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Effective URL: https://www.transporeon.com/en/campaigns/dock-scheduling-assessment?utm_source=mailing&utm_medium=mail&utm_campaign=maturity...
Submission: On February 06 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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 * Platform
    *  * Application hubs
         Application hubs
          * Freight Sourcing Hub
            Freight Sourcing Hub
            A structured and scalable way to source the right partners for your
            spot, seasonal and long-term contracts.
             * Shipper
                * Procurement Advisory
                * Strategic Benchmarking
                * Freight Procurement
                * Autonomous Procurement
                * Trust Center
                * Freight Marketplace
             * Carrier & LSP
               Carrier & LSP
                * Trust Center
                * Carrier Premium Account
                * Freight Marketplace
                * Autonomous Quotation
             * Resources
             * Demo
          * Dock & Yard Management Hub
            Dock & Yard Management Hub
            Bring order to the dock, warehouse and yard.
             * Shipper
                * Time Slot Management
                * Real Time Yard Management
                * Digital Transport Documents
             * Retailer
                * Retail Time Slot Management
                * Real Time Yard Management
                * Digital Transport Documents
             * Resources
             * Demo
          * Transport Execution Hub
            Transport Execution Hub
            Move more freight and worry less. The smartest way to find the right
            asset for the load and the right load for the right asset. 
             * Shipper
                * Transport Assignment
                * Transport Operations
                * No-Touch Order
                * Best Carrier
             * Carrier - LSP
               Carrier - LSP
                * Transport Operations
                * Freight Matching
                * Fleet Operator
             * Resources
             * Demo
          * Freight Audit Hub
            Freight Audit Hub
            Automate your freight billing process and be on top of your freight
            spend for all modes.
             * Resources
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    *  * Data Hubs
         Data Hubs
          * Visibility Hub
            Visibility Hub
            Real-time visibility as a companywide capability rather than a
             * Shipper
             * Carrier - LSP
             * Telematics
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          * Insights Hub
            Insights Hub
            Always be one step ahead.
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                * Freight Spend Insights
                * Network Insights
                * Rate Benchmark
             * Carrier - LSP
               Carrier - LSP
                * Market Insights
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          * Sustainability Hub
            Sustainability Hub
            Track, report and manage your transport emissions to meet your
            sustainability targets.
             * Resources
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    *  * Our Platform
         Our Platform
          * Transporeon Platform
            Empowers logistics teams to move, manage and monitor freight in a
            world in motion.
          * Transporeon NEXT
            Experience our latest innovations

