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(redirected from Quebec, Canada)
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, province, Canada

Quebec (kwēbĕkˈ, kwə–, kē–, kə–), Fr. Québec (kābĕkˈ), province (2001 pop.
7,237,479), 594,860 sq mi (1,553,637 sq km), E Canada.


Quebec is bounded on the N by Hudson Strait and Ungava Bay, on the E by the
Labrador area of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Gulf of St. Lawrence, on the
S by New Brunswick and the United States, and on the W by Ontario, James Bay,
and Hudson Bay. Quebec is Canada's largest province; it is three times the size
of France and seven times the size of Great Britain. The Canadian (or
Laurentian) Shield underlies the northern nine tenths of the province, which is
relatively unexplored and uninhabited; the region has been planed by glacial
action into a pattern of rounded hills (including the Laurentian Mts.), swiftly
flowing rivers, and numerous lakes and bogs. Dense forests cover much of the
land, and the region is rich in minerals.

South of the Canadian Shield lies the great St. Lawrence River. On both sides of
the river south of Quebec city are lowlands that are the centers of agriculture,
commerce, and industry. Quebec city and Trois Rivières are on the north bank of
the river, and Montreal, the leading industrial center of Canada, occupies an
island where the Ottawa River joins the St. Lawrence. Another industrial center
is the region of Jonquière and Chicoutimi, on the Saguenay River north of Quebec
city. In the southeast are the Appalachian Highlands, which run parallel to the
St. Lawrence. The Gaspé Peninsula, on the south of the St. Lawrence, extends
into the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Quebec's climate is generally temperate, with variations among the regions.
Tourism is important throughout the province during the summer season, and in
the winter the Laurentian Mts. attract skiers. The Eastern Townships (Estrie)
region, near the New York and Vermont borders, has many fashionable lake and
country resorts. Quebec has vast waterpower resources—Hydro-Quebec is the
largest producer of electricity in Canada. The massive James Bay Project, whose
first phases exploited the flow of La Grande and nearby rivers, was dealt a
severe blow in 1992, when the New York State Power Authority refused to sign a
purchase contract; the proposed development of the Great Whale River was held up
by opposition from the Cree who live in and claim the area. Further work on the
entire project was suspended in 1994, but a 2002 agreement with the Cree allowed
completion of the La Grande complex.

The city of Quebec is the capital. Montreal is the largest city; other important
centers are Verdun, Laval, Trois Rivières, Gatineau, and Sherbrooke.


The forests of the north yield wood for pulp, paper, and lumber industries, and
throughout the north copper, iron, zinc, silver, and gold are mined. Iron ore
deposits in the Ungava Bay region have been exploited in recent decades.
Asbestos is found in the far north, but more importantly historically in the
Thetford Mines region of the Appalachian Highlands. Jonquière has one of the
world's largest aluminum plants.

The small farms of the lowlands yield dairy products, sugar beets, and tobacco.
Quebec is second to Ontario among the Canadian provinces in industrial
production. Its main manufactures include refined petroleum, food products,
beverages, motor vehicles, aircraft, clothing, furniture, iron and steel,
chemicals, and metal and paper products. The fur and fishing trades are still
important in Quebec. The service sector has grown significantly since 1970.
Although many anglophone businesses have abandoned the Montreal area since the
1960s in response to separatist agitation and provincial laws requiring the
nearly exclusive use of French, Quebec continues to be a center of international
commerce. Montreal and Quebec city are both tourist magnets.

Quebec has many universities, including Bishop's Univ., at Lennoxville;
Concordia Univ., McGill Univ., and the Univ. of Montreal, at Montreal; Laval
Univ., at Quebec city; the Univ. of Sherbrooke, at Sherbrooke; and the Univ. of
Quebec, with an administrative center at Sainte-Foy and campuses at Chicoutimi,
Gatineau, Montreal, Rimouski, Rouyn, and Trois Rivières.



Since many continental explorations began in the region, Quebec has been called
the cradle of Canada. In 1534, Jacques Cartier planted a cross on the Gaspé and
the following year he sailed up the St. Lawrence. In 1608, Samuel de Champlain
built a trading post on the site of the present-day Quebec city, and from this
and subsequent settlements Catholic missionaries, explorers, and fur traders
penetrated the North American continent. The activities of private fur-trading
companies ended, for a time, in 1663 when Louis XIV made the region, then known
as New France, a royal colony and chose Jean Baptiste Talon to be intendant, or

The long struggle to protect the colony and the fur trade from the Iroquois
(other tribes were allies of the French) and the British was effectively lost in
1759, when the British defeated the French on the Plains of Abraham (see
Abraham, Plains of). By the Treaty of Paris of 1763, Great Britain acquired New
France. In an attempt to conciliate the French inhabitants, the British passed
the Quebec Act of 1774, under which the colony was allowed to continue its
semifeudal system of land tenure and to retain its language, religion, legal
system, and customs.

After the American Revolution, many British Loyalists came to settle in Quebec.
By the Constitutional Act of 1791 the British separated the area west of the
Ottawa River and created the colony of Upper Canada (now Ontario) there. Quebec
became known as Lower Canada, and in 1791 the first elective assembly was

The resentment of leaders of the French community toward the British
precipitated a revolt in 1837 led by Louis Papineau. Although the rebellion was
crushed, the disturbances in Upper and Lower Canada caused the British to send
the Earl of Durham (see Durham, John George Lambton, 1st earl of) to study
conditions in the British North American colonies. His report led ultimately to
internal self-government and the creation of the Canadian confederation. Upper
and Lower Canada were reunited in 1841, and Quebec became known as Canada East.
Responsible (elected) government was granted in 1849.


With the formation of the confederation of Canada in 1867, Canada East became
the province of Quebec. Provisions for the preservation of its special,
traditional institutions were specifically written into the Canadian
constitution. English and French were made the official languages of both Quebec
and the Canadian parliament, and a dual school system was established within
Quebec. However, in 1974 French was made the sole official language of the
province, and all non-English-speaking children were required to attend
French-language schools. But the coexistence of majority-French and
minority-English cultures within the province and the reverse situation within
Canada as a whole have remained sources of tension. Attempts in Manitoba and
Ontario at the beginning of the 20th cent. to curtail or abolish separate
Catholic schools increased the French Canadians' feeling of isolation. In 1917
they vehemently opposed conscription for World War I.


During the 20th cent. great economic growth in Quebec was coupled with increased
determination to maintain and broaden provincial rights. The boundary between
Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador was only finalized in 1927, when
Newfoundland was not yet part of Canada; although the boundary was accepted by
Canada, Quebec has never officially recognized it. In the 1960s separatist
groups, advocating an independent Quebec, gained attention. In 1970 separatist
terrorists kidnapped a British diplomat, James R. Cross, and the Quebec Minister
of Labour, Pierre Laporte. Cross was later released, but Laporte was found

In 1976 the Parti Québécois (PQ), a party of French-Canadian nationalists formed
in 1970, won control of the provincial parliament under René Lévesque. The new
government initiated a series of language and cultural reforms whereby the use
of English was discouraged; this caused an out-migration of English-speakers and
their companies, mainly to Ontario. During the 1980s, however, Montreal
attracted many high-technology and financial services companies.

In 1980, Lévesque's plan for an independent Quebec, called
sovereignty-association, was rejected in a provincial referendum by 60% of the
voters. The PQ was returned to power in 1981, however, and in 1982 the
provincial government refused to accept the new Canadian constitution. From 1985
to 1994, the Liberal party, led by Robert Bourassa and Daniel Johnson,
controlled the assembly. In 1987 there appeared to be progress on the issue of
Quebec separatism, when the Meech Lake Accord was signed, but the accord
collapsed in 1990. A package of constitutional reforms was subsequently drafted
by the Canadian government and presented to voters in a national referendum in
Oct., 1992, but it was defeated.

In 1994 the PQ, now led by Jacques Parizeau, regained control of the provincial
government. A referendum on independence was narrowly defeated in Oct., 1995.
Parizeau announced his resignation and was replaced in 1996 by Lucien Bouchard,
who had led the Bloc Québécois in Ottawa. Quebec was recognized by Parliament as
a “distinct society” because of its language and culture and was granted a veto
over constitutional amendments. Separatists said the changes were symbolic and
vowed to continue their struggle. They suffered two blows in 1998, however, when
Canada's Supreme Court ruled that Quebec could not legally secede on its own and
the PQ's majority shrank in provincial elections.

In 1999 polls showed that support for secession had shrunk to about 40% of
Quebec voters; in the Oct., 2000, national elections the Bloc Québécois received
fewer votes than the Liberals for the first time since 1980. A federal law
designed to make it harder for Quebec to secede was passed in July, 2000; it
required that a clear majority support a clearly worded proposition and that
borders, the seceding province's responsibility for a share of the national
debt, and other issues be resolved by negotiations. In 2001, Bouchard resigned;
he was succeeded as premier by the new PQ party leader, Bernard Landry.

The Liberals, led by Jean Charest, decisively defeated the PQ in the Apr., 2003,
elections, and Charest became premier. In the Mar., 2007, provincial elections,
the Liberals lost seats but secured a plurality and formed a minority
government. Charest called for new elections in Dec., 2008, and succeeded in
securing a legislative majority. In 2012, the Liberals narrowly lost to the PQ,
which secured a plurality and formed a minority government headed by Pauline
Marois, the province's first woman premier. Two years later, however, the
Liberals returned to power when the possibility of secession again became
prominent, and Philippe Couillard became premier. In Oct., 2018, in the first
significant shift in Quebec's politics since the PQ won in 1976, the Coalition
Avenir Québec (CAQ), a Quebec nationalist center-right party rejecting
independence, won a majority, and François Legault became premier.

