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Just a few doors up and over on Main Street! We will remain open in our current
spot through March 2.

Come stock up on supplies before we close for a couple weeks!

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Peruse our virtual aisles for endless inspiration. Our shop is fully stocked
with a wide array of supplies, from watercolor to sketchbooks to linoleum blocks
to sculpting tools, and more!

Online orders are available for in-store or curbside pick up, perfect for those
who can't make it down the stairs.

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Membership includes access to an online collaborative forum, monthly meet ups,
educational seminars, exclusive discounts, and more!

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We've partnered with Hermit Thrush Fiber Co. in Bristol to bring fibers to
Middlebury! When you order through their site, simply select "Pick up at Sparrow
Art Supply" when completing your purchase. Your order will arrive to our shop
within a week!

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(802) 989-7225
52 Main Street, Middlebury, VT

Tuesday-Saturday, 10:30am-5:30pm

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Helpful Information

Shipping Policy

Orders are available for in-store and curbside pick up at 52 Main Street,
between Middlebury Mountaineer and the waterfall. Orders will be available to
pick up at the register counter. If you select Curbside Pickup at checkout, we
will meet you on the sidewalk with your order. Please call when you arrive!
Shipping is not available at this time.

Returns Policy

Unopened and undamaged Art Supply items can be returned at our store within 14
days of purchase date with receipt for proof of purchase to original form of
payment. Fine Artwork purchases and items on sale are not eligible for returns.
Sparrow Art Supply reserves the right to refuse a return.

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