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                <a href="#"><img src="Images/budget.jpg" class="img-responsive"></a><br>
                <span class="txtbold">The budget process is reconciling your financial realities to your financial dreams.</span><br><br>
                <span class="mySlides-fadeLINE">The process of creating a budget can be instructive. Creating a budget involves projecting realistic behaviour. Your assumptions may come from your .</span>
                <span class="dots">...</span>
                <a href="Budgetpage.aspx?1"><label class="read mySlides-fadeLINE">Read more</label></a>
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                <a href="#"><img src="images/return.jpg" class="img-responsive"></a><br>
                <span class="txtbold">When we talk about Normal Returns &amp; Real Returns, Normal Returns are what an investment generates before taxes, </span><br><br>
                <span class="mySlides-fadeLINE"> fees and inflation. It is simply the net change in price over time whereas Real Returns are the actual value of your returns, typically after adjusting for inflation and fees.</span>
                <span class="dots">...</span>
                <a href="Difference_between_Normal_Return_Real_Return.aspx?1"><label class="read mySlides-fadeLINE">Read more</label></a>
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                <a href="#"><img src="Images/digital banking fraud.jpg" class="img-responsive"></a><br>
                <span class="txtbold">With the advances in information technology, all banks in India have migrated to core banking platforms and have moved transactions to payment cards (debit and credit cards) and to electronic channels like
                <span class="mySlides-fadeLINE"> , Internet Banking and Mobile Banking. Fraudsters have also followed customers into this space.</span>
                <span class="dots">...</span>
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                <a href="#"><img src="Images/Emergency funds.jpg" class="img-responsive"></a><br>
                <span class="txtbold">An emergency fund is spare cash that is used during personal financial distress. Events such as the loss of a job,</span><br><br>
                <span class="mySlides-fadeLINE"> an illness, or a recession are examples of when many individuals would need to use their emergency fund to continue to survive.</span>
                <span class="dots">...</span>
                <a href="EmergencyFunds.aspx?1"><label class="read mySlides-fadeLINE">Read more</label></a>
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                <a href="#"><img src="Images/financial literacy for kids.jpg" class="img-responsive"></a><br>
                <span class="txtbold">Financial literacy is the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage financial resources effectively for a lifetime of financial well-being.</span><br><br>
                <span class="mySlides-fadeLINE"> The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines Financial Literacy as a combination of </span>
                <span class="dots">...</span>
                <a href="Financial_Literacy_for_Kids.aspx?1"><label class="read mySlides-fadeLINE">Read more</label></a>
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                <a href="#"><img src="Images/good stocks.jpg" class="img-responsive"></a><br>
                <span class="txtbold">Stock market investments are prone to risk. Investors at times invest in the market based on broker recommendations, research report, </span><br><br>
                <span class="mySlides-fadeLINE"> Identifying and investing in good stocks, although not easy, is a must to create long term wealth. Since the stock markets have come into existence,</span>
                <span class="dots">...</span>
                <a href="good_stock.aspx?1"><label class="read mySlides-fadeLINE">Read more</label></a>
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                <a href="#"><img src="Images/insurance.jpg" class="img-responsive"></a><br>
                <span class="txtbold">Insurance is a legal agreement between two parties i.e. the insurance company (insurer) and the individual (insured). In this, </span><br><br>
                <span class="mySlides-fadeLINE">the insurance company promises to make good the losses of the insured on happening of the insured contingency. </span>
                <span class="dots">...</span>
                <a href="Insurance.aspx?1"><label class="read mySlides-fadeLINE">Read more</label></a>
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                <a href="#"><img src="Images/investments.jpg" class="img-responsive"></a><br>
                <span class="txtbold">Saving for the deposit on a new car or next year's holiday is different from investing to achieve a long-term goal,</span><br><br>
                <span class="mySlides-fadeLINE"> such as building up a retirement pot or paying school fees. Saving generally involves putting money into a bank or a bond that </span>
                <span class="dots">...</span>
                <a href="investments.aspx?1"><label class="read mySlides-fadeLINE">Read more</label></a>
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                <a href="#"><img src="Images/loans.jpg" class="img-responsive"></a><br>
                <span class="txtbold">The term loan refers to a type of credit vehicle in which a sum of money is lent to another party in exchange for future repayment of the value or principal amount. </span><br><br>
                <span class="mySlides-fadeLINE">The lender also adds interest and/or finance charges to the principal value which the borrower </span>
                <span class="dots">...</span>
                <a href="loans.aspx?1"> <label class="read mySlides-fadeLINE">Read more</label></a>
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                <a href="#"><img src="Images/power of compounding.jpg" class="img-responsive"></a><br>
                <span class="txtbold">It goes hand in hand with the concept of reinvestment. Power of compounding is essentially an act of 'adding interest on interest,' i.e. </span><br><br>
                <span class="mySlides-fadeLINE">the amount of money that is invested while generating earnings from both the initial principal</span>
                <span class="dots">...</span>
                <a href="power_of_compounding.aspx?1"><label class="read mySlides-fadeLINE">Read more</label></a>
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                <a href="#"><img src="Images/retirement planning.jpg" class="img-responsive"></a><br>
                <span class="txtbold">Retirement planning is the process of determining retirement income goals, actions and decisions necessary to achieve those goals. </span><br><br>
                <span class="mySlides-fadeLINE">It includes identifying sources of income, sizing up expenses implementing a savings program, and managing assets &amp; risk.</span>
                <span class="dots">...</span>
                <a href="Retirement_Planning.aspx?1"><label class="read mySlides-fadeLINE">Read more</label></a>
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                <a href="#"><img src="Images/rules 72.jpg" class="img-responsive"></a><br>
                <span class="txtbold">The rule of 72 is the most fundamental rule every investment entity applies to, be it an investor or fund house or fund manager. </span><br><br>
                <span class="mySlides-fadeLINE">It is a simple and effective method of estimating the time the investments will take to double themselves.</span>
                <span class="dots">...</span>
                <a href="rule72.aspx?1"> <label class="read mySlides-fadeLINE">Read more</label></a>
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                <a href="#"><img src="Images/tax planning.jpg" class="img-responsive"></a><br>
                <span class="txtbold">Â&nbsp;Tax planning is a legitimate way of reducing the tax liabilities in any given financial year. It helps to utilise the tax exemptions, deductions, and benefits </span><br><br>
                <span class="mySlides-fadeLINE">Â&nbsp;Tax planning is a legitimate way of reducing the tax liabilities in any given financial year. It helps to utilise the tax exemptions, deductions</span>
                <span class="dots">...</span>
                <a href="TaxPlanning.aspx?1"> <label class="read mySlides-fadeLINE">Read more</label></a>
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                <span class="txtbold"> How much your money can grow using the power of compounding.</span><br>
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                <a href="#"><img src="Images/RETIREMENT.jpg" class="img-responsive"></a><br>
                <span class="txtbold">Plan your cash flow in retirement. You can estimate how long your money will last, and the impact of changes in external factors (investment return, inflation) and personal choices (lifestyle decisions, spending)
                  on your cash flow.</span><br>
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                <span class="txtbold">Find the insurance required for you, based on various factor</span><br>
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Text Content

