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'I'm only 3'6 – trolls say I'm a child but I'm actually world's smallest MILF'

At 3ft 6ins the 'world's smallest proportioned entertainer' and adult movie
maker, Tiny Texie, 31, is often confused with a child despite trying to dress
and look like an adult
'World's top adult star' gets intimate with girlfriend in return to racy videos

Adult performer Lana Rhoades, 27, who slated the industry in which she became a
global star, has made a return to producing content and relaunching her
exclusive page
Porn king's sex lair rivalled Playboy mansion – 'Pets' orgies and teen romping

The children of a legendary porn king who ran the X-rated magazine Penthouse –
so popular it once outsold Playboy – have opened up about what life was like
growing up in the infamous sex lair
Martin Lewis’ MSE says Marks and Spencer shoppers need to ‘go quick’ to bag £45
Chloe Madeley's X-rated 'glory hole' messages with pal shared after James split

Chloe Madeley shared a screenshot of messages showing her discussing an X-rated
story about oral sex with her pal after announcing her split from husband James

 1. dailystar frontpage
 2. Love & Sex
 3. Plastic Surgery

Love & Sex


Model and influencer Elisa Sanches ays she's spent $20,000 (£17,000) on surgery
to 'redo' her hymen. She's hoping it will pay off, with fans paying to see it on
her content creation page

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Love & Sex
Samantha BartlettSenior Lifestyle & Travel Reporter
 * 09:29, 29 OCT 2023


Elisa Sanches has splashed out $20,000 (£17,000) on vagina surgery (Image: Jam
Press/CO Press Office)

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An influencer and model says she's spent $20,000 (£17,000) on surgery to 'redo'
her hymen.

Elisa Sanches, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, claims she decided to undergo the
controversial surgery after fans asked for details about her vulva and vagina.

The influencer has a whopping 1.7 million followers on Instagram
(@elisasanchesreal) and is reportedly one of the most Googled women in Brazil.

READ MORE: 'I was disgusted by my vagina so got surgery – then my identical twin
sister copied me'

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Laurence Fox removes Palestine flag from London monument



Check out more real life stories here

Feeling self-conscious about her genitals, the 39-year-old former adult star
decided to book herself in for the operation. And although she forked out a lot
of cash for the surgery, she's hoping it will pay off on her content creation

She said she felt 'self-conscious' over her genitals (Image: Jam Press/CO Press



 * 'I love squeezing M-cup boobs into racy Halloween costumes – guys can't get



 * 'Trolls called me burger nips over L-cup boobs – I ended up doing something

Before her surgery, the model opened a waiting list on her OnlyFans for whoever
wants to see her new hymen once it is healed. She is now set to ‘reveal’ the new
look to these fans in November.

“I receive several messages every day from followers asking to experience the
moment of my ‘first time’ on OnlyFans,” Elisa told NudePR.com.


She's hoping the surgery will pay off on her OnlyFans page (Image: Jam Press/CO
Press Office)

Subscribers on her waiting list can get a look at her new hymen soon (Image: Jam
Press/CO Press Office)
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'I matched bloke 33 years older than me to milk him dry – but we fell in love'

'My I-cup boobs made me sad – but feel like new person after £7k breast


Adult performer barely covers assets as she slips into risqué boob wrap

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'I caused uproar with racy billboard – haters are sick of my boobs but I don't

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'I'm known for bonking 300 men in a year - I don't care trolls say I'm low

'I want my 3ft 9in lover to do racy pics but fear randy fellas will fetishise


'I was disgusted by my vagina so got surgery – then my identical twin sister
copied me'

Racy singer who performed oral sex onstage addresses rumours after 'baby bump'


Celeb vagina confessions – from star who ‘squeaks when I walk’ to designer

Real Housewives star has ‘vaginal rejuvenation’ to treat 'looseness' during


AI-powered sex robot with Scottish twang makes chilling 'world domination'

Soap star Kelly Ripa ‘faked own death’ to avoid romping with co-star husband


'I matched bloke 33 years older than me to milk him dry – but we fell in love'

'My I-cup boobs made me sad – but feel like new person after £7k breast


Adult performer barely covers assets as she slips into risqué boob wrap

BBC's Emma Louise Jones shares vulgar message from creepy troll asking for sex


How to heat up your romps with temperature play – from saucy candles to hot toys

Model 'offered $1m for sex' dubbed 'goddess' as she dons stockings for racy


ITV Big Brother star to 'rake in big bucks' while co-star 'returns to day job'
after show

UK version of Playboy Mansion earns racy models £12m in 3 days from wild antics


'I caused uproar with racy billboard – haters are sick of my boobs but I don't

Adult star bizarrely claims Kate Middleton's family are to blame for her
stripping off


'World's most identical twins' pose with joint fiancé as he's dubbed 'lucky man'

Lana Rhoades gets intimate with girlfriend as she returns to making racy videos


'I'm known for bonking 300 men in a year - I don't care trolls say I'm low

'I want my 3ft 9in lover to do racy pics but fear randy fellas will fetishise


'I was disgusted by my vagina so got surgery – then my identical twin sister
copied me'

