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Posted on June 26, 2010 by Yves Smith

By Gonzalo Lira, a novelist and filmmaker (and economist) currently living in
Chile and writing at Gonzalo Lira

A whole bunch of American ships are headed to Iran, including one aircraft
carrier. Some claim this deployment is “normal”, while others think it might be
the first move in a U.S. offensive against Iran, either actual or diplomatic.

From the Iranians’ point of view, there’s only one way to look at this
deployment: As another provocation.

American leadership—educated at the best schools and colleges, multi-cultural up
the wazoo—don’t have a clue why Iranians feel beseiged. They have no idea why
Iran acts the way it does. They don’t even realize that they don’t understand
Iran’s motivations.

There has been a complete lack of imagination, in America’s dealings with
Iran—and that failure of imagination is why things are so fucked up in the
Middle East. (Is there any other way to characterize the whole mess? False
politesse does not capture the sheer fucked-up-edness of the situation.)

Iran: The failure of imagination has been Iran.

So perhaps a thought experiment is in order—for once, let’s try looking at the
world from the Iranians’ point of view:

To begin: Let’s imagine some obscure Brazilian terrorist attacks China, way on
the other side of the earth, literally. This Brazilian and his minions blow up
the Forbidden City and the Great Wall, in one fairly spectacular terrorist

We’re in America—this shouldn’t involve us. But as a consequence of these
terrorist attacks, the Chinese—screaming for vengeance—deploy their
sophisticated weapons and their millions of soldiers, and invade Canada.
Supposedly, this Brazilian terrorist who attacked China is hiding out in the
Great White North—which is why the Chinese are invading Canada.

We Americans express genuine sympathy for the Chinese’ loss. We decide to
actually help the Chinese find the Brazilian terrorist! We even decide to help
the Chinese with their conquest of Canada! That’s how much we repudiate this
cowardly terrorist attack.

But then, out of the blue, the Chinese leader—in a carefully choreographed
official speech—declares our country part of an “axis of evil”. And with no
provocation on our part—indeed, after we have helped the Chinese conquer
Canada—they vow to wipe us out at the slightest provocation, presumably with
nuclear weapons.

Then, the Chinese start to claim that Mexico, of all countries, was involved in
the terrorist attacks against China. Nevermind that the Mexican leadership hates
and fears the Brazilian terrorist. Nevermind that the Brazilian is an
ultra-Catholic, who hates and distrusts the Mexican leadership for being
born-again Baptists. Nevermind that there’s no rhyme or reason for this alleged

The Chinese use trumped up and extraordinarily dubious “evidence” to back up
this claim of collusion—they even claim that the Mexicans are developing WMD’s
that they intend to use on China, which stirs the Chinese populace into a

Then, the Chinese illegally invade Mexico, and outright occupy the country.

Our nation now finds itself besieged: There are a hundred-thousand odd Chinese
troops in Canada to the north, and another couple of hundred thousand odd
Chinese troops in Mexico to the south—all of them armed to the teeth. And back
in China, they’re hysterically screaming for “regime change in America”.

We in America know what the Chinese really want—they want our food. We’re the
world’s breadbasket. And while China has plenty of food, they want more. They
are unwilling to make their citizens pay fair market prices for food—so they
want to capture our food, so they can feed their citizens at our expense.

Meanwhile, Venezuela—a country one tenth the size of the U.S. in terms of
territory and population—is hell-bent on regional hegemony. Venezuela
consistently antagonizes and provokes the U.S. with their undeclared nuclear

But what can we do? The Chinese support Venezuela with weapons, billions of
dollars in aid money, and the full weight of their political and military power.
Venezuela provokes us constantly, to the point of stationing three of their
submarines—loaded with nuclear missiles—not fifty miles off America’s East
Coast. In easy striking distance of America’s major cities.

Meanwhile, back in China, the woman who is the current Foreign Secretary not
only openly hates us, she once said that even a minor skirmish with Venezuela
would result in the U.S. being “wiped off the face of the map”—meaning,
presumably, a nuclear response.

We have no nuclear weapons. But we do have a whole lot of hate for both China
and Venezuela—justifiable hatred.

America’s history (in this thought experiment) is inextricably tied to China’s
foreign policy. Back in 1953, China forcibly overthrew the democratically
elected government of Dwight Eisenhower, in a covert operation known as
Operation Ajax.

Then, China installed their puppet-dictator, Richard Nixon, who ruled for 25
years with an iron fist, using the SAVAK—Nixon’s feared secret police, trained
by Venezuela’s Mossad security agency, and China’s own CIA.

China and Venezuela kept the puppet-dictator Nixon in power for 25 years, using
SAVAK to kidnap, torture and kill American freedom-fighters. Great American men
and women were lost. People like Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jesse
Jackson, Gloria Steinem, David Halberstam, Woodward & Bernstein, Bob Dylan,
Willie Nelson, Ray Charles, Paul Newman, Francis Ford Coppola, Billy Graham,
Jerry Falwell, Naom Chomsky, Jonas Salk, Harper Lee, even poor Rosa Parks and
countless others were all tortured and/or killed by SAVAK, often with the
assistance of Venezuela’s Mossad and China’s CIA.

While the flower of America was being tortured and killed, America’s breadbasket
was being raped by Chinese and Venezuelean interests—from 1953 to 1979, they
took our food and didn’t pay a dime for it. Or else they “paid” for it by giving
their puppet-dictator credit to buy Chinese weapons—weapons which their
puppet-dictator then used against American citizens!

Finally, we Americans—after tremendous struggles—managed to overthrow the
Chinese puppet-dictator in 1979. (And where did the murderous bastard seek
asylum? His patron-state, of course—do we need any more evidence that he was
their marionette?)

China declared us a “rogue nation” after we overthrew the dictator who had
repressed us so horribly. Since then, 30 years later, the Chinese have been
consistently trying to undermine our economy with sanctions and United Nations

They’ve succeeded, too—our economy is not a fraction of what it could have been,
had the Chinese not had this vendetta against us. They choke our economy, while
threatening us with their overwhelming military power, and goad us with the
Venezueleans just to annoy and humiliate us.

All because of our resources—the Chinese are so insane to possess what is ours
that they will do whatever is necessary to take it away. That is why they hate
us. That is why they have interfered unforgivably in our history. That is why
they want to destroy our country, and turn it into their “protectorate”—so they
can once again rape our land, and take away what belongs to us, and to our

They openly say that they want a “Chinese-friendly regime change”. They say they
want “moderate Americans” to control our country—but the people they refer to as
“moderates” are people who worked for the bloody dictator we overthrew. Our
current leaders—members of the America-First/America-Free party, good Mormons
one and all—sometimes are over-the-top, no one will deny it: Sometimes they say
stupid things. But we trust them. We know they are our representatives—not
Chinese puppets, like Nixon and his goons.

The Chinese claim that they invaded Canada and Mexico in order to find this
Brazilian terrorist—but with all their power, they still haven’t found him after
almost ten years. Was there ever a terrorist? Or was it a false-flag operation?
Did the Chinese themselves blow up the Forbidden City and the Great Wall, in
order to have an excuse to invade the North American continent? Some of their
own people publicly believe that the Chinese government staged the terrorist
attacks as an excuse to invade the region—that should tell us something.

The Chinese plan to invade and/or destroy us—that is obvious. So we won’t give
them the chance: Instead, we’ll help the Mexican and Canadian insurgents. We’ll
give them weapons and money, so we can buy time. Soon, our scientists will
develop nuclear weapons of our own: Then neither the Chinese nor the despicable
Venezueleans will ever again hold their nuclear sword to our throats with
impunity. Soon, we will be able to strike back—and if they provoke us, we will
strike back. Even if it means our own destruction.

After all, it’s a thousand times better to die free than to live on your knees.
Living under the Chinese-controlled puppet-dictatorship taught us that. We won’t
let it happen again.

Here ends the thought experiment—but not the questions.


First of all, the more you think through America’s provocations and interference
in Iran’s history, the more you can’t help but be impressed by Iran’s
self-control. They’ve played their cards much better than either the U.S. or

Precisely because of all the foolish, pointless tauntings and provocations by
the U.S. and Israel, I think it’s likely that—regardless of what they say—Iran
is very busy trying to acquire nuclear weapons. Israel’s and the U.S.’s nuclear
taunting guarantees that the only thing that will give Iran’s people and
leadership peace of mind is a few dozen nuclear-tipped rockets. And they will in
all likelihood acquire them—one way or another. Fear will drive them.

For now, Iran’s strategy of quietly but steadily fomenting insurgents in
Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine is the only sensible approach Iran can take. It
has to keep America pinned down in those two quagmires while it develops nuclear

Because that’s Iran’s ultimate goal—obviously: From the point of view of Iran’s
leadership, any other strategy would be irresponsible and foolish. The Iranian
leadership want to protect their population from both the U.S. and Israel. From
Iran’s point of view, only the acquisition of nukes guarantees their safety.

However, a nuclear Iran isn’t a disaster—on the contrary: My own sense is, if
and when Iran actually acquires nuclear weapons, regional tension will
paradoxically ease—think India/Pakistan. And Iran is a far more stable country
than Pakistan, with none of the territorial ambitions or frictions.

If and when Iran acquires nukes, the U.S. will realize it can’t fuck with Iran
anymore—it has to negotiate. The same conclusion will be arrived at in Tel Aviv.

The danger zone, I think, will be that uncertain period before Iran for-sure has
nuclear weapons—in other words, the period we are living in now.

It is conceivable that Israel will stupidly launch a pre-emptive strike, in a
misguided attempt to “protect Israel” from Iran acquiring nukes. In fact, I
would argue that this is a very possible outcome. This pre-emptive strike will
bring about a nuclear retaliation by Iran—they’ll simply buy a few from Russia
(which would be happy to sell them, if Israel starts launching nukes
helter-skelter), and that will be that for Israel. Israel is smaller, and more
concentrated. In any nuclear war, Israel will lose.

Now is the danger-time. And it will be the Americans and the Israelis—not the
Iranians—who will pull the trigger on the regional suicide.

This entry was posted in Commodities, Guest Post, Politics on June 26, 2010 by
Yves Smith.