Quebec sends 24 senators and 75 representatives to the national parliament.


See C. C. Nish, ed., Quebec in the Duplessis Era, 1935–1959 (1970); F. Grenier,
ed., Quebec (1972); W. D. Coleman, The Independence Movement in Quebec, 1945–80
(1984); A. Greer, Peasant, Lord and Merchant: Rural Society in Three Quebec
Parishes, 1740–1840 (1985); R. Handler, Nationalism and the Politics of Culture
in Quebec (1988); H. Guidon, Quebec Society (1988).



, city, Canada
Quebec, Fr. Québec, city (1991 pop. 167,517), provincial capital, S Que.,
Canada, at the confluence of the St. Lawrence and St. Charles rivers. The
population is largely French speaking, and the town is at the ideological core
of French Canada. Quebec is an important port and is an industrial, cultural,
service, and tourist center. Part of the city is built on the waterfront and is
called Lower Town; that part called Upper Town is on Cape Diamond, a bluff
rising c.300 ft (91 m) above the St. Lawrence. Winding, narrow streets link the
two sections of the city. The chief industries are shipbuilding and tourism, and
the manufacture of pulp, paper, newsprint, leather products, textiles, clothing,
machinery, and foods and beverages. The site of Quebec was visited by Cartier in
1535, and in 1608 Champlain established a French colony in the present Lower
Town; this was captured (1629) by the English, who held it until 1632. In 1663,
Quebec was made the capital of New France and became the center of the fur
trade. The city was unsuccessfully attacked by the English in 1690 and 1711.
Finally in 1759 English forces under Wolfe defeated the French under Montcalm on
the Plains of Abraham (see Abraham, Plains of) and captured Quebec. During the
American Revolution, Americans under Richard Montgomery and Benedict Arnold
failed (1775–76) to capture the city, although Arnold briefly held the Lower
Town. Quebec became the capital of Lower Canada in 1791. After the union (1841)
of Upper and Lower Canada, it was twice the capital of the United Provinces of
Canada (1851–55 and 1859–65). The Quebec Conference was held in the city in
1864. Historic old Quebec, much of which is preserved, was named a World
Heritage Site by the United Nations. There are many notable old structures,
including the Ursuline Convent (1639); the Basilica of Notre Dame (1647); Quebec
Seminary (1663); and parts of the fortifications enclosing Old Quebec. The
surrounding area also has many notable sights, such as Montmorency Falls, the
Île d'Orléans, and the shrine of Ste Anne de Beaupré. Laval Univ. is a center
for the city's largely francophone culture.


See M. de la Roche, Quebec, Historic Seaport (1944); W. P. Percival, The Lure of
Quebec (rev. ed. 1965); M. Gaumond, Place Royale: Its Houses and Their Occupants
(tr. 1971); D. T. Ruddel, Quebec City, Seventeen Sixty-Five to Eighteen
Thirty-Two (1988).

The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University
Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.


 * Parks and Conservation-Related Organizations - Canada
   Environment Canada
   Quebec Ministry of Wildlife and Parks

 * Canadian National Parks
   Forillon National Park
   La Mauricie National Park
   Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve
   Saguenay-Saint Lawrence Marine Park
   Torngat Mountains National Park Reserve

Parks Directory of the United States, 5th Edition. © 2007 by Omnigraphics, Inc.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be
outdated or ideologically biased.



a province in eastern Canada. Area, 1,540,000 sq km; population, 6,000,000
(1971). The population is made up primarily of French-Canadians. Most of the
provice is located on the Labrador Peninsula. To the south are the Appalachian
Mountains (maximum elevation, 1,311 m) and the lowlands of the St. Lawrence
River. The average January temperature ranges from -24°C in the north to - 10°C
in the south, and the July temperature, from 11°C in the north to 21°C in the
south. The northern part of the province lies in the tundra belt, and the
central and southern parts, in the forest belt. The administrative center is the
city of Quebec.

Of Canada’s provinces, Quebec is second in the level of economic development,
first in the production of aluminum, and first in the capacity of electric power
stations, which account for more than one-third of the country’s electric
capacity. The mining industry, which produces approximately one-sixth of the
value of the country’s output, is well developed. (In mining, Quebec ranks third
among Canada’s provinces.) Iron ore (at Schefferville and Gagnon, for example),
asbestos (90 percent of the country’s output), copper, polymetals, gold, silver,
and nickel are mined. In 1970, the province produced 76 billion kilowatt-hours
of electric power, primarily at hydroelectric power stations (Shawinigan,
Shipshaw, Bersimis, Beauharnois, Manicouagan, and Outardes).

Quebec’s manufacturing industry, which is concentrated in the south, accounts
for about one-third of the value of Canada’s industrial output. The
cellulose-paper and aluminum industries (Arvida, which produces one-third of
Canada’s total output) are very important. The petroleum-refining,
machine-building, textile, garment, fur, leather footwear, and food-processing
industries are well developed.

Dairy farming is the most important branch of agriculture. Poultry farming has
been developed. Fodder grasses, silage corn, oats, and potatoes are grown.
Fishing is also important. The largest industrial center and port is Montreal.

The territory of the present-day province of Quebec was originally inhabited by
Indian tribes and, in the north, by Eskimo tribes. For a long time the name
“Quebec” referred only to the French settlement (now Quebec) that was founded in
1608 on the St. Lawrence River. The settlement became the center of the French
colony in North America, which became a British possession as a result of the
Seven Years’ War of 1756–63 and received the name “Quebec” in 1774. Quebec was
divided into two provinces (colonies) in 1791: Lower Canada (south of the
present-day province of Quebec) and Upper Canada (south of the present-day
province of Ontario).

In 1837 uprisings against British rule broke out in two provinces. Upper and
Lower Canada were united in 1841 into the province of Canada, which was again
divided into two provinces—Quebec and Ontario—when the Dominion of Canada was
created in 1867. The northern boundaries of Quebec province were extended in
1898 and 1912. In the 20th century (particularly after World War II), the
movement of the French-Canadian population for complete equality of rights with
the English-Canadians grew more intense. At the same time, the separatist
movement became more active.




a city in eastern Canada; administrative center of the province of Quebec.
Population, 170,000 (1971; with suburbs, 476,300). Most of the inhabitants are

A large port near the mouth of the St. Lawrence River, Quebec is accessible to
ocean vessels. Lumber, paper, grain, and asbestos are exported. The city is also
an important railroad junction. The principal branches of industry are
sawmilling, paper, and shipbuilding. The leather footwear, textile, and
food-processing industries are also well developed. Laval University, a Catholic
school, is located in the city. Among Quebec’s museums are the Provincial Museum
and the museum at Laval University. Quebec is a tourist center.

In the old Lower Town there are narrow, crooked streets and northern
French-style stone houses characteristic of the 17th through the early 19th
century. The wide streets, parks, and sumptuous edifices of the Upper Town were
built in the 19th and 20th centuries. Among Quebec’s main tourist attractions
are its 17th- and 18th-century buildings and churches, the city walls (1820–31),
the provincial parliament buildings (1878–92), the hotel Chateau Frontenac
(1889–1923), and an 11-km cantilever bridge across the St. Lawrence (1907–17).


Traquair, K. The Old Architecture of Quebec. Toronto, 1947.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group,
Inc. All rights reserved.


Canada’s French-speaking province has often attempted to attain independence
from rest of country. [Canadian Hist.: NCE, 2555]
See: Independence
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary.
Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. a province of E Canada: the largest Canadian province; a French colony from
1608 to 1763, when it passed to Britain; lying mostly on the Canadian Shield, it
has vast areas of forest and extensive tundra and is populated mostly in the
plain around the St Lawrence River. Capital: Quebec. Pop.: 7 542 760 (2004
est.). Area: 1 540 680 sq. km (594 860 sq. miles)
2. a port in E Canada, capital of the province of Quebec, situated on the St
Lawrence River: founded in 1608 by Champlain; scene of the battle of the Plains
of Abraham (1759), by which the British won Canada from the French. Pop.: 169
076 (2001)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

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(7) Department of Pediatric Urology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Erratum: "A Case-Control Study of Maternal Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE)
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235 Rene-Levesque Boulevard East, Suite 310, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H2X 1N8
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All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature,
geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This
information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended
to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or
any other professional.

We value your privacy
We and our partners process personal data such as IP address, unique ID,
browsing data for:
Store and/or access information on a device; Personalised ads display,
personalised content, ad and content measurement, audience insights, and product
development; Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug; Technically deliver ads
or content; Match and combine offline data sources; Link different devices;
Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification;
Use precise geolocation data; Actively scan device characteristics for
Some partners rely on their legitimate business interest. View our list of
partners to see the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for and
how you can object to it. You choices will not affect browsing data. You can
change your mind and change your consent choices at any time by clicking "User
Consent" link.
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About Your Privacy
We process your data to deliver content or advertisements and measure the
delivery of such content or advertisements to extract insights about our
website. We share this information with our partners on the basis of consent and
legitimate interest. You may exercise your right to consent or object to a
legitimate interest, based on a specific purpose below or at a partner level in
the link under each purpose. These choices will be signaled to our vendors
participating in the Transparency and Consent Framework.
Allow AllPartners

Store and/or access information on a deviceVendors can:
* Store and access information on the device such as cookies and device
identifiers presented to a user.

