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The leading open global standard for secure, carrier-grade IoT LPWAN

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LoRaWAN® transforms businesses by connecting wireless IoT sensors simply and
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activities from the LoRa Alliance and its members.
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Explore LoRaWAN
What makes LoRaWAN the leading LPWAN?

LoRaWAN, an Open Standard, enables IoT devices to communicate seamlessly, free
of any proprietary technology.
LoRaWAN promotes collaboration and innovation among developers, giving end-users
diverse vendor options. LoRaWAN Certification enables seamless integration with
devices and platforms, allowing for scalable and future-proof solutions.
LoRaWAN is an Affordable choice because of its efficient use of resources and
LoRaWAN has the advantage of multi-RAN capability and operates on the unlicensed
and cost-free ISM bands. With energy-efficient LoRaWAN devices, it’s easy to
deploy widespread LoRaWAN networks without the need for expensive
Since its inception, Security is the Foundation of LoRaWAN
LoRaWAN ensures the security of your sensitive information with robust
encryption protocols, advanced authentication mechanisms, and well-vetted
algorithms. By following implementation best practices, you can meet regulations
and keep data protected.

LoRaWAN creates Flexible Network Options for IoT solutions.
LoRaWAN offers businesses the flexibility to choose the ideal network
configuration for their IoT needs. It can be implemented over Private, Public,
or Hybrid Networks, catering to various use cases and locations. See which
network is right for you.

LoRaWAN is the IoT solution for long-range and remote area coverage.
LoRaWAN provides exceptional long-range coverage, allowing seamless data
transmission over vast distances, making it the ideal solution for applications
requiring extensive coverage in remote areas where other connectivity
technologies cannot span.

LoRAWAN devices have a long battery life thanks to their low power consumption.
LoRaWAN enables seamless communication with minimal power usage, guaranteeing
prolonged device battery life. Enjoy 10+ years of uninterrupted usage without
the costs of changing batteries, especially in remote and hard-to-reach
LoRaWAN is capable of Deep Indoor Penetration
LoRaWAN networks provide deep indoor coverage, reaching energy meters, control
modules in elevators shafts, and basement parking sensors. Powerful gateways and
advanced antennas ensure a strong signal even underground and in dense urban

LoRaWAN is advancing with ongoing Key Feature Releases
The LoRaWAN standard is continuously evolving to meet the IoT industry’s needs.
It offers user-friendly features like FUOTA, Multicast, Relay and Geolocation,
simplifying deployment, maintenance, and scalability. More advancements are in
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Join the Ecosystem
 * Expands the market for your LoRaWAN® products & services
 * Boosts your brand visibility, credibility & reputation
 * Contributes to developing the LoRaWAN standard & driving the IoT industry
 * Offers collaboration with industry experts to support and develop your
   LoRaWAN solutions

