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Submitted URL: https://threatable.io/
Effective URL: https://www.threatable.io/
Submission: On June 16 via manual from JP — Scanned from JP

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So Far 'Hertzbleed' Side-Channel Attack Threatens Cryptographic Keys for Servers
How Information Security Teams Can Help Reduce Stress and Burnout CRIMSON LISP.
Linux Post-Exploitation tools wrapper. | by Karol Mazurek | Jun, 2022 | Medium
We’re not hiring unicorns. But that doesn’t mean any less effort. | by Matt
Palmer | Jun, 2022 | Medium Jit — security as code, welcome to boldstart | by Ed
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Stein | Jun, 2022 | Confiant Exploiting IOTransfer insecure API CVE-2022–24562 |
by Tomer Peled | Jun, 2022 | Medium Hertzbleed Side-Channel Attack allows to
remotely steal encryption keys from AMD and Intel chips - Sophos uncovers how
APT groups carried out highly targeted attack Bill aims to ban sale of location
and health data  Debate rages over Microsoft vulnerability practices after
Follina, Azure issues Sophos Firewall OS v18.5 MR4 is now available Citrix
Application Delivery Management flaw allows reset admin passwords Panchan P2P
botnet targeting Linux servers in cryptomining campaign House Democrats propose
major funding increase for CISA Reducing Industrial Cyber Risk Amid Digital
Transformation Reducing the Risk to Critical Infrastructure Before It’s Too Late
HelloXD Ransomware Variants Found Installing Backdoor on Windows and Linux
Machines Microsoft’s Final Patch Tuesday Fixes Follina Bug Privacy Watchdog Set
to Keep Millions in Fines for Legal Costs New Syslogk Linux Kernel Rootkit Uses
"Magic Packets" to Trigger Remote Backdoor Access New VIP3R Campaign Highlights
the Dangers of Spearphishing BNPL Fraud Alert as Account Takeovers Surge
ClubCiso Report Shows Material Security Incidents Reduced by 54% Compared to
Last Year In Cybersecurity, What You Can’t See Can Hurt You DragonForce Gang
Unleash Hacks Against Govt. of India Travel-related Cybercrime Takes Off as
Industry Rebounds Telerik UI exploitation leads to cryptominer, Cobalt Strike
infections Let's give a look at the Dark Web Price Index 2022 AdmirerToo from
HackTheBox — Detailed Walkthrough | by Pencer | Jun, 2022 | InfoSec Write-ups
Phishing Domain Detection using Neural Networks | by Salil Jain | Jun, 2022 |
InfoSec Write-ups Industry Spotlight: Current Threat Landscape Facing Financial
Services Organizations Follina gets fixed – but it’s not listed in the Patch
Tuesday patches! A flaw in Zimbra email suite allows stealing login credentials
of the users Finally … An Identity Framework For The Public Sector To Build On |
by Prof Bill Buchanan OBE | ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice | Jun, 2022 |
Medium Know Your Threat Actor using Unit42 — ATOM | by Sathish Sivaprakash |
Jun, 2022 | Medium #1 Meow — Starting Point — Hack The Box WriteUp | by
Abigailainyang | Jun, 2022 | Medium CloudFlare says it stopped largest HTTPS
DDoS attack on record last week Large supermarket chain in southern Africa hit
with ransomware Microsoft Patches 'Follina' Zero-Day Flaw in Monthly Security
Update Google: SBOMs Effective Only if They Map to Known Vulns Beware the
'Secret Agent' Cloud Middleware Understanding and Mitigating Single Sign-on Risk
I was awarded a $150 bounty. Hello everyone! I’m Aman, a… | by Withamankr | Jun,
2022 | Medium Writing your first extension in Burp Suite — Part 1 | by Malvik |
Jun, 2022 | Medium The FIDO2 and Post Quantum Cryptography Revolution, and HE,
ZKP and MPC | by Prof Bill Buchanan OBE | ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice |
Jun, 2022 | Medium Lighter Patch Tuesday for June remains rich in LDAP vulns
Canadian internet outage attributed to beaver Illinois man behind DDoS attack
service given 2-year prison sentence Murder suspect admits she tracked cheating
partner with hidden AirTag Sophos Named Cybersecurity Company of the Year by
Cyber Defense Magazine What the New OWASP Top 10 Changes Mean to You? How I
found a Critical Bug in Instagram and Got 49500$ Bounty From Facebook | by
Neeraj Sharma | Jun, 2022 | InfoSec Write-ups Gilman Louie and the dance with
Wolf Warriors #RSAC: The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Program is
Coming #RSAC: World Economic Forum Cybercrime Atlas Effort Advances Over
Three-Quarters of UK Adults Hit by Online Scams Apple CEO Tim Cook Pushes Senate
For Privacy Legislation FDNY Calls for Digital Firewall to Protect Rescue
Workers From Cyber-Attacks Iran Spear-Phishers Hijack Email Conversations in New
Campaign Kaiser Permanente Exposes Personal Info on 70,000 Customers Kaiser
Permanente Exposes Nearly 70K Medical Records in Data Breach Linux Malware
Deemed ‘Nearly Impossible’ to Detect API Security Best Practices SeaFlower
campaign distributes backdoored versions of Web3 wallets to steal seed phrases
Experts spotted Syslogk, a Linux rootkit under development Arizona hospital says
SSNs of 700,000 people leaked during April ransomware attack CISA Recommends
Organizations Update to the Latest Version of Google Chrome 3 Big Takeaways From
the Verizon DBIR 2022 DoS Vulnerability Allows Easy Envoy Proxy Crashes In
Security, Less Is More Chinese-linked APT adds governments, financial companies
to target list Russia-linked APT targets Ukraine by exploiting the Follina RCE
Microsoft: Ransomware groups, nation-states exploiting Atlassian Confluence
vulnerability Your Computer Could Be Listening To Your Microphone and Sending
Out Ultrasound … | by Prof Bill Buchanan OBE | ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice
| Jun, 2022 | Medium Learning More About YAML Deserialization | by Security Lit
Limited | Jun, 2022 | InfoSec Write-ups NTLM Authentication in Active Directory
| by Hacktivities | Jun, 2022 | InfoSec Write-ups SQL Injection Attacks.
Shubhankar Kalekar, Advait Kamathe… | by SHUBHANKAR KALEKAR | Jun, 2022 | Medium
Follina MSDT Vulnerability CVE-2022–30190 — Analysis and POC | by Gautham
Prasath | Jun, 2022 | Medium The State of CSRF Vulnerability in 2022 | by Utku
Şen | Jun, 2022 | Medium You’re invited! Join us for a live walkthrough of the
“Follina” story… Cape Cod transit bureau still recovering from Memorial Day
ransomware attack The many lives of BlackCat ransomware GALLIUM APT used a new
PingPull RAT in recent campaigns NSA quietly appoints new top lawyer HelloXD
Ransomware operators install MicroBackdoor on target systems Bluetooth Signals
Can Be Used to Track Smartphones, Say Researchers Two Convicted in Major Drugs
Bust After Cops Read Encrypted Chats Eight Zero Days Could Open Doors for
Hackers Googler Suspended After Claiming AI Became Sentient Linux malware
‘Symbiote’ used to attack Latin American financial sector Secure Your ExpressJS
App. 6 actionable tips on how to secure your… | by Jamie Wen | Jun, 2022 |
Medium A Little Bit of Salt Helps Trustworthiness … Meet NaCl | by Prof Bill
Buchanan OBE | ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice | Jun, 2022 | Medium A straight
forward guide to installing Cuckoo sandbox on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS as guest OS on a
Windows 10 host using VMware | by raytracer96024 | Jun, 2022 | Medium A New
ZERO-DAY Vulnerability Found in the Wild: Follina!— CVE-2022–30190 | by Sıla
Özeren | Jun, 2022 | Medium How to get started in Cybersecurity in 2022 | by
Dheeraj Yadav | Jun, 2022 | InfoSec Write-ups Using WiFi connection probe
requests to track users The Next Big Certification in Cybersecurity is
Absolutely (Free) … | by Gowtham Vishwanath | Jun, 2022 | Medium Hello, Dave?
Meet The First Fileless Malware | by Prof Bill Buchanan OBE | ASecuritySite:
When Bob Met Alice | Jun, 2022 | Medium [Bug Bounty] How I was able edit target
website’s AWS files from the file upload function? | by Alp | Jun, 2022 |
InfoSec Write-ups Cross-Platform XSS. Hello Fellows, In this article, I will… |
by Mohamed Salah | Jun, 2022 | Medium HOW I GOT GOOGLE’S HALL OF FAME?.
Introduction | by Faiyaz Ahmad | Jun, 2022 | Medium

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Why Russia has refrained from a major cyber-attack against the West | Cyber
Security Hub DriftingCloud: Zero-Day Sophos Firewall Exploitation and an
Insidious Breach | Volexity fast and furious OSCP monkeys doing weird things |
by Dreg | Jun, 2022 | Medium Pulling MikroTik into the Limelight | Margin
Research The unrelenting threat of ransomware is pushing cybersecurity workers
to quit | ZDNet PNPT Live | TCM Security, Inc. File Inclusion and Directory
Traversal in GraphQL Botched and silent patches from Microsoft put customers at
risk, critics say | Ars Technica A new vulnerability in Intel and AMD CPUs lets
hackers steal encryption keys | Ars Technica Security Onion: Quick Malware
Analysis: TA578 Thread-hijacked email, Bumblebee, and Cobalt Strike pcap from
2022-06-14 fred's notes – Breaking Secure Boot on Google Nest Hub (2nd Gen) to
run Ubuntu Malware Analysis Tutorials: Complete Cheats Sheet And Tools list -
2022 Cybersecurity is Job 1 for city, county IT leaders - GCN Dangerfield
Serenity Beginners Lock Pick Set + Leather Wallet for Sale - UKBumpKeys Pwn2Own
2021 Canon ImageCLASS MF644Cdw writeup Microsoft: Exchange servers hacked to
deploy BlackCat ransomware Bypassing CSP with dangling iframes | PortSwigger
Research The 10 Most Important Cybersecurity Statistics You Need to Know TPM
Sniffing Attacks Against Non-Bitlocker Targets | Secura Bloomberg - Are you a
robot? Hertzbleed Attack Zimbra Email - Stealing Clear-Text Credentials via
Memcache injection Oblivious HTTP Report: L3 Emerges as Suitor for Embattled NSO
Group | SecurityWeek.Com Technical Details Released for 'SynLapse' RCE
Vulnerability Reported in Microsoft Azure Chaining vulnerabilities to
criticality in Progress WhatsUp Gold – Assetnote GitHub -
ariary/Dogwalk-rce-poc: ????Dogwalk PoC (using diagcab file to obtain RCE on
windows) Explained: The Animoon Rug Pull (June 2022) CVE-2022-25845 - Fastjson
RCE vulnerability analysis Secure SSH on EC2: What are the real threats? –
Sysdig Go BLUE! A Protection Plan for Credentials in Chromium-based Browsers
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traffic pcap from 2022-04-04 Red, Blue, and Purple Teaming: A collaborative
approach to Security Assurance - FourCore How Dangerous is Hybrid Malware? |
EasyDMARC What is an SQL Injection (SQLi) and How to Prevent It? | EasyDMARC Set
up T-POT honeypot in the cloud in less than 30 minutes | Lupovis How SeaFlower
藏海花 installs backdoors in iOS/Android web3 wallets to steal your seed phrase |
by taha aka "lordx64" | Jun, 2022 | Confiant List of Fortune 500 Chief
Information Security Officers Hack Blotter: Cybercriminal Arrests And
Convictions Making popular Ruby packages more secure - RubyGems Blog OSCP
monkeys vs stack buffer overflow | by Dreg | Jun, 2022 | Medium Kaiser
Permanente data breach exposes health data of 69K people US Army to double cyber
corps strength as focus shifts from counterinsurgency Ransomware gangs are
exploiting CVE-2022-26134 RCE in Atlassian Confluence serversSecurity Affairs
Public Travis CI Logs (Still) Expose Users to Cyber Attacks Metasploit 6.2.0
improves credential theft, SMB support features, more Vulnerability Summary for
the Week of June 6, 2022 | CISA std/crypto: add support for ECDSA signatures by
jedisct1 · Pull Request #11855 · ziglang/zig · GitHub The many lives of BlackCat
ransomware - Microsoft Security Blog Microsoft Azure Synapse Pwnalytics | by
James Sebree | Tenable TechBlog | Jun, 2022 | Medium JWT attacks | Web Security
Academy 116 Profi - Burg-Wächter International What is Breach and Attack
Simulation (BAS)? The State of CSRF Vulnerability in 2022 | by Utku Şen | Jun,
2022 | Medium Prophet remark: Slew of cyber attacks on Indian govt, private
sites | Hyderabad News - Times of India

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exploits with C language in a specific Linux image
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words you describe. UPDATE Cust Corp. (((Cust Corp.)))
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Stealer(40), Proxy Tool(9), Spoofer(11),Fake program & Sample Virus(64),Other &
Tools(16). Around ?????????? code-hacking HUST CSE Specialty-oriented Courses
:Multimedia Security Decoding IPv4, MAC Addr.s & SAML This security tool will
help you with your pentesting labs This secret project aim to apply
Authentication methed to create login webpage and also implement sign in with
google. Estudo do Spring Security JAVA用通用框架,目的提高开发效率,减少维护成本,拥有基础模块包括: 1、基于Spring
Security用户鉴权,支持短信、邮箱、手机号、用户名、密码登录 2、短信模块封装,支持阿里云和天翼云
4、拥有部门、角色、菜单模块,满足最基本的数据鉴权和菜单鉴权功能 5、加入了基于Flowa的工作流程引擎 6、AOP切面操作日志和登录日志以及数据鉴权
7、异步任务管理器封装 8、基于redis的在线用户监控
https://www.udemy.com/course/spring-security-zero-to-master/ Spring Boot,
Security, JWT, H2 Collect security logs and send them over syslog Rails
Authentication without needing to depend on a gem. The challenge is just knowing
how to account for edge cases while being cognizant of security and best
practices. Spring-Security-Post security-on-github
springboot-web-project-security security Simulation for students to learn about
financial securities. UPDATE Cust Corp. (((Cust Corp.)))
CustCorp offers investors a secure place to store all of their digital assets,
including equity securities in private investm Risk super handler for Splunk
Enterprise Security Smart Factory camera security system
study-spring-restapi-security SpringSecurityTest Proof of Concept DE Repo
proof-of-concept Hack your future homework week2 Spring Boot + Vue.js:
Authentication with JWT & Spring Security Example A web app built for a church
with heavy dependence on google drive API (two folders, credentials and
private-key, weren't commited for security reasons) Geospatial solutions to food
security Đây là đồ án môn An toàn mạng máy tính nâng cao của tôi, nó được thực
hiện cho mục đích giáo dục. security-services Computer and Information Security
Research Repository security-on-github Gaia DR3 random hacks Proof of Concept
for Collaborate section of Band-Aide CyberSecurity Apache Airflow proofs of
concept Kotlin AWS Lambda proof of concept A server that redirects you to a
random page harvested from are.na or Hacker News. Spring-boot-security i want
hack one twiter account plz help me plz! You Deserve More. FOXoption Can Help
Get involved in our tremendous platform and Invest. We will utilize your money
and give you profit in your wallet automatically. About Us FOXoption is an
asset, security and portfolio management company engaged in inv Spring-Security
AppSec-github-security IN DEVELOPMENT: Reactive Web MVC with Spring Security and
JWT token. Second project of Hack a boss' bootcamp. An API where people could
ask for help for the problem they have. Web application in Spring Boot, Java
safe from hacker attacks such as CSRF, XSS, SQL Injection, used Spring Security
for permissions and proper logging and auditing. parser-proof-of-concept Repo
for git commits signature playground Hile Bol's CS-GO Hacks Source Leaked sss
proof of concept project for a distributed backend Information-security-Final An
easily hackable, robust and minimalistic IRC application. A hacking framework
where I put various scripts to do various types of hack Slides and figures of my
talks on computer networks and information security, at Osaka University, June
2022 ansible-rhel-security-workshop Criei este repositório com o intuito de
fazer resumos dos meus estudos relacionados a segurança da informação, hacking e
pentest. Mas também com o objetivo de ajudar os demais usuários que estão
começando agora no assunto segurança. OAuth 2.0 Implementation with Spring
Security and Spring Boot pod-security-policy-demo API REST completa utilizando
Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Security, JWT, MySQL, Spring Data JPA, etc.
Proof Of Concept repo to test log rotation plug it in to a computer then press
on USB Driver and save the passwords f5-bd-ansible-security-lab-docs
code-smells-security-hotspots-presentation hacker lank에서 푼 SQL문제 업로드
ansible-rhel-security-workshop Notes and scripts for PortSwigger Web Security
Academy Ethical Hacking ansible-rhel-security-workshop spring-security-jdbc
Hacker News App Using Atomic Deign Principles ansible-rhel-security-workshop-
apisix-security-java-spring Proof of Concept of YUL Optimizer Bug Hack Sagar A
Spring security app with JWT. MySQL database. ansible-rhel-security-workshop
This project was created with the purpose of making us, the students, implement
some of the different techniques reviewed in class that real-life hackers and
cybersecurity professionals use. PP_3_1_3_Boot_Security_5_bootstrap_1 spring
security jwt The things for the scall un hack Ansible Security Workshop 临时hack
一下,pr 过了 可删除 This repo contains proof of concept code for re-purposing HWCAP2 on
RISC-V platforms Repository of historical crypto fails - ponzi schemes, hacks,
attacks, bugs. Open for the community to contribute and learn from. SC BUAT
BOCIL NGAKUNYA HACKER (LOGIN T) grcosmobot (hacked together chat app for slack
using gpt-3) ✨ HACKER: 개발자를 위한 커밋 기반 캐릭터 육성 서비스 ✨ NIKKU is an all in one group
management bot made for managing your group effectively with some advance
security tools & Suit For All Your Needs ❤️ Web Scraping 2 , The latest version
of Web Scraping ,This will scrape web and get the result what you need , In
simples works it will hack that website or webpage and get the results what you
need. Here I hacked Wikipedia to get the table which contains d 3 day Hack: An
app to check empty-ness of cosmetics counters Athena is a Arch Linux-based
distro focused on Cybersecurity. Learn, practice and enjoy with any hacking
tool! Hacked account of subwaysurf Config files for my GitHub profile. Kautilya
for Advanced Ethical Hacker fCC message board information security project
Displays 10 random Hacker News stories using the Hacker News API IT Security
library NIKKU is an all in one group management bot made for managing your group
effectively with some advance security tools & Suit For All Your Needs ❤️ More
functionality in the banana assignment Hacker News iOS app developed using Swift
UI. Api rest completa con SpringBoot, JWT, Spring security, MySQL y Spring data
JPA This is a PERN Stack Developing Project know as Blog App. This Project is
just like Social Media open to everyone with security. Modul32_security_auth
This repo contains the code of Hack Assembler I wrote. Free and security
password manager Low-Code Framework to develop Microservices, REST APIs, GraphQL
API, gRPC, dRPC, WebAssembly code, etc. with minimal coding and by automatically
applying best practice methods like software supply chain security measures,
SBOM, auto generation of code aft crud, generer un pdf, spring security, send
mail Cyber-Talents-Web-Security A Learning Project 7, coded by Me during Hacking
with Swift in 100 Days Course security-on-github 카카오 로그인(OAuth)
Java-Spring-Security This is the GitHub repository for CS-305. implementing
spring security Kim Kardashian Hollywood free energy refill cheat Hacks K stars
2022 CI-CD와 Spring Security 스터디 Assessment, Analysis, and Hardening of a
vulnerable system. This report includes a Red Team Security Assessment, a Blue
Team Log Analysis, and Hardening and Mitigation Strategies. Resources Topics
Resources nextjs-app-with-security-sample A Learning Project 5, coded by Me
during Hacking with Swift in 100 Days Course A collection of AD scripts for
testing the security of your network as well as automating task. A Learning
Project 4, coded by Me during Hacking with Swift in 100 Days Course Hack Account
Instagram with Wordlist A Learning Project 3, coded by Me during Hacking with
Swift in 100 Days Course proof-of-concept A Learning Project 2, coded by Me
during Hacking with Swift in 100 Days Course PubSub Proof of Concept Monorepo to
apply my React studies and proof of concept Proof-of-Concept tool to generate
(MSI)XVC download links for Windows Store/ GamePass titles. Hacking-etico A
little game pretending to be a Soviet mainframe БЭСМ-6 which you can practice
hacking into securityhub-auto-remediation Proof of Concept project Very dirty,
buggy and quick proof of concept webusb site for the mch2022 site Proof of
Concept project Hacker News Emailer Google Hacking Bot Script to test security
configuration on Oracle Linux 7 OS Proof of Concept project Custom made New
Textures for N64 Homebrewing or Hacking Most textures here are in 64x64, 32x64,
32x32 Resolutions. Hack De Dino Chrome Raspberry Pi Pico "Micropython" A tool
for hacking on the network level 3mrgnc3 Blog Spring basic security
authentication with transactions API Basics-of-Hacking Building Kilmarnock
Hacker Space Website User role based login backend Information Security -- A
password cracker to figure out passwords that were hashed using SHA-1. testing
the security of some blockchain projects :D Playing with different
authentication strategies available with Spring Security. Microservices split
the functionality into smaller services so each service can scale independently
Projet securite : Spring Security avec Json Web Token pour securiser l'accee a
une application Using json web token auth for my project. The main purpose of
this bot is test the security of some blockchain referral projects Spring
authentication without use spring boot security 스프링 시큐리티 연습
App_SpringSecurity_MySQL_Thymleaf_BootStrap Proof of concept code for the
exception in creating checkpoint with a session windows
'cloud-monitoring-platform' is a highly available centralized monitoring product
on Azure cloud which has advanced security, alerting and visualization features
and is equipped with fully automated installation capabilities for various
end-customers. Spring Security practicing first time Proof of concept /
Experiment for making (micro)services with less boiler plate Thesis. Intraday ML
for the securities market. This is a small proof of concept to create a
Terraform setup for a simple pipeline sample Sec Web-Application-Security-Tools
Ontwerp en maak een data driven online concept voor een opdrachtgever Code diff
editor - proof of concept Google Hacking Bot Hacking-basic-knowledge This
Hacking Tools Recomended For Education hacking TOOLS HACKED FACEBOOK SUPPORTED 2
NETWORK Classic coder life with coffee as points. Enemies are bugs and Hackers.
Subnormal Computers Hacking Club Hacking With Swift 100 days - apps The Hackers
been out smarted by cult that has many top officials who are the major leaders
of this world wide terrorist of Usa cult members. Now, it time for you new
generation of intelligent young men and ladies to shine. Y'all have to figure
out how kee This project is going to design a security dating website which is
for making friends. Users register and visit the dating website to find suitable
friends and chat with new friends.
yftt15k.sex-filtering.hacking.rubika.github.com repo for hacker news assignment
spring security project - springboot A Learning Project 10, coded by Me during
Hacking with Swift in 100 Days Course Security Workshops Sets diagnostic logging
for all Network security groups within a subscription A Learning Project 9,
coded by Me during Hacking with Swift in 100 Days Course Spring-Security-Basicv1
SpringSecurityを使ったログイン実装 A Learning Project 8, coded by Me during Hacking with
Swift in 100 Days Course With Intan you can easily and quickly find information
about an IP address. No matter if location, provider, city & more. Ansible role
for installing IPBan [Project is launching soon] A simple text-based Linux
virtual machine application for Android. Powered by QEMU. No KVM or root
required. Advanced Cluster Management (ACM) and Advanced Container Security
/ACS) Workshop Keyloggers are programs that track the activities of a keyboard.
Keyloggers are a form of spyware where users are unaware their actions are being
tracked. Keyloggers can be used for a variety of purposes; hackers may use them
to maliciously gain access to ironyang_security Public repository for Cisco Live
Session BRKSEC-2353 Deploying Cisco Secure Cloud Native Security using GitOps
Learning about security levels and authentication
lab_security-network-analysis-using-zeek-logs 100 Days of Swift by Hacking with
Swift course projects Coding Assignment Project for Merkle consuming Hacker News
API and displaying stories for the user OpenVPN Access Server in AWS Reproduce
Defi hack incidents via Foundry. My solutions to the matasano cryptography
challenges Codebase for my cp hacks . test-code-security-review POC for some of
the famous hacks A separate repository for my day-to-day learning tracks. I will
push whatever I'm learning everyday. This repository consists of bunch of notes,
tracks, cheats, bookmarks, scripts and lot of programs. Testing out various GHA
interactions, ideas, and hacks core-security springboot_security Bootstrap time
RP with toasts generator (Proof of Concept) Quimera Laboratory es un espacio de
desarrollo de checks de Quimera Backup repository for security notes A proof of
concept for a Kafka Connect ConfigProvider that refreshes its data from a file
based on a provided TTL. Based on the stock FileConfigProvider. notes for CPSC
375 course Secure distributed chat application created with security and privacy
in mind Moscow City Hack. iPrill-3 Segundo Proyecto de Hack a boss CTF-Writeups
and Notes Arquitetura do Sistema de Escala de Trabalho Automatizada (Oracle DB,
Java & Spring Boot + MVC + Security). Docker container with exploitation
technique examples, used in my master thesis PatikaDev-PicusSecurityBootcamp A
curated list of major DeFi hacks along with their POCs in foundry Container for
hacking the Poco M3 Android phone This is a demo project for the SecTester JS
SDK framework, with some installation and usage examples
terraform-aws-securityhub-reporter Repository containing frontend and backend of
a security dashboard implementation for the final project of a Web Development
course. Best-foss-apps-for-privacy-security- Basic Spring Boot application with
Spring MVC and Restcontroller with inmemory Authentication Go client library for
the IronCore Labs Tenant Security Proxy Solutions of Hacker rank challenges
using Kotlin Proof-of-concept eines stackbasierten Buffer-Overflow-Angriffs auf
einer x86_64 Architektur, mit dem Ziel User-Rechte zu eskalieren. The motive is
to create a NFT using fungibles such as hair, sunglass etc. to create unique and
non-recurring images with token Id embedded inside it to provide uniqueness. The
user now creates a blockchain based on the username and file name with username
Security Analysis of Instant Messaging Apps A secure multi protocol low
interaction event-driven honeypot, extremely easy to configure by yaml ????
Hacking-Spring-Boot-Application proof of concept for DynamicFormBundle
ApplicationSecurity Computer-Security The open repository for collaborative
effort to documenting all cloud vulnerabilities and security issues Micro
Service 微服务工具箱,包括Spring
Security封装的Secure工具,版本号处理工具,EasyExcel导入导出工具,对象存储工具,短信,多租户,日志记录等 T Wiki
云安全知识文库,可能是国内首个云安全知识文库? security An easily deployable service to monitor
mission-critical SPL token accounts ub-hacking-spring-2022-teams-good-karma
created by GitHub Classroom OpenID Connect Provider Plugin for Jenkins A
deliberately vulnerable CI/CD environment. Learn CI/CD security through multiple
challenges. All the security of sha-256 in 26 emoji Another weather app was made
on a hack day! Enter any city in the world and get the weather. A multi web
security purposes tool Hacks app angular-security-training A proof-of-concept,
annotating a IIIF manifest with Zooniverse classification data. SQL Hacker rank
query solutions securityuaa SecTester is a new tool that integrates our
enterprise-grade scan engine directly into your unit tests. Enforce security
policies. An app to enable labeling of security findings from DevOps tool
reports. A simple BaSH script that installs programs that are not available in a
fresh installation of Kali Linux Spring Boot project [Thymeleaf, Hibernates,
Spring Security, API] Repository to serve malware iocs (text files) and
opensource tools developed by akamai-threat-labs vue-security veinmind-tools
是由长亭科技自研,基于 veinmind-sdk 打造的容器安全工具集 ESP, AIMBOT, And Much More A proof of
concept for HTML built-in server infrastructure Simple/fast hacked Gemini server
written in C# based on Kestrel Pics And Other Data Related To Hack Club NITJ
security save of all my files related to my masterthesis Proof of concept of an
authentication protocol using arduino and distributed ledger technology ???? :
source for creating lua executor A password manager application with three
layers of security. Proof of concept pixel aimbot for Aim Lab Seguridad
IT,hacking and other A collections of articles about Git, GitHub and GPG focused
on security. Microsoft Imagine Cup Hacks. Detects secrets that are defined in
the repository and are not used in Github Actions Scripting on public cloud APIs
???? Improve the security of the SSH server. Security Alert Decoration Offensive
Security Deadlines for MPC conferences (Security and Privacy) WordPress plugin
that integrates your WordPress site with the HostGator control panel, including
performance, security, and update features. :tada: (RuoYi)官方仓库
基于SpringBoot,Spring Security,JWT,Vue3 & Vite、Element Plus 的前后端分离权限管理系统 Proof of
concept frontends for Tableland Proof of concept for IIIF previewing and a la
carte viewer display using Gutenberg blocks in WordPress. SvelteKit FIDO U2F
login: how you can add multi factor authentication (MFA) to the front end of
your Svelte app for added login security. Ducky Script is the payload language
of Hak5 gear. Since its introduction with the USB Rubber Ducky in 2010, Ducky
Script has grown in capability while maintaining simplicity. Aided by Bash for
logic and conditional operations, Ducky Script provides multi Neovim settings
for the hackers Validate your IAM Policies and SCPs with AWS Policy Validator,
and convert those results into SARIF documents for reporting. proof of concept A
minimal proof-of-concept VVC player for the web using WebAssembly ETH sweeper
ssh_security A curated list of workshops and tutorials on AI Security & Privacy
Intermediate Ethical Hacking Hands-on Training, by Packt Publishing Process
documentation, non-code deliverables, and miscellaneous artifacts of Kubernetes
SIG Security The CxAST Visual Studio Code plugin (extension) enables you to
import results from a CxAST scan directly into your VS Code console. You can
view the vulnerabilities that were identified in your source code and navigate
directly to the vulnerable code in t Java challenges from various websites e.g.
coderbyte, hacker rank CISSP®️ Certification Domain 3: Security Architecture and
Engineering Video Boot Camp 2020, published by Packt An Openshift operator to
manage NBDE Tang server Next gen. of NekoCal: An open-source hackable and
programmable e-paper display Security Summer School: Security Essentials Track
My Home Assistant configuration for my home automation and security system
Showcasing how I used map, partial, and threading to brute force numbers quickly
in python. Originally written for CS595: Web and Cloud Security, I have stripped
the context (no cheating!) and am just showing this as a proof of concept to be
used in other A proof of concept 3D autonomous routing tool powered by React and
3JS. MVT (Mobile Verification Toolkit) helps with conducting forensics of mobile
devices in order to find signs of a potential compromise. Notes about pentesting
and forensics This course provides an introduction to a variety of topics in
computer security for juniors and seniors majoring in computer science. Protect
your Cloud Native Applications running on Kubernetes from malicious attacks with
pre-registered source code, pre-registered runtime processes monitoring,
automated actions based on configure-actions, analytics, alerting and also
sharing detections The manual of tools, resource for reference, This repository
contains tips on various phases of hacking Upgrade kali linux default
installation Hacker News API Code The My Pocket Token Foundation will make the
blockchain better, by bridging the blockchain with the worldwide web. Some of
the best Developers in the world. VGS Collect & Show SDKs - Flutter Demo ????
Hacker News iOS client. Built with SwiftUI and Algolia HN Search API Baseline
Environment on AWS(BLEA) is a set of reference CDK template to establish secure
baseline on standalone-account or ControlTower based multi-account AWS
environment. This solution provides basic and extensible guardrail with AWS
security services a Extension of SAP Sales Cloud/proof of concept for SAP
Business Technology Platform "Sales Middleware" use case. The solution is
designed to connect devices to SAP Sales Cloud/SAP Sales for Customer (C4C) by
consuming/displaying data coming from SAP Sales security-service Web Application
Hacking with Burp Suite, published by Packt Setup and operation guide for device
onboarding with OPTIGA™ TPM Endorsement Key (EK) Execution guard. A quick
Hacking Guide for the eChallengeCoin 2020 A brief presentation of technical
skills (projects, initiatives, tools) as an engineer and programmer and github's
profile tools (assets, workflows etc). Your performance & security consultant,
an artisan command away. Certificate transparency for Android and JVM New Relic
integration with Snowflake to monitor query performance, logins, potential
security incidents, optimise warehouse and cloud credit costs, capture any data
stored in Snowflake for real-time alerting and reporting
spring-security-drupal-password-encoder Generador de contenido jugable para el
juego de rol Dungeon Hack. A basic NextJS UI that connects to a ASP .NET Core
API - used as a proof of concept for multicontainers/docker-compose on Azure An
anti-hacking compiler forked from the ollvm
(https://github.com/obfuscator-llvm/obfuscator) Secure router - reference
implementation KaiMonkey provides vulnerable infrastructure as code (IaC) to
help explore and understand common cloud security threats exposed via IaC.
hacking-tips-and-tools Hack. Sleep. Repeat ???? A platform that showcases a list
of all the hackers (including their stats), participated in the month-long
challenge Hacktoberfest presented by DigitalOcean. hacking Helm chart for Trend
Micro Cloud One Container Security Helm chart do deploy klustair with anchore
This project hosts security advisories and their accompanying proof-of-concepts
related to research conducted at Google which impact non-Google owned code. This
project aims to provide a central repository for many useful Tsunami Security
Scanner plugins. Hacker CrowdSec - the open-source and participative IPS able to
analyze visitor behavior & provide an adapted response to all kinds of attacks.
It also leverages the crowd power to generate a global CTI database to protect
the user network. Optimization package for the Security-Constrained Unit
Commitment Problem Spring Oauth2 ResourceServer + Oauth2 Security +
Authorization Code grant flow A project that demonstrates how to screw with CSGO
from Kernel Space. (CSGO Kernel Cheat/Hack) All cleaned up, and with updated
offsets. The Kubernetes Security Profiles Operator Python Wordlist Password
Generator for Termux - Hack any fb, instagram, Wifi any Password list - Online
Hacking Generate a variety of suspect actions that are detected by Falco
rulesets Aura Kingdom Official Server, Twin Saga Official Server Hacks
atualiza-ip-dinamico-aws-security-group This tool parses log data and allows to
define analysis pipelines for anomaly detection. It was designed to run the
analysis with limited resources and lowest possible permissions to make it
suitable for production server use. Unofficial Hacker News client written in
Flutter Test Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) Boundary enables identity-based
access management for dynamic infrastructure. security Repository for all Status
Network related security information Learn Python and Ethical Hacking From
Scratch, published by Packt Spring boot security Ostracon, a consensus
algorithm, is forked from Tendermint Core. We have added VRF to Tendermint BFT.
It adds randomness to PoS Validator elections and improves security. Guilder:
Blockchain and P2P Networking proof-of-concept Windows 10 registry tweak
performance hacks. Node.js security CLI that allow you to deeply analyze the
dependency tree of a given package / directory ????????‍♀️ Mondoo Cloud-Native
Security & Vulnerability Risk Management Sonarqube cloudformation plugin, IaC
security supports cfn-nag/checkov My dotfiles - Happy hacking ;) Code Repository
for Web Security: Common Vulnerabilities And Their Mitigation, published by
Packt Learn Website Hacking / Penetration Testing From Scratch, published by
Packt Collection of security scripts QoL hack for pokecrystal Go packages built
on go-tpm providing a high-level API for using TPMs Managed, high performance,
fully featured memory manipulation library written in C#, providing a very easy
to use API. Security-related Slide Presentation & Security Research
Report(大安全各领域各公司各会议分享的PPT以及各类安全研究报告) Proof of Concept Exploit for PrimeFaces 5.x
EL Injection (CVE-2017-1000486) Tanker client-side encryption SDK for JavaScript
Skies of Arcadia Legends Encore also known as Eternal Arcadia Legends Encore
(エターナルアルカディアレジェンドEncore) is a rebalancing and difficulty hack. Hack in progress
to make all pokemon follow and evolve. Robot Vulnerability Database. An archive
of robot vulnerabilities and bugs. Practice problems from primarily hacker rank
and an email thread that I am on called Daily Coding Problem Learn Ethical
Hacking from Scratch, published by Packt Publishing University lecture on "IT
Security" as Open Educational Resources material A book collecting knowledge and
experience how to engineer secure computer systems - I hope it will become an
anthology Security Plugins for the Web IDE This repository contains cutting-edge
open-source security tools (OST) for a red teamer and threat hunter. .NET,
Frameworks (XAF & XPO), eXpressApp Framework WebAuthn4J Extension for Spring
Security Simple, effective, and modular package for parsing observables
(indicators of compromise (IOCs), network data, and other, security related
information) from text. It uses grammars rather than regexes which makes it more
readable, maintainable, and hackabl collection of xiaomi/aqara sensors
hacks/modifications ⚙️ NGINX config generator on steroids ???? Digital Forensics
with Kali Linux, published by Packt Security Automation with Ansible 2,
published by Packt Proof of concept for half of the feedback intervention
pipeline Ontology and reasoner proof of concept Source code of the MONARC
website. One-time encrypted password/secret sharing A lightweight set of
escaping routines for cross-site scripting (XSS) in SoftLeader web applications.
:arrow_up: Hacker News ranked by Comment/Score ratio Sonicle security Java
library Proof of concept for a Rails deckbuilding app This is just a collection
of teeny scripts I’ve hacked together to get some info when I’m at the Linux
(Ubuntu) command line. ???? Second factor TOTP (RFC 6238) provider for Nextcloud
File Access Policy Daemon A command-line tool for querying the 'Have I been
pwned?' service. A free, powerful, multi-purpose tool that helps you monitor
system resources, debug software and detect malware. Brought to you by Winsider
Seminars & Solutions, Inc. @ http://www.windows-internals.com Security library
for Spring Web MVC: OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT... A simple
SSL/TLS proxy with mutual authentication for securing non-TLS services A
collection of scripts I use for hacking on container stuff like the linux
kernel. InSpec: Auditing and Testing Framework hack.mn project, abandoned OpenID
Certified™ OpenID Connect and OAuth Provider written in Go - cloud native,
security-first, open source API security for your infrastructure. SDKs for any
language. Works with Hardware Security Modules. Compatible with MITREid. A
sandbox for proof-of-concept, demos and other related projects The project
source code for hackingwithswift.com Fast, multi-platform web server with
automatic HTTPS The Hack Education website Go implementation of The Update
Framework (TUF) Libtpms-based TPM emulator with socket, character device, and
Linux CUSE interface. Multi-platform transparent client-side encryption of your
files in the cloud Advisories, proof of concept files and exploits that have
been made public by @pedrib. JEE demo to test the jee-pac4j security library
450+ AWS, Hadoop, Cloud, Kafka, Docker, Elasticsearch, RabbitMQ, Redis, HBase,
Solr, Cassandra, ZooKeeper, HDFS, Yarn, Hive, Presto, Drill, Impala, Consul,
Spark, Jenkins, Travis CI, Git, MySQL, Linux, DNS, Whois, SSL Certs, Yum
Security Updates, Kubernet pac4j security library for Spring Security: OAuth,
CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT... For over 11 years, IPBan is the worlds
most trusted security software to block hackers and botnets. With both Windows
and Linux support, IPBan has your dedicated or cloud server protected. Upgrade
to IPBan Pro today and get a discount. Learn more at ↓

Vulnerability Filter All Adobe Apache Cisco Google Linux Microsoft WordPress

CVE-2022-30533 -- Cross-site scripting vulnerability in Modern Events Calendar
Lite versions prior to 6.3.0 allows remote an authenticated attacker to inject
an arbitrary script via unspecified vectors. CVE-2022-30538 -- Out-of-bounds
write vulnerability exists in the simulator module contained in the graphic
editor 'V-SFT' versions prior to v6.1.6.0, which may allow an attacker to obtain
information and/or execute arbitrary code by having a user to open a specially
craft CVE-2022-30546 -- Out-of-bounds read vulnerability exists in the simulator
module contained in the graphic editor 'V-SFT' versions prior to v6.1.6.0, which
may allow an attacker to obtain information and/or execute arbitrary code by
having a user to open a specially crafte CVE-2022-30549 -- Out-of-bounds read
vulnerability exists in V-Server v4.0.11.0 and earlier and V-Server Lite
v4.0.13.0 and earlier, which may allow an attacker to obtain information and/or
execute arbitrary code by having a user to open a specially crafted image file.
CVE-2017-20046 -- A vulnerability classified as problematic has been found in
AXIS P1204, P3225, P3367, M3045, M3005 and M3007. Affected is an unknown
function. The manipulation leads to cross-site request forgery. It is possible
to launch the attack remotely. It is recomm CVE-2017-20047 -- A vulnerability
classified as problematic was found in AXIS P1204, P3225, P3367, M3045, M3005
and M3007. Affected by this vulnerability is an unknown functionality. The
manipulation leads to cross site scripting. The attack can be launched remotely.
The e CVE-2017-20048 -- A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, has
been found in AXIS P1204, P3225, P3367, M3045, M3005 and M3007. Affected by this
issue is some unknown functionality of the component Script Editor. The
manipulation leads to cross-site request forger CVE-2017-20049 -- A
vulnerability, which was classified as critical, was found in AXIS P1204, P3225,
P3367, M3045, M3005 and M3007. This affects an unknown part of the component CGI
Script. The manipulation leads to improper privilege management. It is possible
to initiate CVE-2017-20050 -- A vulnerability has been found in AXIS P1204,
P3225, P3367, M3045, M3005 and M3007 and classified as problematic. This
vulnerability affects unknown code of the component Web Interface. The
manipulation leads to improper access controls. The attack can be CVE-2019-4575
-- IBM Financial Transaction Manager for Digital Payments for Multi-Platform
3.2.0 through 3.2.9 is vulnerable to SQL injection. A remote attacker could send
specially-crafted SQL statements, which could allow the attacker to view, add,
modify or delete info CVE-2021-25261 -- Local privilege vulnerability in Yandex
Browser for Windows prior to allows a local, low privileged, attacker
to execute arbitary code with the SYSTEM privileges through manipulating
symlinks to installation file during Yandex Browser update pr CVE-2021-33036 --
In Apache Hadoop 2.2.0 to 2.10.1, 3.0.0-alpha1 to 3.1.4, 3.2.0 to 3.2.2, and
3.3.0 to 3.3.1, a user who can escalate to yarn user can possibly run arbitrary
commands as root user. Users should upgrade to Apache Hadoop 2.10.2, 3.2.3,
3.3.2 or higher. CVE-2021-36891 -- Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
vulnerability in Photo Gallery by Supsystic plugin <= 1.15.5 at WordPress allows
changing the plugin settings. CVE-2021-36901 -- Unauthenticated Stored
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Phil Baker's Age Gate plugin <=
2.17.0 at WordPress. CVE-2021-39691 -- In WindowManager, there is a possible
tapjacking attack due to an incorrect window flag when processing user input.
This could lead to local escalation of privilege with no additional execution
privileges needed. User interaction is needed for exploitatio CVE-2021-39806 --
In closef of label_backends_android.c, there is a possible way to corrupt memory
due to a double free. This could lead to local escalation of privilege during
startup of servicemanager, if an attacker can trigger an initialization failure,
with no additio CVE-2021-39820 -- Adobe InDesign versions 16.3 (and earlier),
and 16.3.1 (and earlier) is affected by a memory corruption vulnerability due to
insecure handling of a malicious TIFF file, potentially resulting in arbitrary
code execution in the context of the current user. CVE-2021-40212 -- An
exploitable out-of-bounds write vulnerability in PotPlayer 1.7.21523 build
210729 may lead to code execution, information disclosure, and denial of
service. CVE-2021-40727 -- Access of Memory Location After End of Buffer
(CWE-788 CVE-2021-40776 -- Adobe Lightroom Classic 10.3 (and earlier) are
affected by a privilege escalation vulnerability in the Offline Lightroom
Classic installer. An authenticated attacker could leverage this vulnerability
to escalate privileges. User interaction is required be CVE-2021-40910 -- There
is a reflective cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the PHPCMS V9.6.3
management side. CVE-2021-40940 -- Monstra 3.0.4 does not filter the case of
php, which leads to an unrestricted file upload vulnerability. CVE-2021-41403 --
flatCore-CMS version 2.0.8 calls dangerous functions, causing server-side
request forgery vulnerabilities. CVE-2021-41413 -- ok-file-formats master
2021-9-12 is affected by a buffer overflow in ok_jpg_convert_data_unit_grayscale
and ok_jpg_convert_YCbCr_to_RGB. CVE-2021-41415 -- Subscription-Manager v1.0
/main.js has a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the machineDetail
parameter. CVE-2021-41418 -- AriaNg v0.1.0~v1.2.2 is affected by an incorrect
access control vulnerability through not authenticating visitors' access rights.
CVE-2021-41672 -- PEEL Shopping CMS 9.4.0 is vulnerable to authenticated SQL
injection in utilisateurs.php. A user that belongs to the administrator group
can inject a malicious SQL query in order to affect the execution logic of the
application and retrive information fro CVE-2021-42732 -- Access of Memory
Location After End of Buffer (CWE-788) CVE-2021-42735 -- Adobe Photoshop version
22.5.1 (and earlier versions ) is affected by an Access of Memory Location After
End of Buffer vulnerability, potentially resulting in arbitrary code execution
in the context of the current user. User interaction is required to exp
CVE-2021-43754 -- Adobe Prelude version 22.1.1 (and earlier) is affected by a
memory corruption vulnerability due to insecure handling of a malicious file,
potentially resulting in arbitrary code execution in the context of the current
user. User interaction is required to CVE-2021-43755 -- Adobe After Effects
versions 22.0 (and earlier) and 18.4.2 (and earlier) are affected by a memory
corruption vulnerability due to insecure handling of a malicious file,
potentially resulting in arbitrary code execution in the context of the current
user. CVE-2021-43756 -- Adobe Media Encoder versions 22.0, 15.4.2 (and earlier)
are affected by a memory corruption vulnerability. An unauthenticated attacker
could leverage this vulnerability to achieve arbitrary code execution in the
context of the current user. Exploitation o CVE-2022-1342 -- A lack of password
masking in Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager allows physically proximate
attackers to observe sensitive data. A caching issue can cause sensitive fields
to sometimes stay revealed when closing and reopening a panel, which could lead
to CVE-2022-1958 -- A vulnerability classified as critical has been found in
FileCloud. Affected is the NTFS handler which leads to improper access controls.
It is possible to launch the attack remotely but it demands some form of
authentication. Upgrading to version 21.3.5. CVE-2022-20123 -- In
phNciNfc_RecvMfResp of phNxpExtns_MifareStd.cpp, there is a possible out of
bounds read due to a missing bounds check. This could lead to remote information
disclosure with no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is
not needed for e CVE-2022-20124 -- In deletePackageX of
DeletePackageHelper.java, there is a possible way for a Guest user to reset
pre-loaded applications for other users due to a permissions bypass. This could
lead to local escalation of privilege with no additional execution privileges
CVE-2022-20125 -- In GBoard, there is a possible way to bypass factory reset
protections due to a sandbox escape. This could lead to local escalation of
privilege if an attacker has physical access to the device, with no additional
execution privileges needed. User interac CVE-2022-20126 -- In setScanMode of
AdapterService.java, there is a possible way to enable Bluetooth discovery mode
without user interaction due to a missing permission check. This could lead to
local escalation of privilege with User execution privileges needed. User inte
CVE-2022-20127 -- In ce_t4t_data_cback of ce_t4t.cc, there is a possible out of
bounds write due to a double free. This could lead to remote code execution with
no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for
exploitation.Product: AndroidVersi CVE-2022-20129 -- In registerPhoneAccount of
PhoneAccountRegistrar.java, there is a possible way to prevent the user from
selecting a phone account due to improper input validation. This could lead to
local denial of service with no additional execution privileges needed.
CVE-2022-20130 -- In transportDec_OutOfBandConfig of tpdec_lib.cpp, there is a
possible out of bounds write due to a heap buffer overflow. This could lead to
remote code execution with no additional execution privileges needed. User
interaction is not needed for exploitati CVE-2022-20131 -- In
nci_proc_rf_management_ntf of nci_hrcv.cc, there is a possible out of bounds
read due to a missing bounds check. This could lead to remote information
disclosure with no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is
not needed for exploit CVE-2022-20132 -- In lg_probe and related functions of
hid-lg.c and other USB HID files, there is a possible out of bounds read due to
improper input validation. This could lead to local information disclosure if a
malicious USB HID device were plugged in, with no addition CVE-2022-20133 -- In
setDiscoverableTimeout of AdapterService.java, there is a possible bypass of
user interaction due to a missing permission check. This could lead to local
escalation of privilege with User execution privileges needed. User interaction
is not needed for CVE-2022-20134 -- In readArguments of CallSubjectDialog.java,
there is a possible way to trick the user to call the wrong phone number due to
improper input validation. This could lead to local escalation of privilege with
no additional execution privileges needed. User in CVE-2022-20135 -- In
writeToParcel of GateKeeperResponse.java, there is a possible parcel format
mismatch. This could lead to local escalation of privilege with User execution
privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitation.Product:
AndroidVersions: Andr CVE-2022-20137 -- In onCreateContextMenu of
NetworkProviderSettings.java, there is a possible way for non-owner users to
change WiFi settings due to a missing permission check. This could lead to local
escalation of privilege with User execution privileges needed. User int
DevicePolicyManagerService.java, there is a possible way for unprivileged app to
send MANAGED_PROFILE_PROVISIONED intent due to a missing permission check. This
could lead to local escalation of privilege with no a CVE-2022-20140 -- In
read_multi_rsp of gatt_sr.cc, there is a possible out of bounds write due to an
incorrect bounds check. This could lead to remote escalation of privilege with
no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for
exploitation.Pr CVE-2022-20141 -- In ip_check_mc_rcu of igmp.c, there is a
possible use after free due to improper locking. This could lead to local
escalation of privilege when opening and closing inet sockets with no additional
execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed CVE-2022-20142 -- In
createFromParcel of GeofenceHardwareRequestParcelable.java, there is a possible
arbitrary code execution due to parcel mismatch. This could lead to local
escalation of privilege with no additional execution privileges needed. User
interaction is not ne CVE-2022-20143 -- In addAutomaticZenRule of
ZenModeHelper.java, there is a possible permanent denial of service due to
resource exhaustion. This could lead to local denial of service with User
execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitation.Pro
CVE-2022-20144 -- In multiple functions of AvatarPhotoController.java, there is
a possible access to content owned by system content providers due to a confused
deputy. This could lead to local escalation of privilege with no additional
execution privileges needed. User in CVE-2022-20145 -- In
startLegacyVpnPrivileged of Vpn.java, there is a possible way to retrieve VPN
credentials due to a protocol downgrade attack. This could lead to remote
escalation of privilege if a malicious Wi-Fi AP is used, with no additional
execution privileges nee CVE-2022-20146 -- In uploadFile of
FileUploadServiceImpl.java, there is a possible incorrect file access due to a
confused deputy. This could lead to local information disclosure of private
files with no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is not
neede CVE-2022-20147 -- In nfa_dm_check_set_config of nfa_dm_main.cc, there is a
possible out of bounds write due to a missing bounds check. This could lead to
local escalation of privilege with no additional execution privileges needed.
User interaction is not needed for exploi CVE-2022-20148 -- In TBD of TBD, there
is a possible use-after-free due to a race condition. This could lead to local
escalation of privilege in the kernel with System execution privileges needed.
User interaction is not needed for exploitation.Product: AndroidVersions: An
CVE-2022-20149 -- Product: AndroidVersions: Android kernelAndroid ID:
A-211685939References: N/A CVE-2022-20151 -- Product: AndroidVersions: Android
kernelAndroid ID: A-210712565References: N/A CVE-2022-20152 -- In the TitanM
chip, there is a possible out of bounds write due to a missing bounds check.
This could lead to local escalation of privilege with System execution
privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitation.Product:
AndroidVersions: CVE-2022-20153 -- In rcu_cblist_dequeue of rcu_segcblist.c,
there is a possible use-after-free due to improper locking. This could lead to
local escalation of privilege in the kernel with System execution privileges
needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitation.P CVE-2022-20154 -- In
lock_sock_nested of sock.c, there is a possible use after free due to a race
condition. This could lead to local escalation of privilege with System
execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for
exploitation.Product: AndroidVersions: CVE-2022-20155 -- In
ipu_core_jqs_msg_transport_kernel_write_sync of ipu-core-jqs-msg-transport.c,
there is a possible use-after-free due to a race condition. This could lead to
local escalation of privilege with no additional execution privileges needed.
User interaction CVE-2022-20156 -- In unflatten of GraphicBuffer.cpp, there is a
possible arbitrary code execution due to improper input validation. This could
lead to local escalation of privilege with no additional execution privileges
needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitat CVE-2022-20159 -- In
asn1_ec_pkey_parse of acropora/crypto/asn1_common.c, there is a possible out of
bounds read due to an incorrect bounds check. This could lead to local
information disclosure with System execution privileges needed. User interaction
is not needed for ex CVE-2022-20160 -- Product: AndroidVersions: Android
kernelAndroid ID: A-210083655References: N/A CVE-2022-20162 -- In asn1_p256_int
of crypto/asn1.c, there is a possible out of bounds read due to an incorrect
bounds check. This could lead to local information disclosure with System
execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for
exploitation.Product: A CVE-2022-20164 -- Product: AndroidVersions: Android
kernelAndroid ID: A-204891956References: N/A CVE-2022-20165 -- In asn1_parse of
asn1.c, there is a possible out of bounds read due to an incorrect bounds check.
This could lead to local information disclosure with System execution privileges
needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitation.Product: AndroidVers
CVE-2022-20166 -- In various methods of kernel base drivers, there is a possible
out of bounds write due to a heap buffer overflow. This could lead to local
escalation of privilege with System execution privileges needed. User
interaction is not needed for exploitation.Pro CVE-2022-20167 -- Product:
AndroidVersions: Android kernelAndroid ID: A-204956204References: N/A
CVE-2022-20168 -- Product: AndroidVersions: Android kernelAndroid ID:
A-210594998References: N/A CVE-2022-20169 -- Product: AndroidVersions: Android
kernelAndroid ID: A-211162353References: N/A CVE-2022-20170 -- Product:
AndroidVersions: Android kernelAndroid ID: A-209421931References: N/A
CVE-2022-20171 -- Product: AndroidVersions: Android kernelAndroid ID:
A-215565667References: N/A CVE-2022-20172 -- In onbind of
ShannonRcsService.java, there is a possible access to protect data due to a
missing permission check. This could lead to local information disclosure with
no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for
exploitat CVE-2022-20173 -- Product: AndroidVersions: Android kernelAndroid ID:
A-207116951References: N/A CVE-2022-20174 -- In exynos_secEnv_init of
mach-gs101.c, there is a possible out of bounds read due to an incorrect bounds
check. This could lead to local information disclosure with System execution
privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitation.Produc
CVE-2022-20175 -- Product: AndroidVersions: Android kernelAndroid ID:
A-209252491References: N/A CVE-2022-20176 -- In auth_store of sjtag-driver.c,
there is a possible read of uninitialized memory due to a missing bounds check.
This could lead to local information disclosure with System execution privileges
needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitation.Produ CVE-2022-20177 --
Product: AndroidVersions: Android kernelAndroid ID: A-209906686References: N/A
CVE-2022-20178 -- In ioctl_dpm_qos_update and ioctl_event_control_set of (TBD),
there is a possible out of bounds write due to an integer overflow. This could
lead to local escalation of privilege with System execution privileges needed.
User interaction is not needed for CVE-2022-20179 -- Product: AndroidVersions:
Android kernelAndroid ID: A-211683760References: N/A CVE-2022-20181 -- Product:
AndroidVersions: Android kernelAndroid ID: A-210936609References: N/A
CVE-2022-20182 -- In handle_ramdump of pixel_loader.c, there is a possible way
to create a ramdump of non-secure memory due to a missing permission check. This
could lead to local information disclosure with System execution privileges
needed. User interaction is not neede CVE-2022-20183 -- In
hypx_create_blob_dmabuf of faceauth_hypx.c, there is a possible out of bounds
write due to a missing bounds check. This could lead to local escalation of
privilege with System execution privileges needed. User interaction is not
needed for exploitation CVE-2022-20184 -- Product: AndroidVersions: Android
kernelAndroid ID: A-209153114References: N/A CVE-2022-20185 -- In TBD of TBD,
there is a possible use after free bug. This could lead to local escalation of
privilege with System execution privileges needed. User interaction is not
needed for exploitation.Product: AndroidVersions: Android kernelAndroid ID:
A-20884234 CVE-2022-20186 -- In kbase_mem_alias of mali_kbase_mem_linux.c, there
is a possible arbitrary code execution due to improper input validation. This
could lead to local escalation of privilege with no additional execution
privileges needed. User interaction is not needed fo CVE-2022-20188 -- Product:
AndroidVersions: Android kernelAndroid ID: A-207254598References: N/A
CVE-2022-20190 -- Product: AndroidVersions: Android kernelAndroid ID:
A-208744915References: N/A CVE-2022-20191 -- Product: AndroidVersions: Android
kernelAndroid ID: A-209324757References: N/A CVE-2022-20192 -- In
grantEmbeddedWindowFocus of WindowManagerService.java, there is a possible way
to change an input channel for embedded hierarchy due to a permissions bypass.
This could lead to local escalation of privilege with no additional execution
privileges neede CVE-2022-20193 -- In getUniqueUsagesWithLabels of
PermissionUsageHelper.java, there is a possible incorrect permission attribution
due to a logic error in the code. This could lead to local escalation of
privilege by conflating apps with User execution privileges needed. U
CVE-2022-20194 -- In onCreate of ChooseLockGeneric.java, there is a possible
permission bypass. This could lead to local escalation of privilege with no
additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for
exploitation.Product: AndroidVersions: Androi CVE-2022-20195 -- In the keystore
library, there is a possible prevention of access to system Settings due to
unsafe deserialization. This could lead to local denial of service with User
execution privileges needed. User interaction is needed for
exploitation.Product: Andr CVE-2022-20196 -- In gallery3d and photos, there is a
possible permission bypass due to a confused deputy. This could lead to local
information disclosure with no additional execution privileges needed. User
interaction is needed for exploitation.Product: AndroidVersions: CVE-2022-20197
-- In recycle of Parcel.java, there is a possible way to start foreground
activity from background due to a permissions bypass. This could lead to local
escalation of privilege with no additional execution privileges needed. User
interaction is not needed fo CVE-2022-20198 -- In llcp_dlc_proc_connect_pdu of
llcp_dlc.cc, there is a possible out of bounds read due to a missing bounds
check. This could lead to local information disclosure from the NFC stack with
System execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed f
CVE-2022-20200 -- In updateApState of SoftApManager.java, there is a possible
leak of hotspot state due to a missing permission check. This could lead to
local information disclosure with no additional execution privileges needed.
User interaction is not needed for exploit CVE-2022-20201 -- In getAppSize of
InstalldNativeService.cpp, there is a possible out of bounds read due to a
missing bounds check. This could lead to local escalation of privilege with
System execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for
exploitation.Pro CVE-2022-20202 -- In ih264_resi_trans_quant_4x4_sse42 of
ih264_resi_trans_quant_sse42.c, there is a possible out of bounds read due to a
heap buffer overflow. This could lead to remote information disclosure with no
additional execution privileges needed. User interaction CVE-2022-20203 -- In
multiple locations of the nanopb library, there is a possible way to corrupt
memory when decoding untrusted protobuf files. This could lead to local
escalation of privilege,with no additional execution privileges needed. User
interaction is not needed CVE-2022-20204 -- In registerRemoteBugreportReceivers
of DevicePolicyManagerService.java, there is a possible reporting of falsified
bug reports due to a missing permission check. This could lead to local
escalation of privilege with no additional execution privileges need
CVE-2022-20205 -- In isFileUri of FileUtil.java, there is a possible way to
bypass the check for a file:// scheme due to improper input validation. This
could lead to local information disclosure with no additional execution
privileges needed. User interaction is not neede CVE-2022-20206 -- In
setPackageOrComponentEnabled of NotificationManagerService.java, there is a
missing permission check. This could lead to local information disclosure about
enabled notification listeners with User execution privileges needed. User
interaction is not ne CVE-2022-20207 -- In static definitions of
GattServiceConfig.java, there is a possible permission bypass due to an insecure
default value. This could lead to local escalation of privilege with no
additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for ex
CVE-2022-20208 -- In parseRecursively of cppbor_parse.cpp, there is a possible
out of bounds read due to an incorrect bounds check. This could lead to local
information disclosure with System execution privileges needed. User interaction
is not needed for exploitation.Prod CVE-2022-20209 -- In
hme_add_new_node_to_a_sorted_array of hme_utils.c, there is a possible out of
bounds read due to a heap buffer overflow. This could lead to remote information
disclosure with no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is
not needed for CVE-2022-20210 -- The UE and the EMM communicate with each other
using NAS messages. When a new NAS message arrives from the EMM, the modem
parses it and fills in internal objects based on the received data. A bug in the
parsing code could be used by an attacker to remotel CVE-2022-20233 -- In
param_find_digests_internal and related functions of the Titan-M source, there
is a possible out of bounds write due to an incorrect bounds check. This could
lead to local escalation of privilege with System execution privileges needed.
User interactio CVE-2022-20664 -- A vulnerability in the web management
interface of Cisco Secure Email and Web Manager, formerly Cisco Security
Management Appliance (SMA), and Cisco Email Security Appliance (ESA) could allow
an authenticated, remote attacker to retrieve sensitive informa CVE-2022-20733
-- A vulnerability in the login page of Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE)
could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to log in without credentials
and access all roles without any restrictions. This vulnerability is due to
exposed sensitive Security CVE-2022-20736 -- A vulnerability in the web-based
management interface of Cisco AppDynamics Controller Software could allow an
unauthenticated, remote attacker to access a configuration file and the login
page for an administrative console that they would not normally hav
CVE-2022-20798 -- A vulnerability in the external authentication functionality
of Cisco Secure Email and Web Manager, formerly known as Cisco Security
Management Appliance (SMA), and Cisco Email Security Appliance (ESA) could allow
an unauthenticated, remote attacker to by CVE-2022-20817 -- A vulnerability in
Cisco Unified IP Phones could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to
impersonate another user's phone if the Cisco Unified Communications Manager
(CUCM) is in secure mode. This vulnerability is due to improper key generation
durin CVE-2022-20819 -- A vulnerability in the web-based management interface of
Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) could allow an authenticated, remote
attacker to obtain sensitive information from an affected device. This
vulnerability exists because administrative privilege CVE-2022-20825 -- A
vulnerability in the web-based management interface of Cisco Small Business
RV110W, RV130, RV130W, and RV215W Routers could allow an unauthenticated, remote
attacker to execute arbitrary code or cause an affected device to restart
unexpectedly, resultin CVE-2022-2086 -- A vulnerability, which was classified as
critical, has been found in SourceCodester Bank Management System 1.0. Affected
by this issue is login.php. The manipulation of the argument password with the
input 1'and 1=2 union select 1,sleep(10),3,4,5 --+ lead CVE-2022-21123 --
Incomplete cleanup of multi-core shared buffers for some Intel(R) Processors may
allow an authenticated user to potentially enable information disclosure via
local access. CVE-2022-21125 -- Incomplete cleanup of microarchitectural fill
buffers on some Intel(R) Processors may allow an authenticated user to
potentially enable information disclosure via local access. CVE-2022-21127 --
Incomplete cleanup in specific special register read operations for some
Intel(R) Processors may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable
information disclosure via local access. CVE-2022-21166 -- Incomplete cleanup in
specific special register write operations for some Intel(R) Processors may
allow an authenticated user to potentially enable information disclosure via
local access. CVE-2022-21180 -- Improper input validation for some Intel(R)
Processors may allow an authenticated user to potentially cause a denial of
service via local access. CVE-2022-21935 -- A vulnerability in Metasys
ADS/ADX/OAS 10 versions prior to 10.1.5 and Metasys ADS/ADX/OAS 11 versions
prior to 11.0.2 allows unverified password change. CVE-2022-21937 -- Under
certain circumstances, a vulnerability in Metasys ADS/ADX/OAS 10 versions prior
to 10.1.5 and Metasys ADS/ADX/OAS 11 versions prior to 11.0.2 could allow a user
to inject malicious code into the web interface. CVE-2022-21938 -- Under certain
circumstances, a vulnerability in Metasys ADS/ADX/OAS 10 versions prior to
10.1.5 and Metasys ADS/ADX/OAS 11 versions prior to 11.0.2 could allow a user to
inject malicious code into the MUI Graphics web interface. CVE-2022-22018 --
HEVC Video Extensions Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This CVE ID is unique
from CVE-2022-29111, CVE-2022-29119, CVE-2022-30188. CVE-2022-22021 -- Microsoft
Edge (Chromium-based) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. CVE-2022-22444 -- IBM
AIX 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, and VIOS 3.1 could allow a local user to exploit a
vulnerability in the lpd daemon to cause a denial of service. IBM X-Force ID:
224444. CVE-2022-22788 -- The Zoom Opener installer is downloaded by a user from
the Launch meeting page, when attempting to join a meeting without having the
Zoom Meeting Client installed. The Zoom Opener installer for Zoom Client for
Meetings before version 5.10.3 and Zoom Rooms CVE-2022-23823 -- A potential
vulnerability in some AMD processors using frequency scaling may allow an
authenticated attacker to execute a timing attack to potentially enable
information disclosure. CVE-2022-24004 -- A Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
vulnerability was discovered in Messenger/messenger_ajax.php in REDCap 12.0.11.
This issue allows any authenticated user to inject arbitrary code into the
messenger title (aka new_title) field when editing an existing c CVE-2022-24127
-- A Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability was discovered in
ProjectGeneral/edit_project_settings.php in REDCap 12.0.11. This issue allows
any user with project management permissions to inject arbitrary code into the
project title (app_title) fiel CVE-2022-24436 -- Observable behavioral in power
management throttling for some Intel(R) Processors may allow an authenticated
user to potentially enable information disclosure via network access.
CVE-2022-24946 -- Improper Resource Locking vulnerability in Mitsubishi Electric
MELSEC-Q Series Q03UDECPU all versions, Mitsubishi Electric MELSEC-Q Series
Q04/06/10/13/20/26/50/100UDEHCPU all versions, Mitsubishi Electric MELSEC-Q
Series Q03/04/06/13/26UDVCPU the first 5 CVE-2022-26057 -- Vulnerabilities in
the Mint WorkBench allow a low privileged attacker to create and write to a file
anywhere on the file system as SYSTEM with arbitrary content as long as the file
does not already exist. The Mint WorkBench installer file allows a low-pri
CVE-2022-27859 -- Multiple Authenticated (contributor or higher user role)
Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in Nicdark d.o.o. Travel
Management plugin <= 2.0 at WordPress. CVE-2022-28225 -- Local privilege
vulnerability in Yandex Browser for Windows prior to allows a local,
low privileged, attacker to execute arbitary code with the SYSTEM privileges
through manipulating symlinks to installation file during Yandex Browser update
pr CVE-2022-28226 -- Local privilege vulnerability in Yandex Browser for Windows
prior to allows a local, low privileged, attacker to execute arbitary
code with the SYSTEM privileges through manipulating temporary files in
directory with insecure permissions during CVE-2022-28612 -- Improper Access
Control vulnerability leading to multiple Authenticated (contributor or higher
user role) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in Muneeb's Custom
Popup Builder plugin <= 1.3.1 at WordPress. CVE-2022-28749 -- Zooms On-Premise
Meeting Connector MMR before version fails to properly check
the permissions of a Zoom meeting attendee. As a result, a threat actor in the
Zooms waiting room can join the meeting without the consent of the host.
CVE-2022-28848 -- Adobe Bridge version 12.0.1 (and earlier versions) is affected
by an out-of-bounds write vulnerability that could result in arbitrary code
execution in the context of the current user. Exploitation of this issue
requires user interaction in that a victim CVE-2022-28849 -- Adobe Bridge
version 12.0.1 (and earlier versions) is affected by a Use-After-Free
vulnerability that could result in arbitrary code execution in the context of
the current user. Exploitation of this issue requires user interaction in that a
victim must o CVE-2022-28850 -- Adobe Bridge version 12.0.1 (and earlier
versions) is affected by an out-of-bounds read vulnerability that could lead to
disclosure of sensitive memory. An attacker could leverage this vulnerability to
bypass mitigations such as ASLR. Exploitation of this CVE-2022-29111 -- HEVC
Video Extensions Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This CVE ID is unique from
CVE-2022-22018, CVE-2022-29119, CVE-2022-30188. CVE-2022-29119 -- HEVC Video
Extensions Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This CVE ID is unique from
CVE-2022-22018, CVE-2022-29111, CVE-2022-30188. CVE-2022-29143 -- Microsoft SQL
Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. CVE-2022-29149 -- Azure Open
Management Infrastructure (OMI) Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability.
CVE-2022-29406 -- Multiple Authenticated (contributor or higher user role)
Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in DynamicWebLab's WordPress
Team Manager plugin <= 1.6.9 at WordPress. CVE-2022-29437 -- Multiple Cross-Site
Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities in Image Slider by NextCode plugin <=
1.1.2 at WordPress. CVE-2022-29438 -- Authenticated (author or higher user role)
Persistent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Image Slider by NextCode
plugin <= 1.1.2 at WordPress. CVE-2022-29439 -- Cross-Site Request Forgery
(CSRF) vulnerability in Image Slider by NextCode plugin <= 1.1.2 at WordPress
allows deleting slides. CVE-2022-29440 -- Multiple Authenticated (contributor or
higher user role) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in Promotion
Slider plugin <= 3.3.4 at WordPress. CVE-2022-29441 -- Cross-Site Request
Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Private Messages For WordPress plugin <= 2.1.10
at WordPress allows attackers to send messages. CVE-2022-29442 -- Authenticated
(subscriber or higher user role) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability
in Messages For WordPress <= 2.1.10 at WordPress. CVE-2022-29443 -- Multiple
Authenticated (contributor or higher user role) Stored Cross-Site Scripting
(XSS) vulnerabilities in Nicdark's Hotel Booking plugin <= 3.0 at WordPress.
CVE-2022-29450 -- Multiple Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities in
Admin Management Xtended plugin <= 2.4.4 at WordPress. CVE-2022-29452 --
Authenticated (editor or higher user role) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
vulnerability in Export All URLs plugin <= 4.1 at WordPress. CVE-2022-29453 --
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in API KEY for Google Maps
plugin <= 1.2.1 at WordPress leading to Google Maps API key update.
CVE-2022-30131 -- Windows Container Isolation FS Filter Driver Elevation of
Privilege Vulnerability. CVE-2022-30132 -- Windows Container Manager Service
Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability. CVE-2022-30135 -- Windows Media Center
Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability. CVE-2022-30137 -- Azure Service Fabric
Container Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability. CVE-2022-30139 -- Windows
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Remote Code Execution
Vulnerability. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2022-30141, CVE-2022-30143,
CVE-2022-30146, CVE-2022-30149, CVE-2022-30153, CVE-2022-30161. CVE-2022-30140
-- Windows iSCSI Discovery Service Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.
CVE-2022-30141 -- Windows Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Remote
Code Execution Vulnerability. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2022-30139,
CVE-2022-30143, CVE-2022-30146, CVE-2022-30149, CVE-2022-30153, CVE-2022-30161.
CVE-2022-30142 -- Windows File History Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.
CVE-2022-30143 -- Windows Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Remote
Code Execution Vulnerability. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2022-30139,
CVE-2022-30141, CVE-2022-30146, CVE-2022-30149, CVE-2022-30153, CVE-2022-30161.
CVE-2022-30145 -- Windows Encrypting File System (EFS) Remote Code Execution
Vulnerability. CVE-2022-30146 -- Windows Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
(LDAP) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This CVE ID is unique from
CVE-2022-30139, CVE-2022-30141, CVE-2022-30143, CVE-2022-30149, CVE-2022-30153,
CVE-2022-30161. CVE-2022-30147 -- Windows Installer Elevation of Privilege
Vulnerability. CVE-2022-30148 -- Windows Desired State Configuration (DSC)
Information Disclosure Vulnerability. CVE-2022-30149 -- Windows Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This CVE
ID is unique from CVE-2022-30139, CVE-2022-30141, CVE-2022-30143,
CVE-2022-30146, CVE-2022-30153, CVE-2022-30161. CVE-2022-30150 -- Windows
Defender Remote Credential Guard Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability.
CVE-2022-30151 -- Windows Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock Elevation of
Privilege Vulnerability. CVE-2022-30152 -- Windows Network Address Translation
(NAT) Denial of Service Vulnerability. CVE-2022-30153 -- Windows Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This CVE
ID is unique from CVE-2022-30139, CVE-2022-30141, CVE-2022-30143,
CVE-2022-30146, CVE-2022-30149, CVE-2022-30161. CVE-2022-30153 -- Windows
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Remote Code Execution
Vulnerability. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2022-30139, CVE-2022-30141,
CVE-2022-30143, CVE-2022-30146, CVE-2022-30149, CVE-2022-30161. CVE-2022-30154
-- Microsoft File Server Shadow Copy Agent Service (RVSS) Elevation of Privilege
Vulnerability. CVE-2022-30155 -- Windows Kernel Denial of Service Vulnerability.
CVE-2022-30157 -- Microsoft SharePoint Server Remote Code Execution
Vulnerability. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2022-30158. CVE-2022-30158 --
Microsoft SharePoint Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This CVE ID is
unique from CVE-2022-30157. CVE-2022-30159 -- Microsoft Office Information
Disclosure Vulnerability. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2022-30171,
CVE-2022-30172. CVE-2022-30160 -- Windows Advanced Local Procedure Call
Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability. CVE-2022-30161 -- Windows Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This CVE
ID is unique from CVE-2022-30139, CVE-2022-30141, CVE-2022-30143,
CVE-2022-30146, CVE-2022-30149, CVE-2022-30153. CVE-2022-30163 -- Windows
Hyper-V Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. CVE-2022-30164 -- Kerberos
AppContainer Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability. CVE-2022-30166 -- Local
Security Authority Subsystem Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability.
CVE-2022-30167 -- AV1 Video Extension Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This
CVE ID is unique from CVE-2022-30193. CVE-2022-30168 -- Microsoft Photos App
Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. CVE-2022-30171 -- Microsoft Office
Information Disclosure Vulnerability. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2022-30159,
CVE-2022-30172. CVE-2022-30172 -- Microsoft Office Information Disclosure
Vulnerability. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2022-30159, CVE-2022-30171.
CVE-2022-30173 -- Microsoft Excel Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.
CVE-2022-30174 -- Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.
CVE-2022-30177 -- Azure RTOS GUIX Studio Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.
This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2022-30178, CVE-2022-30179. CVE-2022-30178 --
Azure RTOS GUIX Studio Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This CVE ID is
unique from CVE-2022-30177, CVE-2022-30179. CVE-2022-30179 -- Azure RTOS GUIX
Studio Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This CVE ID is unique from
CVE-2022-30177, CVE-2022-30178. CVE-2022-30180 -- Azure RTOS GUIX Studio
Information Disclosure Vulnerability. CVE-2022-30184 -- .NET and Visual Studio
Information Disclosure Vulnerability. CVE-2022-30188 -- HEVC Video Extensions
Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2022-22018,
CVE-2022-29111, CVE-2022-29119. CVE-2022-30189 -- Windows Autopilot Device
Management and Enrollment Client Spoofing Vulnerability. CVE-2022-30193 -- AV1
Video Extension Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This CVE ID is unique from
CVE-2022-30167. CVE-2022-30648 -- Adobe Illustrator versions 26.0.2 (and
earlier) and 25.4.5 (and earlier) are affected by a Use-After-Free vulnerability
that could result in arbitrary code execution in the context of the current
user. Exploitation of this issue requires user interaction CVE-2022-30649 --
Adobe Illustrator versions 26.0.2 (and earlier) and 25.4.5 (and earlier) are
affected by an out-of-bounds write vulnerability that could result in arbitrary
code execution in the context of the current user. Exploitation of this issue
requires user intera CVE-2022-30669 -- Adobe Illustrator versions 26.0.2 (and
earlier) and 25.4.5 (and earlier) are affected by an out-of-bounds read
vulnerability that could lead to disclosure of sensitive memory. An attacker
could leverage this vulnerability to bypass mitigations such as ASL
CVE-2022-31044 -- Rundeck is an open source automation service with a web
console, command line tools and a WebAPI. The Key Storage converter plugin
mechanism was not enabled correctly in Rundeck 4.2.0 and 4.2.1, resulting in use
of the encryption layer for Key Storage pos CVE-2022-31069 -- NestJS Proxy is a
NestJS module to decorate and proxy calls. Prior to version 0.7.0, the
nestjs-proxy library did not have a way to control when Authorization headers
should should be forwarded for specific backend services configured by the
application d CVE-2022-31070 -- NestJS Proxy is a NestJS module to decorate and
proxy calls. Prior to version 0.7.0, the nestjs-proxy library did not have a way
to block sensitive cookies (e.g. session cookies) from being forwarded to
backend services configured by the application devel CVE-2022-31071 --
Octopoller is a micro gem for polling and retrying. Version 0.2.0 of the
octopoller gem was published containing world-writeable files. Specifically, the
gem was packed with files having their permissions set to `-rw-rw-rw-` (i.e.
0666) instead of `rw-r-- CVE-2022-31072 -- Octokit is a Ruby toolkit for the
GitHub API. Versions 4.23.0 and 4.24.0 of the octokit gem were published
containing world-writeable files. Specifically, the gem was packed with files
having their permissions set to `-rw-rw-rw-` (i.e. 0666) instead of `r
CVE-2022-31219 -- Vulnerabilities in the Drive Composer allow a low privileged
attacker to create and write to a file anywhere on the file system as SYSTEM
with arbitrary content as long as the file does not already exist. The Drive
Composer installer file allows a low-pri CVE-2022-32101 -- kkcms v1.3.7 was
discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the cid parameter at
/template/wapian/vlist.php. CVE-2022-32151 -- The httplib and urllib Python
libraries that Splunk shipped with Splunk Enterprise did not validate
certificates using the certificate authority (CA) certificate stores by default
in Splunk Enterprise versions before 9.0 and Splunk Cloud Platform versions
CVE-2022-32153 -- Splunk Enterprise peers in Splunk Enterprise versions before
9.0 and Splunk Cloud Platform versions before 8.2.2203 did not validate the TLS
certificates during Splunk-to-Splunk communications by default. Splunk peer
communications configured properly wit CVE-2022-32154 -- Dashboards in Splunk
Enterprise versions before 9.0 might let an attacker inject risky search
commands into a form token when the token is used in a query in a cross-origin
request. The result bypasses SPL safeguards for risky commands. See New
capabiliti CVE-2022-32155 -- In universal forwarder versions before 9.0,
management services are available remotely by default. When not required, it
introduces a potential exposure, but it is not a vulnerability. If exposed, we
recommend each customer assess the potential severity s CVE-2022-32156 -- In
Splunk Enterprise and Universal Forwarder versions before 9.0, the Splunk
command-line interface (CLI) did not validate TLS certificates while connecting
to a remote Splunk platform instance by default. Splunk peer communications
configured properly wi CVE-2022-32157 -- Splunk Enterprise deployment servers in
versions before 9.0 allow unauthenticated downloading of forwarder bundles.
Remediation requires you to update the deployment server to version 9.0 and
Configure authentication for deployment servers and clients (ht CVE-2022-32158
-- Splunk Enterprise deployment servers in versions before 9.0 let clients
deploy forwarder bundles to other deployment clients through the deployment
server. An attacker that compromised a Universal Forwarder endpoint could use
the vulnerability to execute CVE-2022-32280 -- Authenticated (contributor or
higher user role) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Xakuro's XO
Slider plugin <= 3.3.2 at WordPress. CVE-2022-32299 -- YoudianCMS v9.5.0 was
discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the id parameter at
/App/Lib/Action/Admin/SiteAction.class.php. CVE-2022-32300 -- YoudianCMS v9.5.0
was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the MailSendID
parameter at /App/Lib/Action/Admin/MailAction.class.php. CVE-2022-32301 --
YoudianCMS v9.5.0 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via
the IdList parameter at /App/Lib/Action/Home/ApiAction.class.php. CVE-2022-32302
-- Theme Park Ticketing System v1.0 was discovered to contain a SQL injection
vulnerability via the id parameter at edit_ticket.php. CVE-2022-32368 --
itsourcecode Advanced School Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL
Injection via /school/model/get_grade.php?id=. CVE-2022-32370 -- itsourcecode
Advanced School Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/school/model/get_classroom.php?id=. CVE-2022-32371 -- itsourcecode Advanced
School Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/school/model/get_teacher.php?id=. CVE-2022-32372 -- itsourcecode Advanced
School Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/school/model/get_subject.php?id=. CVE-2022-32373 -- itsourcecode Advanced
School Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/school/model/get_exam.php?id=. CVE-2022-32374 -- itsourcecode Advanced School
Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/school/model/get_subject_routing.php?id=. CVE-2022-32375 -- itsourcecode
Advanced School Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/school/model/get_timetable.php?id=. CVE-2022-32376 -- itsourcecode Advanced
School Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/school/model/get_events.php?event_id=. CVE-2022-32377 -- itsourcecode Advanced
School Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/school/model/get_exam_timetable.php?id=. CVE-2022-32378 -- itsourcecode
Advanced School Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/school/model/get_teacher_profile.php?my_index=. CVE-2022-32379 -- itsourcecode
Advanced School Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/school/model/get_parents_profile.php?my_index=. CVE-2022-32380 -- itsourcecode
Advanced School Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/school/model/get_student_subject.php?index=. CVE-2022-32381 -- itsourcecode
Advanced School Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/school/model/get_admin_profile.php?my_index=. CVE-2022-32433 -- itsourcecode
Advanced School Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to Arbitrary code execution
via ip/school/view/all_teacher.php. CVE-2022-32550 -- An issue was discovered in
AgileBits 1Password, involving the method various 1Password apps and
integrations used to create connections to the 1Password service. In specific
circumstances, this issue allowed a malicious server to convince a 1Password app
CVE-2022-32991 -- Web Based Quiz System v1.0 was discovered to contain a SQL
injection vulnerability via the eid parameter at welcome.php. CVE-2022-32992 --
Online Tours And Travels Management System v1.0 was discovered to contain a SQL
injection vulnerability via the tname parameter at /admin/operations/tax.php.
CVE-2022-33140 -- The optional ShellUserGroupProvider in Apache NiFi 1.10.0 to
1.16.2 and Apache NiFi Registry 0.6.0 to 1.16.2 does not neutralize arguments
for group resolution commands, allowing injection of operating system commands
on Linux and macOS platforms. The She CVE-2021-30281 --
Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT,
Snapdragon Voice & Music, Snapdragon Wearables, Snapdragon Wired Infrastructure
and Networking CVE-2021-30327 -- Buffer overflow in sahara protocol while
processing commands leads to overwrite of secure configuration data in
Snapdragon Mobile, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon IOT,
Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Voice & Music CVE-2021-30334 -- Possible use
after free due to lack of null check of DRM file status after file structure is
freed in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity,
Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Voice & Music,
Snapdragon We CVE-2021-30338 -- Improper input validation in TrustZone memory
transfer interface can lead to information disclosure in Snapdragon Compute
CVE-2021-30339 -- Reading PRNG output may lead to improper key generation due to
lack of buffer validation in Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Industrial IOT,
Snapdragon Mobile, Snapdragon Wearables, Snapdragon Wired Infrastructure and
Networking CVE-2021-30340 -- Reachable assertion due to improper validation of
coreset in PDCCH configuration in SA mode in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon
Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile
CVE-2021-30341 -- Improper buffer size validation of DSM packet received can
lead to memory corruption in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon
Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer Electronics Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer
IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdra CVE-2021-30342 -- Improper integrity
check can lead to race condition between tasks PDCP and RRC? after a valid RRC
Command packet has been received in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute,
Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Voice & Music,
Snapdr CVE-2021-30343 -- Improper integrity check can lead to race condition
between tasks PDCP and RRC? after a valid RRC Command packet has been received
in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon
Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile CVE-2021-30344 -- Improper authorization of a
replayed LTE security mode command can lead to a denial of service in Snapdragon
Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT,
Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile, Snapdragon Voice & Music
CVE-2021-30346 -- RPM secure Stream can access any secure resource due to
improper SMMU configuration in Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile,
Snapdragon Wearables, Snapdragon Wired Infrastructure and Networking
CVE-2021-30347 -- Improper integrity check can lead to race condition between
tasks PDCP and RRC? right after a valid RRC Command packet has been received in
Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon
Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile CVE-2021-30349 -- Improper access control
sequence for AC database after memory allocation can lead to possible memory
corruption in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity,
Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Voice & Music,
CVE-2021-30350 -- Lack of MBN header size verification against input buffer can
lead to memory corruption in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon
Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon
Wearables CVE-2021-35070 -- RPM secure Stream can access any secure resource due
to improper SMMU configuration and can lead to information disclosure in
Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile CVE-2021-35071 -- Possible buffer
over read due to lack of size validation while copying data from DBR buffer to
RX buffer and can lead to Denial of Service in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon
Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile,
Snapd CVE-2021-35072 -- Possible buffer overflow due to improper validation of
array index while processing external DIAG command in Snapdragon Auto,
Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile,
Snapdragon Voice & Music, Snapdragon Wearables CVE-2021-35073 -- Possible
assertion due to improper validation of rank restriction field in Snapdragon
Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Industrial IOT,
Snapdragon Mobile CVE-2021-35076 -- Possible null pointer dereference due to
improper validation of RRC connection reconfiguration message in Snapdragon
Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Industrial IOT,
Snapdragon Mobile CVE-2021-35078 -- Possible memory leak due to improper
validation of certificate chain length while parsing server certificate chain in
Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon
Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile, Snap CVE-2021-35079
-- Improper validation of permissions for third party application accessing
Telephony service API can lead to information disclosure in Snapdragon Compute,
Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT,
Snapdragon Mobile CVE-2021-35080 -- Disabled SMMU from secure side while RPM is
assigned a secure stream can lead to information disclosure in Snapdragon
Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile, Snapdragon Wearables CVE-2021-35081 --
Possible buffer overflow due to improper validation of SSID length received from
beacon or probe response during an IBSS session in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon
Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer Electronics Connectivity,
Snapdragon Indu CVE-2021-35082 -- Improper integrity check can lead to race
condition between tasks PDCP and RRC? right after a valid RRC security mode
command packet has been received in Snapdragon Industrial IOT CVE-2021-35083 --
Possible out of bound read due to improper validation of certificate chain in
SSL or Internet key exchange in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon
Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer Electronics Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer
IOT, Snapdragon I CVE-2021-35084 -- Possible out of bound read due to lack of
length check of data length for a DIAG event in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon
Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer Electronics Connectivity,
Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapd CVE-2021-35085 --
Possible buffer overflow due to lack of buffer length check during management
frame Rx handling in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon
Connectivity, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile CVE-2021-35086 --
Possible buffer over read due to improper validation of SIB type when processing
a NR system Information message in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute,
Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile
CVE-2021-35087 -- Possible null pointer access due to improper validation of
system information message to be processed in Snapdragon Industrial IOT,
Snapdragon Mobile CVE-2021-35090 -- Possible hypervisor memory corruption due to
TOC TOU race condition when updating address mappings in Snapdragon Auto,
Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Industrial IOT,
Snapdragon Mobile CVE-2021-35091 -- Possible out of bounds read due to improper
typecasting while handling page fault for global memory in Snapdragon
Connectivity, Snapdragon Mobile CVE-2021-35092 -- Processing DCB/AVB algorithm
with an invalid queue index from IOCTL request could lead to arbitrary address
modification in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity,
Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile
CVE-2021-35094 -- Improper verification of timeout-based authentication in
identity credential can lead to invalid authorization in HLOS in Snapdragon
Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Industrial IOT,
Snapdragon Mobile CVE-2021-35095 -- Improper serialization of message queue
client registration can lead to race condition allowing multiple gunyah message
clients to register with same label in Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon
Mobile CVE-2021-35096 -- Improper memory allocation during counter check DLM
handling can lead to denial of service in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute,
Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile
CVE-2021-35098 -- Improper validation of session id in PCM routing process can
lead to memory corruption in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon
Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon
Mobile, Snapdragon Voice & Music, Snapdr CVE-2021-35100 -- Possible buffer over
read due to improper calculation of string length while parsing Id3 tag in
Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon
Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile, Snapdragon Voice &
Music, CVE-2021-35101 -- Improper handling of writes to virtual GICR control can
lead to assertion failure in the hypervisor in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon
Compute, Snapdragon Mobile CVE-2021-35102 -- Possible buffer overflow due to
lack of validation for the length of NAI string read from EFS in Snapdragon
Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Mobile
CVE-2021-35104 -- Possible buffer overflow due to improper parsing of headers
while playing the FLAC audio clip in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute,
Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT,
Snapdragon Voice & Music, Snapdragon Wearabl CVE-2021-35111 -- Improper
validation of tag id while RRC sending tag id to MAC can lead to TOCTOU race
condition in Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Mobile CVE-2021-35112 -- A user
with user level permission can access graphics protected region due to improper
access control in register configuration in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute,
Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT,
Snapdragon CVE-2021-35114 -- Improper buffer initialization on the backend
driver can lead to buffer overflow in Snapdragon Auto CVE-2021-35116 -- APK can
load a crafted model into the CDSP which can lead to a compromise of CDSP and
other APK`s data executing there in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute,
Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT,
Snapdragon Mobile, CVE-2021-35118 -- An out-of-bounds write can occur due to an
incorrect input check in the camera driver in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon
Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial
IOT, Snapdragon Mobile, Snapdragon Voice & Music, Snapdra CVE-2021-35119 --
Potential out of Bounds read in FIPS event processing due to improper validation
of the length from the firmware in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute,
Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile
CVE-2021-35120 -- Improper handling between export and release functions on the
same handle from client can lead to use after free in Snapdragon Compute,
Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile
CVE-2021-35121 -- An array index is improperly used to lock and unlock a mutex
which can lead to a Use After Free condition In the Synx driver in Snapdragon
Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile
CVE-2021-35123 -- Buffer copy in GATT multi notification due to improper length
check for the data coming over-the-air in Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon
Industrial IOT CVE-2021-35126 -- Memory corruption in DSP service due to
improper validation of input parameters in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute,
Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile
CVE-2021-35129 -- Memory corruption in BT controller due to improper length
check while processing vendor specific commands in Snapdragon Compute,
Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer Electronics Connectivity,
Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile, Snapdrago CVE-2021-35130 -- Memory
corruption in graphics support layer due to use after free condition in
Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon
Mobile, Snapdragon Wearables CVE-2021-35130 -- Memory corruption in graphics
support layer due to use after free condition in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon
Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile, Snapdragon Wearables
CVE-2021-37182 -- A vulnerability has been identified in SCALANCE XM408-4C (All
versions < V6.5), SCALANCE XM408-4C (L3 int.) (All versions < V6.5), SCALANCE
XM408-8C (All versions < V6.5), SCALANCE XM408-8C (L3 int.) (All versions <
V6.5), SCALANCE XM416-4C (All versions CVE-2021-40616 -- thinkcmf v5.1.7 has an
unauthorized vulnerability. The attacker can modify the password of the
administrator account with id 1 through the background user management group
permissions. The use condition is that the background user management group
authori CVE-2021-40633 -- A memory leak (out-of-memory) in gif2rgb in
util/gif2rgb.c in giflib 5.1.4 allows remote attackers trigger an out of memory
exception or denial of service via a gif format file. CVE-2021-40649 -- In Connx
Version (20210623), a cookie can be issued by the application and not
have the HttpOnly flag set. CVE-2021-40650 -- In Connx Version
(20210623), a cookie can be issued by the application and not have the secure
flag set. CVE-2021-40658 -- Textpattern 4.8.7 is affected by a HTML injection
vulnerability through “Content>Write>Body”. CVE-2021-40660 -- An issue was
discovered in Delight Nashorn Sandbox 0.2.0. There is an ReDoS vulnerability
that can be exploited to launching a denial of service (DoS) attack.
CVE-2021-40678 -- In Piwigo 11.5.0, there exists a persistent cross-site
scripting in the single mode function through
/admin.php?page=batch_manager&mode=unit. CVE-2021-42675 -- Kreado Kreasfero 1.5
does not properly sanitize uploaded files to the media directory. One can upload
a malicious PHP file and obtain remote code execution. CVE-2022-2076 -- **
DISPUTED ** A vulnerability has been found in Microsoft O365 and classified as
critical. The session cookies introduce a session expiration issue as they might
be used by two clients at the same time. The attack can be initiated remotely.
Exploit detai CVE-2022-2077 -- A vulnerability was found in Microsoft O365 and
classified as critical. This issue affects the Conditional Access Policy which
leads to improper access controls. By default the policy is not verified for
every request. The attack may be initiated remotely CVE-2022-2079 -- Cross-site
Scripting (XSS) - Stored in GitHub repository nocodb/nocodb prior to 0.91.7+.
CVE-2022-21504 -- The code in UEK6 U3 was missing an appropiate file descriptor
count to be missing. This resulted in a use count error that allowed a file
descriptor to a socket to be closed and freed while it was still in use by
another portion of the kernel. An attack w CVE-2022-22057 -- Use after free in
graphics fence due to a race condition while closing fence file descriptor and
destroy graphics timeline simultaneously in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute,
Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile, Snapdr
CVE-2022-22064 -- Possible buffer over read due to lack of size validation while
unpacking frame in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity,
Snapdragon Consumer Electronics Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT,
Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mo CVE-2022-22065 -- Out of bound read in
WLAN HOST due to improper length check can lead to DOS in Snapdragon Auto,
Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer Electronics
Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon
Mobil CVE-2022-22068 -- kernel event may contain unexpected content which is not
generated by NPU software in asynchronous execution mode in Snapdragon Auto,
Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon
Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile, Snapd CVE-2022-22071 -- Possible use after
free when process shell memory is freed using IOCTL munmap call and process
initialization is in progress in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon
Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mo
CVE-2022-22072 -- Buffer overflow can occur due to improper validation of NDP
application information length in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute,
Snapdragon Consumer Electronics Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT,
Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile, Snapdra CVE-2022-22082 -- Memory
corruption due to possible buffer overflow while parsing DSF header with
corrupted channel count in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon
Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon
Mobile, Snapdragon Voic CVE-2022-22083 -- Denial of service due to memory
corruption while extracting ape header from clips in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon
Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial
IOT, Snapdragon Mobile, Snapdragon Voice & Music, Snapdragon CVE-2022-22084 --
Memory corruption when extracting qcp audio file due to lack of check on data
length in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity,
Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile,
Snapdragon Voice & Music, Snapdrag CVE-2022-22085 -- Memory corruption in video
due to buffer overflow while reading the dts file in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon
Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial
IOT, Snapdragon Mobile, Snapdragon Voice & Music, Snapdragon Weara
CVE-2022-22086 -- Memory corruption in video due to double free while parsing
3gp clip with invalid meta data atoms in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute,
Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT,
Snapdragon Mobile, Snapdragon Voice & Mu CVE-2022-22087 -- memory corruption in
video due to buffer overflow while parsing mkv clip with no codechecker in
Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon
Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile, Snapdragon Voice &
Music, CVE-2022-22090 -- Memory corruption in audio due to use after free while
managing buffers from internal cache in Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon
Connectivity, Snapdragon Mobile CVE-2022-22103 -- Memory corruption in
multimedia driver due to double free while processing data from user in
Snapdragon Auto CVE-2022-25167 -- Apache Flume versions 1.4.0 through 1.9.0 are
vulnerable to a remote code execution (RCE) attack when a configuration uses a
JMS Source with a JNDI LDAP data source URI when an attacker has control of the
target LDAP server. This issue is fixed by limitin CVE-2022-25651 -- Memory
corruption in bluetooth host due to integer overflow while processing BT
HFP-UNIT profile in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon
Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile, Snapdragon Voice & Music CVE-2022-26302 --
Heap-based buffer overflow exists in the simulator module contained in the
graphic editor 'V-SFT' versions prior to v6.1.6.0, which may allow an attacker
to obtain information and/or execute arbitrary code by having a user to open a
specially crafted imag CVE-2022-26476 -- A vulnerability has been identified in
Spectrum Power 4 (All versions using Shared HIS), Spectrum Power 7 (All versions
using Shared HIS), Spectrum Power MGMS (All versions using Shared HIS). An
unauthenticated attacker could log into the component Shared CVE-2022-27176 --
Incomplete filtering of special elements vulnerability exists in RevoWorks SCVX
using 'File Sanitization Library' 1.043 and prior versions, RevoWorks Browser
2.2.67 and prior versions (when using 'File Sanitization Option'), and RevoWorks
Desktop 2.1.84 a CVE-2022-27219 -- A vulnerability has been identified in SINEMA
Remote Connect Server (All versions < V3.0 SP2). Affected application is missing
general HTTP security headers in the web server configured on port 443. This
could aid attackers by making the servers more pron CVE-2022-27220 -- A
vulnerability has been identified in SINEMA Remote Connect Server (All versions
< V3.0 SP2). Affected application is missing general HTTP security headers in
the web server configured on port 6220. This could aid attackers by making the
servers more pro CVE-2022-27221 -- A vulnerability has been identified in SINEMA
Remote Connect Server (All versions < V3.1). An attacker in
machine-in-the-middle could obtain plaintext secret values by observing length
differences during a series of guesses in which a string in an HTTP re
CVE-2022-27668 -- Depending on the configuration of the route permission table
in file 'saprouttab', it is possible for an unauthenticated attacker to execute
SAProuter administration commands in SAP NetWeaver and ABAP Platform - versions
KERNEL 7.49, 7.77, 7.81, 7.85, 7.8 CVE-2022-27889 -- The Multipass service was
found to have code paths that could be abused to cause a denial of service for
authentication or authorization operations. A malicious attacker could perform
an application-level denial of service attack, potentially causing auth
CVE-2022-29034 -- A vulnerability has been identified in SINEMA Remote Connect
Server (All versions < V3.1). An error message pop up window in the web
interface of the affected application does not prevent injection of JavaScript
code. This could allow attackers to perform CVE-2022-29238 -- Jupyter Notebook
is a web-based notebook environment for interactive computing. Prior to version
6.4.12, authenticated requests to the notebook server with
`ContentsManager.allow_hidden = False` only prevented listing the contents of
hidden directories, n CVE-2022-29241 -- Jupyter Server provides the backend
(i.e. the core services, APIs, and REST endpoints) for Jupyter web applications
like Jupyter Notebook. Prior to version 1.17.1, if notebook server is started
with a value of `root_dir` that contains the starting user's CVE-2022-29482 --
'Mobaoku-Auction&Flea Market' App for iOS versions prior to 5.5.16 improperly
verifies server certificates, which may allow an attacker to eavesdrop on an
encrypted communication via a man-in-the-middle attack. CVE-2022-29485 --
Cross-site scripting vulnerability in SHIRASAGI v1.0.0 to v1.14.2, and v1.15.0
allows a remote attacker to inject an arbitrary script via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2022-29506 -- Out-of-bounds read vulnerability exist in the simulator module
contained in the graphic editor 'V-SFT' v6.1.3.0 and earlier, which may allow an
attacker to obtain information and/or execute arbitrary code by having a user to
open a specially crafted image CVE-2022-29509 -- Directory traversal
vulnerability in T&D Data Server (Japanese Edition) Ver.2.22 and earlier, T&D
Data Server (English Edition) Ver.2.30 and earlier, THERMO RECORDER DATA SERVER
(Japanese Edition) Ver.2.13 and earlier, and THERMO RECORDER DATA SERVER (Eng
CVE-2022-29522 -- Use after free vulnerability exists in the simulator module
contained in the graphic editor 'V-SFT' versions prior to v6.1.6.0, which may
allow an attacker to obtain information and/or execute arbitrary code by having
a user to open a specially crafted im CVE-2022-29524 -- Out-of-bounds write
vulnerability exists in V-Server v4.0.11.0 and earlier and V-Server Lite
v4.0.13.0 and earlier, which may allow an attacker to obtain information and/or
execute arbitrary code by having a user to open a specially crafted image file.
CVE-2022-29612 -- SAP NetWeaver, ABAP Platform and SAP Host Agent - versions
KERNEL 7.22, 7.49, 7.53, 7.77, 7.81, 7.85, 7.86, 7.87, 7.88, 8.04, KRNL64NUC
7.22, 7.22EXT, 7.49, KRNL64UC 7.22, 7.22EXT, 7.49, 7.53, 8.04, SAPHOSTAGENT
7.22, allows an authenticated user to misus CVE-2022-29614 -- SAP startservice -
of SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP, Application Server Java, ABAP Platform
and HANA Database - versions KERNEL 7.22, 7.49, 7.53, 7.77, 7.81, 7.85, 7.86,
7.87, 7.88, KRNL64NUC 7.22, 7.22EXT, 7.49, KRNL64UC 7.22, 7.22EXT, 7.49, 7.53
CVE-2022-29615 -- SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (NWDS) - version 7.50, is based
on Eclipse, which contains the logging framework log4j in version 1.x. The
application's confidentiality and integrity could have a low impact due to the
vulnerabilities associated with versio CVE-2022-29618 -- Due to insufficient
input validation, SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (Design Time
Repository) - versions 7.30, 7.31, 7.40, 7.50, allows an unauthenticated
attacker to inject script into the URL and execute code in the user’s browser.
On successf CVE-2022-29925 -- Access of uninitialized pointer vulnerability
exists in the simulator module contained in the graphic editor 'V-SFT' versions
prior to v6.1.6.0, which may allow an attacker to obtain information and/or
execute arbitrary code by having a user to open a spe CVE-2022-30231 -- A
vulnerability has been identified in SICAM GridEdge Essential ARM (All versions
< V2.6.6), SICAM GridEdge Essential Intel (All versions < V2.6.6), SICAM
GridEdge Essential with GDS ARM (All versions < V2.6.6), SICAM GridEdge
Essential with GDS Intel (Al CVE-2022-30903 -- Nokia "G-2425G-A" Bharti Airtel
Routers Hardware version "3FE48299DEAA" Software Version "3FE49362IJHK42" is
vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) via the admin->Maintenance>Device
Management. CVE-2022-30930 -- Tourism Management System Version: V 3.2 is
affected by: Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF). CVE-2022-30931 -- Employee
Leaves Management System (ELMS) V 2.1 is vulnerable to Cross Site Request
Forgery (CSRF) via /myprofile.php. CVE-2022-30937 -- A vulnerability has been
identified in EN100 Ethernet module DNP3 IP variant (All versions), EN100
Ethernet module IEC 104 variant (All versions), EN100 Ethernet module IEC 61850
variant (All versions < V4.37), EN100 Ethernet module Modbus TCP variant (Al
CVE-2022-31046 -- TYPO3 is an open source web content management system. Prior
to versions 7.6.57 ELTS, 8.7.47 ELTS, 9.5.34 ELTS, 10.4.29, and 11.5.11, the
export functionality fails to limit the result set to allowed columns of a
particular database table. This way, authe CVE-2022-31047 -- TYPO3 is an open
source web content management system. Prior to versions 7.6.57 ELTS, 8.7.47
ELTS, 9.5.34 ELTS, 10.4.29, and 11.5.11, system internal credentials or keys
(e.g. database credentials) can be logged as plaintext in exception handlers,
when lo CVE-2022-31048 -- TYPO3 is an open source web content management system.
