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5 Best Practices for Employee Recognition Programs



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Written by

Elle Mason

Employee Recognition

What do we mean by employee recognition, and why does it matter?

Employee recognition is the open acknowledgment and expressed appreciation for
an employee’s contributions to their organization, and it provides a number of
business, social, and employee wellness advantages to teams. In this article, we
will discuss the following topics. (Click the links below to jump to a specific

 * Benefits of recognition
 * Giving effective recognition
 * Best practices for recognition programs

While the interest in providing effective, more frequent recognition in the
workplace may be recent, psychological research has well-documented evidence of
our need to be appreciated, respected, and acknowledged. This knowledge has
spurred the introduction of home-grown programs and dedicated employee
recognition software platforms in organizations around the world.

One way to understand the impact of recognition programs is through Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs. Essentially, after our baseline physiological needs (i.e.,
food, water, rest) are met, we can focus on our need for shelter and security,
followed by belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization. Modern employee
recognition supports both belongingness and esteem in the workplace.

Want more? Check out the Modern Employee Recognition Guide. 

Recognition is integral in creating a psychologically-safe environment, where
employees feel that it’s acceptable to offer feedback, make mistakes, and share
contrary opinions. By rewarding strategic risks through recognition, teams can
reinforce creative and innovative behavior without feelings of insecurity or

But even beyond our survival and needs—being appreciated just feels good. And
there’s a reason why: Being recognized releases the flow of oxytocin, the
chemical our bodies create when we bond with others and feel loved. It could be
as small as a “thank you” note or as large as an award—the more often employees
are valued and acknowledged, the better they’ll feel.


There are a number of demonstrated benefits that stem from recognizing people,
at all levels, in the workplace. To start, it’s been shown to:

 * Increase morale and motivation 
   65% of employees say that they would put more effort into their work if they
   were recognized more often.
 * Enhance productivity and lead to bottom-line improvement 
   When you increase morale, productivity, performance, and work quality also
   increase, ultimately improving your bottom line.
 * Help retain top performers 
   Employees are 56% less likely to search for a new job if they work for
   companies that prioritize effective employee recognition compared to those
   that don't. Aside from direct costs, losing your top performers carries many
   indirect costs, like lost institutional knowledge and relationships.
 * Identify low performers before it's too late
   Once you have a recognition program in place, you’ll be able to quickly see
   who your low performers are and support them through professional
   development, a better team environment, or otherwise.
 * Drive engagement
   Motivation and productivity are just one piece of the engagement puzzle.
   Recognition also helps drive employee engagement by providing a sense of
   value and accomplishment. According to research by Harvard Business Review:

> Leaders rated in the bottom 10% for providing recognition had employees at the
> 27th percentile on engagement. By contrast, those leaders rated in the top 10%
> were at the 69th percentile.


If you’re looking for a deeper dive into the importance and benefits, head over
to The Guide to Modern Employee Recognition which also includes tools,
resources, and case studies on unique and interesting ways to recognize your


Before implementing a dedicated program, it’s important to understand how to
give meaningful recognition. The characteristics of effective employee
recognition are:

 * Timely
 * Frequent
 * Specific
 * Visible
 * Inclusive
 * Values-based

To start, effective recognition is specific and timely. It’s the difference
between “Thanks—you did a good job on that report” and “Thanks for the report—I
appreciated the clear visuals you used. The graphs on page 14 were especially
effective in demonstrating your point. Excellent work!” Specific recognition
helps employees understand which actions contribute to team goals and should be
repeated. Naturally, this type of praise should follow soon after the report is
delivered, rather than an employee hearing about it eight months later in an
annual performance review after you've forgotten the specifics.

Recognition should also be frequent, visible, tied to company values, and
inclusive. Frequent recognition builds ongoing motivation and ensures that
employees feel perpetually valued. Visible recognition provides positive
reinforcement for both the employee being recognized and others around them. It
also spotlights work that may have gone unnoticed and encourages increased
collaboration. Values-based recognition brings your company vision to life by
reinforcing your core values. Inclusive recognition encourages peer-to-peer
recognition to promote stronger team connections.



Want to know more about these characteristics? Check out our Recognition Guide.


Now that your team understands the benefits of recognition and the
characteristics of effective recognition, it’s time to examine your own program.
Are you following employee recognition best practices?

Managing your recognition program using the following five recommendations will
help you make the most of appreciation on your team:


Employers should be clear about what behaviors or actions they’d like to see
from recognition programs and the impact of recognition on business objectives.
Whether you’re starting a new employee recognition program or updating an
existing one, challenge your team to answer the following questions:

 * What types of behaviors will be rewarded?
   Reference your business objectives and decide which behaviors to incentivize,
   and remember that effective recognition is tied to organizational values!
   Reward deliverables completed on time if lateness is a challenge, and applaud
   cross-departmental collaboration if your organization is stuck working in
 * How should the desired behavior be rewarded?
   It’s important to know your team and reward behavior accordingly – everyone
   prefers certain languages of appreciation over others. In general, praise
   should be public and can be a great learning opportunity for the whole team.
   Tying that praise to a tangible reward or experience can remind employees of
   their achievements long after praise is given.
 * How often should recognition occur?
   Effective praise is frequent, so it’s important to recognize your team
   regularly. Giving recognition on the spot is a good habit, and reiterating
   that praise during team meetings, especially for special achievements, can
   amplify the effects of recognition. 
 * Who should recognition come from?
   Recognition is traditionally given top-down by managers, but peer-to-peer and
   360-degree recognition is even more effective.


