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Healthy, Vegan Recipes by Emma Potts

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Happy New Year everyone! 

It’s crazy to think that the last time we spoke was all the way back in August!
 I definitely didn’t intend to just drop out of the blogosphere. I so appreciate
all the kind comments and messages asking after me but I needed some space and
never quite gathered up the momentum to come back and give an explanation for my

But, in all the usual reflection that leads up to a new year, Coconut & Berries
definitely came up in my mind. I went back and forth with what I wanted to do
with this space -  which though very neglected, does mean a lot to me. 

Some of my favourites from the few (just 20!) posts I managed this year:
Mini Vegan Pizza Potato Skins; Lemon, Ginger & Green Tea Smoothie

So, the sudden disappearance? In short, I was burnt out. Blogging is a lot more
work then you realise before you get started. From the planning to the recipe
writing & testing, to the shooting & editing photos….the uploading photos &
writing posts, not forgetting the clean-up after the regular turning your
kitchen upside down. All that before any social media or publicising, or
participating in the blogging community. Don’t get me wrong, for a long while I
really enjoyed all of it - well perhaps never the kitchen clean-up part! But
with all the craziness of this year: starting my first job, hating it, a lot
more job-searching and soul-searching, starting another (much better!) job,
establishing a new life here in London, time was much harder to come by than it
used to be in my master’s days and subsequently blogging became more of a chore
and a pressure than a pleasure.

There was no way I could give 100% to my job and 100% to the blog, and of course
my job had to come first. But this year’s been all about finding that work/life
balance and I’m learning that I can and need to make time for myself, my friends
and my hobbies.

Roasted Celeriac & Sweet Potato with Saffron Quinoa & Herby Drizzle;
Vegan Hazelnut-Coffee Mousse (& Banana Crunch Parfaits)

I realised that I should count myself fortunate that Coconut & Berries isn’t my
job and so I don’t have to treat it like one. I’m guilty of thinking that if I
can’t give something my very all and do it “perfectly” than I don’t want to do
it at all. Talk about cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face! I do enjoy
recipe writing & testing, shooting, editing & all the rest of it, but having
them slot into my life rather than my life revolving around them, is how things
need to be going forwards. 

So, all that to say that Coconut & Berries will be back this year! I will
definitely not be back to the 3 x a week posting schedule or even posting weekly
but expect to see me here a little more regularly than in 2015…

Wishing you all a happy & healthy new year!

If you’re new to Coconut and Berries, please sign up for email updates and join
me elsewhere!  I’m on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram(@coconutandberries), Google
+ and Twitter! You can also follow Coconut and Berries with Bloglovin or Feedly.

December 31, 2015 —


If you grow your own veg you’re probably more than familiar with out-of-control
courgette plants that don’t seem to stop producing! What at first seems like a
blessing becomes a curse in mid-summer as you struggle to keep up with your
harvest and find ways to keep things interesting in the kitchen.

Courgetti to the rescue! If you haven’t jumped on the courgetti bandwagon
already, summer’s definitely the time to do so.

For the uninitiated, courgetti is simply courgettes turned into noodles or
spaghetti with the help of a nifty gadget called a ‘spiralizer’, or just a
julienne peeler. It makes a wonderful, light alternative to traditional wheat
pasta and can be dressed up in all manner of ways to make a healthy meal or side
dish. It’s also a great way to make a dent in the growing pile of courgettes . .

This courgetti salad celebrates the bounty of summer vegetables, using fresh
grilled corn on the cob and cherry tomatoes, so sweet and flavourful that they
need no cooking at all. 

A quick herby dressing brings everything together – I’ve used parsley and chives
here but use whatever leafy herbs you can find in the garden or at the farmer’s

This is a lovely side for summer barbecues but equally good served with some
crusty bread or just a scattering of toasted nuts for a light lunch.

 I created this recipe for the Great British Chefs website. Head over there for
the full recipe. 

If you’re new to Coconut and Berries, please sign up for email updates and join
me elsewhere!  I’m on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram(@coconutandberries), Google
+ and Twitter! You can also follow Coconut and Berries
with Bloglovin or Feedly. 


August 15, 2015 —


Hello hello! Long time no speak. So it turns out that the “real world” of a
full-time job doesn’t leave me nearly so much time to blog as my former student
life did….But I’ve really missed this little space and the lovely blogging
community so I’ve decided I will just have to find the time for Coconut and
Berries. I hope you’ll have me back after so long away….We’ve got a lot of
catching up to do!

A few weeks ago (I said I was behind!) I was invited to a vegan dinner party
with La Belle Assiette!