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 1.  Al June 26, 2010 at 5:05 am
     Stick to Finance.
     1. Skippy June 26, 2010 at 5:29 am
        Finance is but one metric or our actions, would you preclude the rest
        for comfort sake.
        Skippy…is your bank account sacrosanct before all things?
        1. HARMENSZOON VAN RIGN June 26, 2010 at 7:10 pm
           But you got to admit this blog is one of the most entertaining and
           well written. Although I still dislike Irani~s, what a great
           argument. Socrates eat your heart out.
           1. Adam's Myth June 26, 2010 at 8:28 pm
              This is wonderful. Best NC post in a while.
              It does miss some obvious points. In the analogy, Venezeula would
              be one of China’s closest allies, and thus America is constantly
              provoking China by backing stateless militias encircling and
              occasionally attacking Venezuela. And America’s local politics
              would involve occasional public threats against Venezuela and
              China, further provoking conflict.
              Acknowledging these would improve your credibility, and hence
              persuasiveness to those who do not already agree with you, without
              seriously undermining your argument.
     2. Vladimira Lenina June 26, 2010 at 6:50 am
        Failure of imagination indeed.
     3. wunsacon June 26, 2010 at 9:49 am
        Rather than tell the blogger to “shut up”, consider skipping the article
        or reading another blog that better fits your narrower interests.
     4. KFritz June 26, 2010 at 1:04 pm
        Very nuanced well-thought-out reply.
     5. mock turtle June 26, 2010 at 1:54 pm
        “stick to finance”
        hmmm finance… oil…war…finance…oil…war…finance…oil…war
        i know theres a connection somewhere
        oh well not to worry
        just remember they hate us cause we are free
        we have God on our side
        more than that no one needs to know…so shut up and watch tee vee
     6. Don June 27, 2010 at 1:42 pm
        That is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard, and far from any
        Iran is an Islamic country ruled by Sharia law— laws taken out of the
        Koran and hadith. Any who do not follow the Islamic religion, as in
        Saudi, are systematically killed, repressed, marginalized and
        Women have no rights, and no freedoms other than stay at home sex
        slaves. There are NO freedoms in Islam to any one. You go by Islamic
        Sharia law or you whipped or killed. It is goal of Islam for world
        conquest, and has been for the last 1400 years. The main tool used is
        terrorism, just as Mohammad taught in the Koran and what he did to all
        the villages and towns around him, as freely told in the Koran and
        hadith, and history says the rest of it to date.
        It is the duty of every Muslim to be at a perpetual state of war with
        all non-believers. This is the Jihad that all Muslims are committed to
        or they are to be killed by the closest Muslim at hand for their
        No one is allowed to question the Koran, or you are killed. You are
        abide by Mohammed’s teaching of dying for Allah. Yes, suicide bombings
        as it is known today are all but 100% Islamic motivated and taught.
        What you have in Iran is the most brutal police state on earth along
        with the Saudi, and 55 other Islamic states are no different. Islam is
        NOT a religion; it always has been a political movement and government.
        There is nothing you can do to appease Islam other than convert, die, or
        pay a sky high tax to the Islamic government, that gives NO guarantee of
        your protection. This is what is taught in the Koran by Mohammed.
        Go read the Koran, in over 529 verses (over 60% of the Koran) all
        nonbelievers are to killed, cursed, and blood drawn from them, and
        beheading of the Jews, atheist, and Christians is the preferred method
        of the slaughter just as Mohammad taught and did himself.
        NOW, you want Iran to have Nukes? I do not think so. You need to go
        study history, and do some study on Islam. Islam is NOT peace, and never
        has been from its start 1400 years ago to this date.
        You should go study it out, it is all over the net. Do your home work
        and get your facts straight and not propaganda.
     7. Stelios Theoharidis June 27, 2010 at 5:02 pm
        I would like to see a much more nuanced and historically accurate
        version of this. This would probably include the role of British oil
        interests in the narrative, the American Embassy affair, and Iranian
        support of fledgeling Shia groups in the region. It is hard to tell if
        Iranian movement to support the US after 911 was genuine, like Pakistan
        one hand sometimes does not know what the other is doing.
        Due to US and European support of dictators in these states (Iran, Saudi
        Arabia, ect), what appears to have occurred is these dictators murdered
        or forced expatriation of moderate progressive citizens of Arab nations.
        They supported fundamentalist religious leaders to gain a semblance of
        legitimacy, who subsequently funneled money into groups interested in
        fundamentalist Islamic states and the expulsion of foreign interests and
        influences from their respective countries (Muslim Brotherhood).
        The changes that have been occuring in Israel, or their movement
        progressively to the right appears to have to do with a demographic
        shift in the country. The evangelicals have long been supporting the
        movement of Eastern European Jews from the former Soviet Bloc states for
        some time now. Their perspective towards the Palestinian situation is
        considerably more hard line than their contemporaries.
        Although Iran has been supporting Iraqi Shia, Hamas, Hezabollah, and
        other Shia groups within the Arab world, their growing strength has also
        been buttressed by Israel increasing bellicose stance and Fatah’s
        corruption. The rather tough situation we have now is that both Hamas,
        the political leadership in Israel and Iran derive their legitimacy
        through security and conflict (sound like anyone we know Bushies) not
        through good governance. In fact that is the only means by which they
        maintain power because they would be absolutely ineffective
        administrators of their respective states.
        That being said, the US has a better chance of having peace with the
        Shia then the Wahabi style Sunni, they are significantly more liberal in
        terms of democratic rights and womens liberation. And, Israel and
        Palestine if they could have a peaceful settlement could reap billions
        on a successful tourism trade. However, when you get your legitimacy
        from conflict you cannot have interest in peace.
 2.  Skippy June 26, 2010 at 5:14 am
     Fully concur, the dead in the head citizens aka consumer rats also known as
     Americans (of which I am one), can not mentally extend pass the simple
     metric, my high school history lessons, during which I was looking up some
     hot chicks skirt.
     Skippy…Americans = good guys – bad guys + shoot on sight = ask questions
     later = Chuck Norris + Clint Eastwood SQ’ed, and the world is fked up????
     PS. its getting difficult to shop with all this static about GFC and silly
     places like Iran, really now[!] I’m trying hard to debt myself for the
     continuation of my species.
 3.  anonymous June 26, 2010 at 6:02 am
     Here’s a thought experiment: Imagine a socialist is elected in a South
     American country with major ports on the Pacific during the cold war. The
     United States decides to depose the democratically elected president by
     undermining his government using economic terrorism and then formally, by
     underwriting a military coup.
     Or here’s another one: imagine a Virginia surveyor and slave-owner joins a
     group of speculators hoping to cash in big on a large piece of contested
     property in the Ohio valley. He leads a ‘surveying party’ into the
     contested territory and helps trigger a war between the natives who live,
     there, and the British government that administers the property.
     Or, how about this? A group of religious cranks murder all political
     opponents and take over a nation formerly occupied by Britain and run for
     several decades by a former cavalry officer allied with the US. The cranks
     hang gay people for being gay, censor the press, fund terrorism across the
     globe and openly support the destruction of one of America’s most important
     The world isn’t about to change anytime soon. The idea that Russia, China,
     Turkey, Iran, and Syria are benign nations only interested in the
     well-being of their own citizenry is a fiction belied by the historical
     There is no democracy in Iran, after their Revolution, and after the murder
     of the secular moderates. Many in Iran and the region are dedicated to the
     destruction of the state of Israel. The United States still has the power
     to intimidate Iran and should.
     1. another anonymous poster June 26, 2010 at 6:33 am
        History says that Iran has not attacked another country in over 300
        years. History says that Iran spends less on its military per year than
        Singapore. That is the historical record.
     2. mock turtle June 26, 2010 at 2:08 pm
        to anonymous and AL
        whew that was close
        at first i thought you were going to blame usa for
        overthrowing the duly elected government of chile and installing a
        murderous dictator
        or stealing panama from venzuela by fomenting a war
        or enslaving a race of people for over a hundred years and then using
        jim crow to keep them little better than slaves for a hundred more
        or starting a war in nicaragua and financing terrorists to overthrow an
        elected government
        or committing genocide against native peoples during westward expansion
        just repeat the following words and you will feel better
        my country right or wrong…
        my country right or wrong…
        my country right or wrong…
        america is a great country, but we have committed our share of sins and
        are far from perfect
     3. Francois T June 26, 2010 at 8:50 pm
        “There is no democracy in Iran, after their Revolution, and after the
        murder of the secular moderates.”
        I don’t recall seeing a democracy in Iran after the deposition of
        Mossadeh by the US.
        Didn’t see the US insisting heavily on the establishment of a democratic
        state while the Shah was in power.
        But NOW, we insist on Iran becoming democratic?
        Can you spell h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y?
 4.  Neil D June 26, 2010 at 6:04 am
     Yes – American foreign policy has been pretty counter-productive for a long
     time. Blame it on American exceptionalism and superpower delusions of
     grandeur. Thank goodness no one I know is stupid enough to join the
     But let the big boys play superpower games, it’s good entertainment.
     Someday we might even get to see a nuclear exchange which destroys the
     middle east and rescues humanity from the religious fanatics living there.
     How’s that for a silver lining?
     1. wunsacon June 26, 2010 at 9:53 am
        >> Thank goodness no one I know is stupid enough to join the military.
        Many join not because they’re stupid but because the military offers
        better opportunities than they see around them. Or because they’re
        (very) young and not cynical.
     2. bhatman June 26, 2010 at 3:31 pm
        You’re the stupid one. Military offers a very good life for those who
        can adapt to it. And most jobs don’t involve a lot of danger. Most Navy
        jobs are low-risk, for example. Air Force is low risk for most of the
        technical people (they have a small number of guards and truck drivers
        who are at risk). Even the Army and Marines can be low risk if you are,
        for whatever reason, unlikely to see front-line combat. For example, my
        90lb niece asked about being an Army nurse or similar health-care
        worker. Paid education, good salary upon graduation, early retirement,
        and very little likelihood that she’ll be sent to the front lines. A
        90lb woman whose primary training is in healthcare (as opposed to
        languages or explosives or whatever) is a liability on the front lines,
        not an asset. Sounds like a good plan to me, I said. Now if she was a 6′
        180lb football-playing boy who wanted to join the Army or Marines, that
        would be a different story.
        If my niece does take that Army opportunity, you, Neil D, will be payign
        for her free education, good salary, generous benefits, and early
        1. Neil D June 27, 2010 at 9:59 am
           Free education? Isn’t that socialism?
 5.  Diego Méndez June 26, 2010 at 6:04 am
     Gonzalo Lira,
     impressive post. It’s no coincidence that you are living in Chile. All you
     down there know what “Chinese” imperialism is about.
     After reading the post, I had to admit to myself: no matter how good
     relations with “China” are now, no matter how friendly the meetings between
     our leaders, the day “China” wants something from my country and can take
     it away from us… it will, whatever the means.
 6.  Avg John June 26, 2010 at 6:12 am
     Ridiculous unrealistic good guy vs bad guy assessment.
     Shucks, haven’t the muslims demonstrated throughout their history that they
     only want to mind their own business and live in peace? A human history of
     10,000 years of brutality and war and it’s all America’s fault? If only
     Iran and Brazil were the world’s superpowers, then the world would be at
     peace and act in harmony.
     It’s simple really. It’s just human nature. Those that lust for power and
     control end up in charge. And if you stand in their way or oppose them they
     will kill you given the right opportunity. It’s the same across all
     countries and cultures. It’s always been that way.
     There aren’t any good guys and nuclear weapons are just the manifestation
     of human madness.
     1. DownSouth June 26, 2010 at 8:48 am
        “It’s always been that way.”
        Yes, but does that mean it always has to be that way? Or is man capable
        of evolving?
        It seems like man can either evolve and find solutions, or he can
        perish. And I’m not so sure that nuclear proliferation is the leading
        contender for human self-extinction. There are also the threats of
        global warming and the poisoning of the oceans, to name just a couple of
        other top contestants in man’s race to self-annihilation.
        It’s funny you should mention 10,000 years ago, because that’s about the
        time man discovered agriculture, which allowed him to move away from
        social organization in small hunter-gatherer groups.
        Your comment signals an adherence to the all-purpose learning theory
        which Cosmides and Tooby called the “Standard Social Sciences Model” or
        SSSM. The problem with this theory is that, by itself, it denies
        learning, development, and cultural change as an open-ended process. It
