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Text Content

 * An Introduction
 * Feature Highlights
 * Going in deeper
 * Contact Us
 * Client Login

 * An Introduction
 * Feature Highlights
 * Going in deeper
 * Contact Us
 * Client Login




 * An Introduction
 * Feature Highlights
 * Going in deeper
 * Contact Us
 * Client Login

 * For Authors
 * For Researchers
 * For Editors

More Links
 * Origins / About Us
 * Technologies
 * Clients + Alliances
 * Consulting Services


We're FigureOne, the online hub for photo research since 2002.  Research teams —
researchers, authors, editors, illustrators, photo managers, and production
staff — use our platform to manage the photo and art programs for higher ed and
K-12 textbooks.  FigureOne was purpose-built for textbook publishing by experts
in the field.   Read more about our ORIGINS »

You might expect photos to be the “easy part” beyond the text, but it's research
missteps that force books to miss print deadlines by months, formerly peaceful
projects erupting into ferocious crosstalk and blame games.

Why? Well, poor communication, but that's almost a tautology.  Most of the time,
it's also a poor choice of tools for communicating goals and progress.

Photo research is no place for bricks and mortar.  But it's also no place for
primitive technologies like e-mail and FTP.  Those used to work when deadlines
weren't as tight, and they're better than overnighting printouts.  But they're
no way to collaborate. Thousands of images sent to 5 people's inboxes and
spiraling reply-alls? Not making things easier! Files left on a disk drive
somewhere with no ability to comment on or tag images? Bad to worse. (Okay, some
publishers have software that helps a little... if IT can keep the server from
crashing before lunchtime!)

Online collaboration is the only way to reliably meet contemporary deadlines.
And that's what we do. FigureOne makes photo research work in the real world,
all in your web browser.

Spec lists  and reference images are imported to form the framework for

Photo researchers  drag-and-drop images to the site for consideration, check on
rejections and selections, exchange comments with the team, note repro fees and
permissions, and attach hi-res files when needed.

Illustrators  and other content creators save new proofs to the website straight
from their desktop. 

Authors  see at a glance which specs have new photos for review, mark them up
with straightforward tags such as Selected, Suggested, or Rejected, and discuss
issues with specs or individual images.

Editors  and in-house photo managers make recommendations and monitor progress
using our unparalleled workflow tools. 

Production  downloads the hi-res and they're good to go. 

FigureOne is always fast, always up, available across countries and continents. 
Jump into our CORE FEATURES »

FigureOne: The power behind photo research · Site and application content ©
2002-2016, FigureOne, Inc. · All rights reserved