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       * Integration and System Requirements
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    *  * Application hubs
         Application hubs
         Application hubs
          * Freight Sourcing Hub
            Freight Sourcing Hub
            A structured and scalable way to source the right partners for your
            spot, seasonal and long-term contracts.
            Freight Sourcing Hub
             * Show overview
             * Shipper
                * Show overview
                * Procurement Advisory
                * Strategic Benchmarking
                * Freight Procurement
                * Autonomous Procurement
                * Trust Center
                * Freight Marketplace
             * Carrier & LSP
               Carrier & LSP
               Carrier & LSP
                * Show overview
                * Trust Center
                * Carrier Premium Account
                * Freight Marketplace
                * Autonomous Quotation
             * Resources
             * Demo
          * Dock & Yard Management Hub
            Dock & Yard Management Hub
            Bring order to the dock, warehouse and yard.
            Dock & Yard Management Hub
             * Show overview
             * Shipper
                * Show overview
                * Time Slot Management
                * Real Time Yard Management
                * Digital Transport Documents
             * Retailer
                * Show overview
                * Retail Time Slot Management
                * Real Time Yard Management
                * Digital Transport Documents
             * Resources
             * Demo
          * Transport Execution Hub
            Transport Execution Hub
            Move more freight and worry less. The smartest way to find the right
            asset for the load and the right load for the right asset. 
            Transport Execution Hub
             * Show overview
             * Shipper
                * Show overview
                * Transport Assignment
                * Transport Operations
                * No-Touch Order
                * Best Carrier
             * Carrier - LSP
               Carrier - LSP
               Carrier - LSP
                * Show overview
                * Transport Operations
                * Freight Matching
                * Fleet Operator
             * Resources
             * Demo
          * Freight Audit Hub
            Freight Audit Hub
            Automate your freight billing process and be on top of your freight
            spend for all modes.
            Freight Audit Hub
             * Show overview
             * Resources
             * Demo
    *  * Data Hubs
         Data Hubs
         Data Hubs
          * Visibility Hub
            Visibility Hub
            Real-time visibility as a companywide capability rather than a
            Visibility Hub
             * Show overview
             * Shipper
             * Carrier - LSP
             * Telematics
             * Resources
          * Insights Hub
            Insights Hub
            Always be one step ahead.
            Insights Hub
             * Show overview
             * Shipper
                * Show overview
                * Market Insights
                * Freight Spend Insights
                * Network Insights
                * Rate Benchmark
             * Carrier - LSP
               Carrier - LSP
               Carrier - LSP
                * Show overview
                * Market Insights
             * Resources
             * Demo
          * Sustainability Hub
            Sustainability Hub
            Track, report and manage your transport emissions to meet your
            sustainability targets.
            Sustainability Hub
             * Show overview
             * Resources
             * Demo
    *  * Our Platform
         Our Platform
         Our Platform
          * Transporeon Platform
            Empowers logistics teams to move, manage and monitor freight in a
            world in motion.
          * Transporeon NEXT
            Experience our latest innovations

 * Support
    *  * Support Center
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       * Integration and System Requirements
         Get an overview of what you need to run the Transporeon Platform.
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         Check platform status, get support, and see our incident logs.

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         Hear past episodes of Good Morning Logistics and other podcasts.
       * Sustainability
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       * IN SYNC Magazine
         The latest news, thought leadership insights and success stories from
         within the transportation industry.
       * Carrier Community Talks
         Watch or listen to the podcast for carrier customer interviews that
         fast forward to the juiciest details.
    *  * Transporeon Journal
         Expert insights to help you manage your transportation smarter and more

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Answer a few short questions and get personalised recommendations on how to
improve efficiency on your shipping yard and across the entire supply chain.
Start now


Get started by answering the first question below. You will receive personalised
recommendations on how to decrease waiting times, reduce manual effort and avoid
high demurrage costs.

How many trucks arrive per day at your production sites (approximate

Less than 50 per day
More than 50 per day


Please enter your email address to receive your personal recommendation

Business Email:

I consent to receive the above mentioned information and/or getting contacted by
Transporeon Group upon this request.

I consent to subscribe to the e-mail communication from Transporeon Group about
products and services in the logistics/transport sector.

Details on the processing of your personal data and your data protection rights
can be found in our privacy notice.

Get recommendations


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Together our products work in harmony to increase transport efficiency along the
full lifecycle of freight activities.

Dock & Yard Management Hub


 * Full transparency of delivery and pick-up times for all parties 
 * Efficient use of resources due to the even and predictable distribution of
   loadings and unloadings
 * Reduction of waiting times for trucks by up to 40%
 * Audit-proof and legal compliance through fully documented processes
 * Quick response and operational optimization through fast communication and
   real-time data


Dock & Yard Management Hub


 * Increase handling capacity by up to 20%
 * Reduce driver wait times by up to 40%
 * Shorten loading times by up to 60 minutes
 * Audit and legal security
 * Completely documented processes


Dock & Yard Management Hub


 * Paperless management of the consignment note through all involved parties
 * Easy usage due to conveniently comment and signing of the eCMR on a mobile
 * Provide the eCMR in real time via Transporeon platform plus additional
   communication channels



 * Market Insights
 * Freight Audit
 * Real Time Yard Management
 * Autonomous Procurement
 * Carbon Visibility
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 * Carrier Onboarding


Request a free live demo session to experience our innovative software solutions
in action.




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