Fin Quest

The budget process is reconciling your financial realities to your financial

The process of creating a budget can be instructive. Creating a budget involves
projecting realistic behaviour. Your assumptions may come from your . ... Read

When we talk about Normal Returns & Real Returns, Normal Returns are what an
investment generates before taxes,

fees and inflation. It is simply the net change in price over time whereas Real
Returns are the actual value of your returns, typically after adjusting for
inflation and fees. ... Read more

With the advances in information technology, all banks in India have migrated to
core banking platforms and have moved transactions to payment cards (debit and
credit cards) and to electronic channels like ATMs

, Internet Banking and Mobile Banking. Fraudsters have also followed customers
into this space. ... Read more

An emergency fund is spare cash that is used during personal financial distress.
Events such as the loss of a job,

an illness, or a recession are examples of when many individuals would need to
use their emergency fund to continue to survive. ... Read more

Financial literacy is the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage
financial resources effectively for a lifetime of financial well-being.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines
Financial Literacy as a combination of ... Read more

Stock market investments are prone to risk. Investors at times invest in the
market based on broker recommendations, research report,

Identifying and investing in good stocks, although not easy, is a must to create
long term wealth. Since the stock markets have come into existence, ... Read

Insurance is a legal agreement between two parties i.e. the insurance company
(insurer) and the individual (insured). In this,

the insurance company promises to make good the losses of the insured on
happening of the insured contingency. ... Read more

Saving for the deposit on a new car or next year's holiday is different from
investing to achieve a long-term goal,

such as building up a retirement pot or paying school fees. Saving generally
involves putting money into a bank or a bond that ... Read more

The term loan refers to a type of credit vehicle in which a sum of money is lent
to another party in exchange for future repayment of the value or principal

The lender also adds interest and/or finance charges to the principal value
which the borrower ... Read more

It goes hand in hand with the concept of reinvestment. Power of compounding is
essentially an act of 'adding interest on interest,' i.e.

the amount of money that is invested while generating earnings from both the
initial principal ... Read more

Retirement planning is the process of determining retirement income goals,
actions and decisions necessary to achieve those goals.

It includes identifying sources of income, sizing up expenses implementing a
savings program, and managing assets & risk. ... Read more

The rule of 72 is the most fundamental rule every investment entity applies to,
be it an investor or fund house or fund manager.

It is a simple and effective method of estimating the time the investments will
take to double themselves. ... Read more

 Tax planning is a legitimate way of reducing the tax liabilities in any given
financial year. It helps to utilise the tax exemptions, deductions, and benefits

 Tax planning is a legitimate way of reducing the tax liabilities in any given
financial year. It helps to utilise the tax exemptions, deductions ... Read more
< >

How much your money can grow using the power of compounding.

Find out how much you need to save to attain the respective goals

Plan your cash flow in retirement. You can estimate how long your money will
last, and the impact of changes in external factors (investment return,
inflation) and personal choices (lifestyle decisions, spending) on your cash

Find the insurance required for you, based on various factor

How much your money can grow using the power of compounding.

Find out how much you need to save to attain the respective goals

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