Prior to versions 8.7.47 ELTS, 9.5.34 ELTS, 10.4.29, and 11.5.11, the Form
Designer backend module of the Form Framework is vulnerable to cross-site
scripting. A valid backend user account with access CVE-2022-31049 -- TYPO3 is
an open source web content management system. Prior to versions 9.5.34 ELTS,
10.4.29, and 11.5.11, user submitted content was used without being properly
encoded in HTML emails sent to users. The actually affected components were mail
clients use CVE-2022-31050 -- TYPO3 is an open source web content management
system. Prior to versions 9.5.34 ELTS, 10.4.29, and 11.5.11, Admin Tool sessions
initiated via the TYPO3 backend user interface had not been revoked even if the
corresponding user account was degraded to lowe CVE-2022-31059 -- Discourse
Calendar is a calendar plugin for Discourse, an open-source messaging app. Prior
to version 1.0.1, parsing and rendering of Event names can be susceptible to
cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. This vulnerability only affects sites which
have mo CVE-2022-31060 -- Discourse is an open-source discussion platform. Prior
to version 2.8.4 in the `stable` branch and version `2.9.0.beta5` in the `beta`
and `tests-passed` branches, banner topic data is exposed on login-required
sites. This issue is patched in version 2.8. CVE-2022-31066 -- EdgeX Foundry is
an open source project for building a common open framework for Internet of
Things edge computing. Prior to version 2.1.1, the /api/v2/config endpoint
exposes message bus credentials to local unauthenticated users. In
security-enabled mod CVE-2022-31273 -- An issue in TopIDP3000 Topsec Operating
System tos_3.3.005.665b.15_smpidp allows attackers to perform a brute-force
attack via a crafted session_id cookie. CVE-2022-31289 --
https://ossindex.sonatype.org/ Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager OSS 3.37.3-02
is affected by: Incorrect Access Control. The impact is: Authentication Bypass
(remote). The component is: Admin Panel. The attack vector is: With the help of
response manipula CVE-2022-31308 -- A vulnerability in live_mfg.shtml of WAVLINK
AERIAL X 1200M M79X3.V5030.191012 allows attackers to obtain sensitive router
information via execution of the exec cmd function. CVE-2022-31309 -- A
vulnerability in live_check.shtml of WAVLINK AERIAL X 1200M M79X3.V5030.180719
allows attackers to obtain sensitive router information via execution of the
exec cmd function. CVE-2022-31311 -- An issue in adm.cgi of WAVLINK AERIAL X
1200M M79X3.V5030.180719 allows attackers to execute arbitrary commands via a
crafted POST request. CVE-2022-31403 -- ITOP v3.0.1 was discovered to contain a
cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability via /itop/pages/ajax.render.php.
CVE-2022-31415 -- Online Fire Reporting System v1.0 was discovered to contain a
SQL injection vulnerability via the GET parameter in /report/list.php.
CVE-2022-31446 -- Tenda AC18 router V15.03.05.19 and V15.03.05.05 was discovered
to contain a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability via the Mac parameter at
ip/goform/WriteFacMac. CVE-2022-31447 -- An XML external entity (XXE) injection
vulnerability in Magicpin v3.4 allows attackers to access sensitive database
information via a crafted SVG file. CVE-2022-31465 -- A vulnerability has been
identified in Xpedition Designer (All versions < VX.2.11). The affected
application assigns improper access rights to the service executable. This could
allow an authenticated local attacker to inject arbitrary code and escalate p
CVE-2022-31589 -- Due to improper authorization check, business users who are
using Israeli File from SHAAM program (/ATL/VQ23 transaction), are granted more
than needed authorization to perform certain transaction, which may lead to
users getting access to data that would CVE-2022-31590 -- SAP PowerDesigner
Proxy - version 16.7, allows an attacker with low privileges and has local
access, with the ability to work around system’s root disk access restrictions
to Write/Create a program file on system disk root path, which could then be
execut CVE-2022-31594 -- A highly privileged user can exploit SUID-root program
to escalate his privileges to root on a local Unix system. CVE-2022-31595 -- SAP
Financial Consolidation - version 1010,?does not perform necessary authorization
checks for an authenticated user, resulting in escalation of privileges.
CVE-2022-31619 -- A vulnerability has been identified in Teamcenter V12.4 (All
versions < V12.4.0.13), Teamcenter V13.0 (All versions < V13.0.0.9), Teamcenter
V13.1 (All versions < V13.1.0.9), Teamcenter V13.2 (All versions), Teamcenter
V13.3 (All versions < V13.3.0.3), Te CVE-2022-31845 -- A vulnerability in
live_check.shtml of WAVLINK WN535 G3 M35G3R.V5030.180927 allows attackers to
obtain sensitive router information via execution of the exec cmd function.
CVE-2022-31846 -- A vulnerability in live_mfg.shtml of WAVLINK WN535 G3
M35G3R.V5030.180927 allows attackers to obtain sensitive router information via
execution of the exec cmd function. CVE-2022-31847 -- A vulnerability in
/cgi-bin/ExportAllSettings.sh of WAVLINK WN579 X3 M79X3.V5030.180719 allows
attackers to obtain sensitive router information via a crafted POST request.
CVE-2022-32145 -- A vulnerability has been identified in Teamcenter Active
Workspace V5.2 (All versions < V5.2.9), Teamcenter Active Workspace V6.0 (All
versions < V6.0.3). A reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exists
in the web interface of the affected app CVE-2022-32230 -- Microsoft Windows
SMBv3 suffers from a null pointer dereference in versions of Windows prior to
the April, 2022 patch set. By sending a malformed FileNormalizedNameInformation
SMBv3 request over a named pipe, an attacker can cause a Blue Screen of Death (
CVE-2022-32235 -- When a user opens manipulated AutoCAD (.dwg,
TeighaTranslator.exe) files received from untrusted sources in SAP 3D Visual
Enterprise Viewer, the application crashes and becomes temporarily unavailable
to the user until restart of the application. CVE-2022-32236 -- When a user
opens manipulated Windows Bitmap (.bmp, 2d.x3d) files received from untrusted
sources in SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Viewer, the application crashes and becomes
temporarily unavailable to the user until restart of the application.
CVE-2022-32237 -- When a user opens manipulated Computer Graphics Metafile
(.cgm, CgmCore.dll) files received from untrusted sources in SAP 3D Visual
Enterprise Viewer, the application crashes and becomes temporarily unavailable
to the user until restart of the application CVE-2022-32238 -- When a user opens
manipulated Encapsulated Post Script (.eps, ai.x3d) files received from
untrusted sources in SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Viewer, the application crashes
and becomes temporarily unavailable to the user until restart of the
application. CVE-2022-32239 -- When a user opens manipulated JPEG 2000 (.jp2,
jp2k.x3d) files received from untrusted sources in SAP 3D Visual Enterprise
Viewer, the application crashes and becomes temporarily unavailable to the user
until restart of the application. CVE-2022-32240 -- When a user opens
manipulated Jupiter Tesselation (.jt, JTReader.x3d) files received from
untrusted sources in SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Viewer, the application crashes
and becomes temporarily unavailable to the user until restart of the
application. CVE-2022-32241 -- When a user opens manipulated Portable Document
Format (.pdf, PDFView.x3d) files received from untrusted sources in SAP 3D
Visual Enterprise Viewer, the application crashes and becomes temporarily
unavailable to the user until restart of the application. CVE-2022-32242 -- When
a user opens manipulated Radiance Picture (.hdr, hdr.x3d) files received from
untrusted sources in SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Viewer, the application crashes
and becomes temporarily unavailable to the user until restart of the
application. CVE-2022-32243 -- When a user opens manipulated Scalable Vector
Graphics (.svg, svg.x3d) files received from untrusted sources in SAP 3D Visual
Enterprise Viewer, the application crashes and becomes temporarily unavailable
to the user until restart of the application. CVE-2022-32251 -- A vulnerability
has been identified in SINEMA Remote Connect Server (All versions < V3.1). There
is a missing authentication verification for a resource used to change the roles
and permissions of a user. This could allow an attacker to change the permiss
CVE-2022-32252 -- A vulnerability has been identified in SINEMA Remote Connect
Server (All versions < V3.1). The application does not perform the integrity
check of the update packages. Without validation, an admin user might be tricked
to install a malicious package, gran CVE-2022-32253 -- A vulnerability has been
identified in SINEMA Remote Connect Server (All versions < V3.1). Due to
improper input validation, the OpenSSL certificate's password could be printed
to a file reachable by an attacker. CVE-2022-32254 -- A vulnerability has been
identified in SINEMA Remote Connect Server (All versions < V3.1). A customized
HTTP POST request could force the application to write the status of a given
user to a log file, exposing sensitive user information that could provide
CVE-2022-32255 -- A vulnerability has been identified in SINEMA Remote Connect
Server (All versions < V3.1). The affected application consists of a web service
that lacks proper access control for some of the endpoints. This could lead to
unauthorized access to limited inf CVE-2022-32256 -- A vulnerability has been
identified in SINEMA Remote Connect Server (All versions < V3.1). The affected
application consists of a web service that lacks proper access control for some
of the endpoints. This could lead to low privileged users accessing pri
CVE-2022-32258 -- A vulnerability has been identified in SINEMA Remote Connect
Server (All versions < V3.1). The affected application contains an older feature
that allows to import device configurations via a specific endpoint. An attacker
could use this vulnerability for CVE-2022-32259 -- A vulnerability has been
identified in SINEMA Remote Connect Server (All versions < V3.1). The system
images for installation or update of the affected application contain unit test
scripts with sensitive information. An attacker could gain information ab
CVE-2022-32260 -- A vulnerability has been identified in SINEMA Remote Connect
Server (All versions < V3.1). The affected application creates temporary user
credentials for UMC (User Management Component) users. An attacker could use
these temporary credentials for authent CVE-2022-32261 -- A vulnerability has
been identified in SINEMA Remote Connect Server (All versions < V3.1). The
affected application contains a misconfiguration in the APT update. This could
allow an attacker to add insecure packages to the application. CVE-2022-32262 --
A vulnerability has been identified in SINEMA Remote Connect Server (All
versions < V3.1). The affected application contains a file upload server that is
vulnerable to command injection. An attacker could use this to achieve arbitrary
code execution. CVE-2022-32285 -- A vulnerability has been identified in Mendix
SAML Module (Mendix 7 compatible) (All versions < V1.16.6), Mendix SAML Module
(Mendix 8 compatible) (All versions < V2.2.2), Mendix SAML Module (Mendix 9
compatible) (All versions < V3.2.3). The affected modu CVE-2022-32286 -- A
vulnerability has been identified in Mendix SAML Module (Mendix 7 compatible)
(All versions < V1.16.6), Mendix SAML Module (Mendix 8 compatible) (All versions
< V2.2.2), Mendix SAML Module (Mendix 9 compatible) (All versions < V3.2.3). In
certain config CVE-2022-32328 -- Fast Food Ordering System v1.0 is vulnerable to
Delete any file. via /ffos/classes/Master.php?f=delete_img. CVE-2022-32330 --
Fast Food Ordering System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/ffos/classes/Master.php?f=delete_menu. CVE-2022-32331 -- Fast Food Ordering
System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/ffos/admin/categories/view_category.php?id=. CVE-2022-32332 -- Fast Food
Ordering System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/ffos/classes/Master.php?f=delete_category. CVE-2022-32333 -- Fast Food Ordering
System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/ffos/admin/sales/receipt.php?id=. CVE-2022-32334 -- Fast Food Ordering System
v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/ffos/admin/categories/manage_category.php?id=. CVE-2022-32335 -- Fast Food
Ordering System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/ffos/admin/menus/manage_menu.php?id=. CVE-2022-32336 -- Fast Food Ordering
System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/ffos/admin/menus/view_menu.php?id=. CVE-2022-32337 -- Hospital's Patient
Records Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/hprms/admin/patients/manage_patient.php?id=. CVE-2022-32338 -- Hospital's
Patient Records Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/hprms/admin/doctors/manage_doctor.php?id=. CVE-2022-32339 -- Hospital's Patient
Records Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/hprms/admin/doctors/view_doctor.php?id=. CVE-2022-32340 -- Hospital's Patient
Records Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/hprms/admin/?page=patients/view_patient&id=. CVE-2022-32341 -- Hospital's
Patient Records Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/hprms/admin/?page=user/manage_user&id=. CVE-2022-32342 -- Hospital's Patient
Records Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/hprms/admin/room_types/view_room_type.php?id=. CVE-2022-32343 -- Hospital's
Patient Records Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
hprms/admin/room_types/manage_room_type.php?id=. CVE-2022-32344 -- Hospital's
Patient Records Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/hprms/classes/Master.php?f=delete_patient. CVE-2022-32345 -- Hospital's Patient
Records Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/hprms/admin/rooms/manage_room.php?id=. CVE-2022-32346 -- Hospital's Patient
Records Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/hprms/admin/rooms/view_room.php?id=. CVE-2022-32347 -- Hospital's Patient
Records Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/hprms/classes/Master.php?f=delete_room. CVE-2022-32348 -- Hospital's Patient
Records Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/hprms/classes/Master.php?f=delete_doctor. CVE-2022-32349 -- Hospital's Patient
Records Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/hprms/classes/Master.php?f=delete_patient_history. CVE-2022-32350 -- Hospital's
Patient Records Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/hprms/classes/Master.php?f=delete_room_type. CVE-2022-32351 -- Hospital's
Patient Records Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/hprms/classes/Master.php?f=delete_message. CVE-2022-32352 -- Hospital's Patient
Records Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/hprms/classes/Master.php?f=delete_patient_admission. CVE-2022-32353 -- Product
Show Room Site v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/psrs/admin/categories/manage_field_order.php?id=. CVE-2022-32354 -- Product
Show Room Site v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/psrs/admin/?page=user/manage_user&id=. CVE-2022-32355 -- Product Show Room Site
v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/psrs/admin/?page=products/view_product&id=. CVE-2022-32358 -- Product Show Room
Site v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/psrs/classes/Master.php?f=delete_inquiry. CVE-2022-32359 -- Product Show Room
Site v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/psrs/classes/Master.php?f=delete_category. CVE-2022-32362 -- Product Show Room
Site v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/psrs/admin/categories/manage_category.php?id=. CVE-2022-32363 -- Product Show
Room Site v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/psrs/admin/categories/view_category.php?id=. CVE-2022-32364 -- Product Show
Room Site v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/psrs/admin/?page=products/manage_product&id=. CVE-2022-32365 -- Product Show
Room Site v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/psrs/admin/fields/manage_field.php?id=. CVE-2022-32366 -- Product Show Room
Site v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/psrs/admin/fields/view_field.php?id=. CVE-2022-32367 -- Product Show Room Site
v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via
/psrs/admin/?page=inquiries/view_inquiry&id=. CVE-2022-32557 -- An issue was
discovered in Couchbase Server before 7.0.4. The Index Service does not enforce
authentication for TCP/TLS servers. CVE-2022-32559 -- An issue was discovered in
Couchbase Server before 7.0.4. Random HTTP requests lead to leaked metrics.
CVE-2022-32561 -- An issue was discovered in Couchbase Server before 6.6.5 and
7.x before 7.0.4. Previous mitigations for CVE-2018-15728 were found to be
insufficient when it was discovered that diagnostic endpoints could still be
accessed from the network.

Tweeters Filter All 3xp0rtblog 424f424f 58_158_177_102 aboutsecurity abuse_ch
ankit_anubhav anyrun_app Arkbird_SOLG blackorbird campuscodi cyb3rops
Cyb3rWard0g cyberwar_15 DrunkBinary GossiTheDog hackerfantastic Hexacorn
inj3ct0r IntezerLabs James_inthe_box JAMESWT_MHT JCyberSec_ KorbenD_Intel
kyleehmke lazyactivist192 luc4m malware_traffic malwrhunterteam Max_Mal_
MBThreatIntel MITREattack nullcookies pmelson QuoIntelligence RansomwareNews
RedDrip7 reecdeep ShadowChasing1 snovvcrash SpecterOps TalosSecurity virusbtn
vxunderground wugeej

anyrun_app: @_CryptoCat Thank you very much for pointing that out. We are
already working on the problem and trying to fix it as soon as possible. --
anyrun_app campuscodi: GhostWriter, the project management tool for penetration
testers developed by SpecterOps, has reached v3 https://t.co/ZOzbODeO5T
https://t.co/FRMozaEbv3 -- campuscodi JAMESWT_MHT: "RE: OVERDUE INVOICES." spam
email spread #AveMaria / #warzone #rat Gz https://t.co/OqCPQEgsR0 Exe
https://t.co/7R0xSGbcoY C2 subwayhost2022.[ddns.[net:4048
https://t.co/3RMLoT69d4 -- JAMESWT_MHT JAMESWT_MHT: Mentioned #APT #Gallium
#PingPull #Orion ????????Samples ???????? https://t.co/hao0TIT0sb
https://t.co/I9QEsRSS2t https://t.co/JCOzlFxdAE -- JAMESWT_MHT JAMESWT_MHT:
"Proofpoint Security Awareness Training. This domain is used to teach employees
how to recognize and avoid phishing attacks. " Related Samples ????????????
https://t.co/gmJPmHoTFL H/T @malwrhunterteam https://t.co/uCDpCOjxN9 --
JAMESWT_MHT nullcookies: @untypeable 100% https://t.co/IyDsD1vVbw -- nullcookies
vxunderground: @RayRedacted Thank you:) -- vxunderground vxunderground: We have
begun documenting and expanding our malware development framework. We have a lot
of work to do, but this is the beginning. Have a nice day.
https://t.co/n3WoBWUc5l https://t.co/2aZu7rtKvN -- vxunderground 58_158_177_102:
昼らー 乗り換えでひさしぶりの柚子柳麺。おいしかった 展示会はいろいろ減ったなあ、という感覚(午前だったからかも)
https://t.co/E2dP9wdTc4 -- 58_158_177_102 58_158_177_102:
人なら誰でもよい、ではないのが一番の問題なんだよなあ。。。 -- 58_158_177_102 58_158_177_102: @gorimpthon
自分たちをAI化して。。。 -- 58_158_177_102 424f424f: @arstechnica @samred @bsdbandit --
424f424f hackerfantastic: @KristoferA @strategic_doubt @MC05A We are way past
that, these are triangle shaped UFO's and more will surface. There's something
intelligently controlled in our skies and our oceans, it's more advanced than us
and seemingly avoiding us -- hackerfantastic IntezerLabs: @snkhan Not sure if
@FIRSTdotOrg will record the talks -- IntezerLabs RansomwareNews: Group:
vicesociety Approx. Time: 2022-06-15 23:30:52.523906 Title: Novelty Group --
RansomwareNews 424f424f: If you missed the stream today, I walked through a demo
of spoofing Microsoft 365 with a device code phish. https://t.co/aFjpukDCHZ --
424f424f Arkbird_SOLG: Thanks to @vxunderground for the samples, I share a YARA
rule of the new RAT #PingPull used by the #Gallium group Yara:
https://t.co/xAQhKHJQDR cc @Cyber_O51NT @c3rb3ru5d3d53c @h2jazi @0xtornado
@JAMESWT_MHT @James_inthe_box @f0wlsec @Bushid -- Arkbird_SOLG hackerfantastic:
@7fffd2 @Windows Haha ???? makes sense now, I looked up the Kappa creature and
learned two new things today! ???? -- hackerfantastic nullcookies: For folks in
and around Wisconsin. Major storm system. https://t.co/UULsRo5htq -- nullcookies
GossiTheDog: Love this disclaimer ???? https://t.co/wc8FWHaytC -- GossiTheDog
GossiTheDog: Also, reading between the lines here - it sounds like other ships
can dock with you & board. One of the traits glimpsed in the gameplay video is
called Spaceman, and talks about being able to space walk basically. It sounds
like they're -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: Some interesting security hardening
going on with OMI (used in MS Sentinel, ASC, Azure agents and such)
https://t.co/j9QbzzX0Ia https://t.co/z9Rg1oGCga -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog:
@BronsonGhost oh they do, at scale. But DDoS filters are pretty good at
defending against those in 2022. -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @41thexplorer Seen
this? https://t.co/5dV8Sgrjlc https://t.co/DqerJz5dC1 -- GossiTheDog
TalosSecurity: Some serious Mario Karting going on at the Talos Speakeasy! We're
here for another half hour before the floor closes for the day #CiscoLive #CLUS
https://t.co/phY0fZBGRs -- TalosSecurity 424f424f: @ustayready Stop breaking the
Internet! -- 424f424f campuscodi: Researcher's tweet here:
https://t.co/waLrD1dSb7 -- campuscodi campuscodi: Security researcher receives
legal threat over patched Powertek data center vulnerabilities:
https://t.co/907VTGaVvT Article: https://t.co/nGZFghk4Z9 https://t.co/Edfy1adL8B
-- campuscodi campuscodi: The Rust Foundation has announced its first-ever
grants. In total, $650,000 were dispensed to 41 recipients, including for
projects for improving Rust's documentation, the Crates package repository, its
Windows library, and others. https://t -- campuscodi GossiTheDog: Yeah, I think
this is the important bit of the story. DDoS botnets are largely just lobbing
large packets still. If you send lots of legit requests at same time, many
providers will struggle. https://t.co/HeRJsFZF5r -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog:
@MalwareTechBlog I don't understand what is happening and I'm not sure I want
to. -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: I'm already invested in the people, yet none of
the couples. #LoveIsland https://t.co/kkMAVlGdzf -- GossiTheDog hackerfantastic:
@Windows Why do Astronauts run Linux? Because you can't open Windows in space!
https://t.co/VU5BfdlE4w -- hackerfantastic malware_traffic: 2022-06-15
(Wednesday) #TA578 #Bumblebee led to #CobaltStrike traffic on
194.165.16[.]60:443 - IP used for Cobalt Strike as early as October 2021: -
https://t.co/UPuk3CJUzs IP also reported two days ago on 2022-06-13: -
https://t.co/c -- malware_traffic malwrhunterteam: @VK_Intel @bryceabdo
@JAMESWT_MHT That IP was again/still active just 2 days ago after that months
time from last sample... https://t.co/SOu00AA7sb -- malwrhunterteam
malwrhunterteam: Update: https://t.co/gfoi054bt1 -- malwrhunterteam
malwrhunterteam: @secuninja Man, I not even noticed that.
https://t.co/XZVQ50neKw -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: "1003.apk":
05b201c1634a4ff6d2fcd93ccf31d83ba622e939aec1db4967c4912709edf921 From:
https://tripvouchercart[.]store/ ->
https://tripvouchercart[.]store/download/1003.apk https://t.co/UWxqPBpo9A --
malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: @StopMalvertisin @1ZRR4H @luigi_martire94 Just
in the past hour saw it for samples from some .NET stuff to a skidware Python
ransomware... -- malwrhunterteam campuscodi: @dangoodin001 This is 100%
characteristic to Intel and does not surprise me at all. -- campuscodi cyb3rops:
@pr0xylife @1ZRR4H @James_inthe_box dllraro ... parece Español -- cyb3rops
GossiTheDog: @jb0x168 @Sir_Squatchin I think you mean wait a year to be able to
buy one as everybody will upgrade and scalp again :D -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog:
@quentynblog oops I mean 12900K, typed the wrong number XD -- GossiTheDog
GossiTheDog: @JonnySchnittger i9-9900K with an RTX 2080ti, lol -- GossiTheDog
GossiTheDog: Do I need to get an i9-12700K, RTX 3090ti, 64gb DDR5 RAM and
7000mb/sec 2tb NVMe in the beginning of the recession? -- GossiTheDog
hackerfantastic: @7fffd2 @Windows I had to look up a Kappa ???? I dont know if I
should be offended or amused by this. https://t.co/7Iv4g0KeW1 -- hackerfantastic
malwrhunterteam: ???? https://t.co/sN1pC0JcQP -- malwrhunterteam
malwrhunterteam: "We are a serious band and unfortunately we cannot afford to do
charity work." ????‍♂️ https://t.co/GIZldm3ULt -- malwrhunterteam
fb19d57a1466ebabc44f3dbad869882a1b3db991ec09fe1eb05979904ef29f7e "THIS PC IS NOW
malwrhunterteam snovvcrash: @olivier_boschko Thx ^^ Not finished yet though --
snovvcrash snovvcrash: Is it a new trend or something? Anyways, I’m ????
https://t.co/rurcMVkytN https://t.co/b4z8BYzIw7 -- snovvcrash vxunderground:
https://t.co/djUW39KgRX https://t.co/hjLHibUIAd -- vxunderground GossiTheDog:
Also in dev interview at the Xbox showcase, they confirm you can steal stuff, a
justice system.. and give an example of somebody who completed a quest line by
going to a ship, killing everybody on the crew and stealing the ship.. not the
ques -- GossiTheDog TalosSecurity: We are disclosing three vulnerabilities in
Anker Eufy Homebase 2, one of which could lead to code execution. Here's what to
know about these #security issues https://t.co/BM6LkbhVxa
https://t.co/6FpEHxhYiL -- TalosSecurity TalosSecurity: @Lauriewlkr @vlinder_nl
@CiscoLive https://t.co/XnUbLDoFKx -- TalosSecurity TalosSecurity: Swing by The
Pub this week at #CiscoLive to see if your favorite #malware mascot made it into
a sticker. While you're there join us for conversations with threat hunters,
intel experts & incident responders. https://t.co/HXL166AQ5c -- TalosSecurity
campuscodi: DNA analysis reveals source of Black Death as near Lake Issyk-Kul in
Kyrgyzstan https://t.co/hdOzHhP535 https://t.co/o5y28MT0In -- campuscodi
campuscodi: GitHub said today that every time it would detect a threat actor's
attempt to insert malware into FOSS projects, it would also add an entry in its
GitHub Advisory Database, a place the company previously logged only
vulnerability-related issue -- campuscodi campuscodi: @roavingxss @charlieINTEL
Let's see if they nerf AA. Not gonna bother otherwise. -- campuscodi
GossiTheDog: You can dock with other ships, talk to people onboard them, and
smuggle goods in space. Also, it isn't just combat in space - you can add
modules to your ship for other gameplay loop elements, although they don't
specify what. There is a -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: yep, this is an actual
thing in game, too - you can join bad factions and work for them being mean to
make money. https://t.co/Ke8OQOoy9M -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: Also, when you
build your character it affects how the game plays out obviously. E.g. you can
start on a small moon, with your own house... but be 50k in debt, and opt to be
an introvert where you cope better without companions. Which, btw -- GossiTheDog
GossiTheDog: They plan full mod support with devkits etc, and they plan to keep
expanding content in form of DLC, a la Skyrim and Fallout 4. During space
combat, you can opt not to destroy ships, but disable them - then board them,
then steal the ship as -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: This is the pitch for the
1000 procedural planets, they're optional: ‘Well I’m just going to wander this
planet, and it’s going to provide some gameplay, and some random content, and
those kinds of things.’ Kind of like a Daggerfall would, i -- GossiTheDog
hackerfantastic: @userlandkernel It's a cutting agent only thankfully, I had to
look this up because it's wild you can just order that from Alibaba.. --
hackerfantastic IntezerLabs: Make that 5. Also Cross-platform Cobalt Strike
Beacon -- IntezerLabs IntezerLabs: Find us at #FIRSTCON22 – our research team
will present 4 sessions: Advanced Go Reverse Engineering; TeamTNT's Cloud
Attacks; ELF Malware Analysis 101; and Incident Response for Vicious Workflows.
Registration closes tomorrow (June 16) http -- IntezerLabs KorbenD_Intel: IE was
a long running joke. https://t.co/fGJ2TtqWQe -- KorbenD_Intel malwrhunterteam:
???? https://t.co/2DZ9pbWjRw -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam:
@StopMalvertisin @1ZRR4H @luigi_martire94 Is there anything specific to
ms-get-started in that sample? What you show in the first screenshot I seen a
lot for different samples... -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam:
158.51.127[.]107 https://t.co/GQZiFnp4Hv https://t.co/421T9QAruV --
malwrhunterteam pmelson: @n00bzunit3d @Namecheap @ScumBots Here's the file that
@ScumBots analyzed: https://t.co/zojibEEIDK I'll post a deobfuscation / analysis
of the file later. -- pmelson TalosSecurity: The first FIVE people to come by
the Cisco Secure Pub and mention this post and play us in Mario Kart will get
two FREE SNORTYs shipped to them. See you soon! https://t.co/fd2vYNsoml --
TalosSecurity TalosSecurity: #CiscoTalos has two #CiscoLive sessions today. Join
@infosec_nick for a talk on the current state of #CyberSecurity or catch Marla
Mingee-Earle & Zane West for protecting Users, Endpoints, & Networks the #SASE
Way. Don't forget Q&am -- TalosSecurity TalosSecurity: Great coverage of one of
our media panels from yesterday! #CLUS #CiscoLive https://t.co/xF0NfY8zDV --
TalosSecurity vxunderground: @Disrupt_Degrade @GeKarantzas @C5pider @MDSecLabs
@redcode_labs @SentinelOne Yes they do. https://t.co/LrwpD3ZUf2 -- vxunderground
aboutsecurity: @CLABAO @CCNCERT @cadirneca @marobserva @KonchiCordon @jgargal
Qué gran equipo! -- aboutsecurity GossiTheDog: @blowdart Cross out the RC in
tippex, will seem retro cool -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @lukemoloney I've
worked for both Co-op Group and Microsoft, hold me. -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog:
@blowdart MSRC is like a SOC, shit flows downwards. Personally I think they
should retire the brand, and just title their interactions as Microsoft. As then
it holds the Group accountable, and not the team who didn't cause the problem in
the -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: I can't tell if this is a parody video or not.
https://t.co/081KuO5csM -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @blowdart It's seen as
accurate outside MS, as MSRC is the face for this stuff. Nobody knows nor cares
about product groups and such. -- GossiTheDog hackerfantastic: Today's positive
affirmation was beneficial to me, repeat out loud, "I am happy with who I am,
and love myself deeply", really shakes the cobwebs out of the mind to remind
yourself daily of such things. -- hackerfantastic James_inthe_box: [OT] The 30
minutes it took for maintenance to get to the plane completely complicated my
trip @delta. Get on the ball. -- James_inthe_box JAMESWT_MHT: ????⚠️⚡️
https://t.co/WbCrAOQQs1 -- JAMESWT_MHT JAMESWT_MHT: #Ransomware Main Sample
https://t.co/HUfeC1hWLj >Football.exe https://t.co/IaVxoZMwsm ransomware.exe
#Python/#Filecoder https://t.co/PW12WURx2s Run https://t.co/FmaR0891Uu H/T
@malwrhunterteam https://t.co/wmMUrhtHl1 -- JAMESWT_MHT lazyactivist192:
@bintalshamsa Agreed, I'd never seen weather disasters handle the "displace" in
"isolate, displace, destroy", but it'll only happen more as climate crisis gets
worse -- lazyactivist192 RansomwareNews: Group: lv Approx. Time: 2022-06-15
15:34:50.799615 Title: MOLTOLUCE - HACKED AND DATA LEAKED -- RansomwareNews
TalosSecurity: Who's coming by to see us at the Speakeasy today? We're here to
answer all your security questions and have some classic video games!
https://t.co/UeMZiYxdAu https://t.co/pmjTUhRMSB -- TalosSecurity TalosSecurity:
@OdhiamboNich @MIT_CSAIL Thanks for the shoutout! @MIT_CSAIL find us over here
:) https://t.co/6qXlBzVkC5 -- TalosSecurity vxunderground: @ppxxnnkk Rust is a
pain in the ass to reverse. -- vxunderground 58_158_177_102:
https://t.co/kRW4uq6tR7 Based on the malware’s activity and victim geolocation,
admin panel language, and the threat actor’s Discord user’s activity, we believe
the threat actor is Japanese. -- 58_158_177_102 ankit_anubhav: @executemalware
The problem with highly technical folks is that they get into this groove to
overcomplicate things. ex bumblebee - most victims will ignore attachments which
need to open html, get zip, then iso then link, but the "enable m --
ankit_anubhav campuscodi: "Akamai security researchers discovered Panchan, a new
peer-to-peer botnet and SSH worm that emerged in March 2022 and has been
actively breaching Linux servers since." https://t.co/otx2KAjxJG
https://t.co/BTM0nFiRI4 -- campuscodi campuscodi: @mikebfarrell @CyberScoopNews
@timstarks @AJVicens @TonyaJoRiley @SuzanneMSmalley @ScoopNewsGroup
Congratulations! -- campuscodi campuscodi: New RBN podcast for today's
newsletter is also up, featuring comments @eliyastein and @sherrod_im on recent
cybercrime campaigns targeting the crypto-bros https://t.co/53Jn67JlhK
https://t.co/81jFJLhgEq -- campuscodi GossiTheDog: @KristoferA I think the idea
is they will get serviced 'til at least 2029. I think I'll probably be retired
before they retire, realistically. -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @sjorspa
https://t.co/7qPc9jS8Oh -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: Internet Explorer 11's death
is like announcing your Uncle Pete has died when he got drunk and peep'd his
pants.. he probably still has a way to go, and now he's just gonna look sad for
8 years until he goes. https://t.co/rks4Egxqv3 https:// -- GossiTheDog
GossiTheDog: I'd say that MS sending out press releases for Internet Explorer
11's death is an attempt to bury the part of Azure getting hacked story... but
that would require presumption that MS is coordinated, so, nah.
https://t.co/lzWrV3iCiW -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @Damar47 okay I had to
google this -- GossiTheDog JAMESWT_MHT: "RE: ENQUIRY ORDER" spam email spread
#AveMaria / #warzone #RAT Rar???? https://t.co/Zj98zvYTEh Exe????????
https://t.co/vg44k5SfOZ ⚠️C2 moseslogs2022.[ddns.[net:3408
https://t.co/HSMdR3AwDw -- JAMESWT_MHT kyleehmke: Suspicious domain
webmanufacturers[.]com was registered through Veeble on 6/10 using
paulettemeister@tutanota[.]com. Domain is hosted on a likely dedicated server at
91.245.255[.]84. https://t.co/XsJRgNchic -- kyleehmke lazyactivist192:
@bintalshamsa Some of the stuff you shared with me about how the city handled
housing post-Katrina blew my mind -- lazyactivist192 malwrhunterteam:
"bv_vector1_1.scr" seen from Poland:
Only some shit... https://t.co/OvwLKhN4TG -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam:
7e9a1f26fb9da0cf5fcc6786ca85e3110d28da67cc48dd9a221362afaf0bd1f4 From:
https://t.co/AGaq9C7YTa -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: "PUBG-HACK.apk":
https://t.co/kI2n7cN5q4 -- malwrhunterteam RansomwareNews: Group: alphv Approx.
Time: 2022-06-15 12:41:07.698279 Title: vanderpol's -- RansomwareNews
vxunderground: https://t.co/qs2mQEXtAQ -- vxunderground vxunderground:
@vxugpassword Very cool, thanks son -- vxunderground campuscodi: @the_drenrepus
@GossiTheDog wait, what? ???? -- campuscodi campuscodi: Correlation between the
price of network access (sold on cybercrime forums) and a victim company’s
revenue Via Kaspersky: https://t.co/BoEiOfcq7G https://t.co/imvoIhOcyW --
campuscodi vxunderground: UPDATE: Skyguide is back up. Skyguide was offline for
approx. 2 hours. ???? https://t.co/5YocAYvh5i -- vxunderground cyb3rops: I've
uploaded a short demo video showcasing Aurora Lite (free) detecting & preventing
CVE-2022-30190 / #Follina exploitation attempts using the so-called "response
sets" Aurora Agent https://t.co/36uW88lEyP used the PoC by @_JohnHammond bt --
cyb3rops cyb3rops: @GossiTheDog n00bzunit3d sounds like a name a typical red
teamer would choose similar vibe as in nanakatz, reverse.jsp and payload-obf.ps1
-- cyb3rops cyb3rops: @0gtweet @gl4ssesbo1 https://t.co/iIJt4zfzap -- cyb3rops
GossiTheDog: Saved for your PowerPoints. https://t.co/ecCCjXVhAM -- GossiTheDog
GossiTheDog: Outstanding. https://t.co/fu9w7hWOdt -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog:
@caseyjohnellis @Bugcrowd @SoatokDhole Nice -- GossiTheDog malwrhunterteam:
Porpoising ????... ???? https://t.co/ueNi1RMspy -- malwrhunterteam
malwrhunterteam: ???? (But probably it is too early to say that yet...)
https://t.co/n6UkcnM8T9 -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: "manage_fo.apk":
https://t.co/ye16TVE6Jo -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: "9383740-43-43.lnk":
a8ce2181ce6e56c147412c600a430fdb7baf68550b6f822b98a1759f52adb72f Next stage:
https://gmgeneraltrading[.]com/runobject.hta -- malwrhunterteam pmelson:
@Namecheap Appreciate the follow up, but no need for additional action. Thanks
for continuing to be awesome @Namecheap ! -- pmelson pmelson: @shishcat8214
@Namecheap @ScumBots I’m sorry you were inconvenienced, genuinely I am. But it
was a legit abuse report based on available information. I will add
“n00bzunit3d[.]xyz” to @ScumBots bogon list so it won’t report on your domain
again i -- pmelson pmelson: @shishcat8214 @Namecheap I take exception at the
accusation that this was a “fake” abuse report. An anonymous individual posted a
live PowerShell Empire loader to Pastebin, and @ScumBots found it. It’s real
malware same as a criminal would use. T -- pmelson pmelson: @n00bzunit3d
@Namecheap @ScumBots I verified the @ScumBots run - it is definitely DOSfuscated
PowerShell Empire. The detection and C2 extraction are correct. Happy to provide
further details if it’s helpful. -- pmelson virusbtn: https://t.co/JFdfXhV4XP
researchers share technical details of the latest versions of the BumbleBee
malware, a sophisticated loader that aims to download and execute a second
payload. https://t.co/8RoiEmnV5Z https://t.co/upyDw6mIRy -- virusbtn virusbtn:
Microsoft has published details of the BlackCat (also known as ALPHV)
ransomware’s techniques and capabilities. The article also looks into two
incidents in which BlackCat was deployed and provides best practices and
recommendations. https://t.c -- virusbtn cyb3rops: I spent an hour debugging my
regex filters that I use to block leechers harvesting Valhalla That South Korean
IP requested the sample hashes of every possible YARA rule that I ever wrote -
and not once, but every 4 hours, 40k+ daily requests ? -- cyb3rops GossiTheDog:
@LeaksMsft Uh, I'm not sure you need to quote tweet something unrelated on that.
-- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: Namecheap are so good nowadays
https://t.co/TjmQ8nluQf -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @Namecheap @pmelson Nice
work -- GossiTheDog malwrhunterteam: ????‍♂️ https://t.co/aVQAHuwxaa --
malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: @SakuraInsider No. ???? -- malwrhunterteam
RansomwareNews: Group: lockbit2 Approx. Time: 2022-06-15 08:29:04.120946 Title:
https://t.co/mcGi0VQg59 -- RansomwareNews RedDrip7:
payload:71e1cfb5e5a515cea2c3537b78325abf C2:64.44.131[.]109:33638 Related
analysis reports: https://t.co/K2muM4CojB https://t.co/WkZcTzJW1a -- RedDrip7
RedDrip7: New chm sample from #Bitter #APT has been uploaded to VirusTotal from
TURKEY NAVY.doc.7z" fc118f1131f54795ec8441968f4af5ee wizbizkidshow[.biz
https://t.co/n0eWH4KCl7 -- RedDrip7 virusbtn: Intezer's @joakimkennedy & the
BlackBerry Threat Research Intelligence team wrote last week about Symbiote, a
Linux malware that needs to infect other running processes to inflict damage on
infected machines. https://t.co/Y3oJRXX0Mi https:// -- virusbtn virusbtn: Check
Point researchers uncover a recent Iranian-based spear-phishing operation aimed
at former Israeli officials, high-ranking military personnel, research fellows
in research institutions, think tanks & Israeli citizens. https://t.co/crGji --
virusbtn 58_158_177_102: 昼フォーボーチン (フォーボータイを出す店は日本国内は少なめな気がする)
切れ切れに打ち合わせがあるから、アタマが切り替わらない https://t.co/KwZnfSjXQa -- 58_158_177_102
aboutsecurity: Morning and afternoon breaks at @SANSEMEA #Paris are just too
good to skip! #SEC530 #AllAroundDefender https://t.co/xD50794XrF --
aboutsecurity ankit_anubhav: @LaChevalier_ @1ZRR4H @Max_Mal_ @pr0xylife
@googlecloud Its not the only bucket , sadly -- ankit_anubhav campuscodi: Also:
-China complains about US cyber-spying (again) -Bumblebee malware op goes to the
mooooooon -Iranian APT goes after high-profile Israeli targets -Gallium APT has
a new toy called PingPull -SynLapse RCE details published -Zimbra bug lets --
campuscodi campuscodi: Also: -Belarusian hacktivist group Cyber Partisans
release Belarus wiretapped calls -Shoprite, South African supermarket chain,
gets hit by ransomware -Firefox gets Total Cookie Protection -MSFT retires IE
-Russian banks roll out anti-fraud p -- campuscodi GossiTheDog: It’s a long
essay about how Biden hates everybody, and finishes with a money beg. --
GossiTheDog Hexacorn: @Dave_Maynor @SwiftOnSecurity https://t.co/8La3sW5Ins got
ya covered -- Hexacorn malwrhunterteam: Meanwhile fixed his profile:
https://t.co/oWN2cA9gY2 -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: Twitter really
should now introduce the "clown tick"... ???? -- malwrhunterteam
-- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: Totally inaccurate meme. ????‍♂️ ????
https://t.co/axA1HM1BOB -- malwrhunterteam RansomwareNews: Group: blackbasta
Approx. Time: 2022-06-15 07:28:57.020250 Title: RadiciGroup -- RansomwareNews
RansomwareNews: Group: vicesociety Approx. Time: 2022-06-15 07:28:53.256645
Title: Magnum -- RansomwareNews GossiTheDog: All EDR vendors need to do a better
job at detecting ZIPs to ISOs to LNKs etc. My view is coverage isn't there yet.
It's the new* hot thing (it's constant, multiple brands of malware).
https://t.co/y4dtFbiTj5 -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @guhe120 I mean NFS isn’t
enabled by default -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @yossioren @thegrugq Shoulda got
me to do a Microsoft paint logo, mate -- GossiTheDog ankit_anubhav: @GossiTheDog
https://t.co/q0uorNM0mt -- ankit_anubhav vxunderground: NOTE: Skyguide is an air
navigation service provider which manages and monitors Swiss airspace. Skyguide
is responsible for ensuring the safety of all Swiss airspace and of adjoining
airspace areas in Germany, Austria, France and Italy that -- vxunderground
vxunderground: This is an unusual tweet. https://t.co/Kw3E0gzNB0 --
vxunderground campuscodi: Mid-week newsletter is out: -Microsoft accused of
concealing Azure vulnerabilities -Microsoft patches Follina zero-day -NSO Group
might have a new owner -Hertzbleed, an actually dangerous side-channel attack
-Another record-breaking DDoS atta -- campuscodi JAMESWT_MHT: Mentioned #Follina
CVE-2022-30190 Samples Docx https://t.co/FohkqeicKk Html https://t.co/lmton1LwoB
Ps1 https://t.co/WEqzTsLSt0 Base64 + GZIP https://t.co/GaMYQ9v6Cz
https://t.co/ayvo6Zw6UA -- JAMESWT_MHT malwrhunterteam: @AndreGironda
@campuscodi Yes, same, just the one I tweeted was uploaded earlier. --
malwrhunterteam 424f424f: @DeeDee0x00 next year! -- 424f424f campuscodi: Zscaler
has published a report on PureCrypter, a malware loader strain that has been for
sale on underground forums since March 2021 https://t.co/JQnJmx7OBQ
https://t.co/4yj9bo4u9M -- campuscodi hackerfantastic: @EricaZelic I'm not
unfortunately :-( another time I'm sure. -- hackerfantastic campuscodi:
@riskybusiness LoL... they locked that account but Rogozin can actively promote
a genocide and that doesn't violate their rules ???? -- campuscodi campuscodi:
@Francisckrs @mattburgess1 yeah, GT is utter garbage but I had to link to it --
campuscodi cyberwar_15: #북한 #NorthKorea #CyberWar joongang.epizy[.]com
naver.cloudfiles.epizy[.]com kakao.cloudfiles.epizy[.]com
fils.clouds.great-site[.]net https://t.co/sbro7iBKG3 -- cyberwar_15
lazyactivist192: @SEhricke @GrassAdie Are you not? At no point did I distract
from the message -- lazyactivist192 ShadowChasing1: Maybe #Gamaredon #APT sample
URL:hxxp://a0681546.xsph.ru/death/quickly.xml -- ShadowChasing1 GossiTheDog:
https://t.co/u7C4KKJVJ1 -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @riskybusiness Of course.
I'd argue it's not always a benefit to those org's customers. -- GossiTheDog
campuscodi: @lowqualityintel @mattburgess1 Thank you! That's really helpful --
campuscodi campuscodi: @lowqualityintel @mattburgess1 So, basically, this is the
report from the GT article, I presume: https://t.co/ZjyzgpWbK8 -- campuscodi
campuscodi: Cloudflare said that it mitigated last week a 26M rps DDoS attack.
According to the company, the attack is now the largest HTTPS DDoS attack on
record, beating a previous 17.2M rps HTTPS DDoS attack recorded last year.
https://t.co/TnQXVmpkJ -- campuscodi GossiTheDog: @riskybusiness Fair --
GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @charliek3lly @CloudflareHelp It's just people browsing
the Internet, Defender for Endpoint now sets off emerging threat alert in error.
That probably needs fixing. -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @charliek3lly The IP
hosts many thousands of sites - it would be like listing https://t.co/SmMU3l8moJ
as an IOC -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @wdormann it was a botch methinks, the
original release notes didn't mention the CVE at all - they added it back in
quickly, with the wrong (backdated) date - they appear to have used the MSRC
blog date as the patch date, which is obviously m -- GossiTheDog MBThreatIntel:
#IP2Scam #TechSupportScams Gate: wheressharon[.]xyz (GoDaddy/DigitalOcean)
Browlock: 164.92.152[.]128 (DigitalOcean) https://t.co/A7YyYOGDWZ --
MBThreatIntel pmelson: @schwartzonsec @Namecheap https://t.co/BiPEi7ADhn --
pmelson RansomwareNews: Group: lockbit2 Approx. Time: 2022-06-14 23:30:12.291884
Title: https://t.co/u7PoRAH26o -- RansomwareNews RansomwareNews: Group: lockbit2
Approx. Time: 2022-06-14 23:30:09.998829 Title: https://t.co/cNP9IB8BoY --
RansomwareNews RansomwareNews: Group: lockbit2 Approx. Time: 2022-06-14
23:30:06.715685 Title: enclosuresoluti -- RansomwareNews RansomwareNews: Group:
lockbit2 Approx. Time: 2022-06-14 22:35:30.466124 Title: https://www.dgi... --
RansomwareNews RansomwareNews: Group: lockbit2 Approx. Time: 2022-06-14
22:35:28.150629 Title: gruppowasteital... -- RansomwareNews vxunderground:
@Myrtus0x0 @smelly__vx @am0nsec LOL -- vxunderground vxunderground: We've
released the vx-underground "VX-API", a Windows malware rapid application
development framework written in C/C++. It is a compilation of code written by
@smelly__vx & @am0nsec A lot of work needs to be done (including a ReadMe f --
vxunderground vxunderground: Quantum ransomware group claims to have ransomed
the YMCA. However, their blog indicates this was a YMCA in Broward County,
Florida. It appears Quantum ransomware group believed a localized YMCA to have a
gross income of $202,000,000. *YM -- vxunderground vxunderground: @kyleavery_
@smelly__vx @am0nsec Destroyed and cast into the shadow realm. Backups exist
online in various places. This framework is everything from it placed into a
Visual Studio solution + more -- vxunderground campuscodi: After pro-Ukraine
hacktivists have leaked troves of PII from Russian companies, Russia's Central
Bank announced today that Russians will be able to activate a credit lock (ban)
to prevent hackers from taking out loans in their names with the l -- campuscodi
campuscodi: @CharlesRoopWCTV They released the Follina updates separately from
the Patch Tuesday ones 30 minutes later https://t.co/Ks5SSvnm4I -- campuscodi
campuscodi: After Russia ordered govt workers earlier this month to move from
western-based IM apps to native ones, the initial option was only an app
developed by VK. Rostec has now also developed its own IM system named Kolibri
(or Hummingbird) https: -- campuscodi campuscodi: Another month, another
GlobalTimes report wailing about US mega-global-spying. This time referencing
the findings of a security firm named Anzer, which I have yet to track down
anywhere on the internet. cc: @mattburgess1 https://t.co/LgSeve -- campuscodi
cyb3rops: https://t.co/qDDLGJoMPc -- cyb3rops cyb3rops: Now that I'm back from
vacation I took the time to list all the #YARA & #Sigma rules that are detecting
the exploitation of #Follina / CVE-2022-30190 Tomorrow I'll capture a video that
shows how Aurora Lite (free) detects it & how to bl -- cyb3rops GossiTheDog:
Microsoft need to get much better at handling Azure vulnerabilities. It’s
unacceptably poor in terms of transparency for customers. There needs to be an
independent database of cloud vulns, too - like CVE for providers.
https://t.co/3cXCU -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: I have a Flight Simulator addons
problem, to add to my growing list of developmental and mental health concerns.
https://t.co/n9R4Stw84m -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: Just had a quick flight
around St. Louis after updating. It's so good in VR. Even the coalfield by the
airport in the city is there, fully 3D mapped. -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog:
@jfslowik When I was at MS I had a UK contract but working for Redmond. I kinda
wish I'd stayed just to basically live out retirement in comparison to US
colleagues. -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: In this case it looks like Point of Sale
devices weren't impacted so it'll likely been nowhere near as painful.
RansomHouse are using a Telegram group to mock the victim's security. --
GossiTheDog malware_traffic: @Unit42_Intel #pcap of the infection traffic and
the associated #Bumblebee malware/artifacts are available at:
https://t.co/UT8YhqtkV3 https://t.co/4qajzOPdsM -- malware_traffic Max_Mal_:
@raffutz @th3_protoCOL @cyb3rops Thank you for cc'ing me ???????? -- Max_Mal_
pmelson: @Namecheap ???? ???? This belongs to you! https://t.co/WBeGT6ZLKO --
pmelson pmelson: Hi @Namecheap team! This domain (n00bzunit3d[.]xyz) is hosting
Empire malware C2. Can you take them offline please? https://t.co/8MeKuRMzr4 --
pmelson snovvcrash: ???? https://t.co/IagZ4BOhnu -- snovvcrash TalosSecurity:
Have you seen our six #MalwareMascots stickers? Swing by The Speakeasy to
collect them all! Let us know which one is your favorite in emojis only
????️???????????????? https://t.co/11Di3z701K -- TalosSecurity ankit_anubhav:
@Max_Mal_ @1ZRR4H @pr0xylife #Bumblee enjoying hosting code in 2 different
stages via abusing 2 different google cloud links to complete its attack cycle.
NJRAT still chilling since last 5 days despite Google drive link reported to
URLHaus -- ankit_anubhav ankit_anubhav: IOC https://t.co/OTsLKQZNVZ Normally
@pr0xylife is tracking bumblebee in his Github but since he is not tweeting
today just filling in for him ???? -- ankit_anubhav ankit_anubhav: @k3dg3 Nice
one. I was thinking the 1406r I got was the only thing today but yet to see the
whole smash activity at my end. -- ankit_anubhav ankit_anubhav: @A_R136a1
@pr0xylife @executemalware @ffforward @Max_Mal_ @Cryptolaemus1 @malwarelabnet
@JAMESWT_MHT @1ZRR4H @Myrtus0x0 @fr0s7_ You took the right call of reimaging it.
Qbot is not worth cleaning with the amount of documented lateral moveme --
ankit_anubhav campuscodi: Technical report on SynLapse, an RCE in Azure Synapse
Analytics. The vulnerability allowed attackers to hijack Azure Synapse
workspaces, obtain Synapse customer account credentials, and bypass tenant Azure
tenant separation. https://t.co/B8p -- campuscodi campuscodi: SonarSource
researchers have published a report on a new vulnerability in Zimbra email
systems where an unauthenticated attacker can steal cleartext credentials from
Zimbra servers without any user interaction https://t.co/Uf4mWE2t0o https:// --
campuscodi campuscodi: @cybermindy Yes they are. Updates were released
separately from the June updates and also an hour after the PT notes. Don't ask.
It's the typical MSFT security amateur hour again. -- campuscodi campuscodi:
Mozilla has rolled out Total Cookie Protection to Firefox users. This new
feature works by limiting access to cookies only to the sites the cookies were
created on. Mozilla described Total Cookie Protection as its "strongest privacy
protectio -- campuscodi campuscodi: Per the researchers: "Hertzbleed is a real,
and practical, threat to the security of cryptographic software." Intel’s
security advisory states that all Intel processors are affected:
https://t.co/DlHtNt9ksl Top AMD CPUs are also impacted: h -- campuscodi
cyb3rops: I want to see this ???? https://t.co/T9cSzbvaaO -- cyb3rops cyb3rops:
If anyone benchmarked SIEMCraft (with our Sigma rules) against a $$$ EDR &
included a slide in a mgmt presentation that says "It spawned 2 chicken ????????
and a panda ???? while our EDR was silent", and took a video or photo while
presentin -- cyb3rops GossiTheDog: @bmattlife @DuchyRE needless to say I love
this -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: BBC, I think we can be very sure about why
certain countries are blocking Lightyear's release. https://t.co/YjbTa0UJrR --
GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @ryanyates1990 I agree! -- GossiTheDog JAMESWT_MHT:
After 4 hours of hard work I finally finished the new house of my #guinea #pigs
https://t.co/0omzEuLzJt -- JAMESWT_MHT JAMESWT_MHT: @igama The net goes into the
ground and to the side blocked by pegs -- JAMESWT_MHT lazyactivist192:
@GrassAdie No problem! -- lazyactivist192 malwrhunterteam:
6f84dba5aa8f7ae399add8539f32bea81b7fe7bbd065794c796475b95e353c2b ????
https://t.co/Nv9tNn3LW9 -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: Yes, it is.
https://t.co/m2asuBNnV2 -- malwrhunterteam RansomwareNews: Group: quantum
Approx. Time: 2022-06-14 19:32:38.105601 Title: Shred Station -- RansomwareNews
RansomwareNews: Group: quantum Approx. Time: 2022-06-14 19:32:35.595894 Title:
YMCA -- RansomwareNews RansomwareNews: Group: alphv Approx. Time: 2022-06-14
18:31:15.308677 Title: Purvis Industries -- RansomwareNews RansomwareNews:
Group: quantum Approx. Time: 2022-06-14 18:31:11.099188 Title: M. Green and
Company LLP -- RansomwareNews RansomwareNews: Group: quantum Approx. Time:
2022-06-14 18:31:08.668229 Title: Medlab Pathology -- RansomwareNews
TalosSecurity: Answer: Healthcare Curious to know what's trending for 2022? Read
our Quarterly Report: Incident Response trends in Q1 2022 blog to learn more:
https://t.co/rMubJxDTOV -- TalosSecurity TalosSecurity: https://t.co/FecriG0349
https://t.co/6sXx4f6Bay -- TalosSecurity TalosSecurity: No one does PowerPoint
graphics better..... Stop the Cisco Secure Pub this afternoon for more lightning
talks from us, including an overview of our work in #Ukraine #CLUS #CiscoLive
https://t.co/O779Ftw06B -- TalosSecurity TalosSecurity: We've got Pac-Man, Mario
Kart and more at the Talos Speakeasy today! Come join us....if you dare.
#CiscoLive #CLUS https://t.co/2rYezrXPma -- TalosSecurity ankit_anubhav:
"Please, see the Google Docs file" Fresh #BumbleBee 1406r Stolen Malspam ->
GoogleStorage HTML -> Zip -> Iso -> ShortCut + DLL. The base64 ("smuggling")
code is not in original google drive page but it calls another appspot --
ankit_anubhav ankit_anubhav: @malwrhunterteam Lots of bitbucket #Aggah / #Hagga
happening recently with multiple stages on bitbucket. SMTP exfil, lots of
references to "nana", maybe just a new version of manatools. ( Same wolf panel
is there). https://t.co/YmjIYfbQii -- ankit_anubhav ankit_anubhav: @LaChevalier_
@KyleKrejci A .ppa file, this to be precise https://t.co/2LVEiQTUkq --
ankit_anubhav campuscodi: More on Microsoft's weird patching rituals and why
this isn't showing up as patched this month: https://t.co/3AtTvdXXMH --
campuscodi campuscodi: @UK_Daniel_Card @infoseccrow they weren't there when I
tweeted I tripple-checked, trust me -- campuscodi campuscodi: @ryanaraine yeah,
officially out now too https://t.co/Ks5SSvnm4I -- campuscodi campuscodi: Ok,
Follina updates are now out too: https://t.co/O3Gjg8ErcR https://t.co/Urg9QCsYlM
-- campuscodi campuscodi: @UK_Daniel_Card needs more APTs exploiting it before
Micro takes it seriously -- campuscodi Cyb3rWard0g: @MarcOverIP @kinomakino
Thank you @kinomakino and @MarcOverIP ???? I appreciate you taking the time to
highlight some of the research I share with the community ????❤️ -- Cyb3rWard0g
GossiTheDog: @quentynblog @UK_Daniel_Card nah they only care if I say something
mean XD -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: Looks like this (DogWalk vulnerability) has
been quietly fixed by Microsoft, no longer works for me. No CVE for it. cc
@ImreRad @j00sean -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: So far it looks like a pretty
boring month. -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: CVE-2022-29143 SQL - if you have that
much access to run that query you may already have a problem -- GossiTheDog
GossiTheDog: CVE-2022-30158 and CVE-2022-30157 SharePoint - needs authentication
and permissions to create pages, lowers risk a lot CVE-2022-30174 and
CVE-2022-30173 - Office vulns, appear low risk -- GossiTheDog James_inthe_box:
@Myrtus0x0 @edelahozuah @abuse_ch @elisalem9 @crudd_re @felixw3000
@executemalware @JAMESWT_MHT @Max_Mal_ @pr0xylife Excellent work as usual! --
James_inthe_box kyleehmke: Suspicious domain googlemyanmarnews[.]com was
registered through MonoVM on 6/13 using alt[.]f7-9nzh07d@yopmail[.]com.
Currently resolves to a likely dedicated server at OVH IP 162.19.135[.]172.
https://t.co/gXXBRJlsdn -- kyleehmke kyleehmke: Suspicious domain
telemetry-mss[.]com was registered through Njalla on 6/13 and is hosted at
188.40.246[.]36. https://t.co/f4LzG5rTdv -- kyleehmke luc4m: tracking.. #urnisf
#isfb version:2.50 build:235 group:3000 [May 30 2022][ecBJhlXljUk77l7L][/drew/]
#⃣dd165240f5a2de250727eb47e458d7db https://t.co/MLSvxMgLtm
https://t.co/TiFbzZINqC -- luc4m malwrhunterteam: 2 years already... Still
missing THL. https://t.co/VM6gfbJK9D -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: Wanted
to share more than a month ago, but finally now... A sample of Ransom Cartel's
ransomware, x64 dll version:
55e4d509de5b0f1ea888ff87eb0d190c328a559d7cc5653c46947e57c0f01ec5 Now researchers
who have time for such things can compare -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam:
Fixed it: Maybe for the first time ever, humanity is so deep in the shit that
there are not a few humans who think building way looooooong outdated technology
rockets so they can travel to a long time ago "destroyed" planet to live on is
-- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: Yes Twitter, he is Elon... ????
https://t.co/yVoIuaYsp9 https://t.co/pFdu3sjpI3 -- malwrhunterteam MITREattack:
Before we fully dive into con season, don't forget to relive the many amazing
ATT&CKcon 3.0 moments -- including our keynote from @selenalarson highlighting
150+ year old intelligence failures that we still deal with today! ????️https://
-- MITREattack RansomwareNews: Group: ransomhouse Approx. Time: 2022-06-14
16:35:31.423803 Title: SHOPRITE HOLDINGS LTD -- RansomwareNews TalosSecurity:
Our lightning talks are hitting the "road" today. Marla from our CTIR team is
talking how the benefits of a Cisco Talos Incident Response retainer at 4:30
today over at booth 2274 #CLUS #CiscoLive https://t.co/e1hqPYgaMW --
TalosSecurity abuse_ch: @Abjuri5t @cooperq @EFF Nope -- abuse_ch abuse_ch:
@haroldogden Sure, I'll add that to my todo list ???? Meanwhile, you can
download all available TLP:WHITE rules on the following link: ????
https://t.co/QfqhlcQ6xU You can also get a list of recently deployed YARA rules
on YARAhub through the -- abuse_ch ankit_anubhav: @GossiTheDog Yes. Qbot is
around double but emotet is off the charts (exponential), it's not just you.
Terrible times. -- ankit_anubhav cyb3rops: @SecurePeacock @RealTryHackMe Oh,
Thunderstorm isn't part of it. It's a dedicated service mode of THOR and we
don't have free version of it. I'll probably create some videos with showcases
so that people better understand how it works. -- cyb3rops GossiTheDog: Find and
yeet those Qakkers https://t.co/gGinwXnnE0 -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: Defender
for Endpoint not alerting for this flow in my experience, so a quick AHQ to find
'em: DeviceProcessEvents | where ProcessCommandLine contains "cmd.exe" | where
ProcessCommandLine contains "ping" | where ProcessCommandLine contains @ --
GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: https://t.co/wTogoqPG9w -- GossiTheDog IntezerLabs:
Tomorrow at 10 am Eastern Time. Learn how to detect phishing emails, including
headers, attachments, and URLs. Sign up https://t.co/hxAL8b9twx
https://t.co/YNADGZ7kLX -- IntezerLabs lazyactivist192: I think the victim is
nonbinary. So their pronouns are they/them. The message is still the same
though, as the full acronym includes women, girls, nonbinary, and 2S folks.
https://t.co/9B48zlzLz7 -- lazyactivist192 lazyactivist192: @wildestlilies Hey,
dunno if you knew this but Ezra's pronouns are they/them, and I don't think they
identify as a man. -- lazyactivist192 malwrhunterteam:
https://t.co/inztQBD1qf -- malwrhunterteam Max_Mal_: @GossiTheDog In the last
week, they pushing very hard ???? I saw how only after 1-2 hours, infection lead
to Cobalt Strike, creds dump, persistence, and lateral movement across the
domain. https://t.co/7MIglpPsph -- Max_Mal_ RansomwareNews: Group: everest
Approx. Time: 2022-06-14 14:37:21.991913 Title: Metek PLC Files Leak --
RansomwareNews TalosSecurity: The Talos speakeasy! We've got a few upgrades
today, too, and beer service around 4 p.m.! https://t.co/NZdaZRWVri
https://t.co/8WmeWQ7IbC -- TalosSecurity 3xp0rtblog: @Arkbird_SOLG @ET_Labs
@James_inthe_box @JAMESWT_MHT @ViriBack @luc4m @malwrhunterteam @pmelson
@siri_urz @struppigel -- 3xp0rtblog 3xp0rtblog: Posted on:
lolz[.]guru/threads/3842705 Telegram: keona_support (5360973102) keonanews
(-1001504499426) keonaclipperbot (5386190972) -- 3xp0rtblog 3xp0rtblog: #Malware
#Clipper #Keona qsk.exe: https://t.co/PiyF2roa8I https://t.co/cRtwmOH8yQ
Intelligence data in the comments ???? https://t.co/BUquqaX3PS -- 3xp0rtblog
abuse_ch: We have just published a handful example code (python) that shows you
how to interact with the YARAify API ⚙️ You can find the code snippets on your
github page: ???? https://t.co/OkiYd9yFy4 Happy hunting! ????
https://t.co/v59HSNtkfW -- abuse_ch hackerfantastic: @I_Scott @zetalyrae Wish
mine would write itself! -- hackerfantastic James_inthe_box: @3xp0rtblog
@Arkbird_SOLG @ET_Labs @JAMESWT_MHT @ViriBack @luc4m @malwrhunterteam @pmelson
@siri_urz @struppigel Nice! -- James_inthe_box James_inthe_box: @JAMESWT_MHT
@58_158_177_102 Seeing these as well. -- James_inthe_box malwrhunterteam:
androidservis.duckdns[.]org https://t.co/iforcZvlw0 -- malwrhunterteam
malwrhunterteam: "낭만요가시즌.apk":
3ace1a1416713fcd3781985c9c42d40c022f24d07fa8288e224f7036b51baa7c --
malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: "무지개 RAINBOW.apk":
7ec020a0b8c96a81aaf59eddf0c0dcc286a7402a2a21286568f4837e5fd69757 --
malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam:
https://t.co/ZMROs9UDwM -- malwrhunterteam Max_Mal_: #Qakbot LNK Infection TTPs
& IOCs #DFIR Exec Flow: LNK > CMD > curl & ping & regsvr32 > regsvr32 > Explorer
(injected PH) Distro IP: 85.17.9[.]19/%random%[.]dat Payload location:
C:\ProgramData\{RandomDir} Exec: regsvr3 -- Max_Mal_ RansomwareNews: Group: lv
Approx. Time: 2022-06-14 13:46:20.972826 Title: https://t.co/xYHnUG0Tl8 - HACKED
AND DATA LEAKED -- RansomwareNews RansomwareNews: Group: alphv Approx. Time:
2022-06-14 13:46:26.810128 Title: Plainedge Public Schools -- RansomwareNews
RansomwareNews: Group: lv Approx. Time: 2022-06-14 13:46:22.989444 Title:
SCHIFFMANS - HACKED AND DATA LEAKED -- RansomwareNews reecdeep: Still another
one #FormBook #Malware C&C server just discovered in the wild! ????c2:
quititamorn[.com ????https://t.co/rppxF9We45 xloader 2.6, campaign: b6qc
#infosec #security #cybersecurity #infosecurity -- reecdeep TalosSecurity:
Holger Unterbrink & Ankur Chadda are hosting a #CiscoLive breakout session today
on the past, present, and future of #Ransomware. Join us in The Pub for Q&A
following the session. https://t.co/VXawYICqBj -- TalosSecurity vxunderground:
We've updated the vx-underground Malware Bulk Download collection - Virusshare
424 - 65,000+ unique malicious files - All files named using Kaspersky naming
convention Download available here: https://t.co/DzBr48gq43
https://t.co/9O7oDyqU -- vxunderground vxunderground: @vxugpassword Excellent
news. Thank you for the update. -- vxunderground vxunderground: We have been
informed this individual has deleted their Instagram as well as their Telegram.
-- vxunderground vxunderground: @DuchyRE You're doing God's work, Duchy. --
vxunderground vxunderground: L3Harris, United States military defense
contractor, has announced plans to acquire NSO Group. NSO group, an Israeli
based firm, is the creator of the infamous Pegasus Spyware. More info:
https://t.co/3FAYr8M9wR -- vxunderground SpecterOps: Join us next week as we
team up with @TEAL_Technology to show how you can secure your infrastructure
using #BloodHoundEnterprise and the TEAL Security Assessment. Pick which day
works best for you: June 20 webinar: https://t.co/XH3CjMCk2I Jun -- SpecterOps
58_158_177_102: まじめだから(<- うそ。なまけもので明日に回すとつらいからしぶしぶ)、帰宅中に来ていたメールに返信した。おつかれちゃーん自分
-- 58_158_177_102 58_158_177_102: @kawada_syogo225 まとなアプリがあれば、駆逐されると思う。。。 --
58_158_177_102 abuse_ch: @pro_integritate Perfect ???? -- abuse_ch campuscodi:
Check Point has published a report on a recent Iranian spear-phishing operation
aimed against former Israeli officials and high-ranking military personnel Some
of the high-profile targets are in the image below: https://t.co/YvXTLrpLQl
https -- campuscodi GossiTheDog: @Scott_Helme Ah! I use ARC over HDMI as I'm a
Dolby Atmos wanker ???? -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @Scott_Helme My soundbar
supports Wi-Fi connection to TV, which you might want :D -- GossiTheDog
GossiTheDog: Wow. A US company plans to buy NSO Group. The legal liability and
position this puts the US government in is... interesting.
https://t.co/1j7v2fm8o8 -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: Anybody else seeing
heightened numbers of Emotet, Qakbot etc over the past few weeks?
https://t.co/HUlxBc8Tq9 -- GossiTheDog JAMESWT_MHT: #Signed "Aarav Consulting
Inc." Samples ???????????? https://t.co/l59FI2Ok5P from
142.93.245[.51/helpdesk1.exe ????contacted IP 149.28.114[.92 Communicating
Files???? https://t.co/KGTc7gcLvT including #Parallax #Rat Samples H/T
@malwrhunterte -- JAMESWT_MHT JAMESWT_MHT: Mentioned #Signed "SPIDER
DEVELOPMENTS PTY LTD" sample + ⚡️extra including #CobaltStrike
https://t.co/RYqPYRT4DF ???????????? https://t.co/24Y44GLBcd
https://t.co/tu1nqPxUcQ -- JAMESWT_MHT malwrhunterteam: This looks not even a
little similar to LockBit ransomware's chat/payment site, right? ????
https://t.co/JrpflRdrXA -- malwrhunterteam QuoIntelligence: How the #war in
#Ukraine has affected the global #ITsector and created unintended consequences
in the global #ThreatLandscape. Read our latest blog for the analysis:
https://t.co/iVwKOwNMD8 -- QuoIntelligence RansomwareNews: Group: alphv Approx.
Time: 2022-06-14 11:33:50.229367 Title: https://t.co/QVoORaVfbE --
RansomwareNews virusbtn: Zscaler's Romain Dumont provides a technical analysis
of the PureCrypter .NET loader. The malware has been observed distributing a
variety of remote access trojans and information stealers.
https://t.co/h2EZnUs6NC https://t.co/oGd56Z7k8s -- virusbtn virusbtn:
Researchers on Palo Alto's Unit 42 team analyse PingPull, a remote access trojan
used by the GALLIUM APT group (also known as Softcell). PingPull has the
capability to leverage three protocols (ICMP, HTTP(S) and raw TCP) for command
and control. -- virusbtn 58_158_177_102: 定時以降のお仕事メールに、おつかれちゃーん、って本文とこの画像を送りたい。。。
https://t.co/djIXEkYbq9 -- 58_158_177_102 58_158_177_102: @aaqeel87
@BushidoToken @SyscallE @stoerchl @ffforward @abuse_ch @bry_campbell @dms1899
@Cryptolaemus1 -- 58_158_177_102 58_158_177_102: @VirITeXplorer @JAMESWT_MHT
@cybersaiyanIT @merlos1977 @luc4m @reecdeep @gigafio @killamjr @JRoosen @fr0s7_
@w3ndige @JR0driguezB @James_inthe_box @sugimu_sec @bomccss @AIR3_ytakeda
@wato_dn @AES256bit @gorimpthon @hamasho_sec @fumik0_ @_p -- 58_158_177_102
58_158_177_102: #cutwail start to spread #maldoc Subject : TNT INFORMA -
PreAvviso di consegna MD5 : cf850d35ca73d2f7565ff71628c1b620 payload from :
moneyinconsalt[.]com sample : https://t.co/kn9lk3XOkh https://t.co/f2JV2DAATv
(5/50) FirstPost https://t.c -- 58_158_177_102 abuse_ch: @pro_integritate Thanks
for the note! I've just deployed a fix for this. Could you please delete your
rule and try to upload it again? -- abuse_ch cyb3rops: @SecurePeacock
https://t.co/QknN2nh4af -- cyb3rops JAMESWT_MHT: "TNT INFORMA" spam spread
#ursnif #gozi #isfb Xlsm https://t.co/1kMznCDyYw Dll https://t.co/2be727sSOD C2
xmhomestilesh[.at geodezhols[.at Plugin 5.42.199.]72 ???? https://t.co/OrKPAC -- JAMESWT_MHT
JAMESWT_MHT: @58_158_177_102 drop #ursnif #gozi #isfb -- JAMESWT_MHT JCyberSec_:
⚠️IoCs ????hxxps://sarperdem.lol/rrfg4418 ???? @Namecheap -- JCyberSec_
JCyberSec_: If using a spoofed or virtual device - One easy way to bypass this
is to remove this line via inspect element and then you will load the resulting
phishing site in the same window https://t.co/go9iWBFzGj -- JCyberSec_
JCyberSec_: 3 - Finally, the website requires one click to load the phishing
site. This link element is set to 'target=_blank' resulting in a new tab being
spawned so if you are using a fake device or spoofing your UA then this could
bypass your controls -- JCyberSec_ JCyberSec_: 2 - Due to the user agent checks
this stops you viewing the websites source code further preventing analysis
Thankfully, you can use built in inspect elements to still analyse the website.
https://t.co/63KA1W2r6B -- JCyberSec_ JCyberSec_: 1 - Initially the site will
only render on a mobile device. This prevents all other types of devices from
accessing the site. It checks the devices User Agent which must match a known
mobile UA If not you get redirect to a semi-random webs -- JCyberSec_
malwrhunterteam: "Doge Cheems.apk":
https://t.co/r69ocnws0G -- malwrhunterteam reecdeep: #Gozi #Malware #ISFB #Italy
already spotted by @58_158_177_102 ???? ????c2: 194.76,226.15 109.230,199.114
https://t.co/aydBxf1lqz #infosec #security #cybersecurity #infosecurity
https://t.co/4Vs02MiqKw -- reecdeep reecdeep: #Maldoc is spreading #Malware
#Gozi #Ursnif #ISFB targeting #Italy ???????? #geofenced Document comes as fake
invoice TNT templated, as attachment in italian located language mail
????https://t.co/ROPXMPQiJ6 ????hxxps://moneyinconsalt.com/ #i -- reecdeep
virusbtn: Super Early Bird tickets for #VB2022 went so fast they've already sold
out! Early Bird tickets are now on sale until 15 July. Register and check out
the programme at https://t.co/UAWSygnunD https://t.co/WfmAnbGSa0 -- virusbtn
virusbtn: Avast's @wormable & @DuchyRE expose the Syslogk rootkit targeting
Linux systems. The rootkit is based on Adore-Ng but incorporates new
functionalities, making the user-mode application and the kernel rootkit hard to
detect. https://t.co/FmFh -- virusbtn 58_158_177_102: @catnap707 検証結果 :
-- 58_158_177_102 anyrun_app: @OSINTomatic was held on May 20-21. And #ANYRUN
took part in it & became a sponsor of CTF competition. It was a great
experience, so we're ready to support the community and participate in other
future conferences! Read more & cont -- anyrun_app blackorbird: #SideWinder
Android Spyware from Google Play. https://t.co/NP3sNFKija
https://t.co/Gh2svtWLWv https://t.co/ox1WWt0mnZ -- blackorbird inj3ct0r: #0day
#Algo8028 Control Panel - Remote Code Execution (Authenticated) #Exploit #RCE
https://t.co/Yzep2kcU26 -- inj3ct0r inj3ct0r: #0day #MarvalMSM v14.19.0.12476 -
Cross-Site Request Forgery #Vulnerability #CSRF https://t.co/H1dmpknwSu --
inj3ct0r inj3ct0r: #0day #MarvalMSM v14.19.0.12476 - Remote Code Execution
(Authenticated) #Vulnerability #RCE https://t.co/qtdFW4kK3l -- inj3ct0r
inj3ct0r: #0day #HP #LaserJet Professional M1210 MFP Series Receive Fax Service
- Unquoted Service Path #Exploit https://t.co/X0extAjCrf -- inj3ct0r inj3ct0r:
#0day #RealPlayer - external::Import() Directory Traversal to Remote
Code Execution #Exploit #RCE https://t.co/MRXWgUMjO2 -- inj3ct0r JAMESWT_MHT:
Some Mentioned Samples #HelloXD #ransomware #x4k ????????????
https://t.co/O4sonZODIh ???????????? https://t.co/mLrqCLTnYw
https://t.co/uK22tam67l -- JAMESWT_MHT RansomwareNews: Group: blackbasta Approx.
Time: 2022-06-14 06:36:00.370636 Title: Bernd Hösele Group -- RansomwareNews
58_158_177_102: 昼カレー麺
https://t.co/aFSASeXFYL -- 58_158_177_102 hackerfantastic: @pixelnull
@lucasfryer @pry0cc Idea of positive liberty implies there is such a thing as a
negative liberty when there is no such thing, if you can't understand that the
UK is as terrible as it's become because they first took the guns an --
hackerfantastic hackerfantastic: @pixelnull @lucasfryer @pry0cc I want 500 acres
and to be left well alone, freedom and liberty should be absolute and government
involvement in a person's life should be kept at the bare minimum or non
existent. That goes for everything f -- hackerfantastic hackerfantastic:
@pixelnull @lucasfryer @pry0cc I don't see those as positive at all, in fact I
see them as not very wild west of you. Protecting and safe guarding little ones
means educating them on how to shoot, the education system is broken in many wa
-- hackerfantastic vxunderground: @blastrix >:( -- vxunderground vxunderground:
@Myrtus0x0 Sorry, Myrtus. Didn't mean to ruin your evening:( -- vxunderground
vxunderground: Right now, as you read this text on your screen, someone out
there on this planet is writing malware in Delphi and there is nothing you can
do to stop it. -- vxunderground vxunderground: @d4rksystem Excellent point. This
is often overlooked. -- vxunderground JAMESWT_MHT: "RE: LONG PURCHASE ORDER"
"RE: OUTSTANDING INVOICES" "Re: RFQ Order - MS 001984" spam email spread
#AveMaria / #warzonerat #Rat Rar/r00 https://t.co/v8d5cEF1pN
https://t.co/PRTdcXj0Vk https://t.co/iM6wL2U25Q Exe https://t.co/fdNs1kLHIB C2 s
-- JAMESWT_MHT DrunkBinary: https://t.co/9ljN7WcGqA https://t.co/iigVrSgDnv --
DrunkBinary DrunkBinary: https://t.co/9ljN7WcGqA https://t.co/ZWPlpqwN1k --
DrunkBinary hackerfantastic: @pixelnull That happens just as frequently with
knives, swords and people driving trucks into crowds, when you take into account
all of Europe (America is a big place) it's literally no different and gun crime
still exists, you just don't -- hackerfantastic hackerfantastic: @pixelnull
@lucasfryer @pry0cc Thanks for your service, pity you're on the wrong side of
the gun debate if you oppose them or want regulations on them. I want minimal or
as close to no government as possible in all aspects of life. I can' --
hackerfantastic hackerfantastic: @pixelnull @lucasfryer @pry0cc Those are
complete bullshit statistics and mean absolutely nothing, the government pushes
these infographics so you can feel virtuous whilst you do their bidding trying
to disarm those who have balls to stan -- hackerfantastic hackerfantastic:
@pixelnull @lucasfryer @pry0cc It's a tool and a means of ensuring freedom and
liberty against oppressive tyrannical governments among hunting, home defense
and sports. State of the UK, would've been different if the people had been
empow -- hackerfantastic hackerfantastic: @pixelnull @lucasfryer @pry0cc A gun
is no different to a chainsaw, you can sure kill people with either but the fear
and propaganda over the guns so you'll give them up and stop defending your
right to live. I want gun controls to be abo -- hackerfantastic pmelson: On
today's installment of RANDOM HEAVILY ENCODED THINGS, ???????? ????‍♂️
https://t.co/Nk1akkAEZg -- pmelson blackorbird: mark https://t.co/ORVNq9riRn --
blackorbird RedDrip7: SFX sample from #APT #Gamaredon uses decree document of
the Russian Federation government as bait. 5238756145de4b86f3d4a7adf7f38f2d
win32soft[.com https://t.co/N7jMMAnshA -- RedDrip7 malware_traffic: 2022-06-13
(Monday) - some email examples and IOCs from #TA578 pushing #Bumblebee malware
or #IcedID (#Bokbot) - Quick post, no pcaps - https://t.co/ORUfFRcKcs
https://t.co/pTSr2qghTO -- malware_traffic wugeej: Database Leaking
https://t.co/ERFDh8ZBXy https://t.co/RoIX1D73F6 https://t.co/9k7RN1FCbt
Ransomware threat https://t.co/d6LHBoRCHk https://t.co/0SQCexCipj -- wugeej
424f424f: @SecurePeacock talk about a billion dollar question -- 424f424f
RansomwareNews: Group: vicesociety Approx. Time: 2022-06-13 23:34:53.998021
Title: Grand Valley State University -- RansomwareNews GossiTheDog: @j00sean
@ericlaw I'll just keep tweeting about it until it happens ???? -- GossiTheDog
GossiTheDog: zombIE themed Office exploits, conjure! https://t.co/nDI31fTWHR --
GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @getwired @ericlaw I vote this is the official
unofficial name. -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @ericlaw I'm hoping Office stops
calling MSHTML from Word templates tomorrow https://t.co/L1wMvfTzn5 --
GossiTheDog TalosSecurity: Time for #BeersWithTalos at The Pub at @CiscoLive
???? grab a cold one and swing by the Speakeasy for some #CiscoTalos swag
https://t.co/NCvqFnQcyg -- TalosSecurity Hexacorn: @vxunderground thanks and
keep up the good work! -- Hexacorn James_inthe_box: @tosscoinwitcher Also cc
@bad_packets ...these like like those DVR config requests. -- James_inthe_box
James_inthe_box: @johullrich cc @bad_packets -- James_inthe_box malwrhunterteam:
"Netflix.apk": a69e26eeaa3af7a69e8627d780e0fa9f91c4fdc470d2c8372fe2017b5c777dc0
andriuxhack.ddns[.]net ???? Possible a Colombian actor... @1ZRR4H --
malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: Another "frdating.apk":
b83a53ec8b838cd04088510c3a88f9071c731b4807b060c0e674024a17f2f14a The lure is
"France Social: Rencontre, Chat". @SwitHak https://t.co/kxWFwWLma0 --
malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: Some APK seen with name "چت دیوار.apk":
b2ee8266233bd20b3b477fb36a69b07c6043cdb0192c844d88c49e606cc1381b From:
https://t.co/i6tEclvK81 -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam:
c9c1a23d2cf115318681aad03aa1b5d44a7a83081d717aac87377998883ab42a ???? --
malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam:
ernyka\.global.ssl.fastly.net microsoft-windows\.global.ssl.fastly.net
prod-do-dsp-mp-microsoft\.global.ssl.fastly.net "Telemetry.Request"
"Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync" ???? https:/ -- malwrhunterteam MBThreatIntel:
MakeMoney drive-by via #RIGEK pushing #BrowserAssistant. hillex[.]xyz
https://t.co/aXDt2nopyS https://t.co/pNKSn8FvqI -- MBThreatIntel vxunderground:
@netblocks Leave it to beaver -- vxunderground vxunderground: Seth Green, voice
actor for Family Guy and Robot Chicken, paid a $260,000 ransom for the return of
his stolen Bored Ape NFT. More info: https://t.co/p0H8N0ViJI -- vxunderground
vxunderground: NOTE: All of these papers are the works of @Hexacorn* --
vxunderground vxunderground: We've updated the vx-underground Windows Papers
collection - AutoPlay Handlers for persistence - IBM Java Control Panel for
persistence - Notes on Windows MS-CXH and MS-CXH-FULL handlers - Trololololobin
and other lolololocoasters Check i -- vxunderground campuscodi: Sophisticated
Phishing Toolkit Dubbed “NakedPages” for Sale on Cybercrime Forums
https://t.co/ZIIR1pnXhj https://t.co/MzXSedUBze -- campuscodi campuscodi:
@TreadOnMeHard @NatashaBertrand No, they didn't. This has been fact-checked as
false many times now. You're just spewing Russian propaganda -- campuscodi
vxunderground: @TheXC3LL @x86matthew I knew this sounded familiar. It is on
vx-underground too =D -- vxunderground cyb3rops: @ScorpVayne
https://t.co/QVFtliQKC3 -- cyb3rops cyb3rops: @ScorpVayne Check „hobbies“ on my
Insta https://t.co/lBAI76I6bY -- cyb3rops GossiTheDog: A good question is going
to who the lender of last resort is going to be, we may have a house of cards
situation. -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @rasmusjhave @sunnyc7 @Ocelotty6669
@shotgunner101 @reprise_99 @NathanMcNulty Really? I thought it was Initiating*?
-- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: Just been talking to a friend in cryptocurrency
space. If you're an investigative journalist, you're going to have a wild few
months. -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @ha3ks No, that was bollocks -- GossiTheDog
James_inthe_box: A #snort / #suricata / #yara set to match #GALLIUM #PingPull
https://t.co/mhZvBLqEEZ https://t.co/Nvth0Z4P1m -- James_inthe_box
James_inthe_box: Mildly interesting #snip3 #asyncrat campaign:
https://t.co/FblkEzvl2b wsf files...guess that's new-ish. -- James_inthe_box
malwrhunterteam: Solidbit ransomware... ???? https://t.co/ttKxkooZwD --
malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: And a MetaMask example from past month:
https://t.co/w8RhfgSCqi -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: That is nothing new,
going for months at least already. Coinbase examples thread from February:
https://t.co/zXnK16YfKM One ImToken example from March: https://t.co/DtJdnR38op
https://t.co/0mjugTyByz -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: "SPIDER DEVELOPMENTS
PTY LTD" signed, very low detected (~FUD) on VT MobaXterm "with a gift" sample:
173.249.63[.]184 - previously: https://t.co/ruKUeiYczv https://t.co/hfEd --
malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam:
http://www.coalminners[.]shop/p/18.html ->
https://t.co/ -- malwrhunterteam pmelson: Another round of this campaign over
the weekend. New second stage, same final payload.
https://wtools[.]io/code/dl/bC5r https://t.co/pXPe6Vbk59 https://t.co/VitB9VZLOb
-- pmelson TalosSecurity: @CSICCybersecur1 Hey we're keeping you on your toes
here -- TalosSecurity TalosSecurity: Let’s test your #cybersecuirty knowledge
???? According to Cisco Talos Incident Response, which industry was targeted the
most by cyber attacks in 2021? -- TalosSecurity aboutsecurity: @fdrg21 @ralcaz
@ssantosv @DiarioSUR @NuriaTriguero @ajavierlopez jaja, mi juego favorito de
largo Fernando xD -- aboutsecurity abuse_ch: @Ledtech3 Thx, I've deployed them
all ???? -- abuse_ch abuse_ch: @Ledtech3 Did you took a look at the YARA
guidelines already? There are a couple of meta field required needed to
facilitate sharing YARA rules in a structured way https://t.co/Ae0wAUe1yc --
abuse_ch abuse_ch: @Ledtech3 Why that? -- abuse_ch abuse_ch: @Ledtech3 Correct.
That means that the author of this YARA rule decided to not share the YARA rule
and not even corresponding matches with anyone. In this case, matches will only
be visible to the author of the YARA rule ???? https://t.co/OjGMrM -- abuse_ch
ankit_anubhav: @pr0xylife @executemalware @ffforward @malwarelabnet
@Cryptolaemus1 @Max_Mal_ @fr0s7_ @JAMESWT_MHT @1ZRR4H @Myrtus0x0 Yeah seeing
this hit as well. Monitor curl + programdata in path. Seems they have stabilized
with html smuggling and foll -- ankit_anubhav cyb3rops: I recommend mquery to
test #YARA rules for false positives on a big corpus of indexed goodware We've
even integrated it into our internal VSCode extension via API so that we can
trigger a query and get results right into our editors https://t. -- cyb3rops
GossiTheDog: @ThreddyRex @Paxxi ???? I just have too much time on my hands. --
GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @rasmusjhave @sunnyc7 @Ocelotty6669 @shotgunner101
@reprise_99 @NathanMcNulty It won't find anything I suspect, FileName isn't in
one of the DBs (it has a different name). -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: The Master
Chief/Budget Airlines crossover we weren't promised. https://t.co/8VP1J1YBeA --
GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: Surprising how many people in the replies don't
understand that you supply the voice. I feel old. https://t.co/rrpStogPDX --
GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: Cyberpunk 2088 https://t.co/7GMi3bXMEB -- GossiTheDog
hackerfantastic: @OmniTalkRadio @trelayne @windyoona @CyberSolicitor I did
contact the Australian Air Traffic Control public archives (where they told me
the tapes were taken) and will continue to ask on public interest matters
relating to historic aviati -- hackerfantastic hackerfantastic: @trelayne
@OmniTalkRadio @windyoona @CyberSolicitor I probably won't be satisfied until
the Australian government puts the original box and tapes on display in a
museum... along with the Roswell Saucer. -- hackerfantastic hackerfantastic:
@trelayne @OmniTalkRadio @windyoona @CyberSolicitor The only benefit to keeping
information like this locked away as a state secret is that it serves whatever
interests of the people who have been holding back disclosure and study of the
-- hackerfantastic hackerfantastic: @DebugPrivilege It separates the wheat from
the chaff. -- hackerfantastic hackerfantastic: @OmniTalkRadio @windyoona
@trelayne @CyberSolicitor .. and yet, the tape still isn't in the public domain
- those are facts, maybe learn the difference instead of getting indignant with
people asking for information that rightfully belong -- hackerfantastic
James_inthe_box: #asyncrat #opendir: -- James_inthe_box
c956571f711863c80d48fe3c53edafabd666f7fdc56856c4cd97a016b513137f ????
https://t.co/LEpCDXRZC1 -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: ???? @fxb_b
https://t.co/S9KnNPpPH7 -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam:
265d3b70bb32b5753e646a1f6515074dfda8cb7b2901949c6a841175d22ed009 ????
https://t.co/LSwUFHH0vy -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: Meme > malware.
https://t.co/tDMf4EGXwv -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam:
fd1c5654330e5c735864812f4af124b368b4eec58c292d139e49cb06aeeeca0e ????
https://t.co/FpUUFg3WlP -- malwrhunterteam MBThreatIntel: ℹ️ [Blog] Taking down
the IP2Scam tech support campaign https://t.co/IFBLFraEDA #TechSupportScams --
MBThreatIntel MBThreatIntel: @AffableKraut @rootprivilege link with
https://t.co/LbAVwjJ5AV ? -- MBThreatIntel RansomwareNews: Group: cuba Approx.
Time: 2022-06-13 18:03:04.929575 Title: etron -- RansomwareNews TalosSecurity:
Come find us at the Cisco Secure Pub at #CiscoLive! If you can figure out the
secret password.... https://t.co/9dgXCp9pNJ -- TalosSecurity TalosSecurity: Can
you find the Speakeasy in The Pub at #CiscoLive? Come join us for conversations
with threat hunters, intel experts, incident responders and Mario Kart, if you
dare... https://t.co/428xNCTDKP -- TalosSecurity campuscodi: @ghasshah No, it
wasn't. Look at who's been cracking down on Tor lately. wink-wink -- campuscodi
campuscodi: GALLIUM APT goes after telecommunications, government, and finance
sectors with new PingPull backdoor https://t.co/iHa5MSsqDt
https://t.co/3ViDb3rC0M -- campuscodi vxunderground: @gerbsec ??? --
vxunderground vxunderground: @gerbsec This is a problem we've had reported to
us. We are unsure what is the cause of the issue. -- vxunderground GossiTheDog:
Aged well. https://t.co/lyX7thTxTV -- GossiTheDog hackerfantastic: @windyoona
@trelayne @OmniTalkRadio @CyberSolicitor I sent you them others to support what
I already suspected and that they are both likely fake/doctored, should a
verifiable original audio tape surface and it indeed contains modem or di --
hackerfantastic hackerfantastic: @windyoona @trelayne @OmniTalkRadio
@CyberSolicitor What witnesses described in the recording was more like a
modern-day modem sound than beeps or distortion which seem to exist on the (now
2) public recordings. The original recording was -- hackerfantastic
hackerfantastic: @windyoona @trelayne @OmniTalkRadio @CyberSolicitor Hi Oona,
TLDR; I know I sent you one a few months ago to get your ears opinions, this
link is the 2nd public recording that sounds different, more of a beeping tone
and recorded on anoth -- hackerfantastic hackerfantastic: @windyoona @trelayne
@OmniTalkRadio @CyberSolicitor Related thread for context, I think the first
tape I sent you is from a TV show reconstruction, the 2nd here might be a
doctored government version intentionally leaked (or is legitimate --
hackerfantastic hackerfantastic: @OmniTalkRadio @trelayne @CyberSolicitor
@windyoona Would he be willing to make an MP3 of that full tape? It's classified
now. -- hackerfantastic malwrhunterteam: ???? https://t.co/WAlj2qrUAo --
malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: https://t.co/Ub6mdlOfnB -- malwrhunterteam
malwrhunterteam: @h2jazi @guyasur @ShadowChasing1 Also @ShadowChasing1 guys
feels not Lazarus: https://t.co/UTAXL1yywN -- malwrhunterteam 58_158_177_102:
https://t.co/L0fjvNm38N -- 58_158_177_102 58_158_177_102: 夜麺線
https://t.co/RFM8vcrqJP -- 58_158_177_102 campuscodi: New report on SeaFlower, a
new threat actor targeting Chinese-speaking cryptocurrency users with backdoored
wallet apps https://t.co/N0ok2WBzNp https://t.co/RADVQM4eHz -- campuscodi
cyb3rops: @ScorpVayne this is so nice ... Look what I did
https://t.co/JFZGTzgO2q -- cyb3rops GossiTheDog: Amusingly people in the replies
(now disabled) are saying 'turn off the sell button'. lol
https://t.co/HRerf1aS9h -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: @HackingLZ @j00sean
@buffaloverflow @mkolsek IT'S DA LAW -- GossiTheDog hackerfantastic:
@OmniTalkRadio @trelayne @CyberSolicitor @windyoona There was a gap between the
tapes being of interest to the security apparatus of Australia and them becoming
classified, due to disinformation programs used to obscure the truth on these --
hackerfantastic hackerfantastic: @OmniTalkRadio @trelayne @CyberSolicitor
@windyoona The tapes were made available to a number of journalists and
reporters when the incident happened (several are still alive) who should be
able to listen and confirm, anything appearing d -- hackerfantastic
hackerfantastic: @UFOBreddit I know it was classified many years after the
event, as the significance of the recording was most likely not known at the
time, so there is a *chance* this is the tower recording but also a high
probability it was doctored if -- hackerfantastic hackerfantastic: @j00sean
@HackingLZ @buffaloverflow @GossiTheDog @mkolsek Nobody is threatening you, I
will absolutely unfollow any idiot involved in such nonsense regardless of how
1337 they are. I find the practice harmful and people should find someth --
hackerfantastic inj3ct0r: #0day #Confluence #DataCenter 7.18.0 - Remote Code
Execution #Exploit #RCE https://t.co/Mq8qexRtt4 -- inj3ct0r IntezerLabs: Read
the full report https://t.co/XwBxZmZS9Y -- IntezerLabs IntezerLabs: Symbiote is
one of the most sophisticated Linux threats in recent times
https://t.co/7onWgjCDol -- IntezerLabs James_inthe_box: Some fresh #epoch5
#Emotet https://t.co/MmA2RXXhVP -- James_inthe_box lazyactivist192: I truly love
watering my plants after looking at the weather and seeing no rain, only to have
it rain like 15 mins later -- lazyactivist192 malwrhunterteam:
https://t.co/RpWQpTOTU7 -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: Nowadays in my
dictionary its meaning is something like "being a piece of shit"... Same for
Microsoft, Facebook, etc employees. https://t.co/q1x6Rx8n6o -- malwrhunterteam
malwrhunterteam: @t3ngus Ah, no. I not make much, most of them are just what I
think as the highest quality / most real / most funny / etc of the ones I see.