Many employers assume that employees always want money instead of non-tangible
rewards, but research suggests that’s not true. Research by Deloitte, for
example, identified two different types of recognition: 1.) praise and
emblematic recognition and 2.) token and monetary rewards. They found that both
types of recognition are important to employees, as:


> “This varied approach helps to constantly and frequently reinforce desired
> employee behaviors.”


This may not seem intuitive at first, but imagine receiving a bonus without any
note or explanation. How would you know how to replicate the behaviors that led
to the bonus? You’d have no idea what you did correctly to earn it—and how to
avoid doing something incorrectly!

Similarly, it’s beneficial to understand the difference between extrinsic and
intrinsic motivation in the workplace. Whether the praise or the monetary reward
is the primary form of recognition, both approaches complement each other.


Don’t assume that you know what everyone wants; engage your employees to better
understand the types of rewards they’re most interested in. This is true even
for monetary rewards, where a gift card may be preferred over company-branded
materials. For example, if you’re rewarding employees with gift cards, make sure
employees will use and enjoy products or services from that business.

Once you’ve drafted ideas for potential rewards, it’s easy to get employee
preferences by sending out some survey questions and asking for feedback. Giving
employees a say in rewards redemption can increase their personal investment in
the program and make recognition even more enjoyable.


When introducing a new system or approach, it’s important that communication
around the roll-out is clear and the implementation is as painless as possible.
Any team participating in a new program should be clued in on that program’s
purpose, how to use it, and when it will take effect. Here are three factors to
consider as you’re thinking about implementing or updating a recognition


Management should be aligned on the program’s purpose, especially when they’re
leading the roll-out of the program. Teams and employees may start to feel jaded
if no one is taking it seriously. Imagine being on a team where the manager
withholds recognition and doesn’t think it’s important while watching the team
next door receive reward after reward—it would be demoralizing.

Recognition should also be aligned with organizational objectives and goals;
creating recognition programs around behaviors that the business doesn’t value
leads to confusion and may have the negative impact of directing energy away
from company goals. Consider it a reinforcement of existing priorities.


Managers should strive for publicly-visible recognition, especially at the start
of any recognition program. Employees should be able to see when their peers are
recognized, fostering a culture of recognition. Data from that recognition
should be visible for teams to help improve communication.


With current technology, how recognition is delivered is also critical to
determine. How will recognition or rewards be delivered in your organization?

Meet your employees where they’re at. If you regularly communicate through a
collaboration tool like Slack, find a program that integrates with it. Use
existing team meetings to reiterate recognition where appropriate, and consider
using an automated system to fulfill rewards.


Recognition programs impact many different areas of an organization. Using a
measurement system like employee net promoter score can provide a useful way to
measure the effect of recognition on factors like employee engagement and

Successful recognition programs should positively impact other factors like
performance, productivity, and turnover. You can use a number of ways to analyze
changes in those areas, like pulse surveys, brief interviews or feedback
sessions, and performance management software. Gather 360-degree feedback on a
regular basis, and use it to adjust your program where necessary.

To take it one step further, use data from your recognition program to inform
other business decisions. Research behavior to determine if any team or
individual is isolated, review how teams are connected, and facilitate
collaboration where needed. Are there teams with outstanding behavior? Study
them to understand how to take those learnings to other departments.


Beyond measures of productivity and performance, employers can use recognition
as a catalyst for widespread positive organizational change by engaging
employees, connecting teams, and fostering a culture of appreciation.

Nearly every company can benefit from implementing or improving its existing
recognition practices. Whether you’re implementing a new recognition program
like Bonusly or refining an existing one, effective recognition can be an
extremely powerful positive force.


While you're here, check out our other Best Practice resources! ⬇️

Top 5 Essential Best Practices for Employee Offboarding

DEI at Work: 5 Best Practices and 3 Common Mistakes to Avoid

Modern Compensation Strategy Best Practices

Ready to learn more about the top employee recognition program that makes
timely, frequent, specific, visible, inclusive, and values-based recognition

Learn more with a free trial, demo, or quick tour of our fun, smart, and
cost-effective employee recognition platform. 

Originally published on September 26, 2022 → Last updated October 31, 2022
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0 points
3 years ago

Now these tips are something worth implementing in my daily practice. I look
forward to more such tips from you. You can check out my blog HR software and
find posts of your interest on relative topics.

Raphael Sefriou
0 points
17 months ago

Employee recognition is something mandatory in HR in order to keep your workers
motivated while they are at work. The practices for recognition program
mentioned in this blog is truly inspiring in order to create our own program in
our companies. The information provided is clear and simple steps are mentioned
on what to include in the program in order to have it as successful as possible.
One of the main aspects that I would agree on including is giving the employees
a voice and choice. Since all workers are different, it is important to
understand what motivates everyone in order to get the best out of each one of
them. Engaging the employees to have a better understanding of the type of
rewards they would prefer would benefit the company more in the long run.
Motivation is something very important for workers and making sure the rewards
is what they want will incite workers to be more efficient.

Eli Venecia
0 points
15 months ago

Thank you so much for the article. Attrition is a major issue now, and a lot of
people managers think that ends with free lunches and t-shirts. This is easy,
real connection is hard. Full engagement and regular positive reinforcement is
the key. If a people manager is unable to have a conversation with one of their
direct reports, they need to be coached.



January 5, 2022 by Vanessa Kahn


May 21, 2018 by Elisse Lockhart


January 29, 2021 by Helen Murphy

Elle is a professional management consultant and Founder of Better Living with
Design. She has studied at the University of North Carolina, Johns Hopkins
University, and Harvard University and has consulted in the Human Capital space
for almost a decade.

Bonusly is a fun, personal employee recognition and rewards platform that helps
people feel engaged and successful at work. ✨ Learn more about us.


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