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Text Content

Leaves upholstery dry in hours, not days.
Using hot carbonating extraction to deep clean your furniture with less water.
With TheNatural®, our propriatery green certified cleaning solution that's safe
for kids & pets.
Provides a better cleaning experience that the whole household can enjoy.
Chem-Dry's propriatery furniture cleaning method...
This ensures that they are safe for kids and pets all while meeting strict
The green certified standard from ITC Labs tests select Chem-Dry products.
Chem-Dry's green cleaning solution copies Mother Nature for a deep clean.
Long before it was trendy to be green, Chem-Dry developed a green cleaning
Chem-Dry's powerful system uses only 1/5 of the water that steam carpet cleaning
Carpets are deeply cleaned without leaving behind soapy water that can take days
to dry.
Hot Carbonating Extraction uses the power of millions of effervescent bubbles.
Chem-Dry's Hot Carbonating Extraction process vs. Steam Carpet Cleaning...


 * Schedule an Appointment

CALL TODAY: (719) 570-3167

 * Home
 * Carpet Cleaning
   * Carpet Stretching & Repair
   * Area Rug Cleaning
   * Chem-Dry Carpet Cleaning vs. Steam Carpet Cleaners
   * Pet Urine & Odor Removal
   * Green Certified Carpet Cleaning
   * Specialty Stain Removal
   * Water Damage Restoration
   * Power of Carbonation
   * Carpet Stain Protection
 * Furniture Cleaning
   * Leather Cleaning
   * Mattress Cleaning
 * Tile & Grout Cleaning
   * Marble & Granite
 * Commercial
   * Commercial Carpet Cleaning
   * Commercial Upholstery Cleaning
   * Commercial Partition & Divider Cleaning
   * Commercial Tile & Grout Cleaning
 * Carpet Care Tips
   * Basic Rug Care
   * Filtration Soiling
   * Spot Removal Steps
   * Urine Odor Removal Tips
   * Wool Carpet Care Tips
 * Why Chem-Dry
   * Carpet Cleaning Experts
   * A Healthy Home with Chem-Dry
 * About Us
   * Coupons & Special Offers
   * Blog
   * Q&A’s
   * Chem-Dry of Colorado Springs Policy
   * P.U.R.T.
   * Rug Cleaning and Storage Policy
   * Testimonials
 * Refer Us

Leaves carpets dry in only 1-2 hours, not days.
Using hot carbonating extraction to deep clean your carpets with less water.
With TheNatural®, our proprietary green certified cleaning solution that's safe
for kids & pets.
Provides a better cleaning experience that the whole household can enjoy.
Chem-Dry of Colorado Springs's unique approach to carpet cleaning...
Only trained technicians can remove the stain & the odor
We all love our pets, but don't necessarily care for the smells or their spills
leave behind.
Chem-Dry's propriatery process to remove pet urine odor...


Carpet cleaning performed by Chem-Dry in Colorado Springs, CO. Carpets are left
dry within just 1-2 hours! Our cleaning methods do not require large amounts
of water so there is less on your carpets and more in our reservoirs. In
addition, Our organic carpet cleaning solution emulates Mother Nature and is
chemical-free and non-toxic. Our core carpet cleaner and upholstery cleaning
solution is called The Natural and is Green Certified and on the F.D.A.’s
G.R.A.S. list. We do not need soaps, detergents or harsh chemicals to accomplish
our great carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning results because we’ve got the
power of crystal clear carbonated carpet cleaning bubbles.


The carpet cleaners at Chem-Dry of Colorado Springs deep clean your carpets,
deeper than steam carpet cleaning and shampooing machines. At Chem-Dry of
Colorado Springs carpet cleaning we only use the CTS truck mount cleaning
system. Our awesome carbonated carpet cleaning solution creates a powerful
reaction that cleans deep within the carpet fiber in a safe and gentle
way-because the millions of carbonated carpet and upholstery cleaning bubbles do
most of the work for us. With our cleaning method, there are no soapy residues
left behind, so carpets and furniture are cleaned deeper, and left clean longer!


Many people believe that the best way to clean carpets, rugs, and furniture is
to soak it, and then suck the water back out of the carpets and fabrics. At
Chem-Dry of Colorado Springs, we take a different approach. Our Hot Carbonation
Extraction uses green technology and organic carpet cleaning solutions which
makes Chem-Dry a healthier cleaning service for kids and pets in the home and


Chem-Dry has become a trusted name in carpet cleaning for thousands of
households, cleaning in more than 10,000 households daily worldwide and more
than 1 billion square feet of carpet every year, and for good reason. Our carpet
cleaners use a unique Hot Carbonating Extraction (HCE) cleaning process to
deliver a deeper, longer-lasting carpet cleaning combined with a green-certified
solution that is all natural and safe for your kids and pets. This means you get
a clean that is healthier for you, your family and your home.


