spencers.in Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://spencers.in/
Effective URL: https://spencers.in/
Submission Tags: tranco_l324
Submission: On March 09 via api from DE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 12 forms found in the DOM

GET https://spencers.in/catalogsearch/result/

<form class="form minisearch" id="search_mini_form" action="https://spencers.in/catalogsearch/result/" method="get">
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<form class="form-password-forget" id="social-form-password-forget" novalidate="novalidate">
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<form class="form-password-verify" id="social-form-verify-otp">
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<form class="form-change-password" id="change-password-form" novalidate="novalidate">
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  <fieldset class="fieldset" data-hasrequired="* Required Fields">
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        <input type="password" class="input-text" name="password" placeholder="New Password" id="password1" data-password-min-length="" data-password-min-character-sets="" autocomplete="off" aria-required="true">
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        <input type="password" placeholder="Confirm Password" class="input-text" name="password_confirmation" id="password-confirmation1" data-validate="{required:true, 'validate-password-custom':true, equalTo:'#password1'}" autocomplete="off"
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      <button type="button" id="change-btn" class="action submit primary"><span>Change Password</span></button>
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<form class="form-customer-login" id="social-form-locate" novalidate="novalidate">
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  <h1>Where do you want us to deliver?</h1>
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  <div class="SelectDeliveryError" style="display: none;">
    <p class="orangecolor">Unfortunately, we currently do not deliver in your area. We hope to serve you soon.</p>
    <!-- <p class="font14">Leave your details with us &amp; we shall notify you once we start delivering at your location.</p> -->
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<form class="form-customer-login" id="social-form-delivery" novalidate="novalidate">
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      <h2 class="welcome-name"></h2>
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    <h3>Select Delivery Location</h3>
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        <input type="hidden" id="store-city2" name="store_city2" value="Kolkata">
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          <p id="locate_error"></p>
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      <button class="primary action deliveryBtn SelectDeliveryStore2" type="button">Select Delivery Store</button>
      <button style="display:none;" class="primary action deliveryBtn SelectDeliveryLocation2" type="button">Select Delivery Location</button>
    <div class="SelectDeliveryError" style="display: none;">
      <p class="orangecolor">Unfortunately, we currently do not deliver in your area. We hope to serve you soon.</p>
                        <p class="font14">Leave your details with us &amp; we shall notify you once we start delivering at your location.</p>
                        <div class="form-inline SelectDeliveryError_form">
                            <div class="form-group">
                                <input class="sign_up_form numbersOnly" id="mobile-delivery" name="mobile" placeholder="Mobile Number" type="tel" maxlength="10">
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<form class="form-social-otp" id="social-login-otp">
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              <button type="button" class="action primary" id="social-SendOTP">Send OTP</button>
      <div class="required resend-otp" style="display:none;">
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          <div id="social_timer" class="col-xs-4 otpCodeTime sprite_sprint_3 style colorDefinition size_lg"><span>03:00</span></div>
          <input type="hidden" value="3" id="social-timer">
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          <div class="col-xs-8 otpCode">
            <input type="text" id="otps1" class="numbersOnly enter-otp" maxlength="1" placeholder="-" value="" name="otp_s1" autofocus="">
            <input type="text" id="otps2" class="numbersOnly enter-otp" maxlength="1" placeholder="-" value="" name="otp_s2">
            <input type="text" id="otps3" class="numbersOnly enter-otp" maxlength="1" placeholder="-" value="" name="otp_s3">
            <input type="text" id="otps4" class="numbersOnly enter-otp" maxlength="1" placeholder="-" value="" name="otp_s4">
          <!--<div id="s_timer" class="col-xs-4 otpCodeTime sprite_sprint_3 style colorDefinition size_lg"><span></span> sec</div>-->
  <div class="actions-toolbar">
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      <button type="button" disabled="disabled" class="verify-btn action social-sendotp primary" title="Verify &amp; Create Account"><span>Verify &amp; Create Account</span></button>

<form class="form-paytm-mini-register" id="paytm-mini-register" novalidate="novalidate">
  <input type="hidden" name="base_url" id="base_url" value="https://spencers.in/">
  <input type="hidden" value="3" id="verify-timer">
  <fieldset class="fieldset" data-hasrequired="* Required Fields">
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      <div class="control">
        <input type="text" name="username" alt="name" id="patm-mini-username" class="input-text" data-validate="{required:true,}" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Name" aria-required="true">
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        <input type="text" name="email" alt="email" id="patm-mini-email" class="input-text" data-validate="{required:true, 'validate-email':true}" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Email" aria-required="true">
  <div class="actions-toolbar">
    <div class="primary">
      <button type="button" id="paytm-mini-register_btn" class="action send primary">