Select basic adsTo do basic ad selection vendors can:
* Use real-time information about the context in which the ad will be shown, to
show the ad, including information about the content and the device, such as:
device type and capabilities, user agent, URL, IP address
* Use a user’s non-precise geolocation data
* Control the frequency of ads shown to a user.
* Sequence the order in which ads are shown to a user.
* Prevent an ad from serving in an unsuitable editorial (brand-unsafe) context
Vendors cannot:
* Create a personalised ads profile using this information for the selection of
future ads without a separate legal basis to create a personalised ads profile.
* N.B. Non-precise means only an approximate location involving at least a
radius of 500 meters is permitted. Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Create a personalised ads profileTo create a personalised ads profile vendors
* Collect information about a user, including a user's activity, interests,
demographic information, or location, to create or edit a user profile for use
in personalised advertising.
* Combine this information with other information previously collected,
including from across websites and apps, to create or edit a user profile for
use in personalised advertising. Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Select personalised adsTo select personalised ads vendors can:
* Select personalised ads based on a user profile or other historical user data,
including a user’s prior activity, interests, visits to sites or apps, location,
or demographic information. Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

Create a personalised content profileTo create a personalised content profile
vendors can:
* Collect information about a user, including a user's activity, interests,
visits to sites or apps, demographic information, or location, to create or edit
a user profile for personalising content.
* Combine this information with other information previously collected,
including from across websites and apps, to create or edit a user profile for
use in personalising content. Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

Select personalised contentTo select personalised content vendors can:
* Select personalised content based on a user profile or other historical user
data, including a user’s prior activity, interests, visits to sites or apps,
location, or demographic information. Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Measure ad performanceTo measure ad performance vendors can:
* Measure whether and how ads were delivered to and interacted with by a user
* Provide reporting about ads including their effectiveness and performance
* Provide reporting about users who interacted with ads using data observed
during the course of the user's interaction with that ad
* Provide reporting to publishers about the ads displayed on their property
* Measure whether an ad is serving in a suitable editorial environment
(brand-safe) context
* Determine the percentage of the ad that had the opportunity to be seen and the
duration of that opportunity
* Combine this information with other information previously collected,
including from across websites and apps
Vendors cannot:
*Apply panel- or similarly-derived audience insights data to ad measurement data
without a Legal Basis to apply market research to generate audience insights
(Purpose 9) Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Measure content performanceTo measure content performance vendors can:
* Measure and report on how content was delivered to and interacted with by
* Provide reporting, using directly measurable or known information, about users
who interacted with the content
* Combine this information with other information previously collected,
including from across websites and apps.
Vendors cannot:
* Measure whether and how ads (including native ads) were delivered to and
interacted with by a user.
* Apply panel- or similarly derived audience insights data to ad measurement
data without a Legal Basis to apply market research to generate audience
insights (Purpose 9) Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove

Apply market research to generate audience insightsTo apply market research to
generate audience insights vendors can:
* Provide aggregate reporting to advertisers or their representatives about the
audiences reached by their ads, through panel-based and similarly derived
* Provide aggregate reporting to publishers about the audiences that were served
or interacted with content and/or ads on their property by applying panel-based
and similarly derived insights.
* Associate offline data with an online user for the purposes of market research
to generate audience insights if vendors have declared to match and combine
offline data sources (Feature 1)
* Combine this information with other information previously collected including
from across websites and apps.
Vendors cannot:
* Measure the performance and effectiveness of ads that a specific user was
served or interacted with, without a Legal Basis to measure ad performance.
* Measure which content a specific user was served and how they interacted with
it, without a Legal Basis to measure content performance. Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Develop and improve productsTo develop new products and improve products vendors
* Use information to improve their existing products with new features and to
develop new products
* Create new models and algorithms through machine learning
Vendors cannot:
* Conduct any other data processing operation allowed under a different purpose
under this purpose Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove
Special Purposes
Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debugTo ensure security, prevent fraud and
debug vendors can:
* Ensure data are securely transmitted
* Detect and prevent malicious, fraudulent, invalid, or illegal activity.
* Ensure correct and efficient operation of systems and processes, including to
monitor and enhance the performance of systems and processes engaged in
permitted purposes
Vendors cannot:
* Conduct any other data processing operation allowed under a different purpose
under this purpose.
Note: Data collected and used to ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug may
include automatically-sent device characteristics for identification, precise
geolocation data, and data obtained by actively scanning device characteristics
for identification without separate disclosure and/or opt-in.
Technically deliver ads or contentTo deliver information and respond to
technical requests vendors can:
* Use a user’s IP address to deliver an ad over the internet
* Respond to a user’s interaction with an ad by sending the user to a landing
* Use a user’s IP address to deliver content over the internet
* Respond to a user’s interaction with content by sending the user to a landing
* Use information about the device type and capabilities for delivering ads or
content, for example, to deliver the right size ad creative or video file in a
format supported by the device
Vendors cannot:
* Conduct any other data processing operation allowed under a different purpose
under this purpose
Match and combine offline data sourcesVendors can:
* Combine data obtained offline with data collected online in support of one or
more Purposes or Special Purposes.
Link different devicesVendors can:
* Deterministically determine that two or more devices belong to the same user
or household
* Probabilistically determine that two or more devices belong to the same user
or household
* Actively scan device characteristics for identification for probabilistic
identification if users have allowed vendors to actively scan device
characteristics for identification (Special Feature 2)
Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationVendors can:
* Create an identifier using data collected automatically from a device for
specific characteristics, e.g. IP address, user-agent string.
* Use such an identifier to attempt to re-identify a device.
Vendors cannot:
* Create an identifier using data collected via actively scanning a device for
specific characteristics, e.g. installed font or screen resolution without
users’ separate opt-in to actively scanning device characteristics for
* Use such an identifier to re-identify a device.
Special Features

Use precise geolocation dataVendors can:
* Collect and process precise geolocation data in support of one or more
N.B. Precise geolocation means that there are no restrictions on the precision
of a user’s location; this can be accurate to within several meters.

Actively scan device characteristics for identificationVendors can:
* Create an identifier using data collected via actively scanning a device for
specific characteristics, e.g. installed fonts or screen resolution.
* Use such an identifier to re-identify a device.
Confirm my choicesReject All
Allow AllPurposes

Exponential Interactive, Inc d/b/a VDX.tv Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or
access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://vdx.tv/privacy/

Captify Technologies Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devicesSpecial
Features• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy
Policy: https://www.captifytechnologies.com/privacy-notice/

Roq.ad GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

AdSpirit GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Emerse Sverige AB Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices Privacy Policy: https://www.emerse.com/privacy-policy/
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Index Exchange Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Quantcast Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.quantcast.com/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

BeeswaxIO Corporation Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Sovrn, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profile
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.sovrn.com/privacy-policy/

Adkernel LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://adkernel.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Adikteev Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices Privacy
Policy: https://www.adikteev.com/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

RTB House S.A. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sources Privacy Policy: https://www.rtbhouse.com/privacy-center

N.Rich Technologies Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices Privacy Policy: https://n.rich/privacy-notice Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

The UK Trade Desk Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.thetradedesk.com/us/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

admetrics GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceFeatures• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

Amobee Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.amobee.com/trust/gdpr/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Epsilon Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.epsilon.com/emea/privacy-policy

Yahoo EMEA Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://legal.yahoo.com/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/index.html Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Venatus Media Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

ADventori SAS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

TripleLift, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://triplelift.com/privacy/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

ETARGET SE Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
Privacy Policy: https://sk.search.etargetnet.com/policy.html

BidTheatre AB Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performancePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic
adsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices Privacy
Policy: https://www.bidtheatre.com/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Ogury Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sources Privacy Policy: https://ogury.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Xandr, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.xandr.com/privacy/platform-privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

ShareThis, Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profileFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://sharethis.com/privacy/

NEORY GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.neory.com/privacy.html

Unruly Group LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://unruly.co/legal/privacy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

NEURAL.ONE Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics
for identification Privacy Policy: https://web.neural.one/privacy-policy/

ADITION (Virtual Minds GmbH) Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Active Agent (Virtual Minds GmbH) Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Taboola Europe Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.taboola.com/privacy-policy

Adex (Virtual Minds GmbH) Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Smart Adserver Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Skimbit Ltd Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://skimlinks.com/privacy-policies/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

ADMAN - Phaistos Networks, S.A. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

NetSuccess, s.r.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://admin.inres.sk/pp/index.html Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Jellyfish France Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://www.jellyfish.com/fr-fr/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Adform A/S Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy:
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Magnite, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profilePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select
basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.magnite.com/legal/advertising-technology-privacy-policy/ Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Sirdata Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.sirdata.com/en/Privacy Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Madison Logic, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Confiant Inc. Special Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

RATEGAIN ADARA INC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://adara.com/privacy-promise/

33Across Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://www.33across.com/privacy-policy

Sift Media, Inc Purposes (Consent):• Select basic adsSpecial Purposes•
Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://www.sift.co/privacy

Rakuten Marketing LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy:
https://rakutenadvertising.com/legal-notices/services-privacy-policy/ Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

GumGum, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Justpremium BV Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

adsquare GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

LifeStreet Corporation Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://lifestreet.com/privacy/ Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Amazon Ad Server Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices Privacy Policy: https://www.sizmek.com/privacy-policy
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

OpenX Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Yieldlab (Virtual Minds GmbH) Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Roku Advertising Services Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://docs.roku.com/published/userprivacypolicy/en/us Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Nano Interactive Group Ltd. Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Simplifi Holdings Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devicesSpecial Features•
Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

M32 Connect Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy:

PubMatic, Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://pubmatic.com/legal/privacy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Comscore B.V. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.scorecardresearch.com/privacy.aspx

Flashtalking, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.flashtalking.com/privacypolicy/

MediaMath, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.mediamath.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Sharethrough, Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.sharethrough.com/privacy-center/consumer-privacy-notice Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