        relies almost exclusively on genetic determinism (evolutionary
        psychology), with everything that has taken place since the advent of
        agriculture counting for nothing.
        SSSM is in denial of the Axial Age, the era from 800 to 200 B.C. when
        man started to incorporate on a very large social scale, beginning with
        the Achaemenid or Persian Empire, followed by the Roman Empire, the
        Chinese Empire under the Han Dynasty and so forth. This era coincides
        with the development of a number of world religions—-monotheism,
        Buddhism, Confucianism, and Stoicism—-and some postulate it is the
        advent of these Axial age ideologies that enabled social cooperation on
        such a very large scale to take place, beyond ethnic communities. The
        key to these ideologies is not the supernatural, but the integrative
        SSSM is also in denial of the shift from traditional religion to
        modernism as the integrative ideology of the West that occurred with the
        Enlightenment and the Age of Reason.
        There is of course no guarantee that mankind can navigate itself out of
        its current morass. But there is also no guarantee of the Armageddon
        prophesied by the harbingers of doom and gloom either. As David Sloan
        Wilson has so aptly concluded, “Confront a human group with a novel
        problem, and its members may well come up with a workable solution.”
        1. Avg John June 26, 2010 at 2:51 pm
           Down South,
           I admit to being a little bit cynical and jaded and I wish and pray
           for peace, but I consider myself a realist.
           I don’t deny that we humans have a noble side. We can empathize, care
           and show charity. But we also have a dark side. And while the age of
           enlightenment and 400 years of serious scientific investigation freed
           us from the brutish daily existence of our ancestors and gave rise to
           advances in technologies that have made possible supporting a world
           population of 6.5 billion people, it has also given rise to nuclear
           arms, conventional and high tech killing apparatus,
           and chemical warfare technologies, along with host of other problems
           you mention such as water, air and noise pollution, alienation, drug
           addiction and so on and so forth.
           For enlightened intellectuals with all of the answers, I say show me.
           Tell me how you get the North and South Koreans to live together, how
           Palestinians and Jews can live side by side in peace. How will you
           eliminate notions of Nations-states and borders, do away with
           property rights, abolish penal and law enforcement systems. How will
           you deal with the next Hitler, Stalin, Napoleon or Genghis Khan? More
           than anything, I want to know what sacrifice the intellectuals are
           personally willing to make. I want to see their plan, not just their
           complaints. Them first. It always seems to be the “little” people
           that end up paying the price for their dreams of nirvana and heaven
           on earth.
           For me, these intellectuals are simply the next competing group in
           line, that want to assume the same control and power over the
           populations that they charge the current group in power maintains.
           Their first order of business, is stirring up the dissent to mobilize
           the masses to demanding we replace one competing group with another,
           which always means themselves.
           I am not saying all, but I bet many of the so called peacenics on
           this site don’t realize that most homeless people are in greater need
           of someone to grip their hand firmly, look them dead in the eye, and
           sincerely tell them they are worthy as human beings as opposed to
           just providing them with a box of canned and dry goods from a food
           pantry or slopping out food in a soup kitchen. Heck, they don’t even
           realize that some of the so-called homeless people that they pass by
           on the streets are actually God’s angels. Where else would God’s
           spirit reveal itself, if not with the poor and the hungry?
           They don’t know because they lack the humility, experience, and never
           took the time to find out. Besides, God oftentimes doesn’t reveal
           himself to the clever and conceited or else they’ve blinded
           themselves to even such possibilities.
           By the way, I don’t include you in that camp. Even though I don’t
           agree with some of your ideas, I can and do respect your opinion.
           1. Toby June 26, 2010 at 4:18 pm
              Those are important points. The problem is, there are indeed many
              plans out there, but achieving consensus on them is probably
              impossible. Right now open and humble discussion is about the best
              we can manage, as little as that is. In my opinion collapse will
              happen, globally too, then something will emerge out of the
              rubble. While we can still talk and share ideas, that’s the only
              way we have of sowing seeds for a (hopefully) better and more
              sustainable future.
              In terms of ideas, you might find Bernard Lietaer interesting
              (google him, and you can hear him on YouTube), and, if you’re able
              to deal open-mindedly with the wacko side of things, the ideas
              contained in post-scarcity or resource-based economics offer a
              radically different way of organising society, including no more
              nation states, no more government per se, and a bunch of other far
              out stuff. We are a very long way from realizing such concepts,
              but only because we are so culturally and spiritually removed from
              them. That’s my opinion anyway.
        2. RJ June 27, 2010 at 1:07 pm
           “Or is man capable of evolving?”
           I think human nature is pretty constant over time.
           The things that motivate people today are pretty much the same as
           have always motivated people, adjusted for different societies and
     2. jdmckay June 26, 2010 at 10:16 am
        > Ridiculous unrealistic good guy vs bad guy assessment.
        Not really… author’s allegory is about right.
        > Shucks, haven’t the muslims demonstrated throughout their history that
        > they only want to mind their own business and live in peace?
        Well, Avg. John, you demonstrate well the result of 50 yrs. propaganda
        foisted upon US citizens can indeed delude them completely. And given
        your utterly inaccurate synopsis, said delusions… taken hold, can & do
        lead to war based on false premises.
        Anyway, “Avg. John” is certainly an apt screen name… at least you got
        that right.
     3. reskeptical June 26, 2010 at 10:22 am
        “Shucks, haven’t the muslims demonstrated throughout their history that
        they only want to mind their own business and live in peace? A human
        history of 10,000 years of brutality and war and it’s all America’s
        fault?” –Avg John
        Islam was only “invented” around 700 AD. America was settled in … Avg
        John– very average indeed.
     4. Toby June 26, 2010 at 11:37 am
        “It’s simple really. It’s just human nature. Those that lust for power
        and control end up in charge. And if you stand in their way or oppose
        them they will kill you given the right opportunity. It’s the same
        across all countries and cultures. It’s always been that way.”
        This is only narrowly true. Even countries are recent in human history.
        The dynamic you describe became truer and truer for human societies
        after they became sedentary and more complex (post-farming). The vast
        majority of our time on Earth has been spent in egalitarian societies.
        That’s what I’ve been reading recently, anyway: “Hierarchy in the
        Forest”, “Mutual Aid” and “The Ascent of Humanity” to name three
        sources. It is far from inevitable, but I personally hope a return to
        our more ‘natural’ egalitarian ways is on the cards. Research laid out
        in “The Spirit Level” shows clearly how deeply the human animal benefits
        from fairness and income equality. Fairness is good for everyone, it
        Sadly, people often have very fixed ideas about ‘human nature’, but very
        few who indulge in this type of barroom debating actually know what they
        are talking about. It’s a big problem with the internet, which becomes
        an echo chamber of received wisdoms. We’ve given ourselves a platform in
        which everyone can divulge their opinions as if they were expert. Most
        often it is done in a spirit of ‘This Is Right!’ and not ‘is this
        right?’ Humility is the healthier and more constructive stance, in my
        There is human nature, of course, but it is most deliciously flexible
        and malleable. Just have a look at the gamut of our sexual tastes, the
        fact of suicide, the total dependency of the new born on its care
        givers, and much else besides, to see how deeply environment influences
        the behaviors humans are capable of. We are a weird beast.
        1. Doug Terpstra June 26, 2010 at 8:45 pm
           “We are a weird [and wonderful] beast.” Indeed.
           Equally self-evident is what you write about spirit, (inspiration
           often found here at NC): “‘The Spirit Level’ shows clearly how deeply
           the human animal benefits from fairness and income equality. Fairness
           is good for everyone, it seems.”
           To me, that dynamic has been proven as effectively as plate
           technonics from the recent history of New Deal social democracy
           compared to reaganesque plutolatry-driven, violent kleptocracy.
           What you (and DS, attempter, et al) describe is precisely what all of
           us need because and are hard-wired for. We see it unfolding in
           history (in fits and starts) and also know in our bones that it’s
           already in our genes—the next quantum evolutionary-spiritual leap.
           Great events require the right circumstances and catalyst, but those
           are coming fast—the collapse of unsustainable finance and militarism
           and the ecological/biological survival imperative. It’s an exciting
           time to be alive.
 7.  Richard Kline June 26, 2010 at 6:13 am
     Iran is strategically and materially _irrelevant_ to the US and our
     interests of and functional value. Why are our policy makers obsessed with
     the nonexistant then? Irrational, no? No: America and Americans need a
     designated threat to justify our putative exceptionalism on the basis of
     standing up to it. It doesn’t matter if the threat is nonexistant, as in
     this instance. We are great and good because some Other we designate as
     meagre and bad exists for us to ‘confront.’ This is a psychodrama in short,
     but something deeply, basally ingrained in the defining myths and
     narratives of the shared culture which defines our decision space (among
     other things). There is an historical argument to be made for this
     position, the kind of thing I have, at times, much concerned myself with.
     There is a problem, however. Since the status of a ‘designated foe’ has
     nothing to do with the actual behavior of the group involved as opposed to
     our American need to have such a group _at all times_, it really doesn’t
     matter what that other group does: nothing could be enough because the
     reality basis of the assessments is of no relevance to the determination.
     This leads to really quite delusional, not to say pathological, behaviors,
     and the justification of extremely vile and lethal actions against those so
     designated if that happens to be of interest to particular policy makers.
     You see, it doesn’t matter if Iran or Iranians are a threat or even ‘evil’
     because the Great White Finger has been pointed and so they are Evil by
     definition, no further justification required.
     As you may conclude, I find this process, well, _sick_. Exceptionally so.
     It’s No Fun to live in a nation sucking up it’s own hypocrisy like nectar
     on a 24-hour cycle basis. I can’t say this will all end badly, aside from
     for the many innocents whom we will carelessly ‘collaterally damage’ in
     demonstrating our exceptional ability to not see them as human beings or
     even for what they are, but delusions of ordure of this kind seldom end
     creditably to say nothing of end well.
     1. jdmckay June 26, 2010 at 10:38 am
        > ran is strategically and materially _irrelevant_ to the US and our
        > interests of and functional value.
        I don’t know about that: Iran has huge oil, is centrally located thus
        influential in their sphere, and (if world economy ever recovers from
        current stall) poised to be major player in Natural Gas.
        Beyond that, for reasons author outlines, Iran (not just Mullahs, the
        populace as a whole) distrust of western motives is indeed well placed.
        EG. anti (rather then cooperative) west polices filter out and have
        their affect.
        > Why are our policy makers obsessed with the nonexistant then?
        > Irrational, no?
        Bush’s entire Iraq adventure initiated, advocated, conceived by hardline
        AIPAC Likudniks… wrapped in PR that was beyond absurd: Feith, Wolfowitz,
        Pearle et’al… utterly, utterly absurd.
        You talk about American Exceptionalism. But what about Zionist
        exceptionalism? And what about entire ME policy of US, as expressed
        through BushCo’s Iraq efforts, conducted/orchestrated… eg. US policy
        taken over by… Likud/AIPAC ideals which demand denigration of
        Palestinians to utter sub-human status, and justify mobilization of US
        military in service of those ideals?
        These guys actually told US public that “Palestinian Solution” ran
        through Baghdad, as part of the “liberation” sales pitch. The
        counterfeit Niger-Yellow-Cake schpeel, leaked through Italian
        intelligence, left documented trail putting Michael Ledeen as the
        architect of that lie.
        And this f**ker, for decades, has worked (along w/all the others) to
        move US policy in service of Likudnic insanity which over and over
        produces the same results: tremendous cost for US in $$ & respect, and
        continued wealth & perpetuation of Israel as an island forever at war
        w/it’s neighbors.
        One of he great mysteries to me is, despite the repeated demonstrated
        destructiveness of US actions as proxy for narrow ideolgical
        Likud/hardline Zionists… how a very narrow, discredited group of
        assholes can drive, again and again and again, US policy into a black
        hole benefiting only the few driving the policy.
        In that sense, there’s a parallel between their efforts and seeming
        untouchable insulation of US captains of finance:
        * small, unrepresentative group
        * co-opt policly affecting everyone, w/out consensus of those affected.
        * execute said policy to their massive enrichment, and to detriment of
        all the rest
        * maintain control of levers of power (somehow) so that their influence