<form class="notify-me-form" id="notify-me-form" novalidate="novalidate">
  <div class="out-of-stock-notification">
    <h1>We will get back to you as soon as item is in stock</h1>
    <input type="hidden" value="" name="product_id" id="notify-product-id">
    <input type="hidden" value="" name="product_sku" id="notify-sku">
    <div class="edit_my_profile_form">
      <span class="edit_profile_form_heading">Email</span>
      <span class="share_tip_form_input share_popup_phonenumber">
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      <button tabindex="0" id="close-notify-modal" class="pull-right action primary defaultBtn">Cancel </button>
    <p class="spam_message">We wont spam you, don't worry!</p>


<form class="form form-login" method="post" data-bind="event: {submit: login }" id="login-form">
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      <label class="label" for="customer-email"><span data-bind="i18n: 'Email Address'">Email Address</span></label>
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        <input name="username" id="customer-email" type="email" class="input-text" data-mage-init="{&quot;mage/trim-input&quot;:{}}" data-bind="attr: {autocomplete: autocomplete}" data-validate="{required:true, 'validate-email':true}"
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   * Dry Fruits
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     * Mukhwas - Mouth Freshener & Churans
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   Fruits & Vegetables
   * All Fruits & Vegetables
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   * Fresh Vegetables
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     * Potato - Onion - Tomato
     * Leafy Vegetables
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     * Gourd - Pumpkin - Drumstick
     * Root Vegetables
     * Cucumber - Capsicum
     * Cabbage - Cauliflower
   * Fresh Fruits
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   * Herbs & Seasonings
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     * Lemon - Ginger - Garlic - Chilli
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     * Green Peas - Sweet Corn
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     * Wafer Biscuit
     * Chewing Gums & Mints
     * Energy Bars
   * Snacks & Chips
     * Snacks & Chips
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     * Namkeen & Mixtures
     * Chips & Sticks
     * Dry Fruits & Nuts
     * Popcorn
     * Nachos & Other Chips
     * Healthy Snacks
     * Dips
   * Pasta - Noodles and Soups
     * Pasta - Noodles and Soups
     * View All
     * Instant Noodles
     * Chinese Noodles & Vermicelli
     * Pasta
     * Soups
     * Pizza Pasta Sauces
   * Breakfast Cereals
     * Breakfast Cereals
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     * Corn Flakes
     * Muesli
     * Oats
     * Wheat Flakes
     * Energy Bars
   * Pickle - Chutneys - Honey & Jams
     * Pickle - Chutneys - Honey & Jams
     * View All
     * Honey
     * Jam - Jelly - Marmalades
     * Sandwich Spreads
     * Pickle
     * Chutney
     * Non-Veg Pickle
   * Sauces & Seasonings
     * Sauces & Seasonings
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     * Ketchup & Mustard
     * Sandwich Spreads & Mayonnaise
     * Oriental Sauces
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     * Vinegar
     * Pizza Pasta Sauces
     * Continental Sauces
     * Salad Dressing
   * Ready to Eat & Ready to cook
     * Ready to Eat & Ready to cook
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     * Frozen Veg Food
     * Papads & Appalam
     * Ready Mixes
     * Heat & Eat Meals
     * Canned Veg
     * Wafers & Fryums
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     * Canned Non-Veg
   * Frozen Snacks
     * Frozen Snacks
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     * Ready to Cook
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     * Raw Nonveg
     * Veg Ready to Cook & Fry
   * Baking
     * Baking
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     * Ready Dessert Mixes
     * Cooking Chocolates & Cocoa
     * Topping & Syrup
     * Ready Baking Mixes
     * Baking Flours & Sugars
     * Food Flavors & Colors
   * Ready Dessert Mixes
     * Ready Dessert Mixes
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     * Ready Baking Mixes
   Personal Care
   * All Personal Care
   * Personal Care
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   * Body - Hand & Foot Care
   * Face Care
     * Face Care
     * View All
     * Cream - Gel - Lotion - Serum
     * Face Wash - Cleanser - Toner
     * Sheet Mask
     * Lip Balm
     * Sunscreens
     * Facial Kit
     * Face
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     * Bleach
     * Face Creams
     * Accessories
   * Hair Care
     * Hair Care
     * View All
     * Hairwash - Shampoo
     * Hair Oils
     * Hair Colouring
     * Hair Conditioners
     * Hair Serum
     * Hair Gel - Cream
     * Hairwash - Soaps & Powders
   * Personal Wash
     * Personal Wash
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     * Bath Soap
     * Bodywash - Shower Gel
   * Oral Care
     * Oral Care
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     * Toothpaste
     * Toothbrush
     * Dental Rinse - Toothpowder - Accessories
   * Women Hygiene
     * Women Hygiene
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     * Sanitary Napkins
     * Intimate Hygiene - Pantyliners - Tampons - Shaving Tools
   * Health - Hygiene - Wellness