Hosting a dinner party is a lot of fun but it can often mean you spend most of
the evening in the kitchen and not all that much time enjoying your guests’
company. Eating out is obviously one solution but it’s not really the same as
being in your own home, and, especially if you follow a “special diet”,  it can
mean that you end up paying a lot for a fairly unexciting meal.

The concept of La Belle Assiette is “eating-out-at-home”. Chefs purchase
ingredients, cook in your kitchen, serve each dish to you and even clean up
before leaving!

I was invited to attend one of the chefs, Rowena’s “validation” dinners where
she was being tested to check her services met the standards expected. Needless
to say, she definitely passed!

We had a lovely evening and the food was fantastic. Above you’ll see the
surprise “Amuse Bouche” which was Grapes rolled in homemade Cashew-Coconut Cream
Cheese & Toasted Hazelnuts. Definitely not a combination I would have thought of
but so delicious. We were fighting over the last couple!

The starter was a Chanterelle Ceviche with Fresh Cherry Tomato Salsa and an
Avocado-Pineapple Puree. Super fresh and nice and light to leave some room for
what was to follow. 

The main event was Involtini di Melanzane with Salsa Verde – a traditional
Italian dish with a vegan spin. The flavours were all so well thought-out. I
can’t remember exactly what was tucked inside the aubergine parcels but I know
there was a herby cauliflower rice, cashew cheese, roasted red pepper and
asparagus.  I wish I had the recipe for this so I could recreate it at home. 

There was a photographer there on the evening who captured the dishes

Then came the pièce de résistance - dessert! I’d never had vegan tiramisù before
so was very excited to see it on the menu. This version with coconut whipped
cream and homemade lady’s fingers was honestly one of the best vegan desserts
I’ve had! I was glad the previous courses hadn’t been too heavy so I could fully
appreciate it. I savoured every mouthful! 

Thanks again to Rowena for the delicious meal, La Belle Assiette for organising
and for the  guys who generously allowed us to invade their flat in Shoreditch
for the evening! 

You can currently book a meal with La Belle Assiette in all main cities in the
UK, France  Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg and their website allows you to
search for your perfect menu using filters for type of cuisine, price and chef

What do you think of the concept? Would you use a service like La Belle

If you’re new to Coconut and Berries, please sign up for email updates and join
me elsewhere!  I’m on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram(@coconutandberries), Google
+ and Twitter! You can also follow Coconut and Berries with Bloglovin or Feedly.

[Disclaimer: I was invited to attend the dinner party, free of charge. However,
I was not obliged to review and all opinions are my own]

July 19, 2015 —


If you’ve been reading Coconut and Berries for any length of time you’ll know
that I’m a Dreena devotee! I’ve been enjoying her recipes for a long while and
actually reviewed her last book, “Let Them Eat Vegan” when I was just getting
started blogging (nearly 2 years ago!). I’ve also had the privilege of
photographing some of the recipes for her blog. Naturally, I was more than a
little excited when I heard she was writing a 5th cookbook! 

Plant-Powered Families focuses on healthy, easy, family-friendly recipes using
whole foods. All recipes are vegan and there are plenty of nut-, soy-, and
gluten-free options (As far as I can tell all the recipes are also oil-free).

As a busy Mum of 3, Dreena clearly understands the need for meals you can get on
the table fast! And, more importantly, food that’s both healthy and that
everyone is going to enjoy. In other words, this is a book you’ll actually cook

Tofu Feta (& Greek Salad)

I love the whole look and feel of it, especially the fact that ALL the recipes
have accompanying photos! Nicole Axworthy’s photography is particularly gorgeous
and really brings the wonderful recipes to life.

It’s a really well rounded book too - with breakfast, lunch, dinner and sweet
treats all covered fairly evenly. It’s divided into four parts: Introduction,
Recipes, “Plant-Powered Challenges & Solutions”, which includes how to deal with
picky eaters and school/lunchbox solutions (useful even for adult lunches!) and
“Plant-Powered Support”, where you’ll find cooking guides, sample meal plans, a
very complete FAQ and nutrient charts.

I’ve already made a fair few of the recipes. Pictured are just some of those
I’ve made so far.

I was really surprised at how flavourful the Tofu Feta (above) was as I’ve
attempted tofu feta before and it was rather lacking. I used it in a classic
Greek Salad but there are lots of other serving suggestions listed. Also in the
“Lunch Fixes” section, the Chickpea Nibbles are a must try! I’ve been making
batch after batch to throw into lunches or just for “nibbling”. 

 Double Chocolate Orange Banana Muffins

I tend to be a little sceptical about oil-free baking as I’ve had some chewy,
tasteless oil-free muffins and cookies in my time…but these chocolate-y little
gems were moist and perfectly flavourful (See bottom of this post for the
recipe!). The “Best Banana Bread” (made as muffins) was also a hit. 