        persists, regardless of results.
        1. DownSouth June 26, 2010 at 12:11 pm
           “One of he great mysteries to me is, despite the repeated
           demonstrated destructiveness of US actions as proxy for narrow
           ideolgical Likud/hardline Zionists… how a very narrow, discredited
           group of assholes can drive, again and again and again, US policy
           into a black hole benefiting only the few driving the policy.”
           I think you give the right-wing Jews way too much credit.
           In the coalition of militarists, in addition to the right-wing Jews,
           Kevin Phillips in American Theocracy also places the following:
           1) The military industry
           2) The oil industry
           3) Most Fundamentalist Protestants
           4) Most Mormons
           5) Most Missouri Synod Lutherans
           6) Most Eastern Rite and traditional Catholics
           By far and away, the greatest source of foot soldiers for this
           coalition is provided by Protestant fundamentalist churches.
           1. jdmckay June 26, 2010 at 1:07 pm
              With all due respect, the group you mention *supported* the
              effort, but did not conceive it. It was conceived and executed by
              who I said. Further, a number of those Likudnic/neo-con architects
              did have tentacles reaching into the profit parts of the exercise:
              Richard Pearle comes immediately to mind.
              AIPAC’s influence on these “events” is both covert,
              laser-beam-focused on those w/levers of power, and ruthlessly
              effective. And at least as covert (non-transparent) as finance
              industry’s influence over same in their singular pursuit of US Fed
              gov’s service to their goals.
              It was AIPAC talking points used by entire Bush admin campaigning
              for Iraq invasion… across the board.
              And what about Israel’s levelling of Lebanon… “birth pangs of
              democracy”, and gondaLiza Rice put it… what possible US interest
              was in service there? And by what international standard could
              Israel’s actions be justified, given very minor disputes which
              initiated the whole thing?
              It actually goes much further: in Soviet Georgian incident a
              couple years ago, which most US/EU press reported as Soviet
              aggression and supplied “cluster bombs”, it was actually Israeli
              cluster bombs dropped on South Ossetia, it was Israeli advisers
              for week prior to the incident directing things. (I’ve got links
              to all this somewhere).
              And, as far as “support” for Iraq by groups you mention: large
              reason for that support was utter false propaganda generated by
              BushCo, disseminated and largely created by group I mention. Or in
              other words: neo-con likudniks were first cause, others were at
              least once removed.
              That as a result, as evidenced by many commenters here,
              perceptions of Muslims, Iranian history etc. is skewed to subjects
              pounded home by the propagandists through Bush years… just further
              testament to efficacy of such methods, regardless of moral
              1. DownSouth June 26, 2010 at 3:51 pm
                 Oh, I think the effort was conceived before most Jews or their
                 progenitors ever set foot in America, or before Israel was even
                 remotely imaginable.
                 The US was a regional power before it was a global power, and
                 it first declared its imperial pretensions with the formulation
                 of the Monroe Doctrine in 1823. It forbade a European presence
                 in hemispheric affairs and at the same time paved the way for
                 US interference in Latin America.
                 In the latter part of the 19th century Great Britain ceded its
                 imperial role in Latin America to the US who, as Carlos Fuentes
                 explains, “employed the same instruments of economic power,
                 namely favorable agreements for their merchants, loans and
                 credits, investment, and the handling of the export economy of
                 minerals, agricultural produce, and natural products required
                 by Anglo-American expansion.” “A highly privileged local
                 minority” was installed by the US, Fuentes continues, to serve
                 “as intermediaries, both for these exports and for the imports
                 of manufactured European and North American goods.”
                 When Mexico’s brutal dictator, Porfirio Diaz, was ousted in the
                 Mexican Revolution in 1911, Francisco Madero was chosen to the
                 presidency in a democratic election. Madero, however, was not
                 friendly to US interests and so the US ambassador to Mexico,
                 Henry Lane Wilson, conspired with the Mexican general
                 Victoriano Huerta in a military coup to overthrow Madero.
                 Madero and his vice president, José María Pino Suárez, were
                 assassinated and Madero’s brother, Gustavo A. Madero, was
                 arrested and tortured to death. “I will teach Latin Americans
                 to elect good men to office,” President Woodrow Wilson
                 proclaimed. Thus began the 80-year rule of Mexico by the PRI
                 party, which the Peruvian poet Mario Vargas Llosa described as
                 “the perfect dictatorship.”
                 Military interventions and occupations in Haiti, the Dominican
                 Republic, Honduras and Nicaragua were all carried out, as
                 Fuentes put it, “in the name of stability, democracy, law and
                 order, and protection of U.S. lives and property (notably those
                 of the great agribusiness of that time, the United Fruit
                 After WWII the United States became a global power. And, as
                 Jonathan Schell observes, “soon in the name of anticommunism
                 the United States was supporting many colonial regimes,
                 including, with notably disastrous results, that of the French
                 in Vietnam.” Before long
                 the United States became the supporter and often the installer
                 of murderous right-wing dictatorships on every continent—-a
                 pattern of conduct that, in its brutality and indifference to
                 the will of local peoples, strongly resembled the supposedly
                 rejected European precedent. A short list of such regimes would
                 include those of Shah Reza Pahlavi in Iran, the dictator Saddam
                 Hussein in Iraq (until he invaded Kuwait), the House of Saud in
                 Saudi Arabia, Mobutu Sese Seko in the Congo, Fulgencio Batista
                 in Cuba, Park Chung Hee in South Korea, a succession of
                 civilian and military dictators in South Vietnam, Lon Nol in
                 Cambodia, Suharto in Indonesia, Marcos in the Philippines, the
                 colonels’ junta in Greece, Franco in Spain and a long list of
                 military dictators in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Guatemala, El
                 Salvador, Nicaragua, and Pakistan. In supporting such
                 governments, the United States was acting in pursuit of both
                 Cold War geopolitical aims and economic advantage: the regimes
                 in question were in general both anticommunist and friendly to
                 American interests.
                 When you ask “what possible US interest was in service there?”
                 I believe that ideology trumped interest a long time ago. The
                 logic of war has long eclipsed the logic of politics (interest)
                 and the United States has become a victim of the senseless
                 thing that Clausewitz had once feared: “a complete,
                 untrammeled, absolute manifestation of violence” that would
                 “drive policy out of office and rule by the laws of its own
              2. Joseppi June 26, 2010 at 3:52 pm
                 The unholy alliance between the racist Zionist and fantasy
                 obsessed fundamentalist Christians, each using the other for
                 their religious end game and being driven to irrational
                 behavior by their military/industrial Pharisees, with their
                 blatant hijacking US foreign policy in front of a acquiescent
                 sleepwalking US public – has left serious doubts about our
              3. Doug Terpstra June 26, 2010 at 10:20 pm
                 Jdmckay, you and DS seem to be talking past eachother. Your
                 recent history is devastatingly accurate and I’m sure you know
                 there is much more Mossad intrigue in many areas beyond
                 Georgia, including Dubai, Venezuela, and almost certainly the
                 But what I hear DS saying is that it’s part and parcel of the
                 international elite’s imperial purposes in fueling profitable
                 and powering-consolidating conflict. Zionism itself as a racist
                 construct, with its attendant growing anti-Semitism and
                 religious fanaticism, is a convenient fabrication for their
                 self-sustaining ‘clash of civilizations’, just as it was in
                 World War II by Rothschild machinations. Even the ethnicity of
                 the Jewish race is highly dubious—certainly untraceable to
                 David, with thus broken messiah lineage.
                 But his (and Joseppi’s) point about Protestant fundamentalist
                 churches reveals the maddeningly absurd irony in this great end
                 game. Enabling and greasing Israel’s slide toward
                 self-destruction, ‘Left-behinder’ (right wing) “Christians” are
                 hoping and working toward the prophesied immolation of Israel
                 (exc. 144,000 converted Jews) at Har Megiddo (Armageddon), a
                 place between Ariel and Sharon, curiously enough, so that the
                 Prince of Peace can alight on a newly glassified Mount of
                 Olives. Weird, unholy alliance indeed, Joseppi, but as Chris
                 Hedges writes in “American Fascists” nearly half of the
                 American population believes earnestly in this apocalypse.
                 Imagination is a powerful force.
              4. Skippy June 27, 2010 at 4:32 am
                 Doug lets not forget the DNA evidence in ethiopia (ouch) and
                 Egyptian monotheism (ddl ouch).
 8.  fairul reeza June 26, 2010 at 6:37 am
     Anonymous: ‘A group of religious cranks murder all political opponents and
     take over a nation formerly occupied by Britain and run for several decades
     by a former cavalry officer allied with the US. The cranks hang gay people
     for being gay, censor the press, fund terrorism across the globe and openly
     support the destruction of one of America’s most important allies.’?
     note that the Republicans in Texas (as of last week) are all STILL calling
     for banning homosexuality, despite the Supreme Court’s striking it down way
     back when in Lawrence vs. Texas; Washington has been ‘funding terrorism’
     across the globe – from Latin America to Asia Pacific – for ages, press
     freedom in the days of Fox Network? puh-leez; and of course talking about a
     former cavalry officer, heck, there was an actor in Washington for goodness
     i’m not one for or against the other, but if it takes a tyrant to overthrow
     another, who’s to say which is better? the one that the people power put in
     place or a foreign power’s?
     cue: Hamas winning a democratic election, and the West’s rejection of that
     victory. i’m not necessarily for Hamas’ policies, but if the people have
     spoken, doesn’t that say something for how they feel about the sh*thole
     they’re in? and who put them there. why should we reject their opinions and
     emotions, just because it doesn’t tally with ours? sitting in the comfort
     of our lazy boys instead of the constant threat from a nuclear invader.
     i agree with Neil’s comment: ‘Someday we might even get to see a nuclear
     exchange which destroys the middle east and rescues humanity from the
     religious fanatics living there. How’s that for a silver lining?’
     but note that there are some who say the same thing about the US re:
     religious fanatics. baby Bush actually said God spoke to him, remember?
     but all this misses the point: it was a thought experiment, and from we’ve
     seen in the comments did what it was meant to do. nice write up Gonzalo.
     Kudos Yves for having it in.
 9.  Bill Smith June 26, 2010 at 7:10 am
     Every 6 or 8 months the US swaps out Carrier Battle groups in the Middle
     East and this kind of talk crops up.
     Just wondering:
     “This pre-emptive strike will bring about a nuclear retaliation by
     Iran—they’ll simply buy a few from Russia (which would be happy to sell
     them, if Israel starts launching nukes helter-skelter), and that will be
     that for Israel. Israel is smaller, and more concentrated. In any nuclear
     war, Israel will lose.”
     What happens to Iran under this scenario?
 10. anonymous June 26, 2010 at 7:20 am
     Meanwhile, the unthinkable isn’t just being considered, it’s being
     advocated. The steady drip-drip-drip of casualties coming out of
     Afghanistan has indeed prompted a rethinking of US ROE. Turkey, Iran, and
     Russia are being sized up in a very serious way.
     I frankly doubt whether Obama intimidates anyone. Which is really sad,
     because I don’t doubt his willingness to go the full monty in the ME or
     anywhere else. The aggressive pursuit of suspected terrorists around the
     globe and the drone strikes confirm Obama isn’t afraid to spill blood.
 11. gordon June 26, 2010 at 7:37 am
     To a large extent, what actually happens in Iran is irrelevant. “Iran”,
     “mullahs”, “Greens” “fundamentalists” and the other buzzwords are counters
     in a US domestic political game which you can play without even knowing
     where Iran is or any of its recent or ancient history. It’s fundamentally
     about messages which do or don’t “play in Peoria”.
     That being the case, there is no reason why Iran (the actual country) need
     be involved at all. Computerised visual special effects are now so good
     that a convincing documentary and/or “news” videos about a pro-American
     coup in Iran could easily be made and portrayed as the real thing. The
     President who did this would be famous and popular, regardless of what
     actually happens in Iran (the country). He could take credit for a huge
     foreign policy coup, and do it at the most effective political moment.
     Or if a darker message is desired, “news” about what happened when the
     Israelis pre-emptively “attacked” Iran could be created, for a somewhat
     different impact. The ending of the story could be adjusted according to
     political requirements.
     There would need to be some cooperation by the news media, of course, but
     they have proven to be remarkably cooperative over Iraq and Afghanistan, so
