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Wonpet Ball with Feather Tail Cat Toy

0.99 0.84
Hurtta Monsoon Coat

Made in Canada
Farm Fresh Canadian Bacon Dog Treats

Made in Canada
Orijen Adult Cat & Kitten Food

Go Cat Da Feather Cat Toy Accessory

The Granville Island Pet Treatery - With Love and Fishes

Go Cat Da Bee Cat Toy Accessory

Red Dingo ID Tags - Paw Print

Instinct Raw Longevity 100% Freeze-Dried Raw Meals For Cats - Farm-Raised Rabbit

47.99 24.00
Eldon's Free Range Odourless Arthromoo Beef Chomper - 6"

Made in Canada
Acana Singles Limited Ingredient Diet - Pork with Squash Recipe

Made in Canada
Canada Fresh Cat Canned Food - Chicken




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5.0 star rating 03/19/22
Wonderful service, great products and
Wonderful service, great products and super fast delivery. Will definitely order
Katie H.
5.0 star rating 03/19/22
Wonderful service, great products and

Wonderful service, great products and super fast delivery. Will definitely order
Katie H.
5.0 star rating 03/19/22
Good service, good prices
I love ordering from Homes Alive when I need things for my dog, even though I
live in Ontario. They are well priced and shipping i...
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Rachel M.
5.0 star rating 03/19/22
Good service, good prices

I love ordering from Homes Alive when I need things for my dog, even though I
live in Ontario. They are well priced and shipping i...
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Rachel M.
5.0 star rating 03/19/22
The selection is wide and
The selection is wide and diverse, the packaging informative and the service is
fast, efficient and all around impressive.
Tina P.
5.0 star rating 03/19/22
The selection is wide and

The selection is wide and diverse, the packaging informative and the service is
fast, efficient and all around impressive.
Tina P.
5.0 star rating 03/18/22
i was very happy with
i was very happy with my order. It was easy and quick to be delivered. Thanks
janice j.
5.0 star rating 03/18/22
i was very happy with

i was very happy with my order. It was easy and quick to be delivered. Thanks
janice j.
5.0 star rating 03/22/22
Fast shipping, easy to navigate
Fast shipping, easy to navigate website and excellent service
Rebecca L.
5.0 star rating 03/22/22
Fast shipping, easy to navigate

Fast shipping, easy to navigate website and excellent service
Rebecca L.
5.0 star rating 03/21/22
First time user
First time user as my local store couldn’t get my usual dog food. Online
ordering was a breeze and I got email updates and prompt ...
Read More
Daniel L.
5.0 star rating 03/21/22
First time user

First time user as my local store couldn’t get my usual dog food. Online
ordering was a breeze and I got email updates and prompt ...
Read More
Daniel L.
5.0 star rating 03/21/22
Great Customer Service and Products
I have been dealing with this company for several years, and have had EXCELLENT
customer service throughout my entire dealings wit...
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Donna P.
5.0 star rating 03/21/22
Great Customer Service and Products

I have been dealing with this company for several years, and have had EXCELLENT
customer service throughout my entire dealings wit...
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Donna P.
5.0 star rating 03/20/22
Our dog loves it .
Our dog loves it . Don’t love the shipping costs but product is hard too find.
Dianne F.
5.0 star rating 03/20/22
Our dog loves it .

Our dog loves it . Don’t love the shipping costs but product is hard too find.
Dianne F.
5.0 star rating 03/20/22
Website was easy to navigate,
Website was easy to navigate, and product in stock or not was clearly indicated.
BEST of all, the order was entirely accurate and ...
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Laurie P.
5.0 star rating 03/20/22
Website was easy to navigate,

Website was easy to navigate, and product in stock or not was clearly indicated.
BEST of all, the order was entirely accurate and ...
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Laurie P.
5.0 star rating 03/19/22
Wonderful service, great products and
Wonderful service, great products and super fast delivery. Will definitely order
Katie H.
5.0 star rating 03/19/22
Wonderful service, great products and

Wonderful service, great products and super fast delivery. Will definitely order
Katie H.
5.0 star rating 03/19/22
Good service, good prices
I love ordering from Homes Alive when I need things for my dog, even though I
live in Ontario. They are well priced and shipping i...
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Rachel M.
5.0 star rating 03/19/22
Good service, good prices

I love ordering from Homes Alive when I need things for my dog, even though I
live in Ontario. They are well priced and shipping i...
Read More
Rachel M.
5.0 star rating 03/19/22
The selection is wide and
The selection is wide and diverse, the packaging informative and the service is
fast, efficient and all around impressive.
Tina P.
5.0 star rating 03/19/22
The selection is wide and

The selection is wide and diverse, the packaging informative and the service is
fast, efficient and all around impressive.
Tina P.
5.0 star rating 03/18/22
i was very happy with
i was very happy with my order. It was easy and quick to be delivered. Thanks
janice j.
5.0 star rating 03/18/22
i was very happy with

i was very happy with my order. It was easy and quick to be delivered. Thanks
janice j.
5.0 star rating 03/22/22
Fast shipping, easy to navigate
Fast shipping, easy to navigate website and excellent service
Rebecca L.
5.0 star rating 03/22/22
Fast shipping, easy to navigate

Fast shipping, easy to navigate website and excellent service
Rebecca L.
5.0 star rating 03/21/22
First time user
First time user as my local store couldn’t get my usual dog food. Online
ordering was a breeze and I got email updates and prompt ...
Read More
Daniel L.
5.0 star rating 03/21/22
First time user

First time user as my local store couldn’t get my usual dog food. Online
ordering was a breeze and I got email updates and prompt ...
Read More
Daniel L.
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Homes Alive Pets is family owned and operated, and has been serving pets and pet
lovers in Canada for over 30 years. We believe in equipping you with the
knowledge, tools and pet supplies you need to care for your animals. Not only
are we Canadian, we are proud to be a business that participates and gives back
to our communities. We offer local and regional brands. We participate with
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ZiwiPeak Air-Dried Beef Dog Food

ZiwiPeak Air-Dried Venison Dog Food

ZiwiPeak Air-Dried Mackerel & Lamb Dog Food

ZiwiPeak Air-Dried Tripe & Lamb Dog Food

ZiwiPeak Air-Dried Lamb Dog Food

ZiwiPeak Air-Dried Provenance Series Dog Food - Otago Valley Recipe

ZiwiPeak Air-Dried Provenance Series Dog Food - Hauraki Plains Recipe

ZiwiPeak Air-Dried Beef Cat Food

ZiwiPeak Air-Dried Provenance Series Dog Food - East Cape Recipe

Ruffwear Front Range Harness

ZiwiPeak Air-Dried Lamb Cat Food

ZiwiPeak Air-Dried Mackerel & Lamb Cat Food


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