-- malwrhunterteam vxunderground: Check out the latest additions**
vx-underground, internet final boss, malware connoisseur, inventor of the
typographical error ???? -- vxunderground vxunderground: @wirelesslayers No one
is interested in listening to some nerds discuss nonsense. -- vxunderground
vxunderground: @VaishTheGamer Ahhhh:) -- vxunderground vxunderground:
@VaishTheGamer No, it is from Instagram. You can see the slider at the top of
the image. -- vxunderground vxunderground: It is a very poor decision to
advertise ransomware on Instagram https://t.co/7F9zNB0ZPf -- vxunderground
TalosSecurity: Can't miss at #CiscoLive this week, wether you're in-person or
joining us virtually! https://t.co/8TjYWsPrrD -- TalosSecurity TalosSecurity:
Modern #ThreatIntelligence requires all kinds of talent. Think you have what it
takes? Submit your resume today https://t.co/gXYhecPVuH https://t.co/RULkadUrx1
-- TalosSecurity virusbtn: Did you see we announced the #VB2022 conference
programme? Registration is now open, with a limited number of Super Early Bird
discounted tickets available - they're going fast so book now to avoid
disappointment! https://t.co/UAWSygnunD https:/ -- virusbtn virusbtn: Zscaler's
Niraj Shivtarkar & Avinash Kumar recently observed a new campaign in which the
Lyceum Group was utilizing a newly developed and customized .NET-based malware
targeting the Middle East by copying the underlying code from an open sou --
virusbtn virusbtn: Confiant researchers explain how “SeaFlower” installs
backdoors in iOS/Android web3 wallets to steal your seed phrase.
https://t.co/vb56OBYKJ2 https://t.co/EXRU1tLyV5 -- virusbtn abuse_ch: We are
excited to announce the launch of our most recent platform: YARAify ???? Blog
post: ???? https://t.co/PrRkvADiAW YARAify platform: ????
https://t.co/bZ9EMjxIqA Top features: - Live hunt over a large file set - Deploy
& share your Y -- abuse_ch campuscodi: Press F for the cryptobros
https://t.co/w13y3kqA5a -- campuscodi cyb3rops: @ScorpVayne Maybe he means this
list ???? https://t.co/4mV0rCL6nj that tweet was so nice ???? -- cyb3rops
cyb3rops: #AutonomousSOC by @fooolix https://t.co/adRYKlIi9a -- cyb3rops
GossiTheDog: I'll put my shields up when I know its okay to shields down. --
GossiTheDog malwrhunterteam: ???? https://t.co/8d44aWFof9 -- malwrhunterteam
virusbtn: Palo Alto's Daniel Bunce & Doel Santos analyse new HelloXD variants
impacting Windows and Linux systems. https://t.co/0Syf1WVzYE
https://t.co/2L1ErdGmAP -- virusbtn campuscodi: Also: -Firefox reduces sandbox
escape attack surface -More surveillance in Russia -New SeaFlower group targets
Chinese cryptocurrency users -Only 25% of NetWalker victims reported attacks
-HelloXD ransomware linked to x4k threat actor -PACMAN -- campuscodi
malwrhunterteam: https://t.co/UUDdSVfDcT -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam:
https://t.co/Ne4yiemVly -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam: @LintinAdah Can't
confirm for 100%, but it is shady enough to avoid it. -- malwrhunterteam
malwrhunterteam: "Granda Misha" ???? https://t.co/7572iMpA4l
https://t.co/sStRcsqWn3 -- malwrhunterteam cyb3rops: We've reworked the HTML
reports for THOR and THOR Lite - will be released in the coming days
https://t.co/5pxBJTjjsY -- cyb3rops GossiTheDog: @Jan0fficial @rootsecdev
https://t.co/oxODU41E2e -- GossiTheDog GossiTheDog: https://t.co/9TmgSH23CO --
GossiTheDog JAMESWT_MHT: "Payment Advice - Advice Ref:[GLV211429671] / ACH
credits / Customer Ref:[ACHKACH120210215104455BND]" spam email spread #Formbook
/ #xloader Ace???? https://t.co/NGK24pjfd6 Exe???????? https://t.co/LzivWwk4YW
https://t.co/Z3zyiu0xXA -- JAMESWT_MHT JAMESWT_MHT: "Re: KANABIALICA - 11 kg
perdita di peso media in un mese" spam email spread #SVCReady Doc
https://t.co/eKR9dDLc1T Exe https://t.co/MOVWBt7QXu Url https://t.co/tToFHelSa0
https://t.co/POXxQyTwrC -- JAMESWT_MHT 58_158_177_102: 仕上げた
さて、一度作ったけれど、中身気に入らないこんなのつまらない、作り直しする、と宣言した帳票と、全社回るためのパワポの制作に取り掛かる --
58_158_177_102 58_158_177_102:
https://t.co/52EjzDnmv6 -- 58_158_177_102 abuse_ch: @JAMESWT_MHT @AgidCert
@guelfoweb @verovaleros @FBussoletti @1ZRR4H @ffforward @fr0s7_ @struppigel
@malwrhunterteam @sugimu_sec Probably SVCReady ???? https://t.co/uWL9n939jG
https://t.co/niqYgLodcr -- abuse_ch ankit_anubhav: @Gi7w0rm Slack > too
corporate Matrix > Good but you can not get everyone on that app Use discord and
please pm me the invite ???? -- ankit_anubhav anyrun_app: TOP10 last week's
threats by uploads ???? ⬆️ #Redline 521 (344) ⬆️ #Agenttesla 279 (251) ⬇️ #Njrat
228 (296) ⬇️ #Formbook 202 (257) ⬇️ #Asyncrat 130 (146) ⬆️ #Lokibot 128 (109) ⬆️
#Qbot 109 (45) ⬇️ #Snake 95 (101) ⬆️ #Nanocore 88 (73) ⬆️ #Ama -- anyrun_app
GossiTheDog: @FahadHacks Most of the time yes -- GossiTheDog JAMESWT_MHT: Yes
@abuse_ch is #SVCReady Loader https://t.co/Y1CYWnUyEK https://t.co/jWtZklSbn8 --
JAMESWT_MHT JAMESWT_MHT: "Re: Invio Curriculum" spam email spread #unknow
malware Doc https://t.co/T4BslbiGhj Exe https://t.co/MOVWBt7QXu Url
https://t.co/tToFHelSa0 https://t.co/0jq8vZOS7i -- JAMESWT_MHT malwrhunterteam:
https://t.co/PkARIyd9ML -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam:
https://t.co/twePsq5Wj9 -- malwrhunterteam malwrhunterteam:
https://loanmadebysbaconnectivitiesneeds.weebly[.]com/ ????
https://t.co/aD999AYOXy -- malwrhunterteam nullcookies: @n0p1shing @Porkbun
@JCyberSec_ @ANeilan Crickets? -- nullcookies RansomwareNews: Group: lockbit2
Approx. Time: 2022-06-13 07:37:55.793470 Title: https://t.co/JjXPGchMxE --

Twitter Filter All Ransom-Scrape Hashtag-Scrape CERT-Groups ISAC-Groups

aatish_mohite: RT @mumbaitez: #BreakingNews | #Bengaluru - 7 Months Pregnant
Women becomes target of Instant #loanapp. Blackmailed by hacking her phone &… --
aatish_mohite Asifkapoor05: I have been receiving face fake calls since 5 days
causes huge inconvenience & mental harrasment. Callers dial 1800…
https://t.co/iYhEzoS5gM -- Asifkapoor05 bawalhai2: RT @ME_ADSolutions: Explore
the top SIEM capabilities in our latest comprehensive e-book, and strengthen
your cybersecurity posture. Read o… -- bawalhai2 CyberSecurityN8: RT
@Asifkapoor05: I have been receiving face fake calls since 5 days causes huge
inconvenience & mental harrasment. Callers dial 1800 2088… -- CyberSecurityN8
sectest9: RT @Asifkapoor05: I have been receiving face fake calls since 5 days
causes huge inconvenience & mental harrasment. Callers dial 1800 2088… --
sectest9 wireless_step: RT @mumbaitez: #BreakingNews | #Bengaluru - 7 Months
Pregnant Women becomes target of Instant #loanapp. Blackmailed by hacking her
phone &… -- wireless_step 0x4d_: RT @executemalware: Here are some additional
#emotet (E4) IOCs from this afternoon. https://t.co/DytX1OqKNg -- 0x4d_
Bartek94983493: RT @_Vault_Security: Businesses and other private-sector
organizations would be required to report #ransomware incidents and other
#cyberat… -- Bartek94983493 beefyspace: RT @FBussoletti: #cybercrime,
#FirstLight 2022: @INTERPOL_HQ's largest ever operation against #scammers. About
2,000 people arrested and 76… -- beefyspace BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain
: hundeschule-rambau[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat
Agnostic… https://t.co/coA9jyI5PR -- BforeAi bohansec: RT @executemalware:
#qakbot threat actors: "Let's see if we can find a way to add #follina to our
infection chain" ???? #emotet threat actors… -- bohansec BotFemale: RT
@EverydayKiiara:  Take One ???? #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning #Serv… -- BotFemale
BotFemale: RT @EverydayKiiara:  Let’s Share #Ad #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning… --
BotFemale botxboxseriesx: RT @Mackktoolz: Inbox now for help and guide on how to
recover lost accounts. #hacked #icloud #facebookdown #imessage #ransomware
#snapchat… -- botxboxseriesx botxboxseriesx: RT @Mackktoolz: Have a lost account
you want to recover but don't know how? Inbox now for guide on how to recover
your account immediately.… -- botxboxseriesx botxboxseriesx: RT @Mackktoolz:
Inbox now for all account recovery services,Lost or suspended, Inbox now let's
get it done #hacked #icloud #facebookdown #i… -- botxboxseriesx botxboxseriesx:
RT @Mackktoolz: Hacking attempts on your device? DM now for risk free security
solutions. #hacked #icloud #facebookdown #imessage #ransomwa… -- botxboxseriesx
CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
hundeschule-rambau[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat
Agnostic Near-Zero F… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @CheckPointSW: From
#WannaCry to #Conti, Gil Shwed, Check Point Founder & CEO, shares his
perspective on how the evolution of #ransomwar… -- CyberSecurityN8 ecarlesi:
Possible threat on hxxps://unistone[.]info/wordpress-6[.]0[.]zip #phishing
#opendir #namedotcom -- ecarlesi FBussoletti: #cybercrime, #FirstLight 2022:
@INTERPOL_HQ's largest ever operation against #scammers. About 2,000 people
arrested… https://t.co/U0IPQuCzQN -- FBussoletti iQInnovationHu1: Companies are
also using the cloud for computing purposes to protect against cyber-attacks,
like ransomware. Check… https://t.co/cWOM1pxkur -- iQInnovationHu1
IT_TurkishSAI: Continuous cybertraining protects organizations #CyberSecurity
#cyberattacks #cybercrime https://t.co/I8wPtsyMvH -- IT_TurkishSAI JRoosen: RT
@executemalware: Here are some additional #emotet (E4) IOCs from this afternoon.
https://t.co/DytX1OqKNg -- JRoosen Mackktoolz: Hacking is way Easier when you
contact the right hacker. Inbox me now for all your hacking services I'm always
ava… https://t.co/h1JR7kQeze -- Mackktoolz Mackktoolz: If you need Help with
recovering any Account, Mails, Tiktok, Snapchat, Instagram etc.. I'm available
24/7. Inbox m… https://t.co/7UPHUIaxwZ -- Mackktoolz peterjmsimons: The
unrelenting threat of #ransomware is pushing #cybersecurity workers to quit
https://t.co/e7S9twtsYw by @ZDNet -- peterjmsimons psshadnr_cyb: RT
@cyberabadpolice: Beware of sextortion scams. Be vigilant while accepting friend
requests or video call requests from strangers. If you… -- psshadnr_cyb
sectest9: RT @EverydayKiiara:  Hugs & Kisses #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Serverless #ML #Io… --
sectest9 sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
hundeschule-rambau[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat
Agnostic Near-Zero F… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @peterjmsimons: The unrelenting
threat of #ransomware is pushing #cybersecurity workers to quit
https://t.co/e7S9twtsYw by @ZDNet -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @CheckPointSW: From
#WannaCry to #Conti, Gil Shwed, Check Point Founder & CEO, shares his
perspective on how the evolution of #ransomwar… -- sectest9 Seifreed:
Malware-IOCs/2022-06-15 Emotet (E4) PM IOCs at main ·
executemalware/Malware-IOCs https://t.co/DYXOpnVGuP #emotet -- Seifreed
sprint_code: RT @EverydayKiiara:  Take One ???? #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning #Serv…
-- sprint_code txambe: RT @Seifreed: Malware-IOCs/2022-06-15 Emotet (E4) PM IOCs
at main · executemalware/Malware-IOCs https://t.co/DYXOpnVGuP #emotet -- txambe
UnlimitedCursor: RT @EverydayKiiara:  The Late Java #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning #… --
UnlimitedCursor UnlimitedCursor: RT @EverydayKiiara:  If They Loved @KIIARA
Like #IDO #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter… -- UnlimitedCursor UnlimitedCursor: RT @Mobile_Morgue:
@EmergingExit @KIIARA i give you my word @KIIARA because its the only wealth i
know???? #trendingkiiara @KIIARA #PTSD ???? #Se… -- UnlimitedCursor
UnlimitedCursor: RT @Mobile_Morgue: ????????they just love my icon???? #Python
#BigData #AI #IoT #IIoT #Azure #PyTorch #Cython #RStats #DotNet #C #CPP #Java
#CSharp… -- UnlimitedCursor UnlimitedCursor: RT @Mobile_Morgue: @EmergingExit
@KIIARA i love @KIIARA soo much #trendingkiiara #NoWayHome #fintech #insurtech
#finserv #100DaysOfCode #D… -- UnlimitedCursor UnlimitedCursor: RT
@EverydayKiiara:  She Tweets To Meth Heads #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Machine… --
UnlimitedCursor UnlimitedCursor: RT @EverydayKiiara:  Hugs & Kisses
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #Serverless #ML #Io… -- UnlimitedCursor UnlimitedCursor: RT
@EverydayKiiara:  She Loves Me #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Serverless #ML #IoT… --
UnlimitedCursor UnlimitedCursor: RT @EverydayKiiara:  Let’s Share #Ad
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning… -- UnlimitedCursor UnlimitedCursor: RT
@EverydayKiiara:  New Format #Ad #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning #… --
UnlimitedCursor Varun84485100: RT @fardeenahmed411: API Bug-Bounty Tools Check
list (Part - 1) -> Postman (It is like Burpsuite for API) -> APISec -> AppKnox
-> Synopsis… -- Varun84485100 _hacktheripper: RT @ReconVillage: ???? We are
stoked to announce our KEYNOTE Speaker for @ReconVillage @defcon 30 - Micah
Hoffman @WebBreacher. With his… -- _hacktheripper ailbertukfbard6: RT
@Paula_Piccard: Time it takes a Hacker to Brute Force your password
#DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLear… --
ailbertukfbard6 aNdr0iz: In #Ukraine ???????????? the Sumy Pirates train for the
#war against the evil Orc of #Russia ???????????? #StandWithUkraine…
https://t.co/XfwM26kKLQ -- aNdr0iz Black_Dragon123: RT @Paula_Piccard: Cyber
Security Awareness #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security
#MachineLearning #Phishing #Ransomware… -- Black_Dragon123 Captsandeep2: RT
@OsintTv: ???????????????? US has begun expansion work at Tinian International
Airport (Mariana Islands) Satellite imagery from June 6 shows activi… --
Captsandeep2 CyberIQs_: 72% of middle market companies expect to experience a
#infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel… https://t.co/S91uCBwt83 --
CyberIQs_ CyberIQs_: Zero trust adoption: Industry-specific challenges and
#infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel… https://t.co/LtUv8Zvl3u --
CyberIQs_ cyberreport_io: Nebulon ImmutableBoot allows operations teams to
protect their application infrastructure - Help Net Security…
https://t.co/O8eLxG8Az5 -- cyberreport_io CyberSecurityN8: RT @Bala_hacky:
FormBook Malware on The Rise – Detection & Response Read Here:
https://t.co/9vddScZM7I #cybersecurity #informationsecurity… -- CyberSecurityN8
DerekBrittonUK: RT @Holger_in_MT: What is Cyber #ThreatHunting and how does it
work? ????Find out in @MicroFocusSec's new informative #SecOps site: #Threat… --
DerekBrittonUK DevRetweetBot: RT @Paula_Piccard: Top 15 Cloud Security Threats
#DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLearning
#Phishing #Ransom… -- DevRetweetBot ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://abonnement-france[.]fr #phishing #key_systems https://t.co/7YmKW2ERVA --
ecarlesi fe_tsoc: RT @KesaGataMe0: #Phishing #AEONCARD #イオンカード #AEONカード
IP: (AS 8100 / ASN-QUADRANET-GLOBAL ) hxxps://www.aeon-up.top/
https:… -- fe_tsoc fiirreee_bun: RT @brechtcastel: A Russian missile ????????
killed at least three Ukrainian citizens ???????? on April 16 in Kyiv. This was
NO ordinary attack: it w… -- fiirreee_bun fox194: RT @jakecreps: Going to try to
write my first flask app today for an #OSINT tool/idea I have. If anyone writes
Python and doesn’t want to d… -- fox194 IPhelp_SOC: RT @c9lab_soc: Phishing
Domain: secure-citi[.]info First Seen: 2022-06-13 (3 days) Last Seen: 2022-06-15
(today) #phishing #awareness -- IPhelp_SOC Ishusoka: RT @1ZRR4H: Never trust a:
"This Account Has Been Suspended". Keep Hunting! #ThreatIntel
https://t.co/P6IfjeiJge -- Ishusoka jan_bilek: RT @brechtcastel: A Russian
missile ???????? killed at least three Ukrainian citizens ???????? on April 16
in Kyiv. This was NO ordinary attack: it w… -- jan_bilek jayeshmthakur: RT
@CovertShores: new article #China has built a copy of the #USNavy (@DARPA / ONR)
Sea Hunter USV drone ship. Usual #OSINT caveats apply,… -- jayeshmthakur
jayeshmthakur: RT @MaltegoHQ: New episode of #ThePivot is on the way! This
episode features @WebBreacher! He shares with #Maltego host @cfragoso how he st…
-- jayeshmthakur jayeshmthakur: RT @blackstormsecbr: DriftingCloud: Zero-Day
Sophos Firewall Exploitation and an Insidious Breach: https://t.co/Y7UlwM3mJp
#exploitation… -- jayeshmthakur jayeshmthakur: RT @MicroFocusSec: Get some of
the key findings for 2021 from the #CyberResGalaxy Annual Report, via
@tahawultech. https://t.co/F12m6RSwoY… -- jayeshmthakur JEMPradio: Galactic -
Quiet Please P1 (4-4-13) #Phish #JEMPRadio #CommunityRadio #NowPlaying
https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE -- JEMPradio JEMPradio: Phish - When The Circus Comes
(11-27-98) #Phish #JEMPRadio #CommunityRadio #NowPlaying https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE
-- JEMPradio JohnnieFellix: Here are the Top 15 #Cloud #Security #Threats
#DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security… https://t.co/aUYXX51owS
-- JohnnieFellix KesaGataMe0: #Phishing #AEONCARD #イオンカード #AEONカード
IP: (AS 8100 / ASN-QUADRANET-GLOBAL ) hxxps://www.aeon-up.top/
https://t.co/WG1oLkxxOP -- KesaGataMe0 LongTerm__: Do you want to know what’s
happening around you? #OSINT https://t.co/cyhkugIzbE -- LongTerm__ nielsack: RT
@brechtcastel: A Russian missile ???????? killed at least three Ukrainian
citizens ???????? on April 16 in Kyiv. This was NO ordinary attack: it w… --
nielsack nshcthreatrecon: We published English version's report "MONTHLY THREAT
nshcthreatrecon OkichaJnr: RT @jsavitt: Ukraine War Attracts Belarusian Hackers
in Fight vs. Putin #cybercrime #cybersecurity #hackers #datasecurity #business
#malwar… -- OkichaJnr OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to
port 8022 trying to login with account "history" and password "history…
https://t.co/1wDM77jYQX -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC
2022-06-16 05… https://t.co/8vz6y94O6v -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-16 05:57:57.521064.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC
2022-06-16 05… https://t.co/JKhWkE2frD -- OpenHoneypot RedPacketSec: How much
does access to corporate infrastructure cost? - https://t.co/bqNQkN9xEN #OSINT
#Security #Threatintel -- RedPacketSec rframingmotinn: RT @Paula_Piccard: Top 15
Cloud Security Threats #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security
#MachineLearning #Phishing #Ransom… -- rframingmotinn ricardo_ik_ahau: RT
@Paula_Piccard: Top 15 Cloud Security Threats #DataSecurity #Privacy
#100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLearning #Phishing #Ransom… --
ricardo_ik_ahau robertlassise: RT @hacktoria: Wireshark is an incredibly
powerful tool. Did you know you can add IP Geolocation with Maps to Wireshark?
???????? #osint https://… -- robertlassise RuOilTracker: ????????->? DELTA
HARMONY Departed Novorossiysk with 150,000 tons of crude oil. Bound for
Bosphorus Strait and out of… https://t.co/RRwUDgDxs0 -- RuOilTracker sectest9:
RT @Bala_hacky: FormBook Malware on The Rise – Detection & Response Read Here:
https://t.co/9vddScZM7I #cybersecurity #informationsecurity… -- sectest9
srdmk01: RT @OsintTv: ???????????????? US has begun expansion work at Tinian
International Airport (Mariana Islands) Satellite imagery from June 6 shows
activi… -- srdmk01 TheLegateIN: RT @OsintTv: ???????????????? US has begun
expansion work at Tinian International Airport (Mariana Islands) Satellite
imagery from June 6 shows activi… -- TheLegateIN YourAnonRiots: RT @Volexity:
.@Volexity offers a case study on real-world #zeroday exploitation of a Sophos
XG Firewall via CVE-2022-1040 by #DriftingClou… -- YourAnonRiots YourAnonRiots:
RT @PhishStats: https://t.co/MAuIXRvYiq detected 19 new websites hosting
#phishing | new today: 24 | #infosec #cybersecurity #malware https… --
YourAnonRiots BlazedRTs: RT @RedFox_App: Pre-installed apps may spy on users
without their consent ????️ Protect Yourself Now!????️https://t.co/3YFvOr5gv6
#cybersecurity… -- BlazedRTs CyberGovAU: The quarterly update for the ACSC’s
Information Security Manual (ISM) was published today. The ISM is a cyber
security framework that helps organisations manage their cyber security risks.
Visit https://t.co/6Yf74PNlfk #ozcyber #cybersecurity -- CyberGovAU
CyberSecurityN8: RT @corelight_inc: New #malware that deliberately thwarts #EDR
https://t.co/3tGdA4FvoD via @dangoodin001 @arstechnica #CyberSecurity #NDR… --
CyberSecurityN8 cybsecbot: In the past 24 hours, 7354 IoC's were submitted and
#Emotet is the most seen #malware family on abuse[.]ch -- cybsecbot
jayeshmthakur: RT @corelight_inc: New #malware that deliberately thwarts #EDR
https://t.co/3tGdA4FvoD via @dangoodin001 @arstechnica #CyberSecurity #NDR… --
jayeshmthakur McAfee_Help: Watch this video to learn to use the McAfee Consumer
Product Removal tool (MCPR) to uninstall McAfee software.…
https://t.co/1Ovqd5I96V -- McAfee_Help RedFox_App: Pre-installed apps may spy on
users without their consent ????️ Protect Yourself
Now!????️https://t.co/3YFvOr5gv6… https://t.co/9OaH7s4v8p -- RedFox_App renisac:
Did you miss our most recent Webinar? Steve Wallace from Internet2 spoke on
Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS). We've just uploaded the
recorded version to our website. https://t.co/ryeMNRfuDC @internet2 #MANRS
#cybersecurity #hi -- renisac SamuraiXDR: Introducing Samurai MDR. The seamless
approach to upgrade the digital security of your business.…
https://t.co/16QWodHgx2 -- SamuraiXDR sectest9: RT @corelight_inc: New #malware
that deliberately thwarts #EDR https://t.co/3tGdA4FvoD via @dangoodin001
@arstechnica #CyberSecurity #NDR… -- sectest9 beefyspace: RT @ValueMentor: Cisco
Secure Email bug can let attackers bypass authentication.
https://t.co/NFOllxfMC7 #ITsecurity #cybersecurity #infos… -- beefyspace
FragmentedSoul5: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : minsk[.]shop PreCrime
Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Positiv… --
FragmentedSoul5 alljstweet: RT @bamitav: Got hit by a #CyberAttack? #Hackers
will probably come after you again, within a year https://t.co/IJdy1e4hOa
#cyberwar #cyb… -- alljstweet AlludingAssets: RT @Mobile_Morgue: @HORSESHOEGANG
 Inflation cost #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming
#DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Mac… -- AlludingAssets AlludingAssets: RT
@Mobile_Morgue: @WeSkeem  Toll + Tax To Take The Troll Trolley Taxi
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience… --
AlludingAssets AlludingAssets: RT @Mobile_Morgue: @SonnyBoy2323 @Enter_Entendre
@Eminem  Be The Example #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming
#DataScienc… -- AlludingAssets AlludingAssets: RT @Mobile_Morgue: @Royceda59 
Is this a Flex #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming
#DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Machine… -- AlludingAssets AlludingAssets: RT
@Mobile_Morgue: @HORSESHOEGANG  Take It At Face Value #100DaysOfCode
#CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitt… --
AlludingAssets ANAinfoSec: We help enterprises to identify, prevent, detect,
resolve, and protect their critical data from threats, crimes, fr…
https://t.co/SCx9nhMZLu -- ANAinfoSec BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
ruieshijie[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zer… https://t.co/UawKr45BdU -- BforeAi CyberSecurityN8: RT @aman_raist:
#Zimbra Alert: Exploiting #Memcache Injection #vulnerability, attacker can steal
#credentials. Patch is out. Upgrade immedi… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8:
RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : ruieshijie[.]com PreCrime Threat
Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Pos… -- CyberSecurityN8
digiryte: Cybercrime is the largest menace to every organisation in the world.
Be aware of these 6 #cyberattacks that can bre… https://t.co/aERl0oimL6 --
digiryte opensource_orgs: RT @Mobile_Morgue: @WeSkeem  Toll + Tax To Take The
Troll Trolley Taxi #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming
#DataScience… -- opensource_orgs opensource_orgs: RT @Mobile_Morgue:
@SonnyBoy2323 @Enter_Entendre @Eminem  Be The Example #100DaysOfCode
#CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScienc… -- opensource_orgs
opensource_orgs: RT @Mobile_Morgue: @HORSESHOEGANG  Inflation cost
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #Mac… -- opensource_orgs sectest9: RT @aman_raist: #Zimbra
Alert: Exploiting #Memcache Injection #vulnerability, attacker can steal
#credentials. Patch is out. Upgrade immedi… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @BforeAi:
Predicted Malicious Domain : ruieshijie[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by
@BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Pos… -- sectest9 webcodebot: RT
@bamitav: #Hackers Are Cloning #Web3 Wallets Like #Metamask and #coinbasewallet
to Steal #Crypto https://t.co/cYPXGtNiBy #cyberwar #cy… -- webcodebot
webcodebot: RT @bamitav: Got hit by a #CyberAttack? #Hackers will probably come
after you again, within a year https://t.co/IJdy1e4hOa #cyberwar #cyb… --
webcodebot xaelbot: RT @Mobile_Morgue: @SonnyBoy2323 @Enter_Entendre @Eminem 
Be The Example #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming
#DataScienc… -- xaelbot XeronBot: RT @UnlimitedCursor:  only 520 retweets
@KIIARA #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #Machi… -- XeronBot XeronBot: RT @Mobile_Morgue: @WeSkeem 
Toll + Tax To Take The Troll Trolley Taxi #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience… -- XeronBot XeronBot: RT
@Mobile_Morgue: @SonnyBoy2323 @Enter_Entendre @Eminem  Be The Example
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScienc… -- XeronBot
XeronBot: RT @Mobile_Morgue: @Royceda59  Is this a Flex #100DaysOfCode
#CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Machine…
-- XeronBot XeronBot: RT @Mobile_Morgue: @BookOfShady @SnoopDogg @Eminem  Clout
Lice #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#Academi… -- XeronBot XeronBot: RT @Mobile_Morgue: @HORSESHOEGANG  Inflation
cost #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #Mac… -- XeronBot ActorExpose: RT @executemalware: Here are
some additional #emotet (E4) IOCs from this afternoon. https://t.co/DytX1OqKNg
-- ActorExpose BurnsBill3: RT @Cohesity: Defend your business against
sophisticated #ransomware attacks that aim to encrypt and exfiltrate your data
with a multilayer… -- BurnsBill3 chartartScanner: Black Basta Ransomware Teams
Up with Malware Stalwart Qbot Ransomware group Black Basta coopted info-stealing
troj… https://t.co/YKfLWZsbdF -- chartartScanner CyberDFIR: RT @securityonion:
Today's quick #malware analysis with #SecurityOnion: #Emotet Epoch 5 infection
with spambot traffic #pcap from 2022-04-0… -- CyberDFIR CyberSecurityN8: RT
@securityonion: Today's quick #malware analysis with #SecurityOnion: #Emotet
Epoch 5 infection with spambot traffic #pcap from 2022-04-0… -- CyberSecurityN8
cybsecbot: RT @securityonion: Today's quick #malware analysis with
#SecurityOnion: #Emotet Epoch 5 infection with spambot traffic #pcap from
2022-04-0… -- cybsecbot ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxp://optus-support[.]net/dashboard4[.]zip #phishing #opendir -- ecarlesi
ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://myincustomer[.]online/applyforbenefits[.]zip #phishing #opendir --
ecarlesi MarcMalotke: RT @Cohesity: More distributed infrastructure exposes more
vulnerability points for cyber attackers to exploit. #Ransomware in the past wa…
-- MarcMalotke sectest9: RT @securityonion: Today's quick #malware analysis with
#SecurityOnion: #Emotet Epoch 5 infection with spambot traffic #pcap from
2022-04-0… -- sectest9 threat_404: RT @MrSkanner: Final Patch Tuesday dogged by
concerns over #Microsoft vulnerability response -- General Technology | The
Digital Insider:… -- threat_404 Veeam_Benelux: #Ransomware is not going away.
The 2022 Ransomware Trends Report provides you with a brand-new perspective on
the t… https://t.co/qGUPxlp77L -- Veeam_Benelux VonRosenchild: RT
@SearchSecurity: The #cybersecurity industry remains focused on #ransomware.
Learn about some #RansomwareDetection methods that #securit… -- VonRosenchild
ArchitMeta: RT @ArchitMeta: [Thread] In the past few months, @brechtcastel
@Techjournalisto @akhmxt @amra_dorjbayar @AlbertoOlivie13 and I have worked… --
ArchitMeta FactsREvidence1: RT @CovertShores: *** #OSINT UPDATE *** #Russian
Navy concentrated in Sevastopol today. Highlights * 2-3 active KILO class
submarines in… -- FactsREvidence1 fedupwithreg: RT @CovertShores: *** #OSINT
UPDATE *** #Russian Navy concentrated in Sevastopol today. Highlights * 2-3
active KILO class submarines in… -- fedupwithreg FreedomGeopol: RT
@RuOilTracker: ????????->???????? YASH 30,000 tons of oil products From:
Novorossiysk To: #Venice #Italy #russianoil #osint #sanctions #shipspot… --
FreedomGeopol greentechdon: RT @chartartScanner: Black Basta Ransomware Teams Up
with Malware Stalwart Qbot Ransomware group Black Basta coopted info-stealing
trojan… -- greentechdon Jean_Zacarias: RT @ErSurajShukla: Governance Risk and
Compliance (GRC) framework :- #cybersecurity #infosec #infosecurity #Linux
#networksecurity #secur… -- Jean_Zacarias juanmasktr: RT @1ZRR4H: Never trust a:
"This Account Has Been Suspended". Keep Hunting! #ThreatIntel
https://t.co/P6IfjeiJge -- juanmasktr KAS_stoner: RT @InfoSecSherpa: I submitted
a proposal to speak at the @ReconVillage at @defcon, tapping into the #OSINT
aspects of another former caree… -- KAS_stoner MikeD9111: RT @brechtcastel: A
Russian missile ???????? killed at least three Ukrainian citizens ???????? on
April 16 in Kyiv. This was NO ordinary attack: it w… -- MikeD9111 mtaskar: RT
@mighty_guides: 7 Experts on XDR: Using Extended Detection and Response to
Improve Defense Capabilities. Explore core concepts and lea… -- mtaskar
NLwartracker: Seems EW capabillity of ????????forces are getting better ????????
forces are begging for more drones(preferably Mavic) because…
https://t.co/uCo5FDiq7k -- NLwartracker NLwartracker: Working on a ???? about
which forces are opposing ???????? forces in the western #Kherson region, could
use some help id'ing… https://t.co/hdSDLRXev0 -- NLwartracker OpenHoneypot: An
attempt was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-16
04:00:53.932185. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 trying to login with account "root"
and password "987654321… https://t.co/gYxGH7izvg -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot:
An attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version
"SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.4" on UTC 2022-06-16 04… https://t.co/jELHZBUbsH --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 trying to login with account "admin" and password "firewall"…
https://t.co/f22BaHeY8c -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC
2022-06-16 03… https://t.co/3X3AjNwddQ -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-16 03:51:02.217940.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot RuOilTracker: ????????->???????? MINERVA
CLARA Departed Ust-luga with 100,000 tons of crude oil for delivery in #Midia,
#Romania… https://t.co/bp8RqOB03J -- RuOilTracker RuOilTracker: ????????->?
DELTA HARMONY Departed Novorossiysk with 150,000 tons of crude oil. Bound for
Bosphorus Strait and out of… https://t.co/h09MJQ2OUy -- RuOilTracker
SamuliSeppala: Ping @emilkastehelmi #osint https://t.co/Q0fxHoSKIs --
SamuliSeppala shockingguy: RT @CovertShores: *** #OSINT UPDATE *** #Russian Navy
concentrated in Sevastopol today. Highlights * 2-3 active KILO class submarines
in… -- shockingguy SylentShadow: RT @CovertShores: *** #OSINT UPDATE ***
#Russian Navy concentrated in Sevastopol today. Highlights * 2-3 active KILO
class submarines in… -- SylentShadow VibeSoHigh: RT @CovertShores: *** #OSINT
UPDATE *** #Russian Navy concentrated in Sevastopol today. Highlights * 2-3
active KILO class submarines in… -- VibeSoHigh wtpickens1: RT @CovertShores: ***
#OSINT UPDATE *** #Russian Navy concentrated in Sevastopol today. Highlights *
2-3 active KILO class submarines in… -- wtpickens1 beefyspace: RT @PhishFindR:
???? PhishFindR Found: 490 NEW #Phishing Links ???? 03:30:39 ???? Found Today:
490 https://t.co/XwsMfLnEhL 2022-06-16 ???? #cybersec #… -- beefyspace
beefyspace: RT @kejamarketing: Be careful on @LinkedIn I had 2 mentees be
contacted by scammers offering jobs but want ID and bank account info without…
-- beefyspace codedailybot: RT @bamitav: #Symbiote, a
nearly-impossible-to-detect Linux #malware https://t.co/Qy6OCh5HB8 #Linux
#cyberwar #cybercrime #hacker #privac… -- codedailybot ecarlesi: Possible threat
on hxxp://ameli-app[.]net #phishing #nc -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://app-klayswap[.]website #phishing #metamask #regru
https://t.co/P33hxSfCJx -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on hxxps://chasse[.]live/
#phishing #nc -- ecarlesi infination: RT @FortiGuardLabs: #FortiGuardLabs
discovered version 3.0 of IceXLoader, a new #malwareloader. Read our blog for
the technical details of… -- infination MISAOntario: New #MISAOn Industry
Insight Webinar with @ISACybersec | June 16 @ 11 am Attention Members! ISA
Cybersecurity wil… https://t.co/7ooGByT4dH -- MISAOntario mundolinuxbot: RT
@cloud7news: A new Linux malware injects itself into all running processes ????
https://t.co/NTpEGOpKqF #cloudcomputing #hosting #datacente… -- mundolinuxbot
opensource_orgs: RT @cloud7news: A new Linux malware injects itself into all
running processes ???? https://t.co/NTpEGOpKqF #cloudcomputing #hosting
#datacente… -- opensource_orgs PythonRoboto: RT @bamitav: #Symbiote, a
nearly-impossible-to-detect Linux #malware https://t.co/Qy6OCh5HB8 #Linux
#cyberwar #cybercrime #hacker #privac… -- PythonRoboto Thanos20272029: RT
@Adam_K_Levin: Cybercriminals are using a tactic called "reverse tunneling" to
make #phishing campaigns harder to track. Here's how they… -- Thanos20272029
Ultrascan419: Police: Thousands stolen from elderly victims in Delaware phone
scam - Fox 29: Authorities in Delaware say scammers… https://t.co/JqAaKLgjtK --
Ultrascan419 Ultrascan419: 'Whiff' Of Corruption Too Little To Trigger Banks'
Fraud Duty - Law360: An English judge has refused to extend the…
https://t.co/rcK8qcn3Fn -- Ultrascan419 VonRosenchild: RT @SearchSecurity:
????Is your organization prepared for a #deepfake #phishing attack?
https://t.co/wPmR4Id9Bs -- VonRosenchild webcodebot: RT @bamitav: #Symbiote, a
nearly-impossible-to-detect Linux #malware https://t.co/Qy6OCh5HB8 #Linux
#cyberwar #cybercrime #hacker #privac… -- webcodebot weejockmaley: RT
@Adam_K_Levin: Cybercriminals are using a tactic called "reverse tunneling" to
make #phishing campaigns harder to track. Here's how they… -- weejockmaley
BlumCulBaird: RT @Paula_Piccard: Cyber Security Awareness #DataSecurity #Privacy
#100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLearning #Phishing #Ransomware… --
BlumCulBaird CyberSecurityN8: RT @viehgroup: Hack Talks #152 | #Microsoft
BlackCat ransomware, helloXD #ransomware, Playstore #malware apps, #DDoS
#infosec #news #Break… -- CyberSecurityN8 humming_along: RT @gleeda: In case you
missed this week’s #TradecraftTuesday by @Purp1eW0lf and @MaxRogers5 it’s
currently available online! Lazy Foren… -- humming_along IMC_USA_West: RT
@Paula_Piccard: Cyber Security Awareness #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode
#Cloud #Security #MachineLearning #Phishing #Ransomware… -- IMC_USA_West
iqrahusan: RT @Paula_Piccard: Cyber Security Awareness #DataSecurity #Privacy
#100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLearning #Phishing #Ransomware… --
iqrahusan sectest9: RT @viehgroup: Hack Talks #152 | #Microsoft BlackCat
ransomware, helloXD #ransomware, Playstore #malware apps, #DDoS #infosec #news
#Break… -- sectest9 Thanos20272029: RT @Paula_Piccard: Top 15 Cloud Security
Threats #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLearning
#Phishing #Ransom… -- Thanos20272029 viehgroup: Hack Talks #152 | #Microsoft
BlackCat ransomware, helloXD #ransomware, Playstore #malware apps, #DDoS
#infosec… https://t.co/L8e3VMDbtS -- viehgroup BruneiCERT: Solve clues by
exploring our new SVC website ???? and stand a chance to win cash prizes! The
hunt is on until 20 June 2022. Start here to play: https://t.co/CqhJBjbuSt
#digitaltreasurehunt #SecureVerifyConnect #BruCERT #CSB #Brunei https://t --
BruneiCERT CyberGovAU: The quarterky update for the ACSC’s Information Security
Manual (ISM) was published today. The ISM is a cyber security framework that
helps organisations manage their cyber security risks. Visit
https://t.co/6Yf74PNlfk #ozcyber #cybersecurity -- CyberGovAU beefyspace: RT
@Laurent_Perche: ????#DataBreach Alert ???? ➡️ Aon PLC ➡️ 31,799 records 
#DataLeak includes: ❌ Names ❌ Social Security number ❌ Driver L… -- beefyspace
bugbounty18: Chinese Navy Drone Ship Seen at Sea, Experts Notice Critical Detail
Right Away https://t.co/4RRitA7i1r #tech #cybercrime #dataprotection --
bugbounty18 kyel_perkins: RT @Laurent_Perche: ????#DataBreach Alert ???? ➡️ Aon
PLC ➡️ 31,799 records  #DataLeak includes: ❌ Names ❌ Social Security number ❌
Driver L… -- kyel_perkins mumbaitez: RT @mumbaitez: #BreakingNews | #Bengaluru -
7 Months Pregnant Women becomes target of Instant #loanapp. Blackmailed by
hacking her phone &… -- mumbaitez rug_cc: RT @Laurent_Perche: ????#DataBreach
Alert ???? ➡️ Aon PLC ➡️ 31,799 records  #DataLeak includes: ❌ Names ❌ Social
Security number ❌ Driver L… -- rug_cc shopmatrixuk: #Interpol has revealed the
results of a massive crackdown on social engineering scams that led to the
interception… https://t.co/7Kt3Ff7rB0 -- shopmatrixuk Tekzilla_it: RT @BforeAi:
Predicted Malicious Domain : 33eeee[.]top PreCrime Threat Intelligence by
@BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Positiv… -- Tekzilla_it Ant_0103: RT
@_zwink: New video on the #bugbounty hunting process that helped me go from $0
to $150,000/mo on #bugcrowd! I believe if you follow the… -- Ant_0103 BforeAi:
Predicted Malicious Domain : 8888tt[.]top PreCrime Threat Intelligence by
@BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero Fa… https://t.co/PcLJu920yI -- BforeAi
chinwi122: RT @_zwink: New video on the #bugbounty hunting process that helped
me go from $0 to $150,000/mo on #bugcrowd! I believe if you follow the… --
chinwi122 CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
8888tt[.]top PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero
False Positiv… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @booistrying: @XssHunter
is ❤️ Try ✅ Fail ???? Repeat ???? #bugbounty #infosec #hacker
https://t.co/KR4USsFy7k -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @FreedomNetTech:
Security has become more difficult, IT leaders say - Help Net Security
https://t.co/HBJ3CtOjOK #cybercrime #cybersecu… -- CyberSecurityN8
FreedomNetTech: Security has become more difficult, IT leaders say - Help Net
Security https://t.co/HBJ3CtOjOK #cybercrime #cybersecurity -- FreedomNetTech
GersonNozea: RT @IanTennant9: our latest blog on the UN #cybercrime
negotiations. -- GersonNozea Howie7951: RT @_zwink: New video on the #bugbounty
hunting process that helped me go from $0 to $150,000/mo on #bugcrowd! I believe
if you follow the… -- Howie7951 im_vk5: RT @cycatz2: #cycatz #bugbounty
#bugbountytips No Rate limit on Change email leads to email triggering $150
More..https://t.co/bceLisv09H… -- im_vk5 JCarlosLV2014: RT @executemalware:
#qakbot threat actors: "Let's see if we can find a way to add #follina to our
infection chain" ???? #emotet threat actors… -- JCarlosLV2014 JCarlosLV2014: RT
@executemalware: Here are some additional #emotet (E4) IOCs from this afternoon.
https://t.co/DytX1OqKNg -- JCarlosLV2014 Mich_ael45: RT @kassem_S94: Yay, I was
awarded a $1,300 bounty on @Hacker0x01! , for missing rate limit at login page
???? #bugbountytips #BugBounty #hac… -- Mich_ael45 NeobeePaul: RT @zapstiko:
Automating reflected XSS with burp-suite Intruder by @killmongar1996
#bugbountytips #bugbounty #xss https://t.co/oIxgkGLkgn -- NeobeePaul
opensource_orgs: RT @huntrHacktivity: Cross-site Scripting (XSS) - Stored in
https://t.co/LCRNqPgkE3 reported by gaurav-g2 - Patch: https://t.co/33KJYUz1Bf…
-- opensource_orgs Piperdo2: RT @Nickieyey: Huge collection of cheat sheets,
guides and resources on #Pentesting, #reverse #Engineering and #exploit
#development Link:… -- Piperdo2 rameshkumarec89: RT @CipherEra: 2FA Bypass
Testing ( Method 12 ) ==> #WayToInject => Try To Use SOAP Endpoint To Bypass
2FA. #CipherEra #VedixEra #AlphaE… -- rameshkumarec89 sectest9: RT @BforeAi:
Predicted Malicious Domain : 8888tt[.]top PreCrime Threat Intelligence by
@BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Positiv… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT
@booistrying: @XssHunter is ❤️ Try ✅ Fail ???? Repeat ???? #bugbounty #infosec
#hacker https://t.co/KR4USsFy7k -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @FreedomNetTech:
Security has become more difficult, IT leaders say - Help Net Security
https://t.co/HBJ3CtOjOK #cybercrime #cybersecu… -- sectest9 siryogaSYM: RT
@yokaiswap: Hi community! YokaiSwap Godwoken V1.1 testnet online now????⚡️ Let's
go test and find the bug????! ????Together we create a secure… -- siryogaSYM
SSSSIVA7: RT @_zwink: New video on the #bugbounty hunting process that helped me
go from $0 to $150,000/mo on #bugcrowd! I believe if you follow the… -- SSSSIVA7
tudouyavip: RT @Dhamu_offi: #bugbountytips #bugbounty I just published Java
Application WEB-INF Content Retrieved #java https://t.co/WZ2I7leOBm https… --
tudouyavip XeronBot: RT @Nickieyey: Huge collection of cheat sheets, guides and
resources on #Pentesting, #reverse #Engineering and #exploit #development Link:…
-- XeronBot beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://crypto-worldmax[.]org/update[.]zip #phishing #opendir #nc
https://t.co/MQOjZxpHxf -- beefyspace ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://10xoption[.]net/app%20%281%29[.]zip #phishing #opendir -- ecarlesi
ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxps://crypto-worldmax[.]org/update[.]zip
#phishing #opendir #nc https://t.co/MQOjZxpHxf -- ecarlesi icrowdfundbuzz: RT
@Traffic4SME: Critical #dataprotectionj defence for #business against
#ransomware and #hacking https://t.co/9In3xmYUJ3 #SMEs BizTip Pls… --
icrowdfundbuzz jennyleeoi: Visit @Akamai at #infosec to learn how to fight
#ransomware, even after it has breached your perimeter. Book your m…
https://t.co/HK0KPoQOq1 -- jennyleeoi OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC
2022-06-16 01… https://t.co/ACqefR7sdT -- OpenHoneypot ParabluInc: Don't let
#ransomware disrupt your business. Parablu’s BluVault is a robust #databackup
solution designed to keep y… https://t.co/U10zPJkq3u -- ParabluInc Sue14031544:
RT @hnewscookie: Yuma Regional Medical Center in Arizona notifies 700,000
patients of data theft following April #ransomware https://t.co/H… --
Sue14031544 Traffic4SME: Critical #dataprotectionj defence for #business against
#ransomware and #hacking https://t.co/9In3xmYUJ3 #SMEs BizT…
https://t.co/Btl1nTBGH3 -- Traffic4SME akawombat42: RT @MaltegoHQ: New episode
of #ThePivot is on the way! This episode features @WebBreacher! He shares with
#Maltego host @cfragoso how he st… -- akawombat42 AllGoneTomorrow: RT
@CovertShores: *** #OSINT UPDATE *** #Russian Navy concentrated in Sevastopol
today. Highlights * 2-3 active KILO class submarines in… -- AllGoneTomorrow
AndrewPeters01: RT @CovertShores: *** #OSINT UPDATE *** #Russian Navy
concentrated in Sevastopol today. Highlights * 2-3 active KILO class submarines
in… -- AndrewPeters01 chainabuse: AnataNFT discord reportedly hacked. Chainabuse
reports link the AnataNFT hacker potentially to the Parallel discord…
https://t.co/eHxCcgybHQ -- chainabuse CSAnewsportal: Beyond Spam and Phishing:
How to Defend Against All 13 Email Threat Types with Barracuda Email Security…
https://t.co/2mkq13euvf -- CSAnewsportal CyberDFIR: RT @Volexity: .@Volexity
offers a case study on real-world #zeroday exploitation of a Sophos XG Firewall
via CVE-2022-1040 by #DriftingClou… -- CyberDFIR DeansherryS: RT @CovertShores:
*** #OSINT UPDATE *** #Russian Navy concentrated in Sevastopol today. Highlights
* 2-3 active KILO class submarines in… -- DeansherryS DoldineR: RT
@CovertShores: *** #OSINT UPDATE *** #Russian Navy concentrated in Sevastopol
today. Highlights * 2-3 active KILO class submarines in… -- DoldineR
HaywoodJablomy3: RT @CovertShores: *** #OSINT UPDATE *** #Russian Navy
concentrated in Sevastopol today. Highlights * 2-3 active KILO class submarines
in… -- HaywoodJablomy3 JamesClah: RT @CovertShores: *** #OSINT UPDATE ***
#Russian Navy concentrated in Sevastopol today. Highlights * 2-3 active KILO
class submarines in… -- JamesClah jasonsnitker: RT @brechtcastel: @planet
@Techjournalisto @ArchitMeta @amra_dorjbayar @AlbertoOlivie13 @akhmxt And so the
images ended up with voluntary R… -- jasonsnitker MalcolmNance: RT
@CovertShores: *** #OSINT UPDATE *** #Russian Navy concentrated in Sevastopol
today. Highlights * 2-3 active KILO class submarines in… -- MalcolmNance
manuelq059: RT @cyb_detective: Cloud OSINT List of techniques, tools and Google
Dorks for #osint cloud services (#Azure, #Amazon, #GoogleCloud) https… --
manuelq059 manuelq059: RT @jakecreps: From this month's #OSINT newsletter: You
can reverse hashes into cleartext using a tool like hashes[.]com or check it in
Vi… -- manuelq059 MicroFocusSec: Get some of the key findings for 2021 from the
#CyberResGalaxy Annual Report, via @tahawultech.… https://t.co/M7gAiRHA7U --
MicroFocusSec OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 trying to login with account "super" and password "super1234…
https://t.co/OzgzUaoZbt -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC
2022-06-16 02… https://t.co/b1YUDGcUPW -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-16 02:06:51.387288.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.4" on UTC
2022-06-16 01… https://t.co/LN8WQLn6kd -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 trying to login with account
"support" and password "123456… https://t.co/QIKfxDGuSB -- OpenHoneypot
OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 trying to
login with account "root" and password "qwertyuiop… https://t.co/fW5H3P45He --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 on UTC 2022-06-16 01:48:42.613805. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot
pdbutler2003: RT @CovertShores: *** #OSINT UPDATE *** #Russian Navy concentrated
in Sevastopol today. Highlights * 2-3 active KILO class submarines in… --
pdbutler2003 rmccown: RT @CovertShores: *** #OSINT UPDATE *** #Russian Navy
concentrated in Sevastopol today. Highlights * 2-3 active KILO class submarines
in… -- rmccown RuOilTracker: ????????->???????? YASH 30,000 tons of oil products
From: Novorossiysk To: #Venice #Italy #russianoil #osint #sanctions…
https://t.co/vHTeeeiZO1 -- RuOilTracker russelltim151: RT @CovertShores: ***
#OSINT UPDATE *** #Russian Navy concentrated in Sevastopol today. Highlights *
2-3 active KILO class submarines in… -- russelltim151 SellerApp_Inc: What is
Amazon Phishing? How to protect yourself from Amazon Phishing emails? In this
video, we explore one of the… https://t.co/gCHHRLIils -- SellerApp_Inc
Bhavesh_Tech: RT @Paula_Piccard: Top 15 Cloud Security Threats #DataSecurity
#Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLearning #Phishing #Ransom… --
Bhavesh_Tech Castillobillo: RT @Paula_Piccard: Top 15 Cloud Security Threats
#DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLearning
#Phishing #Ransom… -- Castillobillo CyberSecurityN8: RT @three_cube: Reverse
Engineering Malware, Part 1: Getting Started #reversing #reverseengineering
#malware #dfir #infosec #cybersecurity… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT
@Paula_Piccard: Cyber Security Awareness #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode
#Cloud #Security #MachineLearning #Phishing #Ransomware… -- CyberSecurityN8
ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxps://umidy[.]net #phishing #nc
https://t.co/ZCxOdyFop9 -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://umidy[.]net #phishing #nc -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://umidy[.]net #phishing #nc https://t.co/1aF60e6gix -- ecarlesi
joes_mcgill: RT @chainabuse: AnataNFT discord reportedly hacked. Chainabuse
reports link the AnataNFT hacker potentially to the Parallel discord comprom… --
joes_mcgill manjulaprabh: RT @Paula_Piccard: Cyber Security Awareness
#DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLearning
#Phishing #Ransomware… -- manjulaprabh parkerrm39: RT @three_cube: Reverse
Engineering Malware, Part 1: Getting Started #reversing #reverseengineering
#malware #dfir #infosec #cybersecurity… -- parkerrm39 ParwejQazi: RT
@Paula_Piccard: Top 15 Cloud Security Threats #DataSecurity #Privacy
#100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLearning #Phishing #Ransom… --
ParwejQazi sectest9: RT @Paula_Piccard: Cyber Security Awareness #DataSecurity
#Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLearning #Phishing #Ransomware…
-- sectest9 sprint_code: RT @Paula_Piccard: Why We Need Security Knowledge and
Not Just Threat Intel Know more: https://t.co/3nNFi6AJg5 #DataSecurity #Privacy
#10… -- sprint_code textengineinc: RT @Paula_Piccard: Cyber Security Awareness
#DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLearning
#Phishing #Ransomware… -- textengineinc tudouyavip: RT @Paula_Piccard: Top 15
Cloud Security Threats #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security
#MachineLearning #Phishing #Ransom… -- tudouyavip urbanosoax: RT @PhishFindR:
???? PhishFindR Found: 376 NEW #Phishing Domains ???? 03:31:11 ???? Found Today:
376 https://t.co/XwsMfLnEhL 2022-06-16 ???? #cybersec… -- urbanosoax beefyspace:
RT @Paula_Piccard: Cyber Security Awareness #DataSecurity #Privacy
#100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLearning #Phishing #Ransomware… --
beefyspace c4d_official: RT @Paula_Piccard: Cyber Security Awareness
#DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLearning
#Phishing #Ransomware… -- c4d_official HJ_Chicago: RT @Paula_Piccard: Cyber
Security Awareness #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security
#MachineLearning #Phishing #Ransomware… -- HJ_Chicago bamitav: #Panchan: A New
#Golang based Peer-To-Peer #botnet Targeting #Linux Servers
https://t.co/Xlhs649uCF #cyberwar… https://t.co/ErgAWGnRLO -- bamitav BforeAi:
Predicted Malicious Domain : 33eeee[.]top PreCrime Threat Intelligence by
@BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero Fa… https://t.co/mgslSReneu -- BforeAi
codedailybot: RT @bamitav: New #Syslogk #Linux Rootkit Lets Attackers Remotely
Command It Using "Magic Packets" https://t.co/q7ohoV2AIu #cyberwar #cybe… --
codedailybot codedailybot: RT @bamitav: New #Syslogk #Linux Rootkit Lets
Attackers Remotely Command It Using "Magic Packets" https://t.co/q7ohoV2AIu
#cyberwar #cybe… -- codedailybot CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted
Malicious Domain : 33eeee[.]top PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat
Agnostic Near-Zero False Positiv… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT
@bamitav: #Panchan: A New #Golang based Peer-To-Peer #botnet Targeting #Linux
Servers https://t.co/Xlhs649uCF #cyberwar #cybercrime #h… -- CyberSecurityN8
opensource_orgs: RT @bamitav: #Panchan: A New #Golang based Peer-To-Peer #botnet
Targeting #Linux Servers https://t.co/Xlhs649uCF #cyberwar #cybercrime #h… --
opensource_orgs packetengineer: RT @bamitav: New #Syslogk #Linux Rootkit Lets
Attackers Remotely Command It Using "Magic Packets" https://t.co/q7ohoV2AIu
#cyberwar #cybe… -- packetengineer sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious
Domain : 33eeee[.]top PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero False Positiv… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @bamitav: #Panchan: A New
#Golang based Peer-To-Peer #botnet Targeting #Linux Servers
https://t.co/Xlhs649uCF #cyberwar #cybercrime #h… -- sectest9 Stenciled_By_Em:
RT @Keyboard_Sniper:  Who Knows This One? #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Serverless… --
Stenciled_By_Em xaelbot: RT @Keyboard_Sniper:  Who Knows This One?
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #Serverless… -- xaelbot XeronBot: RT @bamitav: #Panchan: A New
#Golang based Peer-To-Peer #botnet Targeting #Linux Servers
https://t.co/Xlhs649uCF #cyberwar #cybercrime #h… -- XeronBot BotFemale: RT
@itsoknottobegay:  You Date Fags #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning #… -- BotFemale
cryptopunk7777: RT @cryptopunk7777: #girlskissing #NFTGiveaway 105 #ETH Traded
on #openseanfts ✅https://t.co/1IbLzITOhL #flutter #Serverless #hr #100Day… --
cryptopunk7777 fe_tsoc: RT @executemalware: Here are some additional #emotet
(E4) IOCs from this afternoon. https://t.co/DytX1OqKNg -- fe_tsoc PythonRoboto:
RT @itsoknottobegay:  You Date Fags #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning #… -- PythonRoboto
sechamsterico: RT @executemalware: Here are some IOCs from a handful of #emotet
emails received this morning. The .dll files would not run under Windows7… --
sechamsterico Stenciled_By_Em: RT @SkyNet_HTML: @CrookedIntriago @FINALLEVEL 
You’re Celebrities Huh #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming
#DataScience #… -- Stenciled_By_Em Stenciled_By_Em: RT @SkyNet_HTML:
@CrookedIntriago  Go Read A Book #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Mac… -- Stenciled_By_Em
Stenciled_By_Em: RT @itsoknottobegay:  You Date Fags #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning #… --
Stenciled_By_Em Stenciled_By_Em: RT @SkyNet_HTML:  Tailoring Fit Like @Nike #Ad
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #Serve… -- Stenciled_By_Em Stenciled_By_Em: RT @SkyNet_HTML: 
Word Play All Day @KIIARA #Ad #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Serv… -- Stenciled_By_Em xaelbot: RT
@SkyNet_HTML: @CrookedIntriago  Go Read A Book #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Mac… -- xaelbot
XeronBot: RT @SkyNet_HTML: @CrookedIntriago  Go Read A Book #100DaysOfCode
#CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Mac… --
XeronBot XeronBot: RT @itsoknottobegay:  You Date Fags #100DaysOfCode
#CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter
#MachineLearning #… -- XeronBot XeronBot: RT @SkyNet_HTML:  Tailoring Fit Like
@Nike #Ad #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #Serve… -- XeronBot XeronBot: RT @Keyboard_Sniper:  Who Knows
This One? #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #Serverless… -- XeronBot 1ZRR4H: RT @executemalware: Here are
some additional #emotet (E4) IOCs from this afternoon. https://t.co/DytX1OqKNg
-- 1ZRR4H AP_Hofleitner: RT @cyber_etc: USA ???????? : #Glenn County Office of
Education in Willows, California, was hit by a #ransomware attack, detected on
May 10. Acco… -- AP_Hofleitner backendnewsnet: New features include the
visualization of cyber-investigations and extended opportunities for the
analysis of compl… https://t.co/HXCa4Nifeo -- backendnewsnet beefyspace: RT
@ecarlesi: Possible threat on
-- beefyspace bigmacjpg: RT @executemalware: Here are some additional #emotet
(E4) IOCs from this afternoon. https://t.co/DytX1OqKNg -- bigmacjpg Cohesity: To
help organizations fight #ransomware attacks, #Cohesity and #Cisco have brought
our collaboration to a new level… https://t.co/6t0MF1OmCa -- Cohesity
cyberreport_io: Did A Bitcoin “Zig-Zag” Shake Out The Crypto Market?
https://t.co/ISfRgEBW9m #cybersecurity #threatintelligence…
https://t.co/F1WSutP44R -- cyberreport_io CyberSecDN: Vice Society claims the
#ransomware attack on the Municipality of Palermo - teiss
https://t.co/axdIMPZLai #Sec_Cyber -- CyberSecDN CyberSecPlace: RT @TripwireInc:
The State of Ransomware 2022 study has revealed that malicious hackers are
finding increasingly complex ways to launch ran… -- CyberSecPlace
CyberSecurityN8: RT @CyberSecDN: Vice Society claims the #ransomware attack on
the Municipality of Palermo - teiss https://t.co/axdIMPZLai #Sec_Cyber --
CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @cyber_etc: USA ???????? : #Glenn County
Office of Education in Willows, California, was hit by a #ransomware attack,
detected on May 10. Acco… -- CyberSecurityN8 ecarlesi: Possible threat on
https://t.co/wu7mrU6bJk -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
#opendir #nc -- ecarlesi Evropax: RT @Eurojust: ???????? #Ransomware has become
a worldwide problem that requires cooperation on a global level. Today and
tomorrow, #Eurojust and… -- Evropax HackwithTeeJay: Hacking is way Easier when
you contact the right hacker. Inbox me now for all your hacking services I'm
always ava… https://t.co/5tgrZEUflZ -- HackwithTeeJay Jean_Zacarias: RT
@securityonion: Today's quick #malware analysis with #SecurityOnion: #Emotet
Epoch 5 infection with spambot traffic #pcap from 2022-04-0… -- Jean_Zacarias
matthieu_faou: RT @tlansec: ✅ Exploitation of 0⃣ day at the time? ✅ Web????s
involved? ✅ DNS MiTM? ????‍???? It can only mean one thing. Volexity blog:
https:/… -- matthieu_faou osmo35195362: RT @ecarlesi: Possible threat on
-- osmo35195362 Safealliance_PT: RT @TrendMicroRSRCH: We found key similarities
between the #Emotet #botnet malware and the #QakBot loader. Find out how to spot
these #ma… -- Safealliance_PT sectest9: RT @CyberSecDN: Vice Society claims the
#ransomware attack on the Municipality of Palermo - teiss
https://t.co/axdIMPZLai #Sec_Cyber -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @cyber_etc: USA
???????? : #Glenn County Office of Education in Willows, California, was hit by
a #ransomware attack, detected on May 10. Acco… -- sectest9 TripwireInc: The
State of Ransomware 2022 study has revealed that malicious hackers are finding
increasingly complex ways to lau… https://t.co/Y5DxJF8YQz -- TripwireInc
Eightfold14: RT @Sector035: Good morning, and welcome to an extra long episode
of Week in #OSINT! H/T: @AaronCTI @matt0177 @MatterOsint @journtoolbox @… --
Eightfold14 gdprAI: RT @threatshub: ThreatsHub Cybersecurity News | Heineken
says there’s no free beer, warns of phishing scam - https://t.co/WoVwcMwZRr
#Cyber… -- gdprAI jasonsnitker: RT @somken: Lots of Russian "Special Flight
Squadron" flights in the last 8 hours. "RSD599" just took off too. Big moves.
#OSINT #Ukraine #… -- jasonsnitker marletds: RT @backendnewsnet: New features
include the visualization of cyber-investigations and extended opportunities for
the analysis of complex m… -- marletds niningasih: RT @brechtcastel: A Russian
missile ???????? killed at least three Ukrainian citizens ???????? on April 16
in Kyiv. This was NO ordinary attack: it w… -- niningasih OpenHoneypot: An
attempt was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-16
00:03:29.851855. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-16 00:11:15.399103.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 trying to login with account "orangepi" and password
"oran… https://t.co/2PcAR2dPOo -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was
detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-16 00:10:55.734976.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 trying to login with account "import" and password
"import… https://t.co/9mqms5U081 -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was
detected from to port 8022 trying to login with account "lab" and
password "lab123" o… https://t.co/UAMoASnLf7 -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An
attempt was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-16
00:11:05.695534. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version
"SSH-2.0-libssh2_1.9.0" on UTC 2022-06-16… https://t.co/IIVM9Uvgng --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh2_1.9.0" on UTC 2022-06-16…
https://t.co/22sNgbBDpv -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 trying to login with account "root" and password
"123qweasdz… https://t.co/tLHHVxEPdy -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version
"SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-16 00… https://t.co/oUVjnSpbhz --
OpenHoneypot OsintCurious: RT @Eightfold14: @InfoSecSherpa is one of my favorite
writers on Medium.. Her weekly newsletter kicks butt. @wondersmith_rae speaks
with co… -- OsintCurious packetengineer: RT @Eightfold14: @InfoSecSherpa is one
of my favorite writers on Medium.. Her weekly newsletter kicks butt.
@wondersmith_rae speaks with co… -- packetengineer RDSWEB: RT @DigResistSpace: A
course some might be keen on. #DigitalResistance #OSINT https://t.co/v4lC69S6NI
-- RDSWEB RDSWEB: RT @somken: Lots of Russian "Special Flight Squadron" flights
in the last 8 hours. "RSD599" just took off too. Big moves. #OSINT #Ukraine #…
-- RDSWEB Safealliance_PT: RT @KitPloit: Blackbird - An OSINT Tool To Search For
Accounts By Username In 101 Social Networks https://t.co/tVB9sM3dSc #Blackbird
#JSON… -- Safealliance_PT Sigma19001: RT @CovertShores: *** #OSINT UPDATE ***
#Russian Navy concentrated in Sevastopol today. Highlights * 2-3 active KILO
class submarines in… -- Sigma19001 threat_404: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE***
#Russian Navy landing ships in Black Sea today #OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar
https://t.co/aC7XBIyFyh -- threat_404 beefyspace: RT @MalwarePatrol: Our (7) DNS
firewall zones are updated every 5 minutes and protect your network against C2s,
#cryptomining, DGAs, #malw… -- beefyspace blu3cloak: PIXM partners with Identity
Automation to protect educators and learners from targeted #phishing attacks
https://t.co/LBU5q1oEE1 -- blu3cloak cybsecbot: RT @LanceSchukies: In
Cybersecurity, What You Can’t See Can Hurt You https://t.co/VAotYZ8jto
#vulnerabilities #hacks #security #malware #pr… -- cybsecbot ecarlesi: Possible
threat on hxxp://dafajx[.]com #phishing -- ecarlesi exit266: RT
@GrammarDomin8rx: #OSINT #Ukraine ???????????????? ???? Join @TwitterSpaces w/
#SpacesHost @GrammarDomin8rx ???? #DigitalResistance #SlavaUkraini  #na… --
exit266 GrammarDomin8rx: #OSINT #Ukraine ???????????????? ???? Join
@TwitterSpaces w/ #SpacesHost @GrammarDomin8rx ???? #DigitalResistance
#SlavaUkraini … https://t.co/7flkfwL5P8 -- GrammarDomin8rx JEMPradio: Phish -
Brian and Robert (7-15-98) #Phish #JEMPRadio #CommunityRadio #NowPlaying
https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE -- JEMPradio JEMPradio: Grateful Dead - Mississippi
Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo #Phish #JEMPRadio #CommunityRadio #NowPlaying
https://t.co/Bz9yNRBxjc -- JEMPradio kjrahimi: When you are down one the years
listed below, rabbit holes of listening, which year is the hardest to get out
of? A… https://t.co/Aq8jO7b2FK -- kjrahimi LorettaBower3: RT @Adam_K_Levin:
Cybercriminals are using a tactic called "reverse tunneling" to make #phishing
campaigns harder to track. Here's how they… -- LorettaBower3 MalwarePatrol:
Another active #Phishing targeting Microsoft URL: hxxp://atowalletconnect.tax/
#onpatrol4malware (bot generated) https://t.co/8tf0JtcCTM -- MalwarePatrol
N_Cocky: RT @CovertShores: *** #OSINT UPDATE *** #Russian Navy concentrated in
Sevastopol today. Highlights * 2-3 active KILO class submarines in… -- N_Cocky
pingineer_jp: hxxps://for[.]addinsys[.]com/ #Phishing #scam #フィッシング #フィッシングメール
#americanexpress #AMEX #アメリカン・エキスプレス #アメックス -- pingineer_jp RuOilTracker:
????????->????‍☠️ DUKE I Departed Novorossiysk with 40,000 tons of oil products.
Destination unknown #russianoil #osint… https://t.co/srLr4JZvRB -- RuOilTracker
sadasemb: RT @CertiKAlert: #CommunityAlert ???? We are seeing reports that
@GREED_Nu Discord has been compromised. The team is working on getting ever… --
sadasemb secretcabdriver: RT @secretcabdriver: 34 years ago tonight, Contact
debuted at The Front in Burlington. It's been played 171 times since its debut.
Most rec… -- secretcabdriver Ultrascan419: 'Grandparent scam' arrests in
Hampton: Two charged for allegedly targeting victims twice: They were called and
told… https://t.co/q017TyBDsI -- Ultrascan419 XeronBot: RT @cryptoalert7777:
xRay Web Vulnerability Scanner Advanced v1.8.5 x64 Full Activated – Discount
100% OFF https://t.co/U658jhtU4q #infosec… -- XeronBot CDNNextCIO: RT
@Paula_Piccard: Top 15 Cloud Security Threats #DataSecurity #Privacy
#100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLearning #Phishing #Ransom… --
CDNNextCIO CGTechnologies: Spear phishing attacks – do you know what to look
for? #phishing #cybersecurity #hacking #malware #cybercrime…
https://t.co/H9quoDJKPY -- CGTechnologies cybsecbot: In the past 24 hours, 8060
IoC's were submitted and #Emotet is the most seen #malware family on abuse[.]ch
-- cybsecbot efnux: RT @Paula_Piccard: Top 15 Cloud Security Threats
#DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLearning
#Phishing #Ransom… -- efnux FortiGuardLabs: #FortiGuardLabs discovered version
3.0 of IceXLoader, a new #malwareloader. Read our blog for the technical
details… https://t.co/GlEXvbbcKL -- FortiGuardLabs Shola_Jr: RT @Paula_Piccard:
Top 15 Cloud Security Threats #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud
#Security #MachineLearning #Phishing #Ransom… -- Shola_Jr CSIRTGOB: ???? #Adobe
compartió una serie de nuevas #vulnerabilidades para parchar en varios de sus
productos. Más información: https://t.co/n8RUh4uWRu - ¡Síguenos! Somos el CSIRT
de Gobierno #CSIRTGob https://t.co/nMiuWHQuPR -- CSIRTGOB LanceSchukies: Iranian
Spear Phishing Operation Targets Former Israeli Foreign Minister, Former US
Ambassador to Israel, Former Is… https://t.co/kMK3SAOv4v -- LanceSchukies
sectest9: RT @WeAreConfiant: What is a "Crypto-drainer" and why you should know
about this one in particular...from @eliyastein #cryptocurrency #cr… -- sectest9
SherriDavidoff: #Cybercrime evolves rapidly, and response techniques need to
evolve, too. Join our webinar on June 23 - @EvilMattXD… https://t.co/EZyjIMadxu
-- SherriDavidoff 0xKhattak: RT @_zwink: New video on the #bugbounty hunting
process that helped me go from $0 to $150,000/mo on #bugcrowd! I believe if you
follow the… -- 0xKhattak akaclandestine: RT @az7rb: - Awesome Cloud-PenTest
https://t.co/WFPY0UEDwm - Awesome Cloud Security https://t.co/2io8QVCXtb
#BugBounty #bugbountytips #Se… -- akaclandestine AndreGironda: RT
@executemalware: Here are some IOCs from a handful of #emotet emails received
this morning. The .dll files would not run under Windows7… -- AndreGironda
AnonyJoeMouse: RT @chamindux: NMAP FULL CHEAT SHEET✨ #bugbounty #PentestingBest
#MachineLearning #DataScience #SQL #Cybersecurity #BigData #Analytics #AI… --
AnonyJoeMouse beefyspace: RT @LanceSchukies: Email compromise leads to
healthcare data breach at Kaiser Permanente | Malwarebytes Labs #cybersecurity
#infosec #hack… -- beefyspace beefyspace: RT @LanceSchukies: Iranian Spear
Phishing Operation Targets Former Israeli Foreign Minister, Former US Ambassador
to Israel, Former Israeli… -- beefyspace BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
4freefunneltemplate[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat
Agnostic… https://t.co/wOEJpFduzb -- BforeAi CyberSecurityN8: RT @chamindux:
NMAP FULL CHEAT SHEET✨ #bugbounty #PentestingBest #MachineLearning #DataScience
#SQL #Cybersecurity #BigData #Analytics #AI… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8:
RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : 4freefunneltemplate[.]com PreCrime
Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero… -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @LanceSchukies: Email compromise leads to healthcare data
breach at Kaiser Permanente | Malwarebytes Labs #cybersecurity #infosec #hack…
-- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @az7rb: - Awesome Cloud-PenTest
https://t.co/WFPY0UEDwm - Awesome Cloud Security https://t.co/2io8QVCXtb
#BugBounty #bugbountytips #Se… -- CyberSecurityN8 DSDigital_Info: RT
@disclosedh1: Twitter disclosed a bug submitted by @mxswd:
https://t.co/E4qNgfAWKI - Bounty: $560 #hackerone #bugbounty https://t.co/bDi…
-- DSDigital_Info ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://hashtle[.]com/wordpress-6[.]0-el[.]zip #phishing #opendir #enom --
ecarlesi executemalware: Here are some additional #emotet (E4) IOCs from this
afternoon. https://t.co/DytX1OqKNg -- executemalware John_Fokker: RT
@euroinfosec: How Russia's Ukraine invasion is changing the future cybercrime
landscape https://t.co/kkgToSOGu7 Big props to @John_Fok… -- John_Fokker
JRoosen: RT @executemalware: Here are some additional #emotet (E4) IOCs from a
single email I received this afternoon. I separated these from the la… --
JRoosen JRoosen: RT @executemalware: Here are some IOCs from a handful of
#emotet emails received this morning. The .dll files would not run under
Windows7… -- JRoosen LanceSchukies: Stealthy Symbiote Linux malware is after
financial institutions | Malwarebytes Labs #cybersecurity #infosec…
https://t.co/hhOod1iNxg -- LanceSchukies LanceSchukies: Email compromise leads
to healthcare data breach at Kaiser Permanente | Malwarebytes Labs
#cybersecurity #infosec… https://t.co/N6FOKiNoN2 -- LanceSchukies Max_Mal_: RT
@executemalware: Here are some additional #emotet (E4) IOCs from this afternoon.
https://t.co/DytX1OqKNg -- Max_Mal_ sechamsterico: RT @executemalware: Here are
some additional #emotet (E4) IOCs from this afternoon. https://t.co/DytX1OqKNg
-- sechamsterico sectest9: RT @chamindux: NMAP FULL CHEAT SHEET✨ #bugbounty
#PentestingBest #MachineLearning #DataScience #SQL #Cybersecurity #BigData
#Analytics #AI… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
4freefunneltemplate[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat
Agnostic Near-Zero… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @LanceSchukies: Email compromise
leads to healthcare data breach at Kaiser Permanente | Malwarebytes Labs
#cybersecurity #infosec #hack… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @az7rb: - Awesome
Cloud-PenTest https://t.co/WFPY0UEDwm - Awesome Cloud Security
https://t.co/2io8QVCXtb #BugBounty #bugbountytips #Se… -- sectest9 TheDevelBot:
RT @ShadyWordPress:  Troll Patrol ???? #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Serverless #ML #I… -- TheDevelBot
xaelbot: RT @ShadyWordPress:  Troll Patrol ???? #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Serverless #ML #I… --
xaelbot xTheBigDataBotx: RT @ShadyWordPress:  Troll Patrol ???? #100DaysOfCode
#CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Serverless
#ML #I… -- xTheBigDataBotx andi_staub: RT @sallyeaves: Following #SplunkConf22
#Security Session Here's Top Takes! @Splunk #CyberSecurity #research
https://t.co/HjTW4iUOHD #Ra… -- andi_staub atul3ashok: .@RubrikInc Threat
Hunting analyzes backup snapshots and provides insights that help avoid malware
reinfection duri… https://t.co/c4Izu88FfU -- atul3ashok aurorainfosec: Aurora
InfoTech made the list of Top 250 Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP) for
2021 - we're at #226 worldwi… https://t.co/BlHiWlvi3j -- aurorainfosec
beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://hashtle[.]com/wordpress-6[.]0-el[.]zip #phishing #opendir #enom --
beefyspace CapitalAreaSIM: #Ransomware attacks are increasing with more
dangerous hybrids ahead https://t.co/79EK0KL7g2 via @CSOonline -- CapitalAreaSIM
Commvault: #Ransomware attacks are becoming more sophisticated and so must your
strategy to stay ahead of bad actors. Learn ho… https://t.co/0rEKz9rhSU --
Commvault CyberSecurityN8: RT @DavidSawatzke: #Databreach on #healthcare
provider Shields Health Care Group exposed sensitive personal health and
treatment informatio… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @FreedomNetTech: By
streamlining compliance, companies can focus more on security - Help Net
Security https://t.co/aFnrMa3qJW #securit… -- CyberSecurityN8 cybsecbot: RT
@nisos: In our latest ebook, "Building an Enterprise Threat Intel Program" we
look at insights gathered from Intelligence Leaders at For… -- cybsecbot
FreedomNetTech: By streamlining compliance, companies can focus more on security
- Help Net Security https://t.co/aFnrMa3qJW #security #ransomware --
FreedomNetTech Howie7951: RT @ErSurajShukla: Governance Risk and Compliance
(GRC) framework :- #cybersecurity #infosec #infosecurity #Linux #networksecurity
#secur… -- Howie7951 k46Axzc: Need a hacker to do the job? Lost your account and
need a recovery but don't know how? Inbox now for help and guide…
https://t.co/bdmxVAeVBl -- k46Axzc k46Axzc: Have exclusive Hacking jobs? DM and
Ask for my service. #hacked #icloud #facebookdown #imessage #ransomware…
https://t.co/AekOKWJsi4 -- k46Axzc Sec_Cyber: BlackCat is becoming a familiar
pet of #ransomware groups • The Register https://t.co/3REtwcQHsm -- Sec_Cyber
sechamsterico: I need a column of good #ThreatIntel feed I'll create one as a
list -- sechamsterico sectest9: RT @DavidSawatzke: #Databreach on #healthcare
provider Shields Health Care Group exposed sensitive personal health and
treatment informatio… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @FreedomNetTech: By streamlining
compliance, companies can focus more on security - Help Net Security
https://t.co/aFnrMa3qJW #securit… -- sectest9 AnotherOneCR: RT @brechtcastel: A
Russian missile ???????? killed at least three Ukrainian citizens ???????? on
April 16 in Kyiv. This was NO ordinary attack: it w… -- AnotherOneCR
ASG_Sc0rpi0n: RT @ReconVillage: ???? Join us on Discord. https://t.co/qrSiXmIfzg
We will be discussing #recon #osint #infosec stuff, and a lot more out th… --
ASG_Sc0rpi0n awoolplan: RT @brechtcastel: A Russian missile ???????? killed at
least three Ukrainian citizens ???????? on April 16 in Kyiv. This was NO
ordinary attack: it w… -- awoolplan c3rb3ru5d3d53c: RT @1ZRR4H: Never trust a:
"This Account Has Been Suspended". Keep Hunting! #ThreatIntel
https://t.co/P6IfjeiJge -- c3rb3ru5d3d53c cyb_detective: RT @cyb_detective:
Telegram Investigation Toolkit One of the most comprehensive collections of
tools for gathering information on #Telegra… -- cyb_detective CyberSecurityN8:
RT @ErSurajShukla: Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC) framework :-
#cybersecurity #infosec #infosecurity #Linux #networksecurity #secur… --
CyberSecurityN8 Jaxsun20: RT @three_cube: Want to track someone special's
flight? OSINT: Tracking Flight and Aircraft Data with Open Source Tools #osint
#radarbox #… -- Jaxsun20 JPFABRE_appSec: #CyberResGalaxy's threat research team
provides insights into the business impact of global threats with a new repo…
https://t.co/japXrx3Gil -- JPFABRE_appSec OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 trying to login with account "root" and password
"Passw0rd"… https://t.co/gIqXTOzmjk -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was
detected from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6"
on UTC 2022-06-15 21… https://t.co/rUTWcKFiAg -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An
attempt was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-15
21:55:40.011583. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot sectest9: RT
@ErSurajShukla: Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC) framework :- #cybersecurity
#infosec #infosecurity #Linux #networksecurity #secur… -- sectest9 SMACT72: RT
@DavePharrel: @LanguageIearner #Update #BlackSea #SnakeIsland Tune in with
@OSINT88 @SMACT72 @ActualIronclad @chachango @LindforsNina #O… -- SMACT72
snyde21_: OSINT Becoming the ‘INT’ of First Resort as Intelligence Community
Eyes an Overhaul https://t.co/Bcgf4BJAIT #osint -- snyde21_ StefTurtlemtn: RT
@DavePharrel: @LanguageIearner #Update #BlackSea #SnakeIsland Tune in with
@OSINT88 @SMACT72 @ActualIronclad @chachango @LindforsNina #O… -- StefTurtlemtn
TakeTheRace: RT @three_cube: OSINT is playing a Key Role in The Effort to Save
Ukraine! Hackers-Arise Has One of the Largest Repositories of OSINT tuto… --
TakeTheRace thea_ingrid: ‼️Soon news updates with Language ‼️ #OSINT
https://t.co/xicKwZs5an -- thea_ingrid TvPrivacy: WEF (World Economic Forum)
"Atlas Initiative", Ambitious Plan To Map Online Crime + OSINT Relationships
#WEF… https://t.co/LHyBDpUJs9 -- TvPrivacy ASG_Sc0rpi0n: RT @ReconVillage: **
Announcement ** We have extended the deadline for submitting to our CFP. ????️
The last date to Submit is now the 27th… -- ASG_Sc0rpi0n BlackBerry: BlackBerry
and @IntezerLabs discovered new Linux #malware, dubbed Symbiote, that is nearly
impossible to detect and… https://t.co/N3mk6doVhc -- BlackBerry CyberSecurityN8:
RT @securityaffairs: #Ransomware gangs are exploiting CVE-2022-26134 RCE in
#Atlassian #Confluence servers https://t.co/AlgI2kuubN #securit… --
CyberSecurityN8 cybsecbot: RT @PhishStats: new #phishing at
hXXp://personasportal[.]hostfree[.]pw/ | 185[.]27[.]134[.]118 | United Kingdom |
WILDCARD-AS Wildcard UK L… -- cybsecbot ICSConsultingAU: Phishing, the practice
of sending malicious emails to encourage users to perform actions that benefit
an attacker,… https://t.co/JFfIT6RmQU -- ICSConsultingAU JEMPradio: Violent
Femmes - Add It Up #Phish #JEMPRadio #CommunityRadio #NowPlaying
https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE -- JEMPradio jesse_mauro247: RT @Paula_Piccard: Top 15
Cloud Security Threats #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security
#MachineLearning #Phishing #Ransom… -- jesse_mauro247 johnlucchetti:
.@treyanastasio playing guitar in the 1920’s in the style of Van Gogh #dalle
#phish https://t.co/3frYYjv7rS -- johnlucchetti LanceSchukies: Why are interns a
cybersecurity threat? | Kaspersky official blog #cybersecurity #infosec #hacker
#cyberattack… https://t.co/yXjgpEb5sA -- LanceSchukies LanceSchukies: Update
now!  Microsoft patches Follina, and many other security updates | Malwarebytes
Labs #cybersecurity… https://t.co/EfExsRK1W8 -- LanceSchukies LindforsNina: RT
@DavePharrel: @LanguageIearner #Update #BlackSea #SnakeIsland Tune in with
@OSINT88 @SMACT72 @ActualIronclad @chachango @LindforsNina #O… -- LindforsNina
MISAOntario: New #MISAOn Industry Insight Webinar with @ISACybersec | June 16 @
11 am Attention Members! ISA Cybersecurity wil… https://t.co/DIxaTCW4wk --
MISAOntario Nick_Kelly: RT @TalosSecurity: Swing by The Pub this week at
#CiscoLive to see if your favorite #malware mascot made it into a sticker. While
you're th… -- Nick_Kelly phansets: ♫ Now Playing: Phish, 9/14/21 Dick’s,
Commerce City, CO #phish #phishtwitter #PhanSets $SOL #wenmint
????????????‍????????????➖7️⃣????… https://t.co/S2yhtwnG8X -- phansets
Rooijborstje: Phishing? @ZiggoWebcare @VodafoneZiggo #ziggo #phishing
https://t.co/5HMDiAyxjX -- Rooijborstje RuOilTracker: ????????->????‍☠️ NS
CONCORD Departed Primorsk with 100,000 tons of crude oil. Destination unknown
#russianoil #osint… https://t.co/Q3IPDdyqS4 -- RuOilTracker ScottMarty53566: Sad
thing is that these #phishing emails are probably very effective, despite being
ridiculously easy to spot. From… https://t.co/RV69aF8FvP -- ScottMarty53566
sectest9: RT @securityaffairs: #Ransomware gangs are exploiting CVE-2022-26134
RCE in #Atlassian #Confluence servers https://t.co/AlgI2kuubN #securit… --
sectest9 timothy_ndungo: RT @Adam_K_Levin: Cybercriminals are using a tactic
called "reverse tunneling" to make #phishing campaigns harder to track. Here's
how they… -- timothy_ndungo Tinkeringhalo2: RT @cyb_detective: Telegram
Investigation Toolkit One of the most comprehensive collections of tools for
gathering information on #Telegra… -- Tinkeringhalo2 Ultrascan419: 'Don't
click!': Expert fear as post scams cause alarm - how to spot fake delivery
messages: DHL scam. Scammers have… https://t.co/aqqBBUtQaP -- Ultrascan419
YourAnonRiots: RT @securityaffairs: #Ransomware gangs are exploiting
CVE-2022-26134 RCE in #Atlassian #Confluence servers https://t.co/AlgI2kuubN
#securit… -- YourAnonRiots zapotecomx: RT @adem_onar: Top 15 Cloud Security
Threats v/ @Paula_Piccard #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security
#MachineLearning #… -- zapotecomx CyberSecurityN8: RT @MrMarchi: How to level-up
your e-commerce cyber #Security -- Digital Security | T ...:
https://t.co/VbqDJnm407. #Analysis #Business #… -- CyberSecurityN8 GoaiDev: RT
@MrMarchi: How to level-up your e-commerce cyber #Security -- Digital Security |
T ...: https://t.co/VbqDJnm407. #Analysis #Business #… -- GoaiDev GoaiDev: RT
@MrSkanner: How to level-up your e-commerce cyber #Security -- Digital Security
| T ...: https://t.co/Pew6B3375O. #Analysis #Business… -- GoaiDev MrMarchi: How
to level-up your e-commerce cyber #Security -- Digital Security | T ...:
https://t.co/VbqDJnm407. #Analysis… https://t.co/P6SXaoN55s -- MrMarchi
MrSkanner: How to level-up your e-commerce cyber #Security -- Digital Security |
T ...: https://t.co/Pew6B3375O. #Analysis… https://t.co/L1VUbOKmxW -- MrSkanner
NEI: The #nuclear energy industry is at a pivotal moment: Outstanding
performance and exciting new technology advances are taking place as the U.S.
and the world reimagine the grid of the #future. https://t.co/edCmzM2DwP -- NEI
PhishFindR: In the Last 24 Hours ???? PhishFindR Found: 889 NEW #Phishing Links
???? 624 NEW Phishing Domains ???? >… https://t.co/ReZxhXNhdj -- PhishFindR
RH_ISAC: Kaiser Permanente Exposes Nearly 70K Medical Records in Data Breach
#infosec #cybersecurity #data #breach https://t.co/2n45FSbtid -- RH_ISAC
sectest9: RT @MrMarchi: How to level-up your e-commerce cyber #Security --
Digital Security | T ...: https://t.co/VbqDJnm407. #Analysis #Business #… --
sectest9 SpaceISAC: ???? Training Opportunity‼️ A Systematic Approach using the
SPAce Domain Cybersecurity (SPADoCS) Framework The course is organized around a
comprehensive and systematic model for understanding & tackling critical issues
of cybersecurity in -- SpaceISAC CSIRT_Telconet: Vulnerabilidad crítica de
ejecución de código parcheada en Splunk Enterprise https://t.co/TuMEEnrCXV
#Newsletter #Splunk #Vulnerabilidad #vulnerability #SplunkEnterprise
https://t.co/ZPb8tITTZ6 -- CSIRT_Telconet ahrleanz: RT @Dhamu_offi:
#bugbountytips #bugbounty I just published PhpMyAdmin Setup is Accessible
Without Authentication #PHPMyAdmin #PHP https:/… -- ahrleanz apmurray123:
Today’s CEOs Don’t Just Lead Companies. They Lead Ecosystems. #IT #CIO #data
#bigdata #tech… https://t.co/p7bymGqkR2 -- apmurray123 BotFemale: RT
@Keyboard_Sniper:  Who Knows This One? #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Serverless… -- BotFemale
CivilianBlood: RT @Victoryabro: Deleted TikTok contents can still be used
against the creators by the FBI via @ForbesInno #TikTok #Cybersecurity
#Cybercri… -- CivilianBlood CMoschovitis: Top three most critical areas of web
security Akamai Technologies revealed… #IT #CIO #data #bigdata #tech…
https://t.co/tdnBWPB07P -- CMoschovitis Cohesity: Are your #backup snapshots are
immutable? Does your backup system support at-rest and in-flight data
encryption?… https://t.co/wTTwg3MRa0 -- Cohesity crae47: RT @FBIWFO: Combating
#cybercrime requires teamwork. The #FBI works with domestic and foreign
governments, private sector companies, and vi… -- crae47 CRudinschi: Learn how
organizations have found a way to reduce attack surfaces with digital mapping.
https://t.co/LMfbaCCIAU… https://t.co/SsBI5tB8Kp -- CRudinschi cyb3rops: RT
@executemalware: #qakbot threat actors: "Let's see if we can find a way to add
#follina to our infection chain" ???? #emotet threat actors… -- cyb3rops
CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
bjk199yuw72co1z1m[.]golf PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat
Agnostic Near-Zero F… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @Cohesity: Are your
#backup snapshots are immutable? Does your backup system support at-rest and
in-flight data encryption? Can you en… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT
@Huntlikepro: Why do you have a delay in payment every week and it is not
deposited on time? Is there a problem with the payment system?… --
CyberSecurityN8 drmuhammadmalik: New Emotet Variant Stealing Users’ Credit Card
Information From Google Chrome Read more: https://t.co/T8ymZfJLi9…
https://t.co/mIcDkeHlIe -- drmuhammadmalik ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://mudi[.]today/wordpress-6[.]0[.]zip #phishing #opendir
https://t.co/htcj6wmMAf -- ecarlesi EChavarro: Join us for @Kaspersky latest
webinar, this time looking at the #ransomware eco-system and how it's evolved.
Also… https://t.co/vzZ1PN6WlV -- EChavarro FBIWFO: Combating #cybercrime
requires teamwork. The #FBI works with domestic and foreign governments, private
sector compa… https://t.co/FGIQd6XxkI -- FBIWFO gjscobie: RT @gjscobie: "If you
read one crime thriller this year, make it a cybercrime thriller!" The Kill
Chain by GJ Scobie, Scotland’s newest cr… -- gjscobie Huntlikepro: Why do you
have a delay in payment every week and it is not deposited on time? Is there a
problem with the payment… https://t.co/5cRRtFdzNF -- Huntlikepro ImNickHuber: RT
@_the__codec_: Day 2 - #100DaysOfCode - wrote my first program in ruby and
learnt a few methods using @AtomEditor - Learnt the fundam… -- ImNickHuber
johnmcclure00: Verizon Report: Ransomware, Human Error Among Top Security Risks
https://t.co/C8HvJ8baA3 #infosec #cybersecurity… https://t.co/1Apo4F5KlZ --
johnmcclure00 kerbeusvaltryek: RT @_zwink: New video on the #bugbounty hunting
process that helped me go from $0 to $150,000/mo on #bugcrowd! I believe if you
follow the… -- kerbeusvaltryek Keyboard_Sniper:  Who Knows This One?
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter… https://t.co/iLoipIUa3L -- Keyboard_Sniper LetsCode15: RT
@Keyboard_Sniper:  Who Knows This One? #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Serverless… -- LetsCode15
Lyrical_Acrobat: RT @Keyboard_Sniper:  Who Knows This One? #100DaysOfCode
#CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter
#Serverless… -- Lyrical_Acrobat nasdanja: RT @busk3r: Don’t tell anyone: Here’s
a Way to Get Your First WordPress bounty https://t.co/768YCcwkvk #Security
#Pentesting #SecurityEv… -- nasdanja NetAppPartners: Secure better and help
#hybridcloud customers succeed with enhanced #ransomware protection. With our
latest update… https://t.co/gFZ9xaM7IQ -- NetAppPartners nursejamie82: RT
@SonicWall: Business Email Compromise is the costliest type of #cybercrime
tracked by the @FBI and is becoming one of the top #threats o… -- nursejamie82
osmo35195362: RT @cybsecbot: In the past 24 hours, 8352 IoC's were submitted and
#Emotet is the most seen #malware family on abuse[.]ch -- osmo35195362
PyScaleLLC: RT @CMoschovitis: Top three most critical areas of web security
Akamai Technologies revealed… #IT #CIO #data #bigdata #tech #cybersecurit… --
PyScaleLLC PyScaleLLC: RT @apmurray123: Today’s CEOs Don’t Just Lead Companies.
They Lead Ecosystems. #IT #CIO #data #bigdata #tech #cybersecurity #cy… --
PyScaleLLC PyScaleLLC: RT @Keyboard_Sniper:  Who Knows This One? #100DaysOfCode
#CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter
#Serverless… -- PyScaleLLC sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
bjk199yuw72co1z1m[.]golf PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat
Agnostic Near-Zero F… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @Cohesity: Are your #backup
snapshots are immutable? Does your backup system support at-rest and in-flight
data encryption? Can you en… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @Huntlikepro: Why do you
have a delay in payment every week and it is not deposited on time? Is there a
problem with the payment system?… -- sectest9 ServerlessFan: RT
@Keyboard_Sniper:  Who Knows This One? #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Serverless… -- ServerlessFan
the__hustlerguy: RT @Corix_JC: 5 Eye-Opening Facts About #Ransomware CIOs Wished
They Knew Earlier >> https://t.co/ddFmJ9raUy #cybersecurity #cyberthreats… --
the__hustlerguy thebairam: RT @executemalware: Here are some IOCs from a handful
of #emotet emails received this morning. The .dll files would not run under
Windows7… -- thebairam TheWeb3Pulse: RT @Keyboard_Sniper:  Who Knows This One?
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #Serverless… -- TheWeb3Pulse Travis__Garland: .@RubrikInc
Threat Hunting analyzes backup snapshots and provides insights that help avoid
malware reinfection duri… https://t.co/zXWYzDvh6x -- Travis__Garland
xTheBigDataBotx: RT @SkyNet_HTML: @CrookedIntriago @FINALLEVEL  You’re
Celebrities Huh #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming
#DataScience #… -- xTheBigDataBotx anil7kishan: RT @CovertShores: *** #OSINT
UPDATE *** #Russian Navy concentrated in Sevastopol today. Highlights * 2-3
active KILO class submarines in… -- anil7kishan appperfeng: After completing
their own research on #ransomware encryption speeds, the @Splunk SURGe team came
back to test the… https://t.co/Ok1ObAulTW -- appperfeng BAI_Security: Uncover &
empower the HUMAN ELEMENT of your #ITsecurity posture with our
#socialengineering eval:… https://t.co/GnsipjUoaR -- BAI_Security BroadbandJess:
RT @brechtcastel: @planet @Techjournalisto @ArchitMeta @amra_dorjbayar
@AlbertoOlivie13 @akhmxt This ???? is how they could have found the loc… --
BroadbandJess CyberDFIR: RT @BAI_Security: Uncover & empower the HUMAN ELEMENT
of your #ITsecurity posture with our #socialengineering eval:
https://t.co/if5PnQXl0m… -- CyberDFIR CyberDFIR: RT @SCMagazine: Ransomware
attack on Yuma Regional Medical leads to data theft for 700K patients
https://t.co/JlKEVC3ALm #healthIT #ransomw… -- CyberDFIR CyberDFIR: RT
@Corix_JC: 5 Eye-Opening Facts About #Ransomware CIOs Wished They Knew Earlier
>> https://t.co/ddFmJ9raUy #cybersecurity #cyberthreats… -- CyberDFIR CyberDFIR:
RT @melindamarks: A behind-the-scenes shot of my #rsac @BrightTALK fireside chat
with Matt Hathaway from @TrueFort where we discussed #clou… -- CyberDFIR
CyberSecurityN8: RT @BAI_Security: Uncover & empower the HUMAN ELEMENT of your
#ITsecurity posture with our #socialengineering eval: https://t.co/if5PnQXl0m…
-- CyberSecurityN8 fat_bandera: RT @brechtcastel: @planet @Techjournalisto
@ArchitMeta @amra_dorjbayar @AlbertoOlivie13 @akhmxt This ???? is how they could
have found the loc… -- fat_bandera Giga_Fessoux: RT @brechtcastel: A Russian
missile ???????? killed at least three Ukrainian citizens ???????? on April 16
in Kyiv. This was NO ordinary attack: it w… -- Giga_Fessoux iora01: RT
@brechtcastel: A Russian missile ???????? killed at least three Ukrainian
citizens ???????? on April 16 in Kyiv. This was NO ordinary attack: it w… --
iora01 KarelVonBarel: RT @doppelot: #OSINT can have dire consequences. Think
about those before you post. -- KarelVonBarel KrazyKaoticMess: RT @OSINT88: Join
me in my Space! Had a little delay but getting up and running now #OSINT
https://t.co/42wLDUSk0c -- KrazyKaoticMess LouDrum451: RT @brechtcastel: A
Russian missile ???????? killed at least three Ukrainian citizens ???????? on
April 16 in Kyiv. This was NO ordinary attack: it w… -- LouDrum451 MaggieMaei:
This is a cautionary tale for #OSINT folks, be careful what you post!
https://t.co/rli9hbINPQ -- MaggieMaei martyd12345: RT @Cohesity: The need for
more #datasecurity has led to discussions air gap approaches to help counter the
threat of #ransomware. While a… -- martyd12345 MicroFocusSec: RT @netcerebral:
Now you can get an overview of the global cyber threat landscape with this new
report from #CyberResGalaxy. Download it fr… -- MicroFocusSec MrsYisWhy:
SCMagazine: Ransomware attack on Yuma Regional Medical leads to data theft for
700K patients… https://t.co/NN1wgfqgD1 -- MrsYisWhy OpenHoneypot: An attempt was
detected from to port 8022 trying to login with account "user" and
password "Password"… https://t.co/M7OoBHIols -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An
attempt was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-15
19:57:54.821790. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version
"SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.4" on UTC 2022-06-15 19… https://t.co/knrsVhLKvb --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 on UTC 2022-06-15 19:50:38.233013. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot
OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH
version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-15 19… https://t.co/p7tbHSwu9u --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 trying to login with account "root" and password "rootpass"…
https://t.co/s7S63qv3DL -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-15 19:47:42.592784.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot Patzakis: Looking forward to this
presentation with HTCIA on social media and other #OSINT evidence.
https://t.co/EKqpA4bxXI -- Patzakis Petra97114148: RT @brechtcastel: @planet
@Techjournalisto @ArchitMeta @amra_dorjbayar @AlbertoOlivie13 @akhmxt This ????
is how they could have found the loc… -- Petra97114148 Pheg90mn3: Posted to
Twitter 1/6/2021. Anyone with #OSINT experience can verify. Who designed &
printed these?… https://t.co/i4ov1owUNo -- Pheg90mn3 rubenx: RT @brechtcastel:
@planet @Techjournalisto @ArchitMeta @amra_dorjbayar @AlbertoOlivie13 @akhmxt
CONCLUSION: Journalists, civilians and sold… -- rubenx RuOilTracker:
????????->???????? LUCKY LADY 30,000 tons of oil products From: St petersburg
To: #Antwerp #Belgium #russianoil #osint… https://t.co/rx9ZdEYLHs --
RuOilTracker RuOilTracker: ????????->???????? PSERIMOS Departed Novorossiysk
with 150,000 tons of crude oil for delivery in #Augusta, #Italy…
https://t.co/KVGliOuDCw -- RuOilTracker sectest9: RT @BAI_Security: Uncover &
empower the HUMAN ELEMENT of your #ITsecurity posture with our
#socialengineering eval: https://t.co/if5PnQXl0m… -- sectest9 sempre_usa:
Doublecheck before entering your password! #Facebook #phishing #cybercrime
#passwords #cybersecurity… https://t.co/CDXhiVAc9J -- sempre_usa socialb0706: RT
@SonicWall: Don’t let an ineffective #ransomware response leave your
organization grounded. SonicWall's cutting-edge technology and expe… --
socialb0706 The_PatrickD: In a recent research report it was revealed that there
has been a growing increase in phishing attacks since the pa…
https://t.co/GXbcklXu7Q -- The_PatrickD threat_404: RT @DBMCSR: A tiny #botnet
launched the largest #DDoS attack on record https://t.co/vWc0qKo97w #Cybercrime
#ThreatIntelligence #Security #I… -- threat_404 WikiJM: RT @1ZRR4H: Never trust
a: "This Account Has Been Suspended". Keep Hunting! #ThreatIntel
https://t.co/P6IfjeiJge -- WikiJM xnevergetoutx: this summer, let’s get a The
Connection bustout!! #phish -- xnevergetoutx zcracga: RT @tlansec: ✅
Exploitation of 0⃣ day at the time? ✅ Web????s involved? ✅ DNS MiTM? ????‍????
It can only mean one thing. Volexity blog: https:/… -- zcracga AnacompInc:
Microsoft says BlackCat #ransomware affiliates are now attacking Microsoft
Exchange servers using exploits targetin… https://t.co/46a0Wq5BI4 -- AnacompInc
AnacompInc: CISA has added one new #vulnerability to its Known Exploited
Vulnerabilities Catalog, based on evidence of active e… https://t.co/II1D2Z1s90
-- AnacompInc beefyspace: RT @PhishStats: https://t.co/MAuIXRvYiq detected 144
new websites hosting #phishing | new today: 1453 | #infosec #cybersecurity
#malware ht… -- beefyspace bernarchevalier: RT @PhishStats:
https://t.co/MAuIXRvYiq detected 144 new websites hosting #phishing | new today:
1453 | #infosec #cybersecurity #malware ht… -- bernarchevalier blu3cloak: Chips
Can Boost #malware Immunity - Semiconductor Engineering https://t.co/EMXUvgpYYO
-- blu3cloak CyberSecurityN8: RT @PhishStats: https://t.co/MAuIXRvYiq detected
144 new websites hosting #phishing | new today: 1453 | #infosec #cybersecurity
#malware ht… -- CyberSecurityN8 nursejamie82: RT @SonicWall: Why is it getting
harder not to get hooked? Join SonicWall in this #webinar to gain insight on how
to spot email fraud and #… -- nursejamie82 OjoEemmanuel: RT @Paula_Piccard: Top
15 Cloud Security Threats #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security
#MachineLearning #Phishing #Ransom… -- OjoEemmanuel PhishStats:
https://t.co/MAuIXRvYiq detected 144 new websites hosting #phishing | new today:
1453 | #infosec #cybersecurity… https://t.co/NncVNaX4mv -- PhishStats Sec_Cyber:
Mitigate #malware attacks with these five effective prevention techniques –
Times of India https://t.co/ZM5RYhOQij -- Sec_Cyber secretcabdriver: RT
@secretcabdriver: How many days until Summer Tour? This many. #phish
https://t.co/P3Os7r4cPI -- secretcabdriver sectest9: RT @PhishStats:
https://t.co/MAuIXRvYiq detected 144 new websites hosting #phishing | new today:
1453 | #infosec #cybersecurity #malware ht… -- sectest9 sneakymonk3y: RT
@Parker607: Users #Registryhive is a complex and interesting thing. Whilst
investigating some #malware I made a pretty interesting disco… -- sneakymonk3y
SpaceISAC: ???? Event Alert ‼️ National Institute of Standards and Technology
(@NIST) presents Space Cybersecurity Symposium III: Cybersecurity Global and
Applied Topics ???? Virtual Symposium ???? Tomorrow, June 16, 2022 ???? 10:00 AM
- 2:30 PM (GMT-04 -- SpaceISAC threat_404: RT @CyberSmaht: New Hertzbleed
side-channel attack affects Intel, AMD CPUs https://t.co/IHXNJbETI6 #malware
#fraud #scams #securitynews #en… -- threat_404 ICSCERT: ???? DYK A vendor,
company, or entity that has a public disclosure policy and a public contact for
new vulnerabilities can become a CNA? Organizations are welcome to contact
@CISAgov's #ICS Root CNA to request consideration to become a new partne --
ICSCERT alone_breecher: RT @cycatz2: #cycatz #bugbounty #bugbountytips No Rate
limit on Change email leads to email triggering $150
More..https://t.co/bceLisv09H… -- alone_breecher apmurray123: Experts, NSA cyber
director say ransomware could threaten campaigns in 2022 #IT #CIO #data #bigdata
#tech… https://t.co/dMD4fWzHB9 -- apmurray123 BforeAi: Predicted Malicious
Domain : atrasvasolo[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat
Agnostic Near-Ze… https://t.co/YRk4yPNdiO -- BforeAi CMoschovitis:
China-Sponsored Cyberattackers Target Networking Gear to Build Widespread Attack
Infrastructure #IT #CIO #data… https://t.co/LgHykZB97E -- CMoschovitis
CyberSecurityN8: RT @desksidetsp: Small business is a great first target for
many novice hackers. Don’t let these novice hackers ruin your business, be on t…
-- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @busk3r: Don’t tell anyone: Here’s a Way
to Get Your First WordPress bounty https://t.co/768YCcwkvk #Security #Pentesting
#SecurityEv… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @apmurray123: Experts, NSA
cyber director say ransomware could threaten campaigns in 2022 #IT #CIO #data
#bigdata #tech #cybersecurity… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi:
Predicted Malicious Domain : atrasvasolo[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by
@BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Po… -- CyberSecurityN8 desksidetsp:
Small business is a great first target for many novice hackers. Don’t let these
novice hackers ruin your business,… https://t.co/UtuHBVT16G -- desksidetsp
DigestWordpress: RT @UKBloggers1: 10 WordPress Errors That Can Tank Your Website
(+ How to Fix Them) @websitepulse #WordPress #Cybercrime #Server https://t.… --
DigestWordpress Eyhuss1: RT @busk3r: Don’t tell anyone: Here’s a Way to Get Your
First WordPress bounty https://t.co/768YCcwkvk #Security #Pentesting
#SecurityEv… -- Eyhuss1 fireflymsp: Small businesses need to be concerned with
cybersecurity just the same as large corporations. Check out CNet's smal…
https://t.co/P2aeyJGiLb -- fireflymsp Mubassirpatel1: RT @Dhamu_offi:
#bugbountytips #bugbounty I just published Java Application WEB-INF Content
Retrieved #java https://t.co/WZ2I7leOBm https… -- Mubassirpatel1 rangavkar_uma:
RT @mumbaitez: #BreakingNews | #Bengaluru - 7 Months Pregnant Women becomes
target of Instant #loanapp. Blackmailed by hacking her phone &… -- rangavkar_uma
sectest9: RT @desksidetsp: Small business is a great first target for many
novice hackers. Don’t let these novice hackers ruin your business, be on t… --
sectest9 sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : atrasvasolo[.]com
PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Po… --
sectest9 sectest9: RT @apmurray123: Experts, NSA cyber director say ransomware
could threaten campaigns in 2022 #IT #CIO #data #bigdata #tech #cybersecurity…
-- sectest9 VishalD75094608: RT @mumbaitez: #BreakingNews | #Bengaluru - 7
Months Pregnant Women becomes target of Instant #loanapp. Blackmailed by hacking
her phone &… -- VishalD75094608 0xDha: RT @executemalware: Here are some IOCs
from a handful of #emotet emails received this morning. The .dll files would not
run under Windows7… -- 0xDha 1ZRR4H: RT @executemalware: #qakbot threat actors:
"Let's see if we can find a way to add #follina to our infection chain" ????