PulsePoint, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://pulsepoint.com/legal/platform-privacy-policy

Smaato, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security,
prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.smaato.com/privacy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

Visarity Technologies GmbH Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure content
performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://primo.design/docs/PrivacyPolicyPrimo.html Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Semasio GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy: https://www.semasio.com/privacy

Crimtan Holdings Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.crimtan.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Genius Sports UK Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy:

Teroa S.A. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug Privacy Policy:

Criteo SA Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.criteo.com/privacy/

1plusX AG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profilePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure
ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Match and combine
offline data sources
• Link different devices Privacy Policy: https://www.1plusx.com/privacy-policy/
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Adloox SA Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes•
Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug Privacy Policy:
https://www.adloox.com/legal/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Blis Global Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Lotame Solutions, Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profile
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy:

LiveRamp Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

GroupM UK Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://www.groupm.com/privacy-notice Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Fifty Technology Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://fifty.io/privacy-policy

MiQ Digital Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Magnite, Inc. (Outstream) Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.magnite.com/legal/advertising-technology-privacy-policy/ Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Sonobi, Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources Privacy Policy:
https://sonobi.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Rich Audience Technologies SL Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://richaudience.com/en/privacy/

LoopMe Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Dynata LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Match and combine
offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.dynataprivacy.com/

Showheroes SE Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sources Privacy Policy: https://showheroes.com/privacy-policy/ Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Sublime Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy: https://ayads.co/privacy.php

smartclip Europe GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://privacy-portal.smartclip.net/en/privacy-policy Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Ask Locala Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://asklocala.com/privacy-policy/

Eyeota Pte Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profile
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.eyeota.com/privacy-center

Dentsu London Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://privacy.metadsp.co.uk/privacy-policy.html Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Near Intelligence Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sourcesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

DoubleVerify Inc. Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://doubleverify.com/privacy-notice/solutions-privacy-notice Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

PIXIMEDIA Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://piximedia.com/privacy/ Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

BIDSWITCH GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

IPONWEB GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.iponweb.com/policies-legal/iponweb-privacy-policy/

NextRoll, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices Privacy Policy: https://www.nextroll.com/privacy

ID5 Technology Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
deviceFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://id5.io/privacy

Teads France SAS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic
adsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.teads.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

digitalAudience B.V. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profile
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Match and combine
offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://digitalaudience.io/legal/

SMARTSTREAM.TV GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.smartstream.tv/en/productprivacy Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP) Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.stroeer.de/ssp-datenschutz Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

OS Data Solutions GmbH & Co. KG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profilePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select
basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://osdatasolutions.de/datenschutz/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

ConnectAd Demand GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://connectadrealtime.com/privacy/

Permodo GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Platform161 B.V. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Emodo, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Media.net Advertising FZ-LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.media.net/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Connatix Native Exchange Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic adsFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device
characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
Privacy Policy: https://connatix.com/privacy-policy/

Adacado Technologies Inc. (DBA Adacado) Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://adacado.com/privacy-policy/

LiveIntent Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance Privacy Policy:

ADman Interactive SLU Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://admanmedia.com/politica.html

Inskin Media LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.inskinmedia.com/privacy-policy.html Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

MOOT TECHNOLOGY LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://admedo.com/privacy-policy

MADVERTISE MEDIA Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

YOC AG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://yoc.com/privacy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove

AntVoice Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or content
Privacy Policy: https://www.antvoice.com/en/privacypolicy/

Basis Global Technologies, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://privacy.basis.net/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

Seedtag Advertising S.L Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Underdog Media LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Audience Solutions S.A. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

SMADEX, S.L.U. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Bombora Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profilePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://bombora.com/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Outbrain UK Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://www.outbrain.com/privacy

SpotX, Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.magnite.com/legal/advertising-technology-privacy-policy/ Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

EASYmedia GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Yieldmo, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.yieldmo.com/privacy/

A Million Ads Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Hybrid Theory Global Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://hybridtheory.com/privacy-notice/

MEDIARITHMICS SAS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile Privacy Policy:

Bidtellect, Inc Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performanceFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.bidtellect.com/privacy-policy/

video intelligence AG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.vi.ai/legal/privacy-policy/

Remerge GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources Privacy Policy:
https://www.remerge.io/service-privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Mediasmart Mobile S.L. Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Rezonence Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

advanced store GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.advanced-store.com/en/data-privacy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

AdElement Media Solutions Pvt Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

ADUX Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Features• Use
precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Magnite CTV, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profilePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select
basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.magnite.com/legal/advertising-technology-privacy-policy/ Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Revcontent, LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://help.revcontent.com/en/knowledge/revcontent-privacy-policy Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Adssets AB Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy: https://adssets.com/policy/
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Hybrid Adtech GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Delta Projects AB Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://deltaprojects.com/data-collection-policy Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Zemanta Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://www.zemanta.com/privacy/

AdTheorent, Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

usemax advertisement (Emego GmbH) Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

emetriq GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profile
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.emetriq.com/datenschutz/

ARMIS SAS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performance Privacy Policy:

Mindlytix SAS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profile
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources Privacy Policy:

2KDirect, Inc. (dba iPromote) Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.ipromote.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

adrule mobile GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
Privacy Policy: https://www.adrule.net/de/datenschutz/

Publicis Media GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.publicismedia.de/datenschutz/

Opt Out Advertising B.V. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://optoutadvertising.com/privacy-policy/

M.D. Primis Technologies Ltd. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.primis.tech/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

MNTN Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a devicePurposes
(Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://mountain.com/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

AcuityAds Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices Privacy
Policy: https://privacy.acuityads.com/corporate-privacy-policy.html Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Rockerbox, Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performanceFeatures• Match
and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.rockerbox.com/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Bucksense Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

VGI CTV, Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

StackAdapt Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.stackadapt.com/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Triton Digital Canada Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://www.tritondigital.com/privacy-policies
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

OneTag Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

twiago GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Cloud Technologies S.A. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy:

Ermes Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.ermes.ai/politique-de-confidentialite/

Smartology Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure content performancePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.smartology.net/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Converge-Digital Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic adsSpecial Purposes•
Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://converge-digital.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Tri-table Sp. z o.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Yieldlove GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.yieldlove.com/de-de/datenschutz/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Jaduda GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://www.splicky.com/en/web/privacy-delivery
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Improve Digital Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.improvedigital.com/platform-privacy-policy Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

LiquidM Technology GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://liquidm.com/privacy-policy/

Onnetwork Sp. z o.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
content Privacy Policy: https://www.onnetwork.tv/pp_services.php#en Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Wunderkind Corporation Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://www.wunderkind.co/privacy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

ADYOULIKE SA Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.adyoulike.com/pages/privacy_en.php Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Fyber Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Measure ad performanceFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device
characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
Privacy Policy: https://www.fyber.com/legal/privacy-policy/

Nativo, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices Privacy
Policy: https://www.nativo.com/interest-based-ads Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Adobe Advertising Cloud Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.adobe.com/privacy/experience-cloud.html Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Marfeel Solutions, SL Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
device Privacy Policy: https://www.marfeel.com/privacy-policy/

A.Mob Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Bannerflow AB Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.bannerflow.com/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Golden Bees Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices Privacy
Policy: https://applies.goldenbees.fr/privacyPolicy/fr

TabMo SAS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

ShowHeroes SRL Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sources Privacy Policy: https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/41798584 Object
to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

CentralNic Poland sp. z o.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security,
prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://voluum.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Integral Ad Science, Inc. Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug Privacy Policy:
https://integralads.com/ias-privacy-data-management/policies/ Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Mirando GmbH & Co KG Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://get.mirando.de/download/gdpr.php Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Open Web Technologies Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.openweb.com/legal-and-privacy/privacy/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Wizaly Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Match and combine
offline data sources
• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

Welect GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic adsSpecial Purposes•
Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.de.welect.de/en/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Weborama Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes•
Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://weborama.com/en/privacy-2/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Comcast International France SAS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.freewheel.com/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Readpeak Oy Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

SpringServe, LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://springserve.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Jivox Corporation Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.jivox.com/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

Sojern, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

Polar Mobile Group Inc. Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy: https://privacy.polar.me
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Cuebiq Group, LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sourcesSpecial Features• Use
precise geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://www.cuebiq.com/privacypolicy/

zeotap GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://zeotap.com/product-privacy-policy/

Mobile Professionals BV / Sage&Archer BV Purposes (Consent):• Select basic
adsFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

On Device Research Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profileFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Rockabox Media Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://www.scoota.com/privacy Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Adevinta Spain S.L.U. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Mobfox US LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://www.mobfox.com/privacy-policy/

Exactag GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceFeatures• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

Keymantics Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Celtra Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Select personalised ads
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://www.celtra.com/privacy Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Gamned Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
Privacy Policy: https://www.gamned.com/privacy-policy/

mainADV Srl Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Accorp Sp. z o.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://instytut-pollster.pl/privacy-policy/index.html

Clipcentric, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://clipcentric.com/privacy.bhtml Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Ziff Davis LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices Privacy
Policy: https://www.ziffdavis.com/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Footballco Media Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Knorex Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

AdTiming Technology Company Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Gemius SA Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

Browsi Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance Privacy Policy:

ad6media Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.ad6media.fr/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

InMobi Pte Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Beachfront Media LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://beachfront.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Telecoming S.A. Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.telecoming.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

SheMedia, LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.shemedia.com/ad-services-privacy-policy Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

DIGITEKA Technologies Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.ultimedia.com/POLICY.html Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

The Kantar Group Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Ezoic Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://www.ezoic.com/terms/

Samba TV, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://samba.tv/users/privacy-policy?lang=en

Samba TV UK Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://samba.tv/users/privacy-policy?lang=en

Apester Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://apester.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

MGID Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.mgid.com/privacy-policy