     this would just be going one step further down an already established path
     of cooperation with Govt. They are fundamentally in the entertainment
     business anyway, and broadcasting faked-up “news” would be easier to
     control and more convenient in lots of ways.
     This strategy would be far cheaper than what is actually going on (a
     picture of an aircraft carrier is still cheaper than an aircraft carrier)
     and totally open to manipulation according to political need. Best of all,
     there would be no requirement to interfere with the actual foreign
     countries at all, which would be wonderful for them.
     1. gordon June 26, 2010 at 8:38 pm
        Of course Hollywood would love it.
        Barbie: Hon, don’t you think Ahmedinajad is starting to look a bit like
        Nicholas Cage?
        Ken: What? Sweetie, of course not! How could he? This is news,
        sugarplum, from Iran!
        Barbie: Well, it’s just when the beard comes loose, he sort of reminds
        me of Nicholas Cage in “FaceOff”.
        Ken: You really do have an imangination, don’t you sweetheart!
 12. Extinct Species June 26, 2010 at 8:03 am
     Interesting thought experiment and I don’t really disagree with its point
     For the thought experiment to have a more precise alignment Canada and
     Mexico would have to be enemies of the United States and the US and Mexico
     would have fought a bloody 8 year war to a stalemate, a war started by a
     ruthless Mexican dictator of questionable sanity, a dictator with a strong
     historical and cultural animosity of the US. And in invading Mexico China
     would have overthrown this dictator and the minority sect he represented
     and basically replaced it with a power structure much more friendly to the
     US and eventually even prone to be strongly influenced or even dominated by
     the US. So while China was still there in force the US would remain
     rightfully apprehensive but the long run results of the invasion would
     greatly favor it being beneficial to the US.
     Furthermore, China would be getting bled, bogged down in Canada as the
     terrorists they are after had effectively used the regions tribal
     cohesions, geography and refuge in Alsakastan, a poor unstable nuclear
     power and pseudo ally of the Chinese, to thwart them.
     Thought experiments can be fun. The one you did with the Middle East
     becoming more stable after Iran got nuclear weapons was quite pollyanna.
     Here’s a different thought experiment using that scenario. Iran gets the
     bomb so Saudi Arabia and Egypt feel obligated to go nuclear which in turn
     leads to Turkey and Syria doing the same. As the process plays out nuclear
     tensions rise and somewhere along the way someone pulls the trigger.
 13. billwilson June 26, 2010 at 8:47 am
     The US military industrial complex needs a continuous state of war to “feed
     itself”. So far it has been very successful with the US now spending 50% of
     world military expenditures, even without a real enemy.
     The problem of course is that with a massive budget deficit someone in
     Washington may get it in their head to try to cut the defense budget (and
     not just unemployment benefits). So expect the MIC to keep vigorously
     stirring the pot to ensure it does not get strangled in the deficit cutting
     rampage when it starts.
 14. Dan Duncan June 26, 2010 at 9:27 am
     Keeping in sync with the prose of Gonzalo Lira, Filmmaker-Novelist….
     This post is really, really, really bad. It’s, it’s like you know… “a
     bowling ball or a watermelon, hollow.”
     I think the feedback mechanism between Gonzalo Lira, Novelist-Filmmaker and
     his audience is broken.
     My hunch is that the breakdown unfolded like this (and no, this is not an
     insipid “thought experiment”):
     A long, long time ago, Gonzalo Lira, Novelist-Filmmaker, desperately wanted
     to impress friends and family with his imagination. Friends and family
     responded with “OMG, Gonzalo Lira, Novelist-Filmmaker, this is so
     imaginative!” [They did this, not because they were truly impressed. No,
     they responded this way because they just wanted “IT” to stop.]
     Gonzalo Lira, Novelist-Filmmaker is anything but dumb, however. He knows
     there is a certain “hollowness” to their responses…so he adapts.
     Unfortunately, the result of this adaptation is not enhanced creativity.
     Rather, the result is to simply tailor his imaginings toward touchstone
     issues that he knows will strike a chord with his audience. This way, both
     Gonzalo Lira, Novelist-Filmmaker and his audience are spared: Gonzalo Lira,
     Filmmaker-Novelist gets to spew his 2 dimensional renderings and his
     audience no longer has to feign appreciation. They get to appreciate the
     work of Gonzalo Lira, Novelist-Filmmaker, not for any artistic value or
     insight into world affairs, but rather because these “works” simply
     validate a worldview. [Consider the previous comments on Lira’s post:
     Nobody actually read this turgid pile of shit. They just new it confirmed
     their worldview, so they tip their hats.]
     As always, I am here to help…so, to Gonzalo Lira, Novelist-Filmmaker please
     Your over-use of metaphors is not a demonstration of a superior
     imagination. Quite the contrary. Metaphors are shortcuts by the brain to
     avoid the creative process. They are fast and convenient, as they simply
     take a pre-existing template and modify accordingly. [Here’s a simile for
     you: Metaphors are like maps.]
     Unfortunately, as is typical when people get lost in their metaphors, you
     mistake them for the real thing.
     You need to stop writing this utter nonsense (your commentary on U.S.
     Constitutional Jurisprudence and fascism was beyond abysmal)….
     Instead, spend some time with Jorge Luis Borges and read: “Del Rigor en la
     Seriously, Gonzalo Lira, Novelist-Filmmaker…you have a real Map-Territory
     Relation Problem.
     So, repeat after me:
     The Map is not the fucking territory.
     An abstraction derived from something, is not the thing itself.
     Hell, Gonzalo Lira, Novelist-Filmmaker, maybe you could turn the preceding
     into a poem. Then, you could be Gonzalo Lira, Novelist-Filmmaker, Poet,
     Philosopher, US Constitutional Law/Foreign Policy Expert!
     [If you (whomever you are) hate what I just wrote, know this: The feedback
     mechanism between you and me is broken. I don’t want you to like it.
     But also know this: You actually read what I wrote. You didn’t read what
     Gonzalo Lira, Novelist-Filmmaker wrote. You tried. But you didn’t make it
     all the way through. You know it and I know it. But the real question is:
     Does Gonzalo Lira, Novelist-Filmmaker know it?]
     1. Gonzalo Lira June 26, 2010 at 10:02 am
        “Never get down in the mud to wrestle with a pig. You’ll only get dirty,
        and the pig will enjoy it.” —G. B. Shaw
     2. wunsacon June 26, 2010 at 10:21 am
        I hear “the map is not the territory”. But, how did a casual armchair
        analyst like myself predict in early 2003 that:
        – No WMD would be found in Iraq.
        – The initial invasion would be a piece of cake.
        – The Bush team, specifically because of their overconfidence, wouldn’t
        “mind the store” and would make enough mistakes to allow a civil war to
        How many other people knew “the map” but got these predictions wrong?
        So, consider: Maybe knowing “the map” can lead to you “seeing the trees”
        instead of “seeing the forest”.
        Also, I’m not sure what “the territory” is in this context.
        Comprehensive knowledge of international relations comes from reading,
        reading, and reading the various maps. Reading history and news. Anyone
        can do it. And that’s what most professional analysts do anyway, because
        they’re not omnipresent. Everyone relies on reports created by someone
        >> Unfortunately, as is typical when people get lost in their metaphors,
        you mistake them for the real thing.
        >> Quite the contrary. Metaphors are shortcuts by the brain to avoid the
        creative process. They are fast and convenient, as they simply take a
        pre-existing template and modify accordingly.
        Kinda like reducing Lira’s post to a “map-vs-territory” comparison. Eh?
        1. wunsacon June 26, 2010 at 10:23 am
           Er: how many other people knew “the [territory]” …
 15. jerry harrison June 26, 2010 at 10:06 am
     After trusting Yves and giving the author of this article the benefit of
     the doubt and spending three minutes to start reading it, I come away
     really wishing I had those three minutes of my life back.
     That was just insipid.
     1. K Ackermann June 26, 2010 at 8:11 pm
        Hey, it was only 3 minutes, and it was much better thought out than
        Colin Powell’s presentation to the UN.
        What did you think when he held up that vial of air?
 16. laosuwan June 26, 2010 at 10:10 am
     Iran (Persia) is an occupied country. It is a facist state whose government
     murders its opposition and tortures those who oppose the mullahs. Women and
     gays are stoned to death for adultry or simply existing. Irans leader is an
     Islamist hostage taker and believes his destiny is to bring the return of
     the medhi. This is what shapes the world view of Iran’s government.
     The leftist clowns in Chile, protected from the reality of islamo-facism by
     the Andes and Pacific, have this strange fascination with islam as a victim
     even though it is Islam that victimizes all it vanquishes. The leftists in
     Chile will give the keys to their country to the Palestineans, never
     realizing they are actually Jordanians acting a role to vanquish Israel,
     and find their arts, museums, equality and freedoms gone one day, just as
     the Europeans are beginning to discover.
     1. Skepticus Maximus June 26, 2010 at 10:57 am
        Let me guess. You watch Fox News.
     2. LeeAnne June 26, 2010 at 11:21 am
        Could you not say the same about the US. I could.
        1. LeeAnne June 26, 2010 at 11:35 am
           about the leftists in Chile, that is.
     3. DownSouth June 26, 2010 at 11:38 am
        The use of propaganda to demonize the putative “enemy” is a tactic of
        manipulation as old as the hills. Democratically elected leaders as well
        as dictators have found it a most effective tool to control and mobilize
        their populations.
        To wit:
        From the earliest days of the struggle each belligerent also carried on
        an internal war of ideas, coupled with popular persecution. To begin
        with, “enemy art” must be banned from the stage, the museum and the
        concert hall. More than this, it must be shown through scholarly books
        that enemy thinkers had long ago created the viciously aggressive
        character of the enemy nation. History backed up the charge: to the
        Allies, the Germans had always been barbarian raiders; they had
        destroyed Roman civilization and overrun the helpless Occident, their
        eternal motto: “Might Makes Right.” Hegel, Fichte, Nietzsche had
        glorified either the conquering state or the conquering superman, in
        Nietzsche’s words applicable to both, “the blond beat of prey.”
        The Germans had a corresponding case, in some respects more tenable: the
        French, though long since decadent, were pursuing their obsessive aim to
        dominate Central Europe. In their palmy days, it had been their
        playground; invasion after invasion had ravaged the small helpless
        states, kept them poor, underpopulated, and divided—-made them the
        laughing stock of the rest of the world. Slowly, from Frederick the
        Great to Bismark, nationhood had developed and had triumphed at
        Versailles in 1871. This legitimate union of German peoples into a
        German national state had created in France a breed of monarchists,
        nationalists, imperialists, anti-Semites, revanchards—-all rabid
        militarists who believed that breaking up Germany one more time was
        essential to both the well-being of France and the success of their
        several factions at home.
        England had naturally joined in. The age-old policy of meddling in
        continental affairs, always against the strongest, most advanced nation,
        was aimed at dominating the world by sea power and trade. The German
        character, noble, courageous, sincere (and pioneering in science and
        techne) had good reason to despise the decadent French and the English
        nation of shopkeepers, as Napoleon called them. In this joint betrayal
        of their best traditions—-to say nothing of the nuances of truth—-the
        leaders of opinion on both sides were rehearsing (so to speak) what
        happened less than a dozen years later, when writers, artists, and
        academics attacked or defended the renewed aggressiveness of Fascist,
        Communist, or National-Socialist regimes.
        –Jacques Barzun, From Dawn to Decadence
 17. Jackrabbit June 26, 2010 at 10:34 am
     For anyone will knowledge of the current difficulties with Iran, this
     thought experiment adds little.
     Yes, Iran has some historical grievances but if Iran is such a peaceful
     nation that is justified is fearing the actions of outsiders why does it
     act in such an antagonizing manner? Did holding American embassy people for
     soo long add to their security? Does threatening Isreal, taking British
     soldiers hostage, etc. add to their security?
     Those who would have us better understand Iran fail to understand the
     difficulties of working with a theocracy, and glide over the inherent
     danger in allowing a theocratic regime to hold nuclear weapons.
     1. Skepticus Maximus June 26, 2010 at 11:09 am
        I think there were two main reasons the Iranians held the American
        First, they were worried the US would invade them to re-install the
        Shah, and the Iranians wanted a bargaining chip/deterrent. Second, the
        US had frozen/confiscated $billions in Iranian assets and the Iranians
        wanted the money back. I personally think the Iranians were pretty
        stupid and amateurish with that move, but you need to remember the time
        and the context. Also, while Americans didn’t really understand Iran at
        the time (and still don’t), Iranians didn’t really understand the US at
        the time either. A lot of Iranian leaders later publicly regretted the
        hostage crisis, saying they had acted emotionally and in haste.
        As for the British military people they held, I think they assumed they
        were spies.
        Here’s a simple thought to keep in mind: All countries make mistakes,
        sometimes big ones. The thing about the US is that, especially over the
        last century or so, it was so much bigger and more important than the
        other actors on the world stage, that US mistakes tend to have enormous
        consequences. Something to keep in mind when the bought and paid for
        politicians in Washington start banging the drums for this or that.
        1. Skepticus Maximus June 26, 2010 at 11:22 am
           As for threatening Israel, the threats have been going both ways for
           a while now.
           Also, it should be remembered that while Iran has never invaded ANY
           of its neighbors for hundreds of years (it’s had few wars during the
