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Journal of Consciousness Studies, 18, No. 11–12, 2011, pp. 203–24
by Fraser Watts


This paper examines the central theoretical concepts in the work of Rupert
Sheldrake. The first section examines Sheldrake’s account of morphic fields and
questions whether difficulties arise when these concepts are extended upwards
from the biological level. The second section reviews Sheldrake’s concept of
extended mind and considers the criticism that it is reductionist about
mentality. In considering both of these criticisms it is argued that Sheldrake’s
theories can be taken in a reductive direction, but need not be. The third and
final section draws on the work of Joseph Bracken and David Ray Griffin to
suggest a panpsychist metaphysics of field as one possible way that Sheldrake
could sidestep these dangers and strengthen his approach.



British Journal of Psychology, 1 May 2004, vol. 95, no. 2, pp. 235-247(13)
by Schmidt S.; Schneider R.; Utts J.; Walach H.


Findings in parapsychology suggest an effect of distant intentionality. Two
laboratory set-ups explored this topic by measuring the effect of a distant
intention on psychophysiological variables. The 'Direct Mental Interaction in
Living Systems' experiment investigates the effect of various intentions on the
electrodermal activity of a remote subject. The 'Remote Staring' experiment
examines whether gazing by an observer covaries with the electrodermal activity
of the person being observed. Two meta-analyses were conducted. A small
significant effect size (d =.11, p = .001) was found in 36 studies on 'direct
mental interaction', while a best-evidence-synthesis of 7 studies yielded d =
.05 (p = .50). In 15 remote staring studies a mean effect size of d = 0.13 (p =
.01) was obtained. It is concluded that there are hints of an effect, but also a
shortage of independent replications and theoretical concepts.



The Open Psychology Journal, 2009, 2, 12-18
by Schmidt S.; Erath D.; Ivanova Vm; Walach H.


Many people report that they know in advance who is on the phone when the
telephone is ringing. Sheldrake and Smart [1, 2] conducted experiments where
participants had to determine which one of four possible callers is on the phone
while the telephone was still ringing. They report highly significant hit rates
that cannot be explained by conventional theories.

We attempted to replicate these findings in a series of three experiments. In
study one, 21 participants were asked to identify the callers of 20 phone calls
each. Overall 26.7 % were identified correctly (mean chance expectation 25%,
ns). In a second study a pre-selection test was introduced in a different
experimental setting. Eight participants identified 30% of the calls correctly
(p = .15). However one of the participants recognized 10 out of 20 calls
correctly (p = .014). We conducted a third study with only this participant. In
an additional 60 trials she could identify 24 callers correctly (p = .007). We
conclude that we could not find any anomalous cognition effect in self-selected
samples. But our data also strongly suggest that there are a few participants
who are able to score reliably and repeatedly above chance.



Presented at the Parapsychology Association Annual Convention, Vienna, August
by Eva Lobach and Dick J. Bierman, University of Amsterdam


Can we guess who is calling us on the phone before picking up, and does local
sidereal time (LST) affect how often we guess right? Reviews of anomalous
cognition studies have shown that effect sizes are highest around 13.30 LST
(Spottiswoode, 1997). A post-hoc analysis of telephone telepathy data of
Sheldrake (2003) also showed a peak at that time. LST (peak or non-peak) was an
independent variable in our prospective telephone telepathy study. Six women who
indicated they often experienced telephone telepathy were selected to
participate. Each participant chose four close friends or relatives to act as
callers. All completed a total of 36 trials; six sessions of six trials each,
three sessions at peak time (between 8.00 and 9.00 local time) and three at
non-peak time (between 17.30 and 18.30 local time). One of the experimenters was
at the participant's home during the sessions. The experimenter made sure no
irregular communication was going on and logged times of the calls and responses
of the participant. At a different location another experimenter used a dice to
select a caller about five minutes before the scheduled trial. Then he or she
contacted the caller who was asked to call the participant in five minutes and
to concentrate his or her thoughts on the participant for the last two minutes
before the call was made. When the phone rang at the participant's home, the
participant guessed who she thought was calling before picking up. Analyses show
a significant over-all scoring rate of 29.4% (p = .05). Almost all of this
effect originates from the sessions at peak time with a scoring rate of 34.6%.
Exploratory analyses show that a stronger emotional bond between particpant and
caller is associated with a higher hitrate. It is concluded that results provide
tentative support for the hypothesis that Local Sidereal Time is related to a
phenomenon like telephone telepathy. In addition, the results are in support of
the existence of telephone telepathy. Other explanations of the anomalous effect
cannot be ruled out, such as precognition, retro psychokinesis by the
experimenter or the participant so the dice throw would coincide with the
particular caller the participant would guess, or clairvoyance of the dice
throws. Future studies should aim at teasing apart the supposed effects of LST
and local time on 'telephone telepathy.'



