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EHR SystemathenahealtheClinicalWorksEpicCernerNextgenGEVeradigm ProGreenway
Healthe-MDsMeditechPractice FusionProprietaryAltera TouchworksOther

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With the transition to V28 well underway, many provider groups and health plans
will suffer a significant impact to their revenue as a result of the shift. At
this critical pivot point, organizations must ensure they have the strategies
and tools in place to mitigate these challenges and help them thrive. This
session is aimed at professionals from provider groups and health plans already
navigating the transition from V24 to V28.

Join us on March 26, 2024 at 1:30PM ET to hear our expert panel discuss:

 * Practical tools that can help organizations excel at risk adjustment during
   this dynamic period, dramatically improving financial outcomes and helping to
   offset the impact of V28.
 * Proven approaches for integrating both models within the risk adjustment
   framework, ensuring continuity and efficiency during the transition.
 * Cutting-edge tactics for enhancing provider engagement under the new
   standards, including AI tools that can improve clinical documentation and
   ensure accurate diagnosis capture.

Featured Panelists

Joseph Hafner CPC, CRC

Vice President of Risk Adjustment, Upperline Health 

Dana McCalley

VP of Value-Based Care, Navina

Dr.Yair Lewis

Chief Medical Officer, Navina

Featured Panelists

Joseph Hafner CPC, CRC

Vice President of Risk Adjustment, Upperline Health 

Dana McCalley

VP of Value-Based Care, Navina

Dr.Yair Lewis

Chief Medical Officer, Navina

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