#emotet threat actors… -- 1ZRR4H 1ZRR4H: RT @executemalware: Here are some IOCs
from a handful of #emotet emails received this morning. The .dll files would not
run under Windows7… -- 1ZRR4H 911tools: I'm available 24/7 for Web or social
media hack #hacked #facebookdown #whatsapp #hackedinstagram #twitterdown…
https://t.co/iR4D33CvZz -- 911tools Bc10ver: Top story: @mamunwhh: 'Bug: RXSS
#xss #bugbounty payload: %22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert(document.cookie)%3C/script%3E…
https://t.co/IKrmokZUba -- Bc10ver BeersxNem0x0: RT @thedawgyg: On Twitter you
would think we all do nothing but succeed. But this. I will fail 100 times for
every 1 success. Maybe we shou… -- BeersxNem0x0 cybsecbot: In the past 24 hours,
8352 IoC's were submitted and #Emotet is the most seen #malware family on
abuse[.]ch -- cybsecbot Dataprise: Ransomware attacks are currently considered
by many reports as the top cybersecurity threats, and for good reason.…
https://t.co/KGuzUSZFK9 -- Dataprise ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://webdemos[.]digital/mrweb/wordpress-6[.]0[.]zip #phishing #opendir #nc
https://t.co/bxsQQlRK0a -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://webdemos[.]digital/americanweb/wordpress-6[.]0[.]zip #phishing #opendir
#nc -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
#phishing #opendir #hostinger -- ecarlesi executemalware: Here are some IOCs
from a handful of #emotet emails received this morning. The .dll files would not
run under Windo… https://t.co/WfK8WTCqNR -- executemalware fe_tsoc: RT
@executemalware: Here are some IOCs from a handful of #emotet emails received
this morning. The .dll files would not run under Windows7… -- fe_tsoc
GauravS60155786: RT @mamunwhh: Bug: RXSS #xss #bugbounty payload:
%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert(document.cookie)%3C/script%3E payload:
%22%3E%3C%2Fscript%3E%3C… -- GauravS60155786 InterVision_Sys: Join us TOMORROW
to learn about how our #ransomwareprotection offering can help your organization
recover from a… https://t.co/oqlrR9sSLG -- InterVision_Sys kash_quiggins: RT
@_zwink: New video on the #bugbounty hunting process that helped me go from $0
to $150,000/mo on #bugcrowd! I believe if you follow the… -- kash_quiggins
markeITing: Costa Rica's public health service has been taken completely offline
by a #ransomware attack from threat group Hive… https://t.co/Y9Y37FUWwB --
markeITing Max_Mal_: RT @executemalware: Here are some IOCs from a handful of
#emotet emails received this morning. The .dll files would not run under
Windows7… -- Max_Mal_ opensource_orgs: RT @WayneLRomero1: Buy Google Voice
Account #100DaysOfCode #programming #CodeNewbie #python #reactjs #bugbounty
#DataScience #infosec #g… -- opensource_orgs saleshc91: RT @Cohesity: More
distributed infrastructure exposes more vulnerability points for cyber attackers
to exploit. #Ransomware in the past wa… -- saleshc91 sectest9: RT @busk3r: Don’t
tell anyone: Here’s a Way to Get Your First WordPress bounty
https://t.co/768YCcwkvk #Security #Pentesting #SecurityEv… -- sectest9
SecurityNewsbot: #Ransomware gang publishes stolen victim data on the public
Internet https://t.co/0S3p13S6Di #HelpNetSecurity -- SecurityNewsbot sickhuntt:
RT @_zwink: New video on the #bugbounty hunting process that helped me go from
$0 to $150,000/mo on #bugcrowd! I believe if you follow the… -- sickhuntt
tinni_cfi: RT @executemalware: Here are some IOCs from a handful of #emotet
emails received this morning. The .dll files would not run under Windows7… --
tinni_cfi ValeryMarchive: RT @executemalware: Here are some IOCs from a handful
of #emotet emails received this morning. The .dll files would not run under
Windows7… -- ValeryMarchive WayneLRomero1: Buy Google Voice Account
#100DaysOfCode #programming #CodeNewbie #python #reactjs #bugbounty
#DataScience… https://t.co/YBgXKtwqvT -- WayneLRomero1 xaelbot: RT @SkyNet_HTML:
 Double Take ???? #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming
#DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning #Serv… -- xaelbot XeronBot: RT
@WayneLRomero1: Buy Google Voice Account #100DaysOfCode #programming #CodeNewbie
#python #reactjs #bugbounty #DataScience #infosec #g… -- XeronBot
xTheBigDataBotx: RT @SkyNet_HTML:  Double Take ???? #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning #Serv…
-- xTheBigDataBotx 1sthcc: Under Attack: Ransomware Threats, Prevention Tips,
and Response Strategy for Health Care Providers @1sthcc… https://t.co/qqVbUQACtv
-- 1sthcc 911tools: Is there any Hacking attempts on your website? #hacked
#icloud #facebookdown #imessage #ransomware #snapchat… https://t.co/mWnYtOWLJC
-- 911tools amarghuman: RT @inversecos: #ThreatIntel: Chinese threat actors
install backdoors in iOS crypto wallets MetaMask, CoinBase. Read @lordx64
brilliant wr… -- amarghuman cfragoso: RT @MaltegoHQ: New episode of #ThePivot is
on the way! This episode features @WebBreacher! He shares with #Maltego host
@cfragoso how he st… -- cfragoso CKPost: RT @CovertShores: *** #OSINT UPDATE ***
#Russian Navy concentrated in Sevastopol today. Highlights * 2-3 active KILO
class submarines in… -- CKPost crimemob87: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many:
What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools
that I'm willing to sha… -- crimemob87 cyberreport_io: Ubuntu Core 22: The
secure, application-centric IoT OS is now available - Help Net Security
https://t.co/cPCkWvTUUo… https://t.co/z2H0kDLhAD -- cyberreport_io
CyberSecurityN8: RT @Cohesity: More distributed infrastructure exposes more
vulnerability points for cyber attackers to exploit. #Ransomware in the past wa…
-- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @cyberreport_io: Ubuntu Core 22: The
secure, application-centric IoT OS is now available - Help Net Security
https://t.co/cPCkWvTUUo #cy… -- CyberSecurityN8 FedeScipio: RT @CovertShores:
*** #OSINT UPDATE *** #Russian Navy concentrated in Sevastopol today. Highlights
* 2-3 active KILO class submarines in… -- FedeScipio MattChinnery: Do you know
the 5 biggest threats facing the financial services industry? Read this post to
see which tactics they… https://t.co/15PYCml4Tn -- MattChinnery MicroFocusSec:
RT @stefan2801: Get the key findings for 2021 from the #CyberResGalaxy Annual
Report, via @tahawultech. #ThreatHunting #ThreatIntelligence… -- MicroFocusSec
OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH
version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-15 17… https://t.co/iLA1n1vQ82 --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 on UTC 2022-06-15 17:56:47.254667. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot
OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 trying to
login with account "root" and password "oracle123"… https://t.co/kiVdX3AmSa --
OpenHoneypot opensource_orgs: RT @reg_snitch: There have been 1 officer/s
register 4 companies in the UK at the postcode CH5 3UD detected in the last 24
hours #OSIN… -- opensource_orgs PriantoHub: RT @Webroot: The rapidly changing
threat landscape has brought new challenges for business. The latest
#BrightCloud report helps you uncov… -- PriantoHub rabbit_or_robot: RT
@ErSurajShukla: Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC) framework :- #cybersecurity
#infosec #infosecurity #Linux #networksecurity #secur… -- rabbit_or_robot
reg_snitch: RT @reg_snitch: There have been 1 officer/s register 4 companies in
the UK at the postcode CH5 3UD detected in the last 24 hours #OSIN… --
reg_snitch reg_snitch: There have been 1 officer/s register 4 companies in the
UK at the postcode CH5 3UD detected in the last 24 hours…
https://t.co/URx0buysfz -- reg_snitch reg_snitch: RT @reg_snitch: There have
been 1 officer/s register 5 companies in the UK at the postcode B1 1FU detected
in the last 24 hours #OSINT… -- reg_snitch reg_snitch: RT @reg_snitch: There
have been 3 officer/s register 4 companies in the UK at the postcode L15 5AN
detected in the last 24 hours #OSIN… -- reg_snitch reg_snitch: RT @reg_snitch:
There have been 1 officer/s register 4 companies in the UK at the postcode SK9
7GU detected in the last 24 hours #OSIN… -- reg_snitch reg_snitch: RT
@reg_snitch: There have been 3 officer/s register 4 companies in the UK at the
postcode EC2A 4NE detected in the last 24 hours #OSI… -- reg_snitch
scott_podvin: RT @CovertShores: *** #OSINT UPDATE *** #Russian Navy concentrated
in Sevastopol today. Highlights * 2-3 active KILO class submarines in… --
scott_podvin sectest9: RT @Cohesity: More distributed infrastructure exposes
more vulnerability points for cyber attackers to exploit. #Ransomware in the
past wa… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @cyberreport_io: Ubuntu Core 22: The secure,
application-centric IoT OS is now available - Help Net Security
https://t.co/cPCkWvTUUo #cy… -- sectest9 sisterLybid: RT @brechtcastel: A
Russian missile ???????? killed at least three Ukrainian citizens ???????? on
April 16 in Kyiv. This was NO ordinary attack: it w… -- sisterLybid stefano688:
RT @reg_snitch: There have been 1 officer/s register 4 companies in the UK at
the postcode CH5 3UD detected in the last 24 hours #OSIN… -- stefano688
StockShaman: JUST IN - #China is ready to back Russia on "sovereignty and
security" matters, Xi assures Putin in a phone call.… https://t.co/2lKtP7l1qR --
StockShaman whoisxmlapi: In our latest research WhoisXML API experts have
monitored & investigated #cybersquatting activity related to #Meta…
https://t.co/zzOoxYP818 -- whoisxmlapi AmChemistry: “My biggest concern is the
lack of scientific rigor behind the document.” Great piece from @ACSHorg on
concerns and process irregularities surrounding EPA’s draft #formaldehyde IRIS
assessment. https://t.co/4qCvZTyjg6 -- AmChemistry bartmcd: An emerging threat
is attacking #5G networks. via @DarkReading https://t.co/U0BzeWYXkq
#cybersecurity #cyberaware… https://t.co/RzfW7VW4yp -- bartmcd beefyspace: RT
@fauzioki: xRay Web Vulnerability Scanner Advanced v1.8.5 x64 Full Activated –
Discount 100% OFF https://t.co/zL4mSqSHKS #infosec #bugcr… -- beefyspace
ChiNetworks: Panchan: A New Golang-based Peer-To-Peer Botnet Targeting Linux
Servers https://t.co/nfMvjMdPhh via @TheHackersNews… https://t.co/NMbKC4fjUl --
ChiNetworks claudinecassar: A China-based threat group is running a campaign
using a variant of the Korplug #malware targeting European diploma…
https://t.co/mnojePz9zu -- claudinecassar CswWorks: The #Conti #ransomware gang
has been working on a series of firmware #attack tactics. On May 20, security
researche… https://t.co/zfM5si5ZRV -- CswWorks CyberSecurityN8: RT @bartmcd: An
emerging threat is attacking #5G networks. via @DarkReading
https://t.co/U0BzeWYXkq #cybersecurity #cyberaware #security #I… --
CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @claudinecassar: A China-based threat group
is running a campaign using a variant of the Korplug #malware targeting European
diplomats,… -- CyberSecurityN8 fauzioki: xRay Web Vulnerability Scanner Advanced
v1.8.5 x64 Full Activated – Discount 100% OFF https://t.co/zL4mSqSHKS…
https://t.co/gvqNrd1y1i -- fauzioki GoaiDev: RT @fauzioki: xRay Web
Vulnerability Scanner Advanced v1.8.5 x64 Full Activated – Discount 100% OFF
https://t.co/zL4mSqSHKS #infosec #bugcr… -- GoaiDev HC_Ready: Community health
centers stand as pillars for communities during and after emergencies. But who
becomes the pillar for CHC staff when emergencies become long-term events?
Resilience expert Rasheda Hatchett has the answers! Join us June 23 at 3 P --
HC_Ready JEMPradio: Mike Dow - The Other Mike's Corner 6-15-22 #Phish #JEMPRadio
#CommunityRadio #NowPlaying https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE -- JEMPradio KolnGroup: RT
@ID_Agent: Phishing attempts are more frequent and severe than ever before.
Discover how to strengthen your organization’s ability to f… -- KolnGroup
MalwarePatrol: Our (7) DNS firewall zones are updated every 5 minutes and
protect your network against C2s, #cryptomining, DGAs,… https://t.co/Zg5oPNaCa9
-- MalwarePatrol Mesonstechinc: Do you know 46 percent of #companies and
#organizations receive #malware through #emails ? contact…
https://t.co/b6zX4Gb5Pq -- Mesonstechinc nani_wilson: RT @ecarlesi: Possible
threat on
#phishing #opendir #hosti… -- nani_wilson OnisTurn: RT @cybsecbot: In the past
24 hours, 8352 IoC's were submitted and #Emotet is the most seen #malware family
on abuse[.]ch -- OnisTurn sectest9: RT @bartmcd: An emerging threat is attacking
#5G networks. via @DarkReading https://t.co/U0BzeWYXkq #cybersecurity
#cyberaware #security #I… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @claudinecassar: A
China-based threat group is running a campaign using a variant of the Korplug
#malware targeting European diplomats,… -- sectest9 silentpush_labs: #phishing
bridalcorner[.]co[.]za spoofing santander[.]co[.]uk; AS Name: UNIFIEDLAYER; Name
Server: *.the-hosting-c… https://t.co/J2ddvus2Vk -- silentpush_labs SpaceISAC:
???? Training Opportunity‼️ A Systematic Approach using the SPAce Domain
Cybersecurity (SPADoCS) Framework As a Space ISAC pilot training course,
discounts are available by membership level: email info@s-isac.org to request
the discount code. -- SpaceISAC stefano688: RT @reg_snitch: There have been 1
officer/s register 5 companies in the UK at the postcode B1 1FU detected in the
last 24 hours #OSINT… -- stefano688 tartanroots: RT @claudinecassar: A
China-based threat group is running a campaign using a variant of the Korplug
#malware targeting European diplomats,… -- tartanroots TheCyberHub2: Dubbed
Panchan by Akamai Security Research, the #malware "utilizes its built-in
concurrency features to maximize sp… https://t.co/C4RTdGpK8A -- TheCyberHub2
Ultrascan419: Case filed against Kaaranvir Bohra after woman accuses him of
fraud - Hindustan Times: Kaaranvir Bohra, who had spo… https://t.co/Yd4A8kSwPM
-- Ultrascan419 Ultrascan419: Fraud department has helpful employees on staff -
https://t.co/rpAfE8Arwu: Merchants operating locally and on-line…
https://t.co/4lfg7J5gIY -- Ultrascan419 vilogics: Phishing is the process of
attempting to acquire sensitive information by masquerading as a trustworthy
entity usin… https://t.co/EFdlrXwPZ6 -- vilogics CSIRTCV: ???? Descubierto
#Pacman: un nuevo #ciberataque de hardware para atacar dispositivos #Apple con
chips M1. Más información: https://t.co/lEEBOLjY45 https://t.co/oxt0bZ98am --
CSIRTCV NJCybersecurity: #SMiShing is a type of #phishing attack where attackers
use social engineering to send spam or malicious text messages. #Cyber threat
actors deceive victims into believing the message came from a trusted person or
organization. #YouMayBeN -- NJCybersecurity ongisac: Thank you to our
Collaborator partner @accenture for the valuable information sharing that you
provide our members. #informationsharing #ongisac #cybersecurity
https://t.co/3nzRlQXLPN -- ongisac renisac: Microsoft June 2022 Patch Tuesday
fixes 1 zero-day, 55 flaws https://t.co/tMnM5e2lPa -- renisac BACSIRT:
@LoreFrost @PauUnzueta @BancoGalicia No importa que hayas sido vos la que
compartiste la información, seguramente fuiste víctima de ingeniería social,
podemos ayudarte de todos modos, si querés saber más escribinos ???? -- BACSIRT
USCERT_gov: ???? Looking to advance your #cybersecurity career? @CISAgov’s
Workforce Training Guide provides over 100 training resources & certification
prep courses to help level up your skills. https://t.co/R5xgPQc0MC
#CareerOpportunities #Advanceme -- USCERT_gov _bettercyber_: #BlackCat (#AlphV)
allegedly hacked The Allison Inn & Spa in Oregon, ????????, publishing #PII of
1,534 employees, includ… https://t.co/wR3Xa3VlHW -- _bettercyber_ AcooEdi: RT
@AcooEdi: Karakurt extortion group: Threat profile https://t.co/nGV5wKOpX2
#Cybercrime #AccentureSecurity #AdvancedIntel via Malwarebyte… -- AcooEdi
AdliceSoftware: #Ransomware gang creates site for #employees to search for their
stolen data. Protect your data, enable… https://t.co/XwlK4GRaSx --
AdliceSoftware AliasInfosec: Andrew Lemon spoke with the @AFCEA OKC Chapter
about the tools and techniques that ransomware actors might use to a…
https://t.co/mQVGDNvqaK -- AliasInfosec anexinet: Unstructured data platforms
like #network-attached storage (#NAS), scale-out file systems and object storage
provid… https://t.co/wumF0tHMnx -- anexinet apmurray123: JPMorgan Chase CIO Gill
Haus on grooming digital leaders #IT #CIO #data #bigdata #tech #cybersecurity
#cybercrime… https://t.co/N4AkJYYucq -- apmurray123 AttaullahCSR: RT @CipherEra:
2FA Bypass Testing ( Method 12 ) ==> #WayToInject => Try To Use SOAP Endpoint To
Bypass 2FA. #CipherEra #VedixEra #AlphaE… -- AttaullahCSR beefyspace: RT
@IRONSCALES: ???? EMOTET malware is typically spread through phishing emails
with malicious Microsoft Word or Excel files attached. So how… -- beefyspace
BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : win364[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence
by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero Fa… https://t.co/ISPycoPDqx -- BforeAi
BlackBerry: 80 samples of #LockBit were no match for a 6-year-old Cylance #AI
Model. Prevention is possible, with BlackBerry. L… https://t.co/3Ial86QSbc --
BlackBerry BotKoshur: RT @SkyNet_HTML: @WeSkeem  Twitter Prompt #100DaysOfCode
#CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter
#MachineLear… -- BotKoshur bttbot: RT @SkyNet_HTML: @WeSkeem  Twitter Prompt
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #MachineLear… -- bttbot bugbounty18: CISOs: Do You Know the
Security Risks of Your Organization's Next M&A? https://t.co/ooln6C8ZHs
#bugbounty #bugbounties -- bugbounty18 chartartScanner: Ransomware gang allows
the employees to search for their Stolen Data Ransomware gang allows the
employees to searc… https://t.co/iqHZACEl1T -- chartartScanner Chi_from_afar:
#Emotet malware is back...and this time it's targeting credit card creds stored
in the Google Chrome web browser.… https://t.co/BU4FBvjWpP -- Chi_from_afar
CMoschovitis: Apple Just Killed the Password—for Real This Time Apple’s iOS 16
and macOS Ventura will… #IT #CIO #data #bigdata… https://t.co/lQk2E7MKzo --
CMoschovitis CoDailychalleng: RT @SkyNet_HTML: The trash she’s protecting over
me #BugBounty #trendingkiiara @KIIARA #HTML #WordPress #Python #BigData #AI #IoT
#IIoT #A… -- CoDailychalleng CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious
Domain : win364[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero False Positiv… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @Obadeyemi: 10
WordPress Errors That Can Tank Your Website (+ How to Fix Them) @websitepulse
#WordPress #Cybercrime #Server https://t.co… -- CyberSecurityN8 DevRetweetBot:
RT @SkyNet_HTML: @WeSkeem  Twitter Prompt #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLear… --
DevRetweetBot DevRetweetBot: RT @SkyNet_HTML: The trash she’s protecting over me
#BugBounty #trendingkiiara @KIIARA #HTML #WordPress #Python #BigData #AI #IoT
#IIoT #A… -- DevRetweetBot evanderburg: Backups Saved 16,000 Patient Records
from #Ransomware https://t.co/t8dSVvMaSZ #recovery #cybersecurity -- evanderburg
EvanKirstel: RT @TelefonicaGS: #Cybercrime is a problem that has arrived and
permeated society. Despite continued investments,the threat landscape remai… --
EvanKirstel GutiJose14: RT @BlackBerry: 80 samples of #LockBit were no match for
a 6-year-old Cylance #AI Model. Prevention is possible, with BlackBerry. Learn
mor… -- GutiJose14 hicham_zac: #Ransomware can cripple your organization.
VistaBizHub recommends reading this blog about the rise in ransomware at…
https://t.co/evS59YIEJ7 -- hicham_zac IRONSCALES: ???? EMOTET malware is
typically spread through phishing emails with malicious Microsoft Word or Excel
files attached.… https://t.co/cdrbSinlKC -- IRONSCALES markeITing: Web browser
is the new office for hybrid workers, so it makes sense that's where #ransomware
gangs are focusing the… https://t.co/QtLIAOGsRI -- markeITing minan_wani: RT
@hackinarticles: Password Security #infosec #cybersecurity #cybersecuritytips
#pentesting #oscp #redteam #informationsecurity #cissp… -- minan_wani
mominul0x01: RT @e11i0t_4lders0n: Bug Bounty Free Learning Materials Follow this
thread if you can’t google and learn things???? #bugbounty #bugbountyti… --
mominul0x01 mumbaitez: #BreakingNews | #Bengaluru - 7 Months Pregnant Women
becomes target of Instant #loanapp. Blackmailed by hacking her…
https://t.co/pMkfIBcYoE -- mumbaitez Obadeyemi: 10 WordPress Errors That Can
Tank Your Website (+ How to Fix Them) @websitepulse #WordPress #Cybercrime
#Server… https://t.co/5duvHJBdWo -- Obadeyemi purevdo97217419: RT @SkyNet_HTML:
@WeSkeem  Twitter Prompt #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming
#DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLear… -- purevdo97217419 purevdo97217419:
RT @SkyNet_HTML: @eighth_mile @iam_AdithyaM @britztuzzi11 @MamasMatter2 @Eminem
@heartandsoul777  Classified Ops #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbi… -- purevdo97217419
purevdo97217419: RT @SkyNet_HTML: The trash she’s protecting over me #BugBounty
#trendingkiiara @KIIARA #HTML #WordPress #Python #BigData #AI #IoT #IIoT #A… --
purevdo97217419 ScImageInc: Nearly two-thirds (66%) of healthcare organizations
experienced a #ransomware attack in 2021, a new survey shows –…
https://t.co/gQOHpUTIah -- ScImageInc sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious
Domain : win364[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero False Positiv… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @Obadeyemi: 10 WordPress
Errors That Can Tank Your Website (+ How to Fix Them) @websitepulse #WordPress
#Cybercrime #Server https://t.co… -- sectest9 SUBHAMKUMARMIS6: RT @__messysoul7:
The biggest online earning fraud of 2022. #DaniData Scam is scaled up to around
₹300 Crores with 5 million people affecte… -- SUBHAMKUMARMIS6 TheFieryBot: RT
@SkyNet_HTML: @WeSkeem  Twitter Prompt #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLear… -- TheFieryBot
TrendMicroRSRCH: Since news of #Emotet’s resurgence broke last year, @TrendMicro
researchers have found new versions of the #malware… https://t.co/pjERYnunTs --
TrendMicroRSRCH wpbot_rt: RT @Obadeyemi: 10 WordPress Errors That Can Tank Your
Website (+ How to Fix Them) @websitepulse #WordPress #Cybercrime #Server
https://t.co… -- wpbot_rt xaelbot: RT @SkyNet_HTML: @WeSkeem  Twitter Prompt
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #MachineLear… -- xaelbot ABojorges21: RT @securityonion:
Today's quick #malware analysis with #SecurityOnion: #TA578, #Bumblebee, and
#CobaltStrike pcap from 2022-06-14! Thanks… -- ABojorges21 ActorExpose: RT
@BumbledBubble: Discord phishing pretty close from a Russian on the beach in
Belize again. /DiscordStean.com idk, it’s close @idclickt… -- ActorExpose
adaptivemobile: This report explores our #ThreatIntelligence unit's analyses of
network data across 5 continents detailing how new… https://t.co/NOvg4J0kKt --
adaptivemobile alisitasacademy: Did you know you can #track #thunder and
lightning in real-time? People often underestimate the #power of such…
https://t.co/fFECBcx3qE -- alisitasacademy bartmcd: Study Shows Major Headwinds
Facing Compliance Functions. via @Forbes https://t.co/fxfEwYoa87 #cybersecurity…
https://t.co/EMexmuWfFK -- bartmcd BuchbinderCPA: Watch out for these 12 #tax
scams! The #IRS released its Dirty Dozen list for 2022: https://t.co/eEpCYrG0RV
#taxscams #phishing -- BuchbinderCPA chartartScanner: Heineken says Father's Day
beer contest is a scam "Never click on links in messages as scammers can use
URLs to do… https://t.co/p6JWswCDXc -- chartartScanner CyberSecurityN8: RT
@bartmcd: Study Shows Major Headwinds Facing Compliance Functions. via @Forbes
https://t.co/fxfEwYoa87 #cybersecurity #cyberaware #secur… -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @MooreDejean: #DDoS #CyberSecurity #Malware #CyberAttack
Cloudflare Saw Record-Breaking DDoS Attack Peaking at 26 Million Request Per S…
-- CyberSecurityN8 DeerwoodTech: The verdict is in! #Phishing #smishing
#pharming #vishing still dominate as the top method of #cyberattack accordin…
https://t.co/lgAMsApe59 -- DeerwoodTech ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://citicustomerhelp03a[.]com #phishing #hostgator -- ecarlesi hatless1der:
RT @sinwindie: Version 2 of my #OSINT Attack Surface Diagrams are now available
on the @OSINTDOJO website. https://t.co/nY4eeMVPAi -- hatless1der
HenleySecnethia: RT @defprsecurity: WHAT IS CYBERSECURITY MESH? #cyber
#cybersecurity #cyberpunk #hacking #security #hacker #technology #cybercrime
#tech #… -- HenleySecnethia im_vk5: RT @three_cube: Scan Every IP in Russia in
Minutes! OSINT: Zmap, How to Scan the Entire Internet in 45 Minutes! #osint
#zmap #infosec #cyb… -- im_vk5 im_vk5: RT @three_cube: Become an Open Source
Intelligence(OSINT) Expert and Professional Investigator! Hackers-Arise has One
of the largest repo… -- im_vk5 intelDose: French Leclerc tank is preparing for
its biggest upgrade ⚠️ #intelligence #geopolitics #osint https://t.co/Vf3M88S9uD
-- intelDose JEMPradio: Donna Summer - On The Radio (Original 45" Version)
#Phish #JEMPRadio #CommunityRadio #NowPlaying https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE --
JEMPradio johangreg: RT @cybercentre_ca: Don’t take the bait! ???? If you
receive a suspicious link, hover over it with your mouse. Can’t verify the
source or sim… -- johangreg julianhopkins: RT @brechtcastel: A Russian missile
???????? killed at least three Ukrainian citizens ???????? on April 16 in Kyiv.
This was NO ordinary attack: it w… -- julianhopkins KenyaFraternity: RT
@Chris_big111: what is hacking? #DataSecurity #Security #Cloud #MachineLearning
#phishing #CyberAttack #Dataprotection #Malware #Mal… -- KenyaFraternity
LouisMuniz10: My colleague George Glass writes on malware strain Bumblebee,
which is now operating as a loader, delivered via… https://t.co/kOSeDMiNGP --
LouisMuniz10 MicroFocusSec: #Cyberthreats and #Cyberattacks: Global Trends,
#Ransomware Rates Revealed, reports @msspalert:… https://t.co/G0GzSDHWEn --
MicroFocusSec oliviertmax: RT @Eightfold14: For the absolute finest in #OSINT &
#DFIR platforms, I like the https://t.co/c8USAZDT82 distro the very best. 30+
years st… -- oliviertmax OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from
to port 8022 trying to login with account "root" and password "anaconda"…
https://t.co/3OhwMoPXDr -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-15 15:50:14.527003.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC
2022-06-15 15… https://t.co/Bf1t3HT5kU -- OpenHoneypot plashmar: RT
@brechtcastel: A Russian missile ???????? killed at least three Ukrainian
citizens ???????? on April 16 in Kyiv. This was NO ordinary attack: it w… --
plashmar ReadTechHere: RT @Chris_big111: what is hacking? #DataSecurity
#Security #Cloud #MachineLearning #phishing #CyberAttack #Dataprotection
#Malware #Mal… -- ReadTechHere RedPacketSec: Stealthy Symbiote Linux malware is
after financial institutions - https://t.co/a1IQgrxchk #OSINT #Security
#Threatintel -- RedPacketSec RedPacketSec: Record breaking HTTPS DDoS attack -
https://t.co/EVFPDruS65 #OSINT #Security #Threatintel -- RedPacketSec reziegas:
RT @brechtcastel: A Russian missile ???????? killed at least three Ukrainian
citizens ???????? on April 16 in Kyiv. This was NO ordinary attack: it w… --
reziegas Root314: GitHub now publishes malware advisories in the GitHub Advisory
Database https://t.co/Q6lEukiY2G #GitHub #publishes… https://t.co/caAniJCZbr --
Root314 secretcabdriver: 34 years ago tonight, Contact debuted at The Front in
Burlington. It's been played 171 times since its debut. Most…
https://t.co/wXnaniIBDz -- secretcabdriver sectest9: RT @bartmcd: Study Shows
Major Headwinds Facing Compliance Functions. via @Forbes https://t.co/fxfEwYoa87
#cybersecurity #cyberaware #secur… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @MooreDejean: #DDoS
#CyberSecurity #Malware #CyberAttack Cloudflare Saw Record-Breaking DDoS Attack
Peaking at 26 Million Request Per S… -- sectest9 securityonion: RT
@securityonion: Today's quick #malware analysis with #SecurityOnion: #TA578,
#Bumblebee, and #CobaltStrike pcap from 2022-06-14! Thanks… -- securityonion
seratfin: RT @three_cube: Become an Open Source Intelligence(OSINT) Expert and
Professional Investigator! Hackers-Arise has One of the largest repo… --
seratfin SocEngineerInc: Arizona hospital says SSNs of 700,000 people leaked
during April ransomware attack https://t.co/WHksSXpBsZ #Ransomware #malware
#cybercrime -- SocEngineerInc thegumshoo: RT @ReconVillage: ???? We are stoked
to announce our KEYNOTE Speaker for @ReconVillage @defcon 30 - Micah Hoffman
@WebBreacher. With his… -- thegumshoo Toxic_Kalinic: RT @brechtcastel: A Russian
missile ???????? killed at least three Ukrainian citizens ???????? on April 16
in Kyiv. This was NO ordinary attack: it w… -- Toxic_Kalinic VitaleTegn: RT
@brechtcastel: A Russian missile ???????? killed at least three Ukrainian
citizens ???????? on April 16 in Kyiv. This was NO ordinary attack: it w… --
VitaleTegn AfriArtisan: RT @siictconsult: Speed the pace of innovation,
#leverage the #Cloud, and extend the #value and #impact of your #technology
https://t.co/y… -- AfriArtisan AmChemistry: BREAKING: ACC Statement on New EPA
Health Advisories for Four Specific #PFAS https://t.co/6CQtI8gYZr -- AmChemistry
AmChemistry: #FOSSI Chairman & former CEO of @chemours Mark Vergnano, believes
in the importance of #FOSSI in helping to create a diverse workforce. See how at
https://t.co/hvRUzWmAfg. https://t.co/8BpmCiqCGq -- AmChemistry AmChemistry:
TOMORROW is the final day to submit your product for the #PolyCon22 Innovation
Award. The Award recognizes companies and individuals whose determination and
vision bring to market innovative, life-enhancing products, technologies, and
initiat -- AmChemistry AmChemistry: Want to engage and learn more about
#FireSafety & proposed #FlameRetardant policies that could affect your ability
to use many of these chemistries? Visit the ACC|NAFRA booth 429 exhibiting at
@IME_Events ANTEC Conference. https://t.co/ -- AmChemistry BACSIRT: @lelypais
@RobloxEspanol Hola ???? somos el centro de ciberseguridad del Gobierno de la
Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Sí querés reportar o recibir asesoramiento sobre
incidentes relacionados con la ciberseguridad, podés contactarnos por MD o a
través d -- BACSIRT BACSIRT: @lelypais @RobloxEspanol ¡Nos alegra ????! a
disposición ???? -- BACSIRT BACSIRT: @silvinacasabe @jairostraccia @aleberco
@BCRAusuarios Hola ???? somos el centro de ciberseguridad del Gobierno de la
Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Sí querés reportar o recibir asesoramiento sobre
incidentes relacionados con la ciberseguridad, podés con -- BACSIRT BACSIRT:
@pelicohen @YouTube @YouTubeLATAM Hola ???? somos el centro de ciberseguridad
del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Sí querés reportar o recibir
asesoramiento sobre incidentes relacionados con la ciberseguridad, podés
contactarnos por MD o a -- BACSIRT c9lab_soc: Phishing Domain:
mail.accounts-login-lcloud[.]com Target: icloud Users First Seen: 2022-06-12 (4
days) Last Seen: 2… https://t.co/iDmIllQN1c -- c9lab_soc certbr: Ao usar
verificação em duas etapas, lembre-se de remover seu celular da lista de
dispositivos confiáveis caso você o perca. #dicacertbr -- certbr CSIRTGOB: ????
#Cisco también ha informado de varias #vulnerabilidades este mes????¡A parchar!
Más información: https://t.co/yLD6KaNhHA #CSIRTGob https://t.co/h4ZFV8skds --
CSIRTGOB CTI_Aengel: RT @securityonion: Today's quick #malware analysis with
#SecurityOnion: #TA578, #Bumblebee, and #CobaltStrike pcap from 2022-06-14!
Thanks… -- CTI_Aengel HC_Ready: Healthcare Ready’s Community Disaster Resilience
Tool can help you identify the risk of natural hazard in your county, as well as
providing maps of healthcare locations in your area. https://t.co/p5pMyAkYrw --
HC_Ready HC_Ready: Community health centers, ever wondered why the most
resilient teams are managed by emphatic leaders? Or why self-care is the key to
a stronger support system for staff? For answers to these questions and more,
join us June 23 at 3 PM ET! https: -- HC_Ready HealthISAC: “Governments should
embed widely used international standards at the core of their national cyber
policies to facilitate a seamless approach to shared cyber risk,” CR2 president
& J.P. Morgan Chase exec dir Ben Flatgard said. https://t.co/ -- HealthISAC
lacnic_csirt: Es hoy!!! Los invito a este webinar sobre #IPv6 como decisión
estratégica, a cargo de @oscarrobles, director ejecutivo de @lacnic que se
realizará en breves minutos https://t.co/VGdGtLRuZq -- lacnic_csirt
NJCybersecurity: #Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility, & the threat
landscape is always changing. If you would like to learn the basics & gain
insight into this dynamic world, utilize these e-learning resources today!
Resources: https://t.c -- NJCybersecurity RealEstateISAC: The latest Real Estate
ISAC Daily Report! https://t.co/2vWcnl2NNB Thanks to @ARDAorg @ApartmentWire
#cybersecurity #ukraine -- RealEstateISAC renisac: Phishing attacks that
leverage man-in-the-middle phishing toolkits acting as malicious reverse proxy
servers of online services are on the rise. Join in for "Mitigating MITM
Phishing Toolkit Attacks that Bypass MFA" on 06/29 at 2pm EDT to learn --
renisac renisac: Zero-knowledge proofs will play a major role in the future of
Web3, DeFi and metaverse: Survey https://t.co/1nN0ztPwVJ -- renisac SpaceISAC:
"The @USArmy will double the size of its active-duty #cyber forces by the end of
the decade as the Pentagon shifts its focus from counterinsurgency and prepares
for future fights with technologically savvy opponents, officials said."
https://t. -- SpaceISAC SpaceISAC: "Internet infrastructure company @Cloudflare
said on Tuesday that it recently caught and mitigated the largest HTTPS
distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack ever recorded."
https://t.co/TR8P00zYVC -- SpaceISAC bamitav: New #Aadhaar #DataLeak exposes 11
crore #Indian farmers’ sensitive info https://t.co/cqQPyq586a #cyberwar…
https://t.co/LHH89IdLbt -- bamitav BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
intellimedsol[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-… https://t.co/KypER8Fn98 -- BforeAi busk3r: Frida's Gadget Injection on
Android: No Root, 2 Methods https://t.co/DQHF1bDwXw #Security #Pentesting…
https://t.co/HGzNPoZMZq -- busk3r ChbibAnas: #Cybercrime has become a more valid
threat by the day for many organizations whether operating fully in the…
https://t.co/S3zQAzXyvE -- ChbibAnas CyberSecurityN8: RT @bamitav: New #Aadhaar
#DataLeak exposes 11 crore #Indian farmers’ sensitive info
https://t.co/cqQPyq586a #cyberwar #cybercrime #cyber… -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @bamitav: New #Hertzbleed Side-Channel Attack Affects All
Modern #AMD and #Intel #CPUs https://t.co/AR1DKiG2oA #cyberwar #cybercrime #… --
CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
intellimedsol[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero False… -- CyberSecurityN8 DevRetweetBot: RT @bamitav: New #Aadhaar
#DataLeak exposes 11 crore #Indian farmers’ sensitive info
https://t.co/cqQPyq586a #cyberwar #cybercrime #cyber… -- DevRetweetBot
executemalware: #qakbot threat actors: "Let's see if we can find a way to add
#follina to our infection chain" ???? #emotet threat ac… https://t.co/9pQc8izJOq
-- executemalware Fabriciosx: RT @bamitav: New #Hertzbleed Side-Channel Attack
Affects All Modern #AMD and #Intel #CPUs https://t.co/AR1DKiG2oA #cyberwar
#cybercrime #… -- Fabriciosx furter_samuel: RT @DailyOsint: Newbie and need a
tool for various #OSINT tasks? You can use Threatcops to investigate different
topics from one single we… -- furter_samuel GoaiDev: RT @bamitav: New #Aadhaar
#DataLeak exposes 11 crore #Indian farmers’ sensitive info
https://t.co/cqQPyq586a #cyberwar #cybercrime #cyber… -- GoaiDev GoaiDev: RT
@bamitav: New #Aadhaar #DataLeak exposes 11 crore #Indian farmers’ sensitive
info https://t.co/cqQPyq586a #cyberwar #cybercrime #cyber… -- GoaiDev J14L3: RT
@_zwink: New video on the #bugbounty hunting process that helped me go from $0
to $150,000/mo on #bugcrowd! I believe if you follow the… -- J14L3 JRoosen: RT
@executemalware: Back from a couple of days of vacation. Here are some #emotet
(e4) IOCs from about 3 dozen emails received today. htt… -- JRoosen manifestcon:
10 WordPress Errors That Can Tank Your Website (+ How to Fix Them) @websitepulse
#WordPress #Cybercrime #Server… https://t.co/K2sCBMssgt -- manifestcon
PythonRoboto: RT @bamitav: New #Aadhaar #DataLeak exposes 11 crore #Indian
farmers’ sensitive info https://t.co/cqQPyq586a #cyberwar #cybercrime #cyber… --
PythonRoboto Rkssh7: RT @_zwink: New video on the #bugbounty hunting process
that helped me go from $0 to $150,000/mo on #bugcrowd! I believe if you follow
the… -- Rkssh7 sectest9: RT @bamitav: New #Aadhaar #DataLeak exposes 11 crore
#Indian farmers’ sensitive info https://t.co/cqQPyq586a #cyberwar #cybercrime
#cyber… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @bamitav: New #Hertzbleed Side-Channel Attack
Affects All Modern #AMD and #Intel #CPUs https://t.co/AR1DKiG2oA #cyberwar
#cybercrime #… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
intellimedsol[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero False… -- sectest9 Thi_Linh_Hoang: RT @IanTennant9: our latest blog on
the UN #cybercrime negotiations. -- Thi_Linh_Hoang webcodebot: RT @bamitav: New
#Hertzbleed Side-Channel Attack Affects All Modern #AMD and #Intel #CPUs
https://t.co/AR1DKiG2oA #cyberwar #cybercrime #… -- webcodebot wpbot_rt: RT
@manifestcon: 10 WordPress Errors That Can Tank Your Website (+ How to Fix Them)
@websitepulse #WordPress #Cybercrime #Server https://t.… -- wpbot_rt
BCNTelecom1: #Ransomware Attacks Are Surging. Is Your #Cybersecurity Up to
Date?Hackers have grown bolder since the start of the… https://t.co/6NaJXfXHZe
-- BCNTelecom1 beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi: Threat on
-- beefyspace beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxps://smartinvestech[.]com/shiba-inu/ #phishing #opendir #nc -- beefyspace
benirioux: Securing sensitive data is a big challenge. Atos can provide you with
right digital security solution that can prot… https://t.co/OJiHSZptEV --
benirioux CherryBekaert: A look into why #PrivateEquityFunds need to turn their
attention to prevent #ransomware attacks during the M&A Inve…
https://t.co/ILwhEzx8eH -- CherryBekaert ColinWinter: RT @executemalware:
#qakbot threat actors: "Let's see if we can find a way to add #follina to our
infection chain" ???? #emotet threat actors… -- ColinWinter Commvault: "As
technologies change - monitoring needs to change too" - LL Bean. End-to-End
#Data #Visibility is a core tenant… https://t.co/4Z6aqxsOwh -- Commvault
CyberSecurityN8: RT @SocEngineerInc: Healthcare Ransomware Attacks Increased by
94% in 2021 https://t.co/DFFVPW5gxc #Ransomware -- CyberSecurityN8 cybsecbot: RT
@CyberIQs_: How to mitigate Active Directory attacks that use the #infosec
#infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence… -- cybsecbot
dumstech: RT @unix_root: #Emotet botnet #malware has been upgraded with a new
module for stealing victims' credit card data stored in the #Chrome web… --
dumstech ecarlesi: Threat on hxxps://smartinvestech[.]com/shiba-inu/ #phishing
#opendir #nc https://t.co/Yn00toCA2A -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxps://smartinvestech[.]com/shiba-inu/ #phishing #opendir #nc -- ecarlesi
ecarlesi: Threat on hxxps://qickxbook[.]com/amaz/mazon/bd2a4/ #phishing #opendir
#amazon #squarespace https://t.co/NSGQu1UClz -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxps://qickxbook[.]com/amaz/mazon/ #phishing #opendir #amazon #squarespace
https://t.co/aEv9BngUVg -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://m-boa[.]com/Mpriority[.]zip #phishing #opendir #godaddy -- ecarlesi
jayeshmthakur: RT @ecarlesi: Threat on
-- jayeshmthakur JRoosen: RT @executemalware: #qakbot threat actors: "Let's see
if we can find a way to add #follina to our infection chain" ???? #emotet threat
actors… -- JRoosen Max_Mal_: RT @executemalware: #qakbot threat actors: "Let's
see if we can find a way to add #follina to our infection chain" ???? #emotet
threat actors… -- Max_Mal_ MicroFocusSec: Announcing the release of the first
Annual #CyberResGalaxy Report on the current state of #cyberthreats and an over…
https://t.co/oXT64RNJLe -- MicroFocusSec nani_wilson: RT @ecarlesi: Possible
threat on hxxp://m-boa[.]com/Mpriority[.]zip #phishing #opendir #godaddy --
nani_wilson OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022
on UTC 2022-06-15 13:42:33.695195. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot sectest9:
RT @SocEngineerInc: Healthcare Ransomware Attacks Increased by 94% in 2021
https://t.co/DFFVPW5gxc #Ransomware -- sectest9 snowdarkz: RT @executemalware:
#qakbot threat actors: "Let's see if we can find a way to add #follina to our
infection chain" ???? #emotet threat actors… -- snowdarkz SocEngineerInc:
Healthcare Ransomware Attacks Increased by 94% in 2021 https://t.co/DFFVPW5gxc
#Ransomware -- SocEngineerInc TheCyberHub2: #Microsoft has warned that one
cyber-criminal gang has used an unpatched Exchange Server to gain entry to a
target… https://t.co/NPDCp9S9lF -- TheCyberHub2 WeBuyUsedTape: One way to
protect yourself from ransomware is to create backups of your data regularly.
The video article explain… https://t.co/BFfvJ9xGm0 -- WeBuyUsedTape
YourAnonRiots: RT @executemalware: #qakbot threat actors: "Let's see if we can
find a way to add #follina to our infection chain" ???? #emotet threat actors…
-- YourAnonRiots ZeroWallAI: After a recent report on #cybersecurity found an
uptick in #ransomware attacks, @Verizon Business CEO #TamiErwin sh…
https://t.co/AGBYg8jiES -- ZeroWallAI _OyeShivraj: RT @brechtcastel: A Russian
missile ???????? killed at least three Ukrainian citizens ???????? on April 16
in Kyiv. This was NO ordinary attack: it w… -- _OyeShivraj 1woman: RT
@brechtcastel: @planet @Techjournalisto @ArchitMeta @amra_dorjbayar
@AlbertoOlivie13 @akhmxt CONCLUSION: Journalists, civilians and sold… -- 1woman
ablnk: RT @walter_report: Join me in my Space! CrashCourse Saturday with
@domenpresern #OSInt https://t.co/Y3yok1RRtH -- ablnk AquiaSolutions: Why We
Need Security Knowledge and Not Just Threat Intel: Organizations that can break
out of siloed data and apply… https://t.co/2KRFB8eb6i -- AquiaSolutions
betsymullen: The @walter_report is a vital forum #broadcasting 24/7 in #Twitter
Spaces since the night of 2/23. Hosts & guest sp… https://t.co/DCsu7DwPwP --
betsymullen CheckFirstHQ: Impressive #OSINT work and lessons! Thanks for sharing
https://t.co/aAacESeN7p -- CheckFirstHQ clit_commandent: RT @brechtcastel: A
Russian missile ???????? killed at least three Ukrainian citizens ???????? on
April 16 in Kyiv. This was NO ordinary attack: it w… -- clit_commandent
CyberSecDN: Russia and China warn US about offensive cyber operations
https://t.co/v89DX0TAW8 #threatintel -- CyberSecDN CyberSecurityN8: RT @riskigy:
US #Lawmakers Take on #Crypto Ransom Payments. Regulatory Rumblings Force
Companies to Rethink their #Ransomware Policies http… -- CyberSecurityN8
falconer_alexis: RT @brechtcastel: A Russian missile ???????? killed at least
three Ukrainian citizens ???????? on April 16 in Kyiv. This was NO ordinary
attack: it w… -- falconer_alexis fukuyamara: RT @brechtcastel: @planet
@Techjournalisto @ArchitMeta @amra_dorjbayar @AlbertoOlivie13 @akhmxt
CONCLUSION: Journalists, civilians and sold… -- fukuyamara Helm_SecIntel: RT
@nisos: Don't miss this week's episode of #theCyber5 where we are joined by
Grist Mill Exchange CEO, Kristin Wood and we discuss open-so… -- Helm_SecIntel
mirufap: RT @fs0c131y: Dear #OSINT lovers, At the beginning of the conflict in
Ukraine, several people from the #OSINT community, including me, ask… -- mirufap
nixintel: RT @ReconVillage: ???? We are stoked to announce our KEYNOTE Speaker
for @ReconVillage @defcon 30 - Micah Hoffman @WebBreacher. With his… -- nixintel
onnanoko_amai: RT @CertiKAlert: #CommunityAlert ???? We are seeing reports that
@citadelpm Discord has been compromised and a phishing link posted! Do not… --
onnanoko_amai OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-15 14…
https://t.co/BG5pdCcgay -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 trying to login with account "root" and password
"123qweASD"… https://t.co/yyHwWzqQDf -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-15 14:03:17.509304.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot polaris_gb: RT @brechtcastel: A Russian
missile ???????? killed at least three Ukrainian citizens ???????? on April 16
in Kyiv. This was NO ordinary attack: it w… -- polaris_gb povirytyvdyvo: RT
@brechtcastel: @planet WHY was that warehouse hit❓ HOW was the location of the
target determined❓ And WHO is responsible for these dea… -- povirytyvdyvo
RedPacketSec: Update now!  Microsoft patches Follina, and many other #Security
updates - https://t.co/lKzorgBfK3 #OSINT #Threatintel -- RedPacketSec riskigy:
US #Lawmakers Take on #Crypto Ransom Payments. Regulatory Rumblings Force
Companies to Rethink their #Ransomware Po… https://t.co/hcSnDFC15R -- riskigy
sectest9: RT @riskigy: US #Lawmakers Take on #Crypto Ransom Payments. Regulatory
Rumblings Force Companies to Rethink their #Ransomware Policies http… --
sectest9 SollyD: Get the key findings for 2021 from the #CyberResGalaxy Annual
Report, via @tahawultech. #ThreatHunting… https://t.co/vzg9xzDSUQ -- SollyD
VanderweePieter: RT @brechtcastel: A Russian missile ???????? killed at least
three Ukrainian citizens ???????? on April 16 in Kyiv. This was NO ordinary
attack: it w… -- VanderweePieter AmChemistry: “It is time to put a stop to the
roll-back of fire safety regulations simply because someone does not want to use
#FlameRetardant chemicals,” says Alex B. Morgan, in his article published
recently in the Journal of Fire Sciences. https://t.co -- AmChemistry Amigo_A_:
I think that specialists from anti-virus companies who have been decrypting
files for many years will not find it difficult to recover files for this and
previous ransomware iterations (I do not want to name them, because this will be
advertisin -- Amigo_A_ Amigo_A_: I think that specialists from anti-virus
companies who have been decrypting files for many years will not find it
difficult to recover files for this and previous ransomware iterations (I do not
want to name them, because this will be advertisin -- Amigo_A_ Amigo_A_: Another
iteration #7-language #Locker #Ransomware https://t.co/JgmS1A3JNF -- Amigo_A_
Arcanamus: RT @javi_stewie: What are Red and Blue Teams in Cyber Security & how
do differentiate them? Check out this video ???????? #datasecurity #linux #… --
Arcanamus ConnX_Ai: Join us at the “Ensuring Cybersecurity and Privacy with a
Hybrid Workforce” panel. Steve Pitchon, Managing Partner…
https://t.co/K162PaJP3a -- ConnX_Ai CyberDFIR: RT @CyberIQs_: Extracting value
from the Kubernetes events feed #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel #threatintelligence #hac… -- CyberDFIR CyberDFIR: RT @CyberIQs_:
How to mitigate Active Directory attacks that use the #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence… -- CyberDFIR CyberDFIR: RT
@filescan_itsec: Here's our report + sample for one of the latest #ursnif
#maldoc targeting italy ???????? with a TNT tracking theme (~9 secon… --
CyberDFIR CyberDFIR: RT @securityonion: Today's quick #malware analysis with
#SecurityOnion: #TA578, #Bumblebee, and #CobaltStrike pcap from 2022-06-14!
Thanks… -- CyberDFIR DriveLockGlobal: With real-time protection, Microsoft
Defender Antivirus detects and destroys #Malware. DriveLock's #ZeroTrust Platf…
https://t.co/7BCQ6SgT3u -- DriveLockGlobal FSISAC: The 2022 Global Leaders
nomination period is now open! The program recognizes our members who share
intelligence and knowledge to help defend the industry against cyber risks as
the financial system undergoes rapid changes. Learn more: https://t.c -- FSISAC
gdprAI: RT @riskigy: US #Lawmakers Take on #Crypto Ransom Payments. Regulatory
Rumblings Force Companies to Rethink their #Ransomware Policies http… -- gdprAI
GoaiDev: RT @singlesignon: Will humans evolve in a digital life form?
https://t.co/OOfJleoLA3 #infosec #cybersecurity #technology #100DaysOfCode… --
GoaiDev HEROTechCanada: Proof that not all email security products are the same:
a customer testing two solutions in parallel found #SaaS D…
https://t.co/u6f44yMeIr -- HEROTechCanada javier_stewie: RT @javi_stewie: What
are Red and Blue Teams in Cyber Security & how do differentiate them? Check out
this video ???????? #datasecurity #linux #… -- javier_stewie jhondarred:
DataDog/security-labs-pocs: Proof of concept code for Datadog Security Labs
referenced exploits. Now updated with a… https://t.co/D3OD1rY07Q -- jhondarred
MBCManagedIT: MBC Security Tip: Perform Cyber Awareness Training. Create
tailored cyber security training to help your employees… https://t.co/Vjg4MY2BOg
-- MBCManagedIT miller_itsec: RT @filescan_itsec: Here's our report + sample for
one of the latest #ursnif #maldoc targeting italy ???????? with a TNT tracking
theme (~9 secon… -- miller_itsec PhishStats: https://t.co/MAuIXRvYiq detected 2
new websites hosting #phishing | new today: 1049 | #infosec #cybersecurity…
https://t.co/AVPisOwzhL -- PhishStats PoleAI: RT @securityonion: Today's quick
#malware analysis with #SecurityOnion: #TA578, #Bumblebee, and #CobaltStrike
pcap from 2022-06-14! Thanks… -- PoleAI renisac: Jun 22, How to Get Involved in
National Cybersecurity Month https://t.co/VxymIVxneS https://t.co/oM2WCqXg8q --
renisac RH_ISAC: RH-ISAC's intel team updates on the threat landscape in Asia
and how MISP has grown in popularity worldwide. @cybergrx shares how their
assessment can be used to benchmark your security posture. #infosec
#cybersecurity #APAC #global #threatintell -- RH_ISAC RiannaMacLeod: RT
@sucurisecurity: Sucuri Researcher Cesar Anjos dives into what #scams are and
why you should care, the implications of getting scammed,… -- RiannaMacLeod
s4msecurity: RT @mruef: Defending Against the Five Stages of a Ransomware Attack
https://t.co/DgTD2TdJrV #ransomware #malware -- s4msecurity securityonion:
Today's quick #malware analysis with #SecurityOnion: #TA578, #Bumblebee, and
#CobaltStrike pcap from 2022-06-14! T… https://t.co/vW8243FwIS -- securityonion
singlesignon: Will humans evolve in a digital life form? https://t.co/OOfJleoLA3
#infosec #cybersecurity #technology… https://t.co/pTpGdwnsOR -- singlesignon
sparkleav: RT @ConnX_Ai: Join us at the “Ensuring Cybersecurity and Privacy with
a Hybrid Workforce” panel. Steve Pitchon, Managing Partner & CCO, #Co… --
sparkleav SpyCloudCo: Chip Witt, @SpyCloudCo Vice President of Product
Management, will be sharing insights on one of the hardest to dete…
https://t.co/fZosa8YpkH -- SpyCloudCo therealwlambert: RT @securityonion:
Today's quick #malware analysis with #SecurityOnion: #TA578, #Bumblebee, and
#CobaltStrike pcap from 2022-06-14! Thanks… -- therealwlambert Ultrascan419:
What is a Scam? - Security Boulevard: Online scams have rapidly increased to
target unsuspecting victims with the e… https://t.co/Wq2fJoGLP1 -- Ultrascan419
YourAnonRiots: RT @illegalFawn: @charliek3lly @UK_Daniel_Card @MsftSecIntel
@msftsecresponse @msftsecurity @AzureSupport @ovh_support_en @malwrhunterteam…
-- YourAnonRiots BACSIRT: @aszulewicz @BancoNacion Hola @aszulewicz ???? si la
estafa tuvo que ver con un delito relacionado a la ciberseguridad y querés
reportar o recibir asesoramiento, podés contactarnos por MD o a través de
ciberseguridad@ba-csirt.gob.ar ???? -- BACSIRT BACSIRT: @LoreFrost @PauUnzueta
@BancoGalicia Hola @LoreFrost ???? si la estafa tuvo que ver con un delito
relacionado a la ciberseguridad y querés reportar o recibir asesoramiento, podés
contactarnos por MD o a través de ciberseguridad@ba-csirt.gob.ar ?? -- BACSIRT
BACSIRT: @fetcheves Hola ???? somos el centro de ciberseguridad del Gobierno de
la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Quién quiera reportar o ser asesorado sobre
incidentes relacionados con la ciberseguridad, puede contactarnos por MD o a
través de ciberseguridad@ba -- BACSIRT BACSIRT: #DatoDeLaSemana ???????? ¡¡Ojo
con el QRishing!! Creados en 1994, a principios del siglo XXI estaban por todas
partes. En marzo de 2020, las restricciones del coronavirus los trajeron de
vuelta. https://t.co/X644Bzzaz7 -- BACSIRT certlv: Microsoft jūnijā publicējis
atjauninājumus "nulles dienas" ievainojamībai, kas pazīstama arī kā "Follina" un
skar Office produktus: https://t.co/u5W7efWnH0 https://t.co/Qk5PtAat9G -- certlv
certlv: https://t.co/8nnjFn07MP vadītāja @bkaskina šodien Rietumbalkānu
Digitālās drošības foruma ietvaros piedalās diskusiju panelī par digitalizāciju
un kiberdrošību. https://t.co/05kfONERrD https://t.co/4bngHVvak8 -- certlv
NJCybersecurity: Attackers are actively exploiting Follina, a critical
#Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) #vulnerability, in several campaigns.
We have observed attempts to deliver these #phishing emails to New Jersey State
employees. Details &am -- NJCybersecurity BACSIRT: @aszulewicz @BancoNacion
Seguro que sí ???? de todos modos quedamos a disposición ???? -- BACSIRT certbe:
Warning: #Google released a patch for four high severity bugs in #Chrome
allowing an attacker to take control of an affected system:
https://t.co/BoFMcjfQZ5 #Patch #Patch #Patch -- certbe CERTEU: Critical
Vulnerability in Windows NFS (CERT-EU Security Advisory 2022-042) -
https://t.co/0wcAr3urOC -- CERTEU CERTEU: UPDATE: Follina Vulnerability in
Microsoft Office Products (CERT-EU Security Advisory 2022-039) -
https://t.co/WXtDQIhLGX -- CERTEU ICSCERT: Do you know about the risks of siloed
security functions? @CISAgov developed a #Cybersecurity and Physical Security
#Convergence Guide about convergence & the benefits of a holistic #security
strategy: https://t.co/O3YFHDqxcG. Learn more abou -- ICSCERT IndianCERT:
CERT-In has published Vulnerability Notes on its Website (15.06.2022) Multiple
vulnerabilities in SAP Products  https://t.co/P6vb3Fqwcl Multiple
Vulnerabilities in Fortinet products https://t.co/Us1Acto42S -- IndianCERT
IndianCERT: CERT-In has published Vulnerability Notes on its Website
(15.06.2022) Multiple Vulnerabilities in Illumina Local Run Manager 
https://t.co/E0JmxVQeDr   Multiple Vulnerabilities in Zoom Products 
https://t.co/gfab3dsuFG -- IndianCERT NationalCsirtCy: Συμμετοχή ΑΨΑ στην
Πανευρωπαϊκή ????????Άσκηση Cyber ???? Europe 2022 Το διήμερο 8 και 9 Ιουνίου
διεξήχθη η 6η Πανευρωπαϊκή Άσκηση Αντιμετώπισης Κρίσεων στον Κυβερνοχώρο – Cyber
Europe 2022, που διοργανώθηκε από τον @enisa_eu. ???? https -- NationalCsirtCy
0x4d_: RT @executemalware: Back from a couple of days of vacation. Here are some
#emotet (e4) IOCs from about 3 dozen emails received today. htt… -- 0x4d_
AnandJambhulkar: RT @_zwink: New video on the #bugbounty hunting process that
helped me go from $0 to $150,000/mo on #bugcrowd! I believe if you follow the…
-- AnandJambhulkar beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi: Possible threat on
#phishing… -- beefyspace BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : hannianjia[.]com
PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zer…
https://t.co/xDgXlVNrtA -- BforeAi bugbounty18: cSploit – A Network Analyzer on
Android https://t.co/mdbiC8BSrd #bugbounty #bugbounties -- bugbounty18
CahyonoHk: RT @_zwink: New video on the #bugbounty hunting process that helped
me go from $0 to $150,000/mo on #bugcrowd! I believe if you follow the… --
CahyonoHk CyberNews: #Western governments and high-profile private sector
#organizations remain vulnerable to #Atlassian #vulnerability…
https://t.co/zP7bXP3s10 -- CyberNews CyberSecurityN8: RT @bugbounty18: cSploit –
A Network Analyzer on Android https://t.co/mdbiC8BSrd #bugbounty #bugbounties --
CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
hannianjia[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero False Pos… -- CyberSecurityN8 DevRetweetBot: RT @VeilleCyber3: The
unrelenting threat of #ransomware is pushing #cybersecurity #workers to #quit
https://t.co/ZxjlNxGWDN #cryptocurren… -- DevRetweetBot dvdfnl: RT
@ErSurajShukla: Cyber Attack Quick Response Sheet in Detail :- #cybersecurity
#hacking #cyber #infosecurity #Pentesting #map #CyberAtt… -- dvdfnl ecarlesi:
Possible threat on hxxp://adshomarr[.]com/AddShomar[.]zip #phishing #opendir
https://t.co/nRqNh5v4MS -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://proympact[.]com/wordpress[.]zip #phishing #opendir #godaddy -- ecarlesi
ecarlesi: Possible threat on
#phishing #opendir #nc -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://tradingfxscorporations[.]com/ciro[.]zip #phishing #opendir #nc --
ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
#phishing #opendir #nc -- ecarlesi edwar_shnaider: RT @NestyF: Threat on:
@Bancolombia @CSIRTFinanciero #phishing #opend… -- edwar_shnaider
edwar_shnaider: RT @NestyF: Possible Threat on:
https[:]//sucursalpersonas.transacciones[.]etiproperties[.]com/ @Bancolombia
@CSIRTFinanciero #phishing… -- edwar_shnaider g_gauravkumar10: RT @Shalini2jha:
Police is saying we can not do anything in this matter. I am attaching
screenshot and a note. #CyberCrimeAwareness #CyberA… -- g_gauravkumar10
Gate_15_Analyst: Threat Awareness – #Emotet Modifying Tactics to Infect More
Users, new from @WaterISAC https://t.co/FdPX7jt749 #CyberSecurity --
Gate_15_Analyst Gate_15_Analyst: RT @WaterISAC: In Today's Security & Resilience
Update: Critical Systems Require Unique Credentials, #Emotet Modifications to
Infect More U… -- Gate_15_Analyst huntrHacktivity: Improper Neutralization of
Formula Elements in a CSV File in https://t.co/LCRNqOYJft reported by
saharshtapi - Patc… https://t.co/TD37MetYEU -- huntrHacktivity huntrHacktivity:
Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type in https://t.co/LCRNqOYJft
reported by saharshtapi - Patch:… https://t.co/dFU5q8IwZm -- huntrHacktivity
InfosecurityMag: ???? [CYBERCRIME] #SSNDOB domains seized in coordinated
operation by US and Europe Police #cybercrime #cybersecurity…
https://t.co/jr14VNiEBK -- InfosecurityMag JCarlosLV2014: RT @executemalware:
Back from a couple of days of vacation. Here are some #emotet (e4) IOCs from
about 3 dozen emails received today. htt… -- JCarlosLV2014 jha_manish1: RT
@Shalini2jha: Police is saying we can not do anything in this matter. I am
attaching screenshot and a note. #CyberCrimeAwareness #CyberA… -- jha_manish1
Nichola37987639: RT @shaunattwood: Attwood Unleashed is back @ the normal time
tomorrow @ 5.45-10.10pm UK time. Topics include #JFK, #RFK, #MalcolmX, #UAP… --
Nichola37987639 NinaKindred: RT @sharonL33940258: Preying eyes are ever
watching...Who are they? What do they want? https://t.co/yjLrMm1pCJ #teen
#cybercrime #action… -- NinaKindred Omkumar_13: RT @_zwink: New video on the
#bugbounty hunting process that helped me go from $0 to $150,000/mo on
#bugcrowd! I believe if you follow the… -- Omkumar_13 opensource_orgs: RT
@huntrHacktivity: Improper Neutralization of Formula Elements in a CSV File in
https://t.co/LCRNqOYJft reported by saharshtapi - Patch:… -- opensource_orgs
opensource_orgs: RT @huntrHacktivity: Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous
Type in https://t.co/LCRNqOYJft reported by saharshtapi - Patch: https://t.… --
opensource_orgs opensource_orgs: RT @huntrHacktivity: Cross-site Scripting (XSS)
- Stored in https://t.co/LCRNqOYJft reported by saharshtapi - Patch:
https://t.co/JeZ4Im54p… -- opensource_orgs opensource_orgs: RT @huntrHacktivity:
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) - Reflected in https://t.co/LCRNqOYJft reported by
saharshtapi - Patch: https://t.co/JeZ4Im… -- opensource_orgs opensource_orgs: RT
@huntrHacktivity: Cross-site Scripting (XSS) - DOM in https://t.co/LCRNqOYJft
reported by saharshtapi - Patch: https://t.co/JeZ4Im54pw h… -- opensource_orgs
opensource_orgs: RT @huntrHacktivity: Cross-site Scripting (XSS) - Generic in
https://t.co/LCRNqOYJft reported by saharshtapi - Patch: https://t.co/JeZ4Im54…
-- opensource_orgs PJMcIlvaine: RT @gjscobie: "If you read one crime thriller
this year, make it a cybercrime thriller!" The Kill Chain by GJ Scobie,
Scotland’s newest cr… -- PJMcIlvaine s4msecurity: RT @Abdiqalak: Wow. This is
extremely sophisticated and scary too. #CyberSecurity #cybercrime #cyberattack
#Nigeria https://t.co/Wa0k9a0lUD -- s4msecurity sectest9: RT @bugbounty18:
cSploit – A Network Analyzer on Android https://t.co/mdbiC8BSrd #bugbounty
#bugbounties -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
hannianjia[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero False Pos… -- sectest9 sirkentnorton: RT @Nyksindia: If human error
was somehow eliminated entirely, 19 out of 20 cyber breaches may not have taken
place at all! #security #cybe… -- sirkentnorton stephbrom: Bumblebee pulled up
this summer like. #bumblebee #emotet #cobaltstrike https://t.co/oHh0mJEa01 --
stephbrom VFArtisanCodeur: RT @InfosecurityMag: ???? [CYBERCRIME] #SSNDOB
domains seized in coordinated operation by US and Europe Police #cybercrime
#cybersecurity #in… -- VFArtisanCodeur XanjeroMedia: #HelloXD #ransomware can
now make system modifications -- #Xanjero https://t.co/VrIcWhBeSA --
XanjeroMedia Andre15474406: RT @hacktoria: Twitter Dorking is very useful for
#OSINT and a lot of fun. Amogh explains his process and teaches you how to use
Twitter #D… -- Andre15474406 ArtOpenSea: RT @InformNapalm: #Ukraine
#UkraineRussiaWar Identification of #Russian #military marauder with Polaroid
and correction of Ministry of Dig… -- ArtOpenSea CyberSecurityN8: RT @CyberIQs_:
Cado Response Platform Now Available to Enterprises in #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligenc… -- CyberSecurityN8 davidzorban:
#Sophos’ State of Ransomware in Healthcare 2022 report reveals a 94% increase in
#ransomware attacks on the organiz… https://t.co/407AAt03Xp -- davidzorban
dellyranksindia: As crypto currencies become popular, hackers target crypto
wallets #crypto #phishing https://t.co/2F6ttZwncV https://t.co/I51aSPB6yP --
dellyranksindia DividedShane: RT @iampoofer: Ok, been meaning to respectfully
post this. One of the most incredibly cool things I’ve seen at a #phish show. At
Charlest… -- DividedShane ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxps://netflsecure[.]com
#phishing #nc https://t.co/JcfOXlb6eJ -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxp://bleumebresre[.]monster/ #phishing #labanquepostale #namesilo
https://t.co/ddTxJ8aVDL -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://netfix-be[.]com #phishing #google https://t.co/OAPULjY16S -- ecarlesi
Gerald_Auger: Come join #SimplyCyber for the Daily Cyber Threat Brief at 8AM EST
Live! #cybersecurity #threatintelligence… https://t.co/KSeTBey2FK --
Gerald_Auger hensoldt_ai: The @hensoldt_ai MD, Benjamin Spaeh, joins the team at
the @cogeseurosatory #Eurosatory2022 #exhibition in Paris to…
https://t.co/Hs6LkzhGYR -- hensoldt_ai HossainConsult1: Certificate of
Achievement: Open Source Intelligence by EC-Council #OSINT
https://t.co/HLwLZVNgdl -- HossainConsult1 IPPathways: Phishing attacks are on
the rise. We can do a phishing test to see if your end-users need more education
to help ke… https://t.co/q6JN2Dw7k7 -- IPPathways jakecreps: Going to try to
write my first flask app today for an #OSINT tool/idea I have. If anyone writes
Python and doesn’t… https://t.co/P5iyCsCO5f -- jakecreps jakecreps: RT
@sinwindie: Version 2 of my #OSINT Attack Surface Diagrams are now available on
the @OSINTDOJO website. https://t.co/nY4eeMVPAi -- jakecreps KentPoliceECU:
Following on from my earlier tweet about a phishing scam on WhatsApp for Free
Beer, look out for this one as well o… https://t.co/kBL4DtOKDS -- KentPoliceECU
MrFrantarelli: RT @MatchlessMan410: #OSINT *** Reassessment *** #Russian Navy
Baltic Fleet Pr.887 Smolny class training ship AXT-310 “Perekop” & likely… --
MrFrantarelli MrsYisWhy: teamcymru: #TeamCymru is a proud sponsor of the second
annual @tribal_hub Cybersecurity Summit, June 16, 2022. Thi…
https://t.co/yI2vRpoifY -- MrsYisWhy MrTorden: RT @MatchlessMan410: #OSINT ***
Reassessment *** #Russian Navy Baltic Fleet Pr.887 Smolny class training ship
AXT-310 “Perekop” & likely… -- MrTorden MuhammedShanNS: RT @DailyOsint: Workflow
chart for #location #OSINT @IntelTechniques #infosec #OSINT #reconnaissance
#GEOINT #mindmap #geolocation #intel… -- MuhammedShanNS njoit: RT
@NJCybersecurity: Have you heard of clone #phishing? It is a type of
#cyberattack where a legitimately delivered email containing an att… -- njoit
OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH
version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-15 11… https://t.co/XRch4bq8jk --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 trying to login with account "ubnt" and password "123456" on…
https://t.co/XtT0uxPgJV -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-15 11:56:31.870010.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenWorldArt: RT @InformNapalm: #Ukraine
#UkraineRussiaWar Identification of #Russian #military marauder with Polaroid
and correction of Ministry of Dig… -- OpenWorldArt OwenERichasonIV: #HelloXD
#ransomware can now make system modifications -- #Xanjero
https://t.co/l9J1SeV1it -- OwenERichasonIV psenews: Johnathan Pownall, @NAOorguk
joins the Secure by Design: Cyber Security as a Foundation for Digital
Transformation… https://t.co/3Tgi5PdsP4 -- psenews RedPacketSec: Let’s give a
look at the Dark Web Price Index 2022 - https://t.co/ZFtESJW9tU #Hacking #OSINT
#Security #Threatintel -- RedPacketSec RedPacketSec: It’s official, today you
can say goodbye to Internet Explorer. Or can you? - https://t.co/yTDSZT3htv
#OSINT #Security #Threatintel -- RedPacketSec RuOilTracker: ???????? -> ? DELTA
OCEAN Departed Novorossiysk with 150,000 tons of crude oil. Bound for Suez Canal
#russianoil… https://t.co/6eVr2wLBV0 -- RuOilTracker s4msecurity: RT
@allusefulinfo: Top Nine Tips to Protect Yourself From #Ransomware Attacks
https://t.co/SSGeWytnSv -- s4msecurity s4msecurity: RT @XanjeroMedia: #HelloXD
#ransomware can now make system modifications -- #Xanjero
https://t.co/VrIcWhBeSA -- s4msecurity s4msecurity: RT @OwenERichasonIV:
#HelloXD #ransomware can now make system modifications -- #Xanjero
https://t.co/l9J1SeV1it -- s4msecurity sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_: Cado Response
Platform Now Available to Enterprises in #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel #threatintelligenc… -- sectest9 SESuter1: RT @allusefulinfo: Top
Nine Tips to Protect Yourself From #Ransomware Attacks https://t.co/SSGeWytnSv
-- SESuter1 StanleyEpstein: Large supermarket chain in southern Africa hit with
ransomware #Ransomware via https://t.co/eBW8LmmXmF https://t.co/XRT27pDZ3J --
StanleyEpstein suemorris345: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy
landing warships and grain ships off Sevastopol today This corrects previous
tweet (delete… -- suemorris345 teamcymru: #TeamCymru is a proud sponsor of the
second annual @tribal_hub Cybersecurity Summit, June 16, 2022. This one day v…
https://t.co/oOINy1ScZp -- teamcymru uCloudify: RT @psenews: Johnathan Pownall,
@NAOorguk joins the Secure by Design: Cyber Security as a Foundation for Digital
Transformation panel discu… -- uCloudify UKikaski: The RUS Navy Project 1239
Bora-class hoverborne guided missile corvette "Samun" at mooring on 20220516 and
leaving… https://t.co/6bvlQ90DW0 -- UKikaski Ultrascan419: Sentencing reshuffled
again for Fairfield man, 52, in $1.6M fraud case - Vacaville Reporter:
Sentencing has been pa… https://t.co/ieVZhTSuPt -- Ultrascan419 Ultrascan419:
Jan 6 Committee impacts claims of fraud in Arizona voter laws - KOLD: Nearly 100
voter bills were introduced into t… https://t.co/BYr7VG8pK1 -- Ultrascan419
VelasVlx: RT @CryptonewsTLM: ⚠ Metamask will award up to USD 50,000 to those who
discover flaws in the wallet ➡ Key facts: The program targets pir… -- VelasVlx
_blackhost: A newly discovered #Linux malware, known as #Symbiote infects all
running processes on compromised systems, steals… https://t.co/o2LsMDnKzC --
_blackhost _D4rkC0d3: RT @reconshell: Apache Tomcat JMXProxy RCE #Hacking
#Bugbounty #CyberSecurity #Security #Apache #Tomcat #JMXProxy #RCE
#vulnerability #CSR… -- _D4rkC0d3 actualtechmedia: The No. 1 most attacked
industry by ransomware Bad Guys? ???? Government! Be warned... #ransomware
#malware… https://t.co/kh2ZAIApVB -- actualtechmedia AmChemistry: The July 1
reporting deadline for the @EPA Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program is fast
approaching. CPI offers complimentary assistance with MDI, PMDI, TDI or TRI
reporting. Contact CPI-RCAP@Ramboll.com or visit: https://t.co/07WoW9W8EX. --
AmChemistry CyberSecurityN8: RT @dez_blanchfield: Talking with Jason Inskeep,
Director of the AT&T Business 5G Centre of Excellence, about #Mobility, #5G,
#Edge & #IoT… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @OPSWAT: #Emotet -- the
common, destructive, and costly-to-remediate #malware -- continues to spread
using zipped .LNK files. Read on to… -- CyberSecurityN8 cybsecbot: In the past
24 hours, 8100 IoC's were submitted and #Emotet is the most seen #malware family
on abuse[.]ch -- cybsecbot dez_blanchfield: Talking with Jason Inskeep, Director
of the AT&T Business 5G Centre of Excellence, about #Mobility, #5G, #Edge &…
https://t.co/MMTsf710Sp -- dez_blanchfield ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://netfllx-sub[.]com #phishing #google -- ecarlesi HealthISAC: TODAY at 9AM
PT / 12PM ET! Exploring a Zero Trust Architecture in the Healthcare Industry –
How to Get Started and Pitfalls to Avoid by @CyberMDX a Forescout company.
https://t.co/3jbsHJPR04 #healthcaresecurity #healthtech #zerotrust https:// --
HealthISAC HealthISAC: Registration is at capacity for the June 29 Health-ISAC
Healthcare Cybersecurity Workshop in London hosted by Marken. #healthit
#pharmaceuticals https://t.co/CJl5eNAjEZ https://t.co/tQDRFj6Non -- HealthISAC
kent_police: RT @KentPoliceECU: Following on from my earlier tweet about a
phishing scam on WhatsApp for Free Beer, look out for this one as well offeri…
-- kent_police maldatabase: #Ursnif malware indicators. #Malware
#ThreatIntelligence #threatintel #IOC https://t.co/C2jz8hqf4l -- maldatabase
nani_wilson: RT @ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxps://netflsecure[.]com
#phishing #nc https://t.co/JcfOXlb6eJ -- nani_wilson OPSWAT: #Emotet -- the
common, destructive, and costly-to-remediate #malware -- continues to spread
using zipped .LNK files… https://t.co/CilunCrlQ2 -- OPSWAT RansomwareO: The No.
1 most attacked industry by ransomware Bad Guys? ???? Government! Be warned...
#ransomware #malware… https://t.co/qv1FtkqAOU -- RansomwareO s4msecurity: RT
@immuniweb: #Phishing reaches all-time high in early 2022:
https://t.co/rOU7Xhe5px #cyberattacks -- s4msecurity sectest9: RT
@dez_blanchfield: Talking with Jason Inskeep, Director of the AT&T Business 5G
Centre of Excellence, about #Mobility, #5G, #Edge & #IoT… -- sectest9 sectest9:
RT @OPSWAT: #Emotet -- the common, destructive, and costly-to-remediate #malware
-- continues to spread using zipped .LNK files. Read on to… -- sectest9
taguilarperez: ???? New #ThreatIntel: The @Symantec Threat Hunter team found
threat actors exploiting the Follina #RCE vulnerability… https://t.co/DPGtEe4xXp
-- taguilarperez WorldTechIT: ???? What’s worse than facing a ransomware attack?
Laying off employees—like 37% of companies forced to pay ransoms. L…
https://t.co/usjJHWdVTa -- WorldTechIT CERTpy: ⚠️Vulnerabilidad de RCE en
servidor de correo electrónico Zimbra ???? Las versiones afectadas son: ❗️
Zimbra 8.8.15. Parche 31.1 ❗️ Zimbra 9.0.0. Parche 24.1 ➡️para mas info:
https://t.co/GPMlLtj98V https://t.co/jVQUQZygKI -- CERTpy csirt_it: #Zimbra:
aggiornamenti di sicurezza sanano vulnerabilità nel prodotto Collaboration
Rischio: ???? Tipologia: Denial of Service, Information Disclosure ????
https://t.co/tHPrhUfh0S ???? Aggiornamenti disponibili ????
https://t.co/H8094DRbt6 -- csirt_it CSIRTCV: Reforça la seguretat en el teu
#telèfon intel·ligent, sobretot si es tracta d'un #Android, instal·lant un
programa #antivirus que afegirà un nivell de protecció addicional. Prova amb
#Malwarebytes: https://t.co/W5FrCdiAVJ #ProtegeTuMóvil #Fond -- CSIRTCV
CSIRTMalta: Multiple #vulnerabilities have been disclosed in various ITarian
products. Further information in the latest #advisory issued by @CSIRTMalta:
➡️https://t.co/LePYIrAwHO #Malta #CyberSecurity #infosecurity
https://t.co/eHQjZ0efQK -- CSIRTMalta _Mr_Alien: RT @tkanalyst: 2019-11-03
#Malvertising -> Unknown #EK(#OpenDir) -> #njRAT(#Bladabindi) [Example Payload]
https://t.co/wAGGos81c9 [Refere… -- _Mr_Alien beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi: Threat
on hxxp://oaentfrm[.]com/amaz%20(1)[.]zip #phishing #opendir #amazon
#squarespace https://t.co/7aqOr09RDE -- beefyspace beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi:
Threat on hxxp://notfarme[.]com/mazon/14c05/ #phishing #opendir #amazon
#squarespace https://t.co/67rRM41qrC -- beefyspace beingsheerazali: New Write-up
on InfoSec Write-ups publication : "Phishing Domain Detection using Neural
Networks" #bugbounty… https://t.co/6XnyQ3WbK2 -- beingsheerazali BforeAi:
Predicted Malicious Domain : 28today[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by
@BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero F… https://t.co/3znD05QMXl -- BforeAi
bugbounty18: Kaiser Permanente Exposes Nearly 70K Medical Records in Data Breach
https://t.co/46uyuPCXJK #bugbounty #bugbounties -- bugbounty18 c3rb3ru5d3d53c:
RT @InfoSecComm: New Write-up on InfoSec Write-ups publication : "How I found a
Critical Bug in Instagram and Got 49500$ Bounty From Facebo… -- c3rb3ru5d3d53c
CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : 28today[.]com
PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Positi…
-- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @CoE_HRightsRLaw: 24 countries have so
far signed the new Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on #cybercrime
(#BudapestConventi… -- CyberSecurityN8 dellyranksindia: Business email scam
costliest type of US cybercrime in 2021: FBI report #businessemailscam
#cryptofraud #cybercrime… https://t.co/zUhR9PclYe -- dellyranksindia ecarlesi:
Threat on hxxp://oaentfrm[.]com/mazon/b2b48/ #phishing #opendir #amazon
#squarespace https://t.co/0L9mzaymZf -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxp://oaentfrm[.]com/mazon/ #phishing #opendir #amazon #squarespace -- ecarlesi
ecarlesi: Threat on hxxp://oaentfrm[.]com/amaz%20(1)[.]zip #phishing #opendir
#amazon #squarespace https://t.co/7aqOr09RDE -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxp://notfarme[.]com/mazon/14c05/ #phishing #opendir #amazon #squarespace
https://t.co/67rRM41qrC -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxp://notfarme[.]com/mazon/ #phishing #opendir #amazon #squarespace
https://t.co/0iScTLhgtY -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://proympact[.]com/wordpress[.]zip #phishing #opendir #godaddy -- ecarlesi
ecarlesi: Threat on
https://t.co/BXiAZcCWA9 -- ecarlesi FelicitasRusu: RT @CoE_HRightsRLaw: 24
countries have so far signed the new Protocol to the Council of Europe
Convention on #cybercrime (#BudapestConventi… -- FelicitasRusu FreedomNetTech: 3
key elements to protect a Kubernetes cluster - Help Net Security
https://t.co/xOA4S85egD #data #cybercrime -- FreedomNetTech Infosec_Train: Free
Webinar -An Introduction to Bug Bounty Date: 17th Jun (Friday) 2022, 08.00 -
09.00 PM (IST) Speaker: NARAYANA… https://t.co/xBef2srjVb -- Infosec_Train
InfoSecComm: New Write-up on InfoSec Write-ups publication : "AdmirerToo from
HackTheBox — Detailed Walkthrough" #bugbounty… https://t.co/WAhEIT058o --
InfoSecComm ManieshNeupane: RT @InfoSecComm: New Write-up on InfoSec Write-ups
publication : "Phishing Domain Detection using Neural Networks" #bugbounty
#bugbountywri… -- ManieshNeupane mhilbers77: RT @mhilbers77: Visit @Akamai at
#infosec to learn how to fight #ransomware, even after it has breached your
perimeter. Book your meeting t… -- mhilbers77 NSuhrad: RT @FaniMalikHack: Bug
Bounty Tip:- File upload to RCE @darkyfy #bugbountytips #rec #bugbounty
https://t.co/VJDHp3Li05 -- NSuhrad NSuhrad: RT @HolyBugx: My File Upload
Checklist, detailed version of @hunter0x7 checklist, and also some extra methods
I personally use and gathered… -- NSuhrad rajesh6927: RT @NetworkChuck: let’s
play with a ZERO-DAY vulnerability “follina” --------> https://t.co/3rqI7tgsZg
@_JohnHammond #malware #ransomware… -- rajesh6927 reachnaresh: RT @Cohesity: You
can prevent your #backup solution from becoming a #ransomware target. Download
the ebook to learn how: https://t.co/kEZq… -- reachnaresh s4msecurity: RT
@7h3h4ckv157: Client-Side Template Injection (CSTI) https://t.co/v4DOnpxWZ7
#bugbounty #infosec #bugbountytips -- s4msecurity sectest9: RT @BforeAi:
Predicted Malicious Domain : 28today[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by
@BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Positi… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT
@CoE_HRightsRLaw: 24 countries have so far signed the new Protocol to the
Council of Europe Convention on #cybercrime (#BudapestConventi… -- sectest9
TheBugBot: RT @cycatz2: #cycatz #bugbounty #bugbountytips How I found a Critical
Bug in Instagram and Got 49500$ Bounty From Facebook #Facebook More… --
TheBugBot ThisIsDK999: RT @thedawgyg: On Twitter you would think we all do
nothing but succeed. But this. I will fail 100 times for every 1 success. Maybe
we shou… -- ThisIsDK999 wildhan_brima: RT @yokaiswap: Hi community! YokaiSwap
Godwoken V1.1 testnet online now????⚡️ Let's go test and find the bug????!
????Together we create a secure… -- wildhan_brima a2z2789419: RT @ErSurajShukla:
7 Layer of OSI model cheat sheet with all Work Details :- 1) - Application 2) -
Presentation 3) - Session 4) - Transport… -- a2z2789419 bala_balami: RT
@CertiKAlert: #CommunityAlert ???? We are seeing reports that @citadelpm Discord
has been compromised and a phishing link posted! Do not… -- bala_balami
beefyspace: RT @earegun: A Heineken beer scam is making rounds on WhatsApp |
#phishing | #scams #earegun A fake message offering people the chance to… --
beefyspace beefyspace: RT @immuniweb: #Phishing reaches all-time high in early
2022: https://t.co/rOU7Xhe5px #cyberattacks -- beefyspace beefyspace: RT
@ITOnlineSA: #Phishing for #cryptocurrency continues to rise; #crypto wallets
are primary target for #scammers. Here's what @kaspersky d… -- beefyspace
ColinWinter: knowing your LEVEL of intelligence ...
Loi=PopCornAdjust*(volume/(1/subject(significance))) is half the battle.
????????????… https://t.co/jrScHicki5 -- ColinWinter cybsecbot: RT @silascutler:
Following hosts have matching Jarm hashes for MacShell from today's scan
(https://t.co/AfKv1I14Cy) #ThreatIntel #FreeIoCs… -- cybsecbot exmergere: RT
@LouisTomosEvans: VK Feature - https://t.co/n9XXdhp9dh: ???? Did you know with
Hunt Intelligence you can search millions of geo-located im… -- exmergere
favour02184722: RT @PeckShieldAlert: #PeckShieldAlert #Phishing #NFT Add
"PeckShieldAlert" free extension to your Chrome browser to get real-time pop-up
wa… -- favour02184722 Gate_15_Analyst: Belarusian hackers and dissidents
determined to overthrow President Alexander Lukashenko have taken on a new
missio… https://t.co/UhphUFr2jI -- Gate_15_Analyst HackwithTeeJay: Hacking is
way Easier when you contact the right hacker. Inbox me now for all your hacking
services I'm always ava… https://t.co/T4PA3W2BAq -- HackwithTeeJay
HackwithTeeJay: If you need Help with recovering any Account, Mails, Tiktok,
Snapchat, Instagram etc. I'm available 24/7 Inbox me… https://t.co/RhzrBBDkn2 --
HackwithTeeJay HuntIntel: RT @LouisTomosEvans: VK Feature -
https://t.co/n9XXdhp9dh: ???? Did you know with Hunt Intelligence you can search
millions of geo-located im… -- HuntIntel iam_akshg: HEUR Ransomware found in HP
Support Assistant when I installed the Realtek audio driver. And detected by
@quickheal… https://t.co/9gaPACIzfy -- iam_akshg istihbarat1800:
GAZPROMNEFTZUID-WEST Oil Products Tanker. IMO 9286463/MMSI 273355340 Departed
from Novorossiysk, Russia on 15/6/202… https://t.co/2CovpqwdJT -- istihbarat1800
JFIFUDHDVHDJZUH: RT @MatchlessMan410: #OSINT *** Reassessment *** #Russian Navy
Baltic Fleet Pr.887 Smolny class training ship AXT-310 “Perekop” & likely… --
JFIFUDHDVHDJZUH JohnLaCorte: RT @Kiteworks: “Cybercriminals are becoming more
successful at encrypting data in ransomware attacks. In 2021, data was encrypted
in 65% of… -- JohnLaCorte LouisTomosEvans: VK Feature - https://t.co/n9XXdhp9dh:
???? Did you know with Hunt Intelligence you can search millions of geo-located…
https://t.co/JCPxGV4e2b -- LouisTomosEvans manuelbissey: Despite the policy
measures and increased private sector funding to slow down the drumbeat of
attacks #ransomware t… https://t.co/gtk9MQJTiv -- manuelbissey mog7546: RT
@UKikaski: Pro UA resistance guerillas in #Mariupol set vehicles on fire and
killed one worker at the RUS Ministry of Emergency Situatio… -- mog7546 n1sh1th:
RT @SECFORCE_LTD: ????New blogpost from @haqpl demonstrating how the
Scroll-to-Text Fragment feature in Chrome can be abused to exfiltrate dat… --
n1sh1th networkingplus: RT @barracuda: See how one educational institution is
effectively guarding against #ransomware and how yours can enjoy the same
benefits ht… -- networkingplus nstarke: RT @chaoticneutr4l: Howdy everyone,
welcome to volume No. 23 of TRIAGE Tuesday, the top 5 Threat Intel stories of
the week! The breakdown f… -- nstarke OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC
2022-06-15 09… https://t.co/JHMIjR6XUK -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 trying to login with account
"admin" and password "Biosar"… https://t.co/7EJGO33TQS -- OpenHoneypot
OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 on UTC
2022-06-15 09:42:44.750047. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An
attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version
"SSH-2.0-libssh2_1.9.0" on UTC 2022-06-15… https://t.co/ymMtjs4mP1 --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 on UTC 2022-06-15 09:42:34.647236. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot
OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 trying to
login with account "admin" and password "39whitE… https://t.co/el8CmPVtf7 --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh2_1.9.0" on UTC 2022-06-15…
https://t.co/t5Vq7UJgNq -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-15 09:42:24.605381.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OSINT_Research: RT @sinwindie: Version 2 of
my #OSINT Attack Surface Diagrams are now available on the @OSINTDOJO website.
https://t.co/nY4eeMVPAi -- OSINT_Research osintmikey: RT @sinwindie: Version 2
of my #OSINT Attack Surface Diagrams are now available on the @OSINTDOJO
website. https://t.co/nY4eeMVPAi -- osintmikey prashant3535: RT @ReconVillage:
???? We are stoked to announce our KEYNOTE Speaker for @ReconVillage @defcon 30
- Micah Hoffman @WebBreacher. With his… -- prashant3535 psenews: Iain Harrison,
@Leicester_News joins the Data Protection: Rebuilding Public Trust panel
discussion at PSE365: Publi… https://t.co/MQdf5NbPC1 -- psenews RDSWEB: RT
@ReconVillage: ???? We are stoked to announce our KEYNOTE Speaker for
@ReconVillage @defcon 30 - Micah Hoffman @WebBreacher. With his… -- RDSWEB
ReconVillage: ???? We are stoked to announce our KEYNOTE Speaker for
@ReconVillage @defcon 30 - Micah Hoffman @WebBreacher. Wit…
https://t.co/1OCRWtdyg7 -- ReconVillage RockHudsonRock: RT @safe_with_cyrus:
Check out our first blog post with our partner @RockHudsonRock on the cyber
threat posed by info-stealers and the imp… -- RockHudsonRock safe_with_cyrus:
Check out our first blog post with our partner @RockHudsonRock on the cyber
threat posed by info-stealers and the… https://t.co/wFSR5hKond --
safe_with_cyrus UKikaski: RUS Kamaz Typhoon MRAP armored vehicle that was
captured in the #Sumy area in April and is now in-service with the…
https://t.co/LKz1SpZ5UW -- UKikaski UKikaski: Pro UA resistance guerillas in
#Mariupol set vehicles on fire and killed one worker at the RUS Ministry of
Emergenc… https://t.co/HelkJmTV2H -- UKikaski upgoingstar: RT @ReconVillage:
???? We are stoked to announce our KEYNOTE Speaker for @ReconVillage @defcon 30
- Micah Hoffman @WebBreacher. With his… -- upgoingstar Xtravirt: In a recent
analyst survey, 76% respondents reported an incident in the past two years that
required an IT disaster… https://t.co/Dwzbovu09y -- Xtravirt AhmadSyaufie: xRay
Web Vulnerability Scanner Advanced v1.8.5 x64 Full Activated – Discount 100% OFF
https://t.co/76nw6KRvP8… https://t.co/LsaeJfCb37 -- AhmadSyaufie beefyspace: RT
@dez_blanchfield: @BillMew @Oracle @dhinchcliffe @furrier @digitalcloudgal
@rwang0 @antgrasso @mthiele10 @NeilCattermull @DrJDrooghaag @… -- beefyspace
beefyspace: RT @dez_blanchfield: @BillMew @AccountingWEBuk @DrJDrooghaag
@Fabriziobustama @robmay70 @IanLJones98 @NigelTozer @antgrasso @sallyeaves @ar…
-- beefyspace chrismeacham: Be on the lookout for #smishing delivery
notification #texingscams where #cybercriminals ask you to provide your fi…
https://t.co/0a4YFzqY89 -- chrismeacham CyberSecurityN8: RT @dez_blanchfield:
@BillMew @Oracle @dhinchcliffe @furrier @digitalcloudgal @rwang0 @antgrasso
@mthiele10 @NeilCattermull @DrJDrooghaag @… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8:
RT @dez_blanchfield: @BillMew @AccountingWEBuk @DrJDrooghaag @Fabriziobustama
@robmay70 @IanLJones98 @NigelTozer @antgrasso @sallyeaves @ar… --
CyberSecurityN8 ExcelliumSA: #PrivilegedAccess users are extremely vulnerable as
they represent a valuable target for #hackers. They can easily…
https://t.co/nyqe8vWQK5 -- ExcelliumSA GoaiDev: RT @AhmadSyaufie: xRay Web
Vulnerability Scanner Advanced v1.8.5 x64 Full Activated – Discount 100% OFF
https://t.co/76nw6KRvP8 #infosec #b… -- GoaiDev GoaiDev: RT @AhmadSyaufie: xRay
Web Vulnerability Scanner Advanced v1.8.5 x64 Full Activated – Discount 100% OFF
https://t.co/76nw6KRvP8 #infosec #b… -- GoaiDev JEMPradio: Steely Dan - Babylon
Sisters #Phish #JEMPRadio #CommunityRadio #NowPlaying https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE --
JEMPradio kalpak_savaliya: Free Crypto Coins Tips : New Monero-Mining Malware
Targets Android Devices, Thousands Infected… https://t.co/efBrWsSuCf --
kalpak_savaliya krammemory: RT @immuniweb: #Phishing reaches all-time high in
early 2022: https://t.co/rOU7Xhe5px #cyberattacks -- krammemory makelariss: RT
@SECFORCE_LTD: ????New blogpost from @haqpl demonstrating how the Scroll-to-Text
Fragment feature in Chrome can be abused to exfiltrate dat… -- makelariss
networkingplus: RT @Arcserve: It was a long time coming, but this #malware-prone
browser is finally saying goodbye. https://t.co/hl9duJKTfm #InternetExplo… --
networkingplus ph0smet: RT @SECFORCE_LTD: ????New blogpost from @haqpl
demonstrating how the Scroll-to-Text Fragment feature in Chrome can be abused to
exfiltrate dat… -- ph0smet sectest9: RT @dez_blanchfield: @BillMew @Oracle
@dhinchcliffe @furrier @digitalcloudgal @rwang0 @antgrasso @mthiele10
@NeilCattermull @DrJDrooghaag @… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @dez_blanchfield:
@BillMew @AccountingWEBuk @DrJDrooghaag @Fabriziobustama @robmay70 @IanLJones98
@NigelTozer @antgrasso @sallyeaves @ar… -- sectest9 TeldatCorp:
https://t.co/y09eEMQ2AC Solution | Smart Combining between SD-WAN and Security
???????????????????????????? ➟ https://t.co/obSS5nZRxM… https://t.co/4TSl2H6eNd
-- TeldatCorp TheFieryBot: RT @AhmadSyaufie: xRay Web Vulnerability Scanner
Advanced v1.8.5 x64 Full Activated – Discount 100% OFF https://t.co/76nw6KRvP8
#infosec #b… -- TheFieryBot TheUberhuman: RT @PeckShieldAlert: #PeckShieldAlert
#Phishing #NFT Add "PeckShieldAlert" free extension to your Chrome browser to
get real-time pop-up wa… -- TheUberhuman tryofofo: The re-emergence of #REvil
and anticipated convergence with business #email compromise actors are among
reasons why… https://t.co/XSOJe9VB8L -- tryofofo twelvesec: #Gallium #hackers
backdoor #finance & #government orgs using the new #PingPull #malware.
#CyberSecurity #infosec… https://t.co/3t2Y0ZwWmB -- twelvesec whailisk4n: RT
@CyrenInc: Your ultimate guide to #cybersecurity terms and terminologies. Read
the blog here: https://t.co/YjeUH5aqfc #blog #cybersecur… -- whailisk4n
csirt_it: #Siemens: aggiornamenti di sicurezza sanano vulnerabilità in alcuni
prodotti Rischio: ???? Tra le tipologie: Arbitrary Code Execution, Denial of
Service, Information Disclosure, Security Restrictions Bypass ????
https://t.co/UrtkX70Vpp ⚠ Agg -- csirt_it csirt_it: #SAP: il Security Patch Day
di giugno sana molteplici vulnerabilità in diversi prodotti Rischio: ????
Tipologia: Arbitrary Code Execution, Privilege Escalation, Security Restrictions
Bypass ???? https://t.co/kkYcJkXpU0 ???? Aggiornamenti dis -- csirt_it
beefyspace: RT @curiousshrink: More people are falling prey to #sextortion
#scams. These extremely harmful scams are specifically designed to evoke sha… --
beefyspace geeminhas: RT @bygovernancenow: ???? Block your Calendars! Join the
@governancenow 2nd India #Police Summit & Awards 2022 where we will be having
power… -- geeminhas IMLPO: The Institute AML and Financial Crime Digest #66 -
15/6/22 https://t.co/TKQ58HE9Xd #AML #AntiMoneyLaundering…
https://t.co/4nkGDVQMwC -- IMLPO moneyscience: RT @IMLPO: The Institute AML and
Financial Crime Digest #66 - 15/6/22 https://t.co/TKQ58HE9Xd #AML
#AntiMoneyLaundering #FinancialCrime #… -- moneyscience Risk_Mgmt: RT @IMLPO:
The Institute AML and Financial Crime Digest #66 - 15/6/22
https://t.co/TKQ58HE9Xd #AML #AntiMoneyLaundering #FinancialCrime #… --
Risk_Mgmt sectest9: RT @curiousshrink: More people are falling prey to
#sextortion #scams. These extremely harmful scams are specifically designed to
evoke sha… -- sectest9 acw_phils: Now more than ever is the time to learn where
#ransomware has been and where it is going. Check out #LogRhythm's ra…
https://t.co/qUSGBOeudU -- acw_phils Ai_no_one: RT @payloadartist: ????
Arbitrary File Upload Tricks In Java based applications, especially useful in
evading WAF detections https://t.co/mBO… -- Ai_no_one BforeAi: Predicted
Malicious Domain : alternatifhokibang[.]xyz PreCrime Threat Intelligence by
@BforeAi Threat Agnostic… https://t.co/Kvwd9YYY8Q -- BforeAi bugbounty18:
Researchers Detail PureCrypter Loader Cyber Criminals Using to Distribute
Malware https://t.co/Pf8C6XdxcT #bugbounty #bugbounties -- bugbounty18
cluelessguyyy: RT @CipherEra: 2FA Bypass Testing ( Method 12 ) ==> #WayToInject
=> Try To Use SOAP Endpoint To Bypass 2FA. #CipherEra #VedixEra #AlphaE… --
cluelessguyyy CoE_HRightsRLaw: 24 countries have so far signed the new Protocol
to the @coe_en Convention on #cybercrime (#BudapestConvention) for…
https://t.co/uHxN5FlCpQ -- CoE_HRightsRLaw creed_digital: BlackCat Attacks
University of Pisa, Demands $4.5M Ransom #blackcat #ransomware #ALPHV
https://t.co/jGIRQdRyBU -- creed_digital Cyber_Vigilance: The BlackCat
ransomware gang has created a dedicated website that allows the customers and
employees of their victi… https://t.co/rxbw2qCsL7 -- Cyber_Vigilance
CyberSecurityN8: RT @ofjaaah: echo "domain" | subfinder -silent | gauplus | grep
"=" | uro | gf xss | awk '{ print "curl https://knoxss[.]me/api/v3 -d \"tar… --
CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
alternatifhokibang[.]xyz PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat
Agnostic Near-Zero F… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @ashu_barot:
@IBMSecurity - Revenue - $57.4 billion @VMware - Revenue - $11.76 billion Bug
bounty they offer - $ 0.00 Should @Hacker0… -- CyberSecurityN8 DevRetweetBot: RT
@sharingcharts: I've set up Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on VirtualBox and learned #Bash
fundamentals. Let's #CTF! #100DaysofCode #hamont #mississau… -- DevRetweetBot
ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxp://newbgmievent[.]store/8t[.]zip #phishing
#opendir #hostinger https://t.co/qObN0AeWtf -- ecarlesi ESecure_ch: RT
@barracuda Researchers are exploring ways to apply machine learning algorithms
to detect and shut down a… https://t.co/hAIeULwrx0 -- ESecure_ch HakanAtaman7:
RT @CoE_HRightsRLaw: 24 countries have so far signed the new Protocol to the
@coe_en Convention on #cybercrime (#BudapestConvention) for en… -- HakanAtaman7
InformationAge: #Didyouknow that 66% of oil & gas potential process impacts
involved a loss of availability (through #ransomware or… https://t.co/SpPndcwhKz
-- InformationAge j_bettany: RT @IMLPO: The Institute AML and Financial Crime
Digest #66 - 15/6/22 https://t.co/TKQ58HE9Xd #AML #AntiMoneyLaundering
#FinancialCrime #… -- j_bettany jayeshmthakur: RT @NestyF: Possible Threat on:
https[:]//sucursalpersonas.transacciones[.]etiproperties[.]com/ @Bancolombia
@CSIRTFinanciero #phishing… -- jayeshmthakur Manohar_k_18: RT @RedHuntLabs: ????
We scanned millions of Domains and Web Applications to study the secrets exposed
via client-side code. ???? This "Hunt" re… -- Manohar_k_18 Necio_news: BlackCat
is becoming a familiar pet of ransomware groups #Ransomware
https://t.co/cdEMkolfN2 -- Necio_news NyksUttarakhand: RT @nyksiwan: If money
has been illegally removed from a person's account, they should immediately call
1930 #security #cybercrime #privacy… -- NyksUttarakhand PCDUE: Read our article
from @Dragos to discover why focussing on key aspects like Increasing #OT
#Network visibility, boo… https://t.co/mRru0Nj5mt -- PCDUE pr495hu: First hit
@Meta #bugbounty #facebook https://t.co/KbwP3XDksq -- pr495hu riyazwalikar: RT
@appseccouk: Ever wondered how attackers escalate privileges and escape to the
#GoogleCloud platform using a #SSRF? In this latest blogp… -- riyazwalikar
root_crusher: RT @ofjaaah: chaos -d u**r[.]com -bbq -http-url --silent | nuclei
-t wp-update-confusion.yaml -json | jq -r '"https://t.co/wq3hvS4IVq" + .[… --
root_crusher root_crusher: RT @shaif1011: How to find SQL Injection at scale?
Try this ???? #recontips #AttackSurface #bugbountytips #reconone #BugBounty
#sqlmap #OpenS… -- root_crusher s4msecurity: RT @RansomwareO:
Ransomware-as-a-Service: An Example for Big Tech? https://t.co/SIWWmVL9z5
#ransomware -- s4msecurity sadig88x: RT @CpcjA: During the Second intersessional
consultation of the Ad Hoc Committee on #cybercrime, our vice-chair @IanTennant9
and our treasu… -- sadig88x SCADAfence: Oh look. Yet another announcement about
a SCADAfence rep talking about #OTsecurity. It's not our fault. When you…
https://t.co/e4Mz03XKJM -- SCADAfence sectest9: RT @ofjaaah: echo "domain" |
subfinder -silent | gauplus | grep "=" | uro | gf xss | awk '{ print "curl
https://knoxss[.]me/api/v3 -d \"tar… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @BforeAi:
Predicted Malicious Domain : alternatifhokibang[.]xyz PreCrime Threat
Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero F… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT
@appseccouk: Ever wondered how attackers escalate privileges and escape to the
#GoogleCloud platform using a #SSRF? In this latest blogp… -- sectest9 sectest9:
RT @ashu_barot: @IBMSecurity - Revenue - $57.4 billion @VMware - Revenue -
$11.76 billion Bug bounty they offer - $ 0.00 Should @Hacker0… -- sectest9
ShattyAmir: RT @RachakondaCop: Today @sheteams_rck Bhongir division conducted an
#awareness program at Nemaragomula(V) of @BibinagarPS on #Dial100,#Cyb… --
ShattyAmir wpbot_rt: RT @ofjaaah: chaos -d u**r[.]com -bbq -http-url --silent |
nuclei -t wp-update-confusion.yaml -json | jq -r '"https://t.co/wq3hvS4IVq" +
.[… -- wpbot_rt ZeljkaZorz: RT @helpnetsecurity: Phishing reaches all-time high
in early 2022 - https://t.co/WEPfDFozMd - @APWG @HelpSystemsMN @PhishLabs
@AbnormalSec… -- ZeljkaZorz BenediktBrecht: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD
1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool
tools that I'm willing to sha… -- BenediktBrecht CBRPlaneSpotter: Welcome from
across the pond. RAAF KC30A A39-001 as ASY621 #ozadsb #avgeek #osint
https://t.co/huSUwtwmKc -- CBRPlaneSpotter CBRPlaneSpotter: New spot from me.
RAAF FA18 A44-221 as SC32. #ozadsb #osint #avgeek #TopGun
https://t.co/gAMGLO7AEr -- CBRPlaneSpotter CHCryptoGirl: RT @inversecos:
#ThreatIntel: Chinese threat actors install backdoors in iOS crypto wallets
MetaMask, CoinBase. Read @lordx64 brilliant wr… -- CHCryptoGirl CyberSecurityN8:
RT @stratorob: #Israel's most overvalued #cybersecurity #startups exposed -
report https://t.co/w4wTEd1yo8 @ume_kyd @NandnNor @DigiEconoR… --
CyberSecurityN8 cybsecbot: RT @SOC_Prime: Check out the latest insights about
SOC Prime Threat Bounty Program! Explore the most downloaded #Sigma rules, top
content a… -- cybsecbot DigitalColmer: RT @stratorob: #Israel's most overvalued
#cybersecurity #startups exposed - report https://t.co/w4wTEd1yo8 @ume_kyd
@NandnNor @DigiEconoR… -- DigitalColmer Ghongha007: RT @TheAmoghavarsha:
Geolocation without using Google Maps #OSINT #geolocation
https://t.co/XzYrs5mTfw -- Ghongha007 HrShipwreck: RT @CovertShores:
***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy landing ships in Black Sea today #OSINT
#UkraineRussiaWar https://t.co/aC7XBIyFyh -- HrShipwreck LeetLeigh: RT
@sinwindie: Version 2 of my #OSINT Attack Surface Diagrams are now available on
the @OSINTDOJO website. https://t.co/nY4eeMVPAi -- LeetLeigh Liyuzuo2021: RT
@CovertShores: ***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy landing ships in Black Sea today
#OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar https://t.co/aC7XBIyFyh -- Liyuzuo2021 manuelbissey: In
Canada ???????? businesses and other private-sector organizations would be
required to report #ransomware incidents an… https://t.co/xtj3uqP6Ty --
manuelbissey nixintel: RT @LarsWienand: Welcome to #TuesdayQuiz! Where did I
take the photo? For what reason may I have been there? ????Want help: retweet!
