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            <h1 class="headline">Are strange space signals in Antarctica evidence of a parallel universe?</h1>
            <div class="subheading"><em>Odd detections at the South Pole have so far defied explanation, inviting theories beyond conventional physics.</em></div>
            <div class="byline"> By <a href="/authors/stephen-ornes">Stephen Ornes</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; Published: Tuesday, December 8, 2020</div>
            <div class="tags"> RELATED TOPICS: <a href="/tags/astrophysics">ASTROPHYSICS</a></div>
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                    <div class="caption">The balloon-based Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) floats over Antarctica.</div>
                    <div class="credit">The University Of Hawai‘i</div>
                <div class="content">Last spring, a report from the world’s largest neutrino telescope — a sprawling grid of detectors woven into Antarctica’s ice — coincided with a blaze of hyperbolic headlines. They teased the possibility of an
                  anti-universe where, from our point of view, time runs backward and the Big Bang represents an end, not a beginning. While it’s too soon to start searching for our reverse-aging, other-handed doppelgängers, physicists are still
                  wrestling with strange signals coming in from space that, to date, have defied easy explanation.<br>
                  <br> The signals were flagged by a NASA-funded collection of horn radio antennas held aloft over Antarctica by a giant balloon. The device, called the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA), picks up radio signals produced
                  when high-energy particles coming from deep space encounter our atmosphere. Some waves skim the Earth before they hit ANITA, and others bounce off the ice. ANITA can tell the difference. During its first float in 2006 and again in
                  2014, the device picked up anomalous signals that resembled the kind that skim the Earth — but strangely, they seemed to be coming from the surface.<br>
                  <br> “That means they had to pass through a huge chunk of the Earth,” says physicist Stephanie Wissel of Penn State, who works on the ANITA experiment.<br>
                  <br> At the heart of this mystery are neutrinos: ghostly, high-energy particles that can stream through almost any material unscathed but can produce the telltale radio pulses that ANITA catches. To further investigate the unusual
                  signals, physicists turned to IceCube, a neutrino telescope made up of long strings of detectors buried near the South Pole. A neutrino passing through the ice may produce other particles that emit tiny flashes of light that
                  IceCube’s sensors can detect.<br>
                  <br> Scientists reasoned that ANITA’s anomalies should also have produced signals in IceCube, and those signals could reveal the deep-space source of the particles. But after eight years’ worth of data was searched, the mystery
                  remained: The exhaustive analysis turned up no matches.<br>
                  <br> “If the ANITA signal was astrophysical, then we should be able to detect it in IceCube — and we did not,” says physicist Justin Vandenbroucke of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who works on the neutrino observatory.<br>
                  <br> The new findings, published March in The Astrophysical Journal, mean scientists have to continue looking for less obvious explanations. Some have proposed that the anomalies arose from radio waves bouncing through caverns or
                  buried lakes in the ice. Other theorists proposed more exotic ideas, such as that the heavy, high-energy particles in line with ANITA’s data may describe one candidate for dark matter — the mysterious stuff that’s believed to make
                  up 85 percent of the matter in the universe but has never been detected. Still others hypothesize that the exotic particles fit an existing theoretical model of a parallel universe — one that is symmetric to ours, but populated with
                  antimatter and running backward.<br>
                  <br> Wissel and her colleagues are preparing a more sensitive upgrade to ANITA that, they hope, will find more of these strange signals. As an experimentalist, she says she’s beholden to data, but appreciates the ideas about where
                  the signals originated. New questions and tests can then confirm — or refute — theories about these deep-space particles and how the universe began.<br>
                  <br> “They’re trying to do with our data exactly what we want people to do with our data,” says Wissel. “We want ANITA to push observations of ultra-high energy neutrinos into a new regime. We think that there is interesting new
                  physics to be done.”
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Odd detections at the South Pole have so far defied explanation, inviting
theories beyond conventional physics.
By Stephen Ornes  |  Published: Tuesday, December 8, 2020
The balloon-based Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) floats over
The University Of Hawai‘i
Last spring, a report from the world’s largest neutrino telescope — a sprawling
grid of detectors woven into Antarctica’s ice — coincided with a blaze of
hyperbolic headlines. They teased the possibility of an anti-universe where,
from our point of view, time runs backward and the Big Bang represents an end,
not a beginning. While it’s too soon to start searching for our reverse-aging,
other-handed doppelgängers, physicists are still wrestling with strange signals
coming in from space that, to date, have defied easy explanation.

The signals were flagged by a NASA-funded collection of horn radio antennas held
aloft over Antarctica by a giant balloon. The device, called the Antarctic
Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA), picks up radio signals produced when
high-energy particles coming from deep space encounter our atmosphere. Some
waves skim the Earth before they hit ANITA, and others bounce off the ice. ANITA
can tell the difference. During its first float in 2006 and again in 2014, the
device picked up anomalous signals that resembled the kind that skim the Earth —
but strangely, they seemed to be coming from the surface.

“That means they had to pass through a huge chunk of the Earth,” says physicist
Stephanie Wissel of Penn State, who works on the ANITA experiment.

At the heart of this mystery are neutrinos: ghostly, high-energy particles that
can stream through almost any material unscathed but can produce the telltale
radio pulses that ANITA catches. To further investigate the unusual signals,
physicists turned to IceCube, a neutrino telescope made up of long strings of
detectors buried near the South Pole. A neutrino passing through the ice may
produce other particles that emit tiny flashes of light that IceCube’s sensors
can detect.

Scientists reasoned that ANITA’s anomalies should also have produced signals in
IceCube, and those signals could reveal the deep-space source of the particles.
But after eight years’ worth of data was searched, the mystery remained: The
exhaustive analysis turned up no matches.

“If the ANITA signal was astrophysical, then we should be able to detect it in
IceCube — and we did not,” says physicist Justin Vandenbroucke of the University
of Wisconsin-Madison, who works on the neutrino observatory.

The new findings, published March in The Astrophysical Journal, mean scientists
have to continue looking for less obvious explanations. Some have proposed that
the anomalies arose from radio waves bouncing through caverns or buried lakes in
the ice. Other theorists proposed more exotic ideas, such as that the heavy,
high-energy particles in line with ANITA’s data may describe one candidate for
dark matter — the mysterious stuff that’s believed to make up 85 percent of the
matter in the universe but has never been detected. Still others hypothesize
that the exotic particles fit an existing theoretical model of a parallel
universe — one that is symmetric to ours, but populated with antimatter and
running backward.

Wissel and her colleagues are preparing a more sensitive upgrade to ANITA that,
they hope, will find more of these strange signals. As an experimentalist, she
says she’s beholden to data, but appreciates the ideas about where the signals
originated. New questions and tests can then confirm — or refute — theories
about these deep-space particles and how the universe began.

“They’re trying to do with our data exactly what we want people to do with our
data,” says Wissel. “We want ANITA to push observations of ultra-high energy
neutrinos into a new regime. We think that there is interesting new physics to
be done.”



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