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Nice lift blocks

Nice universal lift blocks. Seem well made.

by Scott ,26 Nov 2023

Verified Buyer
Great product, excellent customer service!

Best suspension lift kit, it feels really smooth and gives an amazing look to my

by Gabriel ,9 Oct 2023

Verified Buyer
Very pleased! Great product!

I have a 2019 Ram Laramie 5.7L Hemi. I researched and purchased this kit.
Instructions were simple, but spot on! I took my time installing. ...

by Gregory Scott ,3 Dec 2022

Verified Buyer
Sweet suspension upgrade

This is one of the best upgrades I've done for my big truck and it rides like a
dream for a 3500 ram duelly. Will recommend this company wh...

by Gary ,1 Dec 2022

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Iron Cross wheel to wheel nerf bars

Awesome product and an easy install! They look great! LiftKits4Less was very
helpful in letting me know the status of my shipment along the ...

by Shane Stone ,30 Nov 2022

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Fox shocks

You really can’t go wrong with fox shocks, they ride great.

by Brian Simpson ,12 Nov 2022

Verified Buyer
Should have been my first purchase

Hello all, ‘22 F350 Platinum here. Once the 22x10” wheels and 37x13.50 tires
were installed, I was constantly fighting the steering, fro...

by Krist Brown ,28 Oct 2022

Verified Buyer
Very good build Quality and comfortable ride

I am very happy with the lift the ride is very close to stock i could not be
happier with the look of my truck. I would recommend this lift ...

by Michael almaraz ,28 Oct 2022

Verified Buyer
Great Products

Great products with good fitment and straight forward installs.

by Geoff ,24 Oct 2022

Verified Buyer
Super easy install of running boards

These running boards were very easy to install a couple of companies locally
wanted 2 hours labor just to install me and my son get it some ...

by RANDALL McCreary ,23 Sep 2022

Verified Buyer
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