Racy singer who performed oral sex onstage addresses rumours after 'baby bump'


Celeb vagina confessions – from star who ‘squeaks when I walk’ to designer

Real Housewives star has ‘vaginal rejuvenation’ to treat 'looseness' during


AI-powered sex robot with Scottish twang makes chilling 'world domination'

Soap star Kelly Ripa ‘faked own death’ to avoid romping with co-star husband


'I matched bloke 33 years older than me to milk him dry – but we fell in love'

'My I-cup boobs made me sad – but feel like new person after £7k breast


Adult performer barely covers assets as she slips into risqué boob wrap

BBC's Emma Louise Jones shares vulgar message from creepy troll asking for sex


How to heat up your romps with temperature play – from saucy candles to hot toys

Model 'offered $1m for sex' dubbed 'goddess' as she dons stockings for racy


ITV Big Brother star to 'rake in big bucks' while co-star 'returns to day job'
after show


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"And having my hymen reconstructed was already something I was thinking about.
Only a few selected people will be able to see from the beginning of November,
many people are excited.”

Despite her excitement about having the procedure, Elisa says she still has to
deal with criticism. She added: “My work is recognised for my willingness to
innovate in the market. Some applaud my courage, while others question my
motives. But I don’t owe anyone anything.”


 * 'I'm a tiny adult star – trolls say I'm a child but I'm actually world's
   smallest MILF'
 * Lana Rhoades gets intimate with girlfriend as she returns to making racy
 * Porn king's sex lair that rivalled Playboy mansion with 'Pets' orgies and
   teenage romping
 * Chloe Madeley's X-rated 'glory hole' messages with pal shared after James
 * UK version of Playboy Mansion earns racy models £12m in 3 days from wild

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EXCLUSIVE: Paul and Kaye Davis, from Portsmouth, embraced the swinging lifestyle
in recent years and they want to prove that there is plenty of living to do
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'I quit adult industry after marrying husband – there's one thing I'll miss'
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'I'm only 3'6 – trolls say I'm a child but I'm actually world's smallest MILF'

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maker, Tiny Texie, 31, is often confused with a child despite trying to dress
and look like an adult
'World's top adult star' gets intimate with girlfriend in return to racy videos

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global star, has made a return to producing content and relaunching her
exclusive page
Porn king's sex lair rivalled Playboy mansion – 'Pets' orgies and teen romping

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so popular it once outsold Playboy – have opened up about what life was like
growing up in the infamous sex lair
Chloe Madeley's X-rated 'glory hole' messages with pal shared after James split

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some couples can't handle the jealousy
'I had sex with man old enough to be my grandad – it was a dream come true'
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WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT. Serbian-born adult performer Cherry Kiss told the
notorious Plug Talk podcast that one of her first experiences in the sex
industry was with a man old enough to be her grandpa
'I regretted not playing the field – so husband and I became swingers in our
EXCLUSIVE: Paul and Kaye Davis, from Portsmouth, embraced the swinging lifestyle
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'I quit adult industry after marrying husband – there's one thing I'll miss'
Self-confessed 'bad adult star" April Olsen was a huge success in her three
years in the sex industry, but decided it had to end when she got married – even
though her husband was in some of her films
'I'm an escort and clients have very quirky Halloween requests – like bonking
EXCLUSIVE: Paula Dreidemie, a professional escort for Kaufmich, revealed how
popular Halloween fetishes are as she explored the common kinks around the
spooky season
Sex confessionsTattoo model on hunt for submissive fans so she can be 'dominant
mummy'Tattoo model Essie Bone seems like she's going down a new avenue as she
told fans she's offering a 'dominant mummy' service. She took to her Instagram
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'I quit adult industry after marrying husband – there's one thing I'll miss'
Self-confessed 'bad adult star" April Olsen was a huge success in her three
years in the sex industry, but decided it had to end when she got married – even
though her husband was in some of her films
'My mate is marrying fella I bonked — his sex antics saw him branded The
Just Jane
A Daily Star reader is worried about her pal who is marrying a love snake with
randy dark reputation that has earned him a demon like nickname so she's asked
our agony aunt Jane O'Gorman for advice
Women less likely to orgasm in bed as 'men are doing it wrong', says survey
Sex confessions
Women are less likely to orgasm in bed as 'men are doing it wrong', according to
a new sex survey. Researchers say the data sheds light on why the orgasm gap
still persists
'I'm a tiny adult star – trolls say I'm a child but I'm actually world's
smallest MILF'
United States
At 3ft 6ins the 'world's smallest proportioned entertainer' and adult movie
maker, Tiny Texie, 31, is often confused with a child despite trying to dress
and look like an adult
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 * Most Recent