     * Health - Hygiene - Wellness
     * View All
     * Handwash Liquid
     * Antiseptic & Disinfectant
     * Essentials
     * Hand Sanitizer
     * Pain Relief & Rubs
   * Mens Grooming
     * Mens Grooming
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     * Razors & Cartridges
     * Shaving Cream - Foams - Gel & Brush
     * After Shave Lotions - Balm
   * Mens Fragrance
     * Mens Fragrance
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     * Deodorants - Bodymist - Pocket Purfume & Spray
     * Roll On
     * Perfumes
   * Women Fragrance
     * Women Fragrance
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     * Deodorants - Bodymistspray - Roll On
     * Perfumes
   * Cosmetics
     * Cosmetics
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     * Tools & Brushes
     * Eye
     * Face
     * Nails
     * Face Cream
     * Facial Wipes
     * Lip
     * Sindoor
   * Talcum Powder
   * Sexual Wellness
   Coffee - Tea & Beverages
   * All Coffee - Tea & Beverages
   * Coffee - Tea & Beverages
   * View All
   * Soft Drinks - Cola & Water
     * Soft Drinks - Cola & Water
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     * Soft Drinks
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     * Soda & Tonic Water
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     * Drinks & Juices
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     * Fruit Drinks
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     * Iced Tea & Lemonade
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     * Tea & Coffee
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     * Tea
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     * Dairy Whiteners
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   * Body Wash & Soaps
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     * Body Wash & Soaps
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     * Lotions - Creams - Oil & Powder
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     * Lotions - Creams - Oil & Powder
   * Diapers
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   * Feeding & Weaning
     * Feeding & Weaning
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     * Infant Formula
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     * Hair Care
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   Bathroom & Cleaning
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     * Detergents
     * Machine Wash
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   * Floor and Glass Cleanings
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     * Cleaners
     * Brooms Mops And Brushes
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   * Bathroom Essentials
     * Bathroom Essentials
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     * Toilet Cleaners
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     * Dry & Wet Facial Tissue
     * Toilet Tissue
     * Brushes Scrubbers & Wipers
     * Dry - Wet Facial Tissue
     * Brushes Scrubbers - Wipers
   * Utensil Cleaner
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     * Liquids
     * Dishwash Bar
     * Scrubs And Duster
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   * Repellents
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     * Insect Repellent
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     * Rodent Repellent
   * Fresheners
     * Fresheners
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     * Bathroom Fresheners
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     * Bath Robe & Towels
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   * Chocolates & Snacks
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     * Chocolates & Candies
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     * Chips & Crisps
     * Chocolates
     * Crackers
   * Beverages & Soups
     * Beverages & Soups
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     * Sauces - Curries & Pastes
   * Noodle & Pastas
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     * Instant & Cup Noodles
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     * Tortillas - Tacos & Others
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     * Salad Dressing - Vinegars & Mustards
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     * French - Italian & Greek Dressings
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     * Biscuits & Confectionary
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     * Baking Flours & Sugars
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     * Food Flavors & Colors
     * Filo Pastry & Tart Shells
     * Spices & Seasoning
     * Baking Powder & Yeast
   * Soft Drinks - Cola & Water
     * Soft Drinks - Cola & Water
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     * Soda & Tonic Water
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     * Couscous & Sauces
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Our Service Locations: With a constantly growing network, Spencer’s is currently
providing its service to the cities of Kolkata, Noida, Gurgaon, Delhi,
Ghaziabad,Varanasi, Dehradun, Allahabad, Chennai, Hyderabad, Lucknow, Vizag.

Payment Options: There are a number of cashless payment options that are
available to customers like Net Banking, PayTM, Card on Delivery that make it
convenient for everyone to pay. Avail of great online grocery offers and
discounts by ordering online and making your life easy and simple.

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