable, friendly living environment, we offer our residents
amenities that help the community feel like home. These include high quality
dining, housekeeping and maintenance, and more. Century Fields care plans allows
you to personalize the services that you need. Care services include assistance
with transferring, bathing, personal hygiene, toileting, mobility assistance,
and medication reminders.


Access to Nursing Staff 24/7


Call Pendant System


Three Meals Daily


Access to Therapy Services


Housekeeping & Laundry Services


Transportation to Medical Appointments

Beauty Salon

Chapel & Community Room


Lake Views with Walking Path


Daily Activities



Learn about our full continuum of care, with nursing and rehabilitation services
available on our campus.

Cost Calculator


Our center boasts a full activities calendar to keep you and your friends busy
throughout the day. Whether you prefer an early morning exercise class or a
nightly movie in our theater, Century Fields has something for everyone.
A variety of social, recreational and educational programs including bingo, live
musical entertainment, card club, and baking club
Sunday church services and Bible study groups
Outdoor patio areas and walking trail offer residents the opportunity to enjoy
the outdoors
Fitness studio designed with seniors in mind featuring cardio and strength
training equipment
Community outings, including trips to restaurants, plays, movies, and scenic
Group social trips to neighboring senior communities
Veterans Corridor honors those who have served in our U.S. Military
Our wonderful breezeway serves as an indoor front porch with plenty of sunshine
and beautiful views

Community outings, including trips to restaurants, museums and shops


Ultimately, our goal is your goal – to help you live well through a holistic
approach to life. Through our integrated healthy lifestyle program, we will work
to fulfill your physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and social desires
in your everyday activities. A well-balanced life makes for a happy life!


Stay active through our fitness center, designed especially with seniors in
mind. Physically active seniors have fewer injuries, recover more quickly, and
enjoy participating in fun activities with their friends and family. Whether
it’s our exercise room, walks around the indoor courtyard, or wheelchair
exercises, you’ll have many options for getting fit today!


Feeding the soul is an important component of living well. Be it attending a
non-denominational service throughout the week or participating in a Bible study
or prayer groups, at Century Fields Retirement Community you have many
opportunities for spiritual exploration and growth.



Our community is one built upon support. We are here to help you connect with
other residents and encourage a sense of belonging and openness. Let us know
what support you need and we can suggest a support group that best suits your


The brain is always seeking the opportunity to learn. Our activities are
designed for fun and to help you stay sharp. Whether it is trivia night, bridge
club, a discussion on current affairs, or puzzle palooza, we have activities
designed with your intellectual growth in mind. Learn more about our lifelong
learning attitude at Century Fields Retirement Community when you tour our



Are you a social butterfly or just want to be? Senior living offers many
opportunities for interacting with others and the chance to build camaraderie
through planned activities in both small and large group settings. You’ll learn
so much more about the individuals at Century Fields Retirement Community, that
you won’t believe you haven’t known them your whole life. You may even discover
a new best friend!


It means so much to know that Nadine and her staff really care about our loved
ones. They have been asked to go above and beyond through all that is going on!
We can never thank you enough! – Kevin Mast, son of Leonard and Marilyn Mast

I have appreciated from the beginning of the shutdown the diligent effort of
Nadine and the staff to keep the coronavirus from entering the facility. The
staff has planned extra activities to help keep our family members mentally
engaged and safe. Thank you for the extras you continue to do for them that we
cannot do. – Jane Millspaugh, daughter of Susie Middlesworth

I don’t know what we would do without all your care of our families. It is
definitely one less thing for all of us to worry about in this trying time.
Thank you all for everything you all do! – Carol Higley, daughter of Bill

We couldn’t ask for a more attentive staff than Nadine and her team. They have
really gone above and beyond during this difficult time taking care of our
mother and all the residents. – Chris Irwin, daughter of Charlotte Agness

The staff has been caring and compassionate and provided activities that help
pass the time and give residents something to look forward to! – Denise Leicht,
daughter of Nancy Barrett

Professional, serious, caring, dedicated. This sums up the character of our
father’s caregivers even before the pandemic but especially during. Our family
has a high level of confidence in the Century Fields staff during these
difficult times. – John Babb, son of Bill Babb

Century Fields has done an amazing job taking care of our parents. We are so
thankful for their dedication and compassion. – Terri Smith & Cheri Isaacs,
daughters of Jim and Ginny Poole

You all are to be praised for your excellent care, keeping us all safe and
informed during this difficult time. You are inspiring and positive. Thank you!
We love you! – Residents Jim and Ginny Poole

Thank you to the staff for the compassion and care you have shown thru this
difficult time. Thanks to all for kindness and patience shown to the senior
citizen! – Resident Nancy Barrett





February 23, 2024

Comfortable, clean and caring staff
Report a concern

February 16, 2024
Jody Campbell

Staff is very friendly and professional and the apartments are very nice and the
whole place is very clean.
Report a concern

February 10, 2024
Susan Cheek

The kindness of the caregivers
Report a concern

February 8, 2024
Cindy Merrick

The staff is very friendly, professional, and very helpful. My Dad enjoys being
there. He has his freedom to come and go as he wishes but has help for him when
needed. It is clean and he likes the food.
Report a concern