Saucy BBQ Chickpeas & Green Beans

I’ve hardly scratched the surface of the “Dinnertime” section. The Saucy BBQ
Chickpeas & Green Beans is deceptively simple but the easy homemade BBQ sauce
really makes it special. I loved it stuffed into a sprouted wheat wrap with a
few chunks of avocado. The Hummus Tortilla Wraps and Ultimate Teriyaki Stir-Fry
are also real game-changers for me for busy weeknights. Both super quick and

Lentil Pumpkin Seed Pie with Lemon Tahini Sauce

Most recently I tried the Lentil Pumpkin Seed Pie.  This has a lovely chewy,
nutty texture and makes a really satisfying meal served with Lemon-Tahini Sauce,
Sweet Potato Fries (I’ll have to try Dreena’s Balsamic-Glazed Seasoned Yam Fries
next time…) and broccoli or another green veg. 

I’ve been remarkably restrained with delving into the Sweet Treats section. Not
that all the puddings, cookies, bars, ice cream and cakes aren’t incredibly
enticing! I did love the Peanut Butter Pudding with Berrylicious Swirl and the
leftover berry sauce was lovely stirred into non-dairy yogurt too. 

The book’s publishers, Ben Bella Vegan, have kindly allowed me to share the
recipe for the Double Chocolate Orange Banana Muffins. Hope you enjoy them as
much as me! 


Double Chocolate Orange Banana Muffins

Yield: 11-12 Muffins


 * 1-1/2 cups whole-grain spelt flour
 * 1/2 cup almond flour (see note for nut-free option)
 * 1/4 cup cocoa powder
 * 1-1/2–2 teaspoons orange zest (from 1 large or 2 small oranges)
 * 1/4 rounded teaspoon sea salt
 * 1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
 * 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
 * 1 cup pureed overripe banana (see note)
 * 1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice (from 1 large or 2 small oranges)
 * 1/2 cup pure maple syrup
 * 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
 * 1/4 cup nondairy mini or regular chocolate chips (optional)


 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Line 11–12 cups of a muffin pan with large cupcake
 2. In a large bowl, mix the flours, cocoa powder, orange zest, and sea salt,
    then sift in the baking powder and baking soda.
 3. In a medium bowl, combine the pureed banana, orange juice, maple syrup, and
    vanilla extract.
 4. Add the wet mixture to the dry, then add the chocolate chips and stir
    through until just well combined (don’t overmix).
 5. Ladle the batter into the cupcake liners and bake for 17–19 minutes, until a
    toothpick or skewer inserted in the center comes out clean.


Banana Note: If you have an immersion blender, puree about 2 large overripe
bananas in a deep, large cup, then measure to get your 1 cup. If you are a
little shy with the measure, use applesauce to make up the difference!

Nut-Free Option: If you’d like to make these nut-free for school lunches or
other allergy concerns, substitute 1/2 cup oat flour for the almond flour. They
won’t be quite as moist, but will still have lovely flavor and texture!

Reprinted from Plant-Powered Families by Dreena Burton, with permission of
BenBella Vegan.


Hopefully I’ve convinced you that if you don’t have the book yet, to get
yourself a copy asap! Although it’s written with families in mind, you
definitely don’t have to be cooking for children to get a lot out of it. Every
time I pick it up I seem to find a new little nugget of information, a fun
serving suggestion or useful tip.

I honestly want to make ALL the recipes but next on my list to try are: Thick
‘n’ Hearty Tomato Sauce, Tofu in Cashew Ginger Sauce, Red Lentil Hummus, Apple
Pie Chia Pudding, Vanilla Bean Chocolate Chip Cookies, Chocolate Sweet Potato

N.B. All photos in this post are my own. See the “Look Inside” feature on Amazon
for sample images from the book

Have you got your copy yet? What recipes have you been enjoying so far? Or, if
you haven’t got the book yet, which recipe most tickles your fancy?

If you’re new to Coconut and Berries, please sign up for email updates and join
me elsewhere!  I’m on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram(@coconutandberries), Google
+ and Twitter! You can also follow Coconut and Berries
with Bloglovin or Feedly. 

June 29, 2015 —


If you’re a regular Coconut & Berries reader, you might have caught my Green
Hummus Crackers recipe a few weeks back. I included Moringa green superleaf
powder in the mix, produced by a company called Aduna. 

I’ve since found out a lot more about the company, their backstory and their
inspiring mission and wanted to share it with you too - as well as a yummy
recipe using another of their amazing products - Baobab.