????Sol… -- nixintel OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to
port 8022 trying to login with account "zxin10" and password "os10+ZTE…
https://t.co/x1u5LUzAkD -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC
2022-06-15 07… https://t.co/gSleLPgI8m -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-15 07:27:11.857731.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC
2022-06-15 07… https://t.co/VDuMDG9oqO -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 trying to login with account
"suporte" and password "suporte… https://t.co/JvPwhHUooB -- OpenHoneypot
OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 on UTC
2022-06-15 07:45:58.815011. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot RDSWEB: RT
@CovertShores: ***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy landing ships in Black Sea today
#OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar https://t.co/aC7XBIyFyh -- RDSWEB sattlert: RT
@ido_cohen2: ???? #BlackCat (ALPHV) #Ransomware team changing the rules of the
game ???? After they updated about a new victim they register… -- sattlert
sectest9: RT @stratorob: #Israel's most overvalued #cybersecurity #startups
exposed - report https://t.co/w4wTEd1yo8 @ume_kyd @NandnNor @DigiEconoR… --
sectest9 SethAkash2000: Want to learn about Open-Source INTelligence (OSINT).
Refer to the following : - https://t.co/srecXan7vA -… https://t.co/6gvotYVV2B --
SethAkash2000 SOC_Prime: Check out the latest insights about SOC Prime Threat
Bounty Program! Explore the most downloaded #Sigma rules, top…
https://t.co/PHI2f2TKXU -- SOC_Prime somken: The airspace around the EU has been
pretty spicy over the last 24 hours too. Lots of Russian "Special Flight Squadr…
https://t.co/YEdRuEaudI -- somken somken: #RSD073, #RSD599, and #STATE21 took
off all within the last hour. Spoopy... #OSINT #UkraineWar #OSINTRussia
https://t.co/E4MLKQ5tFJ -- somken Terralogic_: RT @XenWinGo: ????????????????
???????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????
???????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????! Read the
blog to know more we can safeguard cloud from cyber attacks: htt -- Terralogic_
WahidBhediya: RT @TheAmoghavarsha: Geolocation without using Google Maps #OSINT
#geolocation https://t.co/XzYrs5mTfw -- WahidBhediya XenWinGo: ????????????????
???????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????
???????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????! Read the
blog to know more we can safeguard cloud from cyber attacks:…
https://t.co/hvZeHdV -- XenWinGo Arcserve: It was a long time coming, but this
#malware-prone browser is finally saying goodbye. https://t.co/hl9duJKTfm
#InternetExplorer -- Arcserve asas418: RT @shapsio: Party At The Lamppost
costume - at #phish Halloween 10/31/09 Festival 8 at Indio, CA
#ExileOnMainStreet https://t.co/2Lq6nOJDeL -- asas418 asas418: RT @shapsio: 5/12
#phish #TIPH: nectar’s3(87), kenny’s nyc88, front1(90), front2(91), @StLawrenceU
92, tucson94, spastic w/F mama kin’s bos… -- asas418 asas418: RT @shapsio: 5/11
#phish #TIPH: nectar’s2(87), albany89, living room pvd90, front1(91), trey
@930Club 99, gov’t mule w/P&M roseland nyc01,… -- asas418 asas418: RT @shapsio:
5/10 #phish #TIPH: nectar's1(87), pearl street noho90, @colbycollege 91,
@UMassAmherst 92, santa fe94, trey asheville99, trey… -- asas418 asas418: RT
@shapsio: #phish Syracuse '92 promoter handout - "Take care, have fun, and be
cool" https://t.co/dLCVR9oq0V -- asas418 asas418: RT @shapsio: 5/09 #phish
#TIPH: the front3 ‘Junta’ cassette release party89, thunderbird’s portland me90,
ppac portland me91, syracuse armo… -- asas418 BitCheckerLTD: #Cryptoalert
#Cryptoscam #Cryptofraud ????@DegenIslands Discord server has been compromised
and a #phishing link was p… https://t.co/V0vkb5Fhfo -- BitCheckerLTD
CyberSecPlace: RT @RedFox_App: More #malware found in the Google Play Store????
Don't wait for the next batch!⚠️ Protect Yourself Today!-> https://t.co/3YFvO…
-- CyberSecPlace CyberSecurityN8: RT @Capterra_AU: Try "Application
whitelisting". ✔️ Whitelisting is a process of keeping some applications running
while other apps blocke… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @ManMotasem:
Analyzing Word Documents for malware | HackTheBox Lure https://t.co/9McVDIarIr
#malware #hackthebox -- CyberSecurityN8 cylwild: RT @gbhackers_news: GALLIUM APT
Hackers Using New Hacking Tool “PingPull” To Attack on Telecom & Government
Sectors Details: https://t.co/… -- cylwild dez_blanchfield: Stacey Marx,
President, National Business & Channels, AT&T Business on how AT&T Business
supports customers.… https://t.co/R8XKsUAqtr -- dez_blanchfield gdprAI: RT
@CodeIsGo_com: Ransomware has been critical factor driving the growth in
corporate #cybersecurity budgets and there may be increasing co… -- gdprAI
geelenp: And then you have companies that first announce a #phishing test...
which go unnoticed because they are caught by t… https://t.co/bZKAbO5vPz --
geelenp INCOGNTECH: RT @Capterra_AU: Try "Application whitelisting". ✔️
Whitelisting is a process of keeping some applications running while other apps
blocke… -- INCOGNTECH Jason75345476: RT @CheckPointSW: .@_CPResearch_ has
exposed a #spearphishing operation targeting multiple high-level executives. The
attackers took contro… -- Jason75345476 JEMPradio: Phish - Vultures (10-30-21)
#Phish #JEMPRadio #CommunityRadio #NowPlaying https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE --
JEMPradio JEMPradio: Umphrey's McGee - Booth Love (2011) #Phish #JEMPRadio
#CommunityRadio #NowPlaying https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE -- JEMPradio kyel_perkins:
RT @Capterra_AU: Try "Application whitelisting". ✔️ Whitelisting is a process of
keeping some applications running while other apps blocke… -- kyel_perkins
PhishStats: https://t.co/MAuIXRNz9Y detected 5 new websites hosting #phishing |
new today: 625 | #infosec #cybersecurity… https://t.co/5eMiwEPcoz -- PhishStats
RuOilTracker: ????????->???????? YUAN TANG WAN 110,000 tons of crude oil From:
Kozmino To: #Ningbo #China #russianoil #osint #sanctions…
https://t.co/PvKzW5Jewy -- RuOilTracker rustscrew: RT @MatchlessMan410: #OSINT
*** Reassessment *** #Russian Navy Baltic Fleet Pr.887 Smolny class training
ship AXT-310 “Perekop” & likely… -- rustscrew sectest9: RT @Capterra_AU: Try
"Application whitelisting". ✔️ Whitelisting is a process of keeping some
applications running while other apps blocke… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT
@ManMotasem: Analyzing Word Documents for malware | HackTheBox Lure
https://t.co/9McVDIarIr #malware #hackthebox -- sectest9 SPC_IT: Phishing by any
other means still hurts just as much! Don’t get tricked by social phishing!
Learn what to watch out… https://t.co/Pbl4KrqIVX -- SPC_IT th3worm1: RT
@CertiKAlert: #CommunityAlert ???? We are seeing reports that @citadelpm Discord
has been compromised and a phishing link posted! Do not… -- th3worm1 zo_xzone:
RT @ManMotasem: Analyzing Word Documents for malware | HackTheBox Lure
https://t.co/9McVDIarIr #malware #hackthebox -- zo_xzone Amigo_A_: A new
#7-language (#7language) #Ransomware https://t.co/JgmS1A3JNF Further development
of lockers from 2016-2018. Sequel to ZZZ Locker and BlockZ. Information is only
in my article. See links in "Genealogy". https://t.co/rV1AkaWDtu -- Amigo_A_
Amigo_A_: A new article in my Digest #Kawaii #Anime #Ransomware and #Scareware
https://t.co/wNiKzOhgKA -- Amigo_A_ Jason75345476: RT @CheckPointSW: How do you
check your router for #malware? Learn how to secure your router with these easy
steps: https://t.co/FhoyOVbruq… -- Jason75345476 csirt_it: #VMware:
aggiornamenti di sicurezza sanano 3 vulnerabilità nei prodotti #ESXi e Cloud
Foundation (ESXi) Rischio: ???? Tipologia: Information Disclosure ????
https://t.co/kbTMwFaFxU ???? Aggiornamenti e mitigazioni disponibili
https://t.co/o9 -- csirt_it csirt_it: Il #PatchTuesday di #Microsoft risolve 55
nuove vulnerabilità Rischio: ???? Tra le tipologie: Denial of Service, Elevation
of Privilege, Remote Code Execution ???? https://t.co/402JYGgTqG ????
Aggiornamenti disponibili ???? https://t.co/Dw8 -- csirt_it csirt_it: #Adobe:
sanate vulnerabilità nei prodotti Animate, Bridge, Illustrator, InCopy,
InDesign, RobotHelp Server Rischio: ???? Tipologia: Elevation of Privilege,
Remote Code Execution, Information Disclosure ???? https://t.co/34t1GxAYKv ????
Aggio -- csirt_it CSIRTCV: Refuerza la seguridad en tu #smartphone, sobre todo
si se trata de un #Android, instalando un programa #antivirus que añadirá un
nivel de protección adicional. Prueba con #Malwarebytes: https://t.co/0HIqEY4oBq
#ProtegeTuMóvil #FondosFeder #con -- CSIRTCV CyberGovAU: ❗ ALERT update ❗ A
patch is now available for the “Follina” vulnerability that has been discovered
in Microsoft products. ACSC recommends organisations patch now to mitigate the
vulnerability. Advice at https://t.co/jhnSHMiIVY https://t.co/5M -- CyberGovAU
gjscobie: RT @gjscobie: Nation State Adversaries. Advanced Persistent Threats.
Jacob Anderson is on the watch list. Will you be next? The Kill Chain… --
gjscobie IT_TurkishSAI: Reducing security risk of unmanaged machine identities
#cyberattacks #CyberSecurity #cybercrime #IoT https://t.co/v0MskYZVK3 --
IT_TurkishSAI NyvWardha2021: RT @Nyksindia: If you believe you have been a
victim of cybercrime, contact your local authorities right once to submit a
complaint. Keep t… -- NyvWardha2021 NyvWardha2021: RT @Nyksindia: Be aware of
the scam/hackers through the phones, laptops,s and tablets. Secure Your
Passwords Carefully. #cybercrime #cyber… -- NyvWardha2021 pettet50: RT
@ParisWriters: #Tech Tulipmania ‘The Music Has Stopped’: Crypto Firms Quake as
Prices Fall https://t.co/nFnVKO8jh2 #Miami #cybercrime… -- pettet50
PP_kapurthala: RT @SaanjhPB: #PPMM of Fazilka and PS Arni Wala conducted Public
Campaign with the aim to raise awareness to the citizens regarding functio… --
PP_kapurthala sp_nlr: RT @APPOLICE100: The programme includes play of short
films, Skit developed by #NSD, expert's talks on Cyber Hygiene,#NationalSecurity
& pr… -- sp_nlr 1ZRR4H: RT @executemalware: Back from a couple of days of
vacation. Here are some #emotet (e4) IOCs from about 3 dozen emails received
today. htt… -- 1ZRR4H Aacle_: Cybersecurity Tips: Your mood, health your
behavior all somewhere depends on your diet. Take fast in every 2/week…
https://t.co/7PkEfa5o8J -- Aacle_ AbussiLtd: Microsoft has been tracking how
ransomware is deployed against businesses. A whole industry has popped up to
make i… https://t.co/8KTQwYMJOm -- AbussiLtd AKPPolice: RT @APPOLICE100: The
programme includes play of short films, Skit developed by #NSD, expert's talks
on Cyber Hygiene,#NationalSecurity & pr… -- AKPPolice Bc10ver: Top story:
@tamimhasan404: 'I create a custom nuclei template for mass hunting recent
CVE-2022-29455(XSS)… https://t.co/xdiBbyNm81 -- Bc10ver beefyspace: RT
@twelvesec: #Syslogk a novel covert #Linux #kernel #rootkit has been spotted
under development in the wild. #CyberSecurity #infosec #cyb… -- beefyspace
BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : extensionendeavor[.]top PreCrime Threat
Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic N… https://t.co/3FIH7NTkqI -- BforeAi
BurnsBill3: RT @Cohesity: It’s not a matter of if a business will get hit with a
#ransomware attack—it’s a matter of when. While orgs need to plan & i… --
BurnsBill3 CyberSecurityN8: RT @Cohesity: It’s not a matter of if a business
will get hit with a #ransomware attack—it’s a matter of when. While orgs need to
plan & i… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @helpnetsecurity: Phishing
reaches all-time high in early 2022 - https://t.co/WEPfDFozMd - @APWG
@HelpSystemsMN @PhishLabs @AbnormalSec… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT
@BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : extensionendeavor[.]top PreCrime Threat
Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero Fa… -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @twelvesec: #Syslogk a novel covert #Linux #kernel #rootkit
has been spotted under development in the wild. #CyberSecurity #infosec #cyb… --
CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @cycatz2: #cycatz #bugbounty #bugbountytips
Microsoft Dynamics Container Sandbox RCE via Unauthenticated Docker Remote API
20,000$ Bount… -- CyberSecurityN8 digitalearn_: RT @ErSurajShukla: Difference
between Threat #Vulnerability and #Risk Mgmt :- 1) - Threat 2) - Vulnerability
3) - Risk Management #infos… -- digitalearn_ episilia_1: RT @ErSurajShukla: 7
Layer of OSI model cheat sheet with all Work Details :- 1) - Application 2) -
Presentation 3) - Session 4) - Transport… -- episilia_1 episilia_1: RT
@JohnnieFellix: Here's a @Linux Path Cheat Sheet :- #InfoSec #CyberSecurity
#Hacking #cyber #infosecurity #Pentesting #nmap #cyberatta… -- episilia_1
javier_carriazo: RT @JinibaBD: ????????‍♂️????#Emotet malware now steals credit
cards from #Google #Chrome users #ThreatIntel #Phishing #ransomware
#cyberattacks #p… -- javier_carriazo jayeshmthakur: RT @shayshik: Now you can
get an overview of the global cyber threat landscape with this new report from
#CyberResGalaxy. Download it from… -- jayeshmthakur Max_Mal_: RT
@executemalware: Here are some additional #emotet (E4) IOCs from a single email
I received this afternoon. I separated these from the la… -- Max_Mal_ Max_Mal_:
RT @executemalware: Back from a couple of days of vacation. Here are some
#emotet (e4) IOCs from about 3 dozen emails received today. htt… -- Max_Mal_
muhnovel_: RT @cycatz2: #cycatz #bugbounty #bugbountytips Microsoft Dynamics
Container Sandbox RCE via Unauthenticated Docker Remote API 20,000$ Bount… --
muhnovel_ nbx404: RT @CipherEra: 2FA Bypass Testing ( Method 12 ) ==>
#WayToInject => Try To Use SOAP Endpoint To Bypass 2FA. #CipherEra #VedixEra
#AlphaE… -- nbx404 NleHerissier: RT @Bountysource: We have an exciting and
urgent bounty that has just dropped! Win $1,500 by fixing a problem when loading
data on an Hb… -- NleHerissier opensource_orgs: RT @Bountysource: We have an
exciting and urgent bounty that has just dropped! Win $1,500 by fixing a problem
when loading data on an Hb… -- opensource_orgs opensource_orgs: RT
@JohnnieFellix: Here's a @Linux Path Cheat Sheet :- #InfoSec #CyberSecurity
#Hacking #cyber #infosecurity #Pentesting #nmap #cyberatta… -- opensource_orgs
opensource_orgs: RT @ErSurajShukla: Difference between Threat #Vulnerability and
#Risk Mgmt :- 1) - Threat 2) - Vulnerability 3) - Risk Management #infos… --
opensource_orgs robmay70: RT @EvanKirstel: The unrelenting threat of #ransomware
is pushing #cybersecurity workers to quit https://t.co/XllpMkWREn #B2B --
robmay70 sectest9: RT @Cohesity: It’s not a matter of if a business will get hit
with a #ransomware attack—it’s a matter of when. While orgs need to plan & i… --
sectest9 sectest9: RT @helpnetsecurity: Phishing reaches all-time high in early
2022 - https://t.co/WEPfDFozMd - @APWG @HelpSystemsMN @PhishLabs @AbnormalSec…
-- sectest9 sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
extensionendeavor[.]top PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero Fa… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @twelvesec: #Syslogk a novel covert
#Linux #kernel #rootkit has been spotted under development in the wild.
#CyberSecurity #infosec #cyb… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @cycatz2: #cycatz
#bugbounty #bugbountytips Microsoft Dynamics Container Sandbox RCE via
Unauthenticated Docker Remote API 20,000$ Bount… -- sectest9 Storm_trooper05: RT
@sratarun: Best ever Tools ???? for Bug Bounty Hunters... via@Lohitaksh
@ADITYASHENDE17 @Assass1nmarcos @Alra3ees #infosec #bugbounty #b… --
Storm_trooper05 TheBugBot: RT @CipherEra: 2FA Bypass Testing ( Method 12 ) ==>
#WayToInject => Try To Use SOAP Endpoint To Bypass 2FA. #CipherEra #VedixEra
#AlphaE… -- TheBugBot trickyhash: #BugBounty Guide [Day 8/n] In bug bounty
programs there is a lot of competition. When you’re taking part in a bug…
https://t.co/ykrYaDTtYm -- trickyhash twelvesec: #Syslogk a novel covert #Linux
#kernel #rootkit has been spotted under development in the wild. #CyberSecurity…
https://t.co/gnwcfhneCl -- twelvesec 0xDrKhalil: RT @sinwindie: Version 2 of my
#OSINT Attack Surface Diagrams are now available on the @OSINTDOJO website.
https://t.co/nY4eeMVPAi -- 0xDrKhalil balticjam: RT @MatchlessMan410: #OSINT ***
Reassessment *** #Russian Navy Baltic Fleet Pr.887 Smolny class training ship
AXT-310 “Perekop” & likely… -- balticjam BCAgroup: RT @Paula_Piccard: Here Are
10 Innovative Cybersecurity Startups To Watch In 2022 Know more:
https://t.co/Rv4vNwtcbW #DataSecurity #Priva… -- BCAgroup beefyspace: RT
@CyberIQs_: [local] Real Player – 'external::Import()' D #infosec
#infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligenc… -- beefyspace
beefyspace: RT @JinibaBD: ????????‍♂️????70,000 #Patient Records Affected in
#databreach at #Kaiser Permanente #ThreatIntel #Phishing #ransomware
#cyberattack… -- beefyspace beefyspace: RT @asset_udemy: As bear market hits
U.S. economy, what is the SWFL impact? Article link: https://t.co/JdPNry4Slu
#fraud #investing #scam #… -- beefyspace beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi: Possible
threat on hxxps://yfbao[.]xyz #phishing -- beefyspace beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi:
Possible threat on hxxps://yfbao[.]xyz #phishing https://t.co/DxVKuJA6sN --
beefyspace Brianmarcellino: https://t.co/Gifq5Ig4C2 - I have just completed this
room! Check it out: https://t.co/SZfDjnUwxz #tryhackme… https://t.co/lWPZdXJhYC
-- Brianmarcellino Brijeshbsingh: RT @TomTomjarvis: After months of work and the
popular success of the initial pre-publication report, the #Tibet Research
Project is now of… -- Brijeshbsingh cyberreport_io: Kraken Daily Market Report
for June 14 2022 https://t.co/CRH09abaIn #cybersecurity #threatintelligence
#cybernews -- cyberreport_io CyberSecurityN8: RT @CyberIQs_: [local] Real Player – 'external::Import()' D #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel #threatintelligenc… -- CyberSecurityN8 cybsecbot: In the past 24
hours, 6226 IoC's were submitted and #Emotet is the most seen #malware family on
abuse[.]ch -- cybsecbot cybsecbot: RT @JinibaBD: ????????‍♂️????70,000 #Patient
Records Affected in #databreach at #Kaiser Permanente #ThreatIntel #Phishing
#ransomware #cyberattack… -- cybsecbot ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://colissimo-agence[.]fr #phishing #key_systems -- ecarlesi ecarlesi:
Possible threat on hxxp://votreespace-ameli[.]fr #phishing -- ecarlesi
episilia_1: RT @cyber_4all: How They 'Hack' You :- #cyber4all #c4a #infosec
#CyberSecurity #Hacking #hackers #infosecurity #CyberSec #CyberSecTrainin… --
episilia_1 gbackfried: RT @hensoldt_ai: A full room for our specialised session
at the #ISSWorldEurope #conference this week - "Detecting #Information Bias:
Using… -- gbackfried GlobalNTT: Many organisations aren't prepared for
#ransomware and #malware attacks. Our latest e-book with @Mimecast explores…
https://t.co/joCmfAFQ0u -- GlobalNTT hiringnowintech: RT @infosec_jobsCOM:
HIRING: Cyber Hunt SME / Springfield, VA https://t.co/rMyhKHrECi #InfoSec
#InfoSecJobs #Cybersecurity #security #jobse… -- hiringnowintech i_use_linux: RT
@TheHackersNews: A new covert #Linux kernel #rootkit called "Syslogk" has been
discovered in the wild that allows attackers to remotely… -- i_use_linux
infination: RT @kollerhead: #Linux #Rootkit #Malware #Syslogk #Security
#Cybersecurity Linux Hunting: 'Syslogk' a kernel rootkit found under developm…
-- infination infosec_jobsCOM: HIRING: Cyber Hunt SME / Springfield, VA
https://t.co/rMyhKHrECi #InfoSec #InfoSecJobs #Cybersecurity #security…
https://t.co/iTXO7e8O9a -- infosec_jobsCOM jayeshmthakur: RT @CyberIQs_: Privacy
legislation might provide a powerful guard #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel #threatintelligence #h… -- jayeshmthakur jayeshmthakur: RT
@CyberIQs_: [local] Real Player – 'external::Import()' D #infosec
#infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligenc… -- jayeshmthakur
jayeshmthakur: RT @MicroFocusSec: New #CyberResGalaxy Annual Report is the first
in a series to provide a perspective on geopolitical, regional and indust… --
jayeshmthakur jayeshmthakur: RT @shayshik: Get the key findings for 2021 from
the #CyberResGalaxy Annual Report, via @tahawultech. #ThreatHunting
#ThreatIntelligence #… -- jayeshmthakur jayeshmthakur: RT @CyberIQs_: Getting
started with Azimuth #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligence #hacking #cybernews #cyb… -- jayeshmthakur jayeshmthakur: RT
@TRADECRAFT14: #OSINT practitioners dealing with disturbing content should
remain alert to the signs of vicarious trauma in themselves a… -- jayeshmthakur
justplainIT: Phishing by any other means still hurts just as much! Don’t get
tricked by social phishing! Learn what to watch out… https://t.co/cG68GqcZ8E --
justplainIT marte4321: RT @DailyOsint: Workflow chart for #location #OSINT
@IntelTechniques #infosec #OSINT #reconnaissance #GEOINT #mindmap #geolocation
#intel… -- marte4321 MatchlessMan410: #OSINT *** Reassessment *** #Russian Navy
Baltic Fleet Pr.887 Smolny class training ship AXT-310 “Perekop” & lik…
https://t.co/ZE8980Hndd -- MatchlessMan410 Max_Mal_: RT @executemalware: I also
received a couple of emails leading to, as yet unidentified, #malware (guessing
a #rat). I could not get an infe… -- Max_Mal_ milliondlrideas: RT @DailyOsint:
Workflow chart for #location #OSINT @IntelTechniques #infosec #OSINT
#reconnaissance #GEOINT #mindmap #geolocation #intel… -- milliondlrideas
OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 on UTC
2022-06-15 06:05:04.223666. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An
attempt was detected from to port 8022 trying to login with account
"admin" and password "P$$w0rd"… https://t.co/6E7kAyFZUN -- OpenHoneypot
OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH
version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-15 06… https://t.co/B24SpQ2n16 --
OpenHoneypot reg_snitch: RT @reg_snitch: There have been 1 officer/s register 4
companies in the UK at the postcode KT8 9AY detected in the last 24 hours #OSIN…
-- reg_snitch RuOilTracker: ????????->???????? SEYCHELLES PIONEER Departed
Primorsk with 30,000 tons of oil products for delivery in #Rostock, #Germany…
https://t.co/FltgyGz9i1 -- RuOilTracker RuOilTracker: ???????? -> ? DELTA OCEAN
Departed Novorossiysk with 150,000 tons of crude oil. Bound for Suez Canal
#russianoil… https://t.co/sMCQnEa5iE -- RuOilTracker RuOilTracker: ????????->?
NORDIC JOSEPHINE Departed Novorossiysk with 70,000 tons of oil products. Bound
for Bosphorus Strait and ou… https://t.co/xj5M5jq11l -- RuOilTracker
sandmaxprime: The many lives of #BlackCat #ransomware - Microsoft Security Blog
https://t.co/gKqFj58gub By @MsftSecIntel #dfir… https://t.co/d7wYZWlDde --
sandmaxprime sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_: [local] Real Player –
'external::Import()' D #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligenc… -- sectest9 SecurityNewsbot: #Phishing reaches all-time high
in early #2022 https://t.co/Jn6pQGPLjo #HelpNetSecurity -- SecurityNewsbot
SecurityXTV: RT @JinibaBD: ????????‍♂️????70,000 #Patient Records Affected in
#databreach at #Kaiser Permanente #ThreatIntel #Phishing #ransomware
#cyberattack… -- SecurityXTV SeKuRiGo: RT @DailyOsint: Workflow chart for
#location #OSINT @IntelTechniques #infosec #OSINT #reconnaissance #GEOINT
#mindmap #geolocation #intel… -- SeKuRiGo SobhiMohanty: RT @rinachandran:
#SriLanka : Watchdog, a research collective, uses fact-checking and open source
intelligence #OSINT methods, as the team… -- SobhiMohanty sponsor982: RT
@CertiKAlert: #CommunityAlert ???? We are seeing reports that @TheSphynxUS
Discord server has been compromised and a phishing link has be… -- sponsor982
sponsor982: RT @CertiKAlert: #CommunityAlert ???? The @FudBoisNFT Discord server
was compromised and a phishing link was posted. Their team has since re… --
sponsor982 sponsor982: RT @CertiKAlert: #CommunityAlert ???? We are seeing
multiple reports that the @DegenIslands Discord server has been compromised and
a phishin… -- sponsor982 SulavaOy: Summer is here, and malicious phishing
activities increase towards holidays. Read few tips from @helipetr how to pr…
https://t.co/4PYaapDF5p -- SulavaOy CyberGovAU: Are you planning a shopping
spree during the EOFY sales? Online shopping is convenient, but it comes with
risks. Cybercriminals target online shoppers to steal money or personal details.
Learn more at https://t.co/KXswXoWImn https://t.co/470OI -- CyberGovAU jpcert:
https://t.co/i7lpC8TUSw -- jpcert jpcert:
https://t.co/9yHLgKIIkv -- jpcert AnnamayyaPolice: RT @APPOLICE100: The
programme includes play of short films, Skit developed by #NSD, expert's talks
on Cyber Hygiene,#NationalSecurity & pr… -- AnnamayyaPolice beefyspace: RT
@bamitav: #Russian hackers start targeting #Ukraine with #Follina exploits
https://t.co/UK3gQjJcXi #MSDT #Microsoft #cyberwar #cybercr… -- beefyspace
BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : dropboxdocx[.]com PreCrime Threat
Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Ze… https://t.co/iEcwzBdZGO --
BforeAi CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
dropboxdocx[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero False Po… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @Nyksindia: Change
privacy settings and do not use location features. Keep software applications
and operating systems up-to-date and cr… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT
@Nyksindia: Be aware of the scam/hackers through the phones, laptops,s and
tablets. Secure Your Passwords Carefully. #cybercrime #cyber… -- CyberSecurityN8
imrankh94113815: RT @Nyksindia: Be aware of the scam/hackers through the phones,
laptops,s and tablets. Secure Your Passwords Carefully. #cybercrime #cyber… --
imrankh94113815 sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
dropboxdocx[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero False Po… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @Nyksindia: Change privacy settings
and do not use location features. Keep software applications and operating
systems up-to-date and cr… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @Nyksindia: Be aware of the
scam/hackers through the phones, laptops,s and tablets. Secure Your Passwords
Carefully. #cybercrime #cyber… -- sectest9 SolMiningpunkV2: Mark and Lind
Godding Have been sentenced for selling #Nootropics on the clearnet under “Blue
Brain Boost”… https://t.co/ThjVbC0wyS -- SolMiningpunkV2 VolunteerMYAS: RT
@Nyksindia: Change privacy settings and do not use location features. Keep
software applications and operating systems up-to-date and cr… -- VolunteerMYAS
wafflii: RT @bamitav: #Russian hackers start targeting #Ukraine with #Follina
exploits https://t.co/UK3gQjJcXi #MSDT #Microsoft #cyberwar #cybercr… -- wafflii
yokaiswap: Hi community! YokaiSwap Godwoken V1.1 testnet online now????⚡️ Let's
go test and find the bug????! ????Together we create… https://t.co/GhxrqWHr7g --
yokaiswap 1ZRR4H: RT @executemalware: Here are some additional #emotet (E4) IOCs
from a single email I received this afternoon. I separated these from the la… --
1ZRR4H akawombat42: I just packaged up my evidence and sent it to a small
department out of state. I hope when they are done one more…
https://t.co/vRci5xRNln -- akawombat42 Al1ex4: RT @Dhamu_offi: #bugbountytips
#bugbounty I just published Java Application WEB-INF Content Retrieved #java
https://t.co/WZ2I7leOBm https… -- Al1ex4 aNdr0iz: The #ARMY is being switched
from the desert camouflage to forest green along with nets and facial paint
???????????? ???????? all… https://t.co/ko65JPYVUJ -- aNdr0iz AnonVXR: RT
@sloppy_bear: BlackCat\AlphV #ransomware group have added The Allison, a resort
based in Oregon, to their victims list. The resort's web… -- AnonVXR beefyspace:
RT @NestyF: Possible Threat on:
https[:]//sucursalpersonas.transacciones[.]etiproperties[.]com/ @Bancolombia
@CSIRTFinanciero #phishing… -- beefyspace beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi: Possible
threat on
#phishing #ope… -- beefyspace BlizzardKG71: RT @yokaiswap: Hi community!
YokaiSwap Godwoken V1.1 testnet online now????⚡️ Let's go test and find the
bug????! ????Together we create a secure… -- BlizzardKG71 Bosse_Lyckeby: RT
@CovertShores: ***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy landing ships in Black Sea today
#OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar https://t.co/aC7XBIyFyh -- Bosse_Lyckeby bughunterlabs:
Looking for a less crowded #bugbounty target? Check out the external programs
@Hacker0x01: https://t.co/HH4TeuLzvw… https://t.co/wOoFyDAqIG -- bughunterlabs
cboto1: RT @DailyOsint: Workflow chart for #location #OSINT @IntelTechniques
#infosec #OSINT #reconnaissance #GEOINT #mindmap #geolocation #intel… -- cboto1
CyberSecurityN8: RT @Cohesity: Minimize the blast radius of #ransomware with
#Cohesity Threat Defense: ✅ Benefit from resiliency at scale ✅ Go beyond #zero…
-- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @CheckPointSW: From #WannaCry to #Conti,
Gil Shwed, Check Point Founder & CEO, shares his perspective on how the
evolution of #ransomwar… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @bughunterlabs:
Looking for a less crowded #bugbounty target? Check out the external programs
@Hacker0x01: https://t.co/HH4TeuLzvw #bug… -- CyberSecurityN8 dellyranksindia:
Firms ramp up compliance, premiums for cyber insurance post covid
#cyberinsurance #cyberinsuranceclaims… https://t.co/bSmLJWEMrG --
dellyranksindia Dobromila16: RT @Torger78: I have had no luck finding something
like this, so I figured I'd just make one myself. Sources: The usual,
@TheShipYard2 @Gra… -- Dobromila16 DrJupyter: RT @DailyOsint: Do you want to
ease your #IMINT tasks? EXIF Viewer Pro allows you to get metadata and location
information from photos on… -- DrJupyter DrJupyter: RT @DailyOsint: Workflow
chart for #location #OSINT @IntelTechniques #infosec #OSINT #reconnaissance
#GEOINT #mindmap #geolocation #intel… -- DrJupyter ecarlesi: Possible threat on
#phishing #opendir #regru -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
#phishing #opendir #regru -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
#phishing #opendir #regru -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on
#phishing #opendir https://t.co/EzN7deWZyr -- ecarlesi Emman_Mart: RT
@yokaiswap: Hi community! YokaiSwap Godwoken V1.1 testnet online now????⚡️ Let's
go test and find the bug????! ????Together we create a secure… -- Emman_Mart
fipman: Criminal boldness #ransomware https://t.co/FURkTKGlZj -- fipman
gogodex2: RT @yokaiswap: Hi community! YokaiSwap Godwoken V1.1 testnet online
now????⚡️ Let's go test and find the bug????! ????Together we create a secure…
-- gogodex2 GSedgefx: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy landing ships
in Black Sea today #OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar https://t.co/aC7XBIyFyh -- GSedgefx
illyrian598: RT @ReconVillage: ???? Reminder, the Call for Papers for Recon
Village is OPEN. Submit your paper before it's too late. Deadline is approach…
-- illyrian598 JakeSeattleX19: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy
landing ships in Black Sea today #OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar
https://t.co/aC7XBIyFyh -- JakeSeattleX19 JCarlosLV2014: RT @executemalware:
Here are some additional #emotet (E4) IOCs from a single email I received this
afternoon. I separated these from the la… -- JCarlosLV2014 JosueDavidColon: RT
@yokaiswap: Hi community! YokaiSwap Godwoken V1.1 testnet online now????⚡️ Let's
go test and find the bug????! ????Together we create a secure… --
JosueDavidColon keithfernandez0: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is
in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm
willing to sha… -- keithfernandez0 Ledtech3: RT @executemalware: Here are some
additional #emotet (E4) IOCs from a single email I received this afternoon. I
separated these from the la… -- Ledtech3 NestyF: Threat on:
@Bancolombia @CSIRTFinanciero… https://t.co/jyq2HJKjzf -- NestyF NestyF:
Possible Threat on:
https[:]//sucursalpersonas.transacciones[.]etiproperties[.]com/ @Bancolombia…
https://t.co/AHt6yd8Ekx -- NestyF OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 trying to login with account "bkp" and password "bkp"
on UTC… https://t.co/wSkddoQjcC -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was
detected from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6"
on UTC 2022-06-15 03… https://t.co/nGq01EUreY -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An
attempt was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-15
03:56:45.673772. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-15 03:35:37.075498.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC
2022-06-15 03… https://t.co/R4dhznjTNz -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 trying to login with account
"ftpadmin" and password "123456… https://t.co/oPCDkDEFhq -- OpenHoneypot
PenunuriShannon: RT @Cohesity: Minimize the blast radius of #ransomware with
#Cohesity Threat Defense: ✅ Benefit from resiliency at scale ✅ Go beyond #zero…
-- PenunuriShannon rkbk2000: Now you can get an overview of the global cyber
threat landscape with this new report from #CyberResGalaxy. Downloa…
https://t.co/y780c68hxN -- rkbk2000 rkbk2000: Get the key findings for 2021 from
the #CyberResGalaxy Annual Report, via @tahawultech. #ThreatHunting…
https://t.co/5y87etsfIG -- rkbk2000 rohitprasad220: Visit @Akamai at #infosec to
learn how to fight #ransomware, even after it has breached your perimeter. Book
your m… https://t.co/P9cfVlEWZf -- rohitprasad220 sectest9: RT @Cohesity:
Minimize the blast radius of #ransomware with #Cohesity Threat Defense: ✅
Benefit from resiliency at scale ✅ Go beyond #zero… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT
@CheckPointSW: From #WannaCry to #Conti, Gil Shwed, Check Point Founder & CEO,
shares his perspective on how the evolution of #ransomwar… -- sectest9 sectest9:
RT @bughunterlabs: Looking for a less crowded #bugbounty target? Check out the
external programs @Hacker0x01: https://t.co/HH4TeuLzvw #bug… -- sectest9
silaman: RT @IBMStorage: ???? Introducing IBM Spectrum Sentinel–technology
designed to address the rise of #ransomware through intelligent copy data ma… --
silaman Veeam_APAC: We say it a lot, but it’s true: ???? Secure backup is YOUR
last line of defense against #ransomware. ???? Join our live w…
https://t.co/fQlFpUKtEe -- Veeam_APAC yulli3th: RT @yokaiswap: Hi community!
YokaiSwap Godwoken V1.1 testnet online now????⚡️ Let's go test and find the
bug????! ????Together we create a secure… -- yulli3th beefyspace: RT
@imRavikantYadav: The 'C' factor in the Russia-Ukraine war- #Editorial
@the_hindu & the 'C' ain't #China but #Cyberwar #Russia hs no… -- beefyspace
Bobe_bot: Tourism authorities should tackle online scams | #phishing | #scams |
#cybersecurity | #infosecurity | #hacker (Lat… https://t.co/essPWDu6Iu --
Bobe_bot Bobe_bot: How to Protect Your Netflix Account From Freeloaders |
#emailsecurity | #phishing | #ransomware | #cybersecurity |…
https://t.co/twXh8zQLO6 -- Bobe_bot cboto1: RT @DailyOsint: Do you want to ease
your #IMINT tasks? EXIF Viewer Pro allows you to get metadata and location
information from photos on… -- cboto1 CyberSecurityN8: RT @Saims0n: 403,401
bypass, API end point bypass... #github #dorking #dork #BurpSuite #Synack
#bugcrowd #XSS #bugbountytips #bugbountytip… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8:
RT @mruef: Ransomware Group Debuts Searchable Victim Data
https://t.co/58Ub6ErMyB #ransomware #malware -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8:
RT @ValueMentor: #Ransomware gang creates site for employees to search for their
stolen data. https://t.co/QMT2JI6Sbv #cybersafety #cybera… -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @imRavikantYadav: The 'C' factor in the Russia-Ukraine war-
#Editorial @the_hindu & the 'C' ain't #China but #Cyberwar #Russia hs no… --
CyberSecurityN8 ecarlesi: Threat on hxxp://footyscores[.]games/web[.]zip
#phishing #namedotcom -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxp://mydataiseconomic[.]online/renamnarota[.]zip #phishing #namesilo --
ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxp://doyplay[.]live/download/YouxiaACC-V0[.]5-INSTALL[.]zip #malware
#namedotcom -- ecarlesi FUBSWR: RT @PeckShieldAlert: #PeckShieldAlert #phishing
@TheSphynxUS discord has been compromised. sphynxdrop[.]claims is the phishing
site. DO *NO… -- FUBSWR GuyForgetGhost: Ok I didn’t want to directly engage Dry
Goods, but, thoughts on these guys & gals? ????????????‍♂️ I will just say they
are… https://t.co/d7OhnuIy28 -- GuyForgetGhost he11owr0ldsc: RT @Saims0n:
403,401 bypass, API end point bypass... #github #dorking #dork #BurpSuite
#Synack #bugcrowd #XSS #bugbountytips #bugbountytip… -- he11owr0ldsc
imRavikantYadav: The 'C' factor in the Russia-Ukraine war- #Editorial @the_hindu
& the 'C' ain't #China but #Cyberwar #Russia hs… https://t.co/WDqvM66dph --
imRavikantYadav InCheolJeong1: RT @_Vault_Security: Anatomy of phishing attack
#infosec #cybersecuritytips #cybersec #cybersecurity #scam #malicious #malware
#ransomware… -- InCheolJeong1 istihbarat1800: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE***
#Russian Navy landing ships in Black Sea today #OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar
https://t.co/aC7XBIyFyh -- istihbarat1800 JEMPradio: Phish - You Enjoy Myself
(8-3-03) #Phish #JEMPRadio #CommunityRadio #NowPlaying https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE
-- JEMPradio jpcert:
https://t.co/WjSKwRdcDW -- jpcert jpcert_en: New Security Alert Regarding
Microsoft Releases June 2022 Security Updates ^TN https://t.co/JljE8G8J1i --
jpcert_en kollerhead: RT @TheHackersNews: Researchers detail the workings of a
fully-featured #malware loader dubbed "PureCrypter," which is purchased by
cybercr… -- kollerhead Lhr_Supun: RT @blu3cloak: This new Linux rootkit #malware
is already targeting victims - TechRadar https://t.co/FNBzFILUhg -- Lhr_Supun
mruef: Ransomware Group Debuts Searchable Victim Data https://t.co/58Ub6ErMyB
#ransomware #malware -- mruef NationalCsirtCy: RT @enisa_eu: When it comes to
#phishing, we are all exposed. Good news is we can prevent it. Don't take the
bite, take these tips. #Boos… -- NationalCsirtCy RcHacker12: My new YouTube
video (link in bio) #cybersecurity #hacking #linux #ethicalhacking #technology
#programing #python… https://t.co/EYbTht6zjj -- RcHacker12 RuOilTracker:
????????->????‍☠️ KRITI JOURNEY Departed Kozmino with 110,000 tons of crude oil.
Destination unknown #russianoil #osint… https://t.co/69Ti2aumDV -- RuOilTracker
sectest9: RT @Saims0n: 403,401 bypass, API end point bypass... #github #dorking
#dork #BurpSuite #Synack #bugcrowd #XSS #bugbountytips #bugbountytip… --
sectest9 sectest9: RT @mruef: Ransomware Group Debuts Searchable Victim Data
https://t.co/58Ub6ErMyB #ransomware #malware -- sectest9 sectest9: RT
@imRavikantYadav: The 'C' factor in the Russia-Ukraine war- #Editorial
@the_hindu & the 'C' ain't #China but #Cyberwar #Russia hs no… -- sectest9
sectest9: RT @ValueMentor: #Ransomware gang creates site for employees to search
for their stolen data. https://t.co/QMT2JI6Sbv #cybersafety #cybera… -- sectest9
sprint_code: RT @bamitav: Chrome’s new #MachineLearning #algorithm is 2.5 times
better at detecting #Phishing attempts https://t.co/YOblPIKjBU #Google… --
sprint_code t0nyuv: RT @VerSprite: #OSINT can provide leaders with complete, and
actionable #data for developing effective #riskmanagement. VerSprite provides…
-- t0nyuv Tekzilla_it: RT @ValueMentor: New Zimbra #Email #Vulnerability Could
Let Attackers Steal Your Login Credentials. https://t.co/MYH8MdA0x6 #ITsecurity
#c… -- Tekzilla_it Ultrascan419: Your new hire could be a fraud | Mint: A spike
in new-age, tech-savvy hiring fraud is testing recruiters at India I…
https://t.co/CbPO10Iz8V -- Ultrascan419 ValueMentor: #Ransomware gang creates
site for employees to search for their stolen data. https://t.co/QMT2JI6Sbv
#cybersafety… https://t.co/SvgMe7e45z -- ValueMentor beefyspace: RT
@Laurent_Perche: ????#DataBreach Alert ???? ➡️ Prothena Corporation ➡️
Undisclosed number of records  #DataLeak includes: ❌ Names ❌ Addre… --
beefyspace CyberSecurityN8: RT @Laurent_Perche: ????#DataBreach Alert ???? ➡️
Prothena Corporation ➡️ Undisclosed number of records  #DataLeak includes: ❌
Names ❌ Addre… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @iGloobe_info: #cybercrime
: https://t.co/wOucgEhpt4 Police warn Manitoba is seeing an increase in
cybercrime - CTV News Winnipeg -- CyberSecurityN8 iGloobe_info: #cybercrime :
https://t.co/wOucgEhpt4 Police warn Manitoba is seeing an increase in cybercrime
- CTV News Winnipeg -- iGloobe_info Laurent_Perche: ????#DataBreach Alert ????
➡️ Prothena Corporation ➡️ Undisclosed number of records  #DataLeak includes: ❌
Names ❌ A… https://t.co/FRbviXCOyB -- Laurent_Perche sectest9: RT
@Laurent_Perche: ????#DataBreach Alert ???? ➡️ Prothena Corporation ➡️
Undisclosed number of records  #DataLeak includes: ❌ Names ❌ Addre… -- sectest9
sectest9: RT @iGloobe_info: #cybercrime : https://t.co/wOucgEhpt4 Police warn
Manitoba is seeing an increase in cybercrime - CTV News Winnipeg -- sectest9
sectest9: RT @ComplianceNote: In yesterday’s int’l #moneylaundering class at
@DELawSchool we covered #cryptocurrencies & #cybercrime. Today we discus… --
sectest9 BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : mremack[.]com PreCrime Threat
Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero F… https://t.co/4M1SGMBR3C --
BforeAi CyberDFIR: RT @twelvesec: According to experts US water utilities are a
prime #cyberattack target for #hackers. #CyberSecurity #infosec #cybercrime ht…
-- CyberDFIR CyberDFIR: RT @Laurent_Perche: ????#DataBreach Alert ???? ➡️
Prothena Corporation ➡️ Undisclosed number of records  #DataLeak includes: ❌
Names ❌ Addre… -- CyberDFIR CyberDFIR: RT @jees823: Type of Cryptography
#infosec #infosecurity #Pentesting #BugBounty #hackers #CyberSecurity
#CyberAttack https://t.co/V8oVmP5l… -- CyberDFIR CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi:
Predicted Malicious Domain : mremack[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by
@BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Positi… -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @SkyNet_HTML: @KIIARA visual aid #trendingkiiara @KIIARA
#100DaysOfCode #fintech #insurtech #finserv #Azure #github #DevOps #RStats #flu…
-- CyberSecurityN8 DevRetweetBot: RT @SkyNet_HTML: @WeSkeem  Twitter Prompt
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #MachineLear… -- DevRetweetBot e_bma: RT @ErSurajShukla: Cyber
Attack Quick Response Sheet in Detail :- #cybersecurity #hacking #cyber
#infosecurity #Pentesting #map #CyberAtt… -- e_bma geraldmuvengei2: RT
@SkyNet_HTML:  Collateral Damage #Ad #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Serverless #M… -- geraldmuvengei2
Madhvendrax: RT @SkyNet_HTML: The trash she’s protecting over me #BugBounty
#trendingkiiara @KIIARA #HTML #WordPress #Python #BigData #AI #IoT #IIoT #A… --
Madhvendrax MaoMeas789: RT @ACRundp: #COVID19 socioeconomic impacts heightened
risks of #trafficking & #exploitation of vulnerable men, women & children. New
#cybe… -- MaoMeas789 MenstraulM: RT @SkyNet_HTML: @WeSkeem  Twitter Prompt
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #MachineLear… -- MenstraulM Rap_Slob: RT @SkyNet_HTML: The
trash she’s protecting over me #BugBounty #trendingkiiara @KIIARA #HTML
#WordPress #Python #BigData #AI #IoT #IIoT #A… -- Rap_Slob Rap_Slob: RT
@SkyNet_HTML: @KIIARA visual aid #trendingkiiara @KIIARA #100DaysOfCode #fintech
#insurtech #finserv #Azure #github #DevOps #RStats #flu… -- Rap_Slob Rap_Slob:
RT @SkyNet_HTML: Real Time Cali Calculus @KIIARA #trendingkiiara #fintech
#insurtech #finserv #WordPress #DevOps #RStats #flutter #Roblox #… -- Rap_Slob
ScriptKKiddie: RT @MilanJainn: bounty $$$ I am glad to share that i received my
first bounty $250 and 2 nd hof Thanks to @ScriptKKiddie and @vij_anchal to… --
ScriptKKiddie sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : mremack[.]com
PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Positi…
-- sectest9 sectest9: RT @SkyNet_HTML: @KIIARA visual aid #trendingkiiara
@KIIARA #100DaysOfCode #fintech #insurtech #finserv #Azure #github #DevOps
#RStats #flu… -- sectest9 XZPwEDVhHH37i3C: RT @kalpak_savaliya: Free Crypto
Coins Tips : Alleged second teen mastermind behind Twitter’s 'Bitcoin giveaway'
hack #freecryptocoinstips… -- XZPwEDVhHH37i3C beefyspace: RT @ErSurajShukla:
Cyber Attack Quick Response Sheet in Detail :- #cybersecurity #hacking #cyber
#infosecurity #Pentesting #map #CyberAtt… -- beefyspace botxboxseriesx: RT
@JackieLondon13: Have a lost account you want to recover but don't know how?
Inbox now for guide on how to recover your account immediat… -- botxboxseriesx
CyberDFIR: RT @tapevine: To be able to recover from a ransomware attack, you
need tape. Because it's the only storage media that be physically separat… --
CyberDFIR executemalware: Here are some additional #emotet (E4) IOCs from a
single email I received this afternoon. I separated these from th…
https://t.co/9R4ZVM9cnJ -- executemalware fe_tsoc: RT @executemalware: Here are
some additional #emotet (E4) IOCs from a single email I received this afternoon.
I separated these from the la… -- fe_tsoc JackieLondon13: Offering the best
recovery services. All social media accounts hacking, Infiltration, and
recovery.… https://t.co/T9eVtQ7alg -- JackieLondon13 JackieLondon13: If you need
Help with recovering any Hacked Account, Mails, Tiktok, Snapchat, Instagram
etc.. I'm available 24/7 I… https://t.co/U4zHUum2nz -- JackieLondon13
JackieLondon13: Hacking is way Easier when you contact the right hacker. Inbox
me now for all your hacking services I'm always ava… https://t.co/wA3Cl1U7tV --
JackieLondon13 _f_ja_: RT @startme: The best performing #OSINT page last week is
created by Igor S. Bederov. Thanks to @OSINT_Tactical for pointing us to this
pag… -- _f_ja_ BurnsBill3: RT @Cohesity: Don’t let #ransomware attackers win!
Instead, fortify your environment and improve your response strategy with five
#nextgen… -- BurnsBill3 CyberSecurityN8: RT @kaynemcgladrey: "Companies that
fare better and earn respect following a #ransomware attack are transparent.
They share what occurred d… -- CyberSecurityN8 ImNickHuber: RT @cyb_detective:
GITHUB #OSINT THREAD???????????? A collection of services and techniques for
gathering information about repositories, users, co… -- ImNickHuber
JackieLondon13: Have exclusive Hacking jobs? DM and Ask for my service. #hacked
#icloud #facebookdown #imessage #ransomware… https://t.co/Ct45VfnTLY --
JackieLondon13 JackieLondon13: Need a hacker to do the job? Lost your account
and need a recovery but don't know how? Inbox now for help and guide…
https://t.co/zr5GJUu7Ok -- JackieLondon13 KasimAkrBot: RT @JackieLondon13: Have
exclusive Hacking jobs? DM and Ask for my service. #hacked #icloud #facebookdown
#imessage #ransomware #snapchat #… -- KasimAkrBot kaynemcgladrey: "Companies
that fare better and earn respect following a #ransomware attack are
transparent. They share what occurr… https://t.co/X4na9q51t7 -- kaynemcgladrey
macroliter: RT @press4change: @MacFarlaneNews #Bannon Very proud of son, Ollie
???? there's also this: Radar Interference Tracker (RIT) is a new tool cr… --
macroliter MLSetiawan92: RT @SzwedekM: I admire @OSINT_Tactical 's #CTF #OSINT
methodology. Smooth, clean, logic, everything looks so easy. He got it solved
while o… -- MLSetiawan92 MLSetiawan92: RT @startme: The best performing #OSINT
page last week is created by Igor S. Bederov. Thanks to @OSINT_Tactical for
pointing us to this pag… -- MLSetiawan92 MLSetiawan92: RT @cyb_detective: GITHUB
#OSINT THREAD???????????? A collection of services and techniques for gathering
information about repositories, users, co… -- MLSetiawan92 Olobabanging: RT
@cyb_detective: GITHUB #OSINT THREAD???????????? A collection of services and
techniques for gathering information about repositories, users, co… --
Olobabanging OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 trying to login with account "admin" and password "Pa$$w0rd"…
https://t.co/Hc1DtYlyST -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC
2022-06-15 01… https://t.co/vDhOube0Lb -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-15 01:52:47.587682.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot opensource_orgs: RT @cyb_detective: GITHUB
#OSINT THREAD???????????? A collection of services and techniques for gathering
information about repositories, users, co… -- opensource_orgs RDSWEB: RT
@three_cube: Hackers-Arise Has One of the Largest Repositories of OSINT
tutorials Become an Open Source Intelligence(OSINT) Expert! L… -- RDSWEB RDSWEB:
RT @SzwedekM: I admire @OSINT_Tactical 's #CTF #OSINT methodology. Smooth,
clean, logic, everything looks so easy. He got it solved while o… -- RDSWEB
sectest9: RT @kaynemcgladrey: "Companies that fare better and earn respect
following a #ransomware attack are transparent. They share what occurred d… --
sectest9 techspence: RT @ido_cohen2: ???? #BlackCat (ALPHV) #Ransomware team
changing the rules of the game ???? After they updated about a new victim they
register… -- techspence anshu217: A must read thread for #OSINT Types
https://t.co/b7R1hC7oHi -- anshu217 coloroutofit: RT @_Vault_Security: Did you
know that there are over 350,000 new strains of #malware discovered each day?
#infosec #cybersecurity #cybers… -- coloroutofit CyberDFIR: RT @sonu_monika:
#Phishing defence #Cybersecurite #Python #Programming #Cloud #AI #Analytics
#Data #flutter #Serverless #neuralnetwork #5G… -- CyberDFIR daanksy: RT
@CertiKAlert: #CommunityAlert ???? We are seeing multiple reports that the
@DegenIslands Discord server has been compromised and a phishin… -- daanksy
DefconParrot: RT @InfoSecSherpa: I submitted a proposal to speak at the
@ReconVillage at @defcon, tapping into the #OSINT aspects of another former
caree… -- DefconParrot dmCyBEradio: 2FA - how to find 2fa bug #bugbounty
#infosec #cybersecurity #bugbountytips #hacking #OSINT https://t.co/sOACBfKrF7
-- dmCyBEradio ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxp://metamask[.]supply #phishing
#metamask https://t.co/1QTuhGxkQU -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://u-coinbase[.]xyz/ #phishing https://t.co/Ys8OruOhMq -- ecarlesi
ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://altawealthmanagement[.]xyz/administrator22[.]zip #phishing #opendir
#namesilo https://t.co/KpaIprfNo0 -- ecarlesi Faxinator21: Two of my great loves
#Vonnegut #phish https://t.co/WqpPeRDrlX -- Faxinator21 FreedomNetTech: Vishing
cases reach all time high - Help Net Security https://t.co/olgXRzRNV0 #vishing
#phishing -- FreedomNetTech Ibnuuby_: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What
is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that
I'm willing to sha… -- Ibnuuby_ JEMPradio: Phish - Meatstick>Dirt>Hood (7-29-17)
#Phish #JEMPRadio #CommunityRadio #NowPlaying https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE --
JEMPradio Mason32181200: RT @CertiKAlert: #CommunityAlert ???? We are seeing
multiple reports that the @DegenIslands Discord server has been compromised and
a phishin… -- Mason32181200 SchwalmMason: RT @CertiKAlert: #CommunityAlert ????
We are seeing multiple reports that the @DegenIslands Discord server has been
compromised and a phishin… -- SchwalmMason SellerApp_Inc: What is Amazon
phishing and how can sellers protect themselves from it? Read our FULL GUIDE to
find out!???????????? ????Read… https://t.co/lBwu38vtoj -- SellerApp_Inc
StuffStuffInc1: RT @CertiKAlert: #CommunityAlert ???? We are seeing multiple
reports that the @DegenIslands Discord server has been compromised and a
phishin… -- StuffStuffInc1 surajvi682: What is OSINT ? OSINT(Open Source
Intelligence) means every piece of information that can legally be gathered
from… https://t.co/W05P2n9CtH -- surajvi682 XZPwEDVhHH37i3C: RT @Paula_Piccard:
Veterans Explain How Military Service Prepared Them for Cybersecurity Careers
Know more: https://t.co/fofW59wtuQ #Data… -- XZPwEDVhHH37i3C chooiyc: RT
@eikologyy: #MyCERT alert - SMSSpy campaign to steal Malaysian banking user
credential. #malware #scam https://t.co/8pvacKTukX -- chooiyc CyberDFIR: RT
@Paula_Piccard: Time it takes a Hacker to Brute Force your password
#DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLear… --
CyberDFIR CyberSecurityN8: RT @Robert4787: #CyberSecurity researchers discovered
#adware and information-stealing #malware on the #GooglePlay Store with at least
five… -- CyberSecurityN8 kachofugetsujp: RT @tro11s1ayer: It's so close, also
not being flagged by AV :) #CyberSecurity #devops #infosec #BugBounty
#bugbountytip #bugbountylife #Ma… -- kachofugetsujp lordboots: RT @CheckPointSW:
The Snake Keylogger has jumped into eighth place on @_CPResearch_ May 2022 Most
Wanted #Malware list after a long absence… -- lordboots PhishStats:
https://t.co/MAuIXRvYiq detected 2 new websites hosting #phishing | new today:
1845 | #infosec #cybersecurity… https://t.co/MmickLNarP -- PhishStats
quantlotus: RT @_Vault_Security: Malware is short for malicious software.
#infosec #malware #malicious #informationsecurity #ransomware #spyware#Cyber… --
quantlotus quantlotus: RT @_Vault_Security: #Cybercriminals use reverse
#tunneling and #URL shorteners to launch ‘virtually undetectable’ #phishing
campaigns. #in… -- quantlotus quantlotus: RT @_Vault_Security: Did you know that
there are over 350,000 new strains of #malware discovered each day? #infosec
#cybersecurity #cybers… -- quantlotus Robert4787: #CyberSecurity researchers
discovered #adware and information-stealing #malware on the #GooglePlay Store
with at le… https://t.co/856oP3Al4d -- Robert4787 sectest9: RT @Robert4787:
#CyberSecurity researchers discovered #adware and information-stealing #malware
on the #GooglePlay Store with at least five… -- sectest9 BruneiCERT: Follow
these tips to protect your network and devices from wardrivers who may want to
obtain your personal information. #BruCERT #SecureVerifyConnect #wardriving
https://t.co/DnSmC6zVag -- BruneiCERT CSIRTGOB: ????Como CSIRT de Gobierno les
recordamos que hoy salió el #UpdateTuesday de #Microsoft, con más de 50
#vulnerabilidades para parchar, tres de ellas críticas???? #CSIRTGob Más
información: https://t.co/K76Xw1TUSq https://t.co/t0YoJI1Mgb -- CSIRTGOB jpcert:
JPCERT/CC WEEKLY REPORT 2022-06-15を公開。セキュリティ関連情報は3件。ひとくちメモは、「フィッシング対策協議会が技術・制度検討
WG 報告会の資料を公開」です。^TK https://t.co/Ga2D4hKL3I -- jpcert USCERT_gov: It’s
#PatchTuesday! Read about Adobe’s security updates at https://t.co/yXr7eHNjLW.
#Cybersecurity #InfoSec -- USCERT_gov BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
mazograffitiart[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Nea… https://t.co/CE8lDpiM05 -- BforeAi CyberSecurityN8: RT @s3xcur1ty:
Understanding & Identifying Insecure Deserialization Vulnerabilities
https://t.co/PoKQP7CKkx #InfoSec #CyberSecurity #Secu… -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : mazograffitiart[.]com
PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero Fals… --
CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @cronycle: Discover the content shared by
top voices in #Cybersecurity like @briankrebs @darkreading @thehackersnews
@mikko @defcon @thr… -- CyberSecurityN8 DevHighlights: RT @mariya06025697:
Skills of #sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning #python #IoT #100DaysOfCode
#programming #CodeNewbie #reactjs #bugb… -- DevHighlights Fitomar: RT
@ErSurajShukla: Cyber Attack Quick Response Sheet in Detail :- #cybersecurity
#hacking #cyber #infosecurity #Pentesting #map #CyberAtt… -- Fitomar gdprAI: RT
@wilson_hack_: for possible social media account resolve DM NOW...!!
#australianhacker #londonhacker #londonhackers #southkoreanhacker S… -- gdprAI
javascriptflx: RT @mariya06025697: Skills of #sciencetwitter #Cloud
#MachineLearning #python #IoT #100DaysOfCode #programming #CodeNewbie #reactjs
#bugb… -- javascriptflx jayeshmthakur: RT @cronycle: Discover the content shared
by top voices in #Cybersecurity like @briankrebs @darkreading @thehackersnews
@mikko @defcon @thr… -- jayeshmthakur LadyLisaDCantu1: RT @mariya06025697:
Skills of #sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning #python #IoT #100DaysOfCode
#programming #CodeNewbie #reactjs #bugb… -- LadyLisaDCantu1 mr_akb60x: RT
@tamimhasan404: I create a custom nuclei template for mass hunting recent
CVE-2022-29455(XSS) #bugbounty #nuclei https://t.co/uMC9ldy3CJ -- mr_akb60x
OO_Java: RT @mariya06025697: Skills of #sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning
#python #IoT #100DaysOfCode #programming #CodeNewbie #reactjs #bugb… -- OO_Java
raji498: RT @mariya06025697: Skills of #sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning
#python #IoT #100DaysOfCode #programming #CodeNewbie #reactjs #bugb… -- raji498
s3xcur1ty: Understanding & Identifying Insecure Deserialization Vulnerabilities
https://t.co/PoKQP7CKkx #InfoSec… https://t.co/Dx5BlkuH50 -- s3xcur1ty sectest9:
RT @s3xcur1ty: Understanding & Identifying Insecure Deserialization
Vulnerabilities https://t.co/PoKQP7CKkx #InfoSec #CyberSecurity #Secu… --
sectest9 sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
mazograffitiart[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero Fals… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @cronycle: Discover the content shared
by top voices in #Cybersecurity like @briankrebs @darkreading @thehackersnews
@mikko @defcon @thr… -- sectest9 thepixeldevs: RT @mariya06025697: Skills of
#sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning #python #IoT #100DaysOfCode #programming
#CodeNewbie #reactjs #bugb… -- thepixeldevs TiempoCol: RT @mariya06025697:
Skills of #sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning #python #IoT #100DaysOfCode
#programming #CodeNewbie #reactjs #bugb… -- TiempoCol BotFemale: RT @Cyberi_8:
Everyone! I need your help: What legal themes would you like to know in the
fields of #CyberSecurity #infosec #OSINT #tech ??… -- BotFemale ChanningBlythe:
Hacking is way Easier when you contact the right hacker. Inbox me now for all
your hacking services I'm always ava… https://t.co/d2h64gYequ -- ChanningBlythe
ChanningBlythe: If you need Help with recovering any Hacked Account, Mails,
Tiktok, Snapchat, Instagram etc.. I'm available 24/7 I… https://t.co/uBLJ6V1Ubh
-- ChanningBlythe ChanningBlythe: hackaccount Offering the best recovery
services. All social media accounts hacking, Infiltration, and recovery.…
https://t.co/sX5GmGl8ip -- ChanningBlythe ChanningBlythe: Need a hacker to do
the job? Lost your account and need a recovery but don't know how? Inbox now for
help and guide… https://t.co/W13MAP4fds -- ChanningBlythe cyber_guerrier: RT
@_leHACK_: [???? #Activity] During #leHACK you can participate in the exclusive
#BugBounty orchestrated by @yeswehack ???????????????? ???? Saturday, Jun… --
cyber_guerrier Cyberi_8: Everyone! I need your help: What legal themes would you
like to know in the fields of #CyberSecurity #infosec… https://t.co/pdxtwxAih5
-- Cyberi_8 cyberreport_io: QuSecure partners with DataBridge Sites to help
organizations protect against quantum attacks - Help Net Security…
https://t.co/W5dxCOOOgR -- cyberreport_io CyberSecurityN8: RT @cyberreport_io:
QuSecure partners with DataBridge Sites to help organizations protect against
quantum attacks - Help Net Security https… -- CyberSecurityN8 cybsecbot: RT
@CyberIQs_: Getting started with Azimuth #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel #threatintelligence #hacking #cybernews #cyb… -- cybsecbot
DrBrighton4: RT @zagtechservices: In 2021. #cyberattacks and #ransomware hit new
records. But you didn't need a study to know that. Just look at the new… --
DrBrighton4 ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://www-qiwi[.]com/archive_10062022_1734[.]zip #phishing #opendir #regru
https://t.co/bNX13Bs6Nr -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://insmmpanel[.]com/Free%20Script%20%282%29[.]zip #opendir
https://t.co/4SFXqhOduy -- ecarlesi Exe_Decision: RT @executemalware: Back from
a couple of days of vacation. Here are some #emotet (e4) IOCs from about 3 dozen
emails received today. htt… -- Exe_Decision executemalware: Back from a couple
of days of vacation. Here are some #emotet (e4) IOCs from about 3 dozen emails
received today. https://t.co/48aPyAHrja -- executemalware fe_tsoc: RT
@executemalware: Back from a couple of days of vacation. Here are some #emotet
(e4) IOCs from about 3 dozen emails received today. htt… -- fe_tsoc Gate15_Jen:
RT @WaterISAC: In Today's Security & Resilience Update: Critical Systems Require
Unique Credentials, #Emotet Modifications to Infect More U… -- Gate15_Jen
JoaquinInfosec: RT @Cyberi_8: Everyone! I need your help: What legal themes
would you like to know in the fields of #CyberSecurity #infosec #OSINT #tech ??…
-- JoaquinInfosec JSharphand: RT @HackenProof: Check out this great collection
of notes, checklists, and writeups on bug bounty hunting and web application
security by @… -- JSharphand OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 trying to login with account "test01" and password
"test01"… https://t.co/ZlyTkt7rUC -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was
detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-14 23:45:27.003139.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC
2022-06-14 23… https://t.co/I1remUHWAH -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-15 00:06:43.999955.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 trying to login with account "deploy" and password
"deploy"… https://t.co/4P6ZgffIlI -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was
detected from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6"
on UTC 2022-06-15 00… https://t.co/S1GpbctNoi -- OpenHoneypot PhilippeDARLEY:
After completing their own research on #ransomware encryption speeds, the
@Splunk SURGe team came back to test the… https://t.co/Gp1xTBiHNL --
PhilippeDARLEY sectest9: RT @cyberreport_io: QuSecure partners with DataBridge
Sites to help organizations protect against quantum attacks - Help Net Security
https… -- sectest9 SierraMilesTECH: How would you do on a quiz about ransomware?
For a reality check, view this infographic on ransomware-by-industry t…
https://t.co/3fw7qaXs7z -- SierraMilesTECH ttessks: RT @Cohesity: Most #backup
products were designed before #ransomware became a popular way of stealing data.
Their multiple-point architect… -- ttessks AlexAaronson80: RT @OsintTv:
????????Satellite image 06/14/22 Chinese aircraft carrier Type 003 in dry dock
in #Shanghai, #China #Osint #Navy https://t.co/nOf… -- AlexAaronson80
beefyspace: RT @bvatechninja: Check out our other socials to learn more about
this malicious attack method!#Linux #malware #rootkit #cybersecurity #cyb… --
beefyspace Blogging__Guide: How to Spot a Phishing Email - Open Source
Intelligence - Medium - via @pensignal https://t.co/CtalFNjrpO #tips…
https://t.co/KVVlHC3mn8 -- Blogging__Guide bvatechninja: Check out our other
socials to learn more about this malicious attack method!#Linux #malware
#rootkit… https://t.co/Ml6lo8O7ek -- bvatechninja captain_langat: RT @rtehrani:
Chinese hackers are going after American routers – How to protect yours
https://t.co/sLDqrUXfH6 #Cybersecurity #cybercrime… -- captain_langat
CyberSecurityN8: RT @bvatechninja: Check out our other socials to learn more
about this malicious attack method!#Linux #malware #rootkit #cybersecurity #cyb…
-- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @rtehrani: Chinese hackers are going
after American routers – How to protect yours https://t.co/sLDqrUXfH6
#Cybersecurity #cybercrime… -- CyberSecurityN8 cybsecbot: In the past 24 hours,
4091 IoC's were submitted and #Emotet is the most seen #malware family on
abuse[.]ch -- cybsecbot ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://souscription-netflix[.]com #phishing #internetbs -- ecarlesi
Eightfold14: RT @Eightfold14: For the absolute finest in #OSINT & #DFIR
platforms, I like the https://t.co/c8USAZDT82 distro the very best. 30+ years
st… -- Eightfold14 Eightfold14: For the absolute finest in #OSINT & #DFIR
platforms, I like the https://t.co/c8USAZDT82 distro the very best. 30+ y…
https://t.co/sarW7HWPuS -- Eightfold14 GhanshayamMish2: RT @PatMayock:
Innovation from HPE, StoreEver and LTO-9 solutions, 2 minute video:
https://t.co/2i7xeolouU #activearchive #airgap #cloud #c… -- GhanshayamMish2
HealthISAC: TODAY in Tokyo! 100+ healthcare security professionals are
collaborating at the Health-ISAC and Medical ISAC Japan Healthcare Cybersecurity
Workshop. View the upcoming workshop schedule will here: https://t.co/l3oog8fJp9
#healthit #iomt https: -- HealthISAC InfinityVC_: RT @omnia_protocol:
#Compliance is one of our biggest advantages. #Phishing, #NFT frontrunning, and
malicious dox are just some of the thre… -- InfinityVC_ infosec_tattle: RT
@TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks?
I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- infosec_tattle
madhv_ms: RT @madame_https: Interested in the darkest corners of the deep web?
???????? I wrote an article showing the most used types of captchas on the T… --
madhv_ms MalwarePatrol: Another active #Phishing targeting Microsoft URL:
hxxp://atowalletconnect.tax/ #onpatrol4malware (bot generated)
https://t.co/69C0d0PCpY -- MalwarePatrol pingineer_jp:
hxxps://direct[.]smbc[.]co[.]jp[.]sqgkhg[.]com/ #Phishing #scam #フィッシング
#フィッシングメール #SMBC #三井住友銀行 #三井住友 #SMBCダイレクト -- pingineer_jp RDSWEB: RT @soelsec:
Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) principal use cases. @VTFoundation #internship
#osint #osintforgood #VTFoundation #intelli… -- RDSWEB readzachary: RT @shapsio:
6/14 #phish #TIPH: btv89, des moines94, memphish95, dublin2(97), fukuoka00, trey
w/M mansfield02, mike/leo broo03, trey c'bus0… -- readzachary RedPacketSec: A
flaw in Zimbra email suite allows stealing login credentials of the users -
https://t.co/euW4Au9RGM #Hacking #OSINT #Security #Threatintel -- RedPacketSec
rtehrani: A hacked Kaiser Permanente employee’s emails led to breach of 70,000
patient records https://t.co/obhOQezSR2… https://t.co/2fELz2tclw -- rtehrani
rtehrani: Chinese hackers are going after American routers – How to protect
yours https://t.co/sLDqrUXfH6 #Cybersecurity… https://t.co/qKVCtrxvnJ --
rtehrani rtehrani: US defence contractor in talks to take over NSO Group’s
hacking technology https://t.co/uFOP62V11W #Cybersecurity…
https://t.co/qgUJDWMTMV -- rtehrani rtehrani: Ransomware gang creates site for
employees to search for their stolen data https://t.co/Eh9OtvulgV
#Cybersecurity… https://t.co/UFj9AF5RwK -- rtehrani RuOilTracker:
????????->???????? ACE 110,000 tons of crude oil From: Novorossiysk To: #Burgas
#Bulgaria #russianoil #osint #sanctions… https://t.co/ZAnu5xrfrd -- RuOilTracker
sectest9: RT @bvatechninja: Check out our other socials to learn more about this
malicious attack method!#Linux #malware #rootkit #cybersecurity #cyb… --
sectest9 sectest9: RT @rtehrani: Chinese hackers are going after American
routers – How to protect yours https://t.co/sLDqrUXfH6 #Cybersecurity
#cybercrime… -- sectest9 Sigma19001: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE*** #Russian
Navy landing ships in Black Sea today #OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar
https://t.co/aC7XBIyFyh -- Sigma19001 soelsec: Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)
principal use cases. @VTFoundation #internship #osint #osintforgood…
https://t.co/7hzSONI9LA -- soelsec TeldatCorp: Use Case | Security & Public
administration https://t.co/32sBBdGtZF #TeldatBeSAFE #malware
#malwareprotection… https://t.co/KMcm4UOkvh -- TeldatCorp threat_404: RT
@lobsterlarryliu: East China Sea, satellite capture US Navy coastal combat ship
#OSINT https://t.co/BBrjs01u9B -- threat_404 Ultrascan419: Florida Exec Wanted
for Fraud Is Nabbed on a Jet Ski Bound for Cuba - The Daily Beast: Ernesto Cruz
Graveran, a 54-… https://t.co/teaRvUWR2b -- Ultrascan419 Ultrascan419:
Australians warned over convincing Medicare scam text warning of COVID close
contact exposure: It comes as the scam… https://t.co/w8hAh4uPZo -- Ultrascan419
Ultrascan419: South Texas mayor arrested on federal fraud, bribery charges -
https://t.co/EjMUvkWXnt: The City of Penitas Mayor w… https://t.co/HKBGJadrXy --
Ultrascan419 CSIRT_Telconet: Vulnerabilidad Zero Day Zimbra – CVE-2022-27924
permite que los atacantes roben credenciales de inicio de sesión sin
autenticación https://t.co/frlH3vTJPt #vulnerability #Zimbra #zeroday #CVE
https://t.co/8HOq1TC9VS -- CSIRT_Telconet USCERT_gov: SAP has released its June
2022 security updates to address vulnerabilities in multiple products. Read more
at https://t.co/z477OJKqps. #Cybersecurity #InfoSec #PatchTuesday -- USCERT_gov
USCERT_gov: Citrix has released security updates for Application Delivery
Management. Learn more at https://t.co/ImKW5o603G. #Cybersecurity #InfoSec
#PatchTuesday -- USCERT_gov beefyspace: RT @LanceSchukies: Metasploit 6.2.0
comes with 138 new modules, 148 enhancements and features - Help Net Security
#cybersecurity #infosec… -- beefyspace BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
petrifiedwood[.]xyz PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-… https://t.co/v7y4mVa5Ll -- BforeAi c4d_official: RT @itsoknottobegay:
@RealJasonMarcus @CrookedIntriago  Homo Ass Shit #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #… -- c4d_official CyberSecurityN8: RT
@BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : petrifiedwood[.]xyz PreCrime Threat
Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False… -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @Info_Sec_Buzz: Rogue Actors Slipping Through The Cracks
Into Business’ Internal Networks Cybercriminals are now spending longer inside…
-- CyberSecurityN8 Detroit_Riddler: RT @itsoknottobegay: @Bozzopack @bassheader
 Look At My Fan Club #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming
#DataScience #Acad… -- Detroit_Riddler Detroit_Riddler: RT @HeroinVerbal: ...
Take A Picture, You won't see another chance #NASA #waterpowercar #ecofriendly
#green #hybridbikes #americaninventor… -- Detroit_Riddler FreedomNetTech: What
does prioritizing cybersecurity at the leadership level entail? - Help Net
Security https://t.co/UhuLzN43JV… https://t.co/sCbfgQSftc -- FreedomNetTech
ghostybughunter: RT @daffainfo: Hi! I created a repository that contains some
tips on using the match and replace feature in burpsuite #bugbountytips #bugb…
-- ghostybughunter Info_Sec_Buzz: Rogue Actors Slipping Through The Cracks Into
Business’ Internal Networks Cybercriminals are now spending longer i…
https://t.co/UBQ1kU7eK7 -- Info_Sec_Buzz LanceSchukies: Azure issues remain for
months, complain flaw finders • #cybersecurity #infosec #hacker #cyberattack
#phishing… https://t.co/gJuBdL59QX -- LanceSchukies sectest9: RT @BforeAi:
Predicted Malicious Domain : petrifiedwood[.]xyz PreCrime Threat Intelligence by
@BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT
@Info_Sec_Buzz: Rogue Actors Slipping Through The Cracks Into Business’ Internal
Networks Cybercriminals are now spending longer inside… -- sectest9
TheCuriousLuke: RT @itsoknottobegay: @lilpapabean @KIIARA  Visual AIDS
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitte… -- TheCuriousLuke UnlimitedCursor: RT @itsoknottobegay:
@Bozzopack @bassheader  Look At My Fan Club #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #Acad… -- UnlimitedCursor
UnlimitedCursor: RT @HeroinVerbal: ... Take A Picture, You won't see another
chance #NASA #waterpowercar #ecofriendly #green #hybridbikes #americaninventor…
-- UnlimitedCursor UnlimitedCursor: RT @itsoknottobegay: @RealJasonMarcus
@CrookedIntriago  Homo Ass Shit #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #… -- UnlimitedCursor AquiaSolutions: Microsoft
Patches 'Follina' Zero-Day Flaw in Monthly Security Update: Here are which
Microsoft patches to prioritiz… https://t.co/vDHZ2intk6 -- AquiaSolutions
CyberIQs_: Ransomware Group Debuts Searchable Victim Data #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel… https://t.co/MXXTinPFUl -- CyberIQs_ CyberIQs_:
Chinese Threat Actor Employs Fake Removable Devices as #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel… https://t.co/VfS1liwpM6 -- CyberIQs_ CyberIQs_:
Veterans Explain How Military Service Prepared Them #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel… https://t.co/nmHVzG8Zwf -- CyberIQs_
CyberSecurityN8: RT @chaoticneutr4l: Howdy everyone, welcome to volume No. 23 of
TRIAGE Tuesday, the top 5 Threat Intel stories of the week! The breakdown f… --
CyberSecurityN8 databreach9111: RT @ValTools1: If your account is Hacked, or
your Account being tempered with, All you need is a Good hacker... Inbox now for
all Hacking S… -- databreach9111 databreach9111: RT @jimguckin: I will stand on
my soapbox, that users need to be aware of #phishing messages and not fear to
check if it's real or not... K… -- databreach9111 di993r: RT @CovertShores:
***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy landing warships and grain ships off Sevastopol today
This corrects previous tweet (delete… -- di993r ElTerribleIvan8: RT @BenDoBrown:
This is such an important #OSINT investigative documentary digging into
Chinese-made racist videos exploiting African child… -- ElTerribleIvan8
ExciteTech: RT @threatpost: Actors claiming to be the defunct #ransomware group
are targeting one of Akami’s customers with a Layer 7 attack, demanding… --
ExciteTech incastillo: .@RubrikInc Threat Hunting analyzes backup snapshots and
provides insights that help avoid malware reinfection duri…
https://t.co/dPei4TFYhF -- incastillo JockerSafe: RT @DailyOsint: Workflow chart
for #location #OSINT @IntelTechniques #infosec #OSINT #reconnaissance #GEOINT
#mindmap #geolocation #intel… -- JockerSafe Karla50784956: #Russian artillery at
unknown location clip 2 #OSINT #osintukraine @GeoConfirmed @Noobieshunta_
@neonhandrail… https://t.co/vNyvl4gp7V -- Karla50784956 Karla50784956: #Russian
artillery at an unknown location clip 1 #OSINT #osintukraine @GeoConfirmed
@neonhandrail @kargolow… https://t.co/2Fh8VXXyW9 -- Karla50784956 LarsWienand:
Welcome to #TuesdayQuiz! Where did I take the photo? For what reason may I have
been there? ????Want help: retwee… https://t.co/7c4wqLJ0bj -- LarsWienand
leabhart: RT @chaoticneutr4l: Howdy everyone, welcome to volume No. 23 of TRIAGE
Tuesday, the top 5 Threat Intel stories of the week! The breakdown f… --
leabhart Lookout: What are the most common entry points of a #ransomware attack?
Watch our latest webinar with @Microsoft CSO Sarah A… https://t.co/JoIPN6LEyi --
Lookout NuruKlara: RT @Cohesity: Is #Microsoft365 data completely protected from
#ransomware? The short answer is NO. Here's why, from @dougko: https://t.co… --
NuruKlara OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022
with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-14 22…
https://t.co/ZF6stHUYlg -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 trying to login with account "root" and password
"Huawei123"… https://t.co/8zPz71FJKM -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-14 22:01:04.907492.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OSINTDojo: RT @LarsWienand: Welcome to
#TuesdayQuiz! Where did I take the photo? For what reason may I have been there?
????Want help: retweet! ????Sol… -- OSINTDojo peotools: Hacking is way Easier
when you contact the right hacker. Inbox me now for all your hacking services
I'm always ava… https://t.co/tDzJNbzcqe -- peotools peotools: Hacking is way
Easier when you contact the right hacker. Inbox me now for all your hacking
services I'm always ava… https://t.co/qfDceGDxx2 -- peotools peotools: Hacking
is way Easier when you contact the right hacker. Inbox me now for all your
hacking services I'm always ava… https://t.co/Now3XzHSoW -- peotools post_fact:
RT @brechtcastel: Tomorrow we'll publish a new #OSINT investigation on the war
in Ukraine. ???????? Stay tuned! We = @Techjournalisto, @ArchitMe… -- post_fact
quiztime: RT @LarsWienand: Welcome to #TuesdayQuiz! Where did I take the photo?
For what reason may I have been there? ????Want help: retweet! ????Sol… --
quiztime reachnaresh: RT @Cohesity: Increasing #ransomware incidents & a
“Shields Up” warning from @CISAgov have made #cybersecurity an even higher
priority for… -- reachnaresh RedPacketSec: Addressing Cyber Risk with a Unified
Platform - https://t.co/iKQKjI31wA #OSINT #Security #Threatintel -- RedPacketSec
RedPacketSec: Gshell - A Flexible And Scalable Cross-Plaform Shell Generator
Tool - https://t.co/p0eO3byajO #Hacking #OSINT #Security #Threatintel #Tools --
RedPacketSec rustscrew: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy landing
warships and grain ships off Sevastopol today This corrects previous tweet
(delete… -- rustscrew SecReporting: Effective data protection requires more than
just a backup product. With the rise of #ransomware & other…
https://t.co/NJpTlRLD3K -- SecReporting sectest9: RT @chaoticneutr4l: Howdy
everyone, welcome to volume No. 23 of TRIAGE Tuesday, the top 5 Threat Intel
stories of the week! The breakdown f… -- sectest9 SolutionsShelby: 43% of online
attacks are targeting small businesses (SMBs). #Ransomware remains one of the
most common types of… https://t.co/ZKmbM76XkT -- SolutionsShelby tip_intel: Know
how MSSPs who are tasked to protect clients from attacks can add additional
layers of protection by integratin… https://t.co/MOxGh7VCQb -- tip_intel
ValTools1: If your account is Hacked, or your Account being tempered with, All
you need is a Good hacker... Inbox now for all… https://t.co/CrSVyco8Ev --
ValTools1 ValTools1: As soon as you Notice any Hack on your account!! Text me
now for Snapchat account hack guaranteed #snap #snapchat…
https://t.co/cubuR9sCNU -- ValTools1 xaelbot: RT @itsoknottobegay: @Bozzopack
@bassheader  Look At My Fan Club #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #Acad… -- xaelbot ABFilipczak: RT @_Vault_Security:
Did you know that there are over 350,000 new strains of #malware discovered each
day? #infosec #cybersecurity #cybers… -- ABFilipczak ABFilipczak: RT
@_Vault_Security: Malware is short for malicious software. #infosec #malware
#malicious #informationsecurity #ransomware #spyware#Cyber… -- ABFilipczak
beefyspace: RT @LanceSchukies: Microsoft: Ransomware gangs are using unpatched
Exchange servers to gain access, so get updating | ZDNet #cybersecurity… --
beefyspace bizarchive: I get to see my next #Phish show exactly one month from
tonight (and a bunch of times after that throughout the sum…
https://t.co/2Kdn7eA55v -- bizarchive CyberSecDN: New hard to detect #malware
attacks discovered on #Linux-based systems | TechSpot https://t.co/4vQbmhx1FZ
#Sec_Cyber -- CyberSecDN CyberSecurityN8: RT @LanceSchukies: Microsoft:
Ransomware gangs are using unpatched Exchange servers to gain access, so get
updating | ZDNet #cybersecurity… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT
@CyberIQs_: Ransomware Group Debuts Searchable Victim Data #infosec
#infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence #hacki… --
CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @MichaelGouldCRI: #Ukraine's CERT is warning
that the #Russian hacking group #Sandworm may be exploiting #Follina, an RCE
vulnerability… -- CyberSecurityN8 ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://easelizabes[.]buzz/Inv_Office365%20(2)[.]zip #phishing #opendir --
ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://mutuelledfrance[.]com/mailwizz-v2[.]1[.]10[.]zip #phishing #opendir #nc
https://t.co/nx46iWZgTu -- ecarlesi LanceSchukies: Microsoft: Ransomware gangs
are using unpatched Exchange servers to gain access, so get updating | ZDNet…
https://t.co/1M8UV6CKgx -- LanceSchukies LanceSchukies: ICS Patch Tuesday:
Siemens, Schneider Electric Address Over 80 Vulnerabilities | #cybersecurity
#infosec #hacker… https://t.co/SVugc5GdW5 -- LanceSchukies n3t_security:
2022-06-13 - TA578 thread-hijacked email --> Bumblebee --> Cobalt Strike
https://t.co/OcpYfepfkN #PCAP and #malware -- n3t_security NEI: .@johnAgorman
knows that #nuclear energy has one of the highest output capacities of any
source of #energy. He’s not the only one: https://t.co/u7pdcptZe0
https://t.co/yNLkxawl9T -- NEI PhishFindR: In the Last 24 Hours ???? PhishFindR
Found: 917 NEW #Phishing Links ???? 576 NEW Phishing Domains ???? >…
https://t.co/IaRaQc3sfE -- PhishFindR purpl3f0xsec: Seems a new #phishing scheme
is hitting @discord. Bots/hijacked accounts spam discord invites. The server
then asks… https://t.co/6ZPw2cY1pL -- purpl3f0xsec renisac: Some great pointers!
https://t.co/Y7LgteJ8ig -- renisac sectest9: RT @LanceSchukies: Microsoft:
Ransomware gangs are using unpatched Exchange servers to gain access, so get
updating | ZDNet #cybersecurity… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_: Ransomware
Group Debuts Searchable Victim Data #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel #threatintelligence #hacki… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT
@MichaelGouldCRI: #Ukraine's CERT is warning that the #Russian hacking group
#Sandworm may be exploiting #Follina, an RCE vulnerability… -- sectest9
TeldatCorp: Solution #TeldatbeSAFE Premium | Combining SD-WAN with Security
https://t.co/6JLsqpmwEi #networktrafficanalysis… https://t.co/a5f0WmYjxX --
TeldatCorp Ultrascan419: Officials: Fraud suspect caught heading to Cuba on Jet
Ski | Star Tribune: A Cuban man charged in a $4.2 million Me…
https://t.co/KUpWVPSECv -- Ultrascan419 Ultrascan419: Congress examines massive
fraud involving pandemic aid to small businesses: A congressional panel today
will examin… https://t.co/1HtFWU8kKL -- Ultrascan419 Ultrascan419: Fertility
Fraud: what happens when your conception begins with deception? - The Verge: An
AncestryDNA test revealed… https://t.co/asHpvx1VhR -- Ultrascan419 Ultrascan419:
Trump Spread Claims of Election Fraud Debunked by His Own Legal Team, Jan. 6
Panel Says: Former President Donald Tr… https://t.co/G3DS5ttS9w -- Ultrascan419
WaterISAC: In Today's Security & Resilience Update: Critical Systems Require
Unique Credentials, #Emotet Modifications to Infect More Users, Increase in
Vacation Themed Phishing, and more. Full bulletin here - https://t.co/RDgTf9swWv
#cybersecurity -- WaterISAC CSIRTGOB: #CSIRTGob advierte #phishing con falsa
cuenta bloqueada. Más información aquí: https://t.co/tzwapmq8KD Para más alertas
y vulnerabilidades ingresa a https://t.co/y5f2vdRY06 https://t.co/UJwL7IkNnF --
CSIRTGOB USCERT_gov: 1 new #KEV update for you! Visit https://t.co/V0HHJnYaJz to
see the latest #CVE that's been added to the Known Exploited Vulnerabilities
Catalog. #VulnerabilityManagement #Cybersecurity #CyberSquad #CriticalUpdate
https://t.co/yNowXcEZrF -- USCERT_gov apmurray123: Multifactor authentication
could be long haul for some federal agencies, CISA official says #IT #CIO #data…
https://t.co/VrEJY8qaI7 -- apmurray123 CMoschovitis: New Linux Malware Symbiote
is "Nearly Impossible to Detect" A group of cybersecurity researchers from… #IT
#CIO… https://t.co/vhs07Bn8y3 -- CMoschovitis CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi:
Predicted Malicious Domain : theregarded[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by
@BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Po… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8:
RT @CMoschovitis: New Linux Malware Symbiote is "Nearly Impossible to Detect" A
group of cybersecurity researchers from… #IT #CIO #data… -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @HackRead: ⚡️ The owner of "#DownThem"
DDoS-for-hire-service, from Illinois, USA was arrested after an extensive
crackdown by the #FBI a… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @humintcareers:
@CybersecuritySF talks how cybercrime is, statistically, the greatest threat to
every company in the world. https://t.c… -- CyberSecurityN8 Ksecureteamlab: RT
@HackRead: ⚡️ The owner of "#DownThem" DDoS-for-hire-service, from Illinois, USA
was arrested after an extensive crackdown by the #FBI a… -- Ksecureteamlab
sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : theregarded[.]com PreCrime
Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Po… -- sectest9
sectest9: RT @CMoschovitis: New Linux Malware Symbiote is "Nearly Impossible to
Detect" A group of cybersecurity researchers from… #IT #CIO #data… -- sectest9
sectest9: RT @HackRead: ⚡️ The owner of "#DownThem" DDoS-for-hire-service, from
Illinois, USA was arrested after an extensive crackdown by the #FBI a… --
sectest9 911tools: Track any missing device #gmailhack #gmaildown #hacked
#Hacking #hackaccount #hacked #icloud #facebookdown… https://t.co/24SThmXMAj --
911tools Antonym_Anthem_: RT @eighth_mile: @Enter_Entendre @MenstraulM
@MamasMatter2 @Eminem  The Timing Is Uncanny #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#Programming #DataSc… -- Antonym_Anthem_ Antonym_Anthem_: RT @eighth_mile:
@ShadyRecords  That You Slim? #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Machin… -- Antonym_Anthem_
Antonym_Anthem_: RT @HeroinVerbal: @msubootcamp  Whats Your Procedure
#100DaysOfCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning
#Serverles… -- Antonym_Anthem_ Antonym_Anthem_: RT @itsoknottobegay: @Bozzopack
@bassheader  Look At My Fan Club #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #Acad… -- Antonym_Anthem_ Antonym_Anthem_: RT
@eighth_mile:  Checking All The Boxes #100DaysOfCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning #Serverless #ML #IoTP… -- Antonym_Anthem_
Antonym_Anthem_: RT @Mobile_Morgue: @HORSESHOEGANG  Take It At Face Value
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitt… -- Antonym_Anthem_ Antonym_Anthem_: RT @eighth_mile:
@SonnyBoy2323 @Enter_Entendre @Eminem  Second Take #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #Ac… -- Antonym_Anthem_ Antonym_Anthem_:
RT @itsoknottobegay: @realCHVSE  Gay Rappers < #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Machi… --
Antonym_Anthem_ b3nhack_: Inbox now for help and guide on how to recover lost
accounts. #hacked #icloud #facebookdown #imessage #ransomware…
https://t.co/Q7WZr0QpGW -- b3nhack_ b3nhack_: You lost your account? A good
hacker is all you need. DM now. #hacked #icloud #facebookdown #imessage
#ransomware… https://t.co/gDcaao9SIB -- b3nhack_ b3nhack_: Hacking attempts on
your device? DM now for risk free security solutions. #hacked #icloud
#facebookdown #imessage… https://t.co/EBfcSXv1Tf -- b3nhack_ b3nhack_: Recover
locked/lost accounts with ease, DM for all account retrievals. #gmailhack
#gmaildown #hacked #Hacking… https://t.co/XqQYoq8hYY -- b3nhack_ b3nhack_: Inbox
now for all account recovery services,Lost or suspended, Inbox now let's get it
done. #hacked #icloud… https://t.co/3szNsqB2eP -- b3nhack_ b3nhack_: Have a lost
account you want to recover but don't know how? Inbox now for guide on how to
recover your account imme… https://t.co/vr2wj1KYBh -- b3nhack_ b3nhack_: Inbox
now for help and guide on how to recover lost accounts. #hacked #icloud
#facebookdown #imessage #ransomware… https://t.co/9NmgOmpmuT -- b3nhack_
b3nhack_: Offering the best recovery services. All social media accounts
hacking, Infiltration, and recovery.… https://t.co/uwqZVlo818 -- b3nhack_
beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxp://smmc[.]support/sb[.]zip
#phishing #opendir #porkbun -- beefyspace chuksjonia: #Qbot and #Bumblebee plus
#Emotet operators, seem to be talking to each other on TTPs as they build their
tools. -- chuksjonia CyberSecurityN8: RT @CyberIQs_: Google: SBOMs Effective
Only if They Map to Known Vulns #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel #threatintelligen… -- CyberSecurityN8 DefendCampaigns: RT
@BFCXguru: This #infographic from @UnfoldLabs presents the facts, trends, and
threats of #cybersecurity in 2022: https://t.co/FeuZMajwe6… -- DefendCampaigns
DevRetweetBot: RT @eighth_mile: @Enter_Entendre @MenstraulM @MamasMatter2
@Eminem  The Timing Is Uncanny #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #Programming #DataSc…
-- DevRetweetBot ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://maxkhoshi[.]com/Plugins/redux-framework[.]zip #opendir -- ecarlesi
ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxp://maxkhoshi[.]com/Plugins/js_composer[.]zip
#opendir -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
#opendir -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://smmc[.]support/sb2/supportboard%203[.]5[.]0[.]zip #phishing #opendir
#porkbun https://t.co/CBNDCkhSH8 -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://smmc[.]support/sb/sb[.]zip #phishing #opendir #porkbun
https://t.co/ViH9AsdtFu -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://smmc[.]support/sb[.]zip #phishing #opendir #porkbun -- ecarlesi ecarlesi:
Possible threat on hxxps://halktanguncelltr[.]store/form[.]zip #phishing
#opendir -- ecarlesi ELF_at_Cohesity: RT @Cohesity: Minimize the risk of data
exfiltration with #Cohesity Threat Defense. Discover sensitive data and detect
suspicious anomalie… -- ELF_at_Cohesity JinibaBD: RT @JinibaBD:
????????‍♂️????#Emotet malware now steals credit cards from #Google #Chrome
users #ThreatIntel #Phishing #ransomware #cyberattacks #p… -- JinibaBD
MicroFocusSec: RT @netcerebral: Get the key findings for 2021 from the
#CyberResGalaxy Annual Report, via @tahawultech. #ThreatHunting
#ThreatIntelligenc… -- MicroFocusSec msspalert: M&A: Microsoft acquires Miburo
for #ThreatIntelligence #Detection #Response & #Cybersecurity skills.…
https://t.co/YkhzlsU9ah -- msspalert nani_wilson: RT @ecarlesi: Possible threat
on hxxp://maxkhoshi[.]com/Plugins/redux-framework[.]zip #opendir -- nani_wilson
OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH
version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-14 19… https://t.co/Vx09YJs1pe --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 on UTC 2022-06-14 19:55:39.078749. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot
OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 trying to
login with account "eduardo" and password "eduardo… https://t.co/cBowcPtbpJ --
OpenHoneypot PyScaleLLC: RT @apmurray123: Multifactor authentication could be
long haul for some federal agencies, CISA official says #IT #CIO #data #bigdata
#te… -- PyScaleLLC PyScaleLLC: RT @CMoschovitis: New Linux Malware Symbiote is
"Nearly Impossible to Detect" A group of cybersecurity researchers from… #IT
#CIO #data… -- PyScaleLLC sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_: Google: SBOMs Effective Only
if They Map to Known Vulns #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligen… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @humintcareers: @CybersecuritySF
talks how cybercrime is, statistically, the greatest threat to every company in
the world. https://t.c… -- sectest9 WarnerChad: RT @rickhholland: I'm VERY
excited to join @TheHackerValley "Technical Divided" show w @CharityW4CTI,
@ronaldeddings, & @chrishvm this Thur… -- WarnerChad XeronBot: RT @eighth_mile:
@Enter_Entendre @MenstraulM @MamasMatter2 @Eminem  The Timing Is Uncanny
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #Programming #DataSc… -- XeronBot 1KosmosBlockID:
What are the different types of business email compromise attacks? How can they
be prevented? @identity4authnz ans… https://t.co/QS2xJN0vpz -- 1KosmosBlockID
ABojorges21: RT @_Vault_Security: Anatomy of phishing attack #infosec
#cybersecuritytips #cybersec #cybersecurity #scam #malicious #malware
#ransomware… -- ABojorges21 akawombat42: RT @braingain: @jakecreps Thank you for
sharing! Find other #OSINT material on https://t.co/iTo1FOajNB -- akawombat42
akawombat42: RT @jakecreps: From this month's #OSINT newsletter: @braingain
shared a very cool Yandex hack last year. While searching Yandex from a Rus… --
akawombat42 akawombat42: RT @PhishStats: https://t.co/MAuIXRvYiq detected 30 new
websites hosting #phishing | new today: 1239 | #infosec #cybersecurity #malware
htt… -- akawombat42 Amigo_A_: This is related to #ZZZ #Locker #Ransomware from
December 2021, which even antiviruses missed. https://t.co/lkawu7NyoO
https://t.co/v85Zyutcvc -- Amigo_A_ beefyspace: RT @bartmcd: Do you know how
#cybercrime adversaries get in? via @NakedSecurity https://t.co/hC4uJu7AiA
#cybersecurity #cyberaware #securit… -- beefyspace beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi:
Possible threat on hxxps://halktanguncelltr[.]store/form[.]zip #phishing
#opendir -- beefyspace beefyspace: RT @fourcorelabs: According to IBM, Phishing
Attacks can cost organisations over $4mn in the event of a breach and is the
second-most frequ… -- beefyspace beefyspace: RT @CyberIQs_: Microsoft June 2022
Patch Tuesday, (Tue, Jun 14th) #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel #threatintelligence #h… -- beefyspace beefyspace: RT @CyberIQs_:
New botnet and cryptominer Panchan attacking Linux #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence #h… -- beefyspace benny_de: RT
@inversecos: #ThreatIntel: Chinese threat actors install backdoors in iOS crypto
wallets MetaMask, CoinBase. Read @lordx64 brilliant wr… -- benny_de byeolfish:
RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my
bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… --
byeolfish CyberDFIR: RT @bartmcd: Do you know how #cybercrime adversaries get
in? via @NakedSecurity https://t.co/hC4uJu7AiA #cybersecurity #cyberaware
#securit… -- CyberDFIR CyberDFIR: RT @CyberIQs_: Microsoft June 2022 Patch
Tuesday, (Tue, Jun 14th) #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligence #h… -- CyberDFIR CyberDFIR: RT @CyberIQs_: New botnet and
cryptominer Panchan attacking Linux #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel #threatintelligence #h… -- CyberDFIR CyberDFIR: RT @CyberIQs_:
Incognia Introduces Location-Based Liveness Spoofing #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence… -- CyberDFIR CyberDFIR: RT
@CyberIQs_: Google: SBOMs Effective Only if They Map to Known Vulns #infosec
#infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligen… -- CyberDFIR
dallendoug: RT @ReconVillage: ** Announcement ** We have extended the deadline
for submitting to our CFP. ????️ The last date to Submit is now the 27th… --
dallendoug Dataprise: Ransomware is a type of #malware designed to encrypt a
victim's information upon activation, thereby leaving the fi…
https://t.co/y0tXRSntwG -- Dataprise defcon: RT @ReconVillage: ** Announcement
** We have extended the deadline for submitting to our CFP. ????️ The last date
to Submit is now the 27th… -- defcon DefconParrot: RT @ReconVillage: **
Announcement ** We have extended the deadline for submitting to our CFP. ????️
The last date to Submit is now the 27th… -- DefconParrot dmmcghee: RT
@KatherineCedu: As if staff and students don't have enough on their plates!
Great share on some of ways to stay ahead of targeted #phish… -- dmmcghee
FjRoebersen: RT @UKikaski: Earlier Today: #LNR militants packed for battle and
headed somewhere--probably #Severodonetsk. Not sure if any locals can geo… --
FjRoebersen FOSSLIFE: Symbiote Linux malware virtually invisible to detection
https://t.co/TbH2DWUcZs #security #malware #Linux #Symbiote…
https://t.co/N5LUZFPwhk -- FOSSLIFE iot_marketing: #Hacker Advertises ‘Crappy’
#Ransomware on #Instagram #Cybersecurity #Cyberattacks #Malware #SecurityBreach…
https://t.co/f3w9IvU6lI -- iot_marketing istihbarat1800: ALTAI-Crude Oil Tanker,
IMO 9446427/MMSI 538004508. Departed from Novorossiysk, Russia on 12/06/2022, In
less than… https://t.co/8GhueAidhc -- istihbarat1800 janaksundhar85: RT
@TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks?