           modern age, and all of these wars were defensive, you can look this
           up), Israel has invaded every single one of its neighbors, and
           currently holds an entire population of people under military
           I would really suggest that people do some due diligence and learn
           the history and facts about the middle east. It’s a region far away,
           but what happens there tends to have enormous effects on the world.
           And it is really inexcusable that so many people, especially in the
           US, are so clueless. This clueless attitude has been very very costly
           to the US.
           I like to believe, for example, that a more informed populace would
           not have been so easily tricked by Bush/Fox News/Neo-Cons/etc, into
           invading Iraq for WMDs that weren’t even there, at enormous cost in
           terms of human lives, treasure, and international respect and
           prestige. Basically, this was a lose-lose-lose for the US, cheered on
           at first by people who really thought it was the patriotic thing to
           do, and who mostly now want it to all go away like a bad dream.
     2. DownSouth June 26, 2010 at 1:04 pm
        ”Those who would have us better understand Iran fail to understand the
        difficulties of working with a theocracy, and glide over the inherent
        danger in allowing a theocratic regime to hold nuclear weapons.”
        I don’t think it’s that black and white.
        As John Gray explained in Al Qaeda and What It Means to Be Modern:
        No one did more in laying the intellectual foundations of radical Islam
        than the Egyptian thinker Sayyid Qutb. Born in 1906 in a small village,
        he moved to Cairo to live with an uncle, where he obtained his first job
        as an inspector in the Ministry of Education. His true vocation was as a
        writer. The several volumes of Quranic commentary he produced in prison
        are still widely read among Islamic militants. Influenced by Abdul Ala
        Maududi (1903-79), a Pakistani ideologue who first used the concept of
        jihad or holy war in an explicitly political context, Qutb became the
        thinker of the Muslim Brotherhood. He was executed by Nasser in 1966.
        The central them of Qutb’s writings is the spiritual emptiness of modern
        western societies. Like many Americans, Qutb saw the US as the paradigm
        of modern society. He lived in America for several years. He failed to
        notice that it is one of the most religious societies in the world.
        Starting with de Tocqueville, many perceptive visitors have noted the
        intense religiosity of America. According to the standard,
        social-scientific theory of advanced, knowledge-based societies, America
        should be following Europe in becoming steadily more secular; but there
        is not the slightest evidence for any such trend. Quite to the contrary,
        America’s peculiar religiosity is becoming ever more strikingly
        pronounced. It has by far the most powerful fundamentalist movement of
        any advanced country. In no otherwise comparable land do politicians
        regularly invoke the name of Jesus. Nowhere else are there movements to
        expel Darwinism from public schools. In truth, the US is a less secular
        regime than Turkey.
        To see America as a godless society is extremely curious, but it is of a
        piece with Qutb’s monocular view of the world….
        Qutb’s writings are filled with horror of the West, but he borrowed many
        of his ideas from western sources…. [T]he revolutionary vanguard Qutb
        advocates does not have an Islamic pedigree…The vanguard is a concept
        imported from Europe through a lineage that also stretches back to the
        Jacobins, through the Bolsheviks and latter-day Marxist guerillas such
        as the Baader-Meinhof gang.
        The intellectual roots of radical Islam are in the European
        Counter-Enlightenment. In this current of thought, which began to take
        shape in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the
        rational skepticism of Enlightenment thinkers such as David Hume led to
        a rejection of reason itself. J.G. Hamman rejected rational inquiry in
        favour or religious revelation. Kierkegaard defended religious faith in
        terms of subjective experience. J.G. Herder rejected the Enlightenment
        ideal of a universal civilization, believing there are many cultures,
        each in some ways unique. Later in the nineteenth century, thinkers such
        as Fichte and Nietzsche glorified will over reason.
        It is the fact that radical Islam rejects reason that shows it is a
        modern movement. The medieval world may have been unified by faith, but
        it did not scorn reason. Its view of the world came from a fusion of
        Greek rationalism with Judaeo-Christian theism. In the medieval scheme
        of things, Nature was believed to be rational.
        The Romantic belief that the world can be reshaped by an act of will is
        as much a part of the modern world as the Enlightenment ideal of a
        universal civilization based on reason. The one arose as a reaction
        against the other. Both are myths.
        In the nineteenth century, Romanticism was a German protest against the
        French claim to embody universal civilization. In the early twenty-first
        century, Romantic ideas have returned as part of the resistance to
        American universalism. Al Qaeda sees itself as an alternative to the
        modern world, but the ideas on which it draws are quintessentially
        modern. As Karl Kraus said of psychoanalysis: radical Islam is a symptom
        of the disease of which it pretends to be the cure.
 18. jdmckay June 26, 2010 at 10:44 am
     Excellent article, historically & factually close enough, and your
     allegories aptly represent the realities you attempt to portray.
     Very, very good article. Unfortunately, I suspect the US mindset is
     impervious to influence towards a factual accounting. Rather, given that
     mindset, powers that be are more likely to put you on some “terra’ist”
     list…. swooped up in some airport, and shipped to some black site for
     The mighty wheels of Peace, freedom etc. at work.
 19. LeeAnne June 26, 2010 at 10:44 am
     Dan Duncan,
     I, for once agree with you, up to the point where I stopped reading Lira’s
     post. I would ordinarily say to you about that (to myself to be sure), why
     would you waste so many words, so much time and energy on something that
     can just be bypassed or dismissed out of hand. For me, it was just plain
     ‘aw com’n this is getting tedious –what’s your point? And who cares anyway.
     He overstates his case –needs a good editor.
     But I find your analysis entertaining and interesting on the source of
     Lira’s method, reasoning and inspiration; especially the creative chicanery
     part. Accurate or not isn’t for me to say but it has added a new
     prospective to the arrows in my creative arts criticism quiver, if you know
     what I mean.
     Thank you.
 20. chad June 26, 2010 at 10:48 am
     “This pre-emptive strike will bring about a nuclear retaliation by
     Iran—they’ll simply buy a few from Russia (which would be happy to sell
     them, if Israel starts launching nukes helter-skelter)”
     That statement is positively ridiculous on so many levels. First of all,
     any preemptive strike by Israel would be non-nuclear. Second, if Russia
     sold Iran nukes to retaliate with it would guarantee Russia’s destruction.
     This article is drivel and costs Yves credibility in my eyes. Did she
     personally allow this on her blog or was it approved by another moderator?
     Yves, I can’t speak for all of us but I’d rather go a few days with no
     articles while you rest and get well than to read things like this here.
     1. Skepticus Maximus June 26, 2010 at 11:28 am
        You are quite correct. You cannot speak for all of us.
        The bit in the post about Iran buying nukes was weak, I agree with you
        on that.
        But as a thought exercise, the post, on the whole, was very interesting
        and illuminating. And reading the reactions the post engendered was
        equally interesting and illuminating.
 21. saladin June 26, 2010 at 11:30 am
     I’m afraid the analogy breaks down at the point where hostilities begin
     1.) Attack on Iran
     2.)Hezbollah fans out and deftly, asymmetically dismantles US interests
     1.) Attack on America
     2.) Elderly people wave teabag signs as DoD’s tenuous supply lines collapse
 22. alan drake June 26, 2010 at 11:42 am
     Another “thought experiment” –
     Imagine that there was a superb blob on auto mechanics, written by someone
     who had vast experience in the field and began to notice that a lot of
     Toyotas were showing up with bad braking systems. His insights into the
     problem and his whistle blowing helped create a larger stir of outrage and
     education among his readers, who began to more clearly understand that
     there was a bigger problem than most people imagined – and sure enough,
     this blogger was part of a larger movement to educate people to the wider
     problem, and maybe in some small ways helped produce some degree of
     solution to it over time.
     But this blogger also had other intests as well as auto mechanics – he race
     car driving. So when there wasn’t much in the news on auto mechanic issues,
     he started writing about NASCAR, with strong opinions on his favorite
     drivers – and invited other guest writers who agreed with him to also post
     articles about his favorite driver.
     After a while, all of the smart auto people who had originally been drawn
     to his blog started reading the NASCAR articles – but many were fans of
     other drivers. Soon, the comment section became a brawl among people
     arguing for their favorite driver – and those who were fans of drivers
     other than the blogger’s favorite driver began finding it annoying when
     they would voice their opinion and be smeared and ridiculed and drowned out
     by the fans of the blogger’s favorite driver – and besides, if they wanted
     to discuss NASCAR, there were MUCH better places to do that – although none
     of them were great forums for auto mechanic issues – the original specialty
     of the blog.
     In time, when vitally interesting auto mechanic news was breaking, most all
     of the fans of other drivers had long gone, taking their unique
     perspectives and contributions on auto mechanics with them. What remained
     was a bunch of fans of this one particular NASCAR driver having an echo
     chamber orgy, and the discussions on mechanical issues were the poorer for
     Thus the tale of Naked Capitalism – a great blog on finance, turning into a
     pale parody of DailyKos.
     Happy snarking!
     1. DownSouth June 26, 2010 at 2:08 pm
        alan drake,
        Ah yes, spoken like the true believer in classical economic theory, as
        if economics can somehow, supernaturally, be separated from the power
        that exists both within and without nations. As Jonathan Schell put it:
        The early champions of the free market, most of them British, had in
        fact looked to industry mainly to create the wealth of nations, as the
        title of Adam Smith’s classic book had it, not the power of nations,
        which had been the preoccupation of their mercantilist predecessors. The
        advocates of laissez-faire declared the independence of economics from
        state power. (The eventual coining of the word “economics,” identifying
        a distinct realm of human activity subject to its own laws, was one sign
        of their faith in that independence.) The market worked best, the
        worldly philosophers of the late eighteenth century believed, when the
        government kept its hands off it. Classical economics, in fact, “had not
        place for the nation, or any collectivity larger than the firm.”
        Smith’s successors proceeded even further in this line of thinking. In
        the early nineteenth century, the most prominent champions of the
        market, including the British champions of laissez-faire Richard Cobden
        and John Bright, contended that free trade, by breaking down or ignoring
        national boundaries, naturally tended to foster world peace. The market,
        they ardently believed, was a solvent of national units and a pacifier
        of national conflicts. “I see in the Free Trade principle,” Richard
        Cobden said in a speech in 1846, “that which shall act on the moral
        world as the principle of gravitation in the universe, drawing men
        together, thrusting aside the antagonism of race, and creed, and
        language, and uniting us in the bonds of eternal peace.” …. An unbroken
        thread of faith in free trade as an abettor of peace runs through the
        entire tradition of liberal internationalism, surviving many
        disappointments and continuing, if in attenuated for, to this day.
        However, events did not proceed as the liberal imperialists
        expected—-neither in Asia nor in Africa nor in the Ottoman Empire. The
        economic arrangements forced upon those lands did not strengthen and
        liberalize their governments but undermined them and drove them, one
        after another, toward collapse. The Egyptian government, for example,
        accepted loans from Europe, spent the funds on large but unproductive
        public projects, and, when these failed, sought to keep up payments on
        the loans by raising taxes on the poor, who grew discontented and
        rebellious. The imperial powers then were faced with what seemed a
        drastic choice: between withdrawing entirely and imposing direct rule.
        They chose direct rule.
        By the turn of the century, most of the territories of the globe had
        been incorporated by imperialism into the European vortex. Any move
        anywhere—-in the heart of Africa, in the Bay of Bengal, in the Strait of
        Tsushima—-by any of the great powers now seemed to the others likely to
        upset a global balance of power and to require a countermove. The
        conservative British politician Lord Curzon spoke for his whole
        generation of statesmen when, after a long journey to the Middle East in
        1890, he wrote, “Turkestan, Afghanistan, Transcaspia, Persia—-to many
        these names breathe only a sense of utter remoteness or a memory of
        strange vicissitudes and of moribund romance. To me, I confess, they are
        the pieces on a chessboard upon which is being played out a game for the
        dominion of the world.”
        –Jonathan Schell, The Unconquerable World
     2. anonymous June 26, 2010 at 8:41 pm
        Thanks for a fair and accurate summary of Yves’ drift away from her area
        of expertise. Yves is a bona fide authority on finance. We read her blog
        for her expert, often extremely accurate summaries and assessments of
        matter financial and for the other financial experts she invites to post
        This guest post is precisely the sort of diary we might expect to find
        at Daily Kos. The fact Yves evidently respects this writer raises real
        questions about her judgment. She’s doing enough damage to her own brand
        by welcoming the anti-American cranks posting on this board. The guest