February 8, 2024

Report a concern

January 28, 2024
Annie Larrison

Staff are skilled and knowledgeable.. but just as important they are caring and
go the extra mile for their residents. Recently, my mom went to the next level
of care. She has had some difficulty adjusting to being helped more. The staff
Has been patient and kind during this adjustment. Professionalism hasn’t
suffered, even though there is a family atmosphere. Mom and I are thankful that
we chose Century Fields assisted-living.
Report a concern

January 11, 2024

That they showed everything upfront.
Report a concern

January 11, 2024

Staff is wonderful and truly care for residents!
Report a concern

January 11, 2024

Very nice
Report a concern

January 11, 2024
Melanie Vess

I love the employees and their professionalism. I love the activities, good and
constant communication, making sure I am informed. I also appreciate the qnas
snd nurses who are always so helpful and kind.
Report a concern


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fill out the Contact Form and a member of our team will contact you shortly.

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Century Fields Retirement Community
825 N Meridian St
Greentown IN 46936

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Executive Director, St. Matthews

My name is Taylor Shaw and I am the Executive Director at St. Matthews Care
Center. I have been blessed to work in healthcare for 16 years.

When I was a teenager, my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 Breast Cancer,
enduring a double mastectomy and going through chemo and radiation treatments.
Providing her with care became part of my daily routine. Doing this I found that
I had a mission in healthcare. As cliché as it sounds, I truly believe it is a
calling. I got my start in long-term care at age 16 as a CNA at Episcopal Church
Home. After several years of working as a CNA, I realized that I had aspirations
of becoming a Nursing Home Administrator. I graduated in 2015 with my Bachelor’s
Degree in Business Administration with an Emphasis in Healthcare.

I look up to our residents and enjoy learning and hearing about their past
history and experiences. I love aiding in giving them a dignified quality of
life! We have such a diverse, caring and compassion group of caregivers here at
St. Matthews. Our team is caring, compassionate and honest. We aspire to provide
great relationships and quality care and exceed expectations.



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Current Monthly Expenses Your Present Home CF 1 Mortgage or Rent Payment 2
Caregiving 3 Home or Renter’s Insurance 4 Utilities (Electricity, Gas, Water,
Sewer, Trash Removal) Included* 5 Property Insurance & Taxes Included 6 Lawn
Care & Landscaping Maintenance Included 7 Housekeeping Included 8 Maintenance &
Home Repairs Included 9 24-Hour Security Included 10 Laundry Service (Washer &
Dryer) Included* 11 Transportation (Insurance, Gas, Registration, Repairs)
Included 12 Dining Included 13 Social, Cultural & Recreational Events Included
14 Exercise & Wellness Programs Included 15 24-Hour Emergency Alert System
Included 16 Full-Time Activities Staff Included

Your Present Home CF Total Monthly Expenses Clear All

 * Independent Living
 * Assisted Living
 * Respite Care

Individuals who are able to live independently may choose to live in a community
setting for many reasons. The benefits of independent living communities are
numerous and many choose them for ease of living, comfort, and social
opportunities that come with being part of a community.

Assisted Living offers residents the ability to maintain their independence but
receive some assistance with daily activities. We take care of housekeeping and
home maintenance responsibilities, leaving residents free to enjoy the range of
amenities and social programs available. 


Sometimes primary caregivers are unable to continue care for a brief period of
time, for a variety of reasons. If you are a caregiver for a loved one or family
member, respite care is a temporary option that ensures your loved ones receive
compassionate, quality care.







HFA, Century Fields

In the summer of 1980 during my break from college, I took a position at
Miller’s Merry Manor in Peru, Indiana as a nursing assistant.  My mother was an
LPN there and had encouraged me to try it.  As I was raised on a farm and had
never worked anywhere else, I wasn’t sure what to expect.  I found that I
genuinely enjoyed taking care of the elderly and making a difference in their
lives.  One of my first experiences was taking care of a very prominent
professional woman that enjoyed wearing make-up, jewelry, and dressing to the
nines.  I found while other nurses assistants chose not to take the time to
provide those pleasures for her, I took the time to ensure she had her jewelry,
make-up, and proper clothing on for the day.  The smile of appreciation that I
received melted my heart and I knew at that moment that the elderly was my

I have been in the healthcare field since 1980, starting as a nursing assistant,
geriatric assistant, activity assistant, business office manager, activity
director, and as a Health Facility Administrator.  I am a hands-on
administrator.  I feel there is no other way to lead but by example.

There are so many things that makes working at Century Fields Retirement
Community so special that it is hard to name just one.  I have been blessed to
lead and manage a team of employees that have worked at Century Fields for
several years, they are dedicated, compassionate, and truly care about the
residents they serve.   Continuity of care is key.  Each resident is unique and
very special.  They have become our parents, grandparents; they are family.

On my off time, I enjoy spending time with my husband of 34 years.  We have a
son who has been very successful in his own career.  I enjoy fishing, camping,
cooking, sketching, and attending Chapel Ministries Outreach.    I am part of an
outreach ministry with my church mentoring women coming from dysfunctional
lifestyles, jail, or with addictions. 

