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URL: https://www.puikiu.edu.hk/
Submission: On May 29 via manual from HK — Scanned from DE

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	培僑書院五年級年度演出 2018:<br>
1.	如香港天文台於今天(6月23日)下午5時前發出八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號或紅色 / 黑色暴雨警告信號,晚上7時舉行的五年級話劇表演將會取消並將不另作補演安排。家長須儘快自行到校接回子女。<br>
2.	*如有查詢,可與本校校務處職員聯絡 (電話:2602 3166)。<br><br>
Pui Kiu College Grade 5 Annual Performance 2018:<br>
Arrangements under Adverse Weather Conditions<br>
1.	If Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above or RED / BLACK Rainstorm Warning Signal is hoisted before 5:00 p.m. today (23 June), the Grade 5 Annual Performance at 7 p.m. will be cancelled, no make-up performance will be arranged. Parents are required to pick up their children from school as soon as possible.<br>

2.	* For enquiries, please contact staff of our General Office (Tel. No.: 26023166).<br>
Transfer Admission Online Application System Maintenance in Progress<br>
System will resume operation at 10:00 a.m., 3 July 2019 (Wednesday)<br>
<p style="color:#781819;"><u>2020-2021小一新生入學第二次面見改期安排</u><br>
鑑於現時社會的不穩定情況,<br> 原訂於2019年11月16日(星期六)及17日(星期日)的第二次小一面見日期將延後至2019年12月7日(星期六)進行,<br>
如有查詢,可與本校校務處職員聯絡 (電話:2602 3166)。 ** 由於面見日程緊湊,故面見日期及時間不能更改,敬請見諒。 <br>

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