Meson Mediation LLC Purposes (Consent):• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://meson.ai/website-privacy-policy Object
to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Permutive Limited Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Match and combine
offline data sources
• Link different devices Privacy Policy: https://permutive.com/privacy/

VECTAURY Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Seeding Alliance GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://seeding-alliance.de/datenschutz/ Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Nielsen Media Research Ltd. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Create a personalised ads profilePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Develop and
improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy:
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Bmind a Sales Maker Company, S.L. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://jakala.es/politica-privacidad/

RevX Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

AddApptr GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.gravite.net/data-privacy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

communicationAds GmbH & Co. KG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug Privacy
Policy: https://www.communicationads.net/de-de/ueberuns/datenschutz/ Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Vidoomy Media SL Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Solocal SA Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.solocal.com/protection-de-la-vie-privee Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

The Reach Group GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Pixalate, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Develop and improve productsSpecial
Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debugFeatures• Match and combine
offline data sources
• Link different devices Privacy Policy: https://www.pixalate.com/privacypolicy

Oracle Advertising Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profile
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

Numberly Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://numberly.com/en/privacy/

AudienceProject Aps Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://privacy.audienceproject.com Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Demandbase, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.demandbase.com/privacy/

Effiliation / Effinity Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Measure ad performanceFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Duplo Media AS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
debug Privacy Policy: https://www.easy-ads.com/privacypolicy.htm

Arrivalist Co. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

Adtelligent Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Piano Software Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Match and combine
offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.piano.io/privacy-policy

Eulerian Technologies Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.eulerian.com/en/privacy/

Seenthis AB Special Purposes• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Commanders Act Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.commandersact.com/en/privacy/

PROXISTORE Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic
adsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.proxistore.com/en/terms-of-sales/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Brand Metrics Sweden AB Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance Privacy Policy:

travel audience GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://www.amadeus-hospitality.com/ta-product-privacy-notice/

KUPONA GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance Privacy Policy: https://www.kupona.de/dsgvo/

Proxi.cloud sp. z o.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sourcesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Internet BillBoard a.s. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.ibillboard.com/en/privacy-information/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

AdServing Factory srl Purposes (Consent):• Measure ad performanceSpecial
Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

HUMAN Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Develop and improve productsSpecial
Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debugFeatures• Match and combine
offline data sources
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://www.humansecurity.com/privacy Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

DynAdmic Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://eu.dynadmic.com/privacy-policy/

SINGLESPOT SAS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

INVIBES GROUP Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.invibes.com/terms.html Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

INVIDI technologies AB Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

DEFINE MEDIA GMBH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.definemedia.de/datenschutz-conative/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

EX.CO Technologies Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://ex.co/privacy-policy/

Adludio Ltd. Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
Privacy Policy: https://www.adludio.com/termsandconditions#privacy

Targetspot Belgium SPRL Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Neodata Group srl Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Innovid LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices Privacy Policy: https://www.innovid.com/privacy-policy
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Rico Developments Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://adimo.co/privacy-policy

GDMServices, Inc. d/b/a Bidmind Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://bidmind.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

AdColony, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

uppr GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
deviceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

B2B Media Group GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Bidstack Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devicesSpecial
Features• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy
Policy: https://www.bidstack.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Papirfly AS Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performanceSpecial
Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://tacticrealtime.com/privacy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Neustar, Inc., a TransUnion company Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profilePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.home.neustar/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Zeta Global Corp. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy:

Flexoffers.com, LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Sub2 Technologies Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy:

TAPTAP Digital SL Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performancePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure content
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.taptapdigital.com/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

INFINIA MOBILE S.L. Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes•
Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

UberMedia, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://near.com/privacy-policy/

Madington Purposes (Consent):• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Opinary GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

PLAYGROUND XYZ EMEA LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug Privacy Policy: https://playground.xyz/privacy

SevenData S.p.a. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy:

Magnite, Inc. (Carbon AI Limited) Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security,
prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy:
https://www.magnite.com/legal/advertising-technology-privacy-policy/ Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Arcspire Limited Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://public.arcspire.io/privacy.pdf

Automattic Ads Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Little Big Data sp. z o.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes•
Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sources Privacy Policy: https://www.dataexchanger.pl/privacy-policy

Mediakeys Platform Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sourcesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Alliance Gravity Data Media Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Match and combine
offline data sources
• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

NEXD Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://nexd.com/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

Salesforce.com, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profile
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

AdsWizz Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Lucid Holdings, LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://luc.id/privacy-policy/

One Tech Group GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance Privacy Policy: https://onetech.group/en/privacy-policy

Admixer EU GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security,
prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://admixer.com/privacy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Verve Group Europe GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://pubnative.net/privacy-notice/

Pexi B.V. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy: https://pexi.nl/privacy-policy/

SunMedia Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.sunmedia.tv/en/cookies-users/

Newsroom AI Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy: https://studio.nws.ai/privacy

netzeffekt GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performance Privacy Policy:

The Ozone Project Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Jampp LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy: https://jampp.com/privacy.html

Kayzen Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://kayzen.io/data-privacy-policy Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Near Intelligence Pte. Ltd. Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://near.com/privacy-policy/

Smartclip Hispania S.L. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

SmartyAds Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

INNITY Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

GlobalWebIndex Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Match and combine
offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://legal.trendstream.net/non-panellist_privacy_policy

AdDefend GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

DeepIntent, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.deepintent.com/platform-privacy-policy/ Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Kochava Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Measure ad performanceFeatures• Match and
combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Smart Traffik Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Bandsintown Amplified LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a deviceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://cp.tonefuse.com/privacy-policy

Happydemics Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Apply market research to
generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://happydemics.com/en/terms_and_conditions
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Adhese Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://adhese.com/privacy-and-cookie-policy

Radio Marketing Service interactive GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Measure ad
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

adhood.com Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://www.theadx.com/en/privacy

Otto (GmbH & Co KG) Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://www.otto.de/shoppages/service/datenschutz Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

AuDigent Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://audigent.com/platform-privacy-policy

Adobe Audience Manager, Adobe Experience Platform Purposes (Consent):• Store
and/or access information on a device
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.adobe.com/privacy/policy.html

Next Media SRL Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Kairos Fire Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sourcesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Czech Publisher Exchange z.s.p.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.cpex.cz/pro-uzivatele/ochrana-soukromi/

ViewPay Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

CHEQ AI TECHNOLOGIES Special Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://cheq.ai/privacy-policy/

Dailymotion SA Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices Privacy Policy:
https://legal.dailymotion.com/en/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Goldbach Group AG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://goldbach.com/ch/en/privacy-policy/goldbach-group Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Mobilewalla, Inc. Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.mobilewalla.com/business-services-privacy-policy Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Dynamic 1001 GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://dynamic-tracking.com/Datenschutz.aspx

Localsensor B.V. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
Privacy Policy: https://www.localsensor.com/privacy.html

Sourcepoint Technologies, Inc. (non-CMP) Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or
access information on a device Privacy Policy:

InsurAds Technologies SA. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://www.insurads.com/privacy.html Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Adjust Digital A/S Special Purposes• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy
Policy: https://adjust-digital.com/privacy/

audio content & control GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://www.audio-cc.com/audiocc_privacy_policy.pdf Object
to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

WebAds B.V Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic adsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy
Policy: https://privacy.webads.eu/

Online Solution Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Impactify SARL Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Azerion Holding B.V. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Measure content performancePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://static.gamedistribution.com/policy/privacy-enduser.html Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Adnami Aps Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performanceSpecial
Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.adnami.io/privacy-policy-services Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Adserve.zone / Artworx AS Purposes (Consent):• Develop and improve
productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://adserve.zone/adserveprivacypolicy.html Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Market Resource Partners LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Adsolutions BV Special Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Onfocus (Adagio) Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
Privacy Policy: https://adagio.io/privacy

BEINTOO SPA Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://www.beintoo.com/privacy-cookie-policy/

Blue Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Seznam.cz, a.s. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.seznam.cz/ochranaudaju Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Norstat AS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Match and combine
offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.norstatpanel.com/en/data-protection

BILENDI SA Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Match and combine
offline data sources Privacy Policy: https://www.maximiles.com/privacy-policy

Hivestack Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
Privacy Policy: https://hivestack.com/privacy-policy

: Tappx Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Contact Impact GmbH/Axel Springer Teaser Ad GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store
and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://contactimpact.de/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Relay42 Netherlands B.V. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics
for identification Privacy Policy: https://relay42.com/privacy

Smile Wanted Group Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy:

Gamoshi Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Notify Purposes (Consent):• Apply market research to generate audience
insightsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources Privacy Policy:

Axel Springer Teaser Ad GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.adup-tech.com/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

TrueData Solutions, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

adality GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
Privacy Policy: https://adality.de/en/privacy/

Skaze Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Smart Analytics SL Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Receive and use
automatically-sent device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features•
Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Sportradar AG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.sportradar.com/about-us/privacy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Content Ignite Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.contentignite.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

GP One GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profilePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select
basic adsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sourcesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.gsi-one.org/en/privacy-policy.html Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

BLIINK SAS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Research and Analysis of Media in Sweden AB Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or
access information on a devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debugFeatures• Link different devicesSpecial
Features• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy
Policy: https://www2.rampanel.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

SoundCast Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device
characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
Privacy Policy: https://soundcast.fm/en/data-privacy

Mobsuccess Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Digital East GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy:

BeOp Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://beop.io/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove

Liftoff Mobile, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://liftoff.io/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Timehop, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

MEDIA FORCE COMMUNICATIONS (2007) LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Select basic ads
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://comparisons.org/privacy.php Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Turk Telekom Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.programattik.com/en/privacy-policy.aspx Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Duration Media, LLC. Purposes (Consent):• Measure ad performanceSpecial
Purposes• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Businessclick Sp. z o.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security,
prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.businessclick.com/documents/Privacy_Policy.pdf Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Intercept Interactive Inc. dba Undertone Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or
access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.undertone.com/privacy-center/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

