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New Gangbuster VSL from time tested publisher Critical Bench.

The #1 muscle In Your Body that is the Key to Eliminating Joint & Back Pain,
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Email #1

From: hip muscles

Subject: back & hip pain? THIS is why...


Ever heard about hip flexors? If you’re dealing with…

❌ Low back & hip pain

❌ Stiffness

❌ Or pain while walking or moving

THIS muscle is to blame.

Because the hip flexors allow you to bend at the waist and stabilize your spine.

But if you spend 4+ hours a day sitting…

Your hip flexors can get really tight… Leading to stabbing low back & hip pain.

Luckily, ONE of these 4 stretches can unlock your hip flexors instantly. Try to
guess which one it is:


Take a guess and tap on your answer…

Or click below to see how to unlock your tight hip flexors today:

>> #1 stretch to END low back & hip pain (it works instantly).

Email #2

From: your low back

Subject: stretch to END back & hip pain


Struggling with low back & hip pain?

According to new Harvard research… is because of your hip flexors.

These long muscles allow you to lift your knees and bend at the waist.

But when you spend more than 4 hours a day sitting, your hip flexors get tight
and weak… Leading to stabbing back & hip pain that even pills CAN’T fix!

Good news is, THIS “primal stretch” instantly releases your hip flexors.

It’s easy to do. And it can END low back & hip pain in just 12 seconds:

>> Odd “primal stretch” ENDS low back & hip pain in 12 seconds.

Email #3

From: back & hip pain?

Subject: 🦵 "leg stretch" ENDS the pain...


According to new Harvard studies… the #1 cause of your back & hips pain is NOT
age, posture, or injuries.

It’s actually THIS forgotten “survival muscle”:


When THIS muscle gets tight, it “pulls” your pelvis out of its natural position
- leading to stabbing low back & hip pain every time you move.

Fortunately, there’s a simple 12-second “leg stretch” to fix this.

It can unlock this “survival muscle” and STOP your pain naturally. And it’s even

>> This “leg stretch” ENDS low back & hip pain in 12 seconds.

Email #4

From: #1 survival muscle

Subject: stretch THIS muscle to END pain


Back pain, belly fat, or sexual issues? According to Harvard MDs… is all because
of THIS forgotten "survival muscle".

Because when this muscle gets tight...

 * It causes bad posture and stiffness… leading to low back & hip pain.
 * It makes your stomach stick out… making you look 20lbs heavier.
 * It stops blood flow down there “where it matters”… killing your sex life.

Luckily... all of THIS is GONE once you unlock this "survival muscle".

So, do you know which muscle I'm talking about? Is it your…

 1. Glutes
 2. Hip flexors
 3. Piriformis
 4. Lower abs

Tap on your guess...

Or click below to see what this "muscle" is (and how to release it in 10

>> Unlock THIS "muscle" to FIX back & hip pain, bulging belly, or sexual issues.

Email #5

From: Your hip and low back are aching because...

Subject: Your Hips


Have you heard about hip flexors?


Hip flexors are the longest muscle in the body and the only muscle that connects
the upper body and lower body, also known as the psoas (pronounced so-az)

Your psoas…

…stabilize your trunk and spine during movement and sitting

…allow you to bend your hips and legs towards your chest

…support your internal organs

…is connected to your diaphragm which allows you to walk and breathe.

In other words, your psoas has a direct influence on your fight or flight

If the psoas get tight and weak, it can be a real pain but working certain
muscles and doing certain exercise combinations provide easy fixes.

So… If you experience…
low back pain
hip pain
pain while walking or moving
trouble sleeping
shortness of breath

You need to start undoing some of the damage done to your body and start helping
the body to naturally heal itself.

>> Here are the best strategies to Go from “Sore” to “Supple”.

To your better health,

Email #6

From: Give your hips some love

Subject: Loosened Hips


It’s kind of crazy…

This muscle RULES what ails most people…

This muscle RULES back pain.

This muscle RULES the belly bulge.

This muscle RULES leg strength.

This muscle RULES posture.

This muscle RULES hip flexibility.

I like to call it your body’s “linchpin muscle”. Now, normally…

You pull a linchpin and everything falls apart. But…

In this case, everything is ALREADY a mess and most people don’t know their
linchpin muscle is sitting there, on the floor, just waiting for them to slide
it back into place so that everything can go back together.

Like I said, kind of crazy. Sounds a little fantastical, but with a society that
sits WAY more than our ancestors did, it really should come as no surprise.

Anyway, everyone (myself included) needs to spend more time (really just a few
short minutes a day) giving this linchpin muscle the tender loving care it

The rest of your body will thank you for it.

Here’s your link with instructions on how to do just that:

>>One muscle to rule them all: put your linchpin muscle back in place

Bet you already have an idea which muscle it is…


Email #7

From: side sleeper?

Subject: #1 WORST sleeping position (kills your metabolism, joints, & sleep)


Want to know the WORST sleeping position?


According to a renowned Canadian injury specialist, this position is a flashing
red alert to your body’s hidden survival muscle.

This primitive muscle lifts your legs to sprint away from a predator…

Or simply to curl up into the fetal position (like when you sleep).

Unfortunately, overusing this muscle activates your body’s “survival mode”.

What does that mean for you?

You jolt awake in the night because your body is on high alert…

Your metabolism grinds to a screeching halt…

Your back, knees, and hips ache with pain, and many other issues.

But there’s good news…

Over 45,000 adults tried 1 simple morning stretch to unlock this muscle…

And erased joint pain in minutes…

As well as reclaimed peaceful sleep, unstoppable energy, healthy digestion, and
youthful mobility.

Try it out:

>> 1 stretch erases pain, improves digestion, restores energy

Email #8

From: dormant muscle

Subject: Why tight hips lower your metabolism


What if your aching back and knees, fatigue, snail-like metabolism, poor sleep,
and even fizzled out sex drive were caused by 1 thing?

It sounds crazy….

But Austrian and Japanese scientists discovered all these issues can be traced
to a single hidden survival muscle.


I bet you’ve never heard of this muscle…

Even though experts call it the information highway of your body…

Since it’s the ONLY muscle connecting your upper body to your lower body…

While acting as a master switch on your brain, breathing, and nerves.

When this hidden muscle locks up due to overuse…

It sends signals to your brain to enter ‘survival mode’.

The result?

Your body SLOWS down to keep you “safe”...

By storing nagging belly fat or releasing torrents of pain through your joints.

Get the details here:

>> How to reverse damage to your “hidden survival muscle”


P.S. Heather from New York City said:

“Once I hit a certain age, it seemed like everything started breaking down…After
watching your video, life is just different. I’m in less pain, I’m less tired,
and I have more strength in my body. I can move around more which is great to
keep up with the little ones.”

Click here to discover your body’s hidden survival muscle.


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domain. An error will appear if you link directly to them.

Instead, download the images you need or download the full set, and host them on
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