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                        <h3 class="title">
                          <a href="/prepare-prevent">Prepare &amp; Prevent</a>
                        <div class="summary"> Floods cause more damage than any other natural disaster in Australia. The best way to avoid devastating damage is to prepare for flooding events. </div>
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                        <h3 class="title">
                          <a href="/during-a-flood">During a Flood</a>
                        <div class="summary"> Emergency services personnel, state agencies, your local council and others in the community will be working hard to manage the response to a flood, and keep people and property safe throughout the whole
                          community. Learn how you can help. </div>
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                        <h3 class="title">
                          <a href="/recovery">Recovery</a>
                        <div class="summary"> Flood dangers do not end when the water begins to recede. What you do immediately after a flood will affect your health and safety and can reduce your losses considerably. </div>
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                        <h3 class="title">
                          <a href="/contacts">Important Contacts</a>
                        <div class="summary"> Contact information for large number of departments and agencies that are involved in helping to prevent, prepare and recover from floods in Victoria. </div>
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                        <h1 id="mcetoc_1c7v9lsor5" class="featureBox" style="background: #ffffff !important;">During Significant Flood&nbsp;and Storm Events</h1>
                        <h3 id="mcetoc_1bd2ot8nb6">Use the <a href="http://emergency.vic.gov.au" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">VicEmergency Website</a> for real-time incidents and warnings&nbsp; OR</h3>
                        <h3 id="mcetoc_1c7v8lks00">Contact the&nbsp;VicEmergency Hotline <span class="huge big"><span style="color: #ff6600;">1800 226 226</span></span></h3>
                          <p><span class="small">You can get emergency information by tuning in to ABC local radio, or other <strong>
                                <a href="https://www.emv.vic.gov.au/our-work/victorias-warning-system/emergency-broadcasters" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">emergency broadcasters</a></strong>, by accessing the <strong>
                                <a href="https://emergency.vic.gov.au" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">VicEmergency website</a></strong>,&nbsp;downloading the <strong>
                                <a href="https://vicemergency.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/categories/203637608-VicEmergency-app" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">VicEmergency app</a></strong>, phoning the VicEmergency Hotline on <strong> <span
                                  style="color: #ff6600;">1800 226 226 </span> </strong>or following VicEmergency on&nbsp;<strong><a href="https://www.facebook.com/vicemergency" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Facebook</a> </strong>or
                              <strong> <a href="https://twitter.com/vicemergency" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Twitter</a></strong>.</span></p>
                          <h3 id="mcetoc_1c7v9fm561">Need help?</h3>
                          <p><span class="small">Call VICSES on <span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>132 500</strong> </span>from anywhere in Victoria for flood, storm, tsunami and earthquake emergency response for help. <strong><span
                                  style="color: #ff6600;">For life-threatening emergencies call Triple Zero (000).</span></strong></span></p>
                      <div class="col" style="width: 72%;">
                        <div class="featureBox">
                          <h1 id="PageTitle">Welcome</h1>
                          <p>Flooding is natural and cannot be stopped and can have both positive and negative impacts.&nbsp;</p>
                          <p>The positive impacts of flooding, for example,&nbsp;include water for wetland ecosystems and replenishing soil moisture and nutrients.&nbsp;</p>
                          <p>The negative impacts can bring substantial damages to homes and businesses,&nbsp;critical infrastructure and to&nbsp;farming, such as agriculture and crops.&nbsp;However, the negative effects of floods can be reduced with
                            good planning&nbsp;and the right actions.</p>
                          <p>Flood planning and action is a shared community responsibility. Local, state and federal governments all have a role to play in reducing the damage from floods in Victoria but so do you and your neighbours.</p>
                          <h2 id="mcetoc_1bgai9br31">This website will help you understand:</h2>
                          <div class="twoCols">
                            <div class="col">
                              <ul class="noBullets">
                                <li><a href="/learn-about-flooding" class="iconArrow">how and why floods affect you</a></li>
                                <li><a href="/prepare-prevent/government-and-related-agencies-roles" class="iconArrow">what is being done to better manage floods</a></li>
                            <div class="col">
                              <ul class="noBullets">
                                <li><a href="/prepare-prevent" class="iconArrow">what can you do to reduce flood damages</a></li>
                                <li><a href="/contacts" class="iconArrow">where and how to get help before, during and after a flood</a></li>
                        <div class="featureBox">
                          <h2 id="mcetoc_1bgaiatl83">Flood information for people who...</h2>
                          <div class="twoCols">
                            <div class="col">
                              <ul class="noBullets">
                                <li style="list-style-type: none;"><a href="/prepare-prevent" class="iconArrow">are buying a property</a></li>
                                <li style="list-style-type: none;"><a href="/prepare-prevent" class="iconArrow">are leasing or renting a property</a></li>
                                <li style="list-style-type: none;"><a href="/prepare-prevent/your-property-and-business/floodsafe-property-improvements" class="iconArrow">are building, renovating or extending</a></li>
                                <li style="list-style-type: none;"><a href="/prepare-prevent/your-property-and-business/floodsafe-property-improvements" class="iconArrow">are landscaping or improving a yard</a></li>
                            <div class="col">
                              <ul class="noBullets">
                                <li style="list-style-type: none;"><a href="/prepare-prevent" class="iconArrow">are living or working in a flood prone area</a></li>
                                <li style="list-style-type: none;"><a href="/during-a-flood" class="iconArrow">have heard a flood warning</a></li>
                                <li style="list-style-type: none;"><a href="/recovery" class="iconArrow">have been affected by a flood</a></li>
                                <li style="list-style-type: none;"><a href="/learn-about-flooding" class="iconArrow">want to learn about floods and the environment</a></li>
                        <h4 id="mcetoc_1bgaiatl84">Note:</h4>
                        <p>This website is a portal which links to information from a number of different government departments and agencies and may direct you to other websites.&nbsp; These websites will open in a new (popup) window, ensuring that
                          you can continue browsing&nbsp;Flood Victoria.</p>
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Search Form
 1. Keywords:

 * Home
 * Latest News
 * Prepare & Prevent
   * Government and Related Agencies' Roles
   * Land Use Planning and Controls
   * Understanding your Risks
   * Your Property and Business
   * Floods and Storms after Fires
   * Victoria Caravan Parks Emergency Management Plan
 * During a Flood
   * Weather and Warnings
   * When Flooding is Imminent
   * Travel During Floods
   * Service Interruption
 * Recovery
   * Flood Insurance
 * Learn about Flooding
   * Flood History
   * Flood Types
   * Flood and Floodplain Management
   * Floods and the Environment
   * Links for Students and Teachers
   * Links to Resource Material
   * Glossary and Abbreviations
 * FAQ
   * Common Misconceptions about Flooding
   * Houses and Property and floods
 * Contacts
 * About Us


 * VicEmergency
 * Victoria SES
 * Bureau of Meteorology
 * Department of Health & Human Services
 * Local Government
 * VicRoads
 * More Contacts...

Prepare & Prevent
During a Flood
Important Contacts


Floods cause more damage than any other natural disaster in Australia. The best
way to avoid devastating damage is to prepare for flooding events.


Emergency services personnel, state agencies, your local council and others in
the community will be working hard to manage the response to a flood, and keep
people and property safe throughout the whole community. Learn how you can help.


Flood dangers do not end when the water begins to recede. What you do
immediately after a flood will affect your health and safety and can reduce your
losses considerably.


Contact information for large number of departments and agencies that are
involved in helping to prevent, prepare and recover from floods in Victoria.
You are here: Home>




You can get emergency information by tuning in to ABC local radio, or other
emergency broadcasters, by accessing the VicEmergency website, downloading the
VicEmergency app, phoning the VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226 or following
VicEmergency on Facebook or Twitter.



Call VICSES on 132 500 from anywhere in Victoria for flood, storm, tsunami and
earthquake emergency response for help. For life-threatening emergencies call
Triple Zero (000).


Flooding is natural and cannot be stopped and can have both positive and
negative impacts. 

The positive impacts of flooding, for example, include water for wetland
ecosystems and replenishing soil moisture and nutrients. 

The negative impacts can bring substantial damages to homes and
businesses, critical infrastructure and to farming, such as agriculture and
crops. However, the negative effects of floods can be reduced with good
planning and the right actions.

Flood planning and action is a shared community responsibility. Local, state and
federal governments all have a role to play in reducing the damage from floods
in Victoria but so do you and your neighbours.


 * how and why floods affect you
 * what is being done to better manage floods

 * what can you do to reduce flood damages
 * where and how to get help before, during and after a flood


 * are buying a property
 * are leasing or renting a property
 * are building, renovating or extending
 * are landscaping or improving a yard

 * are living or working in a flood prone area
 * have heard a flood warning
 * have been affected by a flood
 * want to learn about floods and the environment


This website is a portal which links to information from a number of different
government departments and agencies and may direct you to other websites.  These
websites will open in a new (popup) window, ensuring that you can continue
browsing Flood Victoria.

Home Page
 * Home
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 * Disclaimer
 * Accessibility
 * Copyright
 * Site Map
 * Contacts

Copyright © 2020 Flood Victoria. All rights reserved.

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