Become a Member
“Milesight, as a fast-growing IoT company that offers intelligent products, has
experienced effective interactions within LoRa Alliance and the broader IoT
ecosystem since 2019. Over the years, I have witnessed how Milesight and LoRa
Alliance are growing stronger together, as evidenced by numerous large-scale
projects deployed in the fields of smart building, smart city and smart
agriculture across the globe, which indeed helps to improve market penetration
and brand awareness for both parties. I hope in the coming years we can together
make a big difference to transform the physical world into LoRaWAN.”
Leon Jiang
Vice President, Milesight
“Through the membership, we were able to extremely increase our competence in
the area of LoRaWAN.”
Patrick Hardes
Professional Consultant, Bechtle AG
“Being a member of the LoRa Alliance gives Wyld Networks invaluable insights and
a fully rounded view of the LoRaWAN ecosystem; it’s so useful to be able to hear
from experts in the industry from multiple verticals and from every continent.
It’s a highly effective and compelling platform for the LoRaWAN community to
learn and collaborate.”
Eric Hewitson
Head of Communications, Wyld Networks
“As a member of the LoRa Alliance, Enthu Tech has witnessed a remarkable
transformation in our IoT solutions business. Our membership has been nothing
short of a game-changer, opening doors to a dynamic global network of industry
visionaries and thought leaders. The LoRa Alliance’s unwavering commitment to
advancing LPWAN technology has empowered us to deliver state-of-the-art,
long-range, and low-power IoT solutions that are redefining industries and
driving sustainability. Being part of this alliance is not just about
membership; it’s about being at the heart of a revolution in connectivity.”
Rathinasamy K S
“s a proud member of the LoRa Alliance, we have experienced significant growth
and numerous advantages for our business. Our alliance participation has granted
us access to an extensive network of industry leaders, fostering valuable
collaborations and unlocking new business opportunities. Through the alliance’s
resources and working groups, we have remained at the forefront of IoT
advancements, while the certification program has bolstered the credibility and
marketability of our LoRa-based solutions. Our membership in the LoRa Alliance
has played a pivotal role in driving our success and shaping the future of IoT.
We are thrilled to be part of this thriving community and leverage the power of
LoRaWAN technology.”
Shuyang Zhou
Director of Sales and Marketing, Seeed Technology Co., Ltd
“Joining the LoRa Alliance has proven to be a pivotal decision for MOKO SMART.
The wealth of resources, industry expertise, and collaborative spirit within the
Alliance has significantly enhanced our ability to innovate and develop
cutting-edge IoT products. The access to a diverse network of professionals and
companies has opened doors to exciting partnerships and collaborations that have
propelled our business forward. We are excited to continue this journey of
innovation, collaboration, and positive impact alongside the LoRa Alliance.”
Jerry Lee
“The LoRa Alliance is a unique place where our vibrant ecosystem is joining
efforts to define, certify and promote the LoRaWAN standard. Semtech strongly
contributes to the Alliance as the driving force behind global LoRaWAN success.
The LoRaWAN ecosystem is for us a key asset helping to differentiate our
technology on LPWAN market.”
Robert Comanescu
Senior Director and General Manager, IoT Chips; Semtech, Inc.
“In a technical aspect, our association with the LoRa Alliance brings forth the
opportunity for companies to integrate seamlessly through Task Forces and Work
Groups. These collaborative environments allow companies with similar interests
to work together on developing new specifications or improving existing
technologies (our company participated in one related to IPV6). Furthermore, our
association provides access to the LCTT software, allowing us to develop
certification pre-tests with ease. In this way, we view our association with the
LoRaWAN Alliance as essential for staying updated on LPWAN market trends and
opportunities. This enables us to offer our customers up-to-date features and
implementation conveniences.”
Rodrigo Vargas
Key Account – IoT Business, HT Micron Semicondutores S.A.
“As a member of the LoRa Alliance, we are able to concentrate on developing
solutions centered around LoRaWAN communication, which forms an integral part of
a smart irrigation control system, as well as flow and pressure monitoring in
the water network. One of our marketing strategies is to highlight our emphasis
on sustainability and innovation through the acronym SOUL which stands for Smart
Operations Utilizing LoRaWAN, and reflects our commitment to creating technology
that positively impacts the environment.”
Imad Hassan
Sales & Business Development Director, SUSTECH Integration Technologies
“Our membership in the LoRa Alliance allowed us to collaborate with pioneers in
the IoT space, fostering strong LoRaWAN ecosystem connections, bringing
innovative solutions on the market and identifying dependable distribution and
technology partners. As active participants in the LoRa Alliance reputable
community, we’ve successfully introduced and promoted our latest devices and
case studies reaching the right audience with trusted technology. We are excited
to be in the front-row seat together with LoRa Alliance at perfecting the
LoRaWAN standard.”
Violeta Mitsova
CCO, MClimate
Our members are…