I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- janaksundhar85
KatherineCedu: As if staff and students don't have enough on their plates! Great
share on some of ways to stay ahead of targeted… https://t.co/2c6POzrF2v --
KatherineCedu keritzy: RT @ozuma5119: Last week, over 10,000 Phishing Sites
targeting Japan???????? were created on .ci domain. (Côte d'Ivoire ????????,
Ivory Coast) These #P… -- keritzy Lost_Reflector: I consider myself to be pretty
okay at knowing what year a #PHiSH jam is from without having to look but there
is o… https://t.co/umwJqkVp6W -- Lost_Reflector michael_gazzano: RT
@AvananSecurity: Do you have eight hours to spare? #phishing #cybersecurity
#ransomware https://t.co/Ss9RuTUTXd -- michael_gazzano michael_gazzano: RT
@peteraCMO: How do you check your router for #malware? Learn how to secure your
router with these easy steps: https://t.co/4fgT1IKlPB #C… -- michael_gazzano
MillerTimeCars: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy landing ships in
Black Sea today #OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar https://t.co/aC7XBIyFyh --
MillerTimeCars Nexx_Mowarek: RT @brechtcastel: According to Russia ???????? "The
unexpected reveal of "innocent patients" with assault rifles showcased how the
Ukrainian mili… -- Nexx_Mowarek OmaikoMark: RT @ReconVillage: ** Announcement **
We have extended the deadline for submitting to our CFP. ????️ The last date to
Submit is now the 27th… -- OmaikoMark OSINTBean: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD
1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool
tools that I'm willing to sha… -- OSINTBean PhishStats: https://t.co/MAuIXRvYiq
detected 30 new websites hosting #phishing | new today: 1239 | #infosec
#cybersecurity… https://t.co/m3e6cxtbuV -- PhishStats pk_sharma2019:
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered adware and information-stealing
#malware on the Google Play Store last mo… https://t.co/u97WKLZovZ --
pk_sharma2019 RuOilTracker: ????????->? PHAETHON Departed Novorossiysk with
150,000 tons of crude oil. Bound for Bosphorus Strait and out of the B…
https://t.co/lTqUGBlQSM -- RuOilTracker seanjsmith09: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG
THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the
fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- seanjsmith09 sectest9: RT @bartmcd:
Do you know how #cybercrime adversaries get in? via @NakedSecurity
https://t.co/hC4uJu7AiA #cybersecurity #cyberaware #securit… -- sectest9
Ultrascan419: WATCH: US government failed to take prevent fraud in COVID-19
relief programs, Clyburn says: Democratic Rep. James… https://t.co/B7jaHewc9u --
Ultrascan419 WebStop4WD: #Fact: Everyone gets more than one #phishing #email
daily. @gmail has provided away to report those #Gmaill accoun…
https://t.co/msVAuHglxr -- WebStop4WD AmChemistry: The Performance Fluoropolymer
Partnership released a new study showing the vast majority of fluoropolymers and
fluoroelastomers meet the criteria as Polymers of Low Concern, posing minimal
threat to human health or environment. Learn more: h -- AmChemistry AmChemistry:
#PFAS are a diverse universe of chemistries that are critical to renewable
energy, medical equipment, and supply chain resiliency goals, among many other
uses. But all PFAS are not the same. Get the Facts here: https://t.co/BiQR66OFYr
https:/ -- AmChemistry HC_Ready: "Healthcare Ready is committed to working with
communities to create a future where, following a disaster or crisis, no one is
left behind!" Read about how @HC_Ready's new ED @TomCotterER plans to further
Healthcare Ready's mission driven work! -- HC_Ready renisac: Learn how to get
involved in Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2022! https://t.co/OzjDwfcOL2
#staysafeonline #highered #highereducation #cybersecurity #cyberawareness --
renisac renisac: Intelligence sharing: A Rick the Toolman episode.
https://t.co/fL6O1HwVQl https://t.co/vnfgZy0NIN -- renisac CERTpy:
⚠️Vulnerabilidades de RCE en Zoom ???? Afecta a las versiones anteriores a Zoom
5.10.0 ➡️para mas info: https://t.co/z5aMAoQfW8 https://t.co/iOs6jaze8F --
CERTpy CsirtEPN: ????En #teletrabajo recuerda mantener las medidas de seguridad
necesarias y evita ser víctima de los #ciberataques. Mas
información????https://t.co/gf0DA6J6oc @EPNEcuador @CEC_EPN2014 @FeponEPN
https://t.co/ZB8SXWx0Ex -- CsirtEPN CsirtEPN: ⚠️Hola, en estas jornadas de
#teletrabajo, haz de tu espacio un lugar #seguro ✅ Sigue nuestros consejos en
???? https://t.co/gf0DA6IyyE @EPNEcuador @CEC_EPN2014 https://t.co/RjfNp8F8WO --
CsirtEPN CSIRTGOB: ????Nuevas #vulnerabilidades parchadas en la nueva
actualización de #GoogleChrome | Más info: https://t.co/nNQFG6Jskm
https://t.co/eBs605AK7k -- CSIRTGOB USCERT_gov: Review Microsoft's June security
updates. https://t.co/DPLwY4BF4t #Cybersecurity #InfoSec -- USCERT_gov
_HappyHacker_: RT @Dhamu_offi: #bugbountytips #bugbounty I just published Java
Application WEB-INF Content Retrieved #java https://t.co/WZ2I7leOBm https… --
_HappyHacker_ apmurray123: A Long-Awaited Defense Against Data Leaks May Have
Just Arrived MongoDB claims its new… #IT #CIO #data #bigdata…
https://t.co/T7CONBmu5w -- apmurray123 bugbounty18: New Data-Stealing Malware
Impersonates Cracked CCleaner App In Recent Campaigns https://t.co/K0E0Qe1WWb
#bugbounty #bugbounties -- bugbounty18 buraaqsec: RT @RedHuntLabs: ???? We
scanned millions of Domains and Web Applications to study the secrets exposed
via client-side code. ???? This "Hunt" re… -- buraaqsec CMoschovitis: Cyber
Spetsnaz’s Operation Panopticon Launches Espionage Attacks #IT #CIO #data
#bigdata #tech #cybersecurity… https://t.co/GmuP4eSFpa -- CMoschovitis
CyberDFIR: RT @JinibaBD: ????????‍♂️????#Emotet malware now steals credit cards
from #Google #Chrome users #ThreatIntel #Phishing #ransomware #cyberattacks #p…
-- CyberDFIR CyberSecurityN8: RT @sratarun: Best ever Tools ???? for Bug Bounty
Hunters... via@Lohitaksh @ADITYASHENDE17 @Assass1nmarcos @Alra3ees #infosec
#bugbounty #b… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @liontarakos:
https://t.co/Bl6WPb7wGS I usually share individual tweets under the #7com1068
and #7com1069. This time is the whole accoun… -- CyberSecurityN8 cybsecbot: In
the past 24 hours, 2429 IoC's were submitted and #Emotet is the most seen
#malware family on abuse[.]ch -- cybsecbot ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://drbaharehbarzegar[.]com/wordpress-6[.]0-fa_IR[.]zip #phishing #opendir --
ecarlesi EpicRelevance: RT @mclynd: ????????The commercialization of #cybercrime
has created a more intense, risky and accelerating #threat environment for any
and all o… -- EpicRelevance HighTechPro: RT @mclynd: ????????The
commercialization of #cybercrime has created a more intense, risky and
accelerating #threat environment for any and all o… -- HighTechPro JagshantiF:
RT @Pramilanandini: "Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master"
Today at cybercell #Agra #GenderBasedViolence #sexualharassment… -- JagshantiF
joeclark947: RT @joeclark947: @symantec @CIOonline @kaspersky @TheHackersNews
@NortonOnline @AVGFree @ESET @avast_antivirus @officialmcafee @Malwarebyte… --
joeclark947 MaaPitambhara: RT @Pramilanandini: "Technology is a useful servant
but a dangerous master" Today at cybercell #Agra #GenderBasedViolence
#sexualharassment… -- MaaPitambhara mafer18199420: RT @mariya06025697: Skills of
#sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning #python #IoT #100DaysOfCode #programming
#CodeNewbie #reactjs #bugb… -- mafer18199420 Nutritionist_AP: RT @sidxparab:
Just Updated my Subdomain Enumeration Guide with new techniques, fixes, etc.
Have a look ???? Boost your Recon game !!???????? http… -- Nutritionist_AP
opensource_orgs: RT @bamitav: What is AI-powered #cybersecurity?
https://t.co/Gg3Dr4LiQX #AI #ML #DL #NLP #cyberwar #cybercrime #cyber #hacker
#privacy #A… -- opensource_orgs parkerrm39: RT @jawadmomani0: BloodHound Inner
Workings & Limitations – Part 1: User Rights Enumeration Through SAMR &
GPOLocalGroup #AppSec #infosec… -- parkerrm39 Pramilanandini: "Technology is a
useful servant but a dangerous master" Today at cybercell #Agra
#GenderBasedViolence… https://t.co/qbUPhVKwIh -- Pramilanandini rum4is: RT
@bamitav: What is AI-powered #cybersecurity? https://t.co/Gg3Dr4LiQX #AI #ML #DL
#NLP #cyberwar #cybercrime #cyber #hacker #privacy #A… -- rum4is rum4is: RT
@liontarakos: https://t.co/Bl6WPb7wGS I usually share individual tweets under
the #7com1068 and #7com1069. This time is the whole accoun… -- rum4is
ScottsLawnCares: RT @darklotuskdb: Useful #Shodan Dorks For #bugbounty. Shodan
CLI: 1. git clone https://t.co/nf3TeILKTN; cd easy_install; python2.7 https… --
ScottsLawnCares sectest9: RT @sratarun: Best ever Tools ???? for Bug Bounty
Hunters... via@Lohitaksh @ADITYASHENDE17 @Assass1nmarcos @Alra3ees #infosec
#bugbounty #b… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @liontarakos: https://t.co/Bl6WPb7wGS I
usually share individual tweets under the #7com1068 and #7com1069. This time is
the whole accoun… -- sectest9 SteveHorneman: RT @mclynd: ????????The
commercialization of #cybercrime has created a more intense, risky and
accelerating #threat environment for any and all o… -- SteveHorneman
STJ_SYRIA_ENG: On 18 April 2022, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad issued Law No.
20 of 2022, relative to #cybercrime . The law pro… https://t.co/mYTkPE9b8P --
STJ_SYRIA_ENG TheBugBot: RT @mayank_pandey01: Found An 403 bypass. Used the
"Forward" Header with all its 3 arguments. No other Headers Worked For me in
this case.… -- TheBugBot TheEE_io: Back from the dead, #Emotet returns in 2022 -
The EE https://t.co/A1MiGwneKL #malware #phishing #trojan
https://t.co/8dH0WnIyLv -- TheEE_io WaltManning1: Small Businesses Struggle With
an Increase in Cyberattacks (because they don't believe they will be a target)…
https://t.co/30XA5FAxpZ -- WaltManning1 alex_dobrinin: RT @CovertShores:
***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy landing ships in Black Sea today #OSINT
#UkraineRussiaWar https://t.co/aC7XBIyFyh -- alex_dobrinin angelina5406: See how
cyber threat trends have shifted over the year to better prepare your org’s
defenses with the… https://t.co/qqeO0bdrvn -- angelina5406 AquiaSolutions:
Chinese Threat Actor Employs Fake Removable Devices as Lures in Cyber Espionage
Campaign: "Aoqin Dragon" has been o… https://t.co/hJt5GYP1uW -- AquiaSolutions
CyberIQs_: Optiv MXDR Enhances Detection Coverage With Expanded #infosec
#infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel… https://t.co/33ITU8Ze2b -- CyberIQs_
cyberreport_io: A message from Coinbase CEO and Cofounder, Brian Armstrong
https://t.co/OZXVnKFtug #cybersecurity #threatintelligence #cybernews --
cyberreport_io CyberSecurityN8: RT @CyberIQs_: Gartner Summit 2022 Recap:
Reframing Risk & Simplifying #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligen… -- CyberSecurityN8 GeoPioneerInc: Fighting continues in
Sievierodonetsk #Ukraine #OSINT https://t.co/MvSWBClQYh -- GeoPioneerInc
GreyCastleSec: Check out our weekly Threat Intelligence briefings to keep up on
the latest #cybersecurity news and our #proactive… https://t.co/mucHASnmGr --
GreyCastleSec GroupSenseCyber: #Ransomware has affected 14/16
#criticalinfrastructure sectors. This past week, @kurtisminder spoke at the CAOA
Sp… https://t.co/veC6UuW16N -- GroupSenseCyber hack1kde: RT @HackingTeam1:
Prot1ntelligence Validate ProtonMail email address Gather info about ProtonMail
user email or PGP Key Search on the dark… -- hack1kde Nature_Grrrl: Since I’m
miserable anyways let’s talk about my dad& what he has to do with my #osint
journey. Like many dads from… https://t.co/sBbnK088jm -- Nature_Grrrl
OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH
version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-14 17… https://t.co/sYynqgO7z6 --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 on UTC 2022-06-14 17:50:38.908864. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot
OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 trying to
login with account "nginx" and password "nginx" on… https://t.co/r4TPZlrmsj --
OpenHoneypot opensource_orgs: RT @HackingTeam1: Prot1ntelligence Validate
ProtonMail email address Gather info about ProtonMail user email or PGP Key
Search on the dark… -- opensource_orgs PegHosky: #HappeningNow: Join FedInsider
now as @DE_DTI @NJCybersecurity @BedfordCountyVA @rubrikInc & @CASSevern discus…
https://t.co/Z5lSqDMmDB -- PegHosky rachel_maria65: RT @MatchlessMan410: #OSINT
Heads up! #Russian Navy Baltic Fleet Pr.887 Smolny class training ship
AXT-310“Perekop” & likely a UNIDENT Pr.… -- rachel_maria65 ricktep: RT
@securityjwd: Microsoft to acquire Miburo to boost threat intelligence research
into new foreign cyber threats #microsoft #miburo #threa… -- ricktep
sanjeevhdesai: RT @Cohesity: If a data disaster were to happen today, could you
predictably recover your #backup data – when and where you need it – witho… --
sanjeevhdesai Schmouni: RT @SANSDefense: Join guest Justin Seitz (@jms_dot_py),
creator of @hunchly and author of books on #Python and automating OSINT, as he,
@d… -- Schmouni sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_: Gartner Summit 2022 Recap: Reframing
Risk & Simplifying #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligen… -- sectest9 securityjwd: Microsoft to acquire Miburo to boost
threat intelligence research into new foreign cyber threats #microsoft #miburo…
https://t.co/BAsk1Kg3jh -- securityjwd STIVMR: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE***
#Russian Navy landing ships in Black Sea today #OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar
https://t.co/aC7XBIyFyh -- STIVMR The_PatrickD: There are a number of attack
vectors through which ransomware can gain unauthorized access into computer
systems.… https://t.co/qNUj1fSVcJ -- The_PatrickD TheShipYard2: RT
@MatchlessMan410: #OSINT Heads up! #Russian Navy Baltic Fleet Pr.887 Smolny
class training ship AXT-310“Perekop” & likely a UNIDENT Pr.… -- TheShipYard2
abnyn1: RT @MatchlessMan410: #OSINT Heads up! #Russian Navy Baltic Fleet Pr.887
Smolny class training ship AXT-310“Perekop” & likely a UNIDENT Pr.… -- abnyn1
Amigo_A_: @pcrisk @LawrenceAbrams @demonslay335 @JakubKroustek @struppigel
Probably, #TeslaRVNG #Ransomware new variant https://t.co/mcFj7Lp7RO -- Amigo_A_
AnacompInc: #Ransomware has been a critical factor driving the growth in
corporate #cybersecurity budgets and there may be incr… https://t.co/5qnX928oRK
-- AnacompInc AzuleOnyx: RT @B1N2H3X: Members and Non-Members - check out this
#OSINT day next Tues June 21 from 12-3pm! -- AzuleOnyx bartmcd: Do you know how
#cybercrime adversaries get in? via @NakedSecurity https://t.co/hC4uJu7AiA
#cybersecurity… https://t.co/ymO93ddWyd -- bartmcd c3rb3ru5d3d53c: RT
@3xp0rtblog: #Malware #Clipper #Keona qsk.exe: https://t.co/PiyF2roa8I
https://t.co/cRtwmOH8yQ Intelligence data in the comments ???? htt… --
c3rb3ru5d3d53c CyberSecurityN8: RT @iot_marketing: How #AI and bots strengthen
endpoint #security #Cybersecurity #Cyberattacks #Ransomware #Malware
#SecurityBreach #… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @SparkCognition: Is
your business prepared for the cybercrime epidemic? Protect your organization
with SparkCognition Endpoint Protectio… -- CyberSecurityN8 FuturistDog: RT
@CovertShores: ***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy landing ships in Black Sea today
#OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar https://t.co/aC7XBIyFyh -- FuturistDog GutiJose14: RT
@BlackBerry: BlackBerry & @IntezerLabs discovered a stealthy new #malware
targeting the Latin American financial sector. Learn more abou… -- GutiJose14
HC_Ready: Healthcare Ready’s Community Disaster Resilience Tool is for everyone.
Local and federal emergency managers, research analysts, healthcare workers, and
general community leaders can equip themselves with county data to enhance
resilience. https: -- HC_Ready HealthISAC: From Health-ISAC's Daily Cyber
Headlines: Immutable infrastructure allows for consistency and helps healthcare
organizations maintain data integrity and safeguard sensitive information.
https://t.co/y525kXYXZI #healthit #healthsystems @awsclou -- HealthISAC
intelDose: Excalibur Army showcases modern wheeled howitzer at Eurosatory 2022
⚠️ #intelligence #geopolitics #osint https://t.co/djWsSuEAcP -- intelDose
iot_marketing: How #AI and bots strengthen endpoint #security #Cybersecurity
#Cyberattacks #Ransomware #Malware… https://t.co/SRgjMF9oVq -- iot_marketing
JEMPradio: Julia Shuster - Rhombus Connection 6-14-22 #Phish #JEMPRadio
#CommunityRadio #NowPlaying https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE -- JEMPradio joeclark947: RT
@joeclark947: @CIOonline @avast_antivirus @kaspersky @AVGFree @symantec @ESET
@NortonOnline @TheHackersNews @hackernoon @Cisco @Microsof… -- joeclark947
joeclark947: RT @joeclark947: @CIOonline @avast_antivirus @kaspersky @AVGFree
@symantec @ESET @NortonOnline @TheHackersNews @hackernoon @Cisco @Microsof… --
joeclark947 KumarKu80839121: RT @_Vault_Security: Anatomy of phishing attack
#infosec #cybersecuritytips #cybersec #cybersecurity #scam #malicious #malware
#ransomware… -- KumarKu80839121 McAfee_Help: Protect your computer from viruses,
#malware, and other threats by keeping your McAfee #antivirus product up to dat…
https://t.co/Sa82z70xNk -- McAfee_Help MISAOntario: New #MISAOn Industry Insight
Webinar with @ISACybersec | June 16 @ 11 am Attention Members! ISA Cybersecurity
wil… https://t.co/KvUrCoSOSb -- MISAOntario MooreDejean: #Linux #Cyberattack
#Malware #Ransomware New Syslogk Linux Rootkit Lets Attackers Remotely Command
It Using "Magic… https://t.co/wfquH7qKpv -- MooreDejean moran7778: RT
@CheckPointSW: .@_CPResearch_ has exposed a #spearphishing operation targeting
multiple high-level executives. The attackers took contro… -- moran7778
osirispod: RT @JamBase: That's a wrap for the 3rd season of @Osirispod #phish
podcast @UnderminePod. Hear host @TomMarshall111 and guests talk about… --
osirispod PhishCompanion: #OnThisDay Saturday 06/14/1997 The S.f.x. Centre
Dublin, Ireland https://t.co/u8cG0K67s4 #phish #phishcompanion #otd2022 --
PhishCompanion prevailion: ???? Meet Symbiote — The Linux malware that’s “nearly
impossible to detect” #PrevailionKnows #Symbiote #Linux… https://t.co/BocJKrgvs9
-- prevailion renisac: The latest version of Chrome — 102.0.5005.155 for
Windows, Mac, and Linux — addresses the vulnerabilities that an attacker could
exploit to take control of an affected system https://t.co/ACsBe9rSND -- renisac
renisac: Mozilla is rolling out and enabling its "Total Cookie Protection" set
of privacy improvements for all Firefox users worldwide. https://t.co/Iy9rCVhWls
-- renisac rum4is: RT @_DrFrusci: Lyceum group of #Iranian state-sponsored
hackers has recently been spotted using a new custom .NET-based DNS backdoor in
its… -- rum4is RuOilTracker: ????????->???????? STI DONALD C TRAUSCHT 40,000
tons of oil products From: Vysotsk To: #Lehavre #France #russianoil #osint…
https://t.co/bbQOrLEz2Y -- RuOilTracker sectest9: RT @SparkCognition: Is your
business prepared for the cybercrime epidemic? Protect your organization with
SparkCognition Endpoint Protectio… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @iot_marketing: How
#AI and bots strengthen endpoint #security #Cybersecurity #Cyberattacks
#Ransomware #Malware #SecurityBreach #… -- sectest9 security_hq: Bored Ape Yatch
Club and Otherside Metaverse Discord servers were compromised in a recent
phishing scam, in which t… https://t.co/yEcoKCaoul -- security_hq siri_urz:
@vxvault #MakeLoveNotMalwar Nice tattoo! https://t.co/TOPDKOxBVL -- siri_urz
SparkCognition: Is your business prepared for the cybercrime epidemic? Protect
your organization with SparkCognition Endpoint Prote… https://t.co/nfMilzNw9A --
SparkCognition StaySafeOnline: #SecurityTipTuesdayNCA: Protect yourself from
malware and botnets⚒ Learn more here: https://t.co/BuxoY1sSYQ…
https://t.co/rtJYNrhyUJ -- StaySafeOnline ThreatAdvice: Iranian Spear-Phishing
Attacks Target Former Israeli & US High-Ranking Officials
https://t.co/tLIHmzcVdz… https://t.co/w3K83e32pQ -- ThreatAdvice truthswarm: RT
@CovertShores: ***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy landing ships in Black Sea today
#OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar https://t.co/aC7XBIyFyh -- truthswarm Ultrascan419:
Police warn of new phishing scam involving malware installed on victims' phones
- CNA: SINGAPORE: The Singapore Pol… https://t.co/gwIwrdTbtQ -- Ultrascan419
Ultrascan419: Navalny Moved to Maximum-Security Prison After Fraud Conviction –
Lawyer: His legal team and associates said they w… https://t.co/htpZ2NMu9P --
Ultrascan419 BACSIRT: @lazcano @TuentiAR @SeguInfo Hola ???? gracias por
etiquetarnos. Quién quiera reportar o ser asesorado al respecto puede
contactarnos por MD o a través de ciberseguridad@ba-csirt.gob.ar ???? -- BACSIRT
CERTpy: ⚠️Servidores Microsoft Exchange pirateados para implementar el
ransomware BlackCat ???? Las versiones afectadas son: ❗️ Exchange Server 2010,
2013, 2016 y 2019 ➡️para mas info: https://t.co/o4EOtISLIb
https://t.co/RXk7UzcfoY -- CERTpy CERTpy: ¡Muchas gracias a todos por su
participación en #SegurinfoParaguay2022! ????¡Nos reencontramos el próximo año!
https://t.co/UkNxvfNRIH -- CERTpy csirt_it: #Citrix: risolte vulnerabilità nel
prodotto Application Delivery Management (ADM) Rischio: ???? Tipologia: Denial
of Service, Security Restrictions Bypass ???? https://t.co/qLjcEQ5SJc ????
Aggiornamenti e mitigazioni disponibili https://t.co -- csirt_it
NJCybersecurity: Have you heard of clone #phishing? It is a type of #cyberattack
where a legitimately delivered email containing an attachment or link had
content stolen & used to create a cloned email. #YouMayBeNext Details &
recommendations: h -- NJCybersecurity NSACyber: Stay tuned - on June 16, our
Cybersecurity Collaboration Center will release the latest
#NSACyberSpeakerSeries video, to talk about securing the Defense Industrial
Base. Find more episodes in the series here: https://t.co/1FrWuCKLja -- NSACyber
ongisac: CYBER SAFETY MOMENT: Personal Security Tip of the week: Should you use
browsers to save your passwords? #cybersafetymoment #fuelingcyberintel
#cybersecurity #informationsharing #passwordprotection https://t.co/BkWqlFjfdL
-- ongisac US_CYBERCOM: #HOOAH Happy 247th birthday @USArmy. 24/7 – the U.S.
Army is ready and able to defend our Nation. @ARCYBER’s #Soldiers are at the
leading edge defending our interests and protecting our values in the cyber
domain. https://t.co/wDwNfxSefL -- US_CYBERCOM Best_bSafe: Fact: Your phone
makes you vulnerable to cyber criminals. Here are the threats, and how to
protect against them.… https://t.co/7s1pGuFq5I -- Best_bSafe CMoschovitis: FBI
cybercrime seizure takes down one-time Ukraine IT Army collaborator #IT #CIO
#data #bigdata #tech… https://t.co/LPwMiEJWYe -- CMoschovitis sectest9: RT
@CMoschovitis: FBI cybercrime seizure takes down one-time Ukraine IT Army
collaborator #IT #CIO #data #bigdata #tech #cybersecurity #c… -- sectest9 0xbaw:
RT @0x_rood: $5000 bounty Today is different, I’m the GOAT of this game
#bugbounty @Bugcrowd https://t.co/2dgbsqs9d5 -- 0xbaw AcooEdi: Karakurt
extortion group: Threat profile https://t.co/nGV5wKOpX2 #Cybercrime
#AccentureSecurity #AdvancedIntel via… https://t.co/0Mzitrho8B -- AcooEdi
AgioHealthcare: .@HHSGov Warns #Healthcare Sector About Growing Threat from
#Emotet #Malware. via HIPAAJournal… https://t.co/w16hKckiCY -- AgioHealthcare
AP_Hofleitner: RT @cyber_etc: USA ???????? : the #Guadalupe County, in Seguin
(Texas), has been hit by a #ransomware attack, detected on June 11.
#cyberattack… -- AP_Hofleitner Bob_gamedev: RT @SkyNet_HTML:  Time Invested
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning #Serv… -- Bob_gamedev BotFemale: RT
@SkyNet_HTML:  It’s For Kids #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning #Serv… -- BotFemale
CyberSecurityN8: RT @ingliguori: #Infographic: #Password Cracking Techniques Via
@ingliguori #CyberAttack #cybersecurity #CyberSec #hacking #Security #Hacke… --
CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
spadecoin[.]xyz PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero False Posi… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @CMoschovitis: FBI
cybercrime seizure takes down one-time Ukraine IT Army collaborator #IT #CIO
#data #bigdata #tech #cybersecurity #c… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT
@AgioHealthcare: .@HHSGov Warns #Healthcare Sector About Growing Threat from
#Emotet #Malware. via HIPAAJournal https://t.co/ckSvwWzwvu… -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberseerNet: BLOG - Detecting #Emotet #Malspam using #Darktrace ▶️
https://t.co/CVOLgM9od4 Cyberseer details the process of how…
https://t.co/M3zdDIkeBq -- CyberseerNet cybsecbot: RT @JinibaBD:
????????‍♂️????#Emotet malware now steals credit cards from #Google #Chrome
users #ThreatIntel #Phishing #ransomware #cyberattacks #p… -- cybsecbot
datasciencebot_: RT @SkyNet_HTML:  It’s For Kids #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning #Serv…
-- datasciencebot_ DevRetweetBot: RT @SkyNet_HTML:  It’s For Kids
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning #Serv… -- DevRetweetBot DrJDrooghaag: RT
@DrJDrooghaag: ???? The many lives of BlackCat #ransomware #cybersecurity
https://t.co/miDYREjI1N -- DrJDrooghaag ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxp://charlescbrownjr[.]com/spp/account[.]txt #phishing #opendir #squarespace
https://t.co/7KYMrk7WcM -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://smmbrother[.]store/OSPXPRO-v1-SMM-Panel-Script[.]zip #phishing #opendir
#atakdomain -- ecarlesi HackerGautam: RT @pmmali_: Happy to secure one more
domain ???? Thanks to @HackerGautam @shifacyclewala @Hacktifycs #bugbounty
#bughunting #cybersecurity… -- HackerGautam Hillstone_Net: It's back and better
than ever! …unfortunately. Emotet trojan is back and wreaking havoc on the
fintech industry ag… https://t.co/6vvTT3s8Uj -- Hillstone_Net JinibaBD:
????????‍♂️????#Emotet malware now steals credit cards from #Google #Chrome
users #ThreatIntel #Phishing #ransomware… https://t.co/jrSp91Q7vZ -- JinibaBD
JustLikeLupin: RT @mariya06025697: Skills of #sciencetwitter #Cloud
#MachineLearning #python #IoT #100DaysOfCode #programming #CodeNewbie #reactjs
#bugb… -- JustLikeLupin Kevin_hack_: You lost your account? A good hacker is all
you need. DM now. #hacked #icloud #facebookdown #imessage #ransomware…
https://t.co/ZZQyGsjHEz -- Kevin_hack_ Kevin_hack_: Hacking attempts on your
device? DM now for risk free security solutions. #hacked #icloud #facebookdown
#.imessage… https://t.co/o8t5D3xlXi -- Kevin_hack_ Kevin_hack_: Recover
locked/lost accounts with ease, DM for all account retrievals. #gmailhack
#gmaildown #hacked #Hacking… https://t.co/3izJyf4Esv -- Kevin_hack_ Kevin_hack_:
Inbox now for help and guide on how to recover lost accounts. #hacked #icloud
#facebookdown #imessage #ransomware… https://t.co/sORFVWdWnm -- Kevin_hack_
Kevin_hack_: Hacking is easy, DM to Recover or Hack accounts and missing phones.
#gmailhack #gmaildown #hacked #Hacking… https://t.co/mdWLA2dqW9 -- Kevin_hack_
Lacework: #Ransomware attacks are on the rise, increasing 600% in the last two
years alone. That's why it’s more important t… https://t.co/LtjSmB19AQ --
Lacework LetsCode15: RT @SkyNet_HTML:  It’s For Kids #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning #Serv…
-- LetsCode15 opensource_orgs: RT @SkyNet_HTML:  It’s For Kids #100DaysOfCode
#CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter
#MachineLearning #Serv… -- opensource_orgs perceptic0n: RT @bugbounty18: Chinese
Hackers Distribute Backdoored Web3 Wallets for iOS and Android Users
https://t.co/ctgK222nNw #bugbounty #bugbounti… -- perceptic0n PeterOsmanski:
#Emotet is evolving in how it's delivered to victims. Learn about the latest
#cyberrisk findings from @KrollWire'… https://t.co/0mUnwOErl4 -- PeterOsmanski
sectest9: RT @ingliguori: #Infographic: #Password Cracking Techniques Via
@ingliguori #CyberAttack #cybersecurity #CyberSec #hacking #Security #Hacke… --
sectest9 sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : spadecoin[.]xyz
PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Posi…
-- sectest9 sectest9: RT @AgioHealthcare: .@HHSGov Warns #Healthcare Sector
About Growing Threat from #Emotet #Malware. via HIPAAJournal
https://t.co/ckSvwWzwvu… -- sectest9 securityonion: RT @securityonion: Today's
quick #malware analysis with #SecurityOnion: #Emotet Epoch 5 infection with
spambot traffic #pcap from 2022-04-0… -- securityonion ServerlessFan: RT
@SkyNet_HTML:  Time Invested #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning #Serv… --
ServerlessFan ServerlessFan: RT @SkyNet_HTML:  It’s For Kids #100DaysOfCode
#CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter
#MachineLearning #Serv… -- ServerlessFan SkyNet_HTML:  Time Invested
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter… https://t.co/P3PdneolEb -- SkyNet_HTML umalvarez: RT
@securityonion: Today's quick #malware analysis with #SecurityOnion: #Emotet
Epoch 5 infection with spambot traffic #pcap from 2022-04-0… -- umalvarez
zaenhaxor: RT @RedHuntLabs: ???? We scanned millions of Domains and Web
Applications to study the secrets exposed via client-side code. ???? This "Hunt"
re… -- zaenhaxor AxtroMagic: RT @newsography1: Americas News Brief:
????????Ecuador universities close due to national strike ????????FARC dissident
leader killed in Colombian ar… -- AxtroMagic Cofense: ???? ????????????????
???????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? Brand
impersonation can be hard to spot if you're not paying attention. M…
https://t.co/i50nZbOQ3d -- Cofense CommodoreNelson: RT @CovertShores:
***BREAKING*** #Ukrainian Navy ship in dramatic escape. The landing ship Yuri
Olefirenk survived a massive #Russian arti… -- CommodoreNelson CybeResArcsight:
Get the key findings for 2021 from the #CyberResGalaxy Annual Report, via
@tahawultech: https://t.co/gIDiDpzHx8… https://t.co/azjetk5Lme --
CybeResArcsight CyberIQs_: Is Cybersecurity a Top Priority for Politicians?
World #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel…
https://t.co/bVVZoK4wFo -- CyberIQs_ CyberIQs_: The 3 Biggest Challenges Faced
by Today's SOCs & One #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel…
https://t.co/orhOzzy6ir -- CyberIQs_ cybersecstu: RT @d4rksystem: #Malware
analysis tip of the week: Malware can call DeviceIoControl with the parameter
0x7405C (IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO… -- cybersecstu CyberSecurityN8: RT
@CyberIQs_: Is Cybersecurity a Top Priority for Politicians? World #infosec
#infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligenc… -- CyberSecurityN8
defens_x: Phishing threats are one of the most potent #attackvectors.Our
#whitelist approach to websites protect users from e… https://t.co/JwwoTVWFWT --
defens_x ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxps://maguinhafat[.]com #phishing #itau
#google -- ecarlesi eForensics_Mag: Using OSINT to locate missing persons!
#OSINT #magazine #tools https://t.co/2sIoiQbvoR -- eForensics_Mag
Eric_Diologeant: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy landing ships in
Black Sea today #OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar https://t.co/aC7XBIyFyh --
Eric_Diologeant Genjuro75: RT @eForensics_Mag: Using OSINT to locate missing
persons! #OSINT #magazine #tools https://t.co/2sIoiQbvoR -- Genjuro75 intelDose:
US Army to upgrade its rocket artillery systems ⚠️ #intelligence #geopolitics
#osint https://t.co/MbiV5en4ym -- intelDose JanesINTEL: Intelligence Podcast
Revisited: The application of #OSINT in the counter-terrorist role. In this
episode we discuss… https://t.co/C0g6L4Ue33 -- JanesINTEL KasimAkrBot: RT
@Kevin_hack_: Have exclusive Hacking jobs? DM and Ask for my service. #hacked
#icloud #facebookdown #imessage #ransomware #snapchat #sna… -- KasimAkrBot
Kevin_hack_: Lost Email, Instagram and Twitter? DM for quick recovery. Available
24/7. #gmailhack #gmaildown #hacked #Hacking… https://t.co/Uii1B8hPjX --
Kevin_hack_ Kevin_hack_: Have exclusive Hacking jobs? DM and Ask for my service.
#hacked #icloud #facebookdown #imessage #ransomware… https://t.co/v2LwVrfOVH --
Kevin_hack_ kleinenf: RT @JanesINTEL: Intelligence Podcast Revisited: The
application of #OSINT in the counter-terrorist role. In this episode we
discussed the u… -- kleinenf Mackerelcat: Gustavo reported to @Waknart #Ethics
for misdirecting a phone call to Ethics rather than his own floor manager at 8…
https://t.co/ksRU2fEXiD -- Mackerelcat MicroFocusSec: RT @CybeResArcsight: Get
the key findings for 2021 from the #CyberResGalaxy Annual Report, via
@tahawultech: https://t.co/gIDiDpzHx8 #Thre… -- MicroFocusSec nani_wilson: RT
@ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxps://maguinhafat[.]com #phishing #itau #google
-- nani_wilson Nexx_Mowarek: RT @brechtcastel: Millions of Russians saw this
'shooting incident in Kiev' on state television at the beginning of the
war.???????????? What? Wher… -- Nexx_Mowarek obhi2607: RT @ONPASSIVE: Ransomware
is a malware program that demands financial payment to unlock a system it has
taken control over. #Techword #Ran… -- obhi2607 omnia_protocol: #Compliance is
one of our biggest advantages. #Phishing, #NFT frontrunning, and malicious dox
are just some of the… https://t.co/u5VY47Xt2h -- omnia_protocol OpenHoneypot: An
attempt was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-14
16:07:15.455423. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 trying to login with account "admin"
and password "admin123!… https://t.co/OSh5DFjp9B -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot:
An attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version
"SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-14 16… https://t.co/Tqxp4vdP0K --
OpenHoneypot PageFreezer: #Doxxing is an issue that everyone—businesses and
individuals alike—should be aware of and prepared for. In this ar…
https://t.co/z9sKHCThCt -- PageFreezer PriantoHub: RT @Webroot: Layered defenses
are essential for stopping threats. See why #securityawareness training can help
thwart even the most sophis… -- PriantoHub RedPacketSec: Karakurt extortion
group: Threat profile - https://t.co/P7CFq2HvZp #OSINT #Security #Threatintel --
RedPacketSec RedPacketSec: Instagram scam steals your selfies to trick your
friends - https://t.co/9dwE5er5yw #OSINT #Security #Threatintel -- RedPacketSec
Russell62379953: RT @IRONSCALES: Did you know? Social engineering attacks cause
41% of #cybersecurity breaches at universities. ⚠️ #IRONSCALES offers specia… --
Russell62379953 Saturnax1: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy landing
ships in Black Sea today #OSINT #UkraineRussiaWar https://t.co/aC7XBIyFyh --
Saturnax1 sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_: Is Cybersecurity a Top Priority for
Politicians? World #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligenc… -- sectest9 SecurityNewsbot: Researchers Detail PureCrypter
Loader Cyber Criminals #Using to Distribute #Malware https://t.co/bpiIA28Jsv
#TheHackerNews -- SecurityNewsbot securitytrails: Researchers identified threat
actors creating almost undetectable phishing campaigns using reverse tunnel
services… https://t.co/mO4oxQug1T -- securitytrails threat_404: RT
@TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks?
I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- threat_404
threat_404: RT @QAValley: This Windows Malware Can Steal Your Financial Data
https://t.co/1lVw5ulcgk #Malware #Cybersecurity #Cyberattacks #cybercrime… --
threat_404 threat_404: RT @OsintZone: Top story: @TomTomjarvis: 'LONG THREAD
1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool
tools… -- threat_404 tip_intel: #ThreatIntelligence provides numerous advantages
to companies that take a proactive stance for their #cybersecurity…
https://t.co/Z27bddPhf2 -- tip_intel TitanHQ: Is your account #hacked or
spoofed? Here’s how to determine if an email has been spoofed and what your
organizati… https://t.co/AhW3tVywAo -- TitanHQ Ultrascan419: Congress examines
fraud in pandemic aid for small businesses - ABC News: A congressional panel is
set to examine pa… https://t.co/UGY9N7yfpZ -- Ultrascan419 Ultrascan419: South
Texas Mayor Arrested, Accused of Bribery and Fraud - NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth: A
South Texas mayor was arreste… https://t.co/zcmeTQvH6I -- Ultrascan419
Ultrascan419: More than 100 GOP primary winners back Trump's false fraud claims
- The Washington Post: A Washington Post analysis… https://t.co/BIka91Zq98 --
Ultrascan419 Vic33712531: RT @ingliguori: #Infographic: #Password Cracking
Techniques Via @ingliguori #CyberAttack #cybersecurity #CyberSec #hacking
#Security #Hacke… -- Vic33712531 Webroot: Layered defenses are essential for
stopping threats. See why #securityawareness training can help thwart even the…
https://t.co/lNeoXeSDBP -- Webroot aidaakl: Chinese Cyberespionage Group Starts
Using New 'PingPull' #Malware https://t.co/2fHIj58XYQ @SecurityWeek
#CyberSecurity -- aidaakl alebeta: RT @d4rksystem: #Malware analysis tip of the
week: Malware can call DeviceIoControl with the parameter 0x7405C
(IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO… -- alebeta AmChemistry: When it comes to
#HurricaneSafety – having a good plan can make all the difference. @TreyMeynig
spells out how Formosa & chemical facilities prepare for & respond to a major
storm. #HurricanePreparedness https://t.co/oqf9fdANTb -- AmChemistry
AmChemistry: Starting today, ACC|NAFRA will be at booth 429 at @IME_Events ANTEC
Conference at the Charlotte Convention Center. Come view our #FireSafety videos
& learn about proposed #FlameRetardant policy regulations affecting plastic
casings in ele -- AmChemistry beefyspace: RT @aman_raist: A #Linux #Malware...
Hard to detect, infect all processes, give threat actor #rootkit like remote
access, hides itself, can… -- beefyspace BestMacs: It’s critical to keep your
business’s computers up-to-date, especially Windows. But watch out – cyber
criminals are… https://t.co/iGwdRz2uFk -- BestMacs bigmacjpg: RT @FBussoletti:
#cybercrime, false payment request bait for #Formbook. The email ace attachment
contains an exe file: the #Malware itself.… -- bigmacjpg certbr: Use o bom
senso, às vezes a notícia é tão sem sentido que basta refletir um pouco para
identificá-la como boato. #dicacertbr -- certbr CERTpy: AHORA ????
#SegurinfoParaguay2022 Luis Alberto Alvarez Penayo – Director General de TICs
del Ministerio de Salud de Paraguay “Proyecto HIS en la Transformación Digital
en Salud del Paraguay” ¡Muchas Gracias! @msaludpy ¡SUMATE! ???? https://t.co --
CERTpy CSIRTGOB: ????Desde el CSIRT de Gobierno les compartimos la advertencia
sobre #vulnerabilidades que afectan a #Drupal⚠️Los detalles:
https://t.co/bbvjUpR0IK #CSIRTGob #ciberseguridad https://t.co/MQYhwvYdFv --
CSIRTGOB CyberSecurityN8: RT @SocEngineerInc: All WhatsApp users warned over
terrifying Father's Day text – it could cost you https://t.co/uVHP1Q2Uhd
#smishing #phis… -- CyberSecurityN8 getcybermaxx: New Blog Post: Dynamic and
Static Malware Analysis https://t.co/6jkrIjqRZI #malware #ransomware #MDR
#cybermaxx… https://t.co/rtY19qGtrp -- getcybermaxx HC_Ready: Please join us in
welcoming Healthcare Ready's new Executive Director, Tom Cotter! We are excited
to see Tom lead in this exciting new phase. Welcome to Healthcare Ready,
@TomCotterER! Read about the announcement here: https://t.co/Eicxf1DkoV ht --
HC_Ready hiringnowintech: RT @infosec_jobsCOM: HIRING: IT Security Specialist /
Seoul https://t.co/S96Wtpk3fZ #InfoSec #InfoSecJobs #Cybersecurity #security
#jobsear… -- hiringnowintech ICSCERT: .@CISAgov issued public advisory
ICSA-22-165-02 Meridian Cooperative Meridian to the ICS webpage:
https://t.co/QfHcKfDPl8 #cyber #cybersecurity #infosec #ICS -- ICSCERT ICSCERT:
???? .@CISAgov issued public advisory ICSA-22-165-03 Mitsubishi #Electric
MELSEC-Q/L and MELSEC iQ-R to the ICS webpage: https://t.co/ZDXEN5l0rJ #cyber
#cybersecurity #infosec #ICS -- ICSCERT infosec_jcp: A nice reminder that 5/6th
of the world doesn't use #FB #Meta ???????????????? Some people are even waking
up to the fact that… https://t.co/jrJZZxso8b -- infosec_jcp NEI: Join us
in-person or online next week at 8:45am EST, Tuesday June 21 as NEI President &
CEO, Maria Korsnick, delivers this year's State of the #Nuclear Energy Industry
Address at the Nuclear #Energy Assembly. #SOTNI2022 #NuclearPowersUS https:/ --
NEI NJCybersecurity: Curious to know how #cybercriminals target #cryptocurrency?
Some common tactics #Proofpoint researchers observed were credential harvesting,
business email compromise (#BEC), & #malware stealers. Learn more from
@proofpoint: https:/ -- NJCybersecurity RealEstateISAC: The latest Real Estate
ISAC Daily Report! https://t.co/xrUM0t7BJg Thanks to @REITs_Nareit
@ApartmentWire #cybersecurity #ukraine -- RealEstateISAC renisac: Happening now!
"The Emerging Space - Cyber Warfare Theater and the Need for Governance
Responses" https://t.co/1jddgsNb19 https://t.co/RTvVyAizE2 -- renisac RH_ISAC:
Threat actors are adapting with cloud-focused ransomware attacks. Learn how to
prevent them in today's blog post. #infosec #cybersecurity #cloud #cloudsecurity
https://t.co/fFOMHbjqzn https://t.co/EzW4oNwW2l -- RH_ISAC rum4is: RT
@aman_raist: A #Linux #Malware... Hard to detect, infect all processes, give
threat actor #rootkit like remote access, hides itself, can… -- rum4is sectest9:
RT @SocEngineerInc: All WhatsApp users warned over terrifying Father's Day text
– it could cost you https://t.co/uVHP1Q2Uhd #smishing #phis… -- sectest9
SocEngineerInc: All WhatsApp users warned over terrifying Father's Day text – it
could cost you https://t.co/uVHP1Q2Uhd #smishing… https://t.co/YjaSffVdhO --
SocEngineerInc ICSCERT: .@CISAgov issued public advisory ICSA-22-165-01 Johnson
Controls Metasys ADS ADX OAS Servers to the ICS webpage: https://t.co/B9Urr2AhBC
#cyber #cybersecurity #infosec #ICS -- ICSCERT USCERT_gov: If your password is
still Password01!, it may be time to examine your #cyber practices. Use complex
passwords and #EnableMFA (Multi-factor authentication) when and where you can to
protect your data. #Cybersecurity ⤵️ https://t.co/gBHx0Gtghn -- USCERT_gov
Ammutseba2: RT @Unit42_Intel: 2022-06-07 (Tuesday) - #Emotet remains active this
week, and we consistently see spambot activity from infected hosts - A… --
Ammutseba2 AndrewGold_ok: RT @shaunattwood: Attwood Unleashed is back @ the
normal time tomorrow @ 5.45-10.10pm UK time. Topics include #JFK, #RFK,
#MalcolmX, #UAP… -- AndrewGold_ok av2784037: RT @mariya06025697: Skills of
#sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning #python #IoT #100DaysOfCode #programming
#CodeNewbie #reactjs #bugb… -- av2784037 BayyaAmer: RT @shaunattwood: Attwood
Unleashed is back @ the normal time tomorrow @ 5.45-10.10pm UK time. Topics
include #JFK, #RFK, #MalcolmX, #UAP… -- BayyaAmer BforeAi: Predicted Malicious
Domain : listreo[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero F… https://t.co/1MniHDGcQH -- BforeAi Bivi_17: RT @STJ_SYRIA_ENG: New
Report: #cybercrime Law is an Additional Tool for Suppressing
#FreedomOfExpression #Syria https://t.co/GvThdSfsre -- Bivi_17 CSA_DVillamizar:
RT cycatz2: #cycatz #bugbounty #bugbountytips Microsoft Dynamics Container
Sandbox RCE via Unauthenticated Docker R… https://t.co/GD3psQEWF8 --
CSA_DVillamizar CTI_Aengel: RT @securityonion: Today's quick #malware analysis
with #SecurityOnion: #Emotet Epoch 5 infection with spambot traffic #pcap from
2022-04-0… -- CTI_Aengel CyberDFIR: RT @Siemens_Schweiz: She is one of our
???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????
#???????????????????????????????????????? and a great role model! Meet
@alinamatyukhina, Head of Cybersecurity fo… -- CyberDFIR CyberKelvin: RT
@cycatz2: #cycatz #bugbounty #bugbountytips Microsoft Dynamics Container Sandbox
RCE via Unauthenticated Docker Remote API 20,000$ Bount… -- CyberKelvin
CyberKelvin: RT @tamimhasan404: I create a custom nuclei template for mass
hunting recent CVE-2022-29455(XSS) #bugbounty #nuclei https://t.co/uMC9ldy3CJ --
CyberKelvin CyberSecurityN8: RT @bamitav: #PyPI package 'keep' mistakenly
included a #password stealer https://t.co/xlmFc7yTGq #cyberwar #cybercrime
#cyber #hacker #p… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @securityonion:
Today's quick #malware analysis with #SecurityOnion: #Emotet Epoch 5 infection
with spambot traffic #pcap from 2022-04-0… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8:
RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : listreo[.]com PreCrime Threat
Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Positi… --
CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @BlackBerry: BlackBerry prevented the
execution of #Conti #ransomware using its AI engine without requiring updates or
Internet connecti… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @mariya06025697:
Skills of #sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning #python #IoT #100DaysOfCode
#programming #CodeNewbie #reactjs #bugb… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT
@STJ_SYRIA_ENG: New Report: #cybercrime Law is an Additional Tool for
Suppressing #FreedomOfExpression #Syria https://t.co/GvThdSfsre --
CyberSecurityN8 CyStackSecurity: ⏩Learn about 4 advantages of Crowdsourced
Security #cybersecurity #bugbounty #vulnerability ????Find more information…
https://t.co/e48LiajtAz -- CyStackSecurity DevRetweetBot: RT @mariya06025697:
Skills of #sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning #python #IoT #100DaysOfCode
#programming #CodeNewbie #reactjs #bugb… -- DevRetweetBot dougburks: RT
@securityonion: Today's quick #malware analysis with #SecurityOnion: #Emotet
Epoch 5 infection with spambot traffic #pcap from 2022-04-0… -- dougburks
ecarlesi: Threat on hxxp://montpaschidisiena[.]com/ #phishing #opendir
@montepaschi #ownregistrar https://t.co/8HAEj0Qx1r -- ecarlesi ecarlesi:
Possible threat on hxxps://clarkquipmenthosted-files[.]xyz/access_doc[.]zip
#phishing #opendir #namesilo -- ecarlesi helpnetsecurity: 45% of cybersecurity
pros are considering quitting the industry due to stress -
https://t.co/Z7CjajnLDD -… https://t.co/e2Vzz7QCRb -- helpnetsecurity onveq: You
need the skills/experience to get the job. You need the job to get the
skills/experience. #catch22… https://t.co/HJPh1BkIYy -- onveq Ostendio: CW case
study offers 360-degree view of ransomware attack https://t.co/efPXwTZeo6
#cybersecurity #ransomware https://t.co/6B9nadgpLE -- Ostendio PythonRoboto: RT
@mariya06025697: Skills of #sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning #python #IoT
#100DaysOfCode #programming #CodeNewbie #reactjs #bugb… -- PythonRoboto
rstogner: RT @klyraloc: Is that your boss on the phone, or a robot criminal?
Deepfake audio fraud: criminals are using artificial intelligence to mi… --
rstogner rum4is: RT @twelvesec: #Emotet variant steals credit card data from
#Google’s #Chrome. #CyberSecurity #infosec #cybercrime https://t.co/DbWlJqdWh0…
-- rum4is S33ther1: RT @securityonion: Today's quick #malware analysis with
#SecurityOnion: #Emotet Epoch 5 infection with spambot traffic #pcap from
2022-04-0… -- S33ther1 sectest9: RT @bamitav: #PyPI package 'keep' mistakenly
included a #password stealer https://t.co/xlmFc7yTGq #cyberwar #cybercrime
#cyber #hacker #p… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @securityonion: Today's quick
#malware analysis with #SecurityOnion: #Emotet Epoch 5 infection with spambot
traffic #pcap from 2022-04-0… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted
Malicious Domain : listreo[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat
Agnostic Near-Zero False Positi… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @STJ_SYRIA_ENG: New
Report: #cybercrime Law is an Additional Tool for Suppressing
#FreedomOfExpression #Syria https://t.co/GvThdSfsre -- sectest9 sectest9: RT
@mariya06025697: Skills of #sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning #python #IoT
#100DaysOfCode #programming #CodeNewbie #reactjs #bugb… -- sectest9
Secure_ICS_OT: RT @securityonion: Today's quick #malware analysis with
#SecurityOnion: #Emotet Epoch 5 infection with spambot traffic #pcap from
2022-04-0… -- Secure_ICS_OT securityonion: Today's quick #malware analysis with
#SecurityOnion: #Emotet Epoch 5 infection with spambot traffic #pcap from 2022…
https://t.co/StwXE5pV5T -- securityonion Siemens_Schweiz: She is one of our
???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????
#???????????????????????????????????????? and a great role model! Meet
@alinamatyukhina, Head of Cybersecurity… https://t.co/mQzC1MIohI --
Siemens_Schweiz the21immortals: RT @XssMice: #Learnwithxssmice Top Burp Suite
Extensions For Improving Bug Bounty 1. AUTHMATRIX 2. AUTHZ 3. AUTHORIZE 4.
BLACKSLASH POWERE… -- the21immortals therealwlambert: RT @securityonion: Today's
quick #malware analysis with #SecurityOnion: #Emotet Epoch 5 infection with
spambot traffic #pcap from 2022-04-0… -- therealwlambert v4ensics: 2 more
#weaponized #Emotet #XLM dropper (SHA1 hash:
e45b4ff9b808b69ce32663cef0a57a65bd4b369b & 5318db57a293ad7a724a…
https://t.co/Wm8MvsG7Na -- v4ensics v4ensics: One more #Emotet #XLM dropper just
analyzed. File (SHA1: 4d422858af68aef4c6ab8257291631acc5d6cc36) attempts to
drop… https://t.co/f8l03x4Yq8 -- v4ensics WaltManning1: The U.S. isn’t getting
ahead of the cyber threat, experts say #technocrime #cybercrime
https://t.co/sSLxkr475n https://t.co/adJfyWxuTn -- WaltManning1 webcodebot: RT
@bamitav: #PyPI package 'keep' mistakenly included a #password stealer
https://t.co/xlmFc7yTGq #cyberwar #cybercrime #cyber #hacker #p… -- webcodebot
xpl0ited11: RT @rotembar: A few months back me, @naglinagli and @realgam3 teamed
up during the @Hacker0x01 World Cup… A new CVE-2022-29455 got born ;)… --
xpl0ited11 911tools: Inbox me for hacking&tracking assistance #hacked
#facebookdown #whatsapp #hackedinstagram #twitterdown… https://t.co/4MRvgFYP3h
-- 911tools ArchitMeta: RT @brechtcastel: Tomorrow we'll publish a new #OSINT
investigation on the war in Ukraine. ???????? Stay tuned! We = @Techjournalisto,
@ArchitMe… -- ArchitMeta benbvi3ws: RT @brechtcastel: Tomorrow we'll publish a
new #OSINT investigation on the war in Ukraine. ???????? Stay tuned! We =
@Techjournalisto, @ArchitMe… -- benbvi3ws brechtcastel: Tomorrow we'll publish a
new #OSINT investigation on the war in Ukraine. ???????? Stay tuned! We =
@Techjournalisto,… https://t.co/qOEFg30nyJ -- brechtcastel BrianHimmel: Be
prepared for #ransomware attacks to ensure your data is both protected and
recoverable in near real-time to mini… https://t.co/fZKs8i99Tt -- BrianHimmel
crispSV: #NATO air assets presence in south #Ukraine borders as #Russia
intersifies air strikes at #Lviv region . #OSINT https://t.co/55zdTK9FWu --
crispSV CyberIQs_: Half of IT leaders say passwords too weak for security
#infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel… https://t.co/4MgtI4kfS7 --
CyberIQs_ CyberIQs_: Hacking Tesla’s Remote Key Cards #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence #hacking…
https://t.co/yi445CvqEo -- CyberIQs_ CyberSecurityN8: RT @CyberIQs_: Hacking
Tesla’s Remote Key Cards #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligence #hacking #cybernews… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT
@CyberIQs_: Half of IT leaders say passwords too weak for security #infosec
#infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligenc… -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @riskigy: Many #financial institutions have prioritized
public #cloud adoption over the next few years. Will a modernized cloud
#protect… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberValley1: RT @domenicoraguseo: #roundtable on
#threatintelligence: from #vulnerabilities to #OSINT with @domenicoraguseo
@mario_direnzo @macnilsrl… -- CyberValley1 digint31: RT @jakecreps: I just
submitted my first #BugBounty report using only #OSINT. I’m not sure it counts
but I found an app running on a subdom… -- digint31 doppelot: RT @brechtcastel:
Tomorrow we'll publish a new #OSINT investigation on the war in Ukraine.
???????? Stay tuned! We = @Techjournalisto, @ArchitMe… -- doppelot dwonderbaba:
Zero Trust is an alternative security model that addresses the shortcomings of
failing perimeter­centric strategies… https://t.co/5KepMu1Z6r -- dwonderbaba
ErniesDad2001: Katy Tur interviewed this morning on Morning Joe, and she said
during the pandemic she considered leaving the news.… https://t.co/XB4Wu3HLVo --
ErniesDad2001 GeoConfirmed: RT @brechtcastel: Tomorrow we'll publish a new
#OSINT investigation on the war in Ukraine. ???????? Stay tuned! We =
@Techjournalisto, @ArchitMe… -- GeoConfirmed identitystrong: In excess of 1,000
Elasticsearch databases are being held ransom. The databases were wiped and left
with merely a… https://t.co/Sw62qLIAmU -- identitystrong ImNickHuber: RT
@JohnnieFellix: Here are #API Security Best Practices Know more:
https://t.co/cOLEGYEpOl #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud… --
ImNickHuber intelDose: Ukraine says it destroyed Russian heavy rocket launchers
⚠️ #intelligence #geopolitics #osint https://t.co/ik4RSg253A -- intelDose
JP_in_NE: Keep your employees safe from #phishing attacks with insights from
this upcoming webinar. https://t.co/9qA4E46eX1 -- JP_in_NE magenisecurity:
#Ransomware attacks are increasing with more dangerous hybrids ahead
https://t.co/vqMJ5L3z6p -- magenisecurity MajikaZulJin: RT @SlickRockWeb: "2000
Mules was produced by about a dozen asses" ... @RepRiggleman brings the heat
again @AC360 Former @GOP, lead inves… -- MajikaZulJin Mentschik: When it comes
to #cyber insurance, warranties, and #ransomware protection, it pays to
understand the fine print. Le… https://t.co/2AqMxuCzou -- Mentschik
MonicaSpizzico: RT @nicolaferrini: The many lives of BlackCat #ransomware
https://t.co/YpHYhwbvag https://t.co/UguD7n5MEH -- MonicaSpizzico
NewsOnCyberSec: RT @domenicoraguseo: #roundtable on #threatintelligence: from
#vulnerabilities to #OSINT with @domenicoraguseo @mario_direnzo @macnilsrl… --
NewsOnCyberSec OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 trying to login with account "admin" and password "1" on UTC…
https://t.co/Eocf8TGjIu -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-14 14:00:28.623418.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC
2022-06-14 14… https://t.co/1pP0qwAcdA -- OpenHoneypot PaulGann: RT
@wondersmith_rae: Since I am seeing #Airbnb talked about today, here is a blog
@Tokyo_v2 and I wrote about how easy it is to gather #OSI… -- PaulGann PSI_NJ:
RT @NJCybersecurity: #DYK #phishing is one of the most common types of
#cyberattacks? Unfortunately, that also means #YouMayBeNext. This we… -- PSI_NJ
riskigy: Many #financial institutions have prioritized public #cloud adoption
over the next few years. Will a modernized clo… https://t.co/FiomVrFqjy --
riskigy s4msecurity: RT @Ostendio: CW case study offers 360-degree view of
ransomware attack https://t.co/efPXwTZeo6 #cybersecurity #ransomware
https://t.co/6B9… -- s4msecurity sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_: Half of IT leaders say
passwords too weak for security #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel #threatintelligenc… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_: Hacking
Tesla’s Remote Key Cards #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligence #hacking #cybernews… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @riskigy: Many
#financial institutions have prioritized public #cloud adoption over the next
few years. Will a modernized cloud #protect… -- sectest9 Skopenow: Successfully
protecting people and assets is a difficult task for corporations, which must
contend with a range of… https://t.co/ywjuA0q2Wh -- Skopenow SlickRockWeb: "2000
Mules was produced by about a dozen asses" ... @RepRiggleman brings the heat
again @AC360 Former @GOP, lead… https://t.co/1gp2cybk0e -- SlickRockWeb
SpyCloudCo: With cybersecurity and #fraud studies/reports launching weekly, who
can keep up with all the stats related to #ATO,… https://t.co/cf9JAR24w4 --
SpyCloudCo StuffStuffInc1: RT @CertiKAlert: #CommunityAlert ???? @TheUncannyClub
Discord has been compromised and a phishing link posted! Do not click any links!
#h… -- StuffStuffInc1 suiraddagreat: RT @DailyOsint: Workflow chart for
#location #OSINT @IntelTechniques #infosec #OSINT #reconnaissance #GEOINT
#mindmap #geolocation #intel… -- suiraddagreat vilogics: Businesses are under
attack from phishing attacks - don't let your employees be the next targets!…
https://t.co/wNclqXuwie -- vilogics xaelbot: RT @JohnnieFellix: Here are #API
Security Best Practices Know more: https://t.co/cOLEGYEpOl #DataSecurity
#Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud… -- xaelbot ZheroUK: WATCH OUT FOR PHISHING
#Phishing reached an all-time high in Q1 this year with over 380000 attacks
detected???? The f… https://t.co/zKZGZP8v36 -- ZheroUK Abu__DHABI_: RT
@_Vault_Security: Anatomy of phishing attack #infosec #cybersecuritytips
#cybersec #cybersecurity #scam #malicious #malware #ransomware… -- Abu__DHABI_
AmChemistry: #StateOfTSCA Report — We’ve detail 6 key problems @EPA has
implementing #TSCA and 6 key solutions they can take to get back on track &
reverse misguided policy changed. Download the report today:
https://t.co/MSe8awuWmo https://t.co/tjcA -- AmChemistry AmChemistry: TY
@RepGaramendi @RepDustyJohnson @amyklobuchar @SenJohnThune for your leadership
on passing #OSRA! This bipartisan legislation will help address the
#SupplyChainCrisis & support U.S. exports. https://t.co/Ex3NM8uA1W --
AmChemistry AutoISAC: Auto-ISAC is happy to welcome 2 new Members to the ISAC.
We'd like to recognize and welcome Lucid Motors as an electric vehicle OEM and
Vitesco, a supplier company that specializes in drivetrain and powertrain
technologies. https://t.co/qnbaPd -- AutoISAC CSA_DVillamizar: RT surfshark:
XorDdos, a #malware that targets #Linux devices, has increased +254% in the last
six months, accordin… https://t.co/MvIoslDwYJ -- CSA_DVillamizar CyberDFIR: RT
@TheHackersNews: Researchers detail the workings of a fully-featured #malware
loader dubbed "PureCrypter," which is purchased by cybercr… -- CyberDFIR
CyberKelvin: RT @TheHackersNews: Researchers detail the workings of a
fully-featured #malware loader dubbed "PureCrypter," which is purchased by
cybercr… -- CyberKelvin CyberSecurityN8: RT @CyberIQs_: Monkeypox Scams Continue
to Increase #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligence #hacking #cybern… -- CyberSecurityN8 DefendCampaigns: RT
@_Vault_Security: Google Chrome taps machine learning to curb phishing. #Google
#MachineLearning #infosec #phishing https://t.co/r0pJv… -- DefendCampaigns
Devikinsall: RT @SecneurX: Malicious app on Google Play that steals user
information *DO NOT INSTALL THIS APP* New Joker on Google play https://t.co/9…
-- Devikinsall divided_scott: What’s the one Spring Tour song you keep going
back to? #phish -- divided_scott FSISAC: Coming soon—the next slate of
#FSISACInsights articles directly from C-level #fincyber professionals.
Subscribe now to get a future sneak peek: https://t.co/tekjFcV5ft
https://t.co/f9nXKH0nAf -- FSISAC GDPR123: Microsoft: Exchange servers hacked to
deploy BlackCat ransomware https://t.co/DF01ELVWY2 #Microsoft…
https://t.co/8PGEwoIkIK -- GDPR123 HealthISAC: #healthsystems #medicaldevices
https://t.co/nAOmxUbhvP -- HealthISAC HealthISAC: Health-ISAC Membership
represents different sizes and sections of the Healthcare ecosystem, from $<1M
annual revenue to $238B annual revenue. 84% of the top 25 #pharmaceutical
manufacturers and 61% of the top 50 #medicaldevice manufacturers -- HealthISAC
iotworlds: RT @LanceSchukies: Kaiser Permanente Exposes Nearly 70K Medical
Records in Data Breach https://t.co/cyy8rLKMiv #vulnerabilities #hacks #sec… --
iotworlds Judemccorry: RT @SBRC_Scotland: It’s not just your computer that could
be infected by #malware. More and more mobiles are being affected too, every
day.… -- Judemccorry PhishStats: https://t.co/MAuIXRvYiq detected 140 new
websites hosting #phishing | new today: 889 | #infosec #cybersecurity…
https://t.co/Hy9ZonBxeM -- PhishStats reecdeep: Still another one #FormBook
#Malware C&C server just discovered in the wild! ????c2: quititamorn[.com ????…
https://t.co/UnYJ3U6YGo -- reecdeep releaseteam: RT @CyberIQs_: Monkeypox Scams
Continue to Increase #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligence #hacking #cybern… -- releaseteam SBRC_Scotland: It’s not
just your computer that could be infected by #malware. More and more mobiles are
being affected too, every… https://t.co/b2bvOK3Zwu -- SBRC_Scotland sectest9: RT
@CyberIQs_: Monkeypox Scams Continue to Increase #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence #hacking #cybern… -- sectest9
thomas_metz: Hello XD Ransomware Installing Backdoor on Targeted Windows and
Linux Systems https://t.co/jNfYiRomDE via… https://t.co/C8djuZ5rXl --
thomas_metz BACSIRT: @AndreaAlvarezAA Hola @AndreaAlvarezAA ???? podés
escribirnos por MD o a través de ciberseguridad@ba-csirt.gob.ar ???? -- BACSIRT
CERTpy: EN VIVO ????#SegurinfoParaguay2022 Andres Giarletta, Ingeniero de
Kaspersky, Ponencia: "Decisiones eficientes: La importancia del contexto"
@KasperskyLatino ¡SUMATE! ???? https://t.co/VGfrsBlcRm https://t.co/DrObjIuXKX
-- CERTpy CERTpy: EN VIVO ????#SegurinfoParaguay2022 Einar Felipe Lanfranco,
Oficial del Programa de Ciberseguridad, Ponencia "Csirtamericas: modelo de
intercambio de información en latinoamérica y el caribe" @OEA_Cyber ¡SUMATE!
???? https://t.co/VGfrsBlcRm http -- CERTpy CERTpy: EN VIVO
????#SegurinfoParaguay2022 Gabriela Ratti, Directora General de Ciberseguridad y
Proteccion a la Informacion, presente en el acto de apertura de Segurinfo
Paraguay 2022 @gabriratti ¡SUMATE! ???? https://t.co/VGfrsBlcRm
https://t.co/fmoA -- CERTpy CSIRTCV: ???? #Vulnerabilidad de ejecución de código
remoto en #Zoom a través de un mensaje de chat en la que el usuario no llega a
interactuar. Más información: https://t.co/G6lwebgBp8 https://t.co/2u90T8JWv6 --
CSIRTCV CSIRTCV: ⚠️ El buscador #DuckDuckGo (DDG) tiene un acuerdo con
#Microsoft que les impide bloquear ciertos ‘trackers’ de la compañía. Más
información: https://t.co/lWMzWMp142 https://t.co/YUH6mzl3Ub -- CSIRTCV
FIRSTdotOrg: #FIRSTCON22 Bronze Sponsor shout-outs! Thank you for the
outstanding support: @cybereason @domaintools @google @intezerlabs
@recordedfuture @threatray. View our full sponsor listing at
https://t.co/TaNU0ikW1Y https://t.co/7JsR8FspU3 -- FIRSTdotOrg NJCybersecurity:
#ALERT: A critical unauthenticated remote code execution #vulnerability under
active exploitation was discovered in Atlassian Confluence Server & Data Center.
Details & recommendations: https://t.co/pv8DIIZ6yx #cybersecurity #i --
NJCybersecurity codedailybot: RT @mariya06025697: Skills of #sciencetwitter
#Cloud #MachineLearning #python #IoT #100DaysOfCode #programming #CodeNewbie
#reactjs #bugb… -- codedailybot codedailybot: RT @mariya06025697: Skills of
#sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning #python #IoT #100DaysOfCode #programming
#CodeNewbie #reactjs #bugb… -- codedailybot CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi:
Predicted Malicious Domain : xatttact[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by
@BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Posit… -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @Nyksindia: Security requires such activities to be
monitored and inspected to provide protection against cyber threats. A user
won't be… -- CyberSecurityN8 fabiokalled: RT @mariya06025697: Skills of
#sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning #python #IoT #100DaysOfCode #programming
#CodeNewbie #reactjs #bugb… -- fabiokalled FreedomNetTech: Account pre-hijacking
attacks possible on many online services - Help Net Security
https://t.co/c6srp3UyVn #tech #cybercrime -- FreedomNetTech NSeraikella: RT
@Nyksindia: Security requires such activities to be monitored and inspected to
provide protection against cyber threats. A user won't be… -- NSeraikella
NSeraikella: RT @Nyksindia: Make sure your passwords are unique. It may appear
simple and handy to use the same password for many accounts. #security #… --
NSeraikella NSeraikella: RT @Nyksindia: If human error was somehow eliminated
entirely, 19 out of 20 cyber breaches may not have taken place at all! #security
#cybe… -- NSeraikella NSeraikella: RT @Nyksindia: If money has been illegally
removed from a person's account, they should immediately call 1930. #security
#cybercrime #priv… -- NSeraikella opensource_orgs: RT @mariya06025697: Skills of
#sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning #python #IoT #100DaysOfCode #programming
#CodeNewbie #reactjs #bugb… -- opensource_orgs sectest9: RT @iCyberFighter: An
international law enforcement operation involving 11 countries has resulted in
the #takedown of one of the fastest-sp… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @Nyksindia:
Security requires such activities to be monitored and inspected to provide
protection against cyber threats. A user won't be… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT
@BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : xatttact[.]com PreCrime Threat
Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Posit… -- sectest9
1sthcc: Under Attack: Ransomware Threats, Prevention Tips, and Response Strategy
for Health Care Providers @1sthcc… https://t.co/3UaJ0HHmWy -- 1sthcc
ArchinalLee: It appears that #Emotet is making a big comeback. Researchers at
@threatinsight and @Cryptolaemus1 witnessed a modu… https://t.co/iTpeWlv907 --
ArchinalLee AshishRaosahab6: RT @shaif1011: How to find SQL Injection at scale?
Try this ???? #recontips #AttackSurface #bugbountytips #reconone #BugBounty
#sqlmap #OpenS… -- AshishRaosahab6 AVPT_TJ: RT @AvePoint: Stop scrolling! Here
are your 9 essential ways to safeguard against increasing #ransomware attacks:
https://t.co/eaU2gIaMNj.… -- AVPT_TJ CyberAlliance: RT @NETSCOUT: We went deep
into the #darkweb + uncovered the top 19 #DDoSforhire services. Get the
#threatintelligence report to see what w… -- CyberAlliance CyberAlliance: The
@CyberAlliance is honored to again sponsor the @avar_asia conference, Dec 1-2,
Singapore. CFP is open - please… https://t.co/FVahZeG6vk -- CyberAlliance
CyberIQs_: What is CEO Fraud Phishing? #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel #threatintelligence #hacking… https://t.co/L9iyLMJq0I -- CyberIQs_
CyberSecurityN8: RT @ArchinalLee: It appears that #Emotet is making a big
comeback. Researchers at @threatinsight and @Cryptolaemus1 witnessed a module
bein… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @1sthcc: Under Attack: Ransomware
Threats, Prevention Tips, and Response Strategy for Health Care Providers
@1sthcc @OfficialRCCSInc ht… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @reconshell:
Apache Tomcat JMXProxy RCE #Hacking #Bugbounty #CyberSecurity #Security #Apache
#Tomcat #JMXProxy #RCE #vulnerability #CSR… -- CyberSecurityN8 ecarlesi:
Possible threat on hxxp://shrishyam-traders[.]com/wp-admin[.]zip #phishing
#opendir #hostinger -- ecarlesi Emrullah_A: RT @reconshell: Apache Tomcat
JMXProxy RCE #Hacking #Bugbounty #CyberSecurity #Security #Apache #Tomcat
#JMXProxy #RCE #vulnerability #CSR… -- Emrullah_A fe_tsoc: RT @yvesago: #Emotet
VT 7/57 https://t.co/XZnoIr66On VIA
-- fe_tsoc HackenProof: OAuth 2.0 threat model pentesting checklist: #pentesting
#BugBounty #bugbountytips https://t.co/K56Y1b5k4z -- HackenProof James_P_Kav: RT
@Cyber_Vigilance: BlackCat ransomware affiliates are now attacking Microsoft
Exchange servers using exploits targeting unpatched vulnera… -- James_P_Kav
jonaholter: Repeat #ransomware attacks are more common that ever. Get insight
into leveling up your defense strategy with learn… https://t.co/vIAP4xyX7R --
jonaholter mrrobot_h4ck3r: RT @e11i0t_4lders0n: Bug Bounty Free Learning
Materials Follow this thread if you can’t google and learn things???? #bugbounty
#bugbountyti… -- mrrobot_h4ck3r nav1n0x: Drupal SQLSTATE[HY000] error can be
exploited?, anyone have a tip please? #BugBounty #bugbountytips #SQLi
https://t.co/yU89E21nIf -- nav1n0x OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 trying to login with account "ftp" and password "" on
UTC 20… https://t.co/ik6lefIgEA -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was
detected from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6"
on UTC 2022-06-14 11… https://t.co/LfGL48XaD8 -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An
attempt was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-14
11:57:03.651574. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot pavel_cmp: RT @ido_cohen2:
???? #BlackCat (ALPHV) #Ransomware team changing the rules of the game ????
After they updated about a new victim they register… -- pavel_cmp
roopak_bhardwaj: RT @disclosedh1: Acronis disclosed a bug submitted by ub3rsick:
https://t.co/oOypqotM1I #hackerone #bugbounty https://t.co/CeWVyKL3i0 --
roopak_bhardwaj sectest9: RT @ArchinalLee: It appears that #Emotet is making a
big comeback. Researchers at @threatinsight and @Cryptolaemus1 witnessed a
module bein… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @1sthcc: Under Attack: Ransomware Threats,
Prevention Tips, and Response Strategy for Health Care Providers @1sthcc
@OfficialRCCSInc ht… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @reconshell: Apache Tomcat
JMXProxy RCE #Hacking #Bugbounty #CyberSecurity #Security #Apache #Tomcat
#JMXProxy #RCE #vulnerability #CSR… -- sectest9 syarifsajjad: RT @tamimhasan404:
I create a custom nuclei template for mass hunting recent CVE-2022-29455(XSS)
#bugbounty #nuclei https://t.co/uMC9ldy3CJ -- syarifsajjad TylerCohenWood: RT
@BillMew: Job cuts hit #cybersecurity industry despite surging growth from
#ransomware attacks - @CNBC https://t.co/fQZ8k21VbW @drjdroo… -- TylerCohenWood
yvesago: #Emotet VT 7/57 https://t.co/XZnoIr66On VIA
https://t.co/ATCO8Xyxsl -- yvesago z3nhx: RT @tamimhasan404: I create a custom
nuclei template for mass hunting recent CVE-2022-29455(XSS) #bugbounty #nuclei
https://t.co/uMC9ldy3CJ -- z3nhx __RedLily__: RT @UKikaski: An RUS 9M22S
incendiary rockets being fired on #APU positions last night near #Yasynuvata.
#OSINT #Ukrainianwar https://t.c… -- __RedLily__ angelina5406: The 2022
#CyberResGalaxy Annual Report is the first in a series to provide a perspective
on geopolitical, regional… https://t.co/hzlYBfIpYo -- angelina5406 arvinaviles:
RT @cyb_detective: Nameberry When you are looking for mentions of a person on
social media, remember that one name can have dozens of diff… -- arvinaviles
bijalsanghani: RT @euroix: Sam Muchiri from @teamcymru is on stage right now
present the Free Service offerings that the org offers. #tools #threatintelli…
-- bijalsanghani BrrrSergey: RT @officer_cia: It's a good time to read my old
article (and other blog posts!) once again and check out your University’s
pantry! https:… -- BrrrSergey Cloud_Gh0st: RT @vizivod: Mr. Phisher - I have
just completed this room! Check it out: https://t.co/aDxJDfkYqN #tryhackme
#security #office #docx #fore… -- Cloud_Gh0st cyberreport_io: (IN)SECURE
Magazine: RSAC 2022 special issue released - Help Net Security
https://t.co/v0kROpcVn4 #cybersecurity… https://t.co/9nomzumOEu --
cyberreport_io CyberSecurityN8: RT @LanceSchukies: This new Linux malware has a
sneaky way of staying hidden | ZDNet #cybersecurity #infosec #hacker
#cyberattack #phishin… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @cyberreport_io:
(IN)SECURE Magazine: RSAC 2022 special issue released - Help Net Security
https://t.co/v0kROpcVn4 #cybersecurity #threa… -- CyberSecurityN8 cybsecbot: In
the past 24 hours, 1669 IoC's were submitted and #Emotet is the most seen
#malware family on abuse[.]ch -- cybsecbot DenisFf67: RT @CovertShores:
***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy landing warships and grain ships off Sevastopol today
This corrects previous tweet (delete… -- DenisFf67 DerekBrittonUK: Get the key
findings for 2021 from the @microfocus #CyberResGalaxy Annual Report, via
@tahawultech. #ThreatHunting… https://t.co/yoxq6ryejv -- DerekBrittonUK
EUNOMATIX1: Hackers clone Coinbase, MetaMask mobile wallets to steal your crypto
https://t.co/CBS3ZIwZQo @Sophos @McAfee… https://t.co/59IrOa309e -- EUNOMATIX1
GaryPaluch: See how cyber threat trends have shifted over the year to better
prepare your org’s defenses with the… https://t.co/vX7CRuyShS -- GaryPaluch
intelDose: Ukrainian artillery destroys Russian rocket launchers in precise
strike ⚠️ #intelligence #geopolitics #osint https://t.co/QoHXzhl3vn -- intelDose
JEMPradio: Phish - 6-14-95 Set 1 (Memphish, TN) #Phish #JEMPRadio
#CommunityRadio #NowPlaying https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE -- JEMPradio martinopy: RT
@_Vault_Security: Anatomy of phishing attack #infosec #cybersecuritytips
#cybersec #cybersecurity #scam #malicious #malware #ransomware… -- martinopy
NixuTigerTeam: How does your organization respond to the evolving threat
landscape where data breaches are becoming more common an…
https://t.co/7vBo838Zy5 -- NixuTigerTeam Odorukumasama: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG
THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the
fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- Odorukumasama oosthuizen_izak:
PHISHING BREAKS RECORDS #Phishing reached an all-time high last quarter and in
March 380000 attacks were detected U… https://t.co/xUPg2MI5oH -- oosthuizen_izak
OsintZone: Top story: @TomTomjarvis: 'LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT
folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/c… https://t.co/XBVb7JMc1A --
OsintZone p1ngul1n0: RT @osintgamesctf: The "TENET" #CTF goes on preorder today
(https://t.co/JBaFUxOFUu)! Similar format to previous event. Fun challenges to
h… -- p1ngul1n0 RakitaRakita11: RT @noncommunistmao: #OSINT Astra BVR missile
deployment to Chennai confirmed!! https://t.co/NjDMUkkmD6 -- RakitaRakita11
RedPacketSec: DivX SubTitles - 783,058 breached accounts -
https://t.co/XqFfspo2Os #Data_Breach #HaveIBeenPwnedLatestBreaches…
https://t.co/bFuW5LC4gS -- RedPacketSec RuOilTracker: ????????->????????
EIKEVIKEN Departed Primorsk with 110,000 tons of crude oil for delivery in
#Rotterdam, #Netherlands… https://t.co/U6Uo6kR6AK -- RuOilTracker sadasemb: RT
@CertiKAlert: #CommunityAlert ???? @TheUncannyClub Discord has been compromised
and a phishing link posted! Do not click any links! #h… -- sadasemb sectest9: RT
@LanceSchukies: This new Linux malware has a sneaky way of staying hidden |
ZDNet #cybersecurity #infosec #hacker #cyberattack #phishin… -- sectest9
sectest9: RT @cyberreport_io: (IN)SECURE Magazine: RSAC 2022 special issue
released - Help Net Security https://t.co/v0kROpcVn4 #cybersecurity #threa… --
sectest9 SergioFlak: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT
folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to
sha… -- SergioFlak sprp77: RT @jakecreps: From this month's #OSINT newsletter:
You can reverse hashes into cleartext using a tool like hashes[.]com or check it
in Vi… -- sprp77 TeldatCorp: Use Case | Security & Public administration
https://t.co/32sBBdY4Rd #TeldatBeSAFE #malware #malwareprotection…
https://t.co/90RRMALFCH -- TeldatCorp UKikaski: RUS sources report that the
missile strike today in the #Lviv area was conducted by RUSAF bombers most
likely TU-22… https://t.co/NxWLuWiOL1 -- UKikaski Ultrascan419: The investor who
spotted Madoff's fraud early has a whole new worry - MarketWatch: Edward Thorp
is an investing and… https://t.co/pmRG86TyQ4 -- Ultrascan419 Ultrascan419:
Georgia's Pak testifies about false claims of fraud to Jan. 6 congressional
committee: Former U.S. Attorney BJay Pa… https://t.co/uj5N2OQisi -- Ultrascan419
Ultrascan419: Ex-AG Bill Barr testified there's an 'obvious explanation' why
other Pennsylvania ... - Yahoo: Former Attorney Gene… https://t.co/JCnsmwgvNx --
Ultrascan419 Wezsh0T: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy landing
warships and grain ships off Sevastopol today This corrects previous tweet
(delete… -- Wezsh0T beefyspace: RT @LanceSchukies: Schneider Electric, Claroty
Launch Cybersecurity Solution for Buildings | #cybersecurity #infosec #hacker
#cyberattack… -- beefyspace BlowfishTech: Windows 11 has a major new feature to
protect you from malicious apps and downloads… but you’ll need to reinstall W…
https://t.co/nPdyAhqGkA -- BlowfishTech Computing_News: Sophisticated #malware
uses a variety of methods to evade detection. @linuxdotcom Join FREE to read >…
https://t.co/nlF8xvb2Ch -- Computing_News CyberSecurityN8: RT @LanceSchukies:
Schneider Electric, Claroty Launch Cybersecurity Solution for Buildings |
#cybersecurity #infosec #hacker #cyberattack… -- CyberSecurityN8 LanceSchukies:
Schneider Electric, Claroty Launch Cybersecurity Solution for Buildings |
#cybersecurity #infosec #hacker… https://t.co/9YhyPl9ysr -- LanceSchukies
LanceSchukies: Ransomware attacks are increasing with more dangerous hybrids
ahead | CSO Online #cybersecurity #infosec #hacker… https://t.co/rEpXKJakz9 --
LanceSchukies LanceSchukies: Vulnerability management mistakes CISOs still make
| CSO Online #cybersecurity #infosec #hacker #cyberattack…
https://t.co/RDBy6VTgtk -- LanceSchukies MelissaV007: RT @YourAnonRiots: New
variants of Hello XD #ransomware now install a secret backdoor on targeted
Windows and #Linux systems to gain persis… -- MelissaV007 MoonDeLaAxel: RT
@lnxsec: Learn about the growing importance of scanning #Linux systems for
#malware, and our favorite tools for doing so???????? https://t.co/… --
MoonDeLaAxel sectest9: RT @LanceSchukies: Schneider Electric, Claroty Launch
Cybersecurity Solution for Buildings | #cybersecurity #infosec #hacker
#cyberattack… -- sectest9 SOC_Prime: CERT-UA warns of new attacks exploiting
#CVE-2022-30190 vulnerability aka #Follina attributed to #Sandworm APT and…
https://t.co/BrExjOawqQ -- SOC_Prime CSIRTCV: En aquesta nova campanya de
CSIRT-CV ens volem centrar en la protecció dels nostres dispositius #mòbils. No
et perdes els 10 consells sobre #ciberseguretat en mòbils que et donarem durant
les pròximes setmanes. #ProtegeTuMóvil #FondosFeder #conci -- CSIRTCV
NationalCsirtCy: Εκπροσώπηση ΑΨΑ στο διεθνές συνέδριο ITU World
Telecommunications Development Conference ???? https://t.co/oCEvyBJtna #ΑΨΑ
#ΓΕΡΗΕΤ #telecommunications #cybersecurity #ρουάντα #WTDC @GovCyprus @ITU
@ITUEurope https://t.co/G6cT97hbIu -- NationalCsirtCy _Jakashi: RT
@programmerjoke9: Goodnight, Default Prince. Of all the browsers throughout
history, you were certainly one of them.#100Daysofcode #java… -- _Jakashi
Akh0x0: RT @tamimhasan404: I create a custom nuclei template for mass hunting
recent CVE-2022-29455(XSS) #bugbounty #nuclei https://t.co/uMC9ldy3CJ -- Akh0x0
BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : rentmyjosephson[.]com PreCrime Threat
Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Nea… https://t.co/YGHSWgEWjd -- BforeAi
bugbounterr: Bugbounter webinar series continues without slowing down.
https://t.co/YZjpwRHnO9 Don't forget to register for ou… https://t.co/WZWX2DYxWZ
-- bugbounterr bugbounty18: Iranian Hackers Spotted Using a new DNS Hijacking
Malware in Recent Attacks https://t.co/NdvvEnrr4o #bugbounty #bugbounties --
bugbounty18 Chirag99Artani: RT @naglinagli: During @Hacker0x01 Ambassador
Worldcup We (me, @rotembar and @realgam3) found DOM Based XSS that affected
6.5m+ Elementor w… -- Chirag99Artani CoE_HRightsRLaw: RT @JKleijssen: First
participation of @coe as observer to the #FATF plenary , presenting our work on
various issues relating to fighting #… -- CoE_HRightsRLaw CyberSecurityN8: RT
@SkyNet_HTML:  Celebrating You Twitter #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLea… -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : rentmyjosephson[.]com
PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero Fals… --
CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @naglinagli: During @Hacker0x01 Ambassador
Worldcup We (me, @rotembar and @realgam3) found DOM Based XSS that affected
6.5m+ Elementor w… -- CyberSecurityN8 DevRetweetBot: RT @bamitav: #India is the
sixth most data-breached country in world, says study by #cybersecurity firm
https://t.co/MiYBkajrFb #cyberwar… -- DevRetweetBot mansa_police: RT @SaanjhPB:
#PPMM of Fazilka and PS Arni Wala conducted Public Campaign with the aim to
raise awareness to the citizens regarding functio… -- mansa_police nbx404: RT
@tamimhasan404: I create a custom nuclei template for mass hunting recent
CVE-2022-29455(XSS) #bugbounty #nuclei https://t.co/uMC9ldy3CJ -- nbx404
NykSitamarhi: RT @Nyksindia: Every 39 seconds, a new cyberattack occurs
somewhere on the internet. On a daily basis, the internet blocks roughly 24,000
f… -- NykSitamarhi opensource_orgs: RT @bamitav: #Password Hacking—New Research
Says Keyboard Audio Can Leak Your Secrets https://t.co/82vzPgSyDz #cyberwar
#cybercrime #cybe… -- opensource_orgs Rishiku59183916: RT @SunilSharma_44:
India's biggest scam almost 2500cr + by Dani data mobile app.Ham sab barbaad ho
gye hai. Fir bhi hamari government koye… -- Rishiku59183916 rum4is: RT
@Nyksindia: In which year has hacking become a practical crime and a matter of
concern in the field of cyber technology? #security #cyb… -- rum4is rum4is: RT
@bamitav: #Password Hacking—New Research Says Keyboard Audio Can Leak Your
Secrets https://t.co/82vzPgSyDz #cyberwar #cybercrime #cybe… -- rum4is rum4is:
RT @Nyksindia: Every 39 seconds, a new cyberattack occurs somewhere on the
internet. On a daily basis, the internet blocks roughly 24,000 f… -- rum4is
rum4is: RT @Nyksindia: If money has been illegally removed from a person's
account, they should immediately call 1930. #security #cybercrime #priv… --
rum4is sectest9: RT @cyentiainst: Our new collaboration with @Arete_Advisors is
published! Join us as we begin our investigation into #cybercrime! Read the… --
sectest9 sectest9: RT @SkyNet_HTML:  Celebrating You Twitter #100DaysOfCode
#CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter
#MachineLea… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
rentmyjosephson[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero Fals… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @naglinagli: During @Hacker0x01
Ambassador Worldcup We (me, @rotembar and @realgam3) found DOM Based XSS that
affected 6.5m+ Elementor w… -- sectest9 Ved4vyasan: RT @rajraj64180: Improve
your bug hunting 1. Go to @intigriti bug-byte 2. Every bug-byte blog post
contains tools section 3. There are bu… -- Ved4vyasan 3tL0n: RT @snharvester:
Freezingdata at ISS World 2022 in Praque Visit us at the ISS World from 14 –
16.06. Together with our partner Arina AG y… -- 3tL0n c3rb3ru5d3d53c: RT
@Amigo_A_: A new #Venus #Ransomware variant https://t.co/XZbMn51qWd Extension:
.anigma Ransom note: README.txt Email: anigma@tutan*, an… -- c3rb3ru5d3d53c
CyberDFIR: RT @eb_compliance: In this issue of The Monitor, our #cyberrisk
experts dive into new LNKs in Emotet’s chain. We encounter #Emotet in our… --
CyberDFIR CyberIQs_: The FIDO2 and Post Quantum Cryptography Revolution, and
#infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel… https://t.co/sw74aZIf1c --
CyberIQs_ CyberSecurityN8: RT @CyberIQs_: The FIDO2 and Post Quantum
Cryptography Revolution, and #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligen… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @sloppy_bear:
BlackCat\AlphV #ransomware group have added The Allison, a resort based in
Oregon, to their victims list. The resort's web… -- CyberSecurityN8 cybsecbot:
RT @adamkar40928906: #ThreatIntel #cryptocurrency amazing work done by Taha
Karim @lordx64 , Worth a read , this is some high quality ser… -- cybsecbot
ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxp://christinadvenson[.]com/aaa/square-RD971-new-detail-thank[.]zip #phishing
#opendir #squarespace -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
https://t.co/vQsB79hEUD -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxps://bluegatetr[.]com/investorm[.]zip #phishing #opendir #nc
https://t.co/fK0lFJVz26 -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://onmining[.]cloud/SCRIPT[.]zip #opendir #nc -- ecarlesi EclecticIQ: ????
Meet our experts at #FIRSTCON2022! Come to our booth on June 26th - July 1st and
learn how we aid one of our cust… https://t.co/zRjViGgjUY -- EclecticIQ
EclecticIQ: ???? Going to #FIRSTCON 2022? Come to our booth and speak with our
experts to learn how to achieve early warning for c… https://t.co/dMGw6KrEdh --
EclecticIQ EXN_BE: How can @Wasabi STOP #Ransomware? First step, Immutability.
Immutability (aka #WORM or #ObjectLocking) offers the… https://t.co/dlRJZpmalc
-- EXN_BE mdAzhar57643385: You lost your account? A good hacker is all you need.
DM now. #hacked #icloud #facebookdown #imessage #ransomware…
https://t.co/aVwEpGJwrs -- mdAzhar57643385 nani_wilson: RT @ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxps://bluegatetr[.]com/investorm[.]zip #phishing #opendir #nc
https://t.co/fK0lFJVz26 -- nani_wilson Nassimi04894600: RT @ChanningBlythe: Have
exclusive Hacking jobs? DM and Ask for my service. #hacked #icloud #facebookdown
#imessage #ransomware #snapchat #… -- Nassimi04894600 OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version
"SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-14 09… https://t.co/LDBrj3XH4x --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 on UTC 2022-06-14 09:52:51.296014. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot
parry_anthony: Thanks @STMagAndAwards for a great night - and thanks to your
readers for voting for @Arcserve and the… https://t.co/g9NvDL8b2W --
parry_anthony sarj78: RT @AvePoint: Catch hackers before they can attack!
Improve your #ransomware detection capabilities with AvePoint’s #CloudBackup.
Start you… -- sarj78 sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_: The FIDO2 and Post Quantum
Cryptography Revolution, and #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligen… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @sloppy_bear: BlackCat\AlphV
#ransomware group have added The Allison, a resort based in Oregon, to their
victims list. The resort's web… -- sectest9 sloppy_bear: BlackCat\AlphV
#ransomware group have added The Allison, a resort based in Oregon, to their
victims list. The resor… https://t.co/h1X0MSH5H0 -- sloppy_bear thequantumbot:
RT @CyberIQs_: The FIDO2 and Post Quantum Cryptography Revolution, and #infosec
#infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligen… -- thequantumbot
tlsn0085: RT @huntandhackett: Russia: what are its digital strengths,
weaknesses, strategic motives, victims and who actually does the attacking? Tak…
-- tlsn0085 TomRtsma: RT @startme: The best performing #OSINT page last week is
created by Igor S. Bederov. Thanks to @OSINT_Tactical for pointing us to this
pag… -- TomRtsma UKikaski: The RUS Navy Kilo-class subs Kolpino (Newer Project
636, B-271) and Alrosa (Older Project 877EKM, B-871) seen leavi…
https://t.co/khKAcs3Hjo -- UKikaski 2wiredSecurity: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG
THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the
fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- 2wiredSecurity apandabynes: RT
@TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks?
I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- apandabynes
chrismeacham: Feel like #ransomware is out of control? Wondering why there's
always another #cybersecurity fix? Here's how we got… https://t.co/CafCeQY3M6 --
chrismeacham cloudbreezee: RT @SECFORCE_LTD: ????New blogpost from @haqpl
demonstrating how the Scroll-to-Text Fragment feature in Chrome can be abused to
exfiltrate dat… -- cloudbreezee deltalogix: Corporate security risks do not only
come from outside the company. It is often the employees who open a gateway to…
https://t.co/q4xc7lYwcP -- deltalogix ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://citionlineview02a[.]com #phishing -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat
on hxxp://cnmecanic[.]com #phishing #squarespace https://t.co/ACOD6fUuTB --
ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on hxxps://blockstools[.]live/ #phishing
#walletconnect #nc -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxps://datawalling[.]site/main/wallets/index[.]html #phishing #nc -- ecarlesi
ecarlesi: Threat on
#phishing… https://t.co/DyoBScbbVZ -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxp://conflrmcitzenz[.]com/ #phishing #citizensbank #tucows
https://t.co/CUgdJxthiM -- ecarlesi fe_tsoc: RT @yvesago: #phishing @USPS
s://kinxun.com.hk/wp-content/themes/image/ VIA s://zoomto.me/UsB8 ping
@malwrhunterteam @PhishStats https://t.… -- fe_tsoc fipman: RT @enisa_eu: When
it comes to #phishing, we are all exposed. Good news is we can prevent it. Don't
take the bite, take these tips. #Boos… -- fipman gdprAI: RT @YourAnonRiots: A
new covert #Linux kernel #rootkit called "#Syslogk" has been discovered in the
wild that allows attackers to remotely… -- gdprAI gdprAI: RT @thevpnexperts:
Reddit is one of those online communities where reviews are brutally honest and
raw. In this guide, we have compiled VPN… -- gdprAI Granchacrafree: RT @startme:
The best performing #OSINT page last week is created by Igor S. Bederov. Thanks
to @OSINT_Tactical for pointing us to this pag… -- Granchacrafree hightur: RT
@TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks?
I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- hightur ITzzzWIZ:
RT @TheHackersNews: A new covert #Linux kernel #rootkit called "Syslogk" has
been discovered in the wild that allows attackers to remotely… -- ITzzzWIZ
JCyberSec_: Here is rather clever mobile PayPal #phishing site... ???? ????It
features a couple of notable anti-analysis features se… https://t.co/jNjzD1bewh
-- JCyberSec_ Kamilm119: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my
#OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing
to sha… -- Kamilm119 mkrivich: Chat Scammers- Phishing for Dollars & Personal
Information. The Ultimate Guide for Self-Protection. #chatscammer…
https://t.co/CbrDDCmH6H -- mkrivich mobliciti: Over a billion Google Play Store
app downloads could be infected by #malware @techradar https://t.co/HuKAEoO6bS
-- mobliciti NefariousRat: RT @viper202020: Signs of urban combat now visible in
the town of Severodonetsk. Composite sat pic shows fires / IR signatures in and
aroun… -- NefariousRat NorthstarIT: Android fan? If you have antivirus apps,
check they’re not actively spreading their own malware. Stranger things ha…
https://t.co/9TlWGNo9zk -- NorthstarIT PCrypto10: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD
1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool
tools that I'm willing to sha… -- PCrypto10 RedPacketSec: Don’t panic!
“Unpatchable” Mac vulnerability discovered - https://t.co/YUzwkHP7YB #OSINT
#Security #Threatintel -- RedPacketSec rgodek: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD
1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool
tools that I'm willing to sha… -- rgodek rum4is: RT @rootprivilege:
staticounter[.]net injected into #magento db and loading #JavaScript on a hacked
store's checkout page. Can't seem to i… -- rum4is RuOilTracker:
????????->???????? IONIC ANASSA Departed Novorossiysk with 110,000 tons of crude
oil for delivery in #Augusta, #Italy… https://t.co/42cvP8qqiy -- RuOilTracker
SFreeworks: RT @brechtcastel: 2M people have seen this picture on #Telegram
(without blur): "???????? Russian soldier was chained [...] tortured and [...]
se… -- SFreeworks Spambrella: “#Office365 allowed too many #phishing emails
through. We had users fall victim, despite end user training to not c…
https://t.co/4GqkdpgLlh -- Spambrella TeldatCorp: Use Cases | beSAFE premium
Hardware agnostic, easy to configure, and requires no certifications…
https://t.co/l2hNFI754I -- TeldatCorp TheCyberHub2: BPFDoor is a piece of
#malware associated with China-based threat actor Red Menshen that has hit
mostly Linux opera… https://t.co/f3ucFWeci6 -- TheCyberHub2 UKikaski: RUS Navy
Kashtan-class Buoy Tender/Crane Ship (Project 141, KIL-158) leaving #Sevastopol
in May of 2022. Modernized… https://t.co/dKfr9fjntd -- UKikaski c3rb3ru5d3d53c:
RT @reecdeep: #Gozi #Malware #ISFB #Italy already spotted by @58_158_177_102
???? ????c2: 194.76,226.15 109.230,199.114 https://t.co/aydBxf1lqz… --
c3rb3ru5d3d53c CyberSecurityN8: RT @mobliciti: Over a billion Google Play Store
app downloads could be infected by #malware @techradar https://t.co/HuKAEoO6bS
-- CyberSecurityN8 diioannid: RT @Paula_Piccard: 9 types of computer virus and
how they do their dirty work Know more: https://t.co/vFaiIyEwwR #DataSecurity
#Privacy #… -- diioannid HealthISAC: Share these with your organization and
spread the word on healthcare cybersecurity. #healthit #boostyourcybervitals
https://t.co/at62o36KYc https://t.co/QAG5S8rRv9 -- HealthISAC QAValley: your
Word documents may be hiding a whole new family of malware
https://t.co/EfsrGrtZEl #Malware #Cybersecurity… https://t.co/fpPocJNQhy --
QAValley sectest9: RT @mobliciti: Over a billion Google Play Store app downloads
could be infected by #malware @techradar https://t.co/HuKAEoO6bS -- sectest9
TechUnityInc: your Word documents may be hiding a whole new family of malware
https://t.co/K0ctSD5bUh #Malware #Cybersecurity… https://t.co/v5XTgrZMV3 --
TechUnityInc walterarseneau1: RT @BlackBerrySpark: BlackBerry & @IntezerLabs
discovered & analyzed stealthy new Linux #malware called Symbiote. Nearly
undetectable, it… -- walterarseneau1 certbe: La Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles a
élaboré un guide pratique de #cybersécurité pour les #écoles (qui a été
diffusé en annexe de la Circulaire 8602). Plus d'infos et liens vers cette
publication (en français) via https://t.co/9rd0BwxFyO https://t. -- certbe
csirt_it: #SchneiderElectric : sanate vulnerabilità in alcuni dispositivi –
anche SCADA – di cui 7 con gravità “critica” Rischio: ???? Tra le tipologie:
Denial of Service, Information Disclosure, Remote Code Execution ????
https://t.co/KCc7TnsmNE ???? -- csirt_it CyberSecurityN8: RT @avadipolice:
#CyberCrime #Password #Secure Do not share your password with anyone for any
reason.... Initiated by #AvadiPoliceCommissi… -- CyberSecurityN8 HelenLatha: RT
@avadipolice: #CyberCrime #Password #Secure Do not share your password with
anyone for any reason.... Initiated by #AvadiPoliceCommissi… -- HelenLatha
KolhapurNyks: RT @Nyksindia: In which year has hacking become a practical crime
and a matter of concern in the field of cyber technology? #security #cyb… --
KolhapurNyks RachakondaCop: Today @sheteams_rck Vanasthalipuram division
conducted an #awareness program at National Mart, Dhatunagar,…
https://t.co/HfNAdLu04a -- RachakondaCop sectest9: RT @avadipolice: #CyberCrime
#Password #Secure Do not share your password with anyone for any reason....
Initiated by #AvadiPoliceCommissi… -- sectest9 STJ_SYRIA_ENG: The new 2022
#Cybercrime Law overlaps with other laws, notably #Syrian Penal Code amendments,
increasing the ambigu… https://t.co/o8IjXeTZkZ -- STJ_SYRIA_ENG 303sec: RT
@ReconOne_: How to find SQL Injection at scale? Try this ???? #recontips
#AttackSurface #bugbountytips #reconone #BugBounty #sqlmap https:… -- 303sec
BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : brainardroofingconstruction[.]com PreCrime
Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat A… https://t.co/XpgAOIHulu -- BforeAi
bugbounty18: Quick and Simple: BPFDoor Explained https://t.co/7VQPsg8aIG
#bugbounty #bugbounties -- bugbounty18 CookieM72: RT @gjscobie: Nation State
Adversaries. Advanced Persistent Threats. Jacob Anderson is on the watch list.
Will you be next? The Kill Chain… -- CookieM72 CyberDFIR: RT @kovrrIns: Next
week we will be exhibiting at the Infosecurity Group event in London. Come and
visit Kovrr's booth ????????????, and meet with o… -- CyberDFIR CyberSecurityN8:
RT @ReconOne_: How to find SQL Injection at scale? Try this ???? #recontips
#AttackSurface #bugbountytips #reconone #BugBounty #sqlmap https:… --
CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @Necio_news: Why do organizations need to
prioritize ransomware preparedness? #Ransomware https://t.co/4vkcIRHzgB --
CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @bugbounty18: Quick and Simple: BPFDoor
Explained https://t.co/7VQPsg8aIG #bugbounty #bugbounties -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : getthececropia[.]com
PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False… --
CyberSecurityN8 ErSurajShukla: Cyber Attack Quick Response Sheet in Detail :-
#cybersecurity #hacking #cyber #infosecurity #Pentesting #map…
https://t.co/nowV3z1zPX -- ErSurajShukla fadymusa: RT @ErSurajShukla: Difference
between Threat #Vulnerability and #Risk Mgmt :- 1) - Threat 2) - Vulnerability
3) - Risk Management #infos… -- fadymusa JAMESWT_MHT: Some Mentioned Samples
#HelloXD #ransomware #x4k ???????????? https://t.co/O4sonZODIh ????????????
https://t.co/mLrqCLTnYw https://t.co/uK22tam67l -- JAMESWT_MHT joeclark947: RT
@joeclark947: @CIOonline @kaspersky @symantec @ESET @TheHackersNews @Cisco @IBM
@cyber @WIRED @verge @CNET @Forbes @Entrepreneur @Google… -- joeclark947
joeclark947: RT @joeclark947: @symantec @CIOonline @kaspersky @TheHackersNews
@NortonOnline @AVGFree @ESET @avast_antivirus @officialmcafee @Malwarebyte… --
joeclark947 JuanMataix: #Ransomware gangs continue to demand multi-million
dollar #ransoms – and their greed is driving up the average rans…
https://t.co/jMiiZ3IN8e -- JuanMataix KyoKito4: RT @sheikhrishad0: Owned
CVE-2022-31590 Thanks @SAP :) #BugBounty https://t.co/X2nQkegoZV -- KyoKito4
lamnv6789: RT @lockerpm: ???? ???? ???? According to a @Verizon #databreach
#Report, 80% of data breaches are the result of poor or reused passwords.
#passwor… -- lamnv6789 mishr_a_nurag: RT @appseccouk: Ever wondered how
attackers escalate privileges and escape to the #GoogleCloud platform using a
#SSRF? In this latest blogp… -- mishr_a_nurag murattorun25: RT @ErSurajShukla:
Difference between Threat #Vulnerability and #Risk Mgmt :- 1) - Threat 2) -
Vulnerability 3) - Risk Management #infos… -- murattorun25 Necio_news: Why do
organizations need to prioritize ransomware preparedness? #Ransomware
https://t.co/4vkcIRHzgB -- Necio_news NyksUttarakhand: RT @Nyksindia: Think
before you click- Beware of emails, texts or other promotions that seem “off” or
encourage you to urgently click on li… -- NyksUttarakhand NyksUttarakhand: RT
@Nyksindia: Change privacy settings and do not use location features. Keep
software applications and operating systems up-to-date and cr… --
NyksUttarakhand opensource_orgs: RT @FilipiPires: confluencePot - Simple
Honeypot For Atlassian Confluence (CVE-2022-26134) https://t.co/LEyxxLFUAl
#security #opensource #c… -- opensource_orgs opensource_orgs: RT @ErSurajShukla:
Cyber Attack Quick Response Sheet in Detail :- #cybersecurity #hacking #cyber
#infosecurity #Pentesting #map #CyberAtt… -- opensource_orgs rum4is: RT
@BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : getthececropia[.]com PreCrime Threat
Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False… -- rum4is s4msecurity:
RT @Necio_news: Why do organizations need to prioritize ransomware preparedness?