        post is something we might expect from Juan Cole. The difference being
        that Juan Cole is an authority on the ME.
        I’ll give her a pass this time and put her bad judgment down to her
        1. Chief Hawk June 26, 2010 at 8:57 pm
           Hear that Yves? Some guy too scared to identify himself is putting
           you on probation for a lapse of judgment. I guess you’ll never know
           if he stops reading this blog.
           Why is it a lapse of judgment? Well for one thing, according to Mr.
           Anonymous war is good, and not waging every war that could be waged
           is Anti-American. People who argue that engaging in a particular war
           in a particular way at a particular time are “cranks” according to
           our Anonymous. Also, obviously, trillions of dollars of oil in Iran
           and trillions to fight a war there have nothing whatsoever to do with
           The fact that Gonzalo is a kind of expert in the area too and lives
           in Chile and has a South American perspective is also irrelevant.
           In the future, Yves, please only discuss the balance sheets of
           fortune 500 companies in the most abstract terms. We wouldn’t want to
           put a human face on any of this.
        2. borkman June 26, 2010 at 9:15 pm
           Wow, talk about arrogance and presumption.
           Let’s see….no substantive rebuttal of a single point in Lira’s post.
           The basis for the criticism? That it’s like Daily Kos. Oh, and it’s
           “anti-American” and it appears by extension, that anyone who is
           “anti-American” is a “crank.”
           So what your statement really says is:
           1. You have a strong ideological bias
           2. You therefore don’t like the post, but are unable to dispute its
           substantive points
           3. You attack the author and Yves
           I seem to recall that our host points that out as an ad hominem
           attack, generally the refuge of people who can’t muster a legitimate
           And who put you in charge of the thought police, BTW?
        3. Skippy June 26, 2010 at 9:19 pm
           OOhh here we go with the anti-American rubbish, that is the most
           asinine form of argumentation, try expanding that sediment next time.
 23. Bonesetter Brown June 26, 2010 at 11:55 am
     My Iranian co-worker left the country during the Iran-Iraq war. He was a
     teenager, and his family walked out of the country. His parents left
     because the regime was literally driving around, picking up kids off the
     street, and sending them to the front, never to be seen by their families
     The regime there is nuts. A different kinds of nuts than what we have here
     in the US.
 24. jdmckay June 26, 2010 at 11:55 am
     For all commenter’s expressing sentiment Yves shouldn’t post “nonsense”
     such as this article, I would suggest a sharpening of historical acuity
     w/reading of CIA FOIA release, from ’99 on, of what actually happened
     through Mossadeq overthrow >> Shah puppet gov. They are archive here, among
     other places.
     Beyond that, the rather incredible exploitation of Iran oil by British
     through 1st 1/2 of century leading up to Mossadeq’s election… if you all
     can blow off effects of 50 yrs under such circumstances, followed by 30
     more of Shah/CIA thing… I dun’o, doesn’t speak to well to US’ collective
     sense of justice.
     Lots of good books out there detailing the British era in Iran. I’d
     recommend James Bill’s book as good starting point: well documented
     w/verifiable historical information, and paints a comprehensive picture
     utterly unknown to westerners, but living history in Iran.
     I would also point out, more recent US policy interventions have been
     equally dismal. En brief…
     * we (literally) chose Sadam, as counterweight to Khomeni, for incremental
     US regional “interest” furthering, supporting Sadam through 10 year
     Iraq/Iran war, all based on foundation of Khomeni result from what author
     of this article describes. It’s just so.
     * During that time, we… the US, provided Sadam w/all the chem/bio seeds for
     development of Sadam’s chem/bio weapons, something somehow forgotten in
     Bush’s PR campaign for operation “Iraqi Freedom”.
     * Prior to Desert Storm I, Iraq was most prosperous, best educated, highest
     standard of living in the region.
     * Sadam’s Kuwait invasion was based on repeated Kuwait angle drilling,
     across border into Iraq, an issue Iraq had raised repeatedly at UN… only to
     be derailed by US. By any international legal interpretation, Iraq had
     legitimate claims.
     * Bush I’s mobilzation and PR campaign to “stop Sadam” in Kuwait was based
     on lies, well known to Bush I admin:
     – “Incubator baby” thing was a lie
     – Spokes people called before Senate/Congress to make the case, were all
     – Satelite photos showing Sadam’s military poised on Saudi border, used to
     propaganize Sadam’s ambition to invade Saudi Arabia, were forgeries: there
     were no Iraq troops on the border.
     Given a US ME policy, going back decades, clandestinely lieing about real
     conditions in order to gain public support for unackowledge motives, to the
     extreme undermining of local stability… not to mention subjugation of their
     You lie to your wife/husband, there’s consequences. Same w/your kids, boss,
     whatever. Pretty basic stuff.
     Doing the same, on massive scale, as execution of a foreign policy…
     particarly to subjugate a nation’s people/resources (as we did in Iran, the
     British did their prior): you ignore this… whether from simple ignorance or
     deliberate selfishness, whatever… the results should be obvious.
     And they are the results we currently have.
     1. bhatman June 26, 2010 at 3:56 pm
        You don’t start a war over angle drilling. You angle drill back. Is
        there no oil in Kuwait? And if reverse angle drilling doesn’t do the
        trick, there were other ways to deal with the Kuwaitis. For example, get
        together with a some Kuwaiti malcontents (there are malcontents in every
        society), arrange for them to initiate a coup d’etat, rush to their aid
        so that the coup succeeds, then pull back afterwards so that no one can
        accuse Iraq of imperialist intervention in other countries internal
        affairs. If Saddam and the rest of the Iraqis were too stupid to figure
        this out, then they deserve what they have gotten.
        And quit posting this bleeding-heart liberal pap. If true justice were
        to be done in this world, just about everyone would be hanging from a
        rope. And if we view “lusting in the heart” as just as bad as “lusting
        in the flesh”, which is what Jesus preaches, then everyone, without
        exception, would be hanging from a rope. My point? My point is that all
        talk of right and wrong is nonsense, the only meaningful reason for
        bashing or not bashing Iran is our own self-interest.
        1. jdmckay June 26, 2010 at 7:16 pm
           > And quit posting this bleeding-heart liberal pap.
           > (…) which is what Jesus preaches,
           > (…) My point is that all talk of right and wrong is nonsense, the
           > only meaningful reason for bashing or not bashing Iran is our own
           > self-interest.
           Right. I think you’ve summarized state of things nicely… a “typical
 25. Jim Haygood June 26, 2010 at 12:12 pm
     Events have already overtaken Gonzalo Lira’s essay. Yesterday, by
     overwhelming margins (99-0 in the Senate), Congress passed tough sanctions
     against Iran, which O’Bomba will almost surely sign.
     Curiously, this event is being soft-pedaled in the U.S., although it’s
     getting plenty of play in the British and Israeli press, as well it should.
     After all, it’s a de facto declaration of war on Iran.
     Here is one article about sanctions, from the Jerusalem Post:
     “As American enterprises are already forbidden from doing business with
     Iran, the bill sanctions those foreign companies that sell Iran gasoline or
     help develop its energy sector, and forces financial institutions to chose
     between using American banks or ones connected to the Iranian Revolutionary
     Guards Corps.”
     It’s interesting to consider the legislative backdrop on the day the
     sanctions were passed:
     “It came the same day as the House passed a resolution calling for the
     immediate release of kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, on the four-year
     anniversary of his abduction.
     “We continue to offer our support to the family of Gilad Shalit and to the
     people of Israel,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a statement issued
     after the resolution was approved. “Congress stands united behind a future
     of peace and security for the Jewish state.”
     All well and good, no doubt. But what about the peace and security of the
     AMERICAN state? In my opinion, this provocative, overreaching piece of
     special-interest legislation pushes the U.S. dangerously closer to a war
     that it doesn’t need, can’t afford, and can’t win. A hopelessly energy
     import-dependent country like the U.S., kicking an Islamic oil producer in
     the teeth?
     You’d think we might have learned something from Oil Shock II in 1979.
 26. KFritz June 26, 2010 at 1:29 pm
     The overall analogy is excellent, but on 1 point it’s inaccurate and on
     another dangerously incomplete.
     Inaccurate. The Shah nationalized Iran’s oil and stopped exporting the
     profits. It even participated in the 1973 oil embargo. His family WAS
     famously corrupt, but Iran under the Shah was more prosperous for all
     classes than it it has been since. The Shah did oppress his political
     opposition brutally, but most Iranians were not directly effected. The
     entire country WAS effected by the corruption, but that hasn’t changed one
     Incomplete–the account of the Shah’s overthrow and the theocracy that
     followed. Iranians did work hard and sacrifice to send the Pahlavis
     packing. Two very different factions were responsible, religious and
     secular. The religious authorities were furious at the Shah’s secular state
     and their own reduced importance. The secular faction wanted a democratic
     and/or socialist regime. Most of the heavy lifting to topple the Shah was
     done by the secularists, but the great masses of religious Iranians could
     only be turned against the shah with the help of the clerics. So the
     Revolution was an alliance with very different visions of a new Iran. The
     highly organized clerics, with a unified vision of theocracy, efficiently
     co-opted the ad-hoc secularists. A better analogy for the new regime would
     have been a takeover by an alliance of our own right-wing religious
     fanatics backed by a military motivated by order and bankrolled by
     corporate interests.
     Nice work stirring up the adhominem crowd!!!
     1. Gonzalo Lira June 26, 2010 at 1:38 pm
        Thank you for the compliments.
        As to your points that my analogy is incomplete (others have pointed out
        that I didn’t include the war with Iraq, etc.): You’re right, of course.
        But if I’d included every detail, I would have made the piece unwieldy.
        I’m just trying to get the point across, of what the situation looks
        like from the other side of the bridge.
        As to the ad hominem crowd: What can I say. They hate me ’cause I’m
     2. bhatman June 26, 2010 at 4:04 pm
        >Iran under the Shah was more prosperous for all classes than it it has
        been since
        A lie. Go read the reports of travelers from that period. There were
        famines in Iran now and then in rural areas under the shah. People
        starved, the government did nothing to help them. Same story in Morocco
        or Mauritania or various other dictatorships in Africa today. Famines
        still occur, the corrupt governments do nothing. You have to dig a
        little and use some imagination to learn out about these things. Whether
        we should smash the Iranian government or not depends on our own
        self-interest. But they have definitely improved the lot of the very
        poor, you can’t fault them on that score.
        1. KFritz June 26, 2010 at 6:36 pm
           If you use the word ‘Lie,’ it’s a good idea to present documentation.
           At this point, your statement is ad hominem slander.
           Since by implication you’re defending the current Iranian theocracy
           vs. the Shah, are you a fundamentalist who loves theocracies, Mr.
        2. KFritz June 26, 2010 at 6:57 pm
           PS. I was wrong on one count. The ayatollahs, mullahs, and their
           acolytes are all much more prosperous thanks to the Islamic Republic.
           ‘Heaven is where there are no Mullahs.’
           -Prince Dara Shikoh (executed by clerics)
 27. Justin Weleski June 26, 2010 at 2:30 pm
     Great post. There were certainly a few notable omissions (the Iran-Iraq war
     would be at the top of the list), but it’s a type of post that I think
     needs to be written and, more importantly, needs to be read. Americans (and
     nationalists of all stripes) have the unfortunate tendency to judge certain
     actions based on the actors involved, not on the actions themselves. To
     quote Orwell (who was recently quoted by Glenn Greenwald),
     “All nationalists have the power of not seeing resemblances between similar
     sets of facts. A British Tory will defend self-determination in Europe and
     oppose it in India with no feeling of inconsistency. Actions are held to be
     good or bad, not on their own merits, but according to who does them, and
     there is almost no kind of outrage — torture, the use of hostages, forced
     labour, mass deportations, imprisonment without trial, forgery,
     assassination, the bombing of civilians — which does not change its moral
     colour when it is committed by ‘our’ side . . . The nationalist not only
     does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a
     remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.”
     This type of post encourages readers to step out of their familiar
     nationalistic mindset and instead view world events from a different
     perspective. It’s too bad that “the narrative” has been so deeply ingrained
     into the minds of so many that they cannot even bring themselves to
     understand why the Iranian people (and the Afghans, and the Iraqis, and the
     Pakistanis, etc.) think and behave as they do.
 28. Patrick June 26, 2010 at 2:37 pm
     The world through novelist eyes. No wonder so many like to read fiction.
 29. Alan Wynnewood June 26, 2010 at 2:59 pm
     Lira creates a narrative, which is his vocation. The narrative is naive. We
     didn’t invade Iraq because al Queda. We invaded it because Sadam would not,
     pathetically, give up his ambitions over Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. The
     political opportunity to actually invade was afforded the Bush
     administration by the 9/11 attacks and thus unstable fearful public
     opinion. Afghanistan became a mistake. Public opinion was focussed on al
     Queda. Once we bombed the Taliban out of northern Afghanistan, it was a
     mistake to do more. We should have left it at that… brute retribution, and