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Semiconductor Companies • Solutions Providers • Consultants • Authorized Test
Labs • Software Developers • Enterprises • Start-Ups • Universities • Cities &
Governments • OEMs • System Integrators • Network Operators • Cloud Platform
Providers • Semiconductor Companies • Solutions Providers • Consultants •
Authorized Test Labs • Software Developers • Enterprises • Start-Ups •
Universities • Cities & Governments • OEMs • System Integrators • Network
Operators • Cloud Platform Providers • Semiconductor Companies • Solutions
Providers • Consultants • Authorized Test Labs • Software Developers •
Enterprises • Start-Ups • Universities • Cities & Governments •
OEMs • System Integrators • Network Operators • Cloud Platform Providers •
Semiconductor Companies • Solutions Providers • Consultants • Authorized Test
Labs • Software Developers • Enterprises • Start-Ups • Universities • Cities &
Governments • OEMs • System Integrators • Network Operators • Cloud Platform
Providers • Semiconductor Companies • Solutions Providers • Consultants •
Authorized Test Labs • Software Developers • Enterprises • Start-Ups •
Universities • Cities & Governments • OEMs • System Integrators • Network
Operators • Cloud Platform Providers • Semiconductor Companies • Solutions
Providers • Consultants • Authorized Test Labs • Software Developers •
Enterprises • Start-Ups • Universities • Cities & Governments •
Endless Solutions
LoRaWAN has the power to revolutionize a wide range of industries. Whether it’s
monitoring crop health, tracking inventory, or efficiently managing energy
consumption, LoRaWAN offers a cost-effective and scalable solution for
connecting devices and collecting data, enabling businesses to optimize their
operations, meet sustainability goals and improve their bottom line.
Smart Gas
Helps utilities in the LNG and LPG industry improve their billing accuracy and
develop new service models for remote meter readings. Provides near real-time
data for gas usage and alarms.
Smart Water
Improves water network management and reduces the non-revenue water with leak
detection. Reduces energy bill in cost of water with water flow and pressure
Smart Electricity
Reduces network outages and quickens response through meter and grid monitoring
and analytics. Integrates renewable energy management systems and storage from
Smart Heating
Facilitates cost allocation and improves the overall distribution efficiency by
measuring real consumption. Improves energy consumption monitoring.
Failure Prediction
Sensors can dramatically reduce maintenance costs by using ‘predictive
analytics’ and ‘on demand’ services. Water can be monitored and detected to
identify water leaks.
Building Security
LoRaWAN®-based solutions secure properties by detecting intruders, providing
safety and disaster response measures, keeping track of facility equipment
Space Optimization
Real-time occupancy, geolocation and foot traffic data can be used to identify
spatial usage patterns, allowing space efficiency optimization and reconfiguring
offices and retail layout.
Environment Monitoring
LoRaWAN® sensors monitor noise, air and water pollution and keep citizens
informed of air quality, conditions and pollutants.
Parking Management
Parking spaces are monitored and managed more efficiently, generating
incremental revenue as well as aiding parking providers to adapt pricing to
real-world patterns.
Street Lighting
Cities are able to manage their energy footprint, detect outages, broken lights
or supply outages. Intelligently managing lighting, cities are able to promote
security in urban areas.
Waste Management
Understanding the status of bins enables city service providers to react to
real-time fill levels, avoids containers spilling over and littering, allows for
more efficient refuse collection.
Oil & Gas
Monitor tanks, pipes, pressure vessels, rotating equipment, valves, and fluid
levels, to enable leak detection and predictive maintenance.
Manufacturing Efficiency & Productivity
Optimize the quality of manufacturing by remotely measuring tank levels and
valve positions, detecting leaks, and activating alerts and alarms.
Chemical Processing Management
Gain real-time visibility of processes and identify issues or areas for
improvement before failures happen.
Asset Tracking
End-to-end tracking of goods through the supply chain. Low-cost location
tracking and monitoring of conditions in transit.
Fleet Management
Tracking vehicles can help improve handling and storage conditions of goods in
route as well as increase safety, protect against theft and litigation.
Sensors optimize the handling of goods and increase security as well as allow
for automated reordering of inventory at warehouses, ports, docks, airports,
Irrigation Control
Farmers can accurately record rainfall and other weather conditions, set flood
risk alarms and other alerts in changes of water quality or overuse of
phytosanitary products.
Soil Health
Farmers can now schedule and apply the right amount of water to crops, reducing
waste and costs.
Livestock Monitoring
Farmers can better monitor animal conditions, such as body temperature, estrus,
disease, productivity, location as well as better prevent the loss or theft of
Let’s Connect.
The LoRa Alliance® is an open, nonprofit association that has become one of the
largest and fastest-growing alliances in the technology sector since its
inception in 2015. Its members closely collaborate and share experiences to
promote and drive the success of the LoRaWAN® standard as the leading open
global standard for secure, carrier-grade IoT LPWAN connectivity.
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