MyTraffic Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Features• Use
precise geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://www.mytraffic.io/en/privacy

Radio Net Media Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match
and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.adtonos.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Blue Billywig Group BV Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
content Privacy Policy: https://www.bluebillywig.com/privacy-statement/ Object
to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Arkeero Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

The MediaGrid Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.themediagrid.com/privacy-policy/

MISSENA Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or content
Privacy Policy: https://missena.com/privacy

Go.pl sp. z o.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://go.pl/polityka-prywatnosci/

ADWAYS SAS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select personalised ads
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://www.adways.com/privacy-policy?lang=en Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

HyperTV Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources Privacy Policy:
https://www.hypertvx.com/privacy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Kwanko Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

MindTake Research GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy:

VRTCAL Markets Inc Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic adsSpecial
Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://vrtcal.com/docs/PrivacyPolicy-Advertising.pdf
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Dentsu Italia SpA Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

OneFootball GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://static.onefootball.com/legal/consumer-web-privacy-policy/en Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

NC Audience Exchange, LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.ncaudienceexchange.com/privacy/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Synkd UK Ltd. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Dataseat Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance Privacy Policy: https://dataseat.com/privacy-policy

Upwave Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Receive and use
automatically-sent device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.upwave.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

BidBerry SRL Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.bidberrymedia.com/service-privacy-policy/

OnAudience Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.onaudience.com/internet-advertising-privacy-policy

Audience Network Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy:

XChange by SFBX® Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://sfbx.io/en/politique-de-confidentialite/

Online Advertising Network Sp. z o.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.oan.pl/internet-advertising-privacy-policy.html

impact.com Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performancePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure content
performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.engageya.com/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Between Exchange Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes•
Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://en.betweenx.com/pdata.pdf Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Pubfinity LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://pubfinity.com/privacy-policy/

YouGov Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profile
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://account.yougov.com/gb-en/account/privacy-policy

Pinpoll GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sources Privacy Policy:

Appier PTE Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.appier.com/en/about/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Cavai AS Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://www.cavai.com/privacy-policy

INFOnline GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure content performanceFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device
characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Performax.cz, s.r.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy:

Anzu Virtual Reality LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent
fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.anzu.io/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Cint AB Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.cint.com/participant-privacy-notice

BidMachine Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://bidmachine.io/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Monet Engine Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance Privacy Policy: https://adaptmx.com/privacy-policy/

adbility media GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
device Privacy Policy: https://www.adbility-media.com/datenschutz

6Sense Insights, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://6sense.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Brand Advance Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Audiencerate LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profileFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.audiencerate.com/full-data-privacy-compliance

Vidazoo Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://vidazoo.gitbook.io/vidazoo-legal/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Justtag Sp. z o.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Adxperience SAS Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Kairion GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

AUDIOMOB LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://www.audiomob.com/privacy

Good-Loop Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://doc.good-loop.com/policy/privacy-policy.html Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

THE NEWCO S.R.L. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Kiosked Ltd Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://kiosked.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

DistroScale, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.distroscale.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Google Advertising Products Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices Privacy Policy: https://business.safety.google/privacy/
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Fandom, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

GfK SE Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Link different
devices Privacy Policy: https://help.sensic.net/privacypolicy_en.html

RevJet Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.innervate.com/privacy

Protected Media LTD Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.protected.media/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Grabit Interactive Media Inc dba KERV Interctive Purposes (Consent):• Select
basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices Privacy
Policy: https://kervit.com/privacy-policy/

Firstlead GmbH (ADCELL) Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic adsSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://www.adcell.de/agb#sector_6

Clinch Labs LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://clinch.co/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Global Media Group Services Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

MEDIAMETRIE Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure content performanceFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.mediametrie.fr/en/management-cookies

MARKETPERF CORP Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

bam! interactive marketing GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://bam-interactive.de/datenschutz/

Oracle Data Cloud - Moat Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug Privacy Policy:
https://www.oracle.com/legal/privacy/services-privacy-policy.html Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Euvic 360e-com Sp. z o.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Wagawin GmbH Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.wagawin.com/privacy-en/productprivacy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

SelectMedia International LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Mars Media Group Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads Privacy Policy:

Discover-Tech ltd Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Adtarget Teknoloji A.S. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Aniview LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://www.aniview.com/privacy-policy/

FeedAd GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://feedad.com/privacy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

AirGrid LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profile
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy: https://airgid.io/privacy-policy

Audienzz AG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Nubo LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://api.recod3suite.com/privacypolicy.php Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

TargetVideo GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Measure content performance Privacy
Policy: https://www.target-video.com/datenschutz/

Hearts and Science München GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Ad Alliance GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devicesSpecial Features•
Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

AdGear Technologies, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://samsungads.ca/en/privacy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Media Square Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic adsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy
Policy: https://www.mediasquare.fr/e-privacy/

Amazon Advertising Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sources Privacy Policy:

Kubient Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Factor Eleven GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://de.f11-ads.com/privacy.php

EASY Marketing GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://trck.easy-m.de/privacy-policy.do

Artefact Deutschland GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://aaa.artefact.com/privacy-policy.do

Adverticum cPlc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://adverticum.net/english/privacy-and-data-processing-information/ Object
to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Adpone SL Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://adpone.com/privacy-policy

Reppublika Data Analytics and Technologies GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store
and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://www.reppublika.com/privacy-policy

Bannernow, Inc. Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://bannernow.com/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

Click Tech Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://en.yeahmobi.com/html/privacypolicy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sources Privacy Policy: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Aarki, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://corp.aarki.com/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

Moloco, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.moloco.com/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Pure Local Media GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

adnanny.com SLU Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

lead alliance GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes•
Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.lead-alliance.net/dataprotection2 Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

iPROM Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Nielsen International SA Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy:
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Eskimi Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://www.eskimi.com/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Blockthrough, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

NoBid, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
content Privacy Policy: https://www.nobid.io/privacy-policy/

retailAds GmbH & Co. KG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
debug Privacy Policy: https://www.retailads.net/de-de/ueberuns/datenschutz/
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Kameleoon SAS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

vitrado GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Adverty AB (publ) Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
content Privacy Policy: https://adverty.com/privacy-policy/

42 Ads GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://42ads.io/42privacy.pdf

EDGE NPD Sp. z o.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://abtshield.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

DNA-I.COM Purposes (Consent):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Adtriba GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceFeatures• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

TX Group AG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure content
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://tx.group/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Acxiom Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.acxiom.com/about-us/privacy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

United Internet Media GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

Objective Partners BV Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Measure ad performanceFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources Privacy
Policy: https://www.objectiveplatform.com/cookie-policy-and-privacy-statement/

Disqus Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

ADRENALEAD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Quality Media Network GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Bring! Labs AG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
Privacy Policy: https://www.getbring.com/en/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Jetpack Digital LLC Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy: https://jetpack.net/privacy
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

PIXFUTURE MEDIA INC. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.pixfuture.com/terms-and-conditions#platform-terms Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Cazamba Serviços de Internet Ltda Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://cazamba.com/platform-privacy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

PubWise, LLLP Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://admin.pubwise.io/publisher/privacypolicy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

SPICY MOBILE Karczewski Zawadzki Spółka Jawna Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or
access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://spicymobile.pl/polityka-prywatnosci

GeoEdge Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performanceSpecial
Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debugFeatures• Match and combine
offline data sources Privacy Policy: https://www.geoedge.com/privacy-policy/
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

MPX GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://www.mpx.de/datenschutz/

BSmartData GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Epom Ltd. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources Privacy Policy:

Publisher First, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://freestar.com/privacy-policy/

Strossle International AB Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.strossle.com/platform-privacy-notice Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Ensighten Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.ensighten.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

eMarketingSolutions, Online Marketing S.L. Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Adnuntius AS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performancePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic
adsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://adnuntius.com/resources/privacy-policy/
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Petal Ads Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

SOMQUERY SOMTAG - (SevenOne Media) Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.seven.one/datenschutzhinweise/somquery-somtag Object
to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Mediavine, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.mediavine.com/privacy-policy

Publica LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://getpublica.com/privacy/

Triple13 Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://freestar.com/privacy-policy/

Truvid Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure content performancePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.truvid.com/terms/privacy_policy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

I.R.V. D.O.O. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.contentexchange.me/privacy-policy/

HEIMSPIEL Medien GmbH & Co KG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

YieldLift LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or content
Privacy Policy: https://yieldlift.com/privacy-policy.html

Converto AG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Receive and use
automatically-sent device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Brave People Ltd. Purposes (Consent):• Select basic adsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Webgains GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
deviceFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy:

Ingenious Technologies AG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.ingenioustechnologies.com/privacy-policy

IVO Media Ltd Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or content
Privacy Policy: https://www.ivo.io/privacy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

PRECISO SRL Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

3Q nexx GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://3q.video/de/help-center/datenschutzhinweise Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Experian LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profileFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.experian.co.uk/privacy/consumer-information-portal/

Natív Hirdetés Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or
access information on a devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://related.hu/en/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Appush Technologies Purposes (Consent):• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy:
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Quantyoo GmbH & Co. KG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://quantyoo.de/datenschutz

Hillside (Sports) GP Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
content Privacy Policy: https://www.bet365partners.com/en/privacypolicy

NumberEight Technologies Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profile
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Apply market
research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent
fraud, and debugFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://portal.eu.numbereight.ai/policies-license#software-privacy-notice Object
to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Online Media Solutions LTD (BDA: Brightcom) Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or
access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://www.brightcom.com/privacy-policy/

Listonic Sp. z o.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://listonic.com/privacy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

Dianomi PLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.dianomi.com/legal/privacy.epl Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Prebid.org Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
deviceSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Gadsme Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Admo.tv (Clickon) Purposes (Consent):• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights Privacy Policy:

Channel Pilot Solutions GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Measure ad performance Privacy Policy:

ANINPRO-CREATIVE, S.L. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

GeoProve Limited Special Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

TimeOne Performance Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Receive and use
automatically-sent device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Threedium Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy: https://threedium.co.uk/privacy

IPSOS MORI UK LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debugFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://iris.ipsos.com/site-centric-privacy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Mobkoi Ltd Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.mobkoi.com/advertising-platform-privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

digidip GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
deviceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug Privacy
Policy: https://digidip.net/privacy-policy

Advisible AB Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

STUDIO GONG GmbH & Co. Studiobetriebs KG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or
access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

adQuery Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Placense Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Apply market research to generate audience
insightsFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

AWIN AG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a devicePurposes
(Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.awin.com/gb/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Zoomd Ltd. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

MobileFuse LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://mobilefuse.com/privacy-policy/

Insticator, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Redbranch, Inc dba Fraudlogix Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debugSpecial
Features• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy
Policy: https://www.fraudlogix.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Opti Digital SAS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://www.optidigital.com/privacy-policy/
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Sirdata Cookieless Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.sirdata.com/en/Privacy Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

SPORTORITY UK LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.90min.com/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

Livewrapped AB Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://livewrapped.com/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Bertelsmann Data Service GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Amnet GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Viewdeos 2015 LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or content
Privacy Policy: https://www.viewdeos.com/privacy-policy

Alphalyr SAS Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performanceFeatures•
Link different devices Privacy Policy: https://alphalyr.fr/en/privacy-policy/
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

ZAM Network LLC dba Fanbyte Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://corp.fanbyte.com/legal/privacy

Silverbullet Data Services Group Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
content Privacy Policy: https://wearesilverbullet.com/privacy-policy/ Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

eBay Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
content Privacy Policy: https://www.ebayinc.com/company/privacy-center/gdpr/

IQM CORPORATION Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Traffective GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
content Privacy Policy: https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/30563919

Brid Video DOO Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance Privacy Policy:

INIS sp. zo.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy:

Digital Squad Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profileFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sources Privacy Policy: https://account.squadata.net/fr/privacy

SoD ScreenOnDemand GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy:

dataXtrade GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

MetrixLab Nederland B.V. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Terminus Software Inc. Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
performanceFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources Privacy Policy:
https://terminus.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

ADSOCY Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy:

JS Web Production Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy:

Marfeel Solutions, SL (Compass) Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

AudienceRun corp Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.audiencerun.com/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

belboon GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://belboon.com/en/privacy/

Stream Eye OOD Special Purposes• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy
Policy: https://app.streameye.com/policy/net

Spoods GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

ProSiebenSat.1 Digital Data GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

adbalancer Werbeagentur GmbH Special Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
content Privacy Policy: https://www.adbalancer.com/hosting-datenschutzerklaerung

Caroda s.r.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Konodrac S.L. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://konodrac.com/privacy-policy/

Avantis Video Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sources Privacy Policy: https://www.avantisvideo.com/privacy-policy/

Evolution Technologies Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://e-volution.ai/privacy-policy-3/

Clipr Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy:

adWMG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://adwmg.com/privacy-policy/

PML Innovative Media Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.pmlatam.com/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Tangoo S.R.L. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

CIBLECLIC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Solution coupons Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Nexx360 Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a devicePurposes
(Legitimate Interests):• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy:
https://www.nexx360.io/en/940-2/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

socoto gmbh & co. kg Purposes (Consent):• Measure ad performance Privacy Policy:

glomex GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Select personalised content
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy:
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

WEMASS MEDIA AUDIENCE SAFE SOLUTIONS, S.L. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or
access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://wemass.com/privacidad/

SmartFrame Technologies Ltd Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://smartframe.io/publisher-terms-conditions/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Frameplay Corporation Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://www.frameplay.gg/terms Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Kargo Global Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices Privacy
Policy: https://kargo.com/privacy

Cluep LLC Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

SpearAd GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Playrcart Limited Purposes (Consent):• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Pelmorex Corp. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

ARKHEUS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://www.arkheus.fr/conditions-d-utilisation/

Netpoint Media GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads Privacy Policy:

Pulse Innovations Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://www.pulselive.com/privacy-policy

TV SQUARED LIMITED d/b/a InnovidXP Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Match and combine
offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.innovid.com/privacy-policy/

BYTEDANCE PTE. LTD. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.pangleglobal.com/privacy Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Media16 ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performanceFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Habu Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy: https://habu.com/privacy-policy

QuantumCast digital GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

iProspect GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device
characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

QUARTER MEDIA GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy: https://quartermedia.de/daten/

Leadoo Marketing Technologies Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Create a personalised ads
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://leadoo.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Hashtag Labs Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

CMI Marketing, Inc. d/b/a CafeMedia Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic
adsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://cafemedia.com/publisher-advertising-privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

EXOCLICK, S.L. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.exoclick.com/privacy-and-cookies-policy/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Luna Media Group LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

ADSTOURS SAS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy:

wetter.com GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Extreme Reach, Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

Mobility-Ads GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes•
Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://mobility-ads.de/datenschutz/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

VUUKLE DMCC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://news.vuukle.com/blog/privacy-notice Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Somplo Ltd Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://somplo.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Onesoon Limited t/a Adalyser Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
performanceFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources Privacy Policy:
https://adalyser.com/en/terms Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

VLYBY Digital GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://www.vlyby.com/product-privacy

Vyde Ltd. Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.wearevyde.com/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Samsung Ads Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://policy.samsungrs.com/consent/eu/privacy_policy_en.html Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

FUNKE Digital GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

giosg.com Oy Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy:

MUSO TNT LIMITED Purposes (Consent):• Create a personalised ads profile
• Apply market research to generate audience insights Privacy Policy:

Adelaide Metrics Inc Purposes (Consent):• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
Privacy Policy: https://adelaidelift.com/privacy

Baidu USA Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.mediago.io/policy/

Ringier Axel Springer Polska sp. z o.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://privacy-policy.ringieraxelspringer.pl

AdView Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://www.adview.com/policy/privacy

THE LINEA 1 MKT SL Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.tl1mkt.com/privacy.html

Realytics Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profilePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure
ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Match and combine
offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.realytics.io/platform-privacy-policy/ Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

crossvertise GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

Exit Bee Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy: https://www.exitbee.com/privacy/

Sparteo Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://sparteo.com/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Dentsu A/S Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy:

Skoiy Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://www.skoiy.com/en/privacy-policy/

Havas Media (Artemis Alliance S.L.U.) Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Link different
devices Privacy Policy: https://havasmedianetwork.com/cookie-policy/

Project Agora Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://projectagora.com/privacy-policy/

Adlane LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic adsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Allegro sp. z o.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://allegro.pl/terms/attachment/5

VIADS ADVERTISING S.L. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Select basic ads
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://viads.com/privacy-policy Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Pressboard Media Inc Purposes (Consent):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

AA INTERNET-MEDIA Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Sonic Odeeo ltd Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Create a personalised
content profile
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://odeeo.io/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

UniCredit S.p.A. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

Sqreem Technologies Private Limited Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select
basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://sqreemtech.com/privacy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

TypeA Holdings Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy:
https://risecodes.com/video-advertisement-player-privacy-policy/ Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

TMT Digital Inc Special Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Privacy Policy: https://mediatrust.com/privacy-statement/

Resono B.V. Purposes (Consent):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
Privacy Policy: https://reso.no/privacy-policy/

Longtail Ad Solutions, Inc dba JW Player Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or
access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

VIZNET Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
Privacy Policy: https://viznet.tv/privacy-policy-2/

Questpass Sp. z o.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://questpass.pl/terms/privacy-policy-questpass-sp-z-o-o/ Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

OnProspects Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://onprospects.com/privacy-policy

Hurra Communications GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Select basic ads
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
debugFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Samoukale Enterprises Limited dba ADEX Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://adex.com/privacy Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Kertil Iberia S.L. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Features• Use
precise geolocation data Privacy Policy: http://audio.ad/privacy.html

Gamesight Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://console.gamesight.io/privacy-policy

Ströer Digital Media GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

ArtChaos s.r.o. Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://silvermob.com/privacy

Query Click Limited Purposes (Consent):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

Next Millennium Media INC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://nextmillennium.io/privacy-policy/

onlineumfragen.com GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights Privacy Policy:

Evorra Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://evorra.com/product-privacy-policy/

Doceree UK Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://doceree.com/us/us-privacy-policy/

optimise-it GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure content performance Privacy
Policy: https://optimise-it.de/datenschutz Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Arpeely Ltd. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.arpeely.com/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

Italiaonline S.p.A. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

BCOVERY SAS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://www.bcovery.com/politique-de-confidentialite.html
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Playhill Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic adsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy: https://playhill.com/privacy
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Adventure Media Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.ad360.media/privacy.html Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Adrino Mobile Sp. z o.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Always-Computing SAS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
debug Privacy Policy: https://www.audiencevalue.com/legal.php Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

dpa-infocom GmbH Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Snigel Web Services Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://www.snigel.com/privacy-policy

umlaut communication Gmbh Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a deviceFeatures• Match and combine offline data sourcesSpecial Features• Use
precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

PREQUEL INTERNET TRADING LTD. Purposes (Consent):• Select basic adsSpecial
Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://www.prequel.tv/terms-and-conditions

CITISERVI EUROPE, S.L. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy:

C Wire AG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.cwire.com/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Watch Fantom Inc. AKA Qortex Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.qortex.ai/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Seven Technologies S.L. Purposes (Consent):• Select basic adsSpecial Purposes•
Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

EXADS Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.exads.com/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Njuice AB Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes•
Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://squidapp.co/en/privacy-policy.php Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

CASTOOLA D.O.O. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic
adsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Teavaro Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.teavaro.com/privacy-policy/