     then come home. But then we would have had to explain Iraq to the US and
     world public truthfully in real-politik terms. The public can’t handle
     1. ArmchairRevolutionary June 27, 2010 at 7:25 pm
        No. We invaded Iraq because of oil.
 30. sgt_doom June 26, 2010 at 3:04 pm
     The USA and Israel, working on behalf of the multinationals, wish to steal
     Iran’s resources (#1, oil, #2 radium, etc.).
     It’s really as simple as that!
     And it’s really as amoral and unethical as that.
 31. Jim Haygood June 26, 2010 at 3:23 pm
     “Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-NY), never at a loss for colorful words, said “This
     [Iran sanctions] bill has teeth, real teeth, great big nasty sharp teeth
     that are finally going to force businesses and banks around the world to
     choose between access to the American economy and financial system, or
     business as usual with Iran’s theocratic dictatorship.”
     Oh, the hubris! Dictating to the rest of the world that they must choose
     between ‘access to the US economy’ or trade with Iran — what if they choose
     the latter?
     As best I recall, Ahmadinejad gained office via an election. I guess
     KongressKlowns like Ackerman aren’t accustomed to dealing much in the realm
     of facts.
     AIPAC has finally won the legislative victory it’s been pushing for years;
     a war fleet is steaming toward the Persian Gulf; and it’s gonna be a long
     hot summer.
     Ugh. I feel sick. ‘Got gold?’ he croaks from his sickbed.
     1. gordon June 26, 2010 at 10:30 pm
        And see also:
 32. Rich June 26, 2010 at 3:43 pm
     In order for this exercise to work, you need to have a population that
     maintains some form of empathy. That has been conditioned out of the U.S.
     population very effectively over the years. There’s a lot of hate out
     there. Americans aren’t going to care until they themselves are hurting.
     That day will come.
     My own stance has always been: if they’ll do it to them, they’ll do it to
     us sooner or later. Because, despite the blabbing of pundits far and wide,
     we are them and they are us, differences aside.
     1. wb June 26, 2010 at 4:19 pm
        My compliments on an excellent post, Gonzalo Lira.
        I think it’s worth noting how deep the roots of this present crisis are.
        Iran has no reason to be sympathetic towards Britain, British Petroleum,
        Israel, USA, or the CIA, quite the opposite, their defiance and
        hostility is more than justified, why should they just roll over and
        submit to being raped once again ?
        Americans seem generally rather weak on history and geography. Perhaps
        check out some of the dirty dealing that went on, long before there were
        any nuclear weapons to play with, for example, Jack Philby
 33. Eff June 26, 2010 at 5:58 pm
     the thought experiment is legitimate.
     it makes a lot of unprincipled people uncomfortable, which they spam with
     talking-point based automated responses.
     Bravo Yves for engaging the reader with challenging yet legit pieces rooted
     in abstraction, even though it makes the FOX-NEWS segment clearly seeing
     1. Gonzalo Lira June 26, 2010 at 6:02 pm
        Thank you!
 34. Blurtman June 26, 2010 at 6:03 pm
     I say that we do not stop with Israel, but we continue to reconstitute
     other ancient countries that ceased to exist thousands of years ago. Let’s
     reconstitute Phoenicia and see what type of trouble that causes when those
     who claim to have descended from the ancient Phoenicians dispossess the
     Israelis, Syrians and Lebanese people who have lived on the land for
     centuries. And get a PR campaign going that can coin pithy phrases like
     “Land without a people, and people without a land.” Yes, that’s the ticket.
     1. wb June 26, 2010 at 7:07 pm
        What a cool idea ! that sounds like a real fun game. How about
        reinstating the Achaemenid Empire ?
        Reminds me of a tv interview I saw where a Pennsylvania shop keeper was
        asked about Iran and replied ” Those people are still in the Stone Age,
        it’ll take thousands of years before they become civilized “, hahaha,
        and this little flash-in-the-pan American Empire is so ‘civilized’ ?
        after just 200 years ? Such hubris.
        Or how about reinstating the Ottoman Empire ? Or, maybe, everybody
        should offer apologies to everyone else, for their monstrous behaviour,
        down through the centuries, and we could all embrace and start over, and
        wake up from the nightmare of history and it’s wretched karmic
        consequences ?
 35. Eff June 26, 2010 at 6:44 pm
     Fritz:”A better analogy for the new regime would have been a takeover by an
     alliance of our own right-wing religious fanatics backed by a military
     motivated by order and bankrolled by corporate interests.”
     -> as opposed to what, “religious fanatics backed by a military NOT
     motivated by order, and NOT bankrolled by corporate interests???”
     1. KFritz June 26, 2010 at 8:15 pm
        The military could be motivated by greed or vainglory. Or just the
        desire for power. See “Latin America.” To seize power the religulous
        right would probably need help and/or collusion fr/ the corporate
        controlled mass media.
 36. Tkatz June 26, 2010 at 9:08 pm
     It seems that the radical lefties always act by the same assumption, 1)It’s
     always our fault. 2) if we’ll only act differently all our problems will go
     Iran calls for the destruction of the big Satan ( aka the US) and the small
     Satan (aka Israel) since the beginning of the Islamic revolution. The
     Islamic fanatics just wants to see the west burn, Why? because it opposes
     their way of life, because the wests expansions threatens the mind set of
     the Islamic tyrants’s minions, and because Islam preaches for doing so.
     The prophet Mohamed said ” I was ordered to fight the people until they
     believe in Allah and his messenger”
     I’ve noticed that many people here are repulsed by Fox news,
     so how about a short clip form Al-Jazeera :
 37. Francois T June 26, 2010 at 9:12 pm
     For all among you who just “don’t like”, “hate” or whatever negative view
     one may harbor on Iran, it would be a good exercise to, at the very least,
     listen to those who really know the Middle East.
     Pay particular attention starting at 4:46 minutes. It’s about Iran and
     nuclear weapons.
     There is a snippet starting at 6:36 that should also be required viewing.
     1. Gonzalo Lira June 26, 2010 at 9:25 pm
        Good interview. Liked Baer’s line about torture being all about
        political intimidation, not about intelligence. Thanks.
 38. Francois T June 26, 2010 at 9:15 pm
     There is that too:
 39. dcb June 26, 2010 at 9:23 pm
     Iran was a democracy. the elected officials wanted to nationalize the oil
     industry. the CIA had him killed and installed the Shah. After years of
     oppression under the shah the only surviving non government organization
     was religion. hence they were the most sutied to take power. The rest is
     This script has happened over and over. we don’t like it when they get in
     the way of our industry making profits. we kill the person who does that.
     we support a corrupt system. the only functioning structures then become
     more radical and when the puppet is gotten rid of it back fires on us.
     How many times have we seen this same script. the rise of islamo fascism
     may be directly tied to our surrpot of corrupt dictators who jail and
     torture the opposition. In saudi the government buys off the mullahs by
     supporting terrorism.
     We did business with the puppet dictators in Pakistan and actively hurt a
     democratic India because they wouldn’t bow down to US business interests.
     We created the nuclear mess that Pakistan is today. We created the mess
     that iran is today. we created much of the mess in latin america. After all
     we assignated allende (sp)democracy we didn’t like and installed Pinochet
     who killed many thousands. Much of the world has good reasons to hate us,
     and fear us. We talk about liberty and democracy but we get rid of them and
     install puppets when they don’t do what we want.
     we send our Jobs to a totalitarian china because it suits our business
     interests, but hurts us in the long run. Sadly the majority of Americans
     don’t want to really see what their leadership is doing around the world.
     Nobody wants to see themselves as the bad guy, it is human nature.
 40. Francois T June 26, 2010 at 9:35 pm
     One more thing:
     Would you trust a government capable of lying like that?
     1. DownSouth June 26, 2010 at 10:16 pm
        Francois T,
        Great stuff.
        I especially like the phrase Baer coined “culture of dishonesty” as well
        as “I don’t know what these guys are on.”
 41. i on the ball patriot June 26, 2010 at 11:00 pm
     Imagine you have the flue, ringworm, and aides, you feel nauseous, and you
     are in a big hairy vagina with three bald ravens named Pernicious, Vanilla
     and Slate. It is misty and raining outside the vagina, and in the haze
     their is a big stiff indiscernible red white and blue object that appears
     to be threatening and it fills you with a sense of foreboding and fear.
     Pernicious raven says, “Don’t worry its only a movie, you can watch it for
     free.” Vanilla raven says, “Its just a rerun, but we will have to charge
     for it.” And Slate raven says, “Its the big scamerican dick that’s been
     fucking me up the ass longer than I can remember.”
     You have a choice; you can go back into the vagina, kill the ravens, or
     come out and face the big stiff indiscernible red white and blue object.
     What would you do?
     Deception is the strongest political force on the planet.
 42. Jack Parsons June 27, 2010 at 6:17 am
     The unsaid thing here is why the Iranians need nuclear power: it’s not for
     bombs, it’s for electrical generation. Iran’s oil is almost all on the Iraq
     border, under the feet of Arabs. The Iraq/Iran war was Saddam attempting to
     steal that oil. With us in Iraq, it’s even more compelling that they need
     alternative sources of energy. We are sitting there threatening to steal
     their oil. End of story.
     More items:
     The Iranian power structure has been changing from religious organizations
     owning the major capital industries to the Revolutionary Guard taking over.
     That’s right, the “Iranian Praetorian Guard” now owns large chunks of
     Iranian industry.
     About aircraft carriers: Iran has a pile of ship-killing cruise missiles
     they got from Russia. There is no counter to these things. An aircraft
     carrier is now a floating deathtrap.
     About nuclear bombs: we gave them a nuclear bomb design with a little flaw,
     in a “mistakenly” leaked laptop. Their guys looked at it and said, “nice
     design except for that one little thing the yanks changed in a really
     amateurish way”. So, that’s how we gave them new bomb technology.
 43. Jack Parsons June 27, 2010 at 6:20 am
     Yves, thank you for bringing in new blood. You don’t want to turn into Zero
     Next, please find someone who can go into details about drug money and Wall
     Street. So many things don’t make sense without drug money at the center.
     For example, flash trading makes no sense: are they just laundering money?
 44. Bernard June 27, 2010 at 12:12 pm
     the rot in America is deep. all the zombies believe what they are told.
     There is no organized opposition. these are smart well funded lunatics in
     charge. the rot will have to collapse upon itself.
     to allow some “fernier” to say America is bad is “unAmerican.’ lol
     but it works and it has worked for so many years now, thanks to the
     American Pravda and Izvestia and their minions in the churches. Living in
     the South, it has been an interesting time. to watch you family and friends
     and neighbors buy the easy pablum being sold, rather than think for
     themselves, is really frightening and eye-opening. the PR is fantastic and
     very very effective. as i didn’t buy their stuff, always believing in “show
     me the money, Honey.!”
     what is really sad is the potential wasted on hate, bigotry and war.
     America has been sold, using the Cross and the Flag, to the purveyors of
     well done, very well done.
 45. richardmclaughlin007 June 27, 2010 at 6:59 pm
     The Harsh Reality of Drug Addiction richardmclaughlin007 — January 18, 2009
     — after 11 months of sobriety from drug addiction, in 7 short days this man
     hits the depths of despair and insanity.
     This video was shot in Vancouvers downtown eastside by the narrator it is
     quite extreme, It shows how common place and and readily available drugs
     are and how people can succomb to a extreme physical reaction from lack of
     sleep, nutrition and dehydration. This video was made for many different
     reasons, one being educational the other as mentioned earlier it’s common
     place here in Vancouver, in any other city or town in North America this
     man would have recieved immediate medical attention but here in Vancouver
     both the police and ambulance just drive by. If you do not belive me come
     on down and see our little human circus slash “HARM REDUCTION EXPERIMENT”
     This man was spotted two hours later sleeping on a concrete curb as his
     Both the narrator and producer of this video have had spent many years
     struggling with addiction and have spent hard time in Vancouvers
     “NOTORIOUS” downtown eastside.
     Today they have escaped and are clean and sober and now dedicate there
     lives to those who still suffer from “THE HARSH REALITY OF ADDICTION”
 46. VGK June 27, 2010 at 8:02 pm
     the most thought provoking article on Iran I have read in a while. Of
     course, the US media is completely impotent of writing anything
     thought-provoking at this stage, and who reads / views them any more these
     days anyway…
     Thanks, Gonzalo! I wish some idiots in the US Gov actually got a copy of
     this. Of course, with their lobotomized brains, their only reaction will be
     similar to that guy, who wrote “Stick to Economics” (I bet he is either in
     the current or from the previous administration — neither is worth a dime)…
 47. Friedman's Ghost June 28, 2010 at 11:17 am
     The way I see it is the US has a couple options.
     We could begin to remove our military presence from around the world. We
     could have most of our people back in the US within five years. Simply
     leave it all. No more to use the military for economic interest,
     geopolitical interest, humanitarian interest. The military could simply be
     for defensive pruposes only. This would be more in line with the original
     founders thinking.
     Another option would be to actually use the weapons systems we have with
     extreme malice. This idea of creating “coalitions” be damned. We more than
     have the capability to have Afghanistan, Pakistan, North Korea and anyone
     else for that mater to be comepletly eliminated. We could tell the Afghans
     and Paks “We want Bin Laden in 24 hours or we will be left with no choice
     but to remove you from the planet.” Of course, this is not a great option
     since we would like have to have a serious war with China/Russia/Europe.
     Option one sounds best to me but I am open to #2.

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