#Ransomware https://t.co/4vkcIRHzgB -- s4msecurity sectest9: RT @ReconOne_: How
to find SQL Injection at scale? Try this ???? #recontips #AttackSurface
#bugbountytips #reconone #BugBounty #sqlmap https:… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT
@bugbounty18: Quick and Simple: BPFDoor Explained https://t.co/7VQPsg8aIG
#bugbounty #bugbounties -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious
Domain : getthececropia[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat
Agnostic Near-Zero False… -- sectest9 ValTools1: Hacking is easy for
specialists. DM for all cyber related problems. #hacked #icloud #facebookdown
#imessage… https://t.co/qdg8l6FVXj -- ValTools1 ValTools1: Offering the best
recovery services. All social media accounts hacking, Infiltration, and recovery
#hackedinstagram… https://t.co/ENSQre2J5M -- ValTools1 yoursSam076: RT @cycatz2:
#cycatz #bugbounty #bugbountytips Microsoft Dynamics Container Sandbox RCE via
Unauthenticated Docker Remote API 20,000$ Bount… -- yoursSam076 AnchoredNarrat1:
The daily word cloud chatter on the threat actor Twitter feed on 13-06-2022.
#threathunting #threatmanagement… https://t.co/eht7uOoIJu -- AnchoredNarrat1
beefyspace: RT @earegun: ‘Ruthless’ online scams spark concern for lonely,
isolated older people | #phishing | #scams #earegun Martin De Ruyter/Stuff… --
beefyspace Calcaware: RT @JinibaBD: It is time to find a new way against
Phishing: #AI, #ThreatSharing and collaboration. #ThreatIntel #dataprotection
#Phishing… -- Calcaware crispSV: #RuAF fighter jet - #SU57 ? - masked on ADS-b
as #US aircraft ???? heading really fast to #Crimea #Russia #Ukraine…
https://t.co/iqwTvy4t9M -- crispSV cybsecbot: RT @JinibaBD: It is time to find a
new way against Phishing: #AI, #ThreatSharing and collaboration. #ThreatIntel
#dataprotection #Phishing… -- cybsecbot domenicoraguseo: The Many Faces of
#ThreatIntelligence https://t.co/RE1Rn9Z2mx via @SecurityWeek -- domenicoraguseo
fe_tsoc: RT @JAMESWT_MHT: Some Mentioned Samples #HelloXD #ransomware #x4k
???????????? https://t.co/O4sonZODIh ???????????? https://t.co/mLrqCLTnYw
https://t.co/uK22… -- fe_tsoc FrankSowa1: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE***
#Russian Navy landing warships and grain ships off Sevastopol today This
corrects previous tweet (delete… -- FrankSowa1 ganeshnathan28: RT
@Stalkphish_io: 6 new Phishing Kit detection rules pushed on our repository.
Rules to detect kits impersonating @Chronopost @LaPosteBusi… -- ganeshnathan28
HalleBe22292567: RT @Paula_Piccard: 9 types of computer virus and how they do
their dirty work Know more: https://t.co/vFaiIyEwwR #DataSecurity #Privacy #… --
HalleBe22292567 istihbarat1800: Via Satellite report 14/06/2022 VYAZMA (IMO:
8025927) is an Oil Products Tanker, that is sailing under the flag of…
https://t.co/MAbVFHnatd -- istihbarat1800 JanesINTEL: Don’t miss the panel
discussion on whether #OSINT is a major stake for the industry and intelligence
world with Har… https://t.co/BnsGf9ZavM -- JanesINTEL jhales1971: ???? New
#ThreatIntel: The @Symantec Threat Hunter team found threat actors exploiting
the Follina #RCE vulnerability… https://t.co/6VhVRFusvI -- jhales1971 Mawg0ud:
RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my
bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- Mawg0ud
MawunyegaKojo: RT @crispSV: #RuAF fighter jet - #SU57 ? - masked on ADS-b as #US
aircraft ???? heading really fast to #Crimea #Russia #Ukraine #NATO #OSINT… --
MawunyegaKojo Moniq_May: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my
#OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing
to sha… -- Moniq_May OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to
port 8022 trying to login with account "user1" and password "password"…
https://t.co/MUWf6c2zN7 -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC
2022-06-14 07… https://t.co/MwsguGgRW6 -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-14 07:47:22.120864.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 trying to login with account "root" and password
"letmein" o… https://t.co/sewJb6ENeT -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version
"SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-14 07… https://t.co/2SsKx5vKrr --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 on UTC 2022-06-14 07:25:48.945799. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot
OsintTv: RT @viper202020: Signs of urban combat now visible in the town of
Severodonetsk. Composite sat pic shows fires / IR signatures in and aroun… --
OsintTv RDSWEB: RT @muttforce64: Great insights from Prevail Partners Limited’s
Head of #Data Strategy and Services. Prevail’s team use #osint blended wit… --
RDSWEB RedPacketSec: API #Security Best Practices - https://t.co/mrdbeMwjph
#Hacking #OSINT #Threatintel -- RedPacketSec RedPacketSec: SeaFlower campaign
distributes backdoored versions of Web3 wallets to steal seed phrases -
https://t.co/bUEAq4wD5q… https://t.co/b8ubN36To9 -- RedPacketSec RuOilTracker:
????????->???????? NORDIC TELLUS Departed Novorossiysk with 150,000 tons of
crude oil for delivery in #Trieste, #Italy… https://t.co/oS878Qm5Zz --
RuOilTracker rustscrew: RT @MatchlessMan410: #OSINT Blog post - Updated 11 June
2022 ▶️ https://t.co/MQbmmEVC0g #Russian Navy #Pacific Fleet Pr.862/II Yug c… --
rustscrew sectest9: RT @Necio_news: Why do organizations need to prioritize
ransomware preparedness? #Ransomware https://t.co/4vkcIRHzgB -- sectest9
TrustValleyCH: RT @startuptickerCH: PRODAFT provides a cyber threat intelligence
platform that protects clients from major cyber-attacks. After winning 20… --
TrustValleyCH vkes: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT
folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to
sha… -- vkes _DrFrusci: Researchers detail the workings of a fully-featured
#malware loader dubbed "PureCrypter," which is purchased by cyb…
https://t.co/mHJ0kI40HT -- _DrFrusci _RedFrog: RT @TheHackersNews: Researchers
detail the workings of a fully-featured #malware loader dubbed "PureCrypter,"
which is purchased by cybercr… -- _RedFrog BARQSystems: You still have the
chance to meet us at our booth at Caisec’22 and know more about our managed
services #caisec… https://t.co/t4ctRS9tJd -- BARQSystems beefyspace: RT
@valurank: Content analysis: This article scores 36/100. The complete report can
be viewed here: https://t.co/mlHrZmhqqB (I'm a bot) #m… -- beefyspace
BrandShieldltd: Have you heard this one? Here it is in a nutshell - multi-factor
authentication is just not enough to make sure you… https://t.co/oKSt8FgaNL --
BrandShieldltd CyberDFIR: RT @KrollWire: Our #cyberrisk experts recently
observed a new #malware strain called “Bumblebee” delivered via #phishing email
in order to… -- CyberDFIR CyberSecurityN8: RT @TheHackersNews: Researchers
detail the workings of a fully-featured #malware loader dubbed "PureCrypter,"
which is purchased by cybercr… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT
@TheHackersNews: Researchers detail the workings of a fully-featured #malware
loader dubbed "PureCrypter," which is purchased by cybercr… -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @valurank: Content analysis: This article scores 36/100. The
complete report can be viewed here: https://t.co/mlHrZmhqqB (I'm a bot) #m… --
CyberSecurityN8 ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxp://wdqwpmk[.]online #phishing
https://t.co/5NoDTSHa5b -- ecarlesi HealthISAC: Find some great shareable
resources in multiple languages at European Union Agency for Cybersecurity
(ENISA)'s website to promote security within healthcare organizations.
https://t.co/wpJirlUVII #CyberHealthWeek #BoostYourCyberVitals https:// --
HealthISAC IsidoreFerdina2: RT @surfshark: XorDdos, a #malware that targets
#Linux devices, has increased +254% in the last six months, according to
#Microsoft researc… -- IsidoreFerdina2 Joel_Havermans: Just received one of
“those calls” from HM Revenue & Customs. Funny that, it came from France, hybrid
work et al,… https://t.co/5S11OvE9AY -- Joel_Havermans keyvorg: RT
@TheHackersNews: Researchers detail the workings of a fully-featured #malware
loader dubbed "PureCrypter," which is purchased by cybercr… -- keyvorg
Naturesseconds: RT @SouthendTS: Here's what you need to know about #phishing
#ScamAware https://t.co/gI6ZB3dbb3 -- Naturesseconds PhishStats:
https://t.co/MAuIXRvYiq detected 97 new websites hosting #phishing | new today:
338 | #infosec #cybersecurity… https://t.co/xnI0E6Egr4 -- PhishStats PyScaleLLC:
RT @XploitAcademy: Practically, we will want to layer multiple security
technologies along with AI. https://t.co/h9IXizW8DX via @darkreadin… --
PyScaleLLC ReadTechHere: RT @XploitAcademy: Practically, we will want to layer
multiple security technologies along with AI. https://t.co/h9IXizW8DX via
@darkreadin… -- ReadTechHere ReconBee: Chinese ‘Gallium’ Hackers Using New
PingPull Malware in Cyberespionage Attacks #Chinese #GALLIUM #Hackers…
https://t.co/VnTFbDKBe9 -- ReconBee sectest9: RT @valurank: Content analysis:
This article scores 36/100. The complete report can be viewed here:
https://t.co/mlHrZmhqqB (I'm a bot) #m… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT
@TheHackersNews: Researchers detail the workings of a fully-featured #malware
loader dubbed "PureCrypter," which is purchased by cybercr… -- sectest9
speeednet: Would you trust handing over your hosting details to an SEO/Website
authoring company that didn't even have their o… https://t.co/ozZlLK9kPM --
speeednet Swati_THN: Researchers detail the workings of a fully-featured
#malware loader dubbed "PureCrypter," which is purchased by cyb…
https://t.co/PUNVqGS0bE -- Swati_THN TheCuriousLuke: RT @Paula_Piccard: 9 types
of computer virus and how they do their dirty work Know more:
https://t.co/vFaiIyEwwR #DataSecurity #Privacy #… -- TheCuriousLuke valurank:
Content analysis: This article scores 36/100. The complete report can be viewed
here: https://t.co/mlHrZmhqqB (I'm… https://t.co/OdHkNbSfjD -- valurank
XploitAcademy: Practically, we will want to layer multiple security technologies
along with AI. https://t.co/h9IXizW8DX via… https://t.co/uzs95Co8TG --
XploitAcademy CSIRTCV: En esta nueva campaña de CSIRT-CV nos queremos centrar en
la protección de nuestros dispositivos #móviles. No te pierdas los 10 consejos
sobre #ciberseguridad en móviles que te daremos durante las próximas semanas.
#ProtegeTuMóvil #FondosFeder #c -- CSIRTCV BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
binaural-zen[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Z… https://t.co/Ic5oiLkofA -- BforeAi ChiragRathod09: RT @TheDevilsRule:
Getting calls from these numbers today since morning. TrueCaller shows it as
fraud. Complain registered at #CyberCri… -- ChiragRathod09 CSthoughtware: RT
@tryofofo: Recently patched Confluence server vulnerability is being exploited
by multiple #cybercrime and state-sponsored threat groups… -- CSthoughtware
KolhapurNyks: RT @Nyksindia: Make sure your passwords are unique. It may appear
simple and handy to use the same password for many accounts. #security #… --
KolhapurNyks KolhapurNyks: RT @Nyksindia: If human error was somehow eliminated
entirely, 19 out of 20 cyber breaches may not have taken place at all! #security
#cybe… -- KolhapurNyks MeghanaS88: RT @tryofofo: Recently patched Confluence
server vulnerability is being exploited by multiple #cybercrime and
state-sponsored threat groups… -- MeghanaS88 0xHe1: RT @ReconOne_: How to find
SQL Injection at scale? Try this ???? #recontips #AttackSurface #bugbountytips
#reconone #BugBounty #sqlmap https:… -- 0xHe1 ABFilipczak: RT @_Vault_Security:
#ASyncRat surpasses #Dridex, #TrickBot and #Emotet to become dominant email
#threat. #infosec #Bot #CyberSecurity #mal… -- ABFilipczak andrewstrasser: RT
@ErSurajShukla: Difference between Threat #Vulnerability and #Risk Mgmt :- 1) -
Threat 2) - Vulnerability 3) - Risk Management #infos… -- andrewstrasser
Bartek94983493: RT @_Vault_Security: #ASyncRat surpasses #Dridex, #TrickBot and
#Emotet to become dominant email #threat. #infosec #Bot #CyberSecurity #mal… --
Bartek94983493 beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://tradersfxzone[.]xyz/2020_VisualHyip_GC_Script%20Latest[.]zip #phishing
#opendir #nc https://t.co/b… -- beefyspace CaraWainwright7: Trend Micro found an
AvosLocker #ransomware variant using a legitimate antivirus component to disable
detection and… https://t.co/YWwG2k9XXk -- CaraWainwright7 CyberIQs_: The Past,
Present and Future of Cybersecurity From the #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel… https://t.co/9BkZ8Q1040 -- CyberIQs_
cyberreport_io: NYC Mayor Eric Adams speaks out against PoW mining ban
legislation https://t.co/S6GN7aQ1dM #cybersecurity #threatintelligence
#cybernews -- cyberreport_io CyberSecurityN8: RT @cyberreport_io: NYC Mayor Eric
Adams speaks out against PoW mining ban legislation https://t.co/S6GN7aQ1dM
#cybersecurity #threatintell… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @CyberIQs_:
The Past, Present and Future of Cybersecurity From the #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligenc… -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @naglinagli: When hunting for postMessage vulnerabilities,
you can score easy wins by inspecting urls transmission within the Cross-Orig…
-- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @tbillaut: Back From the Dead, Emotet
Returns in 2022... #infosec #Malware #Emotet https://t.co/8sikAbHKmA --
CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
binaural-zen[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero False P… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @CyberIQs_: JUNE 16:
Two Authors of the Zero Trust Executive Order #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligenc… -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @tryofofo: Recently patched Confluence server vulnerability
is being exploited by multiple #cybercrime and state-sponsored threat groups… --
CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @TheDevilsRule: Getting calls from these
numbers today since morning. TrueCaller shows it as fraud. Complain registered
at #CyberCri… -- CyberSecurityN8 cybsecbot: RT @CyberIQs_: JUNE 16: Two Authors
of the Zero Trust Executive Order #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel #threatintelligenc… -- cybsecbot DailyDarkWeb: France ???????? -
Ecole des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris hacked by Blackcat #Ransomware More
than 30 gb sensitive da… https://t.co/wLmnE8N8yA -- DailyDarkWeb
dc0879d1163b4a0: RT @HusseiN98D: When a random stranger I gifted my #bugbounty
course to comes back a couple of months later to pay back.. I'm humbly proud.…
-- dc0879d1163b4a0 DerekBrittonUK: Now you can get an overview of the global
cyber threat landscape with this new report from #CyberResGalaxy. Downloa…
https://t.co/DkRoe2nJmk -- DerekBrittonUK DrBorderick: Get the key findings for
2021 from the #CyberResGalaxy Annual Report, via @tahawultech. #ThreatHunting…
https://t.co/XzFZtOozoX -- DrBorderick ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://tradersfxzone[.]xyz/2020_VisualHyip_GC_Script%20Latest[.]zip #phishing
#opendir #nc https://t.co/bXNyplHZHQ -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://tradersfxzone[.]xyz/2020_VisualHyip_GC_Script%20Latest[.]zip #phishing
#opendir #nc -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on
#opendir #namesilo -- ecarlesi enricofrasca3: RT @Six2dez1: reconFTW v2.3.1 is
out with - Added ripgen @resync_gg @d0nutptr as option for permutations - Added
dsieve @trick3st - Repla… -- enricofrasca3 godwin1_X: I have some questions
based on vulnerability that I found I don't know if it worth reporting Bug type
: Authentica… https://t.co/KbWGYYhyQ5 -- godwin1_X Haalim1337: RT @naglinagli:
When hunting for postMessage vulnerabilities, you can score easy wins by
inspecting urls transmission within the Cross-Orig… -- Haalim1337 jayeshmthakur:
RT @BinaryMode0010: Get the key findings for 2021 from the #CyberResGalaxy
Annual Report, via @tahawultech. #ThreatHunting #ThreatIntellig… --
jayeshmthakur jeanfrancis: The Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) released its
Q1 2022 report and shows that the financial services industry h…
https://t.co/kN5mxUHvnv -- jeanfrancis Jonesls: RT @threatpost: Melissa
Bischoping, security researcher with @Tanium, urges firms to consider the
upstream and downstream impact of “triple… -- Jonesls Jonesls: RT @threatpost:
#Ransomware attackers often strike targets twice, regardless of whether the
ransom was paid. https://t.co/Jt814tQIy3 -- Jonesls LatentSolution1: 90% of UAE
organizations that suffered #RansomwareAttack and paid ransom were hit a second
time. Visit us:… https://t.co/2b12JrT8pm -- LatentSolution1 OpenHoneypot: An
attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version
"SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-14 06… https://t.co/0LQBT7mpEr --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 on UTC 2022-06-14 06:03:07.058878. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot
pmmali_: Happy to secure one more domain ???? Thanks to @HackerGautam
@shifacyclewala @Hacktifycs #bugbounty #bughunting… https://t.co/kZpYgqnz40 --
pmmali_ rum4is: RT @ColetteWeston: For the last two months, Costa Rica has been
under siege. Two major #ransomware attacks have crippled many of the countr… --
rum4is sectest9: RT @cyberreport_io: NYC Mayor Eric Adams speaks out against PoW
mining ban legislation https://t.co/S6GN7aQ1dM #cybersecurity #threatintell… --
sectest9 sectest9: RT @naglinagli: When hunting for postMessage vulnerabilities,
you can score easy wins by inspecting urls transmission within the Cross-Orig…
-- sectest9 sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_: The Past, Present and Future of
Cybersecurity From the #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligenc… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @tbillaut: Back From the Dead,
Emotet Returns in 2022... #infosec #Malware #Emotet https://t.co/8sikAbHKmA --
sectest9 sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : binaural-zen[.]com
PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False P… --
sectest9 sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_: JUNE 16: Two Authors of the Zero Trust
Executive Order #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligenc… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @TheDevilsRule: Getting calls from
these numbers today since morning. TrueCaller shows it as fraud. Complain
registered at #CyberCri… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @tryofofo: Recently patched
Confluence server vulnerability is being exploited by multiple #cybercrime and
state-sponsored threat groups… -- sectest9 tbillaut: Back From the Dead, Emotet
Returns in 2022... #infosec #Malware #Emotet https://t.co/8sikAbHKmA -- tbillaut
TechNative: Limiting the harm caused by social engineering via @KnowBe4;
#SocialEngineering #ransomware #hackers #fraud https://t.co/r7ai50fFsv --
TechNative techxmediauae: Sophos’ new sectoral survey report “The State of
Ransomware in Healthcare 2022” show that ransomware attacks on org…
https://t.co/6CZ4Rahu15 -- techxmediauae v4ensics: One more #weaponized #Emotet
#XLM dropper (SHA1 hash: f71b42d8998058843ff66c76b1a7051ee5834350) just analyzed
by… https://t.co/0n9TEaooeu -- v4ensics zy9ard3: RT @naglinagli: During
@Hacker0x01 Ambassador Worldcup We (me, @rotembar and @realgam3) found DOM Based
XSS that affected 6.5m+ Elementor w… -- zy9ard3 0x4d_: RT @InQuest: A rather
interesting obfuscated #maldoc uploaded from the IR country code. InQuest Labs:
https://t.co/cqKoPuFrky Macro downl… -- 0x4d_ aasimakhtarasm: RT @TomTomjarvis:
LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all
the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- aasimakhtarasm beefyspace: RT
@InstaColdSystem: Windows 10 was getting old so Windows upgraded it, except
without the malware and spyware at this site: /windows-upgr… -- beefyspace
beefyspace: RT @Stalkphish_io: 6 new Phishing Kit detection rules pushed on our
repository. Rules to detect kits impersonating @Chronopost @LaPosteBusi… --
beefyspace beefyspace: RT @adem_onar: What's the difference between
cybersecurity and information security? ????https://t.co/TIHlbeL0wy RT & TYVM
????@Paula_Piccard… -- beefyspace brechtcastel: Could be useful in #OSINT
investigation on planes! ???? https://t.co/HplsVFQCBx -- brechtcastel
Candace__Hughes: Heartwrenching reporting, impressive #OSINT, important to shed
light on https://t.co/O7ENSuVMJG -- Candace__Hughes carlesdijous: Chinese
'Gallium' Hackers Using New #PingPull #Malware in #Cyberespionage #Attacks.
https://t.co/C2NdHWDxqx #CyberAttacks #Cybersecurity -- carlesdijous
cryptomoksh1: RT @thejagged1: #Phishing - Blockchain enables true ownership.
This means no one can touch what's yours, but also means that sole responsib… --
cryptomoksh1 CyberSecurityN8: RT @carlesdijous: Chinese 'Gallium' Hackers Using
New #PingPull #Malware in #Cyberespionage #Attacks. https://t.co/C2NdHWDxqx
#CyberAttacks… -- CyberSecurityN8 cybsecbot: In the past 24 hours, 2262 IoC's
were submitted and #Emotet is the most seen #malware family on abuse[.]ch --
cybsecbot domenicoraguseo: RT @securityaffairs: #Ransomware gangs are exploiting
CVE-2022-26134 RCE in #Atlassian #Confluence servers https://t.co/AlgI2kuubN
#securit… -- domenicoraguseo eng_vp: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE*** #Russian
Navy landing warships and grain ships off Sevastopol today This corrects
previous tweet (delete… -- eng_vp fe_tsoc: RT @pingineer_jp:
hxxps://www[.]aseosamn-asoemsceon[.]ztzeadi[.]asso[.]ci/ hxxps:/… -- fe_tsoc
istihbarat1800: Analyzing the hit of runways according to the attack on the
Damascus airport. https://t.co/Y4uA8gTQEL #OSINT… https://t.co/Bn2Yu2QC3T --
istihbarat1800 JAMESWT_MHT: RT @FBussoletti: #cybercrime, false payment request
bait for #Formbook. The email ace attachment contains an exe file: the #Malware
itself.… -- JAMESWT_MHT JAMESWT_MHT: RT @FBussoletti: #cybercrime, #HelloXD now
deploys a #backdoor. @Unit42_Intel #CyberSecurity experts: It allows an attacker
to browse the… -- JAMESWT_MHT jayeshmthakur: RT @wondersmith_rae: Since I am
seeing #Airbnb talked about today, here is a blog @Tokyo_v2 and I wrote about
how easy it is to gather #OSI… -- jayeshmthakur jayeshmthakur: RT @BenDoBrown:
This is such an important #OSINT investigative documentary digging into
Chinese-made racist videos exploiting African child… -- jayeshmthakur
jayeshmthakur: RT @Nature_Grrrl: My wife is back!! Forte the globalhawk is doing
a spy #OSINT #FORTE https://t.co/Hyq0f2wpPW -- jayeshmthakur jayeshmthakur: RT
@RuOilTracker: Daily report for 13 June, 2022 (UTC) 10 tankers sailed from
Russian ports. 830,000 tons of crude oil 110,000 tons of oi… -- jayeshmthakur
jayeshmthakur: RT @DavePharrel: #Urban #UrbanWarfare with @JaysonGeroux
@Battlemoose01 #osint #WALTERREPORT https://t.co/ejjhBOGD6T -- jayeshmthakur
jayeshmthakur: RT @BinaryMode0010: Now you can get an overview of the global
cyber threat landscape with this new report from #CyberResGalaxy. Download it…
-- jayeshmthakur JEMPradio: Phish - The Very Long Fuse (10-31-14) #Phish
#JEMPRadio #CommunityRadio #NowPlaying https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE -- JEMPradio
JEMPradio: Umphrey's McGee - Divisions>Dutchman>Mail Package (5-15-21) #Phish
#JEMPRadio #CommunityRadio #NowPlaying https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE -- JEMPradio
Jonesls: RT @threatpost: A novel form of #phishing takes advantage of a
disparity between how browsers and email inboxes read web domains. https://t… --
Jonesls Jonesls: RT @threatpost: Hackers escalate #phishing and scamming attacks
to exploit popular #Discord bot and persuade users to click on the maliciou… --
Jonesls Jonesls: RT @threatpost: The dangerous #malware appears to be well and
truly back in action, sporting new variants and security-dodging behaviors in…
-- Jonesls Jonesls: RT @threatpost: Researchers discovered a simple #malware
builder designed to steal credentials, then pinging them to #Discord webhooks.
htt… -- Jonesls JoseLuis71_: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my
#OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing
to sha… -- JoseLuis71_ kadar_k: RT @carlesdijous: Chinese 'Gallium' Hackers
Using New #PingPull #Malware in #Cyberespionage #Attacks.
https://t.co/C2NdHWDxqx #CyberAttacks… -- kadar_k neeythann: RT @d4rksystem:
#Malware analysis tip of the week: Malware can call DeviceIoControl with the
parameter 0x7405C (IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO… -- neeythann NextHorizons: RT
@TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks?
I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- NextHorizons
pingineer_jp: hxxps://www[.]aseosamn-asoemsceon[.]ufbpvdx[.]asso[.]ci/
hxxps://www[.]aseosamn-asoemsceon[.]ztzeadi[.]asso[.]ci/ h…
https://t.co/Z4y063uFvz -- pingineer_jp pingineer_jp:
hxxps://young-fire-1db8[.]vgvtvj8t2[.]workers[.]dev/ #Phishing #scam #フィッシング
#フィッシングメール #aeon #イオンカード #イオン #イオン銀行 -- pingineer_jp pingineer_jp:
hxxps://www[.]wwwarlington[.]com/jp hxxps://www[.]yahootv[.]com[.]cn/
hxxps://www[.]yourgamereviewclub[.]com/… https://t.co/fn0DyMwOh5 -- pingineer_jp
positka: New Webinar Alert ???? Get ready to level up your knowledge in Splunk
security on the cloud. Register Now!… https://t.co/RArxQckdGR -- positka
Protectstar: RT @BlackBerry: BlackBerry & @IntezerLabs discovered & analyzed
stealthy new Linux #malware called Symbiote. Nearly undetectable, it can i… --
Protectstar reg_snitch: RT @reg_snitch: There have been 3 officer/s register 4
companies in the UK at the postcode M1 3BE detected in the last 24 hours #OSINT…
-- reg_snitch rum4is: RT @Bala_hacky: Lyceum APT group new .NET-based DNS
backdoor – Detection & Response Read Here: https://t.co/xdE4caBamF
#cybersecurity #in… -- rum4is RuOilTracker: ????????->? SCF SAMOTLOR Departed
Novorossiysk with 150,000 tons of crude oil. Bound for Bosphorus Strait and out
of t… https://t.co/ucOJnq6DLi -- RuOilTracker SantchiWeb: RT @positka: New
Webinar Alert ???? Get ready to level up your knowledge in Splunk security on
the cloud. Register Now! #cybersecurity #app… -- SantchiWeb sectest9: RT
@carlesdijous: Chinese 'Gallium' Hackers Using New #PingPull #Malware in
#Cyberespionage #Attacks. https://t.co/C2NdHWDxqx #CyberAttacks… -- sectest9
sudoheader: I completed @BaselInstitute Open-source Intelligence e-learning
course! I learned a lot about the many methods used… https://t.co/0D5QzJuuaE --
sudoheader Ultrascan419: Former Georgia prosecutor denies 'black suitcase'
voting fraud at Atlanta's State Farm Arena: A former U.S. attorne…
https://t.co/YUpbP1pdBb -- Ultrascan419 Ultrascan419: The intelligent way to
detect fraud | VentureBeat: AI is best when tasked with finding hidden patterns
within large… https://t.co/dIWdo6Oaan -- Ultrascan419 Akh0x0: RT @shamim_12__: "
If you collected a bunch of alive IP addresses. Don't run @pdnuclei directly on
it, Firstly make a Full port scanning… -- Akh0x0 Akh0x0: RT @pdnuclei: Scan for
F5 BIG-IP iControl REST Auth Bypass RCE (CVE-2022-1388) using nuclei template
shared by @dwisiswant0 Template PR:… -- Akh0x0 alljstweet: RT @bamitav: #CERTIn
may float portal for cybersecurity incidents https://t.co/3CF1vR9G0h #cyberwar
#cybercrime #cyber #hacker #privacy #… -- alljstweet beefyspace: RT @bamitav:
#CERTIn may float portal for cybersecurity incidents https://t.co/3CF1vR9G0h
#cyberwar #cybercrime #cyber #hacker #privacy #… -- beefyspace BforeAi:
Predicted Malicious Domain : imperialtopaz[.]xyz PreCrime Threat Intelligence by
@BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-… https://t.co/DVXtGVwMKX -- BforeAi
BroadwellBully: RT @HusseiN98D: When a random stranger I gifted my #bugbounty
course to comes back a couple of months later to pay back.. I'm humbly proud.…
-- BroadwellBully CyberSecurityN8: RT @bamitav: #CERTIn may float portal for
cybersecurity incidents https://t.co/3CF1vR9G0h #cyberwar #cybercrime #cyber
#hacker #privacy #… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted
Malicious Domain : imperialtopaz[.]xyz PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi
Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False… -- CyberSecurityN8 DataQualityKing: RT
@SapatRitik: #Infographic: Useful #Infosec Tools Via @ingliguori #CyberAttack
#cybersecurity #CyberSec #hacking #Security #Hackers #data… -- DataQualityKing
Hackingdom_io: RT @bamitav: #CERTIn may float portal for cybersecurity incidents
https://t.co/3CF1vR9G0h #cyberwar #cybercrime #cyber #hacker #privacy #… --
Hackingdom_io KamFuretoZ: RT @cycatz2: #cycatz #bugbounty #bugbountytips
Microsoft Dynamics Container Sandbox RCE via Unauthenticated Docker Remote API
20,000$ Bount… -- KamFuretoZ MindArc4: Are you interested know more on
#Cybersecurity #ethicalhacking, #BugBounty #Python #javascript #nodejs #IoT Then
follow @MindArc4 -- MindArc4 mukulpanwar0101: RT @e11i0t_4lders0n: Bug Bounty
Free Learning Materials Follow this thread if you can’t google and learn
things???? #bugbounty #bugbountyti… -- mukulpanwar0101 PochampallyPS: RT
@RachakondaCop: Today @sheteams_rck of choutuppal division conducted an
#awareness program about #SheTeam, #Dial100,#Cybercrime,#HumanTr… --
PochampallyPS PochampallyPS: RT @RachakondaCop: Below #FakeNews is circulating
on #SocialMedia as you may benefit Rs.1,55,000/- from the #Government. Do not
submit your… -- PochampallyPS sectest9: RT @bamitav: #CERTIn may float portal
for cybersecurity incidents https://t.co/3CF1vR9G0h #cyberwar #cybercrime #cyber
#hacker #privacy #… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious
Domain : imperialtopaz[.]xyz PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat
Agnostic Near-Zero False… -- sectest9 Tekzilla_it: RT @BforeAi: Predicted
Malicious Domain : imperialtopaz[.]xyz PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi
Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False… -- Tekzilla_it XeronBot: RT @bamitav: #CERTIn
may float portal for cybersecurity incidents https://t.co/3CF1vR9G0h #cyberwar
#cybercrime #cyber #hacker #privacy #… -- XeronBot AustCyberSecMag: Royal Flying
Doctors Service’s Rapid Ransomware Recovery... Read more:
https://t.co/lVABnf78Gc @rubrikInc… https://t.co/zFfjNJEKEa -- AustCyberSecMag
blu3cloak: Why do organizations need to prioritize #ransomware preparedness?
https://t.co/WbNqhcVY5l -- blu3cloak connie67campos: RT @James_inthe_box: Some
fresh #epoch5 #Emotet https://t.co/MmA2RXXhVP -- connie67campos CyberIQs_: Why
do organizations need to prioritize ransomware #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel… https://t.co/GNzZn9DawK -- CyberIQs_ CyberIQs_:
HelloXD Ransomware Targeting Multiple Windows and Linux #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel… https://t.co/jVvVQZDVe2 -- CyberIQs_
CyberSecurityN8: RT @CyberIQs_: Why do organizations need to prioritize
ransomware #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligence #h… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @CyberIQs_:
HelloXD Ransomware Targeting Multiple Windows and Linux #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligen… -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @SapatRitik: #Infographic: #Password Cracking Techniques Via
@ingliguori #CyberAttack #cybersecurity #CyberSec #hacking #Security #Hacke… --
CyberSecurityN8 cybsecbot: RT @CyberIQs_: Why do organizations need to
prioritize ransomware #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligence #h… -- cybsecbot diasporasb: RT @SapatRitik: #Infographic:
#Password Cracking Techniques Via @ingliguori #CyberAttack #cybersecurity
#CyberSec #hacking #Security #Hacke… -- diasporasb digitaldrivenDE: RT
@ingliguori: #Infographic: Useful #Infosec Tools Via @ingliguori #CyberAttack
#cybersecurity #CyberSec #hacking #Security #Hackers #data… -- digitaldrivenDE
ecarlesi: Possible threat on
https://t.co/ha19s3vqqn -- ecarlesi gdprAI: RT @stratorob: #Cybersecurity
Courses Ramp up Amid Shortage of Professionals https://t.co/vKd4jynBYd @warby64
@VolpiIT @rshevlin @Boursee… -- gdprAI GoaiDev: RT @MindArc4: Are you interested
know more on #Cybersecurity #ethicalhacking, #BugBounty #Python #javascript
#nodejs #IoT Then follow @Min… -- GoaiDev OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 trying to login with account "butter" and
password "xuelp123… https://t.co/SaqFiwb85n -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An
attempt was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-14
03:36:53.194238. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version
"SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-14 03… https://t.co/cyyGBcN5gR --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-14 03…
https://t.co/XsfioL3WLF -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-14 03:56:58.986636.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_: Why do
organizations need to prioritize ransomware #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence #h… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT
@CyberIQs_: HelloXD Ransomware Targeting Multiple Windows and Linux #infosec
#infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligen… -- sectest9
sectest9: RT @SapatRitik: #Infographic: #Password Cracking Techniques Via
@ingliguori #CyberAttack #cybersecurity #CyberSec #hacking #Security #Hacke… --
sectest9 TarakRindani: RT @stratorob: #Cybersecurity Courses Ramp up Amid
Shortage of Professionals https://t.co/vKd4jynBYd @warby64 @VolpiIT @rshevlin
@Boursee… -- TarakRindani tudouyavip: RT @XssMice: #Learnwithxssmice Top Burp
Suite Extensions For Improving Bug Bounty 1. AUTHMATRIX 2. AUTHZ 3. AUTHORIZE 4.
BLACKSLASH POWERE… -- tudouyavip xenor3m: RT @420Unkn0wN420: Github dorks Bug
hunting for beginners #Tips #bugbounty #github #Linux #programming
https://t.co/JvsDHXOozT -- xenor3m Alithecenab: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD
1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool
tools that I'm willing to sha… -- Alithecenab beefyspace: RT @tweetbyrohit:
@TheOfficialSBI please take note of this sms I received from a number
+919091928727. #fraudalert #phishing https://t.co/B… -- beefyspace beefyspace:
RT @three_cube: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): Finding Email Passwords in
Dumps with h8mail #osint #h8mail #infosec #cybersecurity #cybe… -- beefyspace
BLTrotter: 4/21/22 - Plasma #phish #msg https://t.co/BzDh3FVjIa -- BLTrotter
Bob_gamedev: RT @tpoleader: Social Email Extractor Pro v6.0.0 Full Activated –
Discount 100% OFF https://t.co/Pk52Zvf4Qt #infosec #bugcrowd #bugbountyti… --
Bob_gamedev brandonscloudGA: RT @three_cube: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT):
Finding Email Passwords in Dumps with h8mail #osint #h8mail #infosec
#cybersecurity #cybe… -- brandonscloudGA BuieBedi12: RT @RuOilTracker:
????????->???????? CRUDE CENTURION Departed Novorossiysk with 110,000 tons of
crude oil for delivery in #Constanta, #Romania #russ… -- BuieBedi12 C1sc0_: RT
@TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks?
I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- C1sc0_ CyberSecDN:
Russia and China warn US about offensive cyber operations
https://t.co/v89DX0TAW8 #threatintel -- CyberSecDN CyberSecurityN8: RT
@three_cube: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): Finding Email Passwords in Dumps
with h8mail #osint #h8mail #infosec #cybersecurity #cybe… -- CyberSecurityN8
ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxp://mtb1[.]link #phishing #hostinger -- ecarlesi
ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxp://929531133[.]com #phishing -- ecarlesi
ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxps://zed-run[.]cash #phishing #metamask --
ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxp://vkmgcbq[.]fun #phishing
https://t.co/DPUR0aaWJU -- ecarlesi gdprAI: RT @ValueMentor: HelloXD #Ransomware
Installing Backdoor on Targeted #Windows and #Linux Systems.
https://t.co/XD5Hh5NYPI #ITsecurity #cyb… -- gdprAI GiruGilu: RT @HelloMrBond:
June 12 Full update to thread????on estimates of #Russia and #Ukraine losses
compared to available forces, using RU and UKR c… -- GiruGilu GoaiDev: RT
@tpoleader: Social Email Extractor Pro v6.0.0 Full Activated – Discount 100% OFF
https://t.co/Pk52Zvf4Qt #infosec #bugcrowd #bugbountyti… -- GoaiDev
intel_inquirer: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT
folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to
sha… -- intel_inquirer JohnM19018119: RT @Paula_Piccard: 9 types of computer
virus and how they do their dirty work Know more: https://t.co/vFaiIyEwwR
#DataSecurity #Privacy #… -- JohnM19018119 MbuthuKomu: RT @CyberSecDN: Russia
and China warn US about offensive cyber operations https://t.co/v89DX0TAW8
#threatintel -- MbuthuKomu MokouKino: #osint niggers got me limited on my other
account -- MokouKino MookySec: #OSINT #DFIR Friends! This ???? is epic.
https://t.co/jfLWsP75wV -- MookySec oktboy: RT @PeckShieldAlert:
#PeckShieldAlert #phishing @KnownOrigin_io discord has been compromised.
knownoriginpass[.]io is the phishing site. DO… -- oktboy Panoramuh: RT
@TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks?
I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- Panoramuh
PeckShieldAlert: #PeckShieldAlert #phishing @KnownOrigin_io discord has been
compromised. knownoriginpass[.]io is the phishing site.… https://t.co/glWHhEh5Mg
-- PeckShieldAlert RuOilTracker: ????????->???????? VENICE A 100,000 tons of
crude oil From: Ust-luga To: #Aliaga #Turkey #russianoil #osint #sanctions…
https://t.co/ue46l3HYEs -- RuOilTracker RuOilTracker: ????????->???????? YANG
MEI HU 100,000 tons of crude oil From: Kozmino To: #Ningbo #China #russianoil
#osint #sanctions… https://t.co/7qkfarTmjj -- RuOilTracker sectest9: RT
@three_cube: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): Finding Email Passwords in Dumps
with h8mail #osint #h8mail #infosec #cybersecurity #cybe… -- sectest9
threat_404: RT @ErictheScot1: Possible drug interdiction? No squawk, no plane
type. Circles of the coast at 3000ft of the deck. #OSINT https://t.co… --
threat_404 tpoleader: Social Email Extractor Pro v6.0.0 Full Activated –
Discount 100% OFF https://t.co/Pk52Zvf4Qt #infosec #bugcrowd…
https://t.co/s03cfWMP1Y -- tpoleader Yao62816288: RT @PeckShieldAlert:
#PeckShieldAlert #phishing @KnownOrigin_io discord has been compromised.
knownoriginpass[.]io is the phishing site. DO… -- Yao62816288 yohan_bani: RT
@PeckShieldAlert: #PeckShieldAlert #phishing @KnownOrigin_io discord has been
compromised. knownoriginpass[.]io is the phishing site. DO… -- yohan_bani
ARealHumanName1: RT @tpoleader: Social Email Extractor Pro v6.0.0 Full Activated
– Discount 100% OFF https://t.co/Pk52Zvf4Qt #infosec #bugcrowd #bugbountyti… --
ARealHumanName1 CyberSecurityN8: RT @ValueMentor: #DidYouKnow The #US and the
#UAE spend the highest amount on the post-data breach. #cybersafety #cyberattack
#DataBreach… -- CyberSecurityN8 DevRetweetBot: RT @tpoleader: Social Email
Extractor Pro v6.0.0 Full Activated – Discount 100% OFF https://t.co/Pk52Zvf4Qt
#infosec #bugcrowd #bugbountyti… -- DevRetweetBot grumpybozo: RT
@HackingButLegal: Symbiote differs from other Linux #malware: instead of a
standalone executable file, it is a shared object (SO) librar… -- grumpybozo
IndieGameFan1: RT @RedFox_App: One of the most dangerous malware in the
world!⚠️???? Be sure to Protect Yourself!> https://t.co/3YFvOr5gv6 .
#cybersecurity… -- IndieGameFan1 itsJarekIT: RT @YourAnonRiots: New variants of
Hello XD #ransomware now install a secret backdoor on targeted Windows and
#Linux systems to gain persis… -- itsJarekIT Madhvendrax: RT @RedFox_App: One of
the most dangerous malware in the world!⚠️???? Be sure to Protect Yourself!>
https://t.co/3YFvOr5gv6 . #cybersecurity… -- Madhvendrax reconshell: Apache
Tomcat JMXProxy RCE #Hacking #Bugbounty #CyberSecurity #Security #Apache #Tomcat
#JMXProxy #RCE… https://t.co/4Am3ez0JJI -- reconshell RedFox_App: One of the
most dangerous malware in the world!⚠️???? Be sure to Protect Yourself!>
https://t.co/3YFvOr5gv6 .… https://t.co/TWB75FK8uv -- RedFox_App sectest9: RT
@ValueMentor: #DidYouKnow The #US and the #UAE spend the highest amount on the
post-data breach. #cybersafety #cyberattack #DataBreach… -- sectest9
ValueMentor: #DidYouKnow The #US and the #UAE spend the highest amount on the
post-data breach. #cybersafety #cyberattack… https://t.co/pMTkYJW3Ao --
ValueMentor _imvibek: RT @naglinagli: During @Hacker0x01 Ambassador Worldcup We
(me, @rotembar and @realgam3) found DOM Based XSS that affected 6.5m+ Elementor
w… -- _imvibek 1000dayscodingb: RT @Detroit_Riddler:  I Wouldn't Forget ????
#eth #Ad #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #M… -- 1000dayscodingb BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
testogreeens[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Z… https://t.co/740RqanhK8 -- BforeAi CuddaloreNyk: RT @Nyksindia: Every 39
seconds, a new cyberattack occurs somewhere on the internet. On a daily basis,
the internet blocks roughly 24,000 f… -- CuddaloreNyk CyberDFIR: RT
@JohnnieFellix: Here's a @Linux Path Cheat Sheet :- #InfoSec #CyberSecurity
#Hacking #cyber #infosecurity #Pentesting #nmap #cyberatta… -- CyberDFIR
CyberSecurityN8: RT @Nyksindia: Every 39 seconds, a new cyberattack occurs
somewhere on the internet. On a daily basis, the internet blocks roughly 24,000
f… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @reuben_royal: Cross-site Scripting
Payload list: #bugbounty #bugbountytips #infosec #cybersecurity #nessus #nmap
#metasploit #burpsuit… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @Laurent_Perche:
????#DataBreach Alert ???? ➡️ The Ian Martin Group ➡️ 15,351 records  #DataLeak
includes: ❌ Names ❌ Social Security numb… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT
@BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : testogreeens[.]com PreCrime Threat
Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False P… -- CyberSecurityN8
Laurent_Perche: ????#DataBreach Alert ???? ➡️ The Ian Martin Group ➡️ 15,351
records  #DataLeak includes: ❌ Names ❌ Social Security… https://t.co/OrXVtHElaC
-- Laurent_Perche PythonRoboto: RT @JohnnieFellix: Here's a @Linux Path Cheat
Sheet :- #InfoSec #CyberSecurity #Hacking #cyber #infosecurity #Pentesting #nmap
#cyberatta… -- PythonRoboto reuben_royal: Cross-site Scripting Payload list:
#bugbounty #bugbountytips #infosec #cybersecurity #nessus #nmap #metasploit…
https://t.co/XZ6qB60Ax5 -- reuben_royal sectest9: RT @reuben_royal: Cross-site
Scripting Payload list: #bugbounty #bugbountytips #infosec #cybersecurity
#nessus #nmap #metasploit #burpsuit… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @SANGFOR: It is
undeniable that #cybercrime is a growing issue globally, not just for
individuals but for enterprises too. There are mea… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT
@Laurent_Perche: ????#DataBreach Alert ???? ➡️ The Ian Martin Group ➡️ 15,351
records  #DataLeak includes: ❌ Names ❌ Social Security numb… -- sectest9
sectest9: RT @Nyksindia: Every 39 seconds, a new cyberattack occurs somewhere on
the internet. On a daily basis, the internet blocks roughly 24,000 f… --
sectest9 sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : testogreeens[.]com
PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False P… --
sectest9 Ward864Ward: RT @JohnnieFellix: Here's a @Linux Path Cheat Sheet :-
#InfoSec #CyberSecurity #Hacking #cyber #infosecurity #Pentesting #nmap
#cyberatta… -- Ward864Ward ashishbajpai99: RT @almacardi: Top story:
@kakarstoreshop: 'Skills of #sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning #python #IoT
#100DaysOfCode #programming #C… -- ashishbajpai99 beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi:
Possible threat on
#phi… -- beefyspace beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi: Possible threat on
#phi… -- beefyspace CyberIQs_: What's up with Go? #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence #hacking #cybernews…
https://t.co/lsI3GHADph -- CyberIQs_ CyberSecurityN8: RT @Mackktoolz: If you
need Help with recovering any Account, Mails, Tiktok, Snapchat, Instagram etc.
I'm available 24/7 Inbox me #hacked… -- CyberSecurityN8 dgtlinfra: 365 Data
Centers Hit with Alleged Ransomware Attack, Outage https://t.co/wKCJp8GqKl
Caused shutdown of their entir… https://t.co/9n7pjoLPDA -- dgtlinfra ecarlesi:
Possible threat on
#phishing #opendir -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
https://t.co/ItV7MRFtv7 -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
https://t.co/iNDHWuSwSD -- ecarlesi esthreat: #emotet TRU Positive:
https://t.co/G8PKMr7X08 -- esthreat JockerSafe: RT @cycatz2: #cycatz #bugbounty
#bugbountytips Microsoft Dynamics Container Sandbox RCE via Unauthenticated
Docker Remote API 20,000$ Bount… -- JockerSafe Mackktoolz: Offering the best
recovery services. All social media accounts hacking, Infiltration, and
recovery.… https://t.co/ZuMC8XdVU2 -- Mackktoolz Mackktoolz: If you need Help
with recovering any Account, Mails, Tiktok, Snapchat, Instagram etc. I'm
available 24/7 Inbox me… https://t.co/avLylpwmqi -- Mackktoolz Mackktoolz:
Hacking is way Easier when you contact the right hacker. Inbox me now for all
your hacking services I'm always ava… https://t.co/GWC1lbVjcu -- Mackktoolz
Mackktoolz: Inbox now for help and guide on how to recover lost accounts.
#hacked #icloud #facebookdown #imessage #ransomware… https://t.co/MQJ46nYubt --
Mackktoolz OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022
on UTC 2022-06-14 01:36:37.982413. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot
OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 trying to
login with account "root" and password "pfsense" o… https://t.co/Z0K0Vs8vUy --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-14 01…
https://t.co/qJHD5qIQhg -- OpenHoneypot sectest9: RT @Mackktoolz: If you need
Help with recovering any Account, Mails, Tiktok, Snapchat, Instagram etc. I'm
available 24/7 Inbox me #hacked… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @jdvancamp1: By moving
from its virtual tape-based solution to @Cohesity, Foxwoods Resort Casino
dramatically improved #datasecurity & b… -- sectest9 SecurityNewsbot: HelloXD
#ransomware bulked up with better #encryption, nastier payload
https://t.co/1Y0ZvEw0Uk #TheRegister -- SecurityNewsbot shavik_ai: "Protecting
Your Data Amid a Ransomware 'Explosion' https://t.co/TsuQraOsxR #CyberSecurity
#Ransomware… https://t.co/QNRmdAcnqq -- shavik_ai The_Cyber_Lycan: RT @sratarun:
Best ever Tools ???? for Bug Bounty Hunters... via@Lohitaksh @ADITYASHENDE17
@Assass1nmarcos @Alra3ees #infosec #bugbounty #b… -- The_Cyber_Lycan
Traffic4SME: Critical #dataprotectionj defence for #business against #ransomware
and #hacking https://t.co/9In3xmYUJ3 #SMEs BizT… https://t.co/aoaHyyGpNo --
Traffic4SME _imvibek: RT @RakeshKrish12: Found a new #BTC address of #CVV Shop &
reported! cvvshop.]ws Addr: bc1qz6uhymd3jwj4r4vyqt74fpxa5098a578c0…
-- _imvibek admaesmo: RT @three_cube: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): Finding
Email Passwords in Dumps with h8mail #osint #h8mail #infosec #cybersecurity
#cybe… -- admaesmo beefyspace: RT @PhishFindR: ???? PhishFindR Found: 290 NEW
#Phishing Domains ???? 03:31:11 ???? Found Today: 290 https://t.co/XwsMfLnEhL
2022-06-14 ???? #cybersec… -- beefyspace bobWaltzer: RT @viper202020: Signs of
urban combat now visible in the town of Severodonetsk. Composite sat pic shows
fires / IR signatures in and aroun… -- bobWaltzer cherry78ro: RT @DavePharrel:
#Urban #UrbanWarfare with @JaysonGeroux @Battlemoose01 #osint #WALTERREPORT
https://t.co/ejjhBOGD6T -- cherry78ro CyberDFIR: RT @bamitav: How #China Hacked
US Phone #Networks https://t.co/u6UEee31MQ #cyberwar #cybercrime #cyber #hacker
#privacy #APT #bot #CISO #… -- CyberDFIR CyberSecurityN8: RT @threatshub:
ThreatsHub Cybersecurity News | Addressing Cyber Risk with a Unified Platform -
https://t.co/0DYhcDV04M #CyberSecurity #Co… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8:
RT @CyberIQs_: What's up with Go? #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel #threatintelligence #hacking #cybernews #cyberattack #… --
CyberSecurityN8 DavePharrel: #Urban #UrbanWarfare with @JaysonGeroux
@Battlemoose01 #osint #WALTERREPORT https://t.co/ejjhBOGD6T -- DavePharrel
ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxp://www[.]lesinss[.]com/netfV2/4dee39510936f096029b2121a81a755e/ #phishing --
ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
#phishing #opendir -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxp://special-event-2022[.]space/ #phishing #trustwallet #hostinger -- ecarlesi
ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxp://ecosen[.]org #phishing #ovhcloud
https://t.co/S5ig2C80Eo -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxp://notifsfromsmailscc[.]com/ #phishing #amazon #google -- ecarlesi fe_tsoc:
RT @ozuma5119: Last week, over 10,000 Phishing Sites targeting Japan????????
were created on .ci domain. (Côte d'Ivoire ????????, Ivory Coast) These #P… --
fe_tsoc harugasumi: RT @ozuma5119: Last week, over 10,000 Phishing Sites
targeting Japan???????? were created on .ci domain. (Côte d'Ivoire ????????,
Ivory Coast) These #P… -- harugasumi InfoSecMatters: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG
THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the
fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- InfoSecMatters izzu_izzudin: RT
@inversecos: #ThreatIntel: Chinese threat actors install backdoors in iOS crypto
wallets MetaMask, CoinBase. Read @lordx64 brilliant wr… -- izzu_izzudin
JayateerthaG: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder
in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… --
JayateerthaG JEMPradio: Phish - The Wedge (7-30-21) #Phish #JEMPRadio
#CommunityRadio #NowPlaying https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE -- JEMPradio Naveenku555: RT
@viper202020: Signs of urban combat now visible in the town of Severodonetsk.
Composite sat pic shows fires / IR signatures in and aroun… -- Naveenku555
OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH
version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-14 01… https://t.co/s4Q7Kw0Q1U --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 trying to login with account "root" and password "!#123456"…
https://t.co/jWvVTfBvim -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-14 01:52:06.095263.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot presstorun: RT @three_cube: Open Source
Intelligence (OSINT): Finding Email Passwords in Dumps with h8mail #osint
#h8mail #infosec #cybersecurity #cybe… -- presstorun Rainforest_RJF: RT
@TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks?
I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- Rainforest_RJF
sectest9: RT @threatshub: ThreatsHub Cybersecurity News | Addressing Cyber Risk
with a Unified Platform - https://t.co/0DYhcDV04M #CyberSecurity #Co… --
sectest9 sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_: What's up with Go? #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence #hacking #cybernews #cyberattack
#… -- sectest9 sentient_k: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my
#OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing
to sha… -- sentient_k StefTurtlemtn: RT @DavePharrel: #Urban #UrbanWarfare with
@JaysonGeroux @Battlemoose01 #osint #WALTERREPORT https://t.co/ejjhBOGD6T --
StefTurtlemtn threatshub: ThreatsHub Cybersecurity News | Addressing Cyber Risk
with a Unified Platform - https://t.co/0DYhcDV04M… https://t.co/5uvGsEZGDl --
threatshub AP_Hofleitner: RT @_Vault_Security: How does a fileless malware
attack work? #malware #cybersec #infosec #cybersecuritytips #cybersecurity
https://t.co/CL… -- AP_Hofleitner BGrant_ANZ: Thanks @BlackBerry - what's
interesting about the exploit is difficulty in identifying the #malware - this
case DNS… https://t.co/Ab6DegQBZx -- BGrant_ANZ chrisdemarco: People who don’t
compare the hashes of every file they download against checksums downloaded from
an isolated devic… https://t.co/Ljr2X5pJeD -- chrisdemarco codedailybot: RT
@bamitav: How #China Hacked US Phone #Networks https://t.co/u6UEee31MQ #cyberwar
#cybercrime #cyber #hacker #privacy #APT #bot #CISO #… -- codedailybot
codedailybot: RT @bamitav: How #China Hacked US Phone #Networks
https://t.co/u6UEee31MQ #cyberwar #cybercrime #cyber #hacker #privacy #APT #bot
#CISO #… -- codedailybot CyberDFIR: RT @coschris4: Learn More ▶️#StreamOn
????Retweet ????https://t.co/yc901N6naU ????https://t.co/2Kggnick4h
????https://t.co/Dpka7l4DWE #相互フォロー #フォロー… -- CyberDFIR CyberDFIR: RT
@HitechguruS: #Police, #DBSBank warn of #phishingscams using bank's name
https://t.co/SoaoTWrSqd? #security #infosec #infosecurity #bigd… -- CyberDFIR
CyberDFIR: RT @CyberIQs_: What's up with Go? #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence #hacking #cybernews #cyberattack
#… -- CyberDFIR CyberSecurityN8: RT @3XS0: #FREE 2ಠ22 ♥ xRay Web Vulnerability
Scanner Advanced v1.8.5 x64 Full Activated - Discount 100% OFF
https://t.co/Joixus9aMb Link… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT
@Age_Of_Entropy: Community, I'm trying to do some analysis on the Pegasus
spyware family on Android on our twitch channel. Any link with… --
CyberSecurityN8 lacknak: RT @d4rksystem: #Malware analysis tip of the week:
Malware can call DeviceIoControl with the parameter 0x7405C
(IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO… -- lacknak Mabel_19F42: RT @TheHackersNews: New
variants of Hello XD #ransomware now install a secret backdoor on targeted
Windows and #Linux systems to gain persi… -- Mabel_19F42 PhishStats:
https://t.co/MAuIXRvYiq detected 14 new websites hosting #phishing | new today:
2275 | #infosec #cybersecurity… https://t.co/JAXWA2p557 -- PhishStats
RobertoFocke: RT @Age_Of_Entropy: Community, I'm trying to do some analysis on
the Pegasus spyware family on Android on our twitch channel. Any link with… --
RobertoFocke sectest9: RT @3XS0: #FREE 2ಠ22 ♥ xRay Web Vulnerability Scanner
Advanced v1.8.5 x64 Full Activated - Discount 100% OFF https://t.co/Joixus9aMb
Link… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @Age_Of_Entropy: Community, I'm trying to do some
analysis on the Pegasus spyware family on Android on our twitch channel. Any
link with… -- sectest9 symantec: ???? New #ThreatIntel: Our Threat Hunter team
found threat actors exploiting the Follina #RCE vulnerability in the…
https://t.co/SUi7UYRDWO -- symantec xaelbot: RT @bamitav: How #China Hacked US
Phone #Networks https://t.co/u6UEee31MQ #cyberwar #cybercrime #cyber #hacker
#privacy #APT #bot #CISO #… -- xaelbot _100DaysOfCode: RT @bamitav: #Chinese
'Gallium' Hackers Using New PingPull Malware in Cyberespionage Attacks
https://t.co/7B0Eev03GG #cyberwar #cybercrim… -- _100DaysOfCode alternative200:
RT @AjayKap83278790: Skills of #sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning #python
#IoT #100DaysOfCode #programming #CodeNewbie #reactjs #bug… -- alternative200
bamitav: #Chinese 'Gallium' Hackers Using New PingPull Malware in Cyberespionage
Attacks https://t.co/7B0Eev03GG #cyberwar… https://t.co/xQOZ7K9Koq -- bamitav
CyberSecurityN8: RT @almacardi: Top story: @kakarstoreshop: 'Skills of
#sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning #python #IoT #100DaysOfCode #programming
#C… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain
: dyj5188[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero False Positi… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @SystemsAgj:
"That Windows update might not be what it seems. Learn how cybercriminals use
fake Windows updates to deceive users into do… -- CyberSecurityN8 hjguerreiro:
RT @sratarun: Best ever Tools ???? for Bug Bounty Hunters... via@Lohitaksh
@ADITYASHENDE17 @Assass1nmarcos @Alra3ees #infosec #bugbounty #b… -- hjguerreiro
Meowcat47064306: RT @e11i0t_4lders0n: Bug Bounty Free Learning Materials Follow
this thread if you can’t google and learn things???? #bugbounty #bugbountyti… --
Meowcat47064306 ryanwallerstein: Well, learned something new... Creepy #iPhone
hack exposes your secret texts to everyone https://t.co/RO60pAcUGd…
https://t.co/F3NQXbCqFA -- ryanwallerstein sectest9: RT @iCyberFighter: An
international law enforcement operation involving 11 countries has resulted in
the #takedown of one of the fastest-sp… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @SystemsAgj:
"That Windows update might not be what it seems. Learn how cybercriminals use
fake Windows updates to deceive users into do… -- sectest9 XeronBot: RT
@AjayKap83278790: Skills of #sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning #python #IoT
#100DaysOfCode #programming #CodeNewbie #reactjs #bug… -- XeronBot
_Vault_Security: #ASyncRat surpasses #Dridex, #TrickBot and #Emotet to become
dominant email #threat. #infosec #Bot #CyberSecurity… https://t.co/gXaaUGfLcx --
_Vault_Security bamitav: The many lives of #blackcat #ransomware
https://t.co/dIjt6pMksm #cyberwar #cybercrime #cyber #hacker #privacy…
https://t.co/9QBzecA5ga -- bamitav beefyspace: RT @JinibaBD: #Russia-linked #APT
targets #Ukraine by exploiting the Follina #RCE vulnerability #ThreatIntel
#dataprotection #Phishing #ra… -- beefyspace BlackBerry: BlackBerry prevents: ✅
#RagnarLocker ✅ #Conti ransomware Prevention IS possible. Let BlackBerry show
you how:… https://t.co/hbCmhzQFL9 -- BlackBerry BlackBerrySpark: BlackBerry
prevents: ✅ #RagnarLocker ✅ #Conti ransomware Prevention IS possible. Let
BlackBerry show you how:… https://t.co/YTFP8kvC39 -- BlackBerrySpark CyberSecDN:
Palermo details recovery plan after Vice Society #ransomware attack - IT PRO
https://t.co/NWybg5SsQ1 #Sec_Cyber -- CyberSecDN cybsecbot: RT @JinibaBD:
#Russia-linked #APT targets #Ukraine by exploiting the Follina #RCE
vulnerability #ThreatIntel #dataprotection #Phishing #ra… -- cybsecbot etguenni:
RT @ransomwaremap: #ITA #cyberattack Gemeinde Palermo von #ViceSociety
#Ransomware betroffen. Via @amvinfe Exclusive – Hackers hit the Muni… --
etguenni ext_noc: 32% of all ransomware victims Agree to pay the required ransom
in 2021, as a ransomware attack could have catastrop… https://t.co/1g7rqGIWxg --
ext_noc GoaiDev: RT @bamitav: #Chinese 'Gallium' Hackers Using New PingPull
Malware in Cyberespionage Attacks https://t.co/7B0Eev03GG #cyberwar #cybercrim…
-- GoaiDev GoaiDev: RT @bamitav: #Chinese 'Gallium' Hackers Using New PingPull
Malware in Cyberespionage Attacks https://t.co/7B0Eev03GG #cyberwar #cybercrim…
-- GoaiDev GoaiDev: RT @bamitav: The many lives of #blackcat #ransomware
https://t.co/dIjt6pMksm #cyberwar #cybercrime #cyber #hacker #privacy #APT #bot
#CIS… -- GoaiDev JuwelTan: RT @AlvieriD: Ransomware is inflationary. How so?
Ransomware insurance once unheard of is now mainstream. My friend just picked
some up f… -- JuwelTan OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from
to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-13 23:47:06.284506. #ThreatIntelligence --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 trying to login with account "linaro" and password "linaro"…
https://t.co/xmb6BU1lVh -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC
2022-06-13 23… https://t.co/b8ew9JPeTn -- OpenHoneypot opensource_orgs: RT
@bamitav: #Chinese 'Gallium' Hackers Using New PingPull Malware in
Cyberespionage Attacks https://t.co/7B0Eev03GG #cyberwar #cybercrim… --
opensource_orgs opensource_orgs: RT @bamitav: The many lives of #blackcat
#ransomware https://t.co/dIjt6pMksm #cyberwar #cybercrime #cyber #hacker
#privacy #APT #bot #CIS… -- opensource_orgs rum4is: RT @AlvieriD: Ransomware is
inflationary. How so? Ransomware insurance once unheard of is now mainstream. My
friend just picked some up f… -- rum4is xaelbot: RT @bamitav: The many lives of
#blackcat #ransomware https://t.co/dIjt6pMksm #cyberwar #cybercrime #cyber
#hacker #privacy #APT #bot #CIS… -- xaelbot XeronBot: RT @bamitav: #Chinese
'Gallium' Hackers Using New PingPull Malware in Cyberespionage Attacks
https://t.co/7B0Eev03GG #cyberwar #cybercrim… -- XeronBot Andres_RISCV: RT
@wondersmith_rae: Since I am seeing #Airbnb talked about today, here is a blog
@Tokyo_v2 and I wrote about how easy it is to gather #OSI… -- Andres_RISCV
asset_udemy: Authorities warn about mail scam to defraud Avoyelles residents
Article link: https://t.co/OOXGIBY5zA #fraud… https://t.co/WCiGDa112p --
asset_udemy BCoily: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT
folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to
sha… -- BCoily BinaryMode0010: Get the key findings for 2021 from the
#CyberResGalaxy Annual Report, via @tahawultech. #ThreatHunting…
https://t.co/DMNfLzo17r -- BinaryMode0010 BinaryMode0010: Now you can get an
overview of the global cyber threat landscape with this new report from
#CyberResGalaxy. Downloa… https://t.co/kgR9LLL4Ph -- BinaryMode0010 ch3gt: RT
@KitPloit: Blackbird - An OSINT Tool To Search For Accounts By Username In 101
Social Networks https://t.co/tVB9sM3dSc #Blackbird #JSON… -- ch3gt commonstoic:
RT @planet_stoopid: Shit’s getting real in #Iran. Scary. #DigitalResistance
#OSINT https://t.co/BUYFMtKDPS -- commonstoic cyberreport_io: Network Perception
joins OT Cyber Coalition to strengthen national security - Help Net Security…
https://t.co/cg3ns5zhxX -- cyberreport_io CyberSecurityN8: RT @GeeksAcademyEu:
Build strong foundation and specialize yourself in ????????????????
???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????
#OSINT, #????????????????????????????????????????????????????????, #??????? --
CyberSecurityN8 ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxps://pubfoot[.]com #phishing --
ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on hxxps://coursesnfts[.]fun/ #phishing #opensea
https://t.co/zhi3ChvYWm -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://ycxj[.]net #phishing #dropcatch https://t.co/sk7JWfoFA9 -- ecarlesi
ecarlesi: Threat on hxxps://chainoptimizing[.]org/ #phishing #nc
https://t.co/jsnwu17exZ -- ecarlesi fe_tsoc: RT @KesaGataMe0: #Phishing #SMBC
#三井住友銀行 #フィッシング詐欺 IP: (AS 8100 / ASN-QUADRANET-GLOBAL )
hxxps://direct.smbc.co.jp.bbklzc… -- fe_tsoc flibbergussed: RT @CovertShores:
***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy landing warships and grain ships off Sevastopol today
This corrects previous tweet (delete… -- flibbergussed Ghongha007: RT
@TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks?
I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- Ghongha007
lobsterlarryliu: The Ionian sea, satellites capture the US Navy's aircraft
carrier formation #USSHarryTruman CVN-75 #OSINT https://t.co/4P3njhFzk6 --
lobsterlarryliu MalwarePatrol: Another active #Phishing targeting Microsoft URL:
hxxp://atowalletconnect.tax/ #onpatrol4malware (bot generated)
https://t.co/w6umOiaPNB -- MalwarePatrol MicroFocusSec: #CyberRes, a
#DigitaTtransformation security specialist owned by #MicroFocus, has released
its first annual report… https://t.co/e0DimUt3TA -- MicroFocusSec OpenHoneypot:
An attempt was detected from to port 8022 trying to login with
account "tcp" and password "tcp1990" on… https://t.co/KpZI1tswM9 -- OpenHoneypot
OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 on UTC
2022-06-14 00:07:56.655045. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An
attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version
"SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-14 00… https://t.co/9zmYsJ4qvK --
OpenHoneypot pingineer_jp:
#Phishing #scam #フィッシング #フィッシングメール #webmail -- pingineer_jp planet_stoopid:
Shit’s getting real in #Iran. Scary. #DigitalResistance #OSINT
https://t.co/BUYFMtKDPS -- planet_stoopid RDSWEB: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE***
#Russian Navy landing warships and grain ships off Sevastopol today This
corrects previous tweet (delete… -- RDSWEB rum4is: RT @TrendMicroHome: ⚠️⚠️ Hot
scams of the week: #GreenDot, #Walmart, #Netflix, Venus Business Communications,
#Gmail, and MORE. Can you spo… -- rum4is RuOilTracker: ????????->???????? VENICE
A 100,000 tons of crude oil From: Ust-luga To: #Aliaga #Turkey #russianoil
#osint #sanctions… https://t.co/90m5fR1m9P -- RuOilTracker sectest9: RT
@GeeksAcademyEu: Build strong foundation and specialize yourself in
???????????????? ????????????????????????
???????????????????????????????????????????????? #OSINT,
#????????????????????????????????????????????????????????, #?????????????? --
sectest9 SecuritySith: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my
#OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing
to sha… -- SecuritySith shapsio: 25yrs since #phish summer ’97 Europe tour
(their second trip abroad in 4 months) began 6/13/97-6/14/97 at SFX Cente…
https://t.co/UaERO0ddAT -- shapsio The_CTGroup: ????️ Analyzing the Impact of
Neo-Nazi Memes ???? Listen now to the latest Threat Intelligence Podcast ➯…
https://t.co/Z5tBUXqaQb -- The_CTGroup TReed44812: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD
1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool
tools that I'm willing to sha… -- TReed44812 Ultrascan419: Barr: Trump was
'detached from reality' over election fraud claims - New York Post: Shortly
before he left the Trum… https://t.co/nPHD7u8I4q -- Ultrascan419 Ultrascan419:
Stepien Dismisses 'Wild Claim' of 2020 Arizona Voter Fraud - Insider NJ: In
recorded testimony this morning, former… https://t.co/3yHVLhydjj -- Ultrascan419
Ultrascan419: Trump spread claims of election fraud debunked by his own legal
team, Jan. 6 panel says: Donald Trump planted the s… https://t.co/6KlispXrIG --
Ultrascan419 unixdoss: RT @bad_packets: ⚠️ CVE-2022-26134 event detected ⚠️
Source IP: (????????) Target: Atlassian Confluence servers
vulnerable to un… -- unixdoss wildgees8: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE*** #Russian
Navy landing warships and grain ships off Sevastopol today This corrects
previous tweet (delete… -- wildgees8 CyberSecDN: The U.S. Department of Justice
indicts middle-aged doctor, accusing him of being a #malware mastermind.
https://t.co/iAFW6yT9TK #threatpost -- CyberSecDN CyberSecurityN8: RT
@CyberIQs_: Network Perception joins OT Cyber Coalition to #infosec
#infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence #hacki… --
CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @ChiNetworks: Hackers using Follina Windows
zero-day to spread Qbot malware https://t.co/WRUojGtAJg via @TheRecord_Media
#follina #windo… -- CyberSecurityN8 cybsecbot: In the past 24 hours, 2840 IoC's
were submitted and #Emotet is the most seen #malware family on abuse[.]ch --
cybsecbot cybsecbot: RT @MrSkanner: Atlassian Confluence zero day ... -- Digital
Security | The ...: https://t.co/spzlyWBvAS. #0day #AtalassianConfluence #Bot…
-- cybsecbot ecarlesi: Threat on hxxps://24haber[.]org/?feed=rss2 #phishing
#denizbank #google https://t.co/fIr5KQG1H5 -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat
on hxxp://0632gw[.]com #phishing -- ecarlesi ItsBrandonBoyd: #Reaganomics: It
was #fiction sold as #fact. It was a fake economic system that killed the
#MiddleClass. It has fai… https://t.co/tvLq7AgHwU -- ItsBrandonBoyd JuwelTan: RT
@three_cube: Reverse Engineering Malware, Part 1: Getting Started #reversing
#reverseengineering #malware #dfir #infosec #cybersecurity… -- JuwelTan
mor3n1to_: RT @ChiNetworks: Hackers using Follina Windows zero-day to spread
Qbot malware https://t.co/WRUojGtAJg via @TheRecord_Media #follina #windo… --
mor3n1to_ nazrinshamsudin: RT @re_and_more: RE tip of the day: In heap spray,
attackers use nop sleds/ramps that involve filling in allocated memory with a
byte 0x90… -- nazrinshamsudin opensource_orgs: RT @CyberSecJobsIO: Acronis is
hiring Senior Developer C/Go (Acronis Cyber Infrastructure). ✍️ Apply now:
https://t.co/8bUna66Ss7 #cybe… -- opensource_orgs rum4is: RT @ChiNetworks:
Hackers using Follina Windows zero-day to spread Qbot malware
https://t.co/WRUojGtAJg via @TheRecord_Media #follina #windo… -- rum4is
sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_: Network Perception joins OT Cyber Coalition to #infosec
#infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence #hacki… --
sectest9 sectest9: RT @ChiNetworks: Hackers using Follina Windows zero-day to
spread Qbot malware https://t.co/WRUojGtAJg via @TheRecord_Media #follina
#windo… -- sectest9 SRI_NOTMEBUTYOU: RT @ine: Soon Cr3@TiNgPa$$words that look
like this will be a thing of the past for Apple users. #cybersecurity #apple
#malware https://t.c… -- SRI_NOTMEBUTYOU TeldatCorp: Be SAFE Smart | What’s
Teldat’s approach to Security? https://t.co/SGxKsWkYJr #beSAFE
#networktrafficanalysis… https://t.co/sMaw9WmJ2w -- TeldatCorp AusCERT: You may
have been made aware of the recent situation involving a Google Software
Engineer who is now on "paid administrative leave" following his claims a
chatbot, named LaMDA, is sentient. The following is the full "interview" ????
https://t. -- AusCERT BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
lesjardinsdubrigand[.]net PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat
Agnostic… https://t.co/gZypLv63oF -- BforeAi BotFemale: RT @itsoknottobegay: 
imitation cheese ???? #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming
#DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearn… -- BotFemale bvatechninja: Check
out our other socials to learn more and patch ASAP! #google #googlechrome
#googleupdates #cybersecurity… https://t.co/RPnyDts4rx -- bvatechninja
CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
lesjardinsdubrigand[.]net PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat
Agnostic Near-Zero… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @SivaKri07427222: I'm
at "WhiteNight". Can anyone decode this?? #WhiteNight #Google #growwithgoogle
#india #bugbounty #stockmarketcrash… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT
@DigitalSalutem: Battling cyber criminals and protecting patient information
during the COVID era #cybercrime #ehealth #mhealth #digita… -- CyberSecurityN8
Kayzard1: RT @ErSurajShukla: Difference between Threat #Vulnerability and #Risk
Mgmt :- 1) - Threat 2) - Vulnerability 3) - Risk Management #infos… -- Kayzard1
Kayzard1: RT @bugbounterr: What would be the global cost of cyber attacks by
2025? #bugbounter #bugbounty #cybersecurity #ethicalhacking #infosec #p… --
Kayzard1 opensource_orgs: RT @itsoknottobegay: @dyl1337 @CrimeInTheD  I Just
Made You A Celebrity #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming
#DataScienc… -- opensource_orgs opensource_orgs: RT @itsoknottobegay: 
imitation cheese ???? #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming
#DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearn… -- opensource_orgs Rap_Thesaurus:
RT @itsoknottobegay: @wavyylol @MenstraulM @Enter_Entendre @Eminem  Says The
Fag Troll #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programmi… -- Rap_Thesaurus
Rap_Thesaurus: RT @itsoknottobegay: @dyl1337 @CrimeInTheD  I Just Made You A
Celebrity #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScienc… --
Rap_Thesaurus Rap_Thesaurus: RT @itsoknottobegay:  imitation cheese ????
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #MachineLearn… -- Rap_Thesaurus rum4is: RT @SivaKri07427222:
I'm at "WhiteNight". Can anyone decode this?? #WhiteNight #Google
#growwithgoogle #india #bugbounty #stockmarketcrash… -- rum4is sectest9: RT
@DigitalSalutem: Battling cyber criminals and protecting patient information
during the COVID era #cybercrime #ehealth #mhealth #digita… -- sectest9
sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : lesjardinsdubrigand[.]net
PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero… -- sectest9
0071_piyush: RT @naglinagli: During @Hacker0x01 Ambassador Worldcup We (me,
@rotembar and @realgam3) found DOM Based XSS that affected 6.5m+ Elementor w… --
0071_piyush beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://bucksonline[.]website/PHPMailer-master[.]zip #phishing #opendir
https://t.co/BGohNrtrNG -- beefyspace ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://redelivernow[.]com/dashboard/docs/send-mail[.]html #phishing #opendir
#nc -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://bucksonline[.]website/PHPMailer-master[.]zip #phishing #opendir
https://t.co/BGohNrtrNG -- ecarlesi HarmonyUsInc: RT @Cyber_O51NT: #Emotet
malware now steals credit cards from Google Chrome users https://t.co/yEec6hj3mV
-- HarmonyUsInc MariaRusanova88: RT @threatinsight: On June 6th, Proofpoint
observed a new #Emotet module being dropped by the E4 botnet. To our surprise it
was a credit ca… -- MariaRusanova88 RedTeamOperator: RT @TrendMicroRSRCH: We
found key similarities between the #Emotet #botnet malware and the #QakBot
loader. Find out how to spot these #ma… -- RedTeamOperator rum4is: RT
@Rap_Thesaurus: @Mobile_Morgue @2002kyline  blocking me dont work @2002kyline i
own twitter #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #P… -- rum4is Sami06Se:
#Emotet rising.. https://t.co/5fmsg5RKhF -- Sami06Se sectest9: RT
@SivaKri07427222: I'm at "WhiteNight". Can anyone decode this?? #WhiteNight
#Google #growwithgoogle #india #bugbounty #stockmarketcrash… -- sectest9
YourAnonRiots: RT @Cyber_O51NT: #Emotet malware now steals credit cards from
Google Chrome users https://t.co/yEec6hj3mV -- YourAnonRiots Commvault: When it
comes to #cyber insurance, warranties, and #ransomware protection, it pays to
understand the fine print. Le… https://t.co/FPsx0W2qj4 -- Commvault
CyberSecurityN8: RT @CyberIQs_: SharpEventPersist – ding Shellcode From Event
Log #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence #ha…
-- CyberSecurityN8 James_P_Kav: RT @SentinelOne: ???? Watch how SentinelOne
prevents and remediates from LockFile Ransomware. Associated with PetitPotam and
ProxyShell exploi… -- James_P_Kav JasonKrapf: RT @Cohesity: Minimize the blast
radius of #ransomware with #Cohesity Threat Defense: ✅ Benefit from resiliency
at scale ✅ Go beyond #zero… -- JasonKrapf jc_vazquez: RT @SentinelOne: ????
Watch how SentinelOne prevents and remediates from LockFile Ransomware.
Associated with PetitPotam and ProxyShell exploi… -- jc_vazquez OpenHoneypot: An
attempt was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-13
21:41:10.784266. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt
was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version
"SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-13 21… https://t.co/QEZM598DeU --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 trying to login with account "root" and password "pi" on UTC…
https://t.co/4i4QmTUpLo -- OpenHoneypot reachnaresh: RT @Cohesity: It’s
important to keep these 5 considerations in mind when you’re strategizing how
best to protect #backup data from becoming… -- reachnaresh reachnaresh: RT
@Cohesity: The most important requirement after a #ransomware attack is having
the ability to quickly recover compromised #data. See ho… -- reachnaresh
reachnaresh: RT @Cohesity: Don’t let #ransomware attackers win! Instead, fortify
your environment and improve your response strategy with five #nextgen… --
reachnaresh reachnaresh: RT @Cohesity: The need for more #datasecurity has led
to discussions air gap approaches to help counter the threat of #ransomware.
While a… -- reachnaresh Rookie_Security: RT @ingliguori: #Infographic: Useful
#Infosec Tools Via @ingliguori #CyberAttack #cybersecurity #CyberSec #hacking
#Security #Hackers #data… -- Rookie_Security sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_:
SharpEventPersist – ding Shellcode From Event Log #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence #ha… -- sectest9 SentinelOne:
???? Watch how SentinelOne prevents and remediates from LockFile Ransomware.
Associated with PetitPotam and ProxyShell… https://t.co/gtSstfx4R3 --
SentinelOne 0xr0me: RT @inversecos: #ThreatIntel: Chinese threat actors install
backdoors in iOS crypto wallets MetaMask, CoinBase. Read @lordx64 brilliant wr…
-- 0xr0me basemayash: RT @InGravPlatform: Every year, sex offender data from all
50 states is gathered to determine how sex offenses are increasing across the
co… -- basemayash chris_mpon: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in
my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm
willing to sha… -- chris_mpon ClarkPolner: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many:
What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools
that I'm willing to sha… -- ClarkPolner dansw42: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD
1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool
tools that I'm willing to sha… -- dansw42 dogskidsncake: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG
THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the
fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- dogskidsncake ohmygord_: RT
@UK_Daniel_Card: Cyber Threat Tracker updated! #cybersecurity #Threatintel
#RussianUkrainianWar #infosec #UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #USA -- ohmygord_
OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH
version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-13 22… https://t.co/5vG7kMudVp --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 trying to login with account "system" and password "system"…
https://t.co/0sxjA4UvLN -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-13 22:01:38.503492.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot RubberDuckCz: RT @Cyberknow20:
????????Update 15. 13 JUNE. #cybertracker ???????? 76 Groups: 47 Pro-Ukraine -
27 Pro-Russia - 2 Unknown. 8 removed and 12 added.… -- RubberDuckCz tip_intel:
Threat intelligence platforms should match enterprises' needs, use cases, data
sources, users' technical expertise,… https://t.co/oa8dGohCFz -- tip_intel
gasaway_thomas: RT @KitPloit: Blackbird - An OSINT Tool To Search For Accounts
By Username In 101 Social Networks https://t.co/tVB9sM3dSc #Blackbird #JSON… --
gasaway_thomas jakecreps: From this month's #OSINT newsletter: @braingain shared
a very cool Yandex hack last year. While searching Yandex f…
https://t.co/SxxelGpSaI -- jakecreps Kayzard1: RT @KitPloit: Blackbird - An
OSINT Tool To Search For Accounts By Username In 101 Social Networks
https://t.co/tVB9sM3dSc #Blackbird #JSON… -- Kayzard1 planet_stoopid: What
horrendous kind of world is this? #DigitalResistance #OSINT #OSINTUkraine
#Ukraine #Russia… https://t.co/r30FAcSMWE -- planet_stoopid planet_stoopid: BOO
YEAH! #DigitalResistance #OSINT #OSINTUkraine #Ukraine #Russia
https://t.co/0HCZvlctM5 -- planet_stoopid 9jaoncloud: RT @javi_stewie: What is
Ethical Hacking - benefits of ethical hacking for organizations? Let's check it
out here ????️‍♀️ #datasecurity #lin… -- 9jaoncloud 9jaoncloud: RT
@_Vault_Security: Infographic: 5 Tips to Help You Prepare for Criminal Cyber
Attacks #cybercrime #infosec #cybersecuritytips #CyberAttac… -- 9jaoncloud
batuhantosun: RT @CatchProbe: CatchProbe is a Centralized All-in-One Cyber and
Digital Intelligence Platform https://t.co/HYvRTsBJ4h #Actionable #Intelli… --
batuhantosun beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://redelivernow[.]com/dashboard/docs/send-mail[.]html #phishing #opendir
#nc -- beefyspace beefyspace: RT @_Vault_Security: #Scammers can use your email
to target you directly. And, unfortunately, plenty of #email #phishing scams
today are mo… -- beefyspace beefyspace: RT @LanceSchukies: Update Chrome now:
Four high risk vulnerabilities found | Malwarebytes Labs #cybersecurity #infosec
#hacker #cyberattac… -- beefyspace CatchProbeInt: RT @CatchProbe: CatchProbe is
a Centralized All-in-One Cyber and Digital Intelligence Platform
https://t.co/HYvRTsBJ4h #Actionable #Intelli… -- CatchProbeInt K9R2A3M84D75ED3:
RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy landing warships and grain ships
off Sevastopol today This corrects previous tweet (delete… -- K9R2A3M84D75ED3
LanceSchukies: RSA CEO Rohit Ghai: 'Disruptions Catalyze Transformation'
#cybersecurity #infosec #hacker #cyberattack #phishing… https://t.co/fb1W24zkxI
-- LanceSchukies LanceSchukies: You’re invited! Join us for a live walkthrough
of the “Follina” story… – #cybersecurity #infosec #hacker…
https://t.co/MpCNAv7vhb -- LanceSchukies RedPacketSec: SharpEventPersist -
Persistence By Writing/Reading Shellcode From Event Log -
https://t.co/DQtYwiymcS #Hacking… https://t.co/QvbwsixoJi -- RedPacketSec
RuOilTracker: ????????->???????? STI CAMDEN 30,000 tons of oil products From:
Vysotsk To: #Brest #France #russianoil #osint #sanctions…
https://t.co/KeF0G3yBG4 -- RuOilTracker YourAnonRiots: RT @Dissenter01: Seems
legit... #smishing #phishing #cyberattack #besafe #donotclick
https://t.co/URfcwTicPl -- YourAnonRiots 1000dayscodingb: RT @Paula_Piccard: The
State of Security: Ransomware Know more: https://t.co/jDr4chbBZJ #DataSecurity
#Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Sec… -- 1000dayscodingb CyberSecurityN8: RT
@amitchell516: Seeing a shift from Google Drive hosted .vbs to .wsf files for
first stage payloads in an ongoing AsyncRAT campaign targe… -- CyberSecurityN8
databreach9111: RT @amitchell516: Seeing a shift from Google Drive hosted .vbs
to .wsf files for first stage payloads in an ongoing AsyncRAT campaign targe… --
databreach9111 LanceSchukies: Tony Jarvis on Shifting Security Gears as We Move
to the Cloud #cybersecurity #infosec #hacker #cyberattack…
https://t.co/tu0SreYZK8 -- LanceSchukies sectest9: RT @amitchell516: Seeing a
shift from Google Drive hosted .vbs to .wsf files for first stage payloads in an
ongoing AsyncRAT campaign targe… -- sectest9 SergeyKochergan: RT @BlackBerry:
BlackBerry & @IntezerLabs discovered & analyzed stealthy new Linux #malware
called Symbiote. Nearly undetectable, it can i… -- SergeyKochergan _maryhshultz:
RT @visualedgeit: Here is a great yet interesting read...
https://t.co/PyCG3bgtia . . #ManagedIT #databreach #malware #IT #InsideWire #ra…
-- _maryhshultz 1000dayscodingb: RT @Paula_Piccard: The Most Desired Skills For
Cyber Security Jobs #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security
#MachineLearning… -- 1000dayscodingb AJBlackston: RT @_Vault_Security: #Scammers
can use your email to target you directly. And, unfortunately, plenty of #email
#phishing scams today are mo… -- AJBlackston AJBlackston: RT @_Vault_Security:
#Scammers can use your email to target you directly. And, unfortunately, plenty
of #email #phishing scams today are mo… -- AJBlackston HC_Ready: If you are in a
#PipelineFire or #HaywireFire evacuation zone, protect yourself from smoke
inhalation by wearing a mask outdoors. Masks help to filter out fine particles
in smoke that can be harmful to your health, and prevent the spread of #CO --
HC_Ready HealthISAC: Some great #CyberSecurity shareable resources in multiple
languages. #healthit #cyberHealthWeek https://t.co/udIQt3gk3T -- HealthISAC
Imprivata: Have you heard of #Emotet? It's a dangerous #malware that causes the
majority of malware infections at #healthcare… https://t.co/gx47EbuVEc --
Imprivata Kayzard1: RT @Paula_Piccard: Ransomware Attacks Are Surging. Is Your
Cybersecurity Up to Date? Know more: https://t.co/zxvutWBCjq #DataSecurity #Pr…
-- Kayzard1 PhishFindR: In the Last 24 Hours ???? PhishFindR Found: 888 NEW
#Phishing Links ???? 605 NEW Phishing Domains ???? >… https://t.co/bexj8fcwjs --
PhishFindR RH_ISAC: Hackers Can Steal Your Tesla by Creating Their Own Personal
Keys #infosec #cybersecurity #tesla #hacker https://t.co/yXaWYtiFrp -- RH_ISAC
vl_sk: RT @three_cube: Reverse Engineering Malware, Part 1: Getting Started
#reversing #reverseengineering #malware #dfir #infosec #cybersecurity… -- vl_sk
ZupOctopus: RT @d4rksystem: #Malware analysis tip of the week: Malware can call
DeviceIoControl with the parameter 0x7405C (IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO… --
ZupOctopus CsirtEPN: ⚠️Ya puedes tener a la Poli en tu móvil. Descárgate la
nueva #app con la que tendrás tu carnet y tus horarios de clases. Esto es solo
el principio. #vamosPoli @EPNEcuador @FeponEPN ????https://t.co/R9X9x4ieMG
https://t.co/ruoQ1I73nb -- CsirtEPN apmurray123: CISA Reveal Chinese Hackers
Tactics Targeting US Telecoms and Network Service Providers #IT #CIO #data
#bigdata… https://t.co/E48OVRgVaV -- apmurray123 BforeAi: Predicted Malicious
Domain : quizoot[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero F… https://t.co/RkeLzx35GI -- BforeAi CMoschovitis: 11 infamous
malware attacks: The first and the worst #IT #CIO #data #bigdata #tech
#cybersecurity #cybercrime… https://t.co/olmvVHuMNI -- CMoschovitis cybereason:
The Lapsu$ group has gone out of their way to emphasize they are financially
motivated and that they are not a nati… https://t.co/pbXbGf9jeD -- cybereason
CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : quizoot[.]com
PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Positi…
-- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @rsi_security: Watch out! The malware
gang Emotet has reappeared, targeting credit card data stored in Google Chrome.
Concerned about yo… -- CyberSecurityN8 HackedAgainBook: RT @ScottBVS: Scott
Schober..host of Cybercrime Wire For Jun. 11-12, 2022. Weekend Update. WCYB
Digital Radio. https://t.co/mndTDLyGVX #C… -- HackedAgainBook jonlclay: RT
@cybertechaccord: We are grateful that the @cybertechaccord was given the
opportunity to present at today's intersessional consultation… -- jonlclay
omarkabada: RT @XssMice: #Learnwithxssmice Top Burp Suite Extensions For
-- omarkabada pondurance: Listen in as @asklyndon & @euroinfosec @ISMG_News
discuss how the overall #threatlandscape has shifted in recent ye…
https://t.co/XSWUocjOk9 -- pondurance psbachto: RT @XssMice: #Learnwithxssmice
Top Burp Suite Extensions For Improving Bug Bounty 1. AUTHMATRIX 2. AUTHZ 3.
AUTHORIZE 4. BLACKSLASH POWERE… -- psbachto PyScaleLLC: RT @CMoschovitis: 11
infamous malware attacks: The first and the worst #IT #CIO #data #bigdata #tech
#cybersecurity #cybercrime #databrea… -- PyScaleLLC PyScaleLLC: RT @apmurray123:
CISA Reveal Chinese Hackers Tactics Targeting US Telecoms and Network Service
Providers #IT #CIO #data #bigdata #tech #… -- PyScaleLLC rsi_security: Watch
out! The malware gang Emotet has reappeared, targeting credit card data stored
in Google Chrome. Concerned ab… https://t.co/QEXUDrN2ix -- rsi_security rum4is:
RT @s3xcur1ty: Encrypted Payload -> Decrypted Execution ($600) : Stored XSS -
@shrirangdiwakar https://t.co/2FVtMfLWAg #InfoSec #CyberSec… -- rum4is sectest9:
RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : quizoot[.]com PreCrime Threat
Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Positi… -- sectest9
sectest9: RT @rsi_security: Watch out! The malware gang Emotet has reappeared,
targeting credit card data stored in Google Chrome. Concerned about yo… --
sectest9 WatzlMichael: In this insert on @BBC, my colleague @BrianPinnock is
interviewed in a segment about how #cybercrime is affecting A…
https://t.co/sslubKhTrS -- WatzlMichael Aladdin772002: RT @XssMice:
#Learnwithxssmice Top Burp Suite Extensions For Improving Bug Bounty 1.
beefyspace: RT @flaresystems: Join Mathieu Lavoie as we discuss The State of the
Dark Web in 2022 on June 16th at 11am. We’ll be covering key trends re… --
beefyspace bornunique911: RT @phyr3wall: #Giveaway I'm giving away either a
@PentesterLab pro Voucher or @hackthebox_eu VIP+ Voucher (winner's choice). Like
and ret… -- bornunique911 bornunique911: RT @sheikhrishad0: Owned CVE-2022-31590
Thanks @SAP :) #BugBounty https://t.co/X2nQkegoZV -- bornunique911 cryptostork:
RT @JamieHoldstock: For those not already aware, the Decred cryptocurrency
project has a comprehensive bounty program paying up to $100k fo… -- cryptostork
CyberDFIR: RT @ValTools1: Hacking is easy, DM to Recover or Hack accounts and
missing phones. #gmailhack #gmaildown #hacked #Hacking #hackaccount #hac… --
CyberDFIR CyberDFIR: RT @xageinc: Ransomware-as-a-service threatens today's most
vulnerable operations. But as @RomanArutyunov explains in @IndustCybersec artic…
-- CyberDFIR CyberDFIR: RT @GothamTG: Paying Ransomware Paints Bigger Bullseye
on Target’s Back #Ransomware #Cybersecurity https://t.co/SIZC7yb6gD -- CyberDFIR
cybersec_joshi: Officially starting with the PEN-200 and OSCP preparation.????
Any advice is much appreciated ???? Do ur thing infosec tw…
https://t.co/O1Uff069fl -- cybersec_joshi CyberSecurityN8: RT @ext_noc: The
average cost of a #databreach is $3.86 million in 2020, rising to $4.24 million
in 2021. This is the highest average cost… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8:
RT @daffainfo: Hi! I created a repository that contains some tips on using the
match and replace feature in burpsuite #bugbountytips #bugb… -- CyberSecurityN8
diwsec: RT @AliHassanKhan_: A simple and an easy finding on @Hacker0x01 While
fuzzing, server-status endpoint was forbidden (403) Just added thi… -- diwsec
Dody2004Sec: RT @RanjitAdhikar34: Bug: PII revealed Severity: High [Rewarded]
Tip: Use google dork as site:*.target.com inurl:profile #bugbounty #bug… --
Dody2004Sec Dody2004Sec: RT @daffainfo: Hi! I created a repository that contains
some tips on using the match and replace feature in burpsuite #bugbountytips
#bugb… -- Dody2004Sec ext_noc: The average cost of a #databreach is $3.86
million in 2020, rising to $4.24 million in 2021. This is the highest av…
https://t.co/cpyLyDGifc -- ext_noc flaresystems: Join Mathieu Lavoie as we
discuss The State of the Dark Web in 2022 on June 16th at 11am. We’ll be
covering key tre… https://t.co/NmS0omIUDl -- flaresystems FrontEndLoveBot: RT
@ValTools1: I'm available 24/7 Inbox me #hacked #facebookdown #whatsapp
#hackedinstagram #twitterdown #lockedaccount #metamask #ransomwa… --
FrontEndLoveBot gdattacker: RT @phyr3wall: #Giveaway I'm giving away either a
@PentesterLab pro Voucher or @hackthebox_eu VIP+ Voucher (winner's choice). Like
and ret… -- gdattacker gdprAI: RT @ext_noc: The average cost of a #databreach is
$3.86 million in 2020, rising to $4.24 million in 2021. This is the highest
average cost… -- gdprAI GoaiDev: RT @ValTools1: I'm available 24/7 Inbox me
#hacked #facebookdown #whatsapp #hackedinstagram #twitterdown #lockedaccount
#metamask #ransomwa… -- GoaiDev GoaiDev: RT @ValTools1: I'm available 24/7 Inbox
me #hacked #facebookdown #whatsapp #hackedinstagram #twitterdown #lockedaccount
#metamask #ransomwa… -- GoaiDev MattWil00422479: RT @Unit42_Intel: 2022-06-07
(Tuesday) - #Emotet remains active this week, and we consistently see spambot
activity from infected hosts - A… -- MattWil00422479 PyScaleLLC: RT @ValTools1:
I'm available 24/7 Inbox me #hacked #facebookdown #whatsapp #hackedinstagram
#twitterdown #lockedaccount #metamask #ransomwa… -- PyScaleLLC sectest9: RT
@daffainfo: Hi! I created a repository that contains some tips on using the
match and replace feature in burpsuite #bugbountytips #bugb… -- sectest9
sectest9: RT @ext_noc: The average cost of a #databreach is $3.86 million in
2020, rising to $4.24 million in 2021. This is the highest average cost… --
sectest9 Xatrix35: RT @Sophos: Ransomware drives cyber insurance cover. Over
four in five mid-sized organizations have cyber insurance against #ransomware.
9… -- Xatrix35 zer0maxx: RT @ofjaaah: echo "domain" | subfinder -silent |
gauplus | grep "=" | uro | gf xss | awk '{ print "curl
https://knoxss[.]me/api/v3 -d \"tar… -- zer0maxx AdamJSymes: RT @scamtipssg:
#Beware of #Heineken #Beer #Father's Day #Contest! #Phishing #scam. To identify
1 incorrect Heineken url address https://t.… -- AdamJSymes AquiaSolutions:
Exposed Travis CI API Leaves All Free-Tier Users Open to Attack: Public Travis
CI logs loaded with GitHub, AWS, Doc… https://t.co/y3qESWsEU7 -- AquiaSolutions
bear_risa: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE*** #Russian Navy landing warships and
grain ships off Sevastopol today This corrects previous tweet (delete… --
bear_risa beefyspace: RT @Dissenter01: Seems legit... #smishing #phishing
#cyberattack #besafe #donotclick https://t.co/URfcwTicPl -- beefyspace
beefyspace: RT @andyjabbour: I ???? it when new teammates do great work! Check
out the new @Gate_15_Analyst post from @Analyst_Alec! #Phish For Days! #phi… --
beefyspace beefyspace: RT @_Vault_Security: 20 Ways to Block Mobile Attacks ❗
#WiFi ❗ #Apps ❗ #browser ❗ #Bluetooth ❗ #SMS ❗ #vishing #infosec #CyberSecurity
#… -- beefyspace beefyspace: RT @twinwavesec: Looking for examples of a
particular #phishing actor or brand? Search for our comments on VT!
https://t.co/foqUvojtwj -- beefyspace Brad365: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE***
#Russian Navy landing warships and grain ships off Sevastopol today This
corrects previous tweet (delete… -- Brad365 ClaireJChu: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG
THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the
fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- ClaireJChu CyberIQs_: News & Analysis
| NO. 335 #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence
#hacking… https://t.co/PFytrftXZr -- CyberIQs_ CyberSecurityN8: RT @CyberIQs_:
News & Analysis | NO. 335 #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligence #hacking #cybernews #cybera… -- CyberSecurityN8 f2rv: RT
@nuria_imeq: “Website investigation in #OSINT” by Igor S. Bederov
https://t.co/KljfCDsy8A https://t.co/eXru8Lx7sj -- f2rv GaryPaluch:
#CyberResGalaxy's threat research team provides insights into the business
impact of global threats with a new repo… https://t.co/DmSugcKgN1 -- GaryPaluch
Gate15_Jen: RT @andyjabbour: I ???? it when new teammates do great work! Check
out the new @Gate_15_Analyst post from @Analyst_Alec! #Phish For Days! #phi… --
Gate15_Jen GewoonChriz: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my
#OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing
to sha… -- GewoonChriz JEMPradio: Trey Anastasio Band - First Tube (2-15-14)
#Phish #JEMPRadio #CommunityRadio #NowPlaying https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE --
JEMPradio kioko_benedict: RT @KitPloit: Blackbird - An OSINT Tool To Search For
Accounts By Username In 101 Social Networks https://t.co/tVB9sM3dSc #Blackbird
#JSON… -- kioko_benedict lingmick: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is
in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm
willing to sha… -- lingmick MarieM16779289: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE***
#Russian Navy landing warships and grain ships off Sevastopol today This
corrects previous tweet (delete… -- MarieM16779289 OpenHoneypot: An attempt was
detected from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6"
on UTC 2022-06-13 19… https://t.co/yBsaENVKqb -- OpenHoneypot OsintOzzy: RT
@TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks?