I’m also giving you the chance to WIN a whole hamper of Baobab goodies for
yourselves! (Competition now closed)

I imagine Coconut and Berries readers might be more in the know than most about
healthy foods so you probably have heard of baobab. However, 95% of people
haven’t and that most definitely needs to change!

It’s packed with vitamin C, fibre, antioxidants and minerals including calcium,
magnesium and potassium, which gives it an amazing range of potential health

BUT, not only is it an amazingly healthy (and tasty!) fruit that’s great for all
of us who eat it, it also has the potential to transform millions of lives.

Baobab trees grow so abundantly in Africa that if there were a global demand for
the superfuit then this existing crop could be worth $1bn to rural Africa and
create sustainable income for up to 10 million African women.

The company has been working towards this goal on a shoestring since the launch
in 2012 but last week were announced as Semi-Finalists in Virgin’s Pitch to Rich
competition. If the company finishes in the top 3 they will win a £250K
marketing campaign and get Richard Branson’s backing. This would transform
awareness of baobab – and with it potentially millions of lives.

I think it’s awesome to see a social business get so far in the competition and
hope you’ll agree that they should be in the final!

Anyone who votes can enter to win a whole hamper of Aduna baobab goodies,
including their superfruit powder and raw energy bars) and, if that’s not
enough, all voters are automatically entered to win £10K from Virgin Media.

Just follow the instructions in the image below and cast your vote
HERE (Giveaway open worldwide)


I mostly use baobab in smoothies and love its slightly sweet, tangy taste, but I
thought I’d experiment with it in savoury dishes too and loved the result in
this Red Lentil, Spinach & Potato Curry. Tamarind, which is similarly sweet and
sour, is traditional in curries after all, so it’s not all that wacky an idea! 

There are lots of other recipes and serving suggestions on the Aduna website. 


Red Lentil, Spinach & Potato Curry with Baobab

Yield: 4-6 Servings


 * 1 Tbsp Coconut oil
 * 1 Small onion, diced
 * 3 Cloves of garlic, minced
 * 2" ginger, peeled & minced
 * 1 red chilli, deseeded & minced
 * 1 Tbsp Curry powder (use your favourite blend)
 * 1 tsp Salt
 * 1 C Red lentils, rinsed well
 * 1 Can (400g) Chopped tomatoes
 * 3 C Water
 * 250g/8oz New potatoes, halved OR quartered if large
 * 2 Tbsp Aduna Baobab powder OR 1 Tbsp Tamarind paste
 * Couple of large handfuls of spinach
   To serve (optional):
 * Non-dairy yogurt
 * Fresh coriander, chopped
 * Wholegrain flatbread


 1. Heat the oil in a large pan over medium heat. Add the onion and cook for 6-8
    minutes, stirring occasionally.
 2. Add the garlic, ginger and chili and cook for a further couple of minutes.
    Add the curry powder, salt and red lentils and stir to coat well.
 3. Add the tomatoes,water and new potatoes and bring to a boil. Reduce heat,
    cover the pan and simmer for approx 30 minutes, stirring occasionally to
    prevent sticking. When cooked, the potatoes should be fork tender.
 4. Remove from the heat and stir in the baobab powder (or tamarind) and the
    spinach. The residual heat will wilt it.
 5. Serve with a sprinkle of fresh coriander, a dollop of non-dairy yogurt &
    flatbread on the side.



Hope you enjoy this recipe and let’s Make Baobab Famous!  

If you’re new to Coconut and Berries, please sign up for email updates and join
me elsewhere!  I’m on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram(@coconutandberries), Google
+ and Twitter! You can also follow Coconut and Berries with Bloglovin or Feedly.

June 7, 2015 —

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I’m Emma, a passionate vegan foodie sharing my kitchen adventures and healthy
plant-based creations. Hope you stick around!



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Almond Milk Almonds Appetizer Avocado Baked Banana Basil breakfast Carrots
Cashews Chickpeas Chocolate Cinnamon Coconut Coconut Milk Coconut Oil Coriander
Courgette Dates Dessert Ginger Gluten-free Kale Lemon Lentils Lunch Main Dish
Mint Oats orange Parsley Quinoa Raw Red Pepper Review Salad Salad Dressing
Side-dish Smoothie Snack Tofu Tomatoes Vegan Vegan MoFo Walnuts



 * Update + Coconut and Berries in 2016
 * Courgetti Salad with Cherry Tomatoes, Grilled Corn & Herby Dressing
 * A Vegan Dinner Party with La Belle Assiette
 * Plant-Powered Families: Review & Double Chocolate Orange Banana Muffins
 * Red Lentil, Spinach & Potato Curry with Baobab [& a Giveaway!]


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 * Contact
 * Inspiration
 * Recipes
 * All Recipes
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