Score Media Group GmbH & Co. KG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://score-media.de/datenschutzerklaerung/

Octave IP Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

ADMAX Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a deviceSpecial
Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://admaxmedia.io/privacy-policy/

Ein Rad AB Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://www.suntcontent.com/privacy/

ACTV8, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Relevant Digital Oy Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
device Privacy Policy: https://www.relevant-digital.com/privacy-policy

PIA Advertising GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Schober Information Group Deutschland GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or
access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profile
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://schober.de/datenschutz/

Covatic Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Features• Use
precise geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://covatic.com/terms/

Blue Media Services LTDA Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Better Ads GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy: https://www.d3sv.net/privacy/

FRVR Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Actively scan device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://frvr.com/legal#PrivacyPolicy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Unblockia SL Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://unblockia.com/privacy-policy/

KÖNIGSTEINER digital GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

152 Media LLC Purposes (Consent):• Measure ad performance Privacy Policy:

Hubvisor Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
Privacy Policy: https://cdn.hubvisor.io/assets/policy.pdf

Offerista Group GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Anonymised Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy: https://www.anonymised.io/privacy

Novatiq limited Purposes (Consent):• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Link different
devices Privacy Policy: https://novatiq.com/privacy-policy/

Bababam Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profilePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.bababam.com/terms Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

REMAILME Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Select personalised content
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices Privacy Policy:

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Media-Analyse Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Link different
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.agma-mmc.de/datenschutz

TF1 PUBLICITE Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Match and combine
offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy:

Microsoft Advertising Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://privacy.microsoft.com/privacystatement

XAD spoteffects GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://xadspoteffects.com/en/privacy-policy/

Tredia Solutions SL Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance Privacy Policy:

Brandhouse/Subsero A/S Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure content
performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://subserohost.com/privacy_policy.aspx Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

WebMedia Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Playwire LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security,
prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.playwire.com/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Lupon Media Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy:

Nativery Srl Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Bidmatic Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Opera Software Ireland Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.opera.com/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

Infolinks Media, LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Verasity Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://verasity.io/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

Viafoura Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

CleverPush GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://cleverpush.com/en/privacy/

Convo Ink Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://www.convo.ink/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Agate Systems Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

xpln.ai SAS Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug Privacy Policy: https://xpln.ai/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Unicredit BankAustria AG Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.bankaustria.at/rechtliches-datenschutz.jsp

Vidcrunch LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
content Privacy Policy: https://vidcrunch.com/privacy-policy.html

Claritas LLC Purposes (Consent):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://claritas.com/privacy-legal/

MADINAD PC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Measure ad performancePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Develop and improve
productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://madinad.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

ORANGE CLICK MEDIA & COMMERCE LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://orangeclickmedia.com/privacy-policy/

AdInMo LTD Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.adinmo.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Boldwin LTD Purposes (Consent):• Apply market research to generate audience
insightsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://bold-win.com/privacy-policy/ Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Attributy Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Features• Actively
scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://attributy.com/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

Sonares GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy: https://sonares.org/datenschutz

Alphonso Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy:

Bootleg Digital LTD Purposes (Consent):• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Match and combine
offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

ividence Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profilePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure
ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://ividence.com/politique-de-confidentialite/ Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Refine Direct Srl Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

AudienceProject Measurement Amz Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://privacy.audienceproject.com

Live Data Solutions SL Purposes (Consent):• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profile
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.livedata-solutions.com/politique-de-confidentialite

streaMonkey GmbH Special Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

freenet DLS GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devicesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy
Policy: https://www.freenet-mobilfunk.de/legal/datenschutz/

Reset Digital Europe Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://resetdigital.co/policies.html Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

ADTTRIBUTION Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://adttribution.com/privacy-policy.html

congstar GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
Privacy Policy: https://www.congstar.de/datenschutz

Kueez Entertainment Ltd. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.kueez.com/en/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

SPACE TECNOLOGIA E INTELIGÊNCIA LTDA Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy: https://adx.space/policy.html

Reliz LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://reliz.com/privacy-policy/

Voxnest Inc Purposes (Consent):• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.voxnest.com/privacy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Alkimi Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.alkimi.org/docs/privacy-notice.pdf Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Zeit Agency ApS Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://zeitagency.com/privacy.html Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Frii ApS Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
content Privacy Policy: https://www.friidigital.io/privacy Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Sitewit, Corp Special Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
debugFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.kliken.com/privacy-policy.html

Arcanor Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Hizmetleri A.Ş. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or
access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Apply market
research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.arcanor.com/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied
Remove Objection

Synamedia Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

LightBoxTV Purposes (Consent):• Measure ad performanceSpecial Features• Use
precise geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://www.lightboxtv.co.uk/privacy

AlgoriX Technology Pte. Ltd., Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performancePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://www.algorix.co/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Holid AB Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://holid.io/assets/documents/Holid_Privacy_Policy.pdf
Object to Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

First-id Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device
characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

Scattered sp. z o.o. Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
debug Privacy Policy: http://scattered.pl/PrivacyPolicyV1.pdf

Raptor Services A/S Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profile Privacy Policy:

BotTalk UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://bottalk.io/privacy

Anteriad, LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

SSMas Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://ssmas.com/privacy-policy

Schwarz Media GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Prisma Media Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceFeatures• Link different devicesSpecial Features•
Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

AccountInsight Ltd Special Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sources Privacy Policy: https://www.accountinsight.ai/privacy-policy/

Loop Now Technologies Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:

ResponsiveAds, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation
data Privacy Policy: https://responsiveads.com/privacy-policy/

Foreshadow s.r.o Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Adsmovil España S.L Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sourcesSpecial
Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Engage Media TV LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://engagemedia.tv/privecy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

ArcSpan Technologies, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

GREEN GREY HOLDING (CY) LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information
on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsPurposes (Legitimate
Interests):• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security,
prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://mobidriven.com/en/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Amplified IntelligenceTechnologies Purposes (Consent):• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy:

MEDIAWAYSS Sp. z o.o. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://vidverto.io/privacy-policy/

AXIS CORP LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debugFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Gameloft SE Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or content
Privacy Policy: https://www.gameloft.com/en/privacy-notice

Adsyield Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device
characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

ADTARGET.ME UAB Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices Privacy
Policy: https://adtarget.me/page/privacy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

hyScore.io GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy: https://hyscore.io/data-privacy/

Edge226 Ltd Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Aderize, Inc. Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://aderserve.com/privacy_policy.html Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

fraud0 GmbH Special Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug Privacy
Policy: https://www.fraud0.com/privacy-policy/

Adasta Media S.r.l. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
Privacy Policy: https://www.adasta.it/en/privacy-policy/

CND Motion Media GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Match and combine
offline data sources
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://www.cnd-motionmedia.de/media/pdf/datenschutz_b2b.pdf

Feeltapmedia Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
devicePurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads Privacy Policy:
https://feeltapmedia.com/Privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Viomba Oy Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performanceSpecial
Purposes• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use
automatically-sent device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://pathfinder.viomba.com/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Memob Plus FZ LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsSpecial Purposes• Ensure
security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devicesSpecial
Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

ADNOW I RENODO MEDIA LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://adnow.com/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Momento, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://momento.team/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests Objection
Applied Remove Objection

Ads Interactive Ltd. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:

esome advertising technologies gmbh Purposes (Consent):• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://www.esome.com/en/data-privacy/

Kamino Retail Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sources Privacy Policy: https://www.kaminoretail.com/privacy-policy Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

DrivenIQ Corporation Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Start.io Inc Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sourcesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:
https://www.start.io/policy/privacy-policy-site/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Channel99, Inc. Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad
performanceFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources Privacy Policy:
https://www.channel99.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

AIDEM Technologies LTD Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://kb.aidem.com/privacy/policies/privacy-policy/

Videobot Ltd Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performanceSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.videobot.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

RAyn B.V. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Create a personalised content profile
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insightsFeatures• Match and combine
offline data sources
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://rayn.io/privacy

Flyads OÜ Purposes (Consent):• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic
adsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Privacy Policy: https://flyads.com/privacy-policy Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

Clickagy LLC Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Measure ad performanceSpecial Purposes• Technically deliver ads or
contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://www.clickagy.com/privacy/

Appstock LTD. Special Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identificationSpecial Features• Actively scan device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://app-stock.com/privacy-policy/

Exceed Solutions GmbH Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve products Privacy Policy: https://recova.ai/privacy-policy

Dando online LTD Special Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sourcesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

Digital Brain Nordic AB Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on
a device
• Select basic ads
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised content
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsFeatures• Match and combine offline data
sourcesSpecial Features• Use precise geolocation data Privacy Policy:

PerformMedia.com, Inc. Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access information on a
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised adsPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identification Privacy Policy:
https://performmedia.com/privacy-policy/ Object to Legitimate Interests
Objection Applied Remove Objection

EMBRACE Systems GmbH Purposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or content Privacy Policy:
https://www.embrace.systems/datenschutz-embrace-platform Object to Legitimate
Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Decentralised Advertising Limited Purposes (Consent):• Store and/or access
information on a device
• Create a personalised ads profile
• Select personalised ads
• Create a personalised content profile
• Select personalised contentPurposes (Legitimate Interests):• Select basic ads
• Measure ad performance
• Measure content performance
• Apply market research to generate audience insights
• Develop and improve productsSpecial Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud,
and debug
• Technically deliver ads or contentFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent
device characteristics for identificationSpecial Features• Use precise
geolocation data Privacy Policy: https://dahq.io/privacy-policy Object to
Legitimate Interests Objection Applied Remove Objection

Advertising.Tech FZ-LLC Special Purposes• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and
debugFeatures• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for
identification Privacy Policy: https://advertising.tech/privacy-policy/
Confirm my choicesReject All