I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- OsintOzzy P0lif3m0:
https://t.co/6cwcmBbpRd "Since the OSINT world evolves fastly, its tools and
methods must be updated often. The o… https://t.co/dvCgSiiEWL -- P0lif3m0
Pi_eaterVZ: #osint this one is gold https://t.co/XE83pFmN80 -- Pi_eaterVZ
Pi_eaterVZ: RT @Sector035: Good morning followers! Here's another weekly
overview from the world of #OSINT! H/T: @BOsintBlanc @skopenow @intelwithstev…
-- Pi_eaterVZ realDejo: RT @earlyhominid_lj: #WALTERREPORT #OSINTUkraine #OSINT
???????????????? Listen to #Ukrainian & other global voices, not the sanitized,
misinforming, (… -- realDejo redhchilihacker: RT @inversecos: #ThreatIntel:
Chinese threat actors install backdoors in iOS crypto wallets MetaMask,
CoinBase. Read @lordx64 brilliant wr… -- redhchilihacker rickhholland: I'm VERY
excited to join @TheHackerValley "Technical Divided" show w @CharityW4CTI,
@ronaldeddings, & @chrishvm thi… https://t.co/Ux6TBGSyuR -- rickhholland
RuOilTracker: ???????? -> ? SUEZ FURY Departed Ust-luga with 150,000 tons of
crude oil. Bound for Suez Canal #russianoil #osint… https://t.co/ubdN4pRkDW --
RuOilTracker sectest9: RT @_Vault_Security: 20 Ways to Block Mobile Attacks ❗
#WiFi ❗ #Apps ❗ #browser ❗ #Bluetooth ❗ #SMS ❗ #vishing #infosec #CyberSecurity
#… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_: News & Analysis | NO. 335 #infosec
#infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence #hacking
#cybernews #cybera… -- sectest9 sovietarmyfan: RT @CovertShores: ***UPDATE***
#Russian Navy landing warships and grain ships off Sevastopol today This
corrects previous tweet (delete… -- sovietarmyfan adminmagazine: Security Alert:
@BlackBerry and @IntezerLabs detail a new Linux malware, dubbed Symbiote
https://t.co/D1Z3aAhS3U… https://t.co/j2pNU8H88p -- adminmagazine AmChemistry:
#FlameRetardants add an integral layer of protection by helping reduce the risk
of fires or slowing their spread. Visit the ACC|NAFRA ANTEC booth 429 & learn
about proposed regulatory policies that could affect availability of these chemi
-- AmChemistry Amigo_A_: A new #Venus #Ransomware variant
https://t.co/XZbMn51qWd Extension: .anigma Ransom note: README.txt Email:
anigma@tutan*, anigma@co* https://t.co/s9WJaWkton -- Amigo_A_ beefyspace: RT
@PhishStats: https://t.co/MAuIXRvYiq detected 28 new websites hosting #phishing
| new today: 1523 | #infosec #cybersecurity #malware htt… -- beefyspace
BlackBerry: A joint research effort by BlackBerry & @IntezerLabs has led to the
discovery of Symbiote, a new form of Linux malw… https://t.co/tlQQy8dY31 --
BlackBerry BlackBerrySpark: A joint research effort by BlackBerry & @IntezerLabs
has led to the discovery of Symbiote, a new form of Linux malw…
https://t.co/T9LS2pWpsL -- BlackBerrySpark CyberDFIR: RT @CyberIQs_: News &
Analysis | NO. 335 #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligence #hacking #cybernews #cybera… -- CyberDFIR CyberSecurityN8:
RT @InQuest: A rather interesting obfuscated #maldoc uploaded from the IR
country code. InQuest Labs: https://t.co/cqKoPuFrky Macro downl… --
CyberSecurityN8 DmitriyMelikov: RT @InQuest: A rather interesting obfuscated
#maldoc uploaded from the IR country code. InQuest Labs: https://t.co/cqKoPuFrky
Macro downl… -- DmitriyMelikov gdprAI: RT @PhishStats: https://t.co/MAuIXRvYiq
detected 28 new websites hosting #phishing | new today: 1523 | #infosec
#cybersecurity #malware htt… -- gdprAI GutiJose14: RT @BlackBerry: A joint
research effort by BlackBerry & @IntezerLabs has led to the discovery of
Symbiote, a new form of Linux malware that… -- GutiJose14 HC_Ready: As fire
personnel respond to the #PipelineFire and #HaywireFire in #Arizona, residents
may be asked to evacuate their homes. To ensure you and your loved ones are
ready to evacuate, prepare now and keep a “go-bag” nearby. See evacuation orders
-- HC_Ready HC_Ready: If you have evacuated due to the #PipelineFire or
#HaywireFire, Coconino County has set up a call center for important evacuee
information. #AZ #Wildfire https://t.co/4ZcxQsKso7 -- HC_Ready InQuest: A rather
interesting obfuscated #maldoc uploaded from the IR country code. InQuest Labs:
https://t.co/cqKoPuFrky… https://t.co/OcXvz4gm8a -- InQuest JEMPradio: Phish -
Theme From The Bottom (7-3-13) #Phish #JEMPRadio #CommunityRadio #NowPlaying
https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE -- JEMPradio lsmunyan: ???? New #ThreatIntel: The
@Symantec Threat Hunter team found threat actors exploiting the Follina #RCE
vulnerability… https://t.co/ezfPAzCYuC -- lsmunyan mailjet: Cybercriminals can
use phishing messages to get access to sensitive information. See how you can
protect yourself f… https://t.co/3Ub5ymkKJF -- mailjet PhishStats:
https://t.co/MAuIXRvYiq detected 28 new websites hosting #phishing | new today:
1523 | #infosec #cybersecurity… https://t.co/AyhDQOHgi7 -- PhishStats renisac:
What if you could get a rundown of the most critical news and daily information
on cybersecurity threats and higher ed? That's what you get with the REN-ISAC's
"Daily Watch Report" for members. Learn more: https://t.co/nFDl5CfDqs
https://t.co/hIz -- renisac sectest9: RT @InQuest: A rather interesting
obfuscated #maldoc uploaded from the IR country code. InQuest Labs:
https://t.co/cqKoPuFrky Macro downl… -- sectest9 TrinitingzB: The phishermen are
getting crafty, I actually received a similar email over the weekend, was
impressed but caught i… https://t.co/vrWMxXno8W -- TrinitingzB VivekkumarVora:
What's BPFDoor? BPFDoor is a piece of malware linked to the Chinese threat actor
Red Menshen that has mostly target… https://t.co/oLMo7YZyYW -- VivekkumarVora
YourAnonRiots: RT @PhishStats: https://t.co/MAuIXRvYiq detected 28 new websites
hosting #phishing | new today: 1523 | #infosec #cybersecurity #malware htt… --
YourAnonRiots CERTpy: ⚠️Vulnerabilidades de robo de contraseñas en PyPi ???? Las
versiones afectadas son: ❗️ 'keep' versión 1.2 ❗️ 'pyanxdns' versión 0.2 ❗️
'api-res-py' versión 0.1 ➡️para mas info: https://t.co/BAxkWtBmm7
https://t.co/uZMHVdZ2aD -- CERTpy circl_lu: @clevybencheton Yep we might need to
update it for mobile devices... -- circl_lu circl_lu: A CWE-798: Use of
Hard-coded Credentials vulnerability exists that could allow arbitrary code to
be executed when root level access is obtained. Affected Products: Wiser Smart,
EER21000 & EER21001 (V4.5 and prior) https://t.co/ohI8bKqwro -- circl_lu
USCERT_gov: This week's #VulnerabilityBulletin is up. See it at
https://t.co/GJo4bu6nzz. #Cybersecurity #InfoSec -- USCERT_gov apmurray123: Why
AI Customer Journeys Need More Friction #IT #CIO #data #bigdata #tech
#cybersecurity… https://t.co/a3Q37B0sYC -- apmurray123 BforeAi: Predicted
Malicious Domain : artscope[.]info PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi
Threat Agnostic Near-Zero… https://t.co/l2HNEyUtia -- BforeAi CMoschovitis:
Barely outpacing snails, US lawmakers ponder regulating crypto #IT #CIO #data
#bigdata #tech #cybersecurity… https://t.co/BwPLccTyWh -- CMoschovitis
CyberSecurityN8: RT @AlludingAssets:  No Insurance #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Serverless #ML #IoT…
-- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
artscope[.]info PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero False Posi… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @apmurray123: Why
AI Customer Journeys Need More Friction #IT #CIO #data #bigdata #tech
#cybersecurity #cybercrim… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @IT__Portal:
Thank you for an awesome MSP Day! . . #itsolutions #Data #cybersecurityawareness
#security #safe #cyberattack #IT #MSP #cyb… -- CyberSecurityN8 dubhbas: RT
@ZackHackCyber: Today's #Cybercrime & #Cybersecurity #News: @Apple wants to get
rid of passwords entirely. This fall when their new upda… -- dubhbas kanpatz: RT
@apmurray123: Why AI Customer Journeys Need More Friction #IT #CIO #data
#bigdata #tech #cybersecurity #cybercrim… -- kanpatz nyk_gandhinagar: RT
@Nyksindia: If money has been illegally removed from a person's account, they
should immediately call 1930. #security #cybercrime #priv… -- nyk_gandhinagar
nyk_gandhinagar: RT @Nyksindia: Every 39 seconds, a new cyberattack occurs
somewhere on the internet. On a daily basis, the internet blocks roughly 24,000
f… -- nyk_gandhinagar sectest9: RT @AlludingAssets:  No Insurance
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #Serverless #ML #IoT… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @BforeAi:
Predicted Malicious Domain : artscope[.]info PreCrime Threat Intelligence by
@BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Posi… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT
@apmurray123: Why AI Customer Journeys Need More Friction #IT #CIO #data
#bigdata #tech #cybersecurity #cybercrim… -- sectest9 Stenciled_By_Em: RT
@AlludingAssets:  No Insurance #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Serverless #ML #IoT… --
Stenciled_By_Em _MalwareHunters: The most active #malware per week #Mirai
#Emotet #CobaltStrike #Formbook #AgentTesla #RedLineStealer #Gafgyt…
https://t.co/ZrvDqTyca4 -- _MalwareHunters _MalwareHunters: The most active
#malware per day #Mirai #Emotet #CobaltStrike #Vjw0rm #AgentTesla #Formbook
#RedLineStealer… https://t.co/SAuvE5yhfI -- _MalwareHunters 0x4d_: RT
@James_inthe_box: Some fresh #epoch5 #Emotet https://t.co/MmA2RXXhVP -- 0x4d_
24By7Security: #QOTD: What do you know about Ransomwares? In this post, we
answer common questions about #ransomware ???? https://t.co/bkF1srCavs --
24By7Security AIWebSecurity: RT @helpnetsecurity: 45% of cybersecurity pros are
considering quitting the industry due to stress - https://t.co/Z7CjajnLDD -
@DeepInstinc… -- AIWebSecurity BeckyArenson: The 2022 #CyberResGalaxy Annual
Report is the first in a series to provide a perspective on geopolitical,
regional… https://t.co/qoFOdetQSH -- BeckyArenson beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi:
Possible threat on hxxp://bnzsupporta[.]com/mailer/Email-Marketing-master[.]zip
#phishing #opendir #key_systems https://t.co… -- beefyspace CyberSecurityN8: RT
@_MalwareHunters: The most active #malware per day #Mirai #Emotet #CobaltStrike
#Vjw0rm #AgentTesla #Formbook #RedLineStealer #Griffon… -- CyberSecurityN8
daauud123456: RT @XssMice: #Learnwithxssmice Top Burp Suite Extensions For
-- daauud123456 ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://empresarialingresaa[.]com/ingresa/PoralEmpreasrialFornt/ #phishing
#opendir #nc -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://tradexcrystalinvest[.]com/alllll[.]zip #phishing #opendir #nc --
ecarlesi felpaqui: RT @ColetteWeston: For the last two months, Costa Rica has
been under siege. Two major #ransomware attacks have crippled many of the
countr… -- felpaqui jaco_ZA: Another tricky question in this week's SocVel
Cybersecurity Quiz is based on @NCCGroupInfosec (@rdi_x64) recent Bla…
https://t.co/wyczhFpU0E -- jaco_ZA nafisaqil_: RT @naglinagli: During
@Hacker0x01 Ambassador Worldcup We (me, @rotembar and @realgam3) found DOM Based
XSS that affected 6.5m+ Elementor w… -- nafisaqil_ nani_wilson: RT @ecarlesi:
Possible threat on
hxxps://empresarialingresaa[.]com/ingresa/PoralEmpreasrialFornt/ #phishing
#opendir #nc -- nani_wilson OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 trying to login with account "backup" and password
"backup"… https://t.co/MbgecfyRZ5 -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was
detected from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6"
on UTC 2022-06-13 17… https://t.co/BbQxsJlbVq -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An
attempt was detected from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-13
17:52:06.478661. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot ov3rflow1: Conti's Attack
Against Costa Rica Sparks a New #Ransomware Era https://t.co/AnbMOZj83Y #infosec
-- ov3rflow1 petterigunther: RT @japi999: "A pair of #ransomware attacks
crippled parts of Costa Rica —and rewrote the rules of cybercrime."
https://t.co/pZFqBU9RtL #… -- petterigunther RealTonyBradley: RT @cybereason:
Ransomware: The True Cost to Business Study 2022 - have you gotten your copy
yet? Download the report to gain access to dat… -- RealTonyBradley rum4is: RT
@Rap_Thesaurus:  111% Satisfied #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning #S… -- rum4is
rum4is: RT @Rap_Thesaurus:  Four And A Quarter #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearnin… --
rum4is sanjeevhdesai: RT @Cohesity: In the event of a #ransomware attack,
#Cohesity FortKnox detects a clean copy of data and restores it to the preferred
place… -- sanjeevhdesai sectest9: RT @_MalwareHunters: The most active #malware
per day #Mirai #Emotet #CobaltStrike #Vjw0rm #AgentTesla #Formbook
#RedLineStealer #Griffon… -- sectest9 SecureNetIT: RT @ScottBVS: Scott Schober,
Host of Cybercrime MagazineDiscusses how Secureworks helps solve ransomware
cases #ransomware #rsac #Cybersec… -- SecureNetIT Stenciled_By_Em: RT
@AlludingAssets:  Those Data Rates ???? #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #AcademicTwitter #Serverless #ML #IoTPL #Rs… --
Stenciled_By_Em Stenciled_By_Em: RT @AlludingAssets:  It’s A Home
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #Serverless #ML #IoTP… -- Stenciled_By_Em Stenciled_By_Em: RT
@AlludingAssets:  Common Law #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode
#Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Serverless #ML #IoTPL… --
Stenciled_By_Em Stenciled_By_Em: RT @AlludingAssets:  Gifted ????
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #Serverless #ML #IoTPL #… -- Stenciled_By_Em Stenciled_By_Em:
RT @AlludingAssets:  She’s Poured Her Heart Out #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #buildinginpublic #AcademicTwitter #Serverless… -- Stenciled_By_Em
TheFieryBot: RT @Rap_Thesaurus:  111% Satisfied #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
#WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning #S… --
TheFieryBot tiberiys1: RT @sratarun: Best ever Tools ???? for Bug Bounty
Hunters... via@Lohitaksh @ADITYASHENDE17 @Assass1nmarcos @Alra3ees #infosec
#bugbounty #b… -- tiberiys1 varonis: We often get the question: "Aren't attack
surface & blast radius the same thing?" Not exactly. Attack surface = h…
https://t.co/sz92kYPr0h -- varonis vfiorg: #Ransomware hackers are quickly
dodging sanctions and ensuring victims continue to pay by rebranding themselves
and… https://t.co/1sRcr4mCj9 -- vfiorg XeronBot: RT @Rap_Thesaurus:  111%
Satisfied #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #MachineLearning #S… -- XeronBot yucchannikoniko: RT
@threatinsight: On June 6th, Proofpoint observed a new #Emotet module being
dropped by the E4 botnet. To our surprise it was a credit ca… -- yucchannikoniko
451Alliance: Phishing, fake landing pages and emails from your boss: How crooks
are targeting your crypto… https://t.co/Ixp5r6WgfM -- 451Alliance Anto_Kenyan:
RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my
bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… --
Anto_Kenyan AvananSecurity: Things have never been this bad: #phishing
#cybersecurity #ransomware Phishing at all-time high; 1 million attack…
https://t.co/4cZQFfDFwX -- AvananSecurity barricadecyber: Got an email from a
user on @DocuSign with a external link to @backblaze showing a @onedrive logo
and the ability t… https://t.co/3kFjDfFkIg -- barricadecyber BlackBerry:
BlackBerry & @IntezerLabs discovered & analyzed stealthy new Linux #malware
called Symbiote. Nearly undetectable,… https://t.co/go9A5N1A6M -- BlackBerry
Byte_vass: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in
my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… --
Byte_vass Carbonite: Over 80% of #malware URLs are hidden behind proxies and
anonymizers. ????️ Read the latest #BrightCloud Threat Repor…
https://t.co/RSrg1fodeX -- Carbonite chrisyanke: RT @sygnia_labs: Sygnia
identified recent waves of #phishing attacks overpowering #2FA using a
Man-in-the-Middle attack technique. Read our… -- chrisyanke cinbee: RT
@HelloMrBond: June 12 Full update to thread????on estimates of #Russia and
#Ukraine losses compared to available forces, using RU and UKR c… -- cinbee
cinbee: RT @i_intelligence: Open source intelligence methods are being used to
investigate war crimes in Ukraine https://t.co/DAnR8ZAJMO #OSINT -- cinbee
cyberreport_io: Windows Zero Day: MSDT Follina https://t.co/s88TBjwdR8
#cybersecurity #threatintelligence #cybernews https://t.co/SrA5K4lbRh --
cyberreport_io CyberSecurityN8: RT @CyberIQs_: You’re invited! Join us for a
live walkthrough of the “ #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligen… -- CyberSecurityN8 cybsecbot: In the past 24 hours, 2565
IoC's were submitted and #Emotet is the most seen #malware family on abuse[.]ch
-- cybsecbot Databranch: Phishing by any other means still hurts just as much!
Don’t get tricked by social phishing! Learn what to watch out…
https://t.co/Gdph3GJ4ir -- Databranch de3ev: RT @inversecos: #ThreatIntel:
Chinese threat actors install backdoors in iOS crypto wallets MetaMask,
CoinBase. Read @lordx64 brilliant wr… -- de3ev DisinfoNews: RT @dutch_osintguy:
Join me at #cc4es in Warsaw, Poland. #osint #disinformation @SANSEMEA more info:
https://t.co/WqYfsfLbNB https://t.co/… -- DisinfoNews dubhbas: RT
@CybersecuritySF: We all need a refresher on #Phishing #Scams. Listen to this
week's "Mastering Cyber" w/ host @dralissajay, brought to… -- dubhbas
dutch_osintguy: Join me at #cc4es in Warsaw, Poland. #osint #disinformation
@SANSEMEA more info: https://t.co/WqYfsfLbNB https://t.co/J2b3SxFDQX --
dutch_osintguy earlyhominid_lj: #WALTERREPORT #OSINTUkraine #OSINT
???????????????? Listen to #Ukrainian & other global voices, not the sanitized,
misinforming… https://t.co/1HWQzK2WdI -- earlyhominid_lj elpablo2006: RT
@IV_NOR_: Ridiculous provocations. These pathetic idiots think they are
intimidating whom? Not even crabs and mussels. #osint #russian_… -- elpablo2006
ezameku: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my
bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- ezameku
f4st_t4nk2: RT @securityonion: Today's quick #malware analysis with
#SecurityOnion: #TA578 Contact Forms Campaign #Bumblebee Infection with
#CobaltStri… -- f4st_t4nk2 icorgroupltd: RT @SecurityWeek: Facilitating the
Convergence of Physical Security and Cyber Security With Open Source
Intelligence - https://t.co/BKd5Gz6… -- icorgroupltd ImperoUS: Apps can be great
for learning. However, a new type of #phishing attempt uses malicious apps to
get access to #K12… https://t.co/2UUzzpkYuX -- ImperoUS InQuest: Excited to add
YARAify from our friends at @abuse_ch to the Awesome-YARA list. YARAify:
https://t.co/GLQ3eJowF3 A… https://t.co/S3iqvYt6Za -- InQuest iot_marketing:
#Hackers have earned millions selling your #data on the #darkweb — how to stay
safe #Cybersecurity… https://t.co/frw4sRN3PI -- iot_marketing ISMG_News: Bryan
Ware, CEO of LookingGlass Cyber Solutions, Inc. talks about the mistakes to
avoid when gathering and interpre… https://t.co/Lyx0mG9HUP -- ISMG_News
ITPILOTS: Mobile adware refers to the advertising material hidden inside
legitimate apps infected by #malware.???? #Adware cont… https://t.co/nvzaH3GhbA
-- ITPILOTS JeffRosemeyer: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my
#OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing
to sha… -- JeffRosemeyer JEMPradio: Goose - Drive>Shama Lama Ding Dong (5-6-21)
#Phish #JEMPRadio #CommunityRadio #NowPlaying https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE --
JEMPradio jerome_u: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT
folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to
sha… -- jerome_u lydiandawn: New wares ready to get fired ???? #Phish
#GratefulDead #ceramics @BakedGoods555 @BathTubFinn https://t.co/fEx6vx1uRO --
lydiandawn meetaidentech: ⚠️ If you detect #BlackCat activity in your network,
reach out to your local FBI #Cyber Squad. #vulnerabilities…
https://t.co/qs1Y9T9thf -- meetaidentech MikeyAlbondo: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG
THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the
fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- MikeyAlbondo ntsmanaged: Think you’re
safe on social media hanging out with friends and family? Think again! Social
phishing has become a ma… https://t.co/3sn2erAHJC -- ntsmanaged PatMayock:
ACTIVE ARCHIVE becomes critical when we have “181 Trillion Gigabytes by 2025”
Video: https://t.co/u6ANpVzAlo… https://t.co/FycLuSa8v6 -- PatMayock phansets: ♫
Now Playing: Phish, 10/8/10 Austin City Limits, Austin, TX #phish #phishtwitter
#PhanSets $SOL #wenmint ????????????????????????… https://t.co/Dm8ehYxT3o --
phansets PhishCompanion: #OnThisDay Friday 06/13/1997 The S.f.x. Centre Dublin,
Ireland https://t.co/VVG69b9mHh #phish #phishcompanion #otd2022 --
PhishCompanion PippenAndrew: BEST PHISHING SCAM YET! “BHL” and an image of a UPS
lorry! Not sure they really put enough time and effort into thi…
https://t.co/CiaKLDqNLC -- PippenAndrew RedPacketSec: Taking down the IP2Scam
tech support campaign - https://t.co/AycX3doOxs #OSINT #Security #Threatintel --
RedPacketSec sanjeevhdesai: RT @Cohesity: As technology evolves, so have the
cybercriminals leveraging sophisticated #malware for #ransomware attacks. Learn
how to ge… -- sanjeevhdesai sectest9: RT @RakeshKrish12: Found a new #BTC
address of #CVV Shop & reported! cvvshop.]ws Addr:
bc1qz6uhymd3jwj4r4vyqt74fpxa5098a578c0… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_:
You’re invited! Join us for a live walkthrough of the “ #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligen… -- sectest9 silentpush_labs:
#phishing login[.]chasecertifi[.]com spoofing chase[.]com; AS Name: FD-298-8796;
Name Server: *.hndnsv1[.]com; Reg… https://t.co/tvlhOBy00N -- silentpush_labs
TechSmartZA: "It’s easy to see why people fall for the phish, and why training
is hit and miss." Read more: The greatest… https://t.co/KOfjgFJ0MP --
TechSmartZA uptycs: The Uptycs Threat Research Team identified samples of
WarzoneRAT dropped through a Powershell dropper with a Proces…
https://t.co/45on1gLZIj -- uptycs WingSecSaaS: According to @avast, by Dec 2020,
3 million users worldwide installed 28 malicious extensions to their
browsers.???? C… https://t.co/yZT2ScYW9R -- WingSecSaaS BACSIRT: @IECarballo
Hola @IECarballo hemos recibido tu mensaje, nos mantenemos en contacto por ese
medio ???? -- BACSIRT CSIRT_Telconet: ¿Cómo evitar ser víctima de Phishing?
https://t.co/9ZQvqYtj2X #Cybersecurity #phishing #NEWS #SecurityNews #hackers
https://t.co/Rc3LyDkPII -- CSIRT_Telconet CyberSecurityN8: RT @LeewardSecurity:
Leeward Security explores how #ransomware and #malware attacks can exploit
Virtual Private Networking (#VPN) and Remot… -- CyberSecurityN8 HealthISAC:
"While ransomware, #TPR ,phishing scams & insiders continue as top threats
facing #healthcare entities, the sector overall is becoming better prepared to
deal with these issues" says Denise Anderson, president and CEO of Health-ISAC.
#heal -- HealthISAC LeewardSecurity: Leeward Security explores how #ransomware
and #malware attacks can exploit Virtual Private Networking (#VPN) and Re…
https://t.co/1wz1mTKzdJ -- LeewardSecurity NEI: Join us next week, June 20-22
for the #Nuclear Energy Assembly, bringing together the nuclear #energy
industry’s best and brightest leaders. https://t.co/edCmzM2DwP -- NEI
NJCybersecurity: Unlike generic #phishing, business email compromise (#BEC)
scams are a highly targeted form of social engineering. We recommend verifying
the source of messages & watching out for (red flag emoji) like poor spelling &
grammar. P -- NJCybersecurity RealEstateISAC: We look forward to seeing everyone
at the Real Estate Roundtable Annual Meeting this Friday!
https://t.co/Nl56MU6Gu0 -- RealEstateISAC renisac: Congress’s next move to limit
partnerships with China could target America’s top colleges and
universities—shutting down their investments in Chinese companies that “have
been deemed an unacceptable national security risk,” Politico reported Frid --
renisac sectest9: RT @LeewardSecurity: Leeward Security explores how #ransomware
and #malware attacks can exploit Virtual Private Networking (#VPN) and Remot… --
sectest9 SpaceISAC: RSVP here: https://t.co/X0OdnbZiA3 https://t.co/boUZlhubID
-- SpaceISAC ThrivingTechie: Malicious JavaScript code that mimics Google
Analytics and Meta Pixel scripts. Protect your personal data:…
https://t.co/tCmktDiU37 -- ThrivingTechie USCERT_gov: ???? It may be time for a
#cyber bath. @CISAgov offers several scanning services to help organizations
reduce exposure to #vulnerabilities by taking a proactive approach to mitigating
attack vectors. https://t.co/7tpOAh91zy #CyberHygiene #Cybe -- USCERT_gov
USCERT_gov: Drupal has patched a vulnerability that may allow a remote attacker
to take control of a website. Read more at https://t.co/58bIHMaSwy.
#Cybersecurity #InfoSec -- USCERT_gov Eazyconnectorg: https://t.co/inIvPqcEss
#gameindustry… https://t.co/qG06bjwg78 -- Eazyconnectorg AdliceSoftware:
#Confluence servers hacked to deploy #AvosLocker, #Cerber2021 #ransomware.
Protect your data, enable #RogueKiller… https://t.co/bVSRaDYxu0 --
AdliceSoftware apmurray123: IT leader’s survival guide: 11 ways to thrive in the
years ahead #IT #CIO #data #bigdata #tech #cybersecurity…
https://t.co/rn3nYJFNPM -- apmurray123 Aptean: How do you choose the best
payment processing software? And what features do you need? Read our guide for
the answ… https://t.co/3QePNnEB0b -- Aptean beefyspace: RT @prevailion: Beware
the “new and improved” Emotet #Malware #Emotet #Phishing #Email #CyberSecurity
#PrevailionKnows https://t.co/5Fyc… -- beefyspace CMoschovitis: Password
Hacking—New Research Says Keyboard Audio Can Leak Your Secrets Is your password
at risk from… #IT #CIO… https://t.co/14Gth3JFD3 -- CMoschovitis CyberSecurityN8:
RT @HusseiN98D: When a random stranger I gifted my #bugbounty course to comes
back a couple of months later to pay back.. I'm humbly proud.… --
CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
makemoneybiz4u[.]info PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero Fals… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @apmurray123: IT leader’s
survival guide: 11 ways to thrive in the years ahead #IT #CIO #data #bigdata
#tech #cybersecurity #cybercrim… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT
@evanderburg: Backups Saved 16,000 Patient Records from #Ransomware
https://t.co/t8dSVvMaSZ #recovery #cybersecurity -- CyberSecurityN8 EarlPupul:
Explainable #AI for #Ransomware resiliency with SHAP - At Druva Labs, while
working on multiple machine learning m… https://t.co/fLgDn34MgC -- EarlPupul
Eazyconnectorg: https://t.co/inIvPqufk0 TRUSTED MULTIPLIED BIOMETRIC-ID APP -
GRANTED PATENT FOR SALE: #saas #pds2 #gameindustry… https://t.co/qd0GqSJyAp --
Eazyconnectorg Eazyconnectorg: https://t.co/inIvPqcEss TRUSTED MULTIPLIED
BIOMETRIC-ID APP - GRANTED PATENT FOR SALE: #saas #pds2 #gameindustry…
https://t.co/khUDy0SkSW -- Eazyconnectorg eb_compliance: In this issue of The
Monitor, our #cyberrisk experts dive into new LNKs in Emotet’s chain. We
encounter #Emotet i… https://t.co/1ljWvAqRxA -- eb_compliance evanderburg:
Backups Saved 16,000 Patient Records from #Ransomware https://t.co/t8dSVvMaSZ
#recovery #cybersecurity -- evanderburg gcelosia_: RT @Rap_Thesaurus:  444
retweets Says She's Wrong #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming
#DataScience #AcademicTwitter #Ser… -- gcelosia_ GMAgregsays: Ransomware is bad
enough but now cyber criminals are hacking their victims websites as well, to
make sure they get… https://t.co/4unq3XOKU8 -- GMAgregsays HusseiN98D: When a
random stranger I gifted my #bugbounty course to comes back a couple of months
later to pay back.. I'm humbl… https://t.co/XME8mVMrwK -- HusseiN98D Mackktoolz:
Recover locked/lost accounts with ease, DM for all account retrievals #gmailhack
#gmaildown #hacked #Hacking… https://t.co/stc4Wm6vEA -- Mackktoolz MandeOdur: RT
@mariya06025697: Skills of #sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning #python #IoT
#100DaysOfCode #programming #CodeNewbie #reactjs #bugb… -- MandeOdur MicroageKW:
Concerned about #cybercrime and its impact on your business? Join us on our next
MicroAge Talks Technology webinar… https://t.co/KWZrqZdAbS -- MicroageKW
ML_Tweet_Bot: RT @EarlPupul: Explainable #AI for #Ransomware resiliency with
SHAP - At Druva Labs, while working on multiple machine learning models for… --
ML_Tweet_Bot nil0x42: RT @NandanLohitaksh: Best ever Tools ???? for Bug Bounty
Hunters... →Amass →Sublister →Gauplus →HTTPX →Gf tool →Kxss →Sqlmap →Commix
→Tplmap… -- nil0x42 NO_ChutneyPLZ: RT @nxtexploit: Get OS Shell : ???? sqlmap
--dbms=mysql -u "http://target,com/login.php" --os-shell Get SQL Shell : ????
sqlmap --dbms=mysql -u… -- NO_ChutneyPLZ NYK_PasighatAP: RT @Nyksindia: Every 39
seconds, a new cyberattack occurs somewhere on the internet. On a daily basis,
the internet blocks roughly 24,000 f… -- NYK_PasighatAP prevailion: Beware the
“new and improved” Emotet #Malware #Emotet #Phishing #Email #CyberSecurity
#PrevailionKnows https://t.co/5FyceToIxt -- prevailion SantchiWeb: RT
@Eazyconnectorg: https://t.co/inIvPqcEss TRUSTED MULTIPLIED BIOMETRIC-ID APP -
GRANTED PATENT FOR SALE: #saas #pds2 #gameindustry #ident… -- SantchiWeb
sectest9: RT @MindArc4: https://t.co/UfgmImpEDR #CyberSecurity #BugBounty
#ethicalhacking #javascript #Python #cryptography resource credit @cry_pto --
sectest9 sectest9: RT @HusseiN98D: When a random stranger I gifted my #bugbounty
course to comes back a couple of months later to pay back.. I'm humbly proud.…
-- sectest9 sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
makemoneybiz4u[.]info PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero Fals… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @apmurray123: IT leader’s survival
guide: 11 ways to thrive in the years ahead #IT #CIO #data #bigdata #tech
#cybersecurity #cybercrim… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @evanderburg: Backups Saved
16,000 Patient Records from #Ransomware https://t.co/t8dSVvMaSZ #recovery
#cybersecurity -- sectest9 taylorbanks: RT @taylorbanks: Informative thread for
those looking to be successful doing #BugBounty work: https://t.co/Qwy358zzYY --
taylorbanks yumbe_b: RT @iampassHQ: 2021 was a very challenging year for
#cybersecurity, as #ransomware attacks on companies were at an all-time high.
Attackers… -- yumbe_b _RuthChikezie: RT @bunmitechy: What you post on social
media matters. I love how @TCMSecurity @thecybermentor did justice to this, so
interesting and insi… -- _RuthChikezie adoniskip: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD
1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool
tools that I'm willing to sha… -- adoniskip AlignDefence: RT @nixintel: If you
want to learn how to start doing #OSINT for Web 3.0 and #crypto, a good starting
point is this @SANSDefense talk by @G… -- AlignDefence ArchinalLee: Always
keeping us up to date with the latests threats is the @AuCyble research team.
Follow them through an investi… https://t.co/HxLLrsaoSz -- ArchinalLee
black_sheep_NFT: I had two of these and the #phish got them this is why I'm so
big on web3 essentials and security.... I fucking hat… https://t.co/nSRgKGJllG
-- black_sheep_NFT cboto1: RT @cyb_detective: GORIS Command line tool for Google
reverse image search automation. It can find links to similar pictures by URL or
by… -- cboto1 crakun: RT @inversecos: #ThreatIntel: Chinese threat actors
install backdoors in iOS crypto wallets MetaMask, CoinBase. Read @lordx64
brilliant wr… -- crakun CyberSecurityN8: RT @ArchinalLee: Always keeping us up
to date with the latests threats is the @AuCyble research team. Follow them
through an investigation… -- CyberSecurityN8 cyka_sam: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG
THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the
fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- cyka_sam darshandorsey: RT
@TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks?
I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- darshandorsey
DeerwoodTech: #ransomware is serious business. The FBI recently put out a fact
sheet about it. Get it here: https://t.co/tnN51Quf2H -- DeerwoodTech
dustin_dicarlo: RT @CswWorks: A pattern we have constantly observed is how
#ransomware groups target the low & high-severity ones that are not often
priori… -- dustin_dicarlo ecarlesi: Threat on
#phishing #citizensbank… https://t.co/QlbyOCScYy -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on
#phishing #citizensbank #nc -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxps://cit23[.]info #phishing #nc https://t.co/HRo2Vmom9f -- ecarlesi
GunnerJr3301: RT @InformNapalm: #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar Identification of
#Russian #military marauder with Polaroid and correction of Ministry of Dig… --
GunnerJr3301 HardenStance: RT @adaptivemobile: Have you registered for TTIS 2022
yet? Among other knowledgeable speakers and compelling topics being discussed,
our… -- HardenStance hariskadir_: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is
in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm
willing to sha… -- hariskadir_ Husainsaleem52: OSINT stands for open-source
intelligence. The OSINT tools are used in the investigation phase to collect
informati… https://t.co/ixArzxA5st -- Husainsaleem52 jekubi: RT @bradheitmann:
I’ve curated nearly 200 #OSINT, defense analyst, government, journalist,
economics and military sources to compile this #… -- jekubi JEMPradio: Phish -
Limb By Limb (6-5-22) #Phish #JEMPRadio #CommunityRadio #NowPlaying
https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE -- JEMPradio johnchiment: people in #threatintel - how
does your team handle RFIs? Interested in hearing from all parties: folk who
come up w… https://t.co/3wzdCmEbGw -- johnchiment k46Axzc: If you need Help with
recovering any Hacked Account, Mails, Tiktok, Snapchat, Instagram etc.. I'm
available 24/7 I… https://t.co/NtDJhp2zRN -- k46Axzc k46Axzc: We have helped
alot of people Recover their lost/ Hacked Account and Wallets etc Inbox Us, if
you need our Hacking… https://t.co/XICODjfcOz -- k46Axzc KCinHR: RT
@YonasAbeselom: Hello, I'm Yonas and I am looking for an #InfoSec mentor who can
give advice and guide me for learning #OSINT and Kali L… -- KCinHR
LuciferCMXCIX: RT @Cyberknow20: ????????Update 15. 13 JUNE. #cybertracker
???????? 76 Groups: 47 Pro-Ukraine - 27 Pro-Russia - 2 Unknown. 8 removed and 12
added.… -- LuciferCMXCIX moscolfpv01: RT @BenDoBrown: This is such an important
#OSINT investigative documentary digging into Chinese-made racist videos
exploiting African child… -- moscolfpv01 myWickr: To fully protect your
organization, it’s important that you build your threat intelligence on these
three basic ten… https://t.co/JNYS0dy01N -- myWickr nani_wilson: RT @ecarlesi:
Possible threat on hxxp://zrjd[.]net #phishing https://t.co/W6mBRK6J5L --
nani_wilson nani_wilson: RT @ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxps://cit23[.]info
#phishing #nc https://t.co/HRo2Vmom9f -- nani_wilson NoBeardEcho6: RT
@InformNapalm: #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar Identification of #Russian #military
marauder with Polaroid and correction of Ministry of Dig… -- NoBeardEcho6
peter_sandru: How to Become a Private Investigator in Australia
https://t.co/ObuIP80ziA #privateinvestigator #crime #pi #fraud…
https://t.co/cvnCRFaAKc -- peter_sandru sean_vikoren: RT @BenDoBrown: This is
such an important #OSINT investigative documentary digging into Chinese-made
racist videos exploiting African child… -- sean_vikoren sectest9: RT
@ArchinalLee: Always keeping us up to date with the latests threats is the
@AuCyble research team. Follow them through an investigation… -- sectest9
tip_intel: Threat Intelligence can be a powerful asset in proactively defending
network-based assets. Read our blog to know ho… https://t.co/dsRKd82qEJ --
tip_intel uCloudify: RT @SecUnfPodcast: This week I spoke with David Monnier who
is a Threat Intel Expert. We dive into how he got into security and took that e…
-- uCloudify AmChemistry: ACC members report that #SupplyChain disruptions for
maritime shipments are getting worse with port delays ranging from 4-6 weeks.
That’s why we have joined with other major sectors of the U.S. economy to urge
Congress to #PassOSRANow. https -- AmChemistry beefyspace: RT @CyberIQs_:
Defending Against Tomorrow's Threats: Insights From RSAC #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintellige… -- beefyspace CyberIQs_: Defending
Against Tomorrow's Threats: Insights From RSAC #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel… https://t.co/fzz4BKbZce -- CyberIQs_
CyberSecurityN8: RT @re_and_more: RE tip of the day: A compiler may put a random
value (stack canary) on the stack at the start of the function and verify i… --
CyberSecurityN8 ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxps://vitale-service[.]net
#phishing -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxps://g5cu3[.]com #phishing
#godaddy https://t.co/d7wVKURV6y -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://wl114[.]net #phishing -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://lryd[.]net #phishing -- ecarlesi FSocietyIRC: RT @TheRecord_Media: NEW:
Researchers at @BlackBerry and Intezer have discovered a new Linux #malware
named “Symbiote” that is being used t… -- FSocietyIRC HeliosCert: Sample
submitted 2022-06-13 16:05:02 Dionaea Honeypot Protocol: smbd Sources: bae43c75886011c56b50… https://t.co/zDm1whR1Wh -- HeliosCert
LouisMuniz10: .@KrollWire has recently observed a new #malware strain called
#Bumblebee delivered via #phishing email in order to… https://t.co/MY0YEimKit --
LouisMuniz10 MalwarePatrol: Request your free evaluations. Our C2 addresses,
drop zones and control panels feed are correlated with… https://t.co/MFKMSPE8Tj
-- MalwarePatrol nani_wilson: RT @ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://bnzsupporta[.]com/mailer/Email-Marketing-master[.]zip #phishing #opendir
#key_systems https://t.co… -- nani_wilson nani_wilson: RT @ecarlesi: Possible
threat on hxxps://net-renew[.]com #phishing #google https://t.co/eRWJPRnXMa --
nani_wilson nani_wilson: RT @ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxp://uch-media[.]com
#phishing https://t.co/n7M6xaxDPm -- nani_wilson nani_wilson: RT @ecarlesi:
Threat on hxxps://monidsespacredse[.]monster/ #phishing #labanquepostale
#namesilo -- nani_wilson NEI: On a visit to @UofIllinois, @SecGranholm said,
“#Nuclear energy is clean energy and it's vital to creating good-paying #jobs,
supporting our energy transition, and saving our planet.”
https://t.co/659W7OPEfk -- NEI presstorun: RT @re_and_more: RE tip of the day: A
compiler may put a random value (stack canary) on the stack at the start of the
function and verify i… -- presstorun RealEstateISAC: The latest Real Estate ISAC
Daily Report! https://t.co/mzBTSqu0yN Thanks to @REITs_Nareit @ApartmentWire
#cybersecurity #ukraine -- RealEstateISAC sectest9: RT @re_and_more: RE tip of
the day: A compiler may put a random value (stack canary) on the stack at the
start of the function and verify i… -- sectest9 sobca: Louisiana authorities
investigating ransomware attack on city of Alexandria #cybercrime #Government
#Malware… https://t.co/6ZFFMm6CNb -- sobca sobca: The Vice Society ransomware
group has claimed responsibility for the June 3, 2022, cyberattack on Palermo,
Italy. A… https://t.co/YFjHgyONdK -- sobca SpaceISAC: Description: The emerging
space - cyber theater and its potential to become the primary battlefield for
global powers in the 21st century, as well as the potential for such attacks
become a means of targeting space infrastructure by States, cri -- SpaceISAC
SpaceISAC: Panelists: Erin M. Miller (Executive Director, @SpaceISAC), BGen
(Retd) Robert G. Mazzolin (Chief Technology Strategist, @rheagroup), Jana
Robinson (Director, @pssi_prague), Richard A. VanderMeulen (Vice President of
Space & Satellite Broad -- SpaceISAC SpaceISAC: 11:10 - 11:55am (ET) Panel 1:
The Emerging Space - Cyber theater Description: The emerging space - cyber
theater and the potential for space-cyber-attacks to become a leading means of
targeting space-based infrastructure by States, criminal or -- SpaceISAC
SpaceISAC: Workshop 1: The Emerging Space - Cyber Warfare Theatre and the Need
for Governance Responses Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 11:00 - 13:00 Eastern
Time Platform: Webinar (via Zoom) RSVP to get the Zoom link
https://t.co/X0OdnbZiA3 -- SpaceISAC certbr: Pense bem antes de divulgar
informações em redes sociais pois não há possibilidade de arrependimento.
#dicacertbr -- certbr CSIRTCV: ???? Múltiples #vulnerabilidades en el core de
#Drupal 9 que podrían afectar a algunos proyectos contribuidos o al código
personalizado de las webs que usan Drupal. Más información:
https://t.co/tChN04zbFv https://t.co/bTJS6SMfOp -- CSIRTCV CSIRTCV: ⚠️ #DogWalk,
una nueva #vulnerabilidad #ZeroDay para #Windows que podría ser aprovechada para
ocultar un fichero ejecutable en la carpeta de Inicio de Windows a través de un
fichero de diagnóstico del sistema (*.diagcab) especialmente manipulado. --
CSIRTCV CSIRTGOB: ????¡A poner atención a estos #ciberconsejos y a actualizar
nuestros programas!????Nuestra lista de vulnerabilidades que requieren
actualización, aquí: https://t.co/lJDycYihnG https://t.co/RsCuUVWxxO -- CSIRTGOB
ICSCERT: ???? If you work in #manufacturing, make sure to review @NISTcyber's
Protecting Information and System Integrity in #ICS Environments. Manufacturers
are connecting #OT systems to #IT networks for efficiency, but this can lead to
potential #cybert -- ICSCERT NJCybersecurity: #ADVISORY: Multiple
#vulnerabilities have been found in Owl Labs devices. @mod0 analysts identified
#security risks in Meeting Owl Pro & Whiteboard Owl that may allow threat actors
near the devices to access sensitive #data. Learn mo -- NJCybersecurity
AghiathChbib: HelloXD Ransomware Installing Backdoor on Targeted Windows and
Linux Systems https://t.co/CZEel91w85 #DataPrivacy #Cybercrime -- AghiathChbib
avalas1: RT @UniLend_Finance: 2/????After screening of applications, suitable
community members will be selected for #bugbounty program! ????This initiat… --
avalas1 C0d3Penetr4t0r: RT @chamindux: NMAP FULL CHEAT SHEET✨ #bugbounty
#PentestingBest #MachineLearning #DataScience #SQL #Cybersecurity #BigData
#Analytics #AI… -- C0d3Penetr4t0r codenameJudite: RT @phyr3wall: #Giveaway I'm
giving away either a @PentesterLab pro Voucher or @hackthebox_eu VIP+ Voucher
(winner's choice). Like and ret… -- codenameJudite CT_philipoyamo: RT
@cybercourtney: Share these tips with your family and friends!
#cybersecurityforcareer #cybersecurity #hacking #security #technology #… --
CT_philipoyamo CyberSecurityN8: RT @sratarun: Best ever Tools ???? for Bug
Bounty Hunters... via@Lohitaksh @ADITYASHENDE17 @Assass1nmarcos @Alra3ees
#infosec #bugbounty #b… -- CyberSecurityN8 docangelmtz1: GALLIUM Expands
Targeting Across Telecommunications, Government and Finance Sectors With New
PingPull Tool #cyber… https://t.co/9zC9GzzqAZ -- docangelmtz1 glenn_axelrod: RT
@smesecurity: #Cybercrime Is training your staff about cyber more important than
any other component in business? #SMB https://t.co/NmFF… -- glenn_axelrod
GSK_Mncl: RT @RachakondaCop: Below #FakeNews is circulating on #SocialMedia as
you may benefit Rs.1,55,000/- from the #Government. Do not submit your… --
GSK_Mncl hcraker1: RT @sratarun: Best ever Tools ???? for Bug Bounty Hunters...
via@Lohitaksh @ADITYASHENDE17 @Assass1nmarcos @Alra3ees #infosec #bugbounty #b…
-- hcraker1 Herxagorion: RT @Six2dez1: reconFTW v2.3.1 is out with - Added
ripgen @resync_gg @d0nutptr as option for permutations - Added dsieve @trick3st
- Repla… -- Herxagorion iamsecure1920: RT @sratarun: Best ever Tools ???? for
Bug Bounty Hunters... via@Lohitaksh @ADITYASHENDE17 @Assass1nmarcos @Alra3ees
#infosec #bugbounty #b… -- iamsecure1920 KajaCiglic: RT @cybertechaccord: We are
grateful that the @cybertechaccord was given the opportunity to present at
today's intersessional consultation… -- KajaCiglic klyraloc: The Nigerian Police
Special Fraud Unit - or PSFU has busted a criminal syndicate, preventing
cyberattacks against a… https://t.co/vgZ71ZTqqC -- klyraloc mbalchaitis: RT
@SonicWall: Over 9 million health records have been compromised in 2022. How can
#healthcare organizations overcome #cybersecurity chall… -- mbalchaitis
RachakondaCop: Below #FakeNews is circulating on #SocialMedia as you may benefit
Rs.1,55,000/- from the #Government. Do not submit… https://t.co/mbVdgRZwT7 --
RachakondaCop ravaiolo: RT @cybertechaccord: We are grateful that the
@cybertechaccord was given the opportunity to present at today's intersessional
consultation… -- ravaiolo sectest9: RT @sratarun: Best ever Tools ???? for Bug
Bounty Hunters... via@Lohitaksh @ADITYASHENDE17 @Assass1nmarcos @Alra3ees
#infosec #bugbounty #b… -- sectest9 sharnise: RT @cybercourtney: Share these
tips with your family and friends! #cybersecurityforcareer #cybersecurity
#hacking #security #technology #… -- sharnise TheCuriousLuke: RT @chamindux:
NMAP FULL CHEAT SHEET✨ #bugbounty #PentestingBest #MachineLearning #DataScience
#SQL #Cybersecurity #BigData #Analytics #AI… -- TheCuriousLuke TTRHimachal: RT
@thetribunechd: ‘Even #Kattapa doesn’t share his password…’: #Himachalpolice
drive home the point on cyber security, netizens lap it up… -- TTRHimachal
Vanasthaliprmps: RT @RachakondaCop: Below #FakeNews is circulating on
#SocialMedia as you may benefit Rs.1,55,000/- from the #Government. Do not
submit your… -- Vanasthaliprmps vAVF925: Coming this week to the Ninja Cast!
#fbi #cybercrime https://t.co/d8PE2Mj6LV -- vAVF925 Who_4m1: RT
@e11i0t_4lders0n: Bug Bounty Free Learning Materials Follow this thread if you
can’t google and learn things???? #bugbounty #bugbountyti… -- Who_4m1
womeninforensic: Are Digital Tracking Devices Enabling Stalking and Homicides?:
“Stalkerware” often comes in the form of apps that a… https://t.co/6bniGn0daf --
womeninforensic xaelbot: RT @chamindux: NMAP FULL CHEAT SHEET✨ #bugbounty
#PentestingBest #MachineLearning #DataScience #SQL #Cybersecurity #BigData
#Analytics #AI… -- xaelbot AgioHealthcare: .@HHSGov Warns #Healthcare Sector
About Growing Threat from #Emotet #Malware. via HIPAAJournal…
https://t.co/gUs81x8imh -- AgioHealthcare beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi: Possible
threat on hxxp://arsamsv[.]com/wordpress-6[.]0-fa_IR[.]zip #phishing #opendir --
beefyspace CodeGirlDev: RT @nuria_imeq: “Website investigation in #OSINT” by
Igor S. Bederov https://t.co/KljfCDsy8A https://t.co/eXru8Lx7sj -- CodeGirlDev
D4rk_ang31: RT @KitPloit: Blackbird - An OSINT Tool To Search For Accounts By
Username In 101 Social Networks https://t.co/tVB9sM3dSc #Blackbird #JSON… --
D4rk_ang31 Dark__Mechanic: RT @pdiscoveryio: New release for httpx is out
including new features and bug fixes. GitHub Release: https://t.co/Le0WPFlvjc
#hackwithaut… -- Dark__Mechanic digital_Disk314: RT @KitPloit: Blackbird - An
OSINT Tool To Search For Accounts By Username In 101 Social Networks
https://t.co/tVB9sM3dSc #Blackbird #JSON… -- digital_Disk314 ecarlesi: Possible
threat on hxxp://bnzsupporta[.]com/mailer/Email-Marketing-master[.]zip #phishing
#opendir #key_systems -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://bnzsupporta[.]com/mailer/Email-Marketing-master[.]zip #phishing #opendir
#key_systems https://t.co/R5waD7auJ6 -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://arsamsv[.]com/wordpress-6[.]0-fa_IR[.]zip #phishing #opendir -- ecarlesi
ecarlesi: Threat on hxxp://chosenpearl[.]online/listen(1)[.]zip #phishing
#opendir #nc -- ecarlesi GeoPioneerInc: Arrests in Moscow over planned protests
against the war in Ukraine #Russia #OSINT https://t.co/SYMwGDCSTO --
GeoPioneerInc group_unnamed: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my
#OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing
to sha… -- group_unnamed iiamwaveboijpe: RT @_WorldWideHack: WOW! We´ve hit 100%
on Kickstarter ???? and we are successfully funded ???????? Thank you for your
great support! For this occas… -- iiamwaveboijpe James_inthe_box: Some fresh
#epoch5 #Emotet https://t.co/MmA2RXXhVP -- James_inthe_box Max_Mal_: RT
@James_inthe_box: Some fresh #epoch5 #Emotet https://t.co/MmA2RXXhVP -- Max_Mal_
paulbradshaw: RT @BCUJournalism: ????New books added to the @BCUlibrary!
????Journalism in the data age by @jingrong ????????‍♀️ Digital Witness: Using
#OSINT for in… -- paulbradshaw SirrNKusi: RT @sratarun: Best ever Tools ???? for
Bug Bounty Hunters... via@Lohitaksh @ADITYASHENDE17 @Assass1nmarcos @Alra3ees
#infosec #bugbounty #b… -- SirrNKusi v01n_: RT @ReconOne_: How to find SQL
Injection at scale? Try this ???? #recontips #AttackSurface #bugbountytips
#reconone #BugBounty #sqlmap https:… -- v01n_ v4ensics: One more #weaponized
#Emotet #XLM document (SHA1 hash: 882cc74120aec3c530c584c3eef10c63eed386ea)
analyzed.File us… https://t.co/vmW5lDDCNA -- v4ensics v4ensics: One more
#weaponized #Emotet #XLM document (SHA1 hash:
2dd2169402df780cb770c825400699d66a676c9e) just analyzed. Fil…
https://t.co/wgZNkxZzEu -- v4ensics YourAnonRiots: RT @James_inthe_box: Some
fresh #epoch5 #Emotet https://t.co/MmA2RXXhVP -- YourAnonRiots _Lord_Heathen:
#infosec #ICTBillMUSTFall #OSINT #ThreatIntelligence Kenya???????? Cyber
Vulnerability exposure. @kenet_ke… https://t.co/uPmePA2zaA -- _Lord_Heathen
AmChemistry: Under the industry-leading Responsible Care® #safety program, our
members go to great lengths to prevent incidents & protect their workers and
neighbors. Learn more: https://t.co/mxHVZtS5S3 #NationalSafetyMonth
https://t.co/SRfdYeYSB2 -- AmChemistry atsen_: RT @YonasAbeselom: Hello, I'm
Yonas and I am looking for an #InfoSec mentor who can give advice and guide me
for learning #OSINT and Kali L… -- atsen_ AvananSecurity: Some SOC teams spend
almost their entire time reviewing user-reported emails, leaving no time for
other tasks. Free… https://t.co/VGPeP4kWMK -- AvananSecurity BenDoBrown: This is
such an important #OSINT investigative documentary digging into Chinese-made
racist videos exploiting Afric… https://t.co/Vq8gYZ6FYy -- BenDoBrown
codedailybot: RT @Paula_Piccard: The Most Desired Skills For Cyber Security Jobs
#DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLearning… --
codedailybot codedailybot: RT @Paula_Piccard: The Most Desired Skills For Cyber
Security Jobs #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security
#MachineLearning… -- codedailybot codedailybot: RT @Paula_Piccard: The Most
Desired Skills For Cyber Security Jobs #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode
#Cloud #Security #MachineLearning… -- codedailybot CyberIQs_: HTB Driver
Walkthrough #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligence #hacking #cybernews… https://t.co/FaNFIviu0k -- CyberIQs_
CyberIQs_: HTB Devzat Walkthrough #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel #threatintelligence #hacking #cybernews… https://t.co/fuTnWH2jsZ --
CyberIQs_ CyberIQs_: Ransomware Targeted Attacks: CISO Mitigation Playbook
#infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel… https://t.co/y28PtDfEVp --
CyberIQs_ CyberIQs_: We Are All Hacktivists Now #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence #hacking…
https://t.co/jGmondmig3 -- CyberIQs_ CyberIQs_: Spring4Shell RCE a new
Vulnerability in Spring Framework #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel… https://t.co/ZfmTrJ3BWc -- CyberIQs_ CyberIQs_: Funny Deadly Linux
Strings Part 2 #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligence #hacking… https://t.co/RwfwlzmHJg -- CyberIQs_ CyberIQs_:
Redis sandbox escape affects only Debian, Ubuntu, and #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel… https://t.co/7ge61LvaxV -- CyberIQs_ CyberIQs_:
SecureLayer7 at Nullcon 2022 Berlin Conference #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel… https://t.co/Ilv2eqquAB -- CyberIQs_ CyberIQs_: SOC
2025: Operationalizing the SOC #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel #threatintelligence #hacking… https://t.co/gWW7DmbaWN -- CyberIQs_
CyberIQs_: RedTeam With Publisher #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel #threatintelligence #hacking #cybernews… https://t.co/JsS7s109z0 --
CyberIQs_ CyberIQs_: The CIA Triad #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel #threatintelligence #hacking #cybernews… https://t.co/hUZAtf86Ms --
CyberIQs_ CyberSecurityN8: RT @ArchinalLee: The @GroupIB #CERT sheds light on a
#phishing campaign they discovered that was impersonating financial institutions
in #V… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @Paula_Piccard: The Most Desired
Skills For Cyber Security Jobs #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud
#Security #MachineLearning… -- CyberSecurityN8 eme_sauvage: Hi ! I'm working for
french television on a documentary about the ukrainian war. I'm looking for the
original video… https://t.co/XgafId23mm -- eme_sauvage GoAgio: Are you ready for
a breach in your organizations @SlackHQ workspace? via @DarkReading
https://t.co/Sh25HzqYqq… https://t.co/LxB9pMljau -- GoAgio HealthISAC:
#healthcaresystems #hospital https://t.co/am9keiXyav -- HealthISAC HealthISAC:
As healthcare ransomware attacks increase, @Sophos observed healthcare
organizations struggling to obtain coveted #cyberinsurance policies. #healthIT
https://t.co/DmF2wiZIaK #healthit #cyberinsurance https://t.co/DflALBLjWc --
HealthISAC JEMPradio: Led Zeppelin - The Crunge (Rough Mix) #Phish #JEMPRadio
#CommunityRadio #NowPlaying https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE -- JEMPradio
micheleangelo13: RT @Paula_Piccard: The Week in Ransomware - June 10th 2022 -
Targeting Linux Know more: https://t.co/y1C7YbhLhR #DataSecurity #Privacy #1… --
micheleangelo13 MissInfamousxx: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in
my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm
willing to sha… -- MissInfamousxx RH_ISAC: Does your tech stack need an upgrade
to keep pace with the changing threat landscape? Join RH-ISAC for our new
Emerging Tech Showcase on June 29-30. Hear presentations from @alfahive,
@CerbyHQ, @Dazz_io, @spec_trust, and @wiz_io. #infosec #startu -- RH_ISAC
SamiTainio: RT @fr0s7_: New lure from #SVCReady #Malware , they keep rolling old
samples that #Ursnif used. new maldoc: md5: b3c1a7962088e01bd31898d… --
SamiTainio sectest9: RT @Paula_Piccard: The Most Desired Skills For Cyber
Security Jobs #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security
#MachineLearning… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @ArchinalLee: The @GroupIB #CERT
sheds light on a #phishing campaign they discovered that was impersonating
financial institutions in #V… -- sectest9 sovietarmyfan: #Dagestan is considered
the most separatist and rebellious republic within the #rf, which is why #Moscow
is activel… https://t.co/X887cCulkR -- sovietarmyfan tkmeyer2020: RT
@TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks?
I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- tkmeyer2020
Trigger_TX_: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder
in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… --
Trigger_TX_ v4ensics: #Phishing site targeting #ING just spotted
(h[t]tps://thebloggeine.com/ING/). Site uses multiple php files to proce…
https://t.co/emLE9JdFVS -- v4ensics xaelbot: RT @Paula_Piccard: The Week in
Ransomware - June 10th 2022 - Targeting Linux Know more: https://t.co/y1C7YbhLhR
#DataSecurity #Privacy #1… -- xaelbot FSISAC: We are looking for presentations
with a more technical focus for our FinCyber Today event in October. Submit a
proposal by 6 July: https://t.co/rZbsTIP1vy #networking #innovation
#bankingindustry https://t.co/ctptj2Rudr -- FSISAC renisac: Chinese 'Gallium'
Hackers Using New PingPull Malware in Cyberespionage Attacks
https://t.co/jIzQ1p51EH via @TheHackersNews -- renisac CERTpy: ⚡️¡¡Es mañana
14/06!!⚡️suma conocimientos con los mejores especialistas de la región en el
Seminario Segurinfo Paraguay Edición 2022 en formato virtual y totalmente
gratuito ????¿Ya te inscribiste?, no esperes más y agenda en tu calendario! http
-- CERTpy CsirtEPN: ⚠️Buenos días, en estas jornadas de #teletrabajo, haz de tu
espacio un lugar #seguro Sigue nuestros consejos en ???? https://t.co/zKpnEzDo5D
@EPNEcuador @CEC_EPN2014 https://t.co/YkrejxzOgs -- CsirtEPN CSIRTGOB: #CSIRTGob
comparte el boletín semanal de seguridad cibernética con un resumen de las
alertas, vulnerabilidades y campañas. Descárgalo aquí: https://t.co/tjFmzFBsmK
https://t.co/oIrdiMtaRA -- CSIRTGOB IndianCERT: CERT-In has published
Vulnerability Notes on its Website (13.06.2022) Multiple Vulnerabilities in
Android OS https://t.co/KETA7aLKW5 Multiple Vulnerabilities in Drupal
https://t.co/x2kSqYDDDe -- IndianCERT NJCybersecurity: We recently observed a
PDF document #phishing campaign targeting #MFA users. #Cyber threat actors sent
messages to contacts of compromised accounts, as recipients are much less likely
to challenge the requests or identify ????. Read: htt -- NJCybersecurity
BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : tzxc3435[.]xyz PreCrime Threat
Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero… https://t.co/bA3T9rq2KU --
BforeAi CCINLCybercrime: https://t.co/KzM6HP6uBM Download newsletter (pdf):
https://t.co/sT53nEN86Q Read Cybercrimeinfo in your own langua…
https://t.co/ZwsXfZllZI -- CCINLCybercrime CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi:
Predicted Malicious Domain : tzxc3435[.]xyz PreCrime Threat Intelligence by
@BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero False Posit… -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @ShakibaMoghadam: Here is one way to make sure all your
passwords & online assets are easily accessible ???????? all for the sake of
consumeri… -- CyberSecurityN8 GAWilsonASP: A classic #Facebook #scam is still
going strong - Don't fall for it https://t.co/nORZmluCFj #socialmedia #hacking
#cybercrime -- GAWilsonASP isoeh: Pilgrims are Getting Trapped by Cyber
Criminals for Ride with Fake Helicopter Bookings https://t.co/YuVWwp6EB2…
https://t.co/lnTuhAxQoy -- isoeh sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious
Domain : tzxc3435[.]xyz PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero False Posit… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @ShakibaMoghadam: Here is one
way to make sure all your passwords & online assets are easily accessible
???????? all for the sake of consumeri… -- sectest9 ShakibaMoghadam: Here is one
way to make sure all your passwords & online assets are easily accessible
???????? all for the sake of consum… https://t.co/F8enRjslVH -- ShakibaMoghadam
swarmnetics: #Scams are increasingly run by large, well-organized professional
criminal groups. This tracks with the increasing… https://t.co/J4CHEPpaQQ --
swarmnetics YourAnonRiots: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
tzxc3435[.]xyz PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero False Posit… -- YourAnonRiots _imvibek: RT @ReconOne_: How to find SQL
Injection at scale? Try this ???? #recontips #AttackSurface #bugbountytips
#reconone #BugBounty #sqlmap https:… -- _imvibek AnonVXR: RT @sloppy_bear:
Industrial Spy #ransomware group appears to have added a new alleged victim with
Canadian biogas plant maker PlanET Biogas… -- AnonVXR arzika_mubarak: RT @R29k_:
Here is a small article of Account takeover with no interaction by chaining two
simple easy IDORs. https://t.co/6urJbheG2p #bu… -- arzika_mubarak
CarlosLannister: RT @ReconOne_: How to find SQL Injection at scale? Try this
???? #recontips #AttackSurface #bugbountytips #reconone #BugBounty #sqlmap
https:… -- CarlosLannister cyberreport_io: ActZero MDR for Mobile solution
protects businesses against advanced threats - Help Net Security…
https://t.co/zUc7ge0XwR -- cyberreport_io CyberSecurityN8: RT @cyberreport_io:
ActZero MDR for Mobile solution protects businesses against advanced threats -
Help Net Security https://t.co/IJRxrlzPY… -- CyberSecurityN8 cybsecbot: In the
past 24 hours, 2033 IoC's were submitted and #Emotet is the most seen #malware
family on abuse[.]ch -- cybsecbot ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://bnzsupporta[.]com/Dhl-tracking-ch[.]zip #phishing #opendir #key_systems
-- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat on
hxxp://best420travelguide[.]com/wordpress-5[.]9[.]1[.]zip #phishing #opendir
#netearthone -- ecarlesi FitzgibbonsDan: There are so many reasons our customers
choose our proven and modern #dataprotection portfolio like software-define…
https://t.co/FSUC8TfNQw -- FitzgibbonsDan Gate15_Jen: RT @TrendMicroRSRCH: We
found key similarities between the #Emotet #botnet malware and the #QakBot
loader. Find out how to spot these #ma… -- Gate15_Jen HemantRelhan: RT
@420Unkn0wN420: Github dorks Bug hunting for beginners #Tips #bugbounty #github
#Linux #programming https://t.co/JvsDHXOozT -- HemantRelhan huntrHacktivity:
Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor in
https://t.co/CjHBevUjq5 (CVE-2022-2062) reported by n… https://t.co/m0ZKfyxmcP
-- huntrHacktivity huntrHacktivity: Improper Privilege Management in
https://t.co/CjHBevUjq5 (CVE-2022-2063) reported by ninj4c0d3r - Patch:…
https://t.co/0Rc8esHdAs -- huntrHacktivity huntrHacktivity: Insufficient Session
Expiration in https://t.co/CjHBevUjq5 (CVE-2022-2064) reported by rajbabai8 -
Patch:… https://t.co/5R3h1H5HYC -- huntrHacktivity OpenHoneypot: An attempt was
detected from to port 8022 with SSH version "SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6"
on UTC 2022-06-13 11… https://t.co/eNVJFrxEA4 -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An
attempt was detected from to port 8022 trying to login with account
"root" and password "qwe123" on… https://t.co/uXcfThjin7 -- OpenHoneypot
OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port 8022 on UTC
2022-06-13 11:57:06.026787. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot opensource_orgs:
RT @huntrHacktivity: Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor
in https://t.co/CjHBevUjq5 (CVE-2022-2062) reported by ninj… -- opensource_orgs
opensource_orgs: RT @huntrHacktivity: Improper Privilege Management in
https://t.co/CjHBevUjq5 (CVE-2022-2063) reported by ninj4c0d3r - Patch:
https://t.co/… -- opensource_orgs opensource_orgs: RT @huntrHacktivity:
Insufficient Session Expiration in https://t.co/CjHBevUjq5 (CVE-2022-2064)
reported by rajbabai8 - Patch: https://t.co… -- opensource_orgs OrighInter: RT
@AppsUnify: Securing Cyber-Attack Vulnerabilities From Your Supply Chain
https://t.co/SwdosekNov #cybersecurity #cyberattacks #cybercrim… -- OrighInter
parkerzanta: RT @_bughunter: Lets find some criticals at scale ???????????? cat
hosts | httpx -nc -t 300 -p 80,443,8080,8443,8888,8088 -path
"/jobmanager/logs/.… -- parkerzanta rum4is: RT @ISMG_News: Three individuals
were caught and arrested by the Nigerian police for performing several
#cyberattacks on 10 banks. Read th… -- rum4is rum4is: RT @digitalhealthxx: 
Make An Example #ETH #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwitter #Serverless #Rstats #tech… -- rum4is Santosh88267387: RT
@sratarun: Best ever Tools ???? for Bug Bounty Hunters... via@Lohitaksh
@ADITYASHENDE17 @Assass1nmarcos @Alra3ees #infosec #bugbounty #b… --
Santosh88267387 sectest9: RT @cyberreport_io: ActZero MDR for Mobile solution
protects businesses against advanced threats - Help Net Security
https://t.co/IJRxrlzPY… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_: Aoquin Dragon from
China hacking Australian Government #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel #threatintelligenc… -- sectest9 shakya561: RT @ReconOne_: How to
find SQL Injection at scale? Try this ???? #recontips #AttackSurface
#bugbountytips #reconone #BugBounty #sqlmap https:… -- shakya561 Strat3000:
#OptivNews: When an entity suffers a #Ransomware attack affecting the company's
ability to operate, "that's not jus… https://t.co/dGiqj6ZK9P -- Strat3000
YourAnonRiots: RT @InfoSecComm: New Write-up on InfoSec Write-ups publication :
"Learning More About YAML Deserialization" #bugbounty #bugbountywriteup #b… --
YourAnonRiots YourAnonRiots: RT @ransomwaremap: #CAN #cyberattack PlanET Biogas
#IndustrialSpy #Ransomware betroffen. Tracked by @sloppy_bear
https://t.co/mdVKUxSE2n -- YourAnonRiots Antonius11: RT @KaptainLOMA: #ВМФ
#Russia's naval deployment in the #Mediterranean on the morning of May 14, as
reported by #OSINT. One SAG allegedly… -- Antonius11 bjverzal: Phish, phish,
phish. Train? Nope. Don’t be this company. When targeted and focused training
opportunities come up,… https://t.co/dmcHOVSj9l -- bjverzal c9lab_soc: Phishing
Domain: icloud-fr[.]photos #phishing #awareness #icloud -- c9lab_soc Ch0pin: RT
@SecneurX: Malicious app on Google Play that steals user information *DO NOT
INSTALL THIS APP* New Joker on Google play https://t.co/9… -- Ch0pin
CheckPointSW: How do you check your router for #malware? Learn how to secure
your router with these easy steps:… https://t.co/wjCn6zhGoM -- CheckPointSW
CryptoVibes777: RT @CertiKAlert: #CommunityAlert ???? We are seeing reports that
@MetaHuntersNFT Discord has been compromised. Do not click any links! #h… --
CryptoVibes777 CyberIQs_: Organisations in Australia and Southeast Asia Targeted
#infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel… https://t.co/JcieScMCnT --
CyberIQs_ CyberIQs_: Russia Reportedly Warns of “Direct Military Clash” if Cyb
#infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel… https://t.co/cheiOkYdXa --
CyberIQs_ CyberIQs_: 9 ways hackers will use machine learning to launch #infosec
#infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel… https://t.co/8vPe1mQsEl -- CyberIQs_
CyberSecurityN8: RT @maldatabase: #TrickBot malware indicators. #Malware
#ThreatIntelligence #threatintel #IOC https://t.co/YnweCUcii5 -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @ruinabadguysday: Top story: @Paula_Piccard: 'Time it takes
a Hacker to Brute Force your password #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode… --
CyberSecurityN8 D4ftR0ck: RT @DailyOsint: Do you want to do #OSINT faster?
Vortimo OSINT-tool allows you to mark text on any web page and enrich it with
different o… -- D4ftR0ck daily_research: Participants needed for online survey!
Topic: "Factors Affecting Email Deception Detection"… https://t.co/qrCKK6H9nU --
daily_research ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxp://aircanada[.]wtf #phishing
#facebook #google https://t.co/yZVbinPaxu -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat
on hxxps://truistuserprotect[.]com #phishing -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible
threat on hxxp://chfljx[.]com #phishing -- ecarlesi f_idri: RT @TomTomjarvis:
LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all
the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- f_idri FjRoebersen: RT @UKikaski:
It appears the air-launched missile strike was on #Chernihiv where there was a
substantial explosion. #OSINT #Ukrainianwar… -- FjRoebersen gbackfried: RT
@hensoldt_ai: ???? New #OSINT #podcast episode is out! https://t.co/s41YMRWBTx
Our host, @dude_lynn, and her guest, @ChristinaLekati, Soci… -- gbackfried
GreenPe81213689: Bat time! #osint-eyez https://t.co/I8KcEso0ON --
GreenPe81213689 GreenPe81213689: Dont know how #osint-eyez
https://t.co/EvvpCJKmuZ -- GreenPe81213689 GreenPe81213689: #osint-eyez oh no
https://t.co/BLjVumLHRS -- GreenPe81213689 GreenPe81213689: Self defense
#osint-eyez https://t.co/14cNbm1kKG -- GreenPe81213689 GreenPe81213689: What do
you mean? #osint-eyez https://t.co/GkOzS6vKAr -- GreenPe81213689
GreenPe81213689: Rub time #osint-eyez https://t.co/09vKE7W2M7 -- GreenPe81213689
IrokoBoyOfAlask: RT @KitPloit: Blackbird - An OSINT Tool To Search For Accounts
By Username In 101 Social Networks https://t.co/tVB9sM3dSc #Blackbird #JSON… --
IrokoBoyOfAlask JEMPradio: Circles Around The Sun - Hat And Lane #Phish
#JEMPRadio #CommunityRadio #NowPlaying https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE -- JEMPradio
joeclark947: RT @joeclark947: @CIOonline @avast_antivirus @kaspersky @AVGFree
@symantec @ESET @NortonOnline @TheHackersNews @hackernoon @Cisco @Microsof… --
joeclark947 LebotPython: RT @ruinabadguysday: Top story: @Paula_Piccard: 'Time
it takes a Hacker to Brute Force your password #DataSecurity #Privacy
#100DaysOfCode… -- LebotPython Mail_Gun: Cybercriminals can use phishing
messages to get access to sensitive information. See how you can protect
yourself f… https://t.co/xi83JJ5BZI -- Mail_Gun maldatabase: #TrickBot malware
indicators. #Malware #ThreatIntelligence #threatintel #IOC
https://t.co/YnweCUcii5 -- maldatabase maldatabase: #AgentTesla malware
indicators. #Malware #ThreatIntelligence #threatintel #IOC
https://t.co/Icu1q3GkGm -- maldatabase nosipho_modise: RT @TheHackersNews: New
variants of Hello XD #ransomware now install a secret backdoor on targeted
Windows and #Linux systems to gain persi… -- nosipho_modise raj65025523: RT
@KyivPost: #EXCLUSIVE IN-DEPTH How Open Source #Intelligence Defends #Ukraine
Those who participate in the #OSINT community come from di… -- raj65025523
ruinabadguysday: Top story: @Paula_Piccard: 'Time it takes a Hacker to Brute
Force your password #DataSecurity #Privacy… https://t.co/HD0OmwRPWV --
ruinabadguysday saintmalik_: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my
#OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing
to sha… -- saintmalik_ secretcabdriver: How many days until Summer Tour? This
many. #phish https://t.co/as4wmfCJe0 -- secretcabdriver sectest9: RT
@maldatabase: #TrickBot malware indicators. #Malware #ThreatIntelligence
#threatintel #IOC https://t.co/YnweCUcii5 -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @ChiNetworks:
Ransomware Actors, Access Brokers Form Lucrative Relationships  - Security
Boulevard https://t.co/Mm9jD93UTH via @security… -- sectest9 securityblvd: RT
@ChiNetworks: Ransomware Actors, Access Brokers Form Lucrative Relationships  -
Security Boulevard https://t.co/Mm9jD93UTH via @security… -- securityblvd
sskras: RT @cyb_detective: GORIS Command line tool for Google reverse image
search automation. It can find links to similar pictures by URL or by… -- sskras
trip_elix: RT CheckPointSW "How do you check your router for #malware? Learn how
to secure your router with these easy steps:… https://t.co/P4PtL5zhll --
trip_elix Ultrascan419: Do You Know Her? Police Investigating Bank Fraud in
Bucks County - MyChesCo: DOYLESTOWN, PA — Central Bucks Regiona…
https://t.co/OqH04Zqa7J -- Ultrascan419 ymcooksey: RT @three_cube: Reverse
Engineering Malware, Part 1: Getting Started #reversing #reverseengineering
#malware #dfir #infosec #cybersecurity… -- ymcooksey YourAnonRiots: RT @ReBensk:
#Android #PlayStore #Banking #Trojan #Malware #AndroidSecurity @malwrhunterteam
@cryptax @LukasStefanko @bl4ckh0l3z @mobilese… -- YourAnonRiots CSIRTMalta: An
SQL injection #vulnerability has been disclosed in IdeaLMS 2022. Further
information can be found in the latest #advisory: ➡️https://t.co/dIDSM1yOki
#Malta #CyberSecurity #infosecurity https://t.co/UhDB3rlQzA -- CSIRTMalta
NJCybersecurity: @ZaidKaz52511769 Please try again, if the problem persists
please reach out to us at njccic@cyber.nj.gov -- NJCybersecurity arzakkhan: RT
@Afchix: #Cybercrime is an evolving form of transnational crime impacting the
society in general and women and girls in particular. Our… -- arzakkhan
Benisontech: #Infographic: Do we really know about our cyber knowledge gaps? So,
read the infographic and know the major knowled… https://t.co/wPoai1iDwe --
Benisontech BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain : blvensterprises[.]com PreCrime
Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Nea… https://t.co/Q20j00WqNY --
BforeAi bugbounterr: What would be the global cost of cyber attacks by 2025?
#bugbounter #bugbounty #cybersecurity #ethicalhacking… https://t.co/g3w0f4fY3m
-- bugbounterr CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
blvensterprises[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero Fals… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @Benisontech:
#Infographic: Do we really know about our cyber knowledge gaps? So, read the
infographic and know the major knowledge gap… -- CyberSecurityN8
DataQualityKing: RT @Nyksindia: In which year has hacking become a practical
crime and a matter of concern in the field of cyber technology? #security #cyb…
-- DataQualityKing DataQualityKing: RT @zapstiko: Awesome-Cloud-PenTest
#bugbounty #bugbountytips #cybersecurity #pentest #cloud https://t.co/esGaiulenm
-- DataQualityKing ErSurajShukla: Difference between Threat #Vulnerability and
#Risk Mgmt :- 1) - Threat 2) - Vulnerability 3) - Risk Management…
https://t.co/HGdd3IK3lt -- ErSurajShukla financialaff: FREE Guide // The
Ultimate Guide to Cyber Insurance In this guide, we’ll explore what cyber
insurance is, what it… https://t.co/iuFjjeUs0R -- financialaff KamFuretoZ: RT
@ReconOne_: How to find SQL Injection at scale? Try this ???? #recontips
#AttackSurface #bugbountytips #reconone #BugBounty #sqlmap https:… -- KamFuretoZ
KeremTukat: RT @ReconOne_: How to find SQL Injection at scale? Try this ????
#recontips #AttackSurface #bugbountytips #reconone #BugBounty #sqlmap https:… --
KeremTukat Maxx0006: RT @AjayKap83278790: Skills of #sciencetwitter #Cloud
#MachineLearning #python #IoT #100DaysOfCode #programming #CodeNewbie #reactjs
#bug… -- Maxx0006 namshub: RT @Dhamu_offi: #bugbountytips #bugbounty I just
published 0 Day Vulnerability — URI Normalization Issue — Access the Internal
Tomcat Serve… -- namshub nyenje_fadhili: RT @mariya06025697: Skills of
#sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning #python #IoT #100DaysOfCode #programming
#CodeNewbie #reactjs #bugb… -- nyenje_fadhili opensource_orgs: RT
@ErSurajShukla: Difference between Threat #Vulnerability and #Risk Mgmt :- 1) -
Threat 2) - Vulnerability 3) - Risk Management #infos… -- opensource_orgs
preppycoco: RT @ConnectCOAI: It's better to be safe than sorry. Here's a quick
guide to individual efforts, and what all can you do to be cyber safe.… --
preppycoco sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
blvensterprises[.]com PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero Fals… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @Benisontech: #Infographic: Do we
really know about our cyber knowledge gaps? So, read the infographic and know
the major knowledge gap… -- sectest9 TerryTyler4: RT @gjscobie: If the plot
isn’t being played out today, it will be by tomorrow. The Kill Chain by GJ
Scobie, a new cybercrime thriller fro… -- TerryTyler4 TheSecretJunio1: RT
@wilson_hack_: What complaint do you have?? System Hacked? Wrong Password ???
Wrong pin?? #MachineLearning #python #loT #100DaysOfCode #… -- TheSecretJunio1
Ymw2022: RT @mariya06025697: Skills of #sciencetwitter #Cloud #MachineLearning
#python #IoT #100DaysOfCode #programming #CodeNewbie #reactjs #bugb… -- Ymw2022
beefyspace: RT @ErSurajShukla: Difference between Threat #Vulnerability and
#Risk Mgmt :- 1) - Threat 2) - Vulnerability 3) - Risk Management #infos… --
beefyspace beefyspace: RT @ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxp://hdakaa[.]com/te/account[.]txt #phishing #opendir #tucows
https://t.co/ADo6ciSQWb -- beefyspace CcdriverH2020: Let's talk about
#cybercrime, baby... Our partner @WithSecure has published a #threat highlights
report on #Emotet… https://t.co/beMN98qaD7 -- CcdriverH2020 CswWorks: A pattern
we have constantly observed is how #ransomware groups target the low &
high-severity ones that are not of… https://t.co/Io0jCgd6T7 -- CswWorks
CyberIQs_: Using WiFi connection probe requests to track users #infosec
#infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel… https://t.co/SvJYU67eyc -- CyberIQs_
CyberSecurityN8: RT @OptimityLtd: Ransomware is bad enough… but now cyber
criminals are hacking their victims’ websites as well, to make sure they get
paid… -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @ErSurajShukla: Difference between
Threat #Vulnerability and #Risk Mgmt :- 1) - Threat 2) - Vulnerability 3) - Risk
Management #infos… -- CyberSecurityN8 dynamicCISO: RT @rneelmani: #Emotet
#Banking #Trojan Resurfaces, Skating Past #EmailSecurity. The #malware is using
spreadsheets, documents, and other t… -- dynamicCISO ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxp://hdakaa[.]com/te/account[.]txt #phishing #opendir #tucows
https://t.co/ADo6ciSQWb -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxp://devicerestoration[.]com/Chase%20new[.]zip #phishing #opendir -- ecarlesi
ecarlesi: Threat on hxxp://hdakaa[.]com/te/account[.]txt #phishing #opendir
#tucows -- ecarlesi gdprAI: RT @amvinfe: ‼️ Exclusive – Hackers hit the
Municipality of Palermo. Vice Society, “Sispi is lying”
▶️https://t.co/Kael4CmqEP @ComunePal… -- gdprAI GoaiDev: RT @wilson_hack_:
Snapchat? Twitter? Instagram? Facebook? WhatsApp?? #MachineLearning
#CyberSecurity #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #Jav… -- GoaiDev Honphilemon:
RT @7h3h4ckv157: ATM/Kiosk Hacking: Positive Hack Days 2022
https://t.co/XWSkwKmCE1 #bugbountytips #CTF #hacking #infosec #bugbounty --
Honphilemon IT_SecGuru: #ContiLeaks revealed the inner workings of one of the
most nefarious #cybergroups. In this webinar,… https://t.co/UR1dpwqJPj --
IT_SecGuru JavaGeekBot: RT @wilson_hack_: Snapchat? Twitter? Instagram?
Facebook? WhatsApp?? #MachineLearning #CyberSecurity #Python #RStats #TensorFlow
#Java #Jav… -- JavaGeekBot joepettit2: The State of Ransomware 2022 study has
revealed that malicious hackers are finding increasingly complex ways to lau…
https://t.co/GYFWxWCDXs -- joepettit2 maldatabase: RT @TrendMicroRSRCH: We found
key similarities between the #Emotet #botnet malware and the #QakBot loader.
Find out how to spot these #ma… -- maldatabase OpenHoneypot: An attempt was
detected from to port 8022 trying to login with account "root" and
password "n!mdmP#$?$… https://t.co/PNKTEDXg0U -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An
attempt was detected from to port 8022 with SSH version
"SSH-2.0-libssh_0.9.6" on UTC 2022-06-13 09… https://t.co/eoa3hMblR6 --
OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to port
8022 on UTC 2022-06-13 09:51:28.774635. #ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot
OptimityLtd: Ransomware is bad enough… but now cyber criminals are hacking their
victims’ websites as well, to make sure they ge… https://t.co/t5j9PATOvT --
OptimityLtd sectest9: RT @OptimityLtd: Ransomware is bad enough… but now cyber
criminals are hacking their victims’ websites as well, to make sure they get
paid… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @ErSurajShukla: Difference between Threat
#Vulnerability and #Risk Mgmt :- 1) - Threat 2) - Vulnerability 3) - Risk
Management #infos… -- sectest9 SecurityNewsbot: The State of #Security:
#Ransomware https://t.co/WQkTYDAyMK #Tripwire -- SecurityNewsbot trab_bot: RT
@wilson_hack_: Snapchat? Twitter? Instagram? Facebook? WhatsApp??
#MachineLearning #CyberSecurity #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #Jav… --
trab_bot Veeam_Benelux: Make sure your #AWS environment is protected against
#ransomware. ????️ Get our free e-book and learn why a secure bac…
https://t.co/CejNuOW9iW -- Veeam_Benelux wilson_hack_: Need a hacker to do the
job? Lost your account and need a recovery but don't know how? Inbox now for
help and guide… https://t.co/YzSzUB7QB0 -- wilson_hack_ wilson_hack_: Have
exclusive Hacking jobs? DM and Ask for my service. #hacked #icloud #facebookdown
#imessage #ransomware… https://t.co/E6ZjXeGZHe -- wilson_hack_ wilson_hack_:
Snapchat? Twitter? Instagram? Facebook? WhatsApp?? #MachineLearning
#CyberSecurity #Python #RStats #TensorFlow… https://t.co/mpCiDUwGAK --
wilson_hack_ cluelessguyyy: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my
#OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing
to sha… -- cluelessguyyy codedailybot: RT @Paula_Piccard: Time it takes a Hacker
to Brute Force your password #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud
#Security #MachineLear… -- codedailybot CyberSecurityN8: RT @anilcyen:
@ChuckDBrooks Prevalence of #Phishing #Scams Phishing Scam Success Rates Most
Targeted #Industries #Ransomware Attacks Freque… -- CyberSecurityN8
CyberSecurityN8: RT @CyberIQs_: Using WiFi connection probe requests to track
users #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence #…
-- CyberSecurityN8 ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxps://citihelprecover01a[.]com
#phishing #namedotcom https://t.co/VYwTLjq4oi -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxps://accesopersonassprvilleonline[.]com/ #phishing #supervielle_arg --
ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on hxxp://clupsupervillsa[.]com/ #phishing
#supervielle_arg #godaddy https://t.co/VXTRy9W1Kn -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible
threat on hxxps://vn1015[.]xyz #phishing -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Possible threat
on hxxp://soso123[.]net #phishing -- ecarlesi ecarlesi: Threat on
hxxps://wells-secu[.]com/wells-fargo[.]zip #phishing #wellsfargo #nc
https://t.co/SxsZQAFGFt -- ecarlesi EUwatchers: RT @HelloMrBond: June 12 Full
update to thread????on estimates of #Russia and #Ukraine losses compared to
available forces, using RU and UKR c… -- EUwatchers FuturumG: How security teams
can use open-source intelligence to help companies understand risk >
https://t.co/UMIRLF0wnk… https://t.co/UrKpZlrRJH -- FuturumG Ginger__T: RT
@Blackstage4Nsic: #osint in-person open source online investigation course in
Lichfield UK. Just 4 seats left! Details at https://t.co/n… -- Ginger__T
i_use_linux: RT @TheHackersNews: New variants of Hello XD #ransomware now
install a secret backdoor on targeted Windows and #Linux systems to gain persi…
-- i_use_linux IFLinfosec: RT @madame_https: Interested in the darkest corners
of the deep web? ???????? I wrote an article showing the most used types of
captchas on the T… -- IFLinfosec itslisaram: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD
1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool
tools that I'm willing to sha… -- itslisaram Justadutchguy: RT @cyb_detective:
GORIS Command line tool for Google reverse image search automation. It can find
links to similar pictures by URL or by… -- Justadutchguy KAS_stoner: RT
@SzwedekM: Some people have the rare gift of speaking simply and intelligibly
about things that are often extremely complicated. Nico @d… -- KAS_stoner
kurorogunso1: RT @Paula_Piccard: Time it takes a Hacker to Brute Force your
password #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLear… --
kurorogunso1 Malwar3Ninja: RT @Malwar3Ninja:
[https://t.co/otlIKKaN3I]????????Our proactive hunter detected active #Phishing
of #citibank hosted on city.unioninvestb[.]com… -- Malwar3Ninja Malwar3Ninja: RT
@Malwar3Ninja: ????Probably TA was thinking something like this ????when they
were hosting #cobaltstrike on scarfaceserver[.]com Alright! Me… -- Malwar3Ninja
OSP_Global: RT @three_cube: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): Finding Email
Passwords in Dumps with h8mail #osint #h8mail #infosec #cybersecurity #cybe… --
OSP_Global ProtectionGIntl: With news that a Google engineer has been suspended
after going full Ex Machina, today we’re all about ghosts in th…
https://t.co/zVwIBCA9U1 -- ProtectionGIntl punitdarji28: OSINT resources #OSINT
#infosec #cybersecurity #bugbounty https://t.co/optXoFTjPh -- punitdarji28
Romain_Mylotik: RT @WHInspector: [#DailyOSINT - Day#331] The Uncensored Library
is a giant library built inside Minecraft which contains censored journals… --
Romain_Mylotik rum4is: RT @jagsharma: Malware can infect your router, slow down
the internet connection and steal data. You can protect your Wi-Fi by following
t… -- rum4is rum4is: RT @jagsharma: Cybercriminals are successfully using
man-on-the-side attacks to deliver malware and control already infected
computers. Sh… -- rum4is sectest9: RT @anilcyen: @ChuckDBrooks Prevalence of
#Phishing #Scams Phishing Scam Success Rates Most Targeted #Industries
#Ransomware Attacks Freque… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_: Using WiFi
connection probe requests to track users #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity
#threatintel #threatintelligence #… -- sectest9 tek_elo: RT @Paula_Piccard: Time
it takes a Hacker to Brute Force your password #DataSecurity #Privacy
#100DaysOfCode #Cloud #Security #MachineLear… -- tek_elo timothy_ndungo: RT
@three_cube: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): Finding Email Passwords in Dumps
with h8mail #osint #h8mail #infosec #cybersecurity #cybe… -- timothy_ndungo
UKikaski: Video of an #APU gunner loading rounds inside of what appears to be a
2S19 Msta 152mm SPH. #OSINT #Ukrainianwar https://t.co/k5jrPD16Vn -- UKikaski
UTorhop: RT @KitPloit: Blackbird - An OSINT Tool To Search For Accounts By
Username In 101 Social Networks https://t.co/tVB9sM3dSc #Blackbird #JSON… --
UTorhop wdgreen340: RT @_Vault_Security: How does a fileless malware attack
work? #malware #cybersec #infosec #cybersecuritytips #cybersecurity
https://t.co/CL… -- wdgreen340 XeronBot: RT @Paula_Piccard: Time it takes a
Hacker to Brute Force your password #DataSecurity #Privacy #100DaysOfCode #Cloud
#Security #MachineLear… -- XeronBot CyberSecDN: Emotet #Malware Gang Targets
Chrome-based Credit Card Data | iTech Post https://t.co/OE6UN97IkH #Sec_Cyber --
CyberSecDN CyberSecurityN8: RT @CyberSecDN: Emotet #Malware Gang Targets
Chrome-based Credit Card Data | iTech Post https://t.co/OE6UN97IkH #Sec_Cyber --
CyberSecurityN8 prakashchris: RT @CyberSecDN: Emotet #Malware Gang Targets
Chrome-based Credit Card Data | iTech Post https://t.co/OE6UN97IkH #Sec_Cyber --
prakashchris sectest9: RT @CyberSecDN: Emotet #Malware Gang Targets Chrome-based
Credit Card Data | iTech Post https://t.co/OE6UN97IkH #Sec_Cyber -- sectest9
csirt_it: Rilasciati aggiornamenti di sicurezza che risolvono due vulnerabilità
in #Drupal Core Rischio: ???? Tipologia: Information Disclosure ????
https://t.co/qYXoCv17lF ???? Aggiornamenti e mitigazioni disponibili ????
https://t.co/qQPEKMgM2g -- csirt_it CSIRT_Telconet: Vulnerabilidad Zero Day en
Microsoft Windows «DogWalk» #Windows #vulnerability #CyberSecurity
https://t.co/p88AgiddHP https://t.co/Df4v9QmKoF -- CSIRT_Telconet CSIRTCV:
????????@INCIBE ha participado con su #CERT en la 6ª edición de #CyberEurope22,
el #ciberejercicio organizado por @enisa_eu No te pierdas este vídeo donde se
proclama la resiliencia del sector sanitario.???????? https://t.co/runJKSCaL1
https:/ -- CSIRTCV avdrst: Confluence servers hacked to deploy AvosLocker,
Cerber2021 ransomware https://t.co/b22fDcVr61 by @serghei via…
https://t.co/koawdkRMIo -- avdrst BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
fatfish[.]icu PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero
F… https://t.co/6aTzryHhS9 -- BforeAi botxboxseriesx: RT @HackwithTeeJay: Have
exclusive Hacking jobs? DM and Ask for my service. #hacked #icloud #facebookdown
#imessage #ransomware #snapchat #… -- botxboxseriesx botxboxseriesx: RT
@HackwithTeeJay: Inbox now for help and guide on how to recover lost accounts.
#hacked #icloud #facebookdown #imessage #ransomware #snap… -- botxboxseriesx
botxboxseriesx: RT @HackwithTeeJay: Hacking is easy for specialists. DM for all
cyber related problems. #hacked #icloud #facebookdown #imessage #ransomware… --
botxboxseriesx CyberGuyHenri: RT @phyr3wall: #Giveaway I'm giving away either a
@PentesterLab pro Voucher or @hackthebox_eu VIP+ Voucher (winner's choice). Like
and ret… -- CyberGuyHenri CyberSecurityN8: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious
Domain : fatfish[.]icu PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic
Near-Zero False Positi… -- CyberSecurityN8 Ha_Ha_sher: RT @phyr3wall: #Giveaway
I'm giving away either a @PentesterLab pro Voucher or @hackthebox_eu VIP+
Voucher (winner's choice). Like and ret… -- Ha_Ha_sher HalleBe22292567: RT
@TrendMicroRSRCH: We found key similarities between the #Emotet #botnet malware
and the #QakBot loader. Find out how to spot these #ma… -- HalleBe22292567
HeroinVerbal: RT @Rap_Thesaurus: @ellipsi_music  You Had 5k Till I came
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience
#AcademicTwit… -- HeroinVerbal HeroinVerbal: RT @Rap_Thesaurus: @WeAreMarahall
@Enter_Entendre @Mobile_Morgue @2002kyline @KIIARA  Let's Review:
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCo… -- HeroinVerbal HeroinVerbal: RT
@Rap_Thesaurus: @Mobile_Morgue @2002kyline  blocking me dont work @2002kyline i
own twitter #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #P… -- HeroinVerbal
HeroinVerbal: RT @Rap_Thesaurus: @2002kyline  i was they're only retweet
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwi…
-- HeroinVerbal ITC_secure: Do you know how secure your #data is? In 2021, a new
record was set with over 5.9 billion user records stolen. Expl…
https://t.co/zjFwSWgsPk -- ITC_secure joeclark947: RT @joeclark947: @symantec
@CIOonline @kaspersky @TheHackersNews @SecurityWeek @NetworkWorld @Bitdefender
@Malwarebytes @NortonOnline @AVGF… -- joeclark947 k2_katz: RT @ecarlesi:
Possible threat on hxxps://assemblars[.]com/webx%20%281%29[.]zip #phishing
#opendir #namesilo https://t.co/x5YmNpJ94E -- k2_katz penny_hampson: RT
@gjscobie: If the plot isn’t being played out today, it will be by tomorrow. The
Kill Chain by GJ Scobie, a new cybercrime thriller fro… -- penny_hampson
ra49343649: RT @e11i0t_4lders0n: Bug Bounty Free Learning Materials Follow this
thread if you can’t google and learn things???? #bugbounty #bugbountyti… --
ra49343649 rum4is: RT @Nyksindia: In which year has hacking become a practical
crime and a matter of concern in the field of cyber technology? #security #cyb…
-- rum4is SAPNAPA21579913: RT @Nyksindia: If you believe you have been a victim
of cybercrime, contact your local authorities right once to submit a complaint.
Keep t… -- SAPNAPA21579913 sectest9: RT @BforeAi: Predicted Malicious Domain :
fatfish[.]icu PreCrime Threat Intelligence by @BforeAi Threat Agnostic Near-Zero
False Positi… -- sectest9 SuperSugeta: RT @ingliguori: #Infographic: #Password
Cracking Techniques Via @ingliguori #CyberAttack #cybersecurity #CyberSec
#hacking #Security #Hacke… -- SuperSugeta supportaluk: STAY ALERT ⚠️ The
Financial Conduct Authority are warning of the dramatic rise in screen sharing
scams. If cyber… https://t.co/ywqpA0m1YD -- supportaluk WardPsychiatric: RT
@Rap_Thesaurus: @ellipsi_music  You Had 5k Till I came #100DaysOfCode
#CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #Programming #DataScience #AcademicTwit… --
WardPsychiatric WardPsychiatric: RT @Rap_Thesaurus: @WeAreMarahall
@Enter_Entendre @Mobile_Morgue @2002kyline @KIIARA  Let's Review:
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCo… -- WardPsychiatric WardPsychiatric: RT
@Rap_Thesaurus: @Mobile_Morgue @2002kyline  blocking me dont work @2002kyline i
own twitter #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #P… -- WardPsychiatric
_wilsonhack: Snapchat? Twitter? Instagram? Facebook? WhatsApp?? #MachineLearning
#CyberSecurity #Python #RStats #TensorFlow… https://t.co/u6BQcYxoQ9 --
_wilsonhack 34karaan: RT @three_cube: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): Finding
Email Passwords in Dumps with h8mail #osint #h8mail #infosec #cybersecurity
#cybe… -- 34karaan aecanada12: RT @LetsDefendIO: Lifecycle of a #ransomware
incident https://t.co/6jqpvba45A -- aecanada12 AndreaDraghetti: RT @D3LabIT:
???? Again they are spreading a malicious App through official stores and
#phishing against Nexi users! ➡️ Google Play Store: ht… -- AndreaDraghetti
beefyspace: RT @_wilsonhack: Snapchat? Twitter? Instagram? Facebook? WhatsApp??
#MachineLearning #CyberSecurity #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #Java… --
beefyspace bigalbulescu: RT @three_cube: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT):
Finding Email Passwords in Dumps with h8mail #osint #h8mail #infosec
#cybersecurity #cybe… -- bigalbulescu c9lab_soc: Phishing Domain Found:
ciscogroup[.]xyz IP : 149.28.76[.]75 #Phishing #awareness @Cisco -- c9lab_soc
c9lab_soc: Phishing Domain Found: lenskart[.]site #phishing #awareness
@Lenskart_com -- c9lab_soc CyberSecurityN8: RT @LetsDefendIO: Lifecycle of a
#ransomware incident https://t.co/6jqpvba45A -- CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8:
RT @_wilsonhack: Snapchat? Twitter? Instagram? Facebook? WhatsApp??
#MachineLearning #CyberSecurity #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #Java… --
CyberSecurityN8 CyberSecurityN8: RT @CyberIQs_: Cyber attacks on Indian
Government websites due to #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel
#threatintelligence #h… -- CyberSecurityN8 cybsecbot: RT @CyberIQs_: Cyber
attacks on Indian Government websites due to #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence #h… -- cybsecbot DenisFrati: RT
@D3LabIT: ???? Again they are spreading a malicious App through official stores
and #phishing against Nexi users! ➡️ Google Play Store: ht… -- DenisFrati
ecarlesi: Possible threat on hxxp://bigsmittysfinelines[.]com #phishing
#facebook #google -- ecarlesi france_sec: In his latest research, covered by
@itsocial_fr, @Satnam details how #scammers are using verified and unverified
ac… https://t.co/8qAYAARZQU -- france_sec GoaiDev: RT @_wilsonhack: Snapchat?
Twitter? Instagram? Facebook? WhatsApp?? #MachineLearning #CyberSecurity #Python
#RStats #TensorFlow #Java #Java… -- GoaiDev HackwithTeeJay: Have a lost account
you want to recover but don't know how? Inbox now #hacked #icloud #facebookdown
#imessage… https://t.co/c9K4kFi1qL -- HackwithTeeJay HalleBe22292567: RT
@KitPloit: Blackbird - An OSINT Tool To Search For Accounts By Username In 101
Social Networks https://t.co/tVB9sM3dSc #Blackbird #JSON… -- HalleBe22292567
induwasa: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in
my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… --
induwasa InfoSecSherpa: RT @Sector035: Good morning followers! Here's another
weekly overview from the world of #OSINT! H/T: @BOsintBlanc @skopenow
@intelwithstev… -- InfoSecSherpa JEMPradio: Grateful Dead - The Music Never
Stopped (5-7-78) #Phish #JEMPRadio #CommunityRadio #NowPlaying
https://t.co/Bz9yNRAZtE -- JEMPradio joeclark947: RT @joeclark947: @CIOonline
@avast_antivirus @kaspersky @AVGFree @symantec @ESET @NortonOnline
@TheHackersNews @hackernoon @Cisco @Microsof… -- joeclark947 joeclark947: RT
@joeclark947: @symantec @BrianKrebs @CIOonline @kaspersky @TheHackersNews
@SecurityWeek @NetworkWorld @Bitdefender @Malwarebytes @Norton… -- joeclark947
joeclark947: RT @joeclark947: @symantec @BrianKrebs @CIOonline @kaspersky
@TheHackersNews @SecurityWeek @NetworkWorld @Bitdefender @Malwarebytes @Norton…
-- joeclark947 JohnHan87883228: RT @MatchlessMan410: #OSINT Heads up! It is
likely #Russian Navy NEWCON Pr.20380 SKR-535 “Merkuriy” commenced a further
round of manufact… -- JohnHan87883228 kikopiko83: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD
1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool
tools that I'm willing to sha… -- kikopiko83 Koffice14: RT @MatchlessMan410:
#OSINT heads up! RAF Fairford deployed USAF U2 departed RAF Fairford 130700Z JUN
22. Unit executed a turn to the nort… -- Koffice14 korezian: RT @TomTomjarvis:
LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my #OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all
the fun/cool tools that I'm willing to sha… -- korezian MatchlessMan410: #OSINT
Missile firing New blogpost ▶️ https://t.co/dJeR053GQu Northern Fleet missile
firing expected 15-20 June 2… https://t.co/b7ByhfkzKT -- MatchlessMan410
NLwartracker: Some footage from the fighting as i mentioned around #Myrne. Seems
on the 6th of june there was an artillery battle… https://t.co/ZEhpUxdVZD --
NLwartracker OHermares: RT @TomTomjarvis: LONG THREAD 1/many: What is in my
#OSINT folder in my bookmarks? I'll list all the fun/cool tools that I'm willing
to sha… -- OHermares OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected from to
port 8022 trying to login with account "root" and password "!QAZ2wsx"…
https://t.co/WBvtgMnMyq -- OpenHoneypot OpenHoneypot: An attempt was detected
from to port 8022 on UTC 2022-06-13 07:48:40.097381.
#ThreatIntelligence -- OpenHoneypot py_data_sci: RT @_wilsonhack: Snapchat?
Twitter? Instagram? Facebook? WhatsApp?? #MachineLearning #CyberSecurity #Python
#RStats #TensorFlow #Java #Java… -- py_data_sci pyxisculture: Now! This is
getting serious. Ransomware attack grounds airline company. What if it were in
the air? It's past tim… https://t.co/qwboDRcFiW -- pyxisculture RedPacketSec:
Using WiFi connection probe requests to track users - https://t.co/HX5d7y7ffS
#Hacking #OSINT #Security #Threatintel -- RedPacketSec RuOilTracker: ???????? ->
? OLYMPIYSKY PROSPECT Departed Ust-luga with 110,000 tons of crude oil. Bound
for Suez Canal #russianoil… https://t.co/ycByDIZ54n -- RuOilTracker
SBRC_Scotland: Sign-up for our next in-person #ransomware Exercise in a Box
workshop! ????️ We're coming to @AbertayUni's @AbertayCQ…
https://t.co/iWN1oYwgGe -- SBRC_Scotland sectest9: RT @_wilsonhack: Snapchat?
Twitter? Instagram? Facebook? WhatsApp?? #MachineLearning #CyberSecurity #Python
#RStats #TensorFlow #Java #Java… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT @CyberIQs_: Cyber
attacks on Indian Government websites due to #infosec #infosecurity
#cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence #h… -- sectest9 sectest9: RT
@smemag: Five steps to improve email hygiene with Kroll. Read more about one of
the biggest #Security issues in the latest Security Mid… -- sectest9
SecurityXTV: RT @CyberIQs_: Cyber attacks on Indian Government websites due to
#infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threatintel #threatintelligence #h… --
SecurityXTV SibiselvanT: RT @three_cube: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT):
Finding Email Passwords in Dumps with h8mail #osint #h8mail #infosec
#cybersecurity #cybe… -- SibiselvanT smemag: Five steps to improve email hygiene
with Kroll. Read more about one of the biggest #Security issues in the latest…
https://t.co/ahGae2C9ts -- smemag SPC_IT: In recent years, phishing over social
media has skyrocketed by 500%. Please have a quick read of our blog about 6…
https://t.co/OTgylrfxEP -- SPC_IT Swotsoftware: Cyber-Security Thread- 5/7
PHISHING PROTECTION: Read the entire post here ???? https://t.co/ncRfFN2Bta
#Phishing… https://t.co/sVSIUfAYWV -- Swotsoftware TheCuriousLuke: RT
@_wilsonhack: Snapchat? Twitter? Instagram? Facebook? WhatsApp??
#MachineLearning #CyberSecurity #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #Java… --
TheCuriousLuke Ultrascan419: Alleged €2m fraud uncovered at Rosanna Davison's
father-in-law's Dr Quirkey's Good Time ...: DIRECTORS have uncover…
https://t.co/WwQGXW9EGb -- Ultrascan419 Ultrascan419: Firm that runs Dr
Quirkey's Good Time Emporium in Dublin victim of alleged €2m fraud: The business
is owned by Rich… https://t.co/BbM5gaoC59 -- Ultrascan419 UtibeAbasiJacob: RT
@_wilsonhack: Snapchat? Twitter? Instagram? Facebook? WhatsApp??
#MachineLearning #CyberSecurity #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #Java… --
UtibeAbasiJacob 1000dayscodingb: RT @Paula_Piccard: U.S. Water Utilities Prime
Cyberattack Target, Experts Know more: https://t.co/iNEOZxEpGb #DataSecurity
#Privacy #100D… -- 1000dayscodingb aecanada12: RT @LetsDefendIO: Introduction to
#malware analysis for beginners https://t.co/KA6BBJGBL9 https://t.co/t7095FHpBz
-- aecanada12 beefyspace: RT @Benisontech: #Infographic: Check out the 10
essential tips for #cybersecurity for business! #cybersecurity #hacking
#security #techno… -- beefyspace Benisontech: #Infographic: Check out the 10
essential tips for #cybersecurity for business! #cybersecurity #hacking
#security… https://t.co/yohtT1mGtP -- Benisontech CyberSecDN: Emotet #malware
gang re-emerges with Chrome-based credit card heistware - The Register
https://t.co/jPkFMhuUxx #Sec_Cyber -- CyberSecDN CyberSecurityN8: RT
@Benisontech: #Infographic: Check out the 10 essential tips for #cybersecurity
for business! #cybersecurity #hacking #security #techno… -- CyberSecurityN8
di993r: RT @MalwarePatrol: "The severity of this security flaw and the already
available exploits didn't go unnoticed, with multiple botnets and th… -- di993r
noikeanolife: RT @noikeanolife: #Ransomware????????: a #CIOs #recovery
guide????@raconteur https://t.co/PmOLyEclab #Security #Cybersecurity #DataBreach
#DevSecOps… -- noikeanolife rahul05ranjan: RT @Benisontech: #Infographic: Check
out the 10 essential tips for #cybersecurity for business! #cybersecurity
#hacking #security #techno… -- rahul05ranjan sectest9: RT @Benisontech:
#Infographic: Check out the 10 essential tips for #cybersecurity for business!
#cybersecurity #hacking #security #techno… -- sectest9 Stormshield: But where
does the #malware that infects devices come from? ➡️ https://t.co/AmwYcsMzRd
#cyberattack https://t.co/VZGH8Y5R3x -- Stormshield BruneiCERT: Keeping your
phone up-to-date helps to secure your phone from malicious attacks and protect
it from hackers. This video was created in collaboration with Universiti
Teknologi Brunei (UTB). #Brunei #BruCERT #SecureVerifyConnect https://t.co/F --
BruneiCERT csirt_it: La Settimana Cibernetica del 12 giugno 2022: ????
aggiornamenti di sicurezza per Google, Fortinet; ???? analisi dell’esposizione
di Firewall Zyxel; ???? PoC pubblico per la CVE-2022-23222. ????
https://t.co/BUBPQqQ8Zr https://t.co/XpVW6ejOAu -- csirt_it