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Ask A Doctor: Ask a Doctor: Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine for
Treating Diabetes
Treatment focuses on regulating blood circulation and Qi and balancing the organ
systems to improve pancreatic function and stop fluid depletion resulting from
high blood sugar. (ShutterStock)
Ask A Doctor


BY Jingduan Yang TIMEJune 7, 2022 PRINT

Diabetes mellitus is a group of chronic diseases where the body cannot properly
regulate blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes, which mainly affects adults, is
most common.

Here, the body is either resistant to insulin or does not make enough insulin to
maintain the right blood sugar level.

About 420 million people are living with diabetes worldwide. According to the
World Health Organization, diabetes is the ninth leading cause of death
globally. In the U.S, it is the seventh leading cause of death.

It is estimated to cost over $320 billion in medical costs, lost work, and
wages. The complications of diabetes include eye problems, kidney failure,
nervous system disease, and heart problems, amongst others.

From making healthy lifestyle choices to having a support team of healthcare
professionals, proper management of diabetes entails a holistic approach. These
healthcare professionals should be physicians, nurses, dietitians, licensed
acupuncturists, and other relevant professionals.


In Chinese history, diabetes has been recognized and treated over the past 2000
years. Traditional Chinese medicine referred to diabetes as “Xiao-Ke” or wasting
and thirsting disease. In traditional Chinese medicine, common symptoms of Xiao
Ke were frequent urination, thirst, excessive hunger, and weight loss. These
symptoms are similar to type 1 diabetes and some type 2 diabetes that do not
produce enough insulin. However, wasting symptoms are uncommon with type 2

According to traditional Chinese medicine, diabetes results from an imbalance in
the cyclical flow of Qi (pronounced as “chi” and refers to the power of energy
or life force that flows in the body) within the meridians, the pathways through
which Qi, blood, and other body fluids flow, and organ systems. This imbalance
produces heat that depletes the body’s fluids.

Chinese medicine theories classify diabetes into three types according to the
concept of San Jiao. San Jiao describes the body cavities which can influence
other organs mainly through the free movement of Qi.

Patients with upper-Jiao diabetes (mainly the lungs) experience thirst and drink
excessive amounts of water, middle-Jiao diabetes (primary the spleens) suffer
from hunger and over eating, while diabetes relating to the lower Jiao (the
kidneys), complain of thirst and urinating a lot of with turbid urine.

Chinese medicine uniquely addresses each diabetic patient. From acupuncture,
herbal medicine, energetic exercises, and lifestyle modification, amongst
others, there are various treatments for the practitioner to choose from,
depending on the individual.

Treatment focuses on regulating blood circulation and Qi and balancing the organ
systems to improve pancreatic function and stop fluid depletion resulting from
high blood sugar.


The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture to be an effective
treatment modality for several medical conditions: chronic pain, migraine, and

Acupuncture, an essential aspect of traditional Chinese medicine, involves the
insertion of very tiny and primarily painless needles at strategic points on
your body.

Yishu –a point on the back to the side of the 8th thoracic vertebrae, has often
been used and has proven to be quite beneficial in the treatment of diabetes.
There are several other meridians all over the body also used for treating
diabetes with acupuncture.

Acupuncture helps regulate pancreatic function and consequently insulin levels.
It is also effective in treating pain arising from diabetic neuropathy, as it
stimulates endorphins which are neurotransmitters that block the feelings of

In addition, acupuncture reduces cortisol production by strengthening liver and
kidney function to discharge the extra stress hormone quickly. Cortisol is known
to increase blood sugar levels. So, this ultimately helps balance parts of the
body that cannot regulate sugar levels on their own.

In treating diabetes, different forms of acupuncture may be employed, depending
on the patient’s specific case. They include traditional acupuncture,
electroacupuncture, wrist-ankle acupuncture, and herbal acupuncture.

Traditional acupuncture stimulates specific body points to achieve results. The
patient’s medical history, age, and severity of the condition influence how this
form of acupuncture is employed.

Several studies have shown electroacupuncture to be an effective way of
controlling blood sugar and treating the pain associated with diabetic
neuropathy. It is the most typical form of acupuncture used in treating
diabetes. The acupuncturist inserts the needles at specific points and connects
them to a device that transmits electrical impulses from one needle to another.