HolidaysBrits flock to party town with topless women, 80p pints, Viagra jellies
and £9 roomsAs Amsterdam and Spain ask Brits to stay away, wild party-lovers
swarm to Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, where people have sex in clubs, take laughing
gas balloons and drink all night for £26
'My sexy nudist resort is like Disneyland for adults – but ladies can get
Sex confessions
EXCLUSIVE: The Sea Mountain Nudist Resort lets couples get frisky wherever they
please but while most guests love the 'sensual' atmosphere, some couples can't
handle the jealousy
Naked Britney Spears 'breaks internet' as she strips off for eye-popping display
Britney Spears
Oops! I Did It Again hitmaker Britney Spears left little to the imagination as
she stripped completely naked and posed up a storm for the camera for her
raciest snap yet
Chloe Madeley's X-rated 'glory hole' messages with pal shared after James split
Chloe Madeley
Chloe Madeley shared a screenshot of messages showing her discussing an X-rated
story about oral sex with her pal after announcing her split from husband James
'I had sex with man old enough to be my grandad – it was a dream come true'
Sex confessions
WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT. Serbian-born adult performer Cherry Kiss told the
notorious Plug Talk podcast that one of her first experiences in the sex
industry was with a man old enough to be her grandpa
Taylor SwiftDenver Broncos superbly troll Travis Kelce and Kansas City Chiefs
with post-match musicDenver Broncos proved they are top class wind-up merchants
after they brilliantly trolled NFL rivals Kansas City Chiefs star and Taylor
Swift’s partner Travis Kelce
HMRC warns Brits have less than 100 days before tax deadline or they risk fine
Millions of Brits have less than 100 days left to submit their online tax
return. If you miss the deadline, you will be charged £100 – even if you don't
have any tax to pay
Tattoo model on hunt for submissive fans so she can be 'dominant mummy'
Sex confessions
Tattoo model Essie Bone seems like she's going down a new avenue as she told
fans she's offering a 'dominant mummy' service. She took to her Instagram story
this week to try and find some subs
This Morning fans call for Rylan to be given coveted hosting job as he makes
huge return
This Morning
Rylan Clark hosted the latest instalment of ITV's This Morning with Josie Gibson
and viewers loved it, saying they want him to be given a full-time presenting
All the players that would have won Ballon d'Or if Messi and Ronaldo did not
Lionel Messi
Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have had a stranglehold on the Ballon d'Or
for over 15 years as Daily Star Sport takes a look at who would have won the
prestigious awards if the pair didn't exist
Top Stories
'I'LL MISS YOU FOREVER': Ice hockey star Adam Johnson's heartbroken fiancée
shares tribute after tragic death
After Ice Hockey star Adam Johnson passed away after a horrific accident in a
recent match on the ice, his fiancee has paid her own tribute to him on social
'I quit adult industry after marrying husband – there's one thing I'll miss'
Self-confessed 'bad adult star" April Olsen was a huge success in her three
years in the sex industry, but decided it had to end when she got married – even
though her husband was in some of her films
Judd Trump told 'stop it' as even opponent smiles at incredible positional shot
Judd Trump
Judd Trump was on fire against Chris Wakelin in the Northern Ireland Open final
on Sunday, to the point where he forced a smile out of his opponent after one
particularly impressive shot
Loch Ness Monster 'size of double decker bus' leaves man frozen with fear
Loch Ness Monster
Sash Lake, of Box, Wiltshire was at the famous loch near Inverness, Scotland,
when he spotted 'a huge black mass or hump' in the middle of the loch and
'jumped out of his skin'
Mums bag £48 Ryanair flights to Ibiza for night out and get back for the school
Spain holidays
Mums Michelle Tocchini and pal Tanya McElligott, both 38, flew from London
Stansted to Ibiza, Spain, with Ryanair for a cheap one-day holiday spending just
£81 each
McDonald's customers can now get 99p Big Macs with exciting new deal
Christmas has come early thanks to McDonald's as the fast food giant announced
some mouth-watering deals for the season. Festive Wins is the most generous
promotion to date
HMRC warns Brits have less than 100 days before tax deadline or they risk fine
Millions of Brits have less than 100 days left to submit their online tax
return. If you miss the deadline, you will be charged £100 – even if you don't
have any tax to pay
'I was born without a vagina – I felt like freak when I was compared to Barbie'
Ally Hensley was a teenager when doctors revealed she had been born without a
vagina. She said she felt like her identity centred around her 'deformity' for
years and felt like a 'freak'
Matthew Perry’s pal noticed something unusual about ‘fatigued’ actor just before
Matthew Perry
Friends icon Matthew Perry died after reportedly drowning in a hot tub, and
shortly before his passing, his pickleball partner noticed some unusual details
about the star
Tyson Fury vs Oleksandr Usyk still on – even if we must all wait until February
Tyson Fury
Boxing fans should not fear Tyson Fury's undisputed heavyweight title fight with
Oleksandr Usyk falling through, despite his unconvincing win over Francis
Ngannou out in Saudi Arabia
'I watched Halloween adult film where woman was seduced by demon – it was an
EXCLUSIVE: Halloween is not something you'd stereotypically associate with sexy
time, but there's a fantastical genre of adult content that's allowing people's
fantasies to run wild. We had a look to see what it was like...
Porn king's bizarre sex life including 'bestiality video' and pubic hair
A man who rivalled Hugh Heffner and the Playboy empire with his own Penthouse
magazine was said to have encouraged models to have orgies, watch bestiality and
trim their pubic hair

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