Skeptical Inquirer, 1999, vol 23 no 5
by Richard Wisemand and Caroline Watt


Controversial biologist Rupert Sheldrake has recently published surveys
suggesting that much of the current research in science may suffer from an
important methodological problem that could seriously challenge the validity of
many scientific findings. This article sets in motion a project designed to
assess the impact of Sheldrake's provocative findings.



by M. Pitkänen


I received two books by Rubert Sheldrake as a gift from Marc McWilliams, who has
for years helped me by reporting about problems at my homepage and sending links
to interesting articles. The titles of the books of Sheldrake are "A new Science
of Life: the Hypothesis of Formative Causation and "The Presence of the Past:
Morphic Resonance and Habits of Nature}". The titles reveal the two basic
notions underlying the vision of Sheldrake. What makes the study of the books so
rewarding is that Sheldrake starts from problems of the existing paradigm,
analyzes them thoroughly, and proposes solutions in the framework provided by
his vision. There is no need to accept Sheldrake's views, just the reading of
his arguments teaches a lot about the fundamental ideas and dogmas underlying
recent day biology and forces the reader to realize how little we really know -
not only about biology but even about so called established areas of physics
such as condensed matter physics. These books are precious gems for anyone
trying to build overall view. TGD approach would allow physical interpretation
for morphic fields making possible remote gene expression and perhaps even
remote genetic engineering. The past of species would affect the recent species.
Both spatial and temporal non-locality would be key elements of life making
possible memory and planned action.

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Response to Rupert Sheldrake
Rivista di Biologia - Biology Forum 85 (3/4), 445-453, (1992)
by Steven Rose


Sheldrake's paper claims that the results of the experiment which we jointly
planned, and which was conducted by myself and Ms Harrison, are in conformity
with the hypothesis he describes as "formative causation". Before demonstrating
that Sheldrake's interpretation of these results is invalid, and that they by no
means confirm his hypothesis, I wish to comment briefly on the background to the
experiment. His book A New Science of Life seemed when I first read it, and
still seems, to propose an entirely empty hypothesis. The circumstances in which
novel hypotheses (paradigms) become important in science have been well
described by Thomas Kuhn; they emerge when there is an accumulation of
observational anomalies which existing hypotheses cannot account for, or when a
theory becomes excessively cumbersome and "inelegant" and the alternative seems
to handle the same material more coherently. To Kuhn's account we can, at least
in the particular context of the present discussion, add the well-worn view that
to have utility, a hypothesis should be capable of disconfirmation.



The Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research January 2011
by C. Roe and G. Hitchman


Rupert Sheldrake’s theory of morphic resonance suggests a means by which the
thoughts or behaviours of physically isolated members of species can converge in
a manner that would not be expected by other forms of learning such as
imitation. The proposed mechanism is via what is termed a ‘morphogenetic field’,
a purported collective record of intra-species learning which subsequently
shapes and stabilises the behaviours of future generations of organisms. In the
human realm, Sheldrake has suggested that the acquisition of language should be
influenced by the morphic resonance of past speakers of the language.
Parapsychological tests of the theory have thereby typically consisted of
learning activities involving a language unfamiliar to the participant. For
example, Robbins and Roe presented participants with 10 Chinese symbols, 5 of
which were genuine Mandarin Chinese characters whereas the other 5 were
imitative symbols designed to appear authentic but having no meaning to Mandarin
Chinese speakers. Participants were subsequently given a memory task in which
they were asked to identify the symbols they had seen from a larger pool of 20
symbols (10 genuine, 10 imitative) containing all of the 10 originally
presented. As predicted by the theory, participants were found to correctly
recall more of the genuine characters compared with the imitative characters,
and also exhibited more false memories of the genuine characters. Their bias
towards recalling more genuine characters was also correlated with a measure of
transliminality. However, potential shortcomings were identified within the
experimental design. Most notably, as no methodical controls had been employed
when contriving imitative symbols, it was possible that the genuine characters
used in the study were in some way inherently more memorable than the imitative
symbols which could alone account for the observed effects. The current study
therefore attempted to replicate the findings of Robbins and Roe but drew upon a
larger set of more systematically manipulated genuine and imitative characters,
and used a more comprehensive system of randomising across participants. One
hundred and one participants were shown, in a randomised order, 8 genuine and 8
imitative characters from one of three sets. They then took part in a distractor
task by playing ‘scissors-paper-stone’ against a computer opponent for 1 minute.
Subsequently, participants were presented with symbols in pairs (one genuine and
one imitative) matched with each other for complexity and radical component (a
key element of the character) and asked to indicate if they recalled seeing
either character at the presentation stage. For some trials, participants had
previously seen one of the characters whereas in others, both symbols were
novel. Contrary to the previous study, participants correctly identified a
similar number of real and imitative characters, whereas they exhibited more
false memories for the imitative. Furthermore, the proposed relationships
between the purported morphic resonance effect and transliminality and openness
to experience were not supported. The enhanced experimental controls are thought
to be the most salient explanation for the nullification of results.