The name wrist-ankle acupuncture stimulates acupuncture points around the wrists
and ankles mainly to alleviate pain caused by diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

Herbal acupuncture is a popular form of acupuncture amongst acupuncturists. It
reduces blood sugar levels. Here, the practitioner injects extracts of natural
herbs into the acupoints. Different herbs are used depending on the presenting
symptoms and age.


The importance of Chinese herbal medicine cannot be overemphasized in the
treatment of diabetes. In diabetes, people with metabolic disorders have blocked
meridians which inadvertently causes poor Qi and blood flow. The result is blood
congestion in the meridians. Therefore, the pancreas loses nutrition and worsens
the disease, leading to complications.

In treating diabetes, practitioners use different formulas which are effective
for different patients. Amongst these formulas are Liu Wei Di Huang and Da Bu
Yin Wan. The effects of these formulas are usually noticeable in less than two

One such formula, which includes Shan Yao, Huang Qi, Fu Ling, and Cang Zhu,
helps reduce blood sugar levels by improving the pancreas’ production of
insulin. It achieves this by helping the body’s Qi nourish the pancreas with
adequate blood supply from vigorous circulation. As a result, it repairs
pancreatic beta cells and restores their function.

Another formula, Yu Quan Wan, acts by raising the Qi in the lungs, making the
lungs more robust. With an increased abundance of Qi in the lungs, the resulting
pulmonary energy promotes adequate sugar utilization.

As the master organ for fluid metabolism, the kidney plays a significant role in
diabetes. Therefore, it is essential to strengthen the kidneys. A particular
formula, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, specializes in nourishing the kidneys and liver.
It also helps the adrenal glands regulate blood sugar levels.

Studies have also shown that American ginseng improved glucose tolerance, which
is therefore often added to herbal formulas. Other herbs can be added to a
formula to treat complications of diabetes such as peripheral neuropathy and
blurry vision.

One other prescription formula that includes Dan Shen, San Leng, E Zhu, and Cang
Zhu relieves blood stagnation or congestion, improves circulation, nourishes the
pancreas, and opens the channels of nutrient transport.


It is essential to begin your treatment by finding a good acupuncturist. The
practitioner will speak with you at your first appointment about your specific
symptoms and discussions about your lifestyle, diet, and health goals. As the
treatment involves a holistic approach, the practitioner will want to learn more
about other aspects of your life that may be a source of stress.

Based on the peculiarities of your disease, your practitioner will recommend a
gradual specialized treatment plan for you which might be a daily treatment or
twice a week as needed.

Studies have shown that there are minimal risks associated with acupuncture and
traditional Chinese medications in the treatment of diabetes. Apart from the
minor side effects of soreness, occasional bruises, or minor bleeding,
acupuncture with sterile needles is mainly safe.

However, suppose you have bleeding conditions such as hemophilia or vitamin k
deficiency. You may want to opt-out of this form of treatment or be aware of the
increased risk of bruises.

Many traditional Chinese acupuncturists are also well trained in modern
medicine, and some are licensed medical doctors. However, you may want to inform
the rest of your healthcare providers before you commence this form of

You should also know that this form of treatment can complement modern drugs and
result in even better efficacy. However, you should report any unusual effects
or changes you experience to your healthcare providers.


Loke A. (2021) Diabetes. World Health Organization (WHO). November 2021.

Liu, Z. (2009). Diabetes (Xiao-Ke). In: Liu, Z. (eds) Essentials of Chinese
Medicine. Springer, London. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-84882-596-3_27

Lee SW, Nam MH, Lee BC. (2017) Herbal acupuncture for type 2 diabetes: A
meta-analysis. Exp Ther Med. 2017;13(6):3249-3256. doi:10.3892/etm.2017.4379

Liu JP, Zhang M, Wang WY, Grimsgaard S. (2004) Chinese herbal medicines for type
2 diabetes mellitus. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004;2002(3): CD003642. DOI:
10.1002/14651858.CD003642.pub2. PMID: 15266492; PMCID: PMC9028977.

Covington MB, (2001):  Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of
Diabetes. Diabetes Spectr 2001;14(3):154–159.

Epoch Health articles are for informational purposes and are not a substitute
for individualized medical advice. Please consult a trusted professional for
personal medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment.

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Jingduan Yang

Author, teacher and international expert on acupuncture and Chinese medicine,
integrative medicine, and psychiatry. Dr. Yang is based in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. You can find out more about Dr. Yang at his website

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