Let Chem-Dry provide you with a refreshing upholstery cleaning that extends the
life of your furniture and is safe and healthy for kids and pets. We will send a
professional upholstery cleaner to refresh and clean your furniture, bringing
new life to your living space. Once our upholstery cleaning process is complete,
your furniture will be dry quickly so it’s ready to be used by you and your
family again as soon as possible.


Chem-Dry professionals are trained to clean all types of rugs, from common area
rugs to expensive and delicate Oriental or Persian rugs. For our area rug
cleaning services, we use specialized tools and equipment designed for whatever
kind of rug you have, whether that is synthetic, wool, cotton, silk or one of
many other types.


Not only is it difficult to deal with a pet urine accident once one has
occurred, but it’s also tough to know where past accidents may have taken place,
including accidents you may not have even known about that could be emitting an
unpleasant odor. As part of our pet stain removal service, Chem-Dry uses a
special UV light, Chem-Dry can detect pet accidents in your home and eliminate
pet urine odors from your carpets, rugs, and upholstery through our
revolutionary cleaning process called P.U.R.T.® (Pet Urine Removal Treatment).
P.U.R.T. contacts the source of the odor and immediately begins a chemical
reaction that destroys the pet urine odor. It’s shown excellent results on even
the most severe pet urine damage and is part of what makes us the best carpet
cleaner for pet urine.


Best known for our carpet cleaning service, Chem-Dry professionals are much more
than carpet cleaners and offer more services today than ever before. Just like
our oriental rug cleaning, carpet cleaning, and upholstery cleaning services,
Chem-Dry’s professional tile and stone cleaning reduces the dirt and bacteria
that can spread germs, so your surfaces and your home will sparkle and be safer
for your family and pets. Safeguard the health of your family and the beauty of
your home with stone, tile and grout cleaning services from Chem-Dry.


Chem-Dry’s professionally trained water damage inspectors and technicians will
quickly detect the source of a leak or any flooding. After they discover the
source they will discuss with you the best solution to avoiding any further
damage to your carpet, flooring, furniture, and other household belongings.

Chem-Dry of Colorado Springs is rated 4.8 out of 5 based on approximately 104
reviews from around the Web.
 * 2022-07-27T00:00:00+00:00
   Chem-dry always does a wonderful job. My carpet looks new and their employees
   are very pleasant and very knowledgeable.
   View full review here
 * 2022-07-27T00:00:00+00:00
   Awesome job!Will never use the competition again!Our carpet has never looked
   better!Thank you!J.
   View full review here
 * 2022-07-12T00:00:00+00:00
   I have an 18-year-old carpet with pet stains and they made it better.
   Understandably pricey, but it's done and I'm relieved!
   View full review here
 * 2022-06-28T00:00:00+00:00
   Excellent customer service and a superior carpet clean. A+
   View full review here
 * 2022-06-16T00:00:00+00:00
   Excellent customer service. Very professional young men. Explained everything
   they were going to complete when they arrived.
   View full review here
 * 2022-05-25T00:00:00+00:00
   Easy to schedule, arrived on time and were very knowledgeable about their
   work. Would definitely use them again!
   View full review here
 * 2022-05-17T00:00:00+00:00
   Kevin has and always does a great job. Very knowledgeable and friendly. Would
   highly recommend him and his services
   View full review here
 * 2022-05-07T00:00:00+00:00
   Great service! Trevor and Kevin arrived on time and did a great job cleaning
   my carpets. Thank you!
   View full review here



$25 Off$25 Off for 1st-Time CustomersCoupon Code, 25OFFExpires: $25 Off for
First-Time customers on purchase of $250 or more.Chem-Dry of Colorado Springs

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    * Carpet Cleaning
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    * Upholstery Cleaning
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New 5.0-star Review: "Trevor and Scott came to clean. Excellent customer
service. Very professional young men. Explained everything they were going to
complete when they arrived.... See more
New 5.0-star Review: "Trevor and Scott came to clean. Excellent customer
service. Very professional young men. Explained everything they were going to
complete when they arrived. I especially like the solution they use. My carpets
looked like new, and area rugs also looked like new. I am more than pleased with
this company and their exceptional customer service."

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3335 El Paso Pl Suite 110
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