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Applied Soft Computing, Volume 8, Issue 3, June 2008, Pages 1164-1177
by Germano Resconia and Masoud Nikraveshb


In this paper, we introduce a new type of computation called "morphic
computing". Morphic computing is based on field theory and more specifically
morphic fields. Morphic fields were first introduced by Rupert Sheldrake [R.
Sheldrake, A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Morphic Resonance (second
edition, 1985), Park Street Press; Reprint edition (March 1, 1995), 1981] from
his hypothesis of formative causation that made use of the older notion of
morphogenetic fields. Rupert Sheldrake [R. Sheldrake, A New Science of Life: The
Hypothesis of Morphic Resonance (second edition, 1985), Park Street Press;
Reprint edition (March 1, 1995), 1981] developed his famous theory, morphic
resonance, on the basis of the work by French philosopher Henri Bergson. Morphic
fields and its subset morphogenetic fields have been at the center of
controversy for many years in mainstream science and the hypothesis is not
accepted by some scientists who consider it a pseudoscience. We claim that
morphic computing is a natural extension of holographic computation, quantum
computation, soft computing, and DNA computing. All natural computations bonded
by the turing machine can be formalised and extended by our new type of
computation model--morphic computing. In this paper, we introduce the basis for
this new computing paradigm and its extensions such as quantum logic and
entanglement in morphic computing, morphic systems and morphic system of systems
(M-SOS). Its applications to the field of computation by words as an example of
the morphic computing, morphogenetic fields in neural network and morphic
computing, morphic fields - concepts and web search, and agents and fuzzy in
morphic computing will also be discussed.



Applied and Computational Mathematics, January 2010 9(1):85-94
by Masoud Nikravesh and Resconi Germano


Morphic Computing is based on Field Theory [14-16] and more specifically Morphic
Fields. Morphic Fields were first introduced by [18] from his hypothesis of
formative causation that made use of the older notion of Morphogenetic Fields.
[18] developed his famous theory, Morphic Resonance, on the basis of the work by
French philosopher Henri Bergson. Morphic Computing-is based on Field Theory and
more specifically Morphic Fields. Morphic Computing is a natural extension of
Holographic Computation, Quantum Computation, Soft Computing, and DNA Computing.
In this paper, we introduce Morphic Systems and Morphic System of Systems

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Chapter in Forging New Frontiers: Fuzzy Pioneers II. Studies in Fuzziness and
Soft Computing, vol 218 (2008)
by Germano Resconia and Masoud Nikraveshb


Morphic Computing was first introduced by Resconi and Nikravesh [2006, 2007a,
and 2007b] which makes use of Morphic and Morphogenetic Fields. Morphic Fields
and its subset Morphogenetic Fields have been at the center of controversy for
many years in mainstream science and the hypothesis is not accepted by some
scientists who consider it a pseudoscience. Resconi and Nikravesh [2006, 2007a,
and 2007b] claim that Morphic Computing is a natural extension of Holographic
Computation, Quantum Computation, Soft Computing, and DNA Computing. In this
paper, we introduce extensions of the Morphic Computing such as Quantum Logic
and Entanglement in Morphic Computing, Morphic Systems and Morphic System of
Systems (M-SOS). Its applications to the field of computation by words as an
example of the Morphic Computing, Morphogenetic Fields in neural network and
Morphic Computing, Morphic Fields - concepts and Web search, and agents and
fuzzy in Morphic Computing will also be discussed.

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Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, vol. 19, no. 1,
pp. 83-96, 2019
by Xu Guanglina, Tian Jing and Resconi Germanoc


One core technology in the model of Attribute Comprehensive Evaluation is the
application of the barycentric curve which simulates the psychological change of
the evaluators, but original method can only select three total score
hyperplanes when calculates the barycentric curve, when data set is big, it’s
impossible to accurately reflect the psychological change of the evaluators. In
order to solve this problem, in this paper morphic computing is applied to
calculate the barycentric curve, it can apply more total score hyperplanes when
compute the barycentric curve, so makes the results more accurate. The
simulation results show the effectiveness of the improved method.

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International Conference on Innovations in Bio-inspired Computing and
Applications, 2011, 224-228
by G. Resconi and C. Loo


It is strongly evidenced that dendritic arbors of neurons reveal fractal
geometries which is non-euclidean [1]. For example, The vestibular-Ocular system
receive information by the vestibular system as input and after transform the
three dimensional sensors into the six motors or muscles that control the eyes
movement as output. Now the output system con be representer in euclidean three
dimension space but this create a lost of the problems. With the inspiration
from morphic computing [13-24], we argue that the brain changes the local
geometry of the output system in a way to take care of the nonlinearity of the
muscles system. Brain compensates the nonlinear geometry by suitable adaptive
point of view or geometry. In this paper we give a more general representation
of the morphic computing inspired Hopfield-like neural net model. The quantum
Hopfield neural net model and quantum holography can be extended to
nonorthogonal pattern code which geometry change in anytime. In the traditional
Hopfield system geometry is always the same Euclidean with fixed metric.

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