rainbowfutureswa.good.do Open in urlscan Pro
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Submitted URL: http://rainbowfutureswa.good.do/
Effective URL: https://rainbowfutureswa.good.do/prioritiselgbtiqalawreforminwa/action/
Submission: On April 01 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


<form class="action-form" action="." method="POST">
  <input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="5SxZZlRe6A2IAT7LjkejuRsizgIBNsem">
  <input id="id_avid" name="avid" type="hidden" value="2567aff1825b44029ca05fe830d2bcde">
  <div class="postcode-wrapper clearfix">
    <label class="section-title required">Find your local rep</label><input autocomplete="off" id="id_location" name="location" placeholder="postcode" type="text"><input id="get_politicians_button" type="button" value="Find">
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    <h3 class="section-title">Compose your email</h3>
    <div class="form-group">
      <div class="tag-container">
        <label for="id_subject" id="id_subject_label" class="form-tag required">Subject:</label>
        <textarea id="id_subject" name="subject" class="input">Prioritise LGBTIQA+ law reform in WA</textarea>
    <div class="salutation-container">
      <span class="salutation empty"></span>
    <div class="form-group">
      <textarea cols="40" id="id_message" name="message" rows="10">I was excited when the WA government announced long-awaited LGBTIQA+ law reforms that will bring WA in line with the rest of the nation. But as we come closer to another election, any tangible actions against these promises have not been visible and it is difficult to understand the reason for delays. We are still waiting for:

- an updated Equal Opportunity Act that provides protections for LGBTIQA+ people
- modernisation of the legal gender recognition process for trans and gender diverse people
- conversion practices, seeking to change sexual orientation or gender identity, to be banned
- surrogacy laws to make altruistic surrogacy available to all people, not just women

Meanwhile, the government remains dismissive of the need for reform of deferrable medical interventions that modify the bodies of babies and children with intersex variations.

This lack of progress is the cause of significant disappointment and has very real consequences for the LGBTIQA+ community, resulting in unnecessary costs to the broader community. However, essential community-controlled LGBTIQA+ services are underfunded, critically threatening their ability to provide ongoing services. 

The state government should be protecting members of the LGBTIQA+ community from harm, but successive governments have failed to do so. This can be seen in poorer health outcomes, discrimination in the workplace, stigma in the wider community, and has contributed to higher rates of suicide. 

I call on you as my local representative to prioritise these issues in this term of parliament.

Together, let's ensure WA becomes a fairer, more inclusive society for all! </textarea>
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        <li><label for="id_subscription_1"><input id="id_subscription_1" name="subscription" required="required" style=" margin: 4px 3px 0 0;" type="radio" value="out"> No, do not send me updates from Rainbow Futures WA</label></li>
      <span class="opt-out-warning">If you choose no, you will not receive ANY emails from Rainbow Futures WA even if you were on our list previously. Remember you can also unsubscribe later at any time.</span>
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              <p><strong>All other data you may enter, including your email address, name, telephone number, commentary and so on</strong> is used by The Campaigner to advocate for the campaign’s goals and where required may be sent to the target of
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          <p>The personal information collected by Do Gooder is held subject to a Data Processing Agreement between Do Gooder and The Campaigner in compliance with the EU's
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We’ve waited far too long. 

Outdated legislation continues to affect LGBTIQA+ lives daily.

In Western Australia:

 * Religious schools still hold a licence to discriminate against LGBTQA+ staff
   and students
 * Harmful conversion practices, seeking to change sexual orientation and gender
   identity, remain legal
 * The process for trans and gender diverse people to legally update their
   gender remains the worst in the country
 * Surrogacy laws make altruistic surrogacy unavailable to people who are not
   women or heterosexual couples
 * Intersex babies and children continue to be subjected to deferrable medical
   interventions without their personal informed consent

WA Labor has made many commitments ...

We’ve waited far too long. 

Outdated legislation continues to affect LGBTIQA+ lives daily.

In Western Australia:

 * Religious schools still hold a licence to discriminate against LGBTQA+ staff
   and students
 * Harmful conversion practices, seeking to change sexual orientation and gender
   identity, remain legal
 * The process for trans and gender diverse people to legally update their
   gender remains the worst in the country
 * Surrogacy laws make altruistic surrogacy unavailable to people who are not
   women or heterosexual couples
 * Intersex babies and children continue to be subjected to deferrable medical
   interventions without their personal informed consent

WA Labor has made many commitments and promises, without action.

This blatant discrimination has very real consequences for the LGBTIQA+
community, which can be seen in poorer health outcomes.

We need action during this term! The lives and wellbeing of LGBTIQA+ people in
WA depend on it.



245 emails sent


Send an email to your local MP below. We've drafted some wording which can be
sent as is or edited/personalised. 

Find your local rep


Subject: Prioritise LGBTIQA+ law reform in WA

I was excited when the WA government announced long-awaited LGBTIQA+ law reforms
that will bring WA in line with the rest of the nation. But as we come closer to
another election, any tangible actions against these promises have not been
visible and it is difficult to understand the reason for delays. We are still
waiting for: - an updated Equal Opportunity Act that provides protections for
LGBTIQA+ people - modernisation of the legal gender recognition process for
trans and gender diverse people - conversion practices, seeking to change sexual
orientation or gender identity, to be banned - surrogacy laws to make altruistic
surrogacy available to all people, not just women Meanwhile, the government
remains dismissive of the need for reform of deferrable medical interventions
that modify the bodies of babies and children with intersex variations. This
lack of progress is the cause of significant disappointment and has very real
consequences for the LGBTIQA+ community, resulting in unnecessary costs to the
broader community. However, essential community-controlled LGBTIQA+ services are
underfunded, critically threatening their ability to provide ongoing services.
The state government should be protecting members of the LGBTIQA+ community from
harm, but successive governments have failed to do so. This can be seen in
poorer health outcomes, discrimination in the workplace, stigma in the wider
community, and has contributed to higher rates of suicide. I call on you as my
local representative to prioritise these issues in this term of parliament.
Together, let's ensure WA becomes a fairer, more inclusive society for all!
 * Yes, send me updates from Rainbow Futures WA
 * No, do not send me updates from Rainbow Futures WA

If you choose no, you will not receive ANY emails from Rainbow Futures WA even
if you were on our list previously. Remember you can also unsubscribe later at
any time.


Do Gooder (the advocacy platform powering this online action) processes personal
information from you that you enter on this form so that we can provide the
functions and related services to you and The Campaigner (the organisation
responsible for this online action) for their legitimate purposes, including
possibly exporting it to other systems, and to effectively respond to enquiries
and communications related to those services.

Specifically when you enter:

 * Your location data (residential address or postcode) it is used to locate
   your elected representative, to pre-populate your email signature and to
   provide The Campaigner with a visualisation of the location of the support
   for this campaign.

 * All other data you may enter, including your email address, name, telephone
   number, commentary and so on is used by The Campaigner to advocate for the
   campaign’s goals and where required may be sent to the target of the

The data collected by Do Gooder is also used by us in aggregate form to improve
the service and may be held on your behalf outside your country of residence by
our third party service providers. These providers are bound by contract to only
use personal information on our behalf, in accordance with agreed terms. While
the privacy laws of the country in which personal information is stored or
transferred may be different from those in your country, we will always have
safeguards in place when storing or transferring personal information. We will
never sell, rent, loan or in any other way pass your information on to other
parties other than to provide this service to you and The Campaigner.

The personal information collected by Do Gooder is held subject to a Data
Processing Agreement between Do Gooder and The Campaigner in compliance with the
EU's GDPR and Australian law.

Learn more about our